Pedagogie Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more

Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores the views of students and teachers on the effectiveness of ICT in science teaching in terms of (i) levels of enjoyment derived by students, and (ii) usefulness of ICTs to teachers for their teaching. A questionnaire was used to elicit the views of students and teachers in respect of a range of ICT-based classroom activities. Qualitative and quantitative data collected through the questionnaires from 12 teachers and 100 students involved in science teaching and learning at a selected secondary school in Trinidad were analyzed. The results show that students enjoy ICT interventions in their lessons and teachers rank it high in many respects but, both students and teachers agree that ICT loses its appeal when its use is arbitrary and ill-planned.

The first part concern a definition of humor. In the second part, we search an appropriate response of this question: shall we use a humor and irony in the class? In the third part, we analyze the impact of humor and irony in education... more

The first part concern a definition of humor. In the second part, we search an appropriate response of this question: shall we use a humor and irony in the class? In the third part, we analyze the impact of humor and irony in education according to Deleuze, Ziv and Lethierry. After the examination of the different points in this field, we will define the most appropriate time of using humor in the class. Finally the effect of using humor and irony strategies will be examined carefully. It is thought that this research will be useful for the researchers on this area and promote them to search the role of humor in pedagogical efficacy.

Dans l'introduction des nouvelles technologies pour l'information et la communication, la méthode pédagogique ou le dispositif dans lequel l'outil va prendre place sont essentiels. S'inscrivant dans la suite logique du précédent volume de... more

Dans l'introduction des nouvelles technologies pour l'information et la communication, la méthode pédagogique ou le dispositif dans lequel l'outil va prendre place sont essentiels. S'inscrivant dans la suite logique du précédent volume de l'auteur Des technologies pour enseigner et apprendre, cet ouvrage propose un ensemble de pistes permettant au lecteur de construire le dispositif pédagogique en fonction de ses propres objectifs. Ces méthodes pédagogiques sont simplement celles qui sont postulées actuellement dans l'optique de la rénovation de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage. Ce livre intéressera donc tous ceux qui souhaitent rendre leurs enseignements plus dynamiques, les apprentissages plus motivants et actifs : enseignants du secondaire, conseillers pédagogiques, formateurs, étudiants de l'agrégation, CAPES, concepteurs d'outils pédagogiques.

Ujmowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w paradygmacie konsumpcjonistycznym nie jest zjawiskiem nowym. Świadczą o tym coraz liczniejsze publikacje, w których autorzy wskazują na wiele podobieństw, jakie rysują się na linii uniwersytet -... more

Ujmowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w paradygmacie konsumpcjonistycznym nie jest zjawiskiem nowym. Świadczą o tym coraz liczniejsze publikacje, w których autorzy wskazują na wiele podobieństw, jakie rysują się na linii uniwersytet - przedsiębiorstwo usługowo-handlowe lub też przeciwstawiają się opinii, iż jest on elementem rynku w sensie ekonomicznym . Nie opowiadając się we wstępie do powyższego artykułu po żadnej ze stron, pragnę jedynie zaznaczyć, że rekonstrukcja współczesnej debaty toczącej się wokół kondycji szkolnictwa wyższego uprawomocnia tezę, iż metafora uniwersytetu supermarketu/ przedsiębiorstwa usługowo-produkcyjnego nie tylko nie jest bezzasadna, przeciwnie-służy lepszemu zrozumieniu przemian, jakie dokonują się w obszarze edukacji akademickiej. Jest ona jedną z wielu perspektyw interpretacyjnych w optyce których rozpatrywana jest edukacja wyższa – elementem niezwykle barwnej mozaiki, jaką jest uniwersytet w XXI wieku.

This paper provides a critical appraisal of influence of teachers’ characteristics on learning achievement in primary schools in Kenya. The main objective of the study is to analyze the influence of teachers’ characteristics on quality... more

This paper provides a critical appraisal of influence of teachers’ characteristics on learning achievement in primary schools in Kenya. The main objective of the study is to analyze the influence of teachers’ characteristics on quality education in primary schools. The paper examined the role played by pedagogy in influencing learning achievement. The paper also assessed the role played staff development in promotion of quality primary education. The paper further investigated the influence of class size in promotion of quality primary education. .Particular attention is given to the crises in inputs and processes that affect the output of quality primary education. This study uses the systems theory. Systems theory was advanced by Ludwig von Bertalnffy (1968). He emphasized that systems are open and interact with their environments to acquire qualitatively properties. Systems theory focuses on the arrangement of relations between the parts which connect them into a whole. It furthe...

The purpose of the research was to determine the styles of coping with stress among the students studying at the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam. The scope of the research involved the schools which admit the... more

The purpose of the research was to determine the styles of coping with stress among the students studying at the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam. The scope of the research involved the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam, the sample group included total 413 students; 226 males, 187 females, having education at the Faculty of Sport Sciences (SBF), the Dilek Sabancı Conservatory (DSK) and the Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) in Selçuk University. Firstly, a personal information form and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ) developed by Folkman and Lazarus (1980) and created as a short form by Şahin and Durak (1995) were used. By testing the homogenity and variance of data, the Independent Sample t-test for the gender factor, the One Way Anova for multiple comparisons, the Tukey test for the resources of differences were applied. The Cronbach alpha value was determined to be 0,76 for the Coping Questionnaire. Depending on the gender factor; statistically significant differences were observed in all of sub-dimensions to cope with stress among the SBF, DSK and GSF students (P<0.05). Given the school types, there was a lower point in the SBF student averages concerning the desperation dimension rather than the other two schools as there was a higher average in the Conservatory students’ optimism dimension rather than the other two schools, a lower average in their social support points, these differences were regarded to be statistically significant (P<0.05). In accordance with the school type, differences between active and passive coping strategies did not have stable changes and any specific situation was not observed in the school type. This situation can result from the specific exam criteria and the ability and measurement techniques of the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam.

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e... more

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e organizzativa, teorie locali e saperi situati sul lavoro socioeducativo, apprendimenti condivisi.
Riflettere su questa esperienza ideata e realizzata negli ultimi anni dalla Cooperativa sociale «La Grande Casa» di Sesto San Giovanni è un’opportunità unica di osservare dall’interno un esempio concreto di valorizzazione dei professionisti (gli educatori e le educatrici), che non sono meri esecutori di teorie apprese in formazione, ma, in linea con gli studi di Schon, Wenger, Mezirow, sono dei veri costruttori di teorie locali e di conoscenze pratiche insostituibili, che possono dare un contributo significativo anche alla ricerca, in questo caso, nel settore del Child and Family Welfare.
La pratica professionale dell’educatore, quando raggiunge livelli di qualità elevati, è certamente connessa alla capacità di fare ricerca, di tentare di comprendere la storia e la visione del mondo dell’utente che accompagna, bambino o adulto che sia; di individuare le migliori strategie per risolvere le problematiche e le difficoltà con cui questi si trova a convivere; di valutare la situazione, facendo scelte e assumendone il rischio, che potremmo definire “educativo” o “pedagogico”; di interrogarsi continuamente sulle proprie azioni, sulle modalità dei suoi interventi e sulle conseguenze delle sue decisioni; di verificare i risultati di quanto ha fatto e sta facendo; di esplorare l’ecosistema e tessere connessioni e relazioni.
Emergono così le voci e i percorsi plurali e situati di professionisti competenti che spesso non vengono ascoltati e che, invece, in questo contesto vengono assunti come contributi preziosi nell’arricchire e rinnovare una cultura socioeducativa e pedagogica che è il vero patrimonio di un’organizzazione del terzo settore come La Grande Casa.

This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department... more

This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department and achievement on the degree of students’ writing difficulties in both departments. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was designed comprising 32 items applied to the study sample which consisted of 128 students from the Departments of Arabic and English at Al-Quds University in Palestine. The results of the study showed that students’ difficulties in written expression were fain in degree; they also revealed statistically significant differences in the averages of students’ difficulties in written expression due to gender in favor of females, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the averages of the difficulties in written expression due to level, and in favor of third and fourth year students; there were...

The study used a cross-sectional quantitative survey design to study the influence of Dispositional Empathy on Mathematical Engagement (mathematical performance) among Techiman North Senior High School (SHS) students in Ghana, West... more

The study used a cross-sectional quantitative survey design to study the influence of Dispositional Empathy on Mathematical Engagement (mathematical performance) among Techiman North Senior High School (SHS) students in Ghana, West Africa. Participants across SHS 1, 2 and 3 were selected from the three SHS to take part in the study. The methodology used for the study was the descriptive research design professed to investigate the research questions along the scale of qualitative analyses using the Pearson independent chi-square test statistics. The study’s inferential statistics was done under the assumption of the qualitative test using chi-square estimator supported with Cramer’s V and under rare cases, the use of simple percentages. This helped in analyzing the existing collinearity among the study variables and defining a best fitted hypothetical test for the study variables considered to be associated. It was concluded however that, dispositional empathy on student Academic Performance (AP) is independent of students' response on cognition in mathematical engagement. Again, the fact that a student see mathematics as difficult to understand cognitively or not doesn’t mean he or she can’t pass mathematics evaluated lesson. That is, a student noticing mathematics as intuitively difficult or easy doesn’t guarantee passing with excellent, very good, good, credit, pass or fail etc. After careful analyses of the study variables, we recommend that teachers should try as much as possible to satisfy students’ affective domain when considering lesson objectives, methodology and evaluation of mathematical lessons. Students should take their mathematics lessons serious and must have positive cognition with confidence in Mathematical lesson.

The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of mathematical modelling activities on the difficulty perception of numbers sense, which is perceived as difficult by primary school 4th grade students, and achievement.... more

The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of mathematical modelling activities on the difficulty perception of numbers sense, which is perceived as difficult by primary school 4th grade students, and achievement. The problem statement of the present research was formed as “Does mathematical modelling strategy has any effects on 4th grade students’ levels of difficulty perceptions and their achievement related number sense learning field?” The present research was conducted in accordance with quantitative research methods in two steps. The first step was conducted in accordance with survey model on 207 students, who studied in Selcuklu district of the province of Konya in the spring semester of 2013-2014 School Year. The second step was also conducted on 61 students from two equal classes of Esrefoglu Primary School in accordance with experiment model with pre-test-post-test and control group. In order to collect data for the present research, “Numbers Learning Domain Achievement and Difficulty Perception Scale (NLDADPS) Form A and Form B” were employed as pre-test and post-test on experiment and control groups, “Observation Form for the Evaluation of the Experimental Procedure” was employed to evaluate the implementation on the experiment group, and “Observation Form for the Evaluation of the Problem Solving Activities Conducted in Control Group” was employed to evaluate the teaching conducted on control group. All of the scales were developed by the researcher. It was found that mathematical modelling activities were more effective on procedural knowledge and concept-procedure connections dimensions of the topics than traditional problem solving activities, and enabled developing positive attitudes towards mathematics and contributed to the development of metacognitive skills required for establishing concept-procedure connections.

À partir d’un fil conducteur articulé sur la notion d’outil à potentiel cognitif, les auteurs tentent de revisiter la vision trop classique que les éducateurs se sont souvent construite des technologies. Leur réflexion s’inscrit dans un... more

À partir d’un fil conducteur articulé sur la notion d’outil à potentiel cognitif, les auteurs tentent de revisiter la vision trop classique que les éducateurs se sont souvent construite des technologies. Leur réflexion s’inscrit dans un large mouvement qui conduit à revoir de manière fondamentale les buts de l’action éducative. Dans un contexte de renouveau pédagogique global, ils espèrent montrer comment les technologies peuvent contribuer à rencontrer les ambitions de l’école d’aujourd’hui, qui ne prône plus uniquement la connaissance des faits ou des principes, mais bien la capacité à retrouver ces faits à partir d’une ressource pertinente ou à mettre en œuvre certains principes pour résoudre de vrais problèmes dans des contextes signifiants. Tout en s’inscrivant dans les perspectives dégagées par de nombreux auteurs reconnus, la vision proposée ici fait une large place aux contextes humains dans lesquels les technologies doivent prendre place.

The use of Instant Messaging (IM) applications on the mobile phones of the youth has become inextricably attached to their everyday lives. Students on university campuses cannot leave their mobile phones behind for a minute because of the... more

The use of Instant Messaging (IM) applications on the mobile phones of the youth has become inextricably attached to their everyday lives. Students on university campuses cannot leave their mobile phones behind for a minute because of the importance they attach to the use of IM applications. This paper investigated how the use of abbreviations in IM affects the writing of Standard English language of learners of English as a second language. A sample of 150 students in their 3 rd and 4 th years at Kenyatta University was used. The study also interviewed a lecturer on the problem. While students indicated that the IM usage does not do any harm to their formal English writing, a faculty member disagreed. It was recommended that awareness should be created through seminars and lectures to bring the issue to the fore for students. This would help students to be cautious of the use of IM. Article visualizations:

L’objectif de ce livre est d’aider les étudiants en sciences humaines et sociales à comprendre en quoi consiste la critique de type universitaire dans ces disciplines, à comprendre son sens et son intérêt, et à apprendre à y procéder... more

L’objectif de ce livre est d’aider les étudiants en sciences humaines et sociales à comprendre en quoi consiste la critique de type universitaire dans ces disciplines, à comprendre son sens et son intérêt, et à apprendre à y procéder méthodiquement.
Son intérêt réside dans sa démarche pédagogique ; il s’adresse directement à l’étudiant, en lui proposant un parcours d’apprentissage accompagné, dans lequel ce dernier sera guidé pas à pas dans la réalisation des opérations de la critique en sciences humaines et sociales.

Preschool education has special importance in the development processes of children at 3-6 age, which is the period when the foundations of individual development are established. In this period, the development of children is supported... more

Preschool education has special importance in the development processes of children at 3-6 age, which is the period when the foundations of individual development are established. In this period, the development of children is supported by education and appropriate environmental conditions, and in this context, the quality of the physical environment has great significance in education process. Today, the development of creative thinking of individuals is considered as one of the conditions which improve the standards of societies. Since creative thinking is significantly developed and formed in preschool period, the improvement of children's creativity is considered as one of the objectives of preschool education. In this context, proposes a design approach taking changeability as its basis to support creative thinking of children in preschool environments. This paper is based on the findings of a doctorate thesis, integrating preschool education and architecture, completed by ...

This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with... more

This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with the participation of 346 pre-service primary school teachers (juniors and seniors) from Adnan Menderes University and Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. “Digital Citizenship Scale” developed by İşman and Güngören (2014) and “Democratic Values Scale” developed by Çermik (2013) were used as the data collection tools. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and t-test while the unrelated samples were analyzed through one-way analysis of variance. Also, the relationship between the variables was analyzed by using correlation analysis. The results of the analyses reveal that there is a statistically insignificant difference among the pre-service primary school teachers’ digital citizenship scores in terms of the variables of gender and class. As for the democratic values scores, it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference among the pre-service primary school teachers’ scores in terms of gender, having access to the Internet connection, the duration of the Internet use experience, and the duration of daily Internet use. There is also a statistically significant difference among the digital citizenship scores in terms of having the Internet connection, the duration of the Internet use experience, the duration of daily Internet use, and perceived level of the Internet using skills. Democratic values scores differ significantly in terms of class and perceived level of the Internet using skills. When the scores taken from the digital citizenship and democratic values scales are analyzed, it is observed that there is a weak positive correlation between these two variables.

Enseigner la philosophie avec le cinéma ou les séries télévisées est une pratique de plus en plus répandue. Ce n’est pas seulement que les références audiovisuelles constituent désormais, pour la plupart des élèves, un héritage culturel... more

Enseigner la philosophie avec le cinéma ou les séries télévisées est une pratique de plus en plus répandue. Ce n’est pas seulement que les références audiovisuelles constituent désormais, pour la plupart des élèves, un héritage culturel commun qui joue ainsi le rôle qu’ont pu jouer dans le passé les grands textes religieux, philosophiques ou littéraires, ni que l’usage d’internet a permis, depuis une dizaine d’années, une démocratisation de la cinéphilie sans précédent. Il est d’autres bonnes raisons, pédagogiques et didactiques, de proposer un enseignement cinématographique de la philosophie, des raisons que ce livre cherche à articuler en mettant à la portée de tous, les pratiques et les doutes, les expériences et les réflexions de douze jeunes professeurs qui ont accepté d’ouvrir aux lecteurs la porte de leur salle de cours et de les laisser observer la fabrique et la mise en œuvre d’un cours de philosophie en ce début de XXIe siècle.
D’abord destiné aux professeurs de philosophie désireux d’enrichir leur pratique pédagogique en introduisant davantage le mouvement et la vitalité du cinéma dans leurs classes, ce livre - unique en son genre - intéressera donc également tous les enseignants soucieux d’approfondir leur approche didactique, mais aussi les élèves et les étudiants qui pourront y trouver des éléments utiles et, enfin, tout amateur de cinéma.

Expectedly, societies are bedevilled with diverse value-based issues which require functional educational curriculum activities to curb these moral, ethical and character issues arising in the society. This justified the emergence of a... more

Expectedly, societies are bedevilled with diverse value-based issues which require functional educational curriculum activities to curb these moral, ethical and character issues arising in the society. This justified the emergence of a holistic approach to value-based education through an integrated Social Studies curriculum with a relevant sustainable learning environment to tackle the issues earlier raised. The paper relies heavily on the review of relevant pieces of literature to conceptualize values and value education and its philosophical perspectives; it discusses sustainable learning environment in the context of classroom instructional pedagogy and implementing value education as a holistic integrated Social Studies curriculum within the context of this sustainable learning environment. The study recommended the return of valuebased education back into the curriculum with relevant blended learning environment as a holistic integrated Social Studies subject for the attainment of true national values reorientation and sustainable future for Africa.

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy on students’ achievement in science. The case of secondary school science students’ is examined to achieve this task. The study is based on Bandura's Theory of... more

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy on students’ achievement in science. The case of secondary school science students’ is examined to achieve this task. The study is based on Bandura's Theory of Self-Efficacy, which divides Academic, Social and Emotional self-efficacy in three categories. The Questionnaire ‘Self-efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) developed by (Muris, 2001) was adapted in the present study to quantify secondary school students’ and was administered to 811 students. The achievements of students in science subjects governed by their academic, social and emotional self-efficacy were statistically examined to meet the research objectives. Findings revealed that secondary school students have a stronger academic and social self-efficacy. The need to assimilate content for developing emotional self-efficacy among students is highlighted. The study also discovered the significant impacts of parents’ job status and the qualifications on children’s self-efficacy.

Cet article présente des entretiens menés suite à un dispositif de formation de formateurs proposé aux Conseillers pédagogiques et Inspecteurs de l’académie de Créteil. Au cours de rencontres régulières, ces derniers ont été sensibilisés... more

Cet article présente des entretiens menés suite à un dispositif de formation de formateurs proposé aux Conseillers pédagogiques et Inspecteurs de l’académie de Créteil. Au cours de rencontres régulières, ces derniers ont été sensibilisés à la psychophénoménologie et ont pu expérimenter la démarche de l’entretien d’explicitation. Après deux années de ces échanges, des entretiens ont dégagé comment leur pratique d’accompagnement et leur posture de conseil s’étaient modifiées. Ils se considèrent comme étant plus « réflexifs » sur leur manière de guider, plus pertinents dans leur questionnement et plus conscients de la dimension éthique de leur positionnement.

Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning... more

Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning outcomes. Primarily, School Guidance and Counselling services are geared towards helping students know themselves, the world around them and make optimal decisions for enhanced future for all. This paper presents guidance and counselling services provided in the school system. It contends that since counselling services are expedient for everyone, all through life, the Counsellor, who is the service provider, needs to be always on top of his/her job.

The article is devoted to the main aspects of the x approach application for the intercultural competence formation for students. The article discusses the specific pedagogical principles of the linguodidactic approach, which are... more

The article is devoted to the main aspects of the x approach application for the intercultural competence formation for students. The article discusses the specific pedagogical principles of the linguodidactic approach, which are necessary for the formation of intercultural competence in the linguodidactic education model. The purpose of the article is to present the data obtained in the course of an empirical study, establishing the linguodidactic approach effectiveness in the intercultural competence formation among students of non-linguistic universities. The research materials were questionnaires of three groups of the 3rd course and one control group of students at RUDN University. The general sample consisted of 45 people (each group consisted of 15 students). The period of the empirical research coincided in time with the annual students' practice, which made it possible to use information, related to the main specialization of students, as the basis for the application of the linguodidactic approach to teaching English. The methodology of our empirical research is based on a systematic approach and includes a group of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction), as well as a group of special methods: content analysis of scientific literature on the research topic, the method of sociological questioning (survey); as well as a method for analyzing statistical data. Based on the data obtained, the author of the article concludes that the linguodidactic approach to teaching English for students of non-linguistic specialties proves its effectiveness due to the connection between language practice and the formation of intercultural competence.

Les jeux de société et la didactique des langues : À vous de jouer ! Résumé Les jeux de société nous accompagnent dans notre vie et sont aussi présents dans les classes de langues. Ils peuvent être employés comme des documents... more

Les jeux de société et la didactique des langues : À vous de jouer ! Résumé Les jeux de société nous accompagnent dans notre vie et sont aussi présents dans les classes de langues. Ils peuvent être employés comme des documents authentiques pour étudier et parler les langues étrangères. Avec ces outils et en considérant les émotions de leurs apprenants, les enseignants peuvent aider ces derniers à communiquer et à dépasser les obstacles qu&#39;ils peuvent rencontrer. C&#39;est pour cela que dans ce compte rendu d&#39;expérience pédagogique, je souhaite montrer comment il pourrait être motivant d&#39;utiliser ces supports, en présentant deux jeux ainsi que leurs intérêts pédagogiques, qui, je l’espère, donneront aux lecteurs l&#39;envie de les utiliser avec leurs apprenants. Board and Card games surround us and are also present in foreign language classroom. They can be implemented as authentic materials to study and to speak foreign languages. With these tools, considering emotions and cultures of their students, teachers can help them to communicate and overcome obstacles they may face. In this pedagogic research I would like to show how it could be motivating to use them by introducing two games that, hopefully, will incite readers to use them with their students.. Mots clés

The current research investigated the secondary school students’ environmental literacy levels and the effects of various variables on their environmental literacy levels. The study was carried out with the participation of 525 secondary... more

The current research investigated the secondary school students’ environmental literacy levels and the effects of various variables on their environmental literacy levels. The study was carried out with the participation of 525 secondary school students (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) selected from 6 different secondary schools in the city of Bitlis in Turkey in 2013-2014 school year. In order to collect the data in the study, “Elementary School Environmental Literacy Scale” was administered and in the analysis of the gathered data, descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U-Test and Kruskal Wallis H-Test were employed. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the students’ environmental literacy level is medium in general. While variables such as gender, wondering about news about the environment and nature and visit to natural areas in the last two years lead to significant differences among the students’ environmental literacy levels, grade level was found to be not leading to a significant difference among the students’ literacy levels.

The use of conventional instructional strategy has failed to address negative attitude to listening comprehension. This study, therefore, determined the effects of listening strategies’ instruction on senior secondary school students’... more

The use of conventional instructional strategy has failed to address negative attitude to listening comprehension. This study, therefore, determined the effects of listening strategies’ instruction on senior secondary school students’ attitude to listening comprehension. This research adopted a pretest, treatment and posttest quasi- experimental factorial design. A total sample of one hundred and twenty participants were randomly selected and assigned to three treatment groups of listening strategies, discourse markers instructions and the control which was not exposed to instruction. The instruments used were: The Listening Attitude Questionnaire, Teachers’ Instructional Guide on listening strategies’ instructions; Teachers Instructional Guide on Modified Conventional Strategy and Evaluation sheet for Assessing Teachers’ Performance on the use of the Strategies (ESAT). Data were analyzed using ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant difference in the attitude to listening [F(1, 117) = 94.64, p < 0.05]. Those exposed to listening strategies instruction had a better attitude to listening and a better listening comprehension than those exposed to other instructions.

Il s'agit d'analyser une mise en situation professionnelle relative aux fonctions de Conseiller Principal d'éducation. J’ai choisi d’étudier un cas d’élève en processus de décrochage scolaire, observé dans un collège inscrit en Réseau... more

Il s'agit d'analyser une mise en situation professionnelle relative aux fonctions de Conseiller Principal d'éducation. J’ai choisi d’étudier un cas d’élève en processus de décrochage scolaire, observé dans un collège inscrit en Réseau d’Education Prioritaire (REP). Ainsi, il s'agira de soumettre des propositions pour lutter efficacement contre le phénomène de la déscolarisation.

The aims of this research study were to develop the instructional innovative lesson plan with the STEM Education method in chemistry subject on polymer issue for secondary students at the 12th grade level through the effectiveness... more

The aims of this research study were to develop the instructional innovative lesson plan with the STEM Education method in chemistry subject on polymer issue for secondary students at the 12th grade level through the effectiveness criteria of 75/75, to compare between students’ learning achievements of their pretest and posttest techniques in cording to the STEM education in chemistry class for secondary students at the 12th grade level, 3) to assess students’ perceptions of their satisfaction to their learning activity management in cording to the STEM education in chemistry class for secondary students at the 12th grade level. The target group consisted of 42 secondary students at the 12th grade level from Borabu School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26 in academic year 2/2016 with the purposive sampling technique was selected. Using a main instructional innovative lesson plan with the STEM education method in 12 hours was designed, the 30-item Learning Achievement Test ranged from 0.37 to 0.80 and 0.22 to 0.69 for discriminative discriminant (B) and as a whole was 0.85, validity; and the 15-item Science Satisfaction Model that it was a 5-scale rating scale option. Statistically significant for data analysis with percentage, standard deviation, and independent t-test were analyzed. The results of these findings have indicated that: students were evaluated to determine performance criteria with the efficiency of the processing performance and the performance results (E1/E2) of the STEM Education instructional method’s innovation lesson plans to management to the activity-based learning approach indicated that 78.47/76.51, which was higher than standardized criteria of 75/75. Students’ learning achievements of their pre-test and post-test assessing differences were also found evidence at the 0.01 level, significantly. Students’ responses of their learning activity management in cording to the STEM education, which the whole as the highest level, significantly.

מצגת זו נותנת מבט כללי על שיח החינוך הקונטמפלטיבי כפי שהוא צומח כיום ממסורות החכמה מחד ומן המחקר המדעי מאידך. שיח זה מייצר מנעד מטרות חינוכיות שתחילתו בפרגמאטי והיומיומי וסופו בתכליות עליונות כמו משמעות, חיים מוסריים, חמלה ועוד. מהלך זה... more

מצגת זו נותנת מבט כללי על שיח החינוך הקונטמפלטיבי כפי שהוא צומח כיום ממסורות החכמה מחד ומן המחקר המדעי מאידך. שיח זה מייצר מנעד מטרות חינוכיות שתחילתו בפרגמאטי והיומיומי וסופו בתכליות עליונות כמו משמעות, חיים מוסריים, חמלה ועוד. מהלך זה לטענתי הוא ראשית כל מהלך פדגוגי של הפניית תשומת הלב פנימה כפי שאני מרחיב במאמר שיצא בקרוב ב Journal of Philosophy of Education ובמאמר אחר שיתפרסם ב"דפים".

La place des enseignements des sciences humaines et sociales dans le cursus des IFSI (Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers) s’est considérablement accrue depuis la mise en application de l’arrêté du 23 mars 1992 fixant les nouvelles... more

La place des enseignements des sciences humaines et sociales dans le cursus des IFSI (Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers) s’est considérablement accrue depuis la mise en application de l’arrêté du 23 mars 1992 fixant les nouvelles conditions d’admission, de fonctionnement et de programmation des enseignements qui conduisaient au diplôme d’état d’infirmier. Cette volonté d’amplifier la présence des sciences humaines dans le cursus des infirmiers avait pour but d’améliorer la relation entre le soignant et le patient, afin de former des professionnels plus polyvalents.

This research aims to identify the effectiveness of assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS). This effectiveness is viewed from teacher's needs and accuracy of this application in detecting impairment suffered by... more

This research aims to identify the effectiveness of assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS). This effectiveness is viewed from teacher's needs and accuracy of this application in detecting impairment suffered by children with special needs. Research method used in this research is qualitative method with the subject of data are teachers from 10 cities in Central of Java teaching children with special needs. This research's result shows that the effectiveness assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) is suitable with teacher's need, namely: % very good, 7,,% good, ,,% not very good, and % not good. While, accuracy test's results of assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) are 50% very good, 40% good, 7.5% not very good, and 2,5% not good. It can be concluded that assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) effectives to meet the needs and accuracy in identifying and assessing.

The use of Instant Messaging (IM) applications on the mobile phones of the youth has become inextricably attached to their everyday lives. Students on university campuses cannot leave their mobile phones behind for a minute because of the... more

The use of Instant Messaging (IM) applications on the mobile phones of the youth has become inextricably attached to their everyday lives. Students on university campuses cannot leave their mobile phones behind for a minute because of the importance they attach to the use of IM applications. This paper investigated how the use of abbreviations in IM affects the writing of Standard English language of learners of English as a second language. A sample of 150 students in their 3 rd and 4 th years at Kenyatta University was used. The study also interviewed a lecturer on the problem. While students indicated that the IM usage does not do any harm to their formal English writing, a faculty member disagreed. It was recommended that awareness should be created through seminars and lectures to bring the issue to the fore for students. This would help students to be cautious of the use of IM. Article visualizations:

One of the most important tasks facing individuals in 21st century is not just to bring various intelligences (MI) together and use them properly, but figure out how intelligence and morality can work together to create a world in which... more

One of the most important tasks facing individuals in 21st century is not just to bring various intelligences (MI) together and use them properly, but figure out how intelligence and morality can work together to create a world in which people can live peacefully in a diverse democratic society. Although some courses under different names have been included in both teacher education programs and in general, education curriculum, they all failed to prepare both teachers and citizens believing in diverse democratic ideals. This paper advocates that instead of placing courses under various names (democracy and human rights, civic rights, social justice and democracy, etc.) into curricula, integrating and practicing moral intelligence activities into each and every lesson of any subject matter would serve better to prepare both more democratic citizens and more skilled and committed teachers in social justice and for a better and more democratic future.

1Bilanych М.М., 1Bokotey O.M. TO THE ISSUE OF ЕNVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN SYSTEM OF PRESCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE - Institute of ecological and religious studies of Uzhhorod National University Uzhhorod,... more

The study analyzed teacher spending of instructional time in public secondary schools. Objectives were to examine; teacher preparation, teaching interruptions and teachers’ commitment. Pickle Jar Theory was applied. Research design was... more

The study analyzed teacher spending of instructional time in public secondary schools. Objectives were to examine; teacher preparation, teaching interruptions and teachers’ commitment. Pickle Jar Theory was applied. Research design was descriptive survey, while stratified random sampling was used to select 23 schools from 75. Questionnaires, interview schedule and document analysis were used. Validity was checked by expert review, test re-test technique was done for reliability. Results were presented using; frequency, percentages, tables and statements. Major finding was teaching interruptions reduce teaching time. Main recommendation was teachers shouldn’t allow unplanned activities. Findings and recommendations will be useful to teachers.

This paper reviews literature on selected pedagogical practices with a view to making recommendations on how teacher training colleges in Kenya could employ collaborative pedagogies in instruction in order to nurture teacher trainees with... more

This paper reviews literature on selected pedagogical practices with a view to making recommendations on how teacher training colleges in Kenya could employ collaborative pedagogies in instruction in order to nurture teacher trainees with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that prepare them to effectively facilitate learning in schools after pre-service training. Collaborative pedagogies have the advantage of developing learners with 21st century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and innovation. The skills enable them to confront the numerous societal challenges emanating from the dynamic technology. Further, with technology support, the pedagogies promote inclusive education through individualized learning that is personalized and self-directed. The paper recommends that the Teacher education programme in Kenya should embrace reforms in curricula and teaching methods to facilitate use of pedagogical practices that develop teacher trainees with the skills needed in today’s vast society. This could prepare them to offer holistic quality and relevant education that can contribute to the development of the society.

This research was intended to develop a model for assessing the parallel educational management under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC). To administer of the research procedure in four phases that were conducted by the... more

This research was intended to develop a model for assessing the parallel educational management under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC). To administer of the research procedure in four phases that were conducted by the research process and followed as R&D research technique. The first phase has analyzed the concepts of education and evaluation of education parallel, under the OBEC and interviews of nine personnels with those involved of parallel education management. The second phase has created a parallel evaluation of education for assessing the academy schools under the OBEC. The third phase has trial evaluation model into three schools of education had a parallel educational management whereas were facing a different size small, medium and large. The fourth phase has developed the assessment model by the tools that based on the Evaluation of Standards Development Committee to evaluate educational standards with a sample size of 9 personnels who were the evaluators of the experiment involving assessment. It has found that: the concept of learning management and assessment of parallel educational management in the OBEC from textbooks, academic papers, the research reports showed that the components used in the evaluation of parallel education major has five components, such as; the principle of parallel structures, curriculum and learning and teaching, and a graduate of quality assurance. The assessment model consists of six components of the basic education forms were composed as the main concepts of evaluation, the purpose of the assessment, the evaluation focused on how to assess the evaluation, and assessment criteria. In terms of the results take the form of assessment of this experimental model used to evaluate the standard of parallel education study of the OBEC between schools with different sizes, the results showed on five standards that included of; the standard of education in parallel, standards curriculum, standard of teaching and learning, standard course, and standard of quality assurance. A quality level, all very standard and metric, and the trial found no problems in the form of assessment. The assessment model assesses the parallel education of schools under the OBEC were at the highest level all on four scales, such as Possibilities scale (x = 4.74, S.D. = 0.51), Appropriation scale (x = 4.63, S.D. = 0.49), Accuracy scales (x = 4.61, S.D. = 0.51), and Utility scale (x = 4.54, S.D. = 0.51), respectively.

En este trabajo construimos y problematizamos un estado de la cuestión sobre la educación moral, cívica y ética escolarizada en México, a partir de un estudio encaminado a elaborar una aproximación teórica a este campo educativo en el... more

En este trabajo construimos y problematizamos un estado de la cuestión sobre la educación moral, cívica y ética escolarizada en México, a partir de un estudio encaminado a elaborar una aproximación teórica a este campo educativo en el nivel secundaria. Para ello, abordamos un acercamiento filosófico, un planteamiento sociológico y una síntesis de aproximaciones pedagógicas presentes en la educación moral, cívica y ética en nuestro país. Por último, organizamos, a partir de ella, un sistema de referencia en este campo educativo con jóvenes mexicanos con el cual orientar el estudio de las prácticas educativas, del diseño y el desarrollo de modelos pedagógicos.

The purpose of the present study is to determine the viewpoints of primary school teachers on difficulties experienced by 3rd and 4th grade primary school students in reading comprehension. The study was planned in Phenomenology Design,... more

The purpose of the present study is to determine the viewpoints of primary school teachers on difficulties experienced by 3rd and 4th grade primary school students in reading comprehension. The study was planned in Phenomenology Design, which is one of the Qualitative Research Methods. The study group consisted of 25 primary school teachers working at 7 primary schools in the city center of Bayburt. The sampling of the study was determined with the Criterion Sampling Method, which is one of the Purposeful Sampling Methods. Semi-structured Interview Forms were used for data collection. The Descriptive Analysis Methods were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the study, it was concluded that difficulties in reading comprehension appeared in the form of difficulties in answering questions after reading a text; the cause of the difficulty in reading was students’ not focusing on the meaning; and teachers conducted plenty of activities suitable for the levels of students to overcome the difficulties in reading.

The study was aimed at determining the effect of vocabulary instruction on students’ performance in reading comprehension in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest research design was used... more

The study was aimed at determining the effect of vocabulary instruction on students’ performance in reading comprehension in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest research design was used for the study. The target population of the study consisted of 39,227 JS II students in public junior secondary schools in Kaduna State. A sample size of 117 JS II students was used in the study. The sample size was arrived at using purposive sampling technique. Sixty seven (67) JS II students were sampled for experimental group while fifty (50) students were used as control group. Both groups were taught for six weeks. A pre-test was administered to both groups prior to the six weeks of teaching to establish the homogeneity of the two groups. A close reading comprehension test was used to assess students’ performance in the reading comprehension task. Data collected in the study was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. At descriptive level, mean and standard deviation were used to respond to the research question while t-test was used at inferential level to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that the experimental group performed better than the control group. The study concluded that it takes fairly intensive vocabulary instruction to guarantee measurable gains in reading comprehension. It was therefore recommended that teachers should include vocabulary instruction in teaching reading comprehension to facilitate more understanding. Curriculum planners should equally include vocabulary instruction as one of the teaching techniques in the basic education curriculum.