Physicochemical Characterization Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In Morocco, population growth has contributed to the increase of the individual amount of drinking water, switch led to a significant increase in the volume of this water. Wastewater can constitute a non-negligible water resource that can... more

In Morocco, population growth has contributed to the increase of the individual amount of drinking water, switch led to a significant increase in the volume of this water. Wastewater can constitute a non-negligible water resource that can be beneficially reused, especially in agriculture. This reuse, however, requires more control and specific health and environmental programs. These programs must be built on appropriate research on water quality and health. A sample of wastewater catchment points was drowning at the principal collector of this city during February 2015 to February 2016period.The results showed that the chemical oxygen demand (COD = 503.06 mg/l), biological oxygen demand (BOD5 = 242.02 mg/l), suspended matter (SSM = 311.69 mg/l) are high and mineral matter expressed in terms of electric conductivity is about 2365.92μs/cm with a pH of 7.59.Although these wastewater have a high organic load (ratio of BOD5 / COD = 0.48 and SSM / BOD5 = 1.28), they have a satisfactory biodegradability. The test of COD/BOD5 = 2.07 highlights the biodegradability of these waters to which biological treatment seems quite suitable

Physicochemical and phytochemical evaluation of the leaves of Callicarpa macrophylla was carried out. Physicochemical values such as moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash were determined as 73.8, 2.6, 1.5... more

Physicochemical and phytochemical evaluation of the leaves of Callicarpa macrophylla was carried out. Physicochemical values such as moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash were determined as 73.8, 2.6, 1.5 and 0.4 % respectively. Extractive values were also determined and the percentage yield of petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts were 0.8, 2.6, 3.4 and 9.20% respectively. Phytochemical screening of different extracts showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids and steroids in petroleum ether extract; flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids and glycosides in chloroform extract; flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, glycosides and saponins in methanol extract and flavonoids, tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, glycosides and saponins in aqueous extracts. The study provides the phytochemical basis of various pharmacological activities of the plant.

Physicochemical Characterization 2nd Edition Exposure, Toxicology, and Impact on Human Health Chapter: 2. Physicochemical Characterization - Kirsten Rasmussen, Hubert Rauscher and Agnieszka Mech Editors: Bengt Fadeel, Antonio Pietroiusti,... more

Physicochemical Characterization 2nd Edition Exposure, Toxicology, and Impact on Human Health Chapter: 2. Physicochemical Characterization - Kirsten Rasmussen, Hubert Rauscher and Agnieszka Mech Editors: Bengt Fadeel, Antonio Pietroiusti, Anna Shvedova Hardcover ISBN: 9780128091999 eBook ISBN: 9780128094907 Publication date 16 March 2017

The aim behind this study is to determine the quality of the groundwater surrounding the landfill that has taken place in MohammediaBenslimane since 2012. It is a matter of seven wells dedicated to irrigation and/or daily use. The results... more

The aim behind this study is to determine the quality of the groundwater surrounding the landfill that has taken place in MohammediaBenslimane since 2012. It is a matter of seven wells dedicated to irrigation and/or daily use. The results obtained are compared to Moroccan standards and clearly show that the chlorides levels are abnormally high amongst all the wells (158.2 to 845.6 mg/L) and go well beyond the irrigation’s standards (105 mg/L). The chemical oxygen demand (COD) varies between (34.6 and 67.2 mg O2/L) in five of the wells: values that exceed the allowed drinking water’s value (25 mg O2/L). The recorded concentrations of the Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and the Ni are well aligned with the standards of irrigation and drinking water quality. However, the Pb levels, which exceed the standards of potability (0.05 mg/L) range from (0.07 and 0.14 mg/L). The highest chromium concentrations were recorded in three of the wells upstream from the landfill and a single one amongst the ones located downstream. Even though the Cadmium levels are aligned with the standards of potability and irrigation in six of the wells, it remains exceeding the standards of the drinking water quality by (0.001 mg/L). As a conclusion, the overall quality of the studied groundwater would probably be linked to the human activities on the surroundings, as well as to the nature of the ground crossed by the stormwater not to the landfill.

The rapid urbanisation and industrialisation in Vasai City of Mumbai with improper environmental planning has resulted in discharge of sewage and industrial wastes in to the Vasai Creek thereby greatly affecting its physico-chemical... more

The rapid urbanisation and industrialisation in Vasai City of Mumbai with improper environmental planning has resulted in discharge of sewage and industrial wastes in to the Vasai Creek thereby greatly affecting its physico-chemical properties. The present investigation to study the physico-chemical parameters of creek water for the two assessment years 2009 to 2010 and 2010 to 2011 suggests the high level of aquatic pollution. It is observed that pH; solid content, total hardness, sulphide, phosphate, phenol, and oil/grease content, as well as BOD/COD values were above the maximum permissible limit for set for inland surface water subjected to pollution load. The results also indicates that the pollution level of 2010 to 2011 were above that of 2009 to 2010. It is observed that the present high level of pollution will not only not only create threat to the aquatic life of the creek, but also affect the aesthetic beauty of the creek.

A binder holds powders together to form granules and also provides the cohesiveness required for binding of the granules under compressio n to form a tablet. Some natural excipients are currently available for... more

A binder holds powders together to form granules and also provides
the cohesiveness required for binding of the granules under
compressio n to form a tablet. Some natural excipients are currently
available for pharmaceutical formulation. Aim of this study was to
isolate the mucilage from different plants and to evaluate them as a
binder. Here an effort was made to investigate the efficacy of
mucilage obtained from fruits of Ziziphus mauritiana and Aegle
marmelos as tablet excipient. A microwave assisted extraction
technique was developed to optimize the extraction of mucilage from
the fruits of Ziziphus mauritiana and Aegle marmelos plants. Fruits
of both plants have been extracted by conventional and microwave
assisted method for isolation of mucilage. The extracted mucilage has
been evaluated for various physicochemical properties. Tablets were
manufactured using extracted mucilage as a binding agent and
comparison was made against the tablets prepared with starch paste
as standard binder on studying standard parameters like diameter,
thickness, weight variation, hardness, friability, disintegration and Invitro dissolution study. Mucilage could be used as a binding agent for
at low concentrations. This can be used for sustaining drug release
from tablets since prepared tablets produced a sticky film of
hydration on surface which ultimately reduces drug release rate and
hence can be evaluated for its efficacy to sustain the drug release.

Dehulled sesame seeds were roasted using different heat treatments. The effects of roasting treatments on the nutritive value, physicochemical properties and sensory properties of produced tahina were studied. Resultant tahina contained... more

Dehulled sesame seeds were roasted using different heat treatments. The effects of roasting treatments on the nutritive value, physicochemical properties and sensory properties of produced tahina were studied. Resultant tahina contained 586±594 g kg À1 crude oil, 219±226 g kg À1 crude protein and`30 g kg À1 crude ®bre and ash. Crude protein, crude ®bre, ash and N-free extract in tahina samples were not affected by roasting treatments. However, crude oil was decreased by steam roasting and hot plate roasting. Hot plate roasting was more effective in reducing raf®nose content than other roasting treatments, whereas vacuum roasting was less effective in reducing raf®nose content than other roasting treatments. Tahinas were good sources of essential amino acids, especially sulphurcontaining amino acids, aromatic amino acids and tryptophan. Hot air roasted tahina followed by vacuum roasted tahina had higher total essential amino acid contents than steam roasted and hot plate roasted tahinas. Lysine was the ®rst limiting amino acid in tahinas. Tahinas had a relatively high in vitro protein digestibility (over 83%). Tahina is a good source of niacin. Hot air roasted tahina had the highest content of B group vitamins compared with other tahina samples. Resultant tahinas had relatively high amounts of Na, Mg, K, Cu, Zn and Fe and a low amount of Ca. Roasting treatments did not affect the mineral contents. All roasted samples had a typical protein spectrum with a maximum absorption at 280 nm and minimum at 260 nm. However, the spectrum of hot air roasted tahina proteins was sharper than the spectra of other tahina proteins. Size exclusion HPLC fractionated tahina proteins into two fractions for hot roasted and vacuum roasted tahinas and three fractions for steam roasted and hot plate roasted tahinas. The gel ®ltration pattern of tahina proteins contained four peaks with identical elution volumes but different proportions. Hot air roasted and vacuum roasted tahinas had higher panel scores than steam roasted and hot plate roasted tahinas for all tested sensory properties.

El principal uso que se le da al rizoma de plátano (RP) es en la elaboración bebidas fermentadas y de tortillas a base de harina de maíz nixtamalizado y RP, la principal fuente de almidón es la proveniente del maíz, debido al alto costo... more

El principal uso que se le da al rizoma de plátano (RP) es en la elaboración bebidas fermentadas y de tortillas a base de harina de maíz nixtamalizado y RP, la principal fuente de almidón es la proveniente del maíz, debido al alto costo de la materia prima se buscan fuentes alternativas con características similares, se analizaron las características fisicoquímicas del almidón de rizoma de plátano (ARP). El ARP puede proporcionar características similares a la de otros almidones, se obtuvo un rendimiento del 12.08 % en base seca, se realizó la distribución del tamaño de los gránulos de almidón predominando los gránulos de mayor tamaño (82 %); se realizó el análisis proximal, humedad, cenizas, lípidos, carbohidratos totales y proteínas, obteniendo como resultados: 8.2%, 0.28%, 1.07%, 75.6%, 14.85% respectivamente. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la caracterización química y física por microscopia de luz polarizada. Palabras clave-Almidón, plátano macho, rizoma, tamaño. Introducción El rizoma de plátano (RP) es utilizado a menudo como semilla para la siembra de nuevas plantas, muy pocas veces se le da otros usos, sin embargo, en comunidades rurales lo utilizan para la preparación de tortillas de maíz nixtamalizado adicionando el rizoma molido y también ha sido utilizado para la preparación de bebidas funcionales. El pseudotallo junto con el rizoma conforman 43.48% de la masa de la planta de plátano. El plátano es una planta herbácea, perteneciente a la familia de las musáceas, que consta de un tallo subterráneo denominado cormo o rizoma, del cual brota un pseudotallo aéreo, en cuyo interior crece el tallo verdadero. El rizoma, emite raíces y yemas laterales que formarán los hijuelos o retoños (Guerrero, 2010). La caracterización fisicoquímica del almidón en los rizomas de las plantas de plátano no se ha determinado hasta ahora, el almidón es un polisacárido que el cual representa entre un 70-80% de las calorías consumidas por los humanos de todo el mundo. Este carbohidrato es extraído de los productos agrícolas tales como los cereales (maíz, trigo y arroz) cuyo contenido de almidón varía desde un 30 a 80%, leguminosas (frijol, chícharo y haba) con un contenido de almidón que va de un 25 a 50 % y en tubérculos (papa y yuca) en los que se encuentra en una mayor proporción de almidón en base a la materia seca el cual va de 60 a 90% (Guilbot & Mercier, 1985). Químicamente el almidón es un polisacárido el cual es utilizado de reserva por las plantas superiores que consta de dos homopolímeros de la glucosa unidos a través de los enlaces α-1-4 y α-1-6 (la amilosa y la amilopectina) en las plantas. Los almidones nativos poseen características especiales que confieren capacidades específicas tales como la viscosidad, la claridad de los geles, la solubilidad, la capacidad de retención del agua e hinchamiento; estas propiedades son de suma importancia en diferentes tipos de industria principalmente en la alimentaria. En el interior de los gránulos de almidón se encuentra un arreglo semicristalino el cual se debe al ordenamiento y la longitud de las cadenas de amilopectina (Hizukuri, 1986) (Oates, 1997) (Robin, C., et al. 1974) 2 Descripción del método

Galls are plant tissue which is controlled by the insect. Galls are outgrowths on the surface of leaf caused by invasion of various organisms like Bacteria, Fungi, Insects, Parasites and Mites. Galls may be found on leaves, stems, twigs,... more

Galls are plant tissue which is controlled by the insect. Galls are outgrowths on the surface of leaf caused by invasion of various organisms like Bacteria, Fungi, Insects, Parasites and Mites. Galls may be found on leaves, stems, twigs, branches, trunks and roots. There are hundreds of unique galls caused by insects and mites. They are formed on a variety of plants and in a broad range of sizes, shapes, colors and textures. Some galls are common and abundant and easily noticed. Others are rare or less conspicuous. This paper reports physicochemical study in leaf galls of Syzygium cumini. The parameters assayed were Total ash, acid insolubility and water solubility values and extractive values (Alcohol, water and petroleum ether).

The objective of the present work is to carry out the physicochemical investigation of powder drug and phytochemical screening of different fractions obtained from hydroalcoholic extract of Tectona grandis (Linn) barks. Physicochemical... more

The objective of the present work is to carry out the physicochemical investigation of powder drug and phytochemical screening of different fractions obtained from hydroalcoholic extract of Tectona grandis (Linn) barks. Physicochemical analysis was done to determining total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, sulphated ash, extractive value, moisture content, crude fibre content and foaming index. The inorganic elements determination and fluorescence analysis was performed as per the standard methods. Phytochemical investigations were carried out on different fraction to determine various active constituents present in it by using standard preliminary phytochemical tests. The inorganic element, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese were found in the hydroalcoholic extract of barks. Florescence analysis of the fractions were reported which gives the sensitivity of the chemical in different chemical reagents. Preliminary phytochemical ...

Plasmodium falciparum, is poorly water soluble and exhibits marked variation in oral bioavailability. This study was aimed at investigating the possibility and extent of enhancement of the dissolution properties of PYR via complexation... more

Plasmodium falciparum, is poorly water soluble and exhibits marked variation in oral bioavailability. This study was aimed at investigating the possibility and extent of enhancement of the dissolution properties of PYR via complexation with 2-hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin (HP--CD) as well as characterization of the complex formation of the drug with the cyclodextrin. The interaction between PYR and HP--CD in solution was studied by phase solubility analysis while binary systems of the compounds at 1:1 molar ratios were prepared by using the physical mixture, kneading, co-evaporation and freeze-drying methods. The binary systems were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder x-ray diffractometry (PXRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Phase solubility studies revealed an A L -type diagram indicating a 1:1 stoichiometric inclusion complex and a stability constant value of 914 M -1 . Solubility and dissolution rates of PYR and the binary systems were determined and found to be markedly enhanced by cyclodextrin complexation. The extent of enhancement of dissolution properties was dependent on the preparation method of the complex, and the product prepared by the freeze-drying method was shown to have the most superior dissolution efficiency than the other binary systems. The PXRD patterns and DSC curves especially for the co-evaporated and freeze-dried systems indicated strong drug amorphization and/or inclusion of PYR in the CD cavities. The results of this study suggest that the complexation of PYR with HP--CD could reduce variability in the drug absorption and improve therapeutic efficacy of the drug through increased drug dissolution efficiency.

Gelatin is one of the most important multifunctional biopolymers and is widely used as an essential ingredient in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. Porcine gelatin is regarded as the leading source of gelatin globally then followed by... more

Gelatin is one of the most important multifunctional biopolymers and is widely used as an essential ingredient in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. Porcine gelatin is regarded as the leading source of gelatin globally then followed by bovine gelatin. Porcine sources are favored over other sources since they are less expensive. However, porcine gelatin is religiously prohibited to be consumed by Muslims and the Jewish community. It is predicted that the global demand for gelatin will increase significantly in the future. Therefore, a sustainable source of gelatin with efficient production and free of disease transmission must be developed. The highest quality of Bovidae-based gelatin (BG) was acquired through alkaline pretreatment, which displayed excellent physicochemical and rheological properties. The utilization of mammalian-and plant-based enzyme significantly increased the gelatin yield. The emulsifying and foaming properties of BG also showed good stability when incorporated into food and pharmaceutical products. Manipulation of extraction conditions has enabled the development of custom-made gelatin with desired properties. This review highlighted the various modifications of extraction and processing methods to improve the physicochemical and functional properties of Bovidae-based gelatin. An in-depth analysis of the crucial stage of collagen breakdown is also discussed, which involved acid, alkaline, and enzyme pretreatment, respectively. In addition, the unique characteristics and primary qualities of BG including protein content, amphoteric property, gel strength, emulsifying and viscosity properties, and foaming ability were presented. Finally, the applications and prospects of BG as the preferred gelatin source globally were outlined.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of five Algerian unifloral types of honey. Several physical parameters of honey, such as pH, moisture content, electrical conductivity, total dissolved... more

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of five Algerian unifloral types of honey. Several physical parameters of honey, such as pH, moisture content, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, color intensity and total sugar content, were measured. The mean pH, moisture content, EC and water insoluble solids of Algerian honey were 4.41± 0.58, 15.3 ± 1.5%, 0.324± 0.116 mS/cm and 0.141± 0.065%, respectively. The mean color was 81 ± 72 mm Pfund. The majority of honey samples test results (moisture content, electric conductivity and acidity) levels were within the acceptable range of world honey standards.

Most of the fresh water bodies all over the world, getting polluted day by day, have become a serious issue of the present time. Hence their regular monitoring is crucial for the well-being and health of the surrounding population.... more

Most of the fresh water bodies all over the world, getting polluted day by day, have become a serious issue of the present time. Hence their regular monitoring is crucial for the well-being and health of the surrounding population. Therefore the present investigation is carried out to advocate habitat conservation and ecological studies with special reference to the physico-chemical characteristics of water samples collected from Bhavan's College Lake of Andheri, Mumbai. The study was carried for a span of one year from June 2011 to May 2012. From the results it was observed that annual average values of pH, alkalinity, biological oxygen demand (B.O.D), chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D), dissolved oxygen (D.O), total hardness, chlorides, sulphates, conductivity and total bacterial count were found to be 6.40, 84 mg/L, 171 mg/L, 297 mg/L, 2.9 mg/L, 383 mg/L, 300 mg/L, 503 mg/L, 2625 µmhos/cm and 213 MPN/100mL. These values were higher than the tolerable limits set by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), ISI and the Environmental Protection Rules of 1986 set for inland surface water. Introduction Most of our water resources like lake, creek, and river are gradually becoming polluted due to the addition of foreign materials from the surroundings. These include organic matter of plant and animal origin, land surface washing, and industrial and sewage effluents (Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, 2002). Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation with improper environmental planning often lead to discharge of industrial and sewage effluents into lakes. The lakes have a complex and fragile ecosystem, as they do not have self-cleaning ability and therefore readily accumulate pollutants. The cumulative effect of these factors leads to eutrophication of a lake resulting in loss of biodiversity and poor water quality. Previous data on water pollution along the lakes points out to the need of systematic and regular monitoring of pollution level for further improvement in the waste water treatment methods). Therefore, we carried out a study on water pollution along Bhavan's College Lake of Andheri, Mumbai. The Lake is exposed to the raw sewage as well as waste water effluent from the nearby laboratories which find their way in the lake water due to seepage. These have resulted in deterioration of lake water quality. These wastes include various toxic chemicals, acids, alkalis, dyes, detergents and pesticides which greatly affect the physico-chemical properties of lake water. Therefore the present study was carried out with an objective to generate data from regular scientific monitoring, which will help to implement compatible policies and programmes in order to gauge the extent of pollution. The pollution data of the present investigation will help in rational planning of pollution control strategies and their prioritisation; assessment of nature and extent of pollution control needed; evaluation of effectiveness of pollution control measures already in existence; evaluation of water quality trend over a period of time; assessment of assimilative capacity of a lake water body thereby reducing cost on pollution control; understand the environmental fate of different pollutants and also in assessment of lake water fitness for different uses. Experimental Area of study The study was performed at Bhavan's College Lake, located at Andheri, Mumbai city which is one of the most heavily populated and industrialized cities of Maharashtra. It is situated between 18° 96' north latitude and 72° 81' east longitude. The average elevation ranges from 10 meters to 15 meters. The major portion of the city is at the sea level while the maximum height of the city is at 450 meters. It covers a total area of 603.4 km 2 .Climate is

Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] germplasm is genetically diverse and widely distributed between 45°N and 45°S latitudes in the world. This study was conducted to assess genetic variation and relatedness of 33 Chinese accessions... more

Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] germplasm is genetically diverse and widely distributed between 45°N and 45°S latitudes in the world. This study was conducted to assess genetic variation and relatedness of 33 Chinese accessions of common bermudagrass (C. dactylon var. dactylon) and 22 cultivars developed in China, Australia and the USA by sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. 30 primer combinations generated a total of 274 clearly scorable bands encompassing 268 that were polymorphic. Percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) for the domestic and introduced accessions was 93 and 83%, respectively. Cluster analysis by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) based on the polymorphic markers indicated three distinct clusters. Genetic similarity coefficient (GSC) among the genotypes ranged from 0.57 to 0.97. Genetic diversity estimate, He, for the domestic and introduced accessions were 0.26 and 0.24, respectively. The results of this molecular characterization will be valuable for breeding new bermudagrass cultivars in the future.

The book provides highly exceptional interfaces of Physicochemical Sciences in different areas, substantiatiting biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, detergent sciences, nanoemulsions for drug delivery and solubility engineering options. The... more

The book provides highly exceptional interfaces of Physicochemical Sciences in different areas, substantiatiting biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, detergent sciences, nanoemulsions for drug delivery and solubility engineering options. The brief preface itself reflects the depth it covers about the possibilities that could be explored by physicochemical properties. (My name appears as default with Prof. Man Singh due to Academia system administration services and I am not an author of this book).

The free energy of adsorption (S), and the surface area of adsorption (AS) on silica and alumina surfaces of 17 carboxamide fungicides was determined by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) using silica and alumina stationary phases. The... more

The free energy of adsorption (S), and the surface area of adsorption (AS) on silica and alumina surfaces of 17 carboxamide fungicides was determined by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) using silica and alumina stationary phases. The relationships between the measured physicochemical parameters of analytes and the relationships between these parameters and 29 computed physicochemical characteristics were calculated by linear regression analysis and the Fisher’s test. It was found that the adsorption characteristics of stationary phases are significantly different while the similar parameters of carboxamide derivatives showed marked similarities. It was further established that in the majority of cases the computed and measured physicochemical parameters are not correlated. This finding indicates that the free energy of adsorption and the surface area of adsorption can be used as new independent variables in both Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) and Quantitative Structure Retention Relationship (QSRR) studies.
cit: Gyula Oros and Tibor Cserháti (2011): Determination of the Free Energy of Adsorption and the Surface Area of Adsorption of Some Carboxamide Derivatives by Normal Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 34(10-11):785–790. DOI: 10.1080/10826076.2011.571140

Isolation and identification of key components of the crude biosurfactant produced by Lactococcus lactis 53 was studied. Fractionation was achieved by hydrophobic interaction chromatography which allowed the isolation of a fraction rich... more

Isolation and identification of key components of the crude biosurfactant produced by Lactococcus lactis 53 was studied. Fractionation was achieved by hydrophobic interaction chromatography which allowed the isolation of a fraction rich in glycoproteins. Molecular (by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and elemental compositions (by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) were determined. Critical micelle concentration achieved for the isolated fraction was 14 g/l, allowing for a surface tension value of 36 mJ/m 2. Moreover, the isolated fraction, stable to pH changes between 5 and 9, was found to be an anti-adhesive and antimicrobial agent against several bacterial and yeast strains isolated from explanted voice prostheses, even at low concentrations. Further purification steps should be carefully analyzed as each purification step will increase the costs and decreases the amounts of biosurfactants recovered.

In order to improve fish productivity, an essay on the evaluation of the comparative effect of chicken and pig manure on the composition and structure of zooplankton was conducted at the Application and Research farm from the University... more

In order to improve fish productivity, an essay on the evaluation of the comparative effect of chicken and pig manure on the composition and structure of zooplankton was conducted at the Application and Research farm from the University of Dschang (LN: 5º44'-5 °36 and LE: 10º06'-9 ° 85'). For this purpose, 15 ponds (5.7 x 5.7 x 1m), three doses of 0 (control); 800 and 1000kg/ha of chicken manure as well as pig dung were used. At each of the randomly selected ponds was administered one of the fertilizer doses every 7 days. Each of the doses and type of fertilizer representing a treatment was repeated three times. The physicochemical characteristics of the water and the zooplankton population were measured every 14 days. With respect to the physicochemical characteristics of water, the values of nitrites (7.92 ± 0.05mg/l), nitrates (8.03 ± 0.24mg/l), phosphates (4.68 ± 0, 05mg/l) were significantly (p <0.05) higher in ponds fertilized at 1000kg/ha pig dung, the lowest being obtained in the control treatment. For zooplankton, the highest specific (64.51% of total species), generics (87.87% of total genera) and families (82.35% of total) zooplanktonic abundances were obtained in ponds fertilized at the rate of 1000kg/ha of chicken manure. The species of rotifers were the most diverse survived those of cladocerans whatever the type or the dose of fertilizer. The use of the 1000kg/ha dose of chicken droppings makes sense for a large production of zooplankton diversity.

Liquid effluents discharged by hospitals may contain chemical and biological contaminants whose main source is the different substances used for the treatment of patients. This type of rejection can present a sanitary potentially... more

Liquid effluents discharged by hospitals may contain chemical and biological contaminants whose main source is the different substances used for the treatment of patients. This type of rejection can present a sanitary potentially dangerous risk for human health and can provoke a strong degradation of diverse environmental compartments mainly water and soils. The present study focuses on the quality of the liquid effluents of Hassani Abdelkader’s hospital of Sidi Bel-Abbes (West of Algeria). The results reveal a significant chemical pollution (COD: 879 mgO2/L, BOD5: 850 mgO2/L, NH4+ : 47.9 mg/l, NO2- : 4.2 mg/l, NO3- : 56.8 mg/l with respect to WHO standard of 90 mgO2/L, 30 mgO2/L, 0.5 mg/l, 1 mg/l and 1 mg/l respectively). However, these effluents are biodegradable since the ratio COD/BOD5 do not exceeded the value of 2 in almost all samples. The presence of pathogen germs is put into evidence such as pseudomonas, the clostridium, the staphylococcus, the fecal coliforms and fecal streptococcus. These results show that the direct discharge of these effluents constitutes a major threat to human health and the environment.

Isolation and identification of key components of the crude biosurfactant produced by Lactococcus lactis 53 was studied. Fractionation was achieved by hydrophobic interaction chromatography which allowed the isolation of a fraction rich... more

Isolation and identification of key components of the crude biosurfactant produced by Lactococcus lactis 53 was studied. Fractionation was achieved by hydrophobic interaction chromatography which allowed the isolation of a fraction rich in glycoproteins. Molecular (by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and elemental compositions (by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) were determined. Critical micelle concentration achieved for the isolated fraction was 14 g/l, allowing for a surface tension value of 36 mJ/m 2. Moreover, the isolated fraction, stable to pH changes between 5 and 9, was found to be an anti-adhesive and antimicrobial agent against several bacterial and yeast strains isolated from explanted voice prostheses, even at low concentrations. Further purification steps should be carefully analyzed as each purification step will increase the costs and decreases the amounts of biosurfactants recovered.

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It... more

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It binds specifically to the CD20 antigen expressed on pre-B and consequently on mature B-lymphocytes of both normal and malignant cells, inhibiting their proliferation through apoptosis, CDC, and ADCC mechanisms. The immunomodulatory activity of rituximab is closely related to critical quality attributes that characterize its chemical composition and spatial configuration, which determine the recognition of CD20 and the binding to receptors or factors involved in its effector functions, while regulating the potential immunogenic response. Herein, we present a physicochemical and biological characterization followed by a pharmacodynamics and immunogenicity study to demonstrate comparability between two products containing rituximab. The physicochemical and biological characterization revealed that both products fit within the same response intervals exhibiting the same degree of variability. With regard to clinical response, both products depleted CD20+ B-cells until posttreatment recovery and no meaningful differences were found in their pharmacodynamic profiles. The evaluation of anti-chimeric antibodies did not show differential immunogenicity among products. Overall, these data confirm that similarity of critical quality attributes results in a comparable immunomodulatory activity.

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It... more

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It binds specifically to the CD20 antigen expressed on pre-B and consequently on mature B-lymphocytes of both normal and malignant cells, inhibiting their proliferation through apoptosis, CDC, and ADCC mechanisms. The immunomodulatory activity of rituximab is closely related to critical quality attributes that characterize its chemical composition and spatial configuration, which determine the recognition of CD20 and the binding to receptors or factors involved in its effector functions, while regulating the potential immunogenic response. Herein, we present a physicochemical and biological characterization followed by a pharmacodynamics and immunogenicity study to demonstrate comparability between two products containing rituximab. The physicochemical ...

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o comportamento do ácido ascórbico em mangas (Mangifera indica L.), da variedade "Haden", armazenadas em diferentes atmosferas modificadas nas temperaturas de 5°C, 10°C e ambiente (±26°C) de Campina... more

O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o comportamento do ácido ascórbico em mangas (Mangifera indica L.), da variedade "Haden", armazenadas em diferentes atmosferas modificadas nas temperaturas de 5°C, 10°C e ambiente (±26°C) de Campina Grande/PB. Foram adquiridas 200 mangas da variedade "Haden" safra 2007, no comercio atacadista/varejista da EMPASA na cidade de Campina Grande/PB. Os frutos foram selecionados aleatoriamente para composição dos tratamentos, acondicionados em bandejas de tereftalato, e descritos como segue: não revestidos com filme plástico (SE); revestidos externamente com filme plástico não perfurado (FP) e revestidos externamente com plástico perfurado (PP). Em seguida as mangas foram armazenadas em condições ambientais de Campina Grande/PB (±26 °C) e em câmaras frias nas temperaturas de 5 e 10ºC. No decorrer do armazenamento efetuaram-se análises de ácido ascórbico, em períodos de 7 dias, nas mangas de acordo com a metodologia descrita em AOAC (1992). Os resultados mostraram que a temperatura e atmosfera interferem no teor de ácido ascórbico da manga "Haden" durante o armazenamento. A embalagem de plástico perfurado (PP) a 10ºC conservaram maior teor de vitamina C. No decorrer do armazenamento e da maturação os teores de ácido ascórbico sofrem variações, sendo revelados teores máximos entre o 14° e 21° dias de acondicionamento, decrescendo significativamente no decorrer do período.

Objective. To establish current knowledge about Colombian bee-pollen from a point of view nutritional and functional, contributing towards creating national technical standards and the identification of chemical differentiation factors... more

Objective. To establish current knowledge about Colombian bee-pollen from a point of view nutritional and functional, contributing towards creating national technical standards and the identification of chemical differentiation factors for further researches. Material and methods. One hundred ninety-six samples of dried bee pollen were collected in the center region of Colombia known as Cundi-boyacense high plateau, where nearly 90% of total bee pollen production is concentrated in this country. Performed physicochemical analyses in this study were: moisture, pH, acidity, ash, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, dietary fiber, fatty acid profile and mineral elements. Results. Bee pollen from this region had 7.7±5.2 g/100 g moisture content, and a following centesimal composition based on dry matter: ashes 2.5±0.4 g; lipids 6.90±3.5 g; proteins 23.8±3.2 g and total dietary fiber 14.5±3.5 g. The most abundant fatty acids were α-linolenic, palmitic and linoleic. Carbohydrates were the main components and fructose and glucose the most concentrated sugars. The predominant minerals assessed here were potassium, calcium and magnesium. The results were also discussed in terms of the characteristics found in Colombian bee-pollen in comparison to international regulations and findings for other varieties of commercial bee-pollen from eight different countries. Conclusions. The results found in this study suggest that bee-pollen may be used as a dietary supplement and agree with bibliographical reports and international regulations. Such characterization will enable to be proposed technical standards in line with Colombian bee-pollen properties and it is expected to improve marketing and production chain conditions.

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It... more

Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody employed for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. It binds specifically to the CD20 antigen expressed on pre-B and consequently on mature B-lymphocytes of both normal and malignant cells, inhibiting their proliferation through apoptosis, CDC, and ADCC mechanisms. The immunomodulatory activity of rituximab is closely related to critical quality attributes that characterize its chemical composition and spatial configuration, which determine the recognition of CD20 and the binding to receptors or factors involved in its effector functions, while regulating the potential immunogenic response. Herein, we present a physicochemical and biological characterization followed by a pharmacodynamics and immunogenicity study to demonstrate comparability between two products containing rituximab. The physicochemical and biological characterization revealed that both products fit within the same response intervals exhibiting the same degree of variability. With regard to clinical response, both products depleted CD20+ B-cells until posttreatment recovery and no meaningful differences were found in their pharmacodynamic profiles. The evaluation of anti-chimeric antibodies did not show differential immunogenicity among products. Overall, these data confirm that similarity of critical quality attributes results in a comparable immunomodulatory activity.

Planar films of calcium alginate were obtained using an ultrasonic atomizing device. Sodium alginate solutions of 0.6% and 0.9% (w/v) were nebulized with calcium gluconolactate solutions (gelling agent) of 0, 1, 2 and 3% (w/v) at a flow... more

Planar films of calcium alginate were obtained using an ultrasonic atomizing device. Sodium alginate solutions of 0.6% and 0.9% (w/v) were nebulized with calcium gluconolactate solutions (gelling agent) of 0, 1, 2 and 3% (w/v) at a flow rate of 0.3 mL min1 for 20 min. After drying, thickness and mechanical properties were determined. In view of the results of mechanical properties, manageability and flexibility, calcium alginate films obtained using 0.9% sodium alginate and 2% calcium gluconolactate were selected as "optimum dry film" samples. These samples were cut into rectangular pieces and heated at 180°C for 0, 4, 8, 12, 20 and 24 min. Thickness, mechanical and optical properties, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs were analyzed in order to characterize the physicochemical properties of heat-treated samples. The heat treatment produced thickness reduction, a yellow ochre color development and an increase in the brittleness of the films. DSC, FTIR and SEM studies suggested that heat treatment produced further dehydration of dry films and thermal dehydration-degradation of alginate macromolecules.

A novel porous polymer−inorganic hybrid biocomposite with various functional groups (hide substance/ chitosan/hydroxyapatite) has been synthesized in simple, economic, and scalable process utilizing leather industry solid waste and... more

A novel porous polymer−inorganic hybrid biocomposite with various functional groups (hide substance/ chitosan/hydroxyapatite) has been synthesized in simple, economic, and scalable process utilizing leather industry solid waste and seafood industry waste composed with hydroxyapatite. Physicochemical characterization of the material reveals formation of composites with homogenous distribution of the constituents in the material matrix. The composite is hard and porous (with 0.1632 cm 3 /g slit-shaped mesopores and micropores) having particle sizes 40−80 μm and a Brunauer−Emmett−Teller surface area of 55.54 m 2 /g. The material is polycrystalline in nature with a fair amount of amorphous substance and less hydrophilic in character than constituent polymers. The dye removal efficiency of the material has been tested with two model dyes, namely, methylene blue (MB) (cationic/basic dye) and sunset yellow (SY) (anionic/acid dye). Optimum adsorptions of 3.8 mg MB (pH 12, RT ≈ 27°C) and 168 mg of SY (pH 3, RT ≈ 27°C) have been found per gram of the composite material. Langmuir isotherm and pseudo second order rate models have been found to be the best-fit models to explain the equilibrium isotherm and kinetics of the adsorption process for both the dyes. However, higher and faster adsorption of SY in comparison with MB indicated higher binding efficiency of the material toward the acidic dye. Desorption of dyes from the dye-adsorbed material was studied using a suitable eluent of appropriate pH and recycling for five times showed without loss of efficiency. The prepared composite showed very high dye removal efficiency toward four different commercially used dyes (496 mg/g of Orange-NR, 477 mg/g of Red-VLN, 488 mg/g of Blue-113 dye, and 274 mg/g of Green-PbS dye) from their individual and cocktail solutions. It was also efficient to decolorize dye-bearing tannery exhaust bath. Hence, waste materials generated during industrial processes could be efficiently used for the decontamination of colored wastewater produced by various industries.

Ammonium ionic liquids with the 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetate anion were synthesized and characterized. Physicochemical properties, such as thermal stability, phase transition temperatures, viscosity, density, refractive index, as well... more

Ammonium ionic liquids with the 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetate anion were synthesized and characterized. Physicochemical properties, such as thermal stability, phase transition temperatures, viscosity, density, refractive index, as well as surface activity and herbicidal activity were determined. Improved physicochemical properties suggest a reduced environmental impact of newly formed group of herbicidal ionic liquids (HILs). HILs with a longer substituent can be characterized with better herbicidal activity in comparison with commercial products.

Growth hormone (GH) was purified from African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) pituitary extracts in a single step by use of immunoaffinity chromatography. A monoclonal antibody to chicken GH, which labels the catfish hypophyseal somatotropes... more

Growth hormone (GH) was purified from African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) pituitary extracts in a single step by use of immunoaffinity chromatography. A monoclonal antibody to chicken GH, which labels the catfish hypophyseal somatotropes in immunocytochemistry, was coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and crude alkaline pituitary extracts were run over the immunoadsorbent. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the eluted material suggested heterogeneity, whereas silver staining upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed one single band with an estimated molecular weight between 22,000 and 23,000 Da. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis of the same preparation revealed the presence of several components with molecular weights ranging from 20,170 to 20,900 Da. The amino terminus of the protein was homogeneous, and the first 50 residues matched the proposed sequence of GH from two other siluran species (Ictalurus punctatus and Pangasius pangasius), except for one substitution at position 3. These data unequivocally confirm the identity of the purified molecule as suggested by immunochemical evidence. The bioactivity of the GH preparation was demonstrated by the short-term effect of GH on T3 plasma levels in juvenile catfish.