Biodiesel Research Papers - (original) (raw)

There has been considerable interest focused on the investment for the production of oilseed crops for biodiesel. The advance research is needed to provide knowledge needed for the feasible way of adaptation of oilseed crops for... more

There has been considerable interest focused on the investment for the production of oilseed crops for biodiesel. The advance research is needed to provide knowledge needed for the feasible way of adaptation of oilseed crops for biodiesel. Among the various oilseed crops produced, sunflower is a prominent summer crop that can be used to produce on-farm biodiesel for energy security. The objective of this paper is to estimate the overall economic benefits of biodiesel production from sunflower under small scale settings. The economic viability on production of biodiesel and its market opportunity to the farmers were investigated at its 3 different production stages namely; seed, oil and seed meal, and biodiesel production. The study was based on three different on-farm biodiesel extraction scenarios. For example, the seed press and biodiesel extractor can be operated at three different rates (low, medium and high). Feedstock production, capital investment for biodiesel units and operations costs were considered for the analysis. To calculate cost and revenue in annual equivalent terms, the present values of all costs and revenues over the useful life was transformed into an equivalent annuity. Analysis shows that biodiesel production from sunflower production could generate positive net returns under various scenarios. The analysis per volume basis showed that the production cost of biodiesel from sunflower oil to producer was between 2.00to2.00 to 2.00to3.21/gal when revenue from seed meal was accounted. The estimated break-even price of sunflower seed range from $0.18 to 0.26/kg depending upon sunflower yield. The findings of this research further improve the understanding of growing sunflower as an oilseed crops and on-farm processing of oil for local biodiesel production that could play vital role in improving farm income as well as sustainable and independent energy for small farmers.

Biodiesel is a proven alternative fuel that can serve as a substitute for petroleum diesel due to its renewability, non-toxicity, sulphur-free nature and superior lubricity. Waste-based non-edible oils are studied as potential biodiesel... more

Biodiesel is a proven alternative fuel that can serve as a substitute for petroleum diesel due to its renewability, non-toxicity, sulphur-free nature and superior lubricity. Waste-based non-edible oils are studied as potential biodiesel feedstocks owing to the focus on the valorisation of waste products. Instead of being treated as municipal waste, waste coffee grounds (WCG) can be utilised for oil extraction, thereby recovering an energy source in the form of biodiesel. This study evaluates oil extraction from WCG using ultrasonic and Soxhlet techniques, followed by biodiesel conversion using an ultrasonic-assisted transesterification process. It was found that n-hexane was the most effective solvent for the oil extraction process and ultrasonic-assisted technology offers a 13.5% higher yield compared to the conventional Soxhlet extraction process. Solid-to-solvent ratio and extraction time of the oil extraction process from the dried waste coffee grounds (DWCG) after the brewing process was optimised using the response surface methodology (RSM). The results showed that predicted yield of 17.75 wt. % of coffee oil can be obtained using 1:30 w/v of the mass ratio of DWCG-ton-hexane and 34 min of extraction time when 32% amplitude was used. The model was verified by the experiment where 17.23 wt. % yield of coffee oil was achieved when the extraction process was carried out under optimal conditions. The infrared absorption spectrum analysis of WCG oil determined suitable functional groups for biodiesel conversion which was further treated using an ultrasonic-assisted transesterification process to successfully convert to biodiesel.

The effects of different ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) concentrations on the fatty acid profile of the blue-green alga Arthrospira platensis cultured in Zarrouk’s medium to produce biodiesel were studied. Different ferrous sulfate... more

The effects of different ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) concentrations on the fatty acid profile of the blue-green alga Arthrospira platensis cultured in Zarrouk’s medium to produce biodiesel were studied. Different ferrous sulfate concentrations (0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 g/L) and 0.01 g/L were examined on the biochemical composition of the alga and fatty acids profile of A. platensis. Findings revealed that the highest and lowest yields of fatty acid were 0 and 0.1 g/L FeSO4, respectively. It was also noticed an increase of palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, γ-linolenic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid when ferrous sulfate was between 0.05 and 0.1 g/L, while these fatty acids decreased at low concentration. Ferrous sulfate at a concentration of 0.1 g/L exhibited an increase and best yields in the following: growth rate and the shortest doubling time, chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, phycobiliproteins, and carotenoids. Thus, increasing the FeSO4 concentration to 0.1 g...

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas... more

In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas Gerais State, where the socioeconomics indicators are very unfavorable. Despite the potential to boost the agricultural and agro‐industrial sector, the

In the scenario of fast depletion of fossil fuels, increase of fuel prices in International Market causing economic burden on developing countries like India and increase of pollution levels with fossil fuel, the search for alternative... more

In the scenario of fast depletion of fossil fuels, increase of fuel prices in International Market causing economic burden on developing countries like India and increase of pollution levels with fossil fuel, the search for alternative fuels has become pertinent. Gaseous fuels have many advantages than liquid fuels, as the pollutants emitted by gaseous fuels are low and less dangerous when compared with liquid fuels. Specifically, CNG, provides an affordable energy source. Not only is CNG cheaper, it also gives consumers fuel efficiency. Besides, CNG becoming a vehicle owner’s best friend as it offers the potential of preserving the well-being of the vehicle, which translates into reduced up keeping cost. CNG is way better than petrol, as it emits less harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides into the air. Another big plus point about CNG is in abundant supply as it is widely available throughout the world. CNG was injected and ethanol was carbureted in diesel engine. Ethanol is highly volatile fuel and ratio of C/H (C=Number of carbon atoms, H=Number of hydrogen atoms in fuel composition) is less. However, ethanol has low cetane number. It causes combustion problems in diesel engine and hence call for semi adiabatic diesel engine (SADE), which can burn low calorific value fuel, give high heat release rate and faster rate of combustion. Air gap insulation was provided with piston and liner. Investigations were carried out with CNG as primary fuel inducted by port injection and ethanol was carbureted into the engine. Particulate matter (PM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon mono oxide (CO) levels and un-burnt hydro carbons (UBHC) are the exhaust emissions from a diesel engine. They cause health hazards, once they are inhaled in. They also cause environmental effects like Green-house effect and Global Warming. Hence control of these emissions is an immediate effect and an urgent step. The pollutants of PM, NOx, CO and UBHC were determined at different values of brake power of engine. Data was compared with diesel operation on conventional engine. The maximum induction of ethanol was 40% of total mass of diesel as full load operation, while it was 60% with SADE. Particulate emissions were determined by AVL Smoke meter, while other emissions were measured by Netel Chromatograph multi-gas analyzer at different values of brake power of the engine. These pollutants were drastically reduced with induction of CNG and carbureted ethanol and further reduced with SADE.

Production of biodiesel from natural oils and fats can be achieved using various technologies briefly discussed in this review. A particular appealing concept for production of green diesel is selective catalytic deoxygenation of... more

Production of biodiesel from natural oils and fats can be achieved using various technologies briefly discussed in this review. A particular appealing concept for production of green diesel is selective catalytic deoxygenation of renewables leading to diesel fuel products. This reaction can be performed over Pd on active carbon supports with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and their derivatives. Key wordsbiodiesel–green diesel–deoxygenation–fatty acids

The aim of this work was to investigate the compatibility of fuel delivery materials with palm biodiesel fuel under novel immersion method which simulated diesel engine operation. For this, a two-stage investigation was conducted. In the... more

The aim of this work was to investigate the compatibility of fuel delivery materials with palm biodiesel fuel under novel immersion method which simulated diesel engine operation. For this, a two-stage investigation was conducted. In the first stage, the effects of biodiesel dissolved oxygen concentration and conductivity value on fuel delivery materials degradation under standard immersion were determined as a baseline study. In the second stage, modified immersion investigations which simulated the deterioration of biodiesel under common rail diesel engine operation (CRDE) were carried out to ascertain the compatibility present between fuel delivery materials and palm biodiesel. Palm biodiesel dissolved oxygen and conductivity were found to adversely affect both copper corrosion and nitrile rubber (NBR) degradation. The copper corrosion rate and NBR volume change increased by 9% and 13%, respectively due to 22.5% increase in the conductivity. In contrast, the copper corrosion rate and NBR volume swelling reduced by 91% and 27%, respectively due to 96% reduction in the dissolved oxygen concentration. Copper corrosion and NBR degradation were found to be lowered by up to 93% and 85%, respectively under modified immersion as compared to standard immersion. This study has inferred that good compatibility is present between fuel delivery materials and biodiesel under CRDE operation.

The main objective of paper is the need to reduce emission which is major impulse to the development of alternative fuel; biodiesel has been developed as an alternative fuel for C.I. engine but it show slightly lower performance and... more

The main objective of paper is the need to reduce emission which is major impulse to the development of alternative fuel; biodiesel has been developed as an alternative fuel for C.I. engine but it show slightly lower performance and reduction in SOX, CO, HC, CO2 emissions as compare with diesel. But due to higher oxygen contain in biodiesel the formation of NOX was observed higher. Nano-fuels have shown better improvement in combustion, performance and emission characteristics of CI engine. The blending of biodiesel increases the thermal efficiency near to that of diesel and also significantly large reduction in NOX is observed.

The research presents experimental study and investigation on the production of biodiesel from African sweet orange seeds oil. The seeds were obtained, sundried, crushed and weighed. Chemical extraction method was used to extract oil from... more

The research presents experimental study and investigation on the production of biodiesel from African sweet orange seeds oil. The seeds were obtained, sundried, crushed and weighed. Chemical extraction method was used to extract oil from the crushed seeds using soxhlet extractor with n-hexane as a solvent. The physicochemical properties of the oil determined were; flash 1510C, fire point 1730C, acid value 82%, product percentage yield 40% and specific gravity 0.920 at 150C. The production of Biodiesel was carried out through transesterification process from the extracted oil using methanol as catalyst. The results of the physicochemical properties of the produced biodiesel are; Cloud point 60C, Pour point 20C, Flash point 1400C, Density 0.86g/cm and Kinematic viscosity 1.938 mm2/s. The effect of methanol on the yielding of biodiesel at constant ratios of oil and catalyst was determined to be 68% at 10ml, 77% at 9ml and 72% at 7ml. The results obtained are in conformity when compare...

Biodiesel is a promising alternative fuel and has gained significant attention due to the predicted depletion of conventional fossil fuels and environmental concerns. This study aims to produce biodiesel from ogbono seed oil (using 98 ml... more

Biodiesel is a promising alternative fuel and has gained significant attention due to the predicted depletion of conventional fossil fuels and environmental concerns. This study aims to produce biodiesel from ogbono seed oil (using 98 ml methanol and 2g potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst) via transesterification process and to determine the physiochemical properties of the biodiesel produced. The physiochemical properties of the feedstock (extracted ogbono seed oil) were also determined before the transesterification process. The physiochemical properties of the produced biodiesel showed that it has a density of 0.5±0.00 g/cm3, pour point of 2.0±0, saponification value of 58.90±0.06 mg KOH/g, ester value of 98.0±0.5% (m/m), iodine value of 26.64±0.15gI2/100g, acid value of 0.28±0.05 mgKOH/g, moisture value of 0.0006 ±0.0% and trace amounts of ash content. The results of the physiochemical properties of the produced biodiesel agree with ASTM-D6751 and EN 14214 standard. Thus, it...

An effort has been taken to study the performance and emission characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel (Rapeseed Oil Methyl Ester-ROME) using EGR. Experiments are conducted on a single... more

An effort has been taken to study the performance and emission characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel (Rapeseed Oil Methyl Ester-ROME) using EGR. Experiments are conducted on a single cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine powered by Variable Compression ratio with 0%, 5%, 10 % and 15% EGR keeping the load constant i.e. 12kg. Various engine performance parameters such as Brake thermal efficiency; Specific Fuel Consumption, Mechanical efficiency etc. were calculated from acquired data. The engine performance and efficiency obtained with biodiesel was less as compared to diesel which can be attributed to lower calorific value of biodiesel. At CR-18, the performance and emission parameters for ROME are better when compared to other compression ratio. This indicates the feasibility of using ROME as an alternative fuel for diesel. With application of EGR the NO emissions were considerably reduced. However using EGR at high levels result in certain penalties. It increases CO and HC emissions and also affects the performance. The purpose of this Paper is to determine the possibility of using biodiesel as an alternative fuel for petro diesel and effect of EGR on emission Characteristics of Engine.

The present study estimates the prediction capability of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) models for biodiesel synthesis from sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) oil under ultrasonication (20kHz and 1.2kW)... more

The present study estimates the prediction capability of response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) models for biodiesel synthesis from sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) oil under ultrasonication (20kHz and 1.2kW) using barium hydroxide as a basic heterogeneous catalyst. RSM based on a five level, four factor central composite design, was employed to obtain the best possible combination of catalyst concentration, methanol to oil molar ratio, temperature and reaction time for maximum FAME content. Experimental data were evaluated by applying RSM integrating with desirability function approach. The importance of each independent variable on the response was investigated by using sensitivity analysis. The optimum conditions were found to be catalyst concentration (1.79wt%), methanol to oil molar ratio (6.69:1), temperature (31.92°C), and reaction time (40.30min). For these conditions, experimental FAME content of 98.6% was obtained, which was in reasonable agreeme...

This paper addresses the agroenergy as a response to the self-confrontation with development and modernity side effects, in a risk society context. Brazil stands out in this scenario with a consolidated production of ethanol, and a recent... more

This paper addresses the agroenergy as a response to the self-confrontation with development and modernity side effects, in a risk society context. Brazil stands out in this scenario with a consolidated production of ethanol, and a recent program that encourages the biodiesel production. We argue, however, that such forms of production do not generate, necessarily, positive effects on rural development, neither socio-economically, neither environmentally. Nevertheless, agrofuel production experiences arise, headed by family farmers, which can be considered as a self-confrontation to side effects of the traditional Brazilian agroenergy model, based on large and modern monocultures. Through two initiatives in Rio Grande do Sul, we demonstrate how the family farmers make agrofuels in an integrated way with food, strengthening their agency capacity in promoting and driving rural development processes more sustainable. Thus, agroenergy arises as an alternative to diversify the family far...

Водораслите са реална надежда за решаване на част от екологичните проблеми на човечеството и преодоляване на енергийната криза с горивата. Основните предимства от устройствено, екологично и технологично естество са: (i) относително... more

Водораслите са реална надежда за решаване на част от екологичните проблеми на човечеството и преодоляване на енергийната криза с горивата. Основните предимства от устройствено, екологично и технологично естество са: (i) относително свободната локализация на производството, (ii) абсорбиращите въглероден диоксид и други вредни газове суровини и (iii) многократно по-високия енергиен потенциал от този на използваните в момента земеделски култури. В статията е систематизирана информация от проучване на най-значимите производствени концепции и проекти, реализирани до момента.

Aim: To evaluate the performance of a single cylinder, four–stroke, water cooled, 3.68 kW direct–injection diesel engine at a speed of 1500 rpm with different versions of the combustion chamber with tobacco seed oil biodiesel and to make... more

Aim: To evaluate the performance of a single cylinder, four–stroke, water cooled, 3.68 kW direct–injection diesel engine at a speed of 1500 rpm with different versions of the combustion chamber with tobacco seed oil biodiesel and to make comparative studies with data of pure diesel operation working on similar conditions. Study Design: Different versions of the low heat rejection (LHR) combustion chamber such as LHR–1 (ceramic coated cylinder head), LHR–2 (air gap insulated piston and air gap insulated liner) and LHR–3 (ceramic coated cylinder head, air gap insulated piston and air gap insulated liner); Various injector opening pressures such as 190 bar, 230 bar and 270 bar. Methodology; Performance parameters of brake thermal efficiency (BTE), brake specific energy consumption (BSEC), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), coolant load and volumetric efficiency at different values of brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of the engine, Brief Results: At recommended injection timing of 27o bTDC and recommended injector opening pressure of 190 bar, conventional engine (CE) showed comparable performance, while different versions of LHR combustion chamber showed improved performance with biodiesel operation, when compared with conventional engine with pure diesel operation (standard diesel operation).

Future energy technologies must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This workshop will provide insight into unintended impacts of renewable energy and how they can be avoided. In order to steer away from... more

Future energy technologies must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This workshop will provide insight into unintended impacts of renewable energy and how they can be avoided. In order to steer away from the pitfalls and unintended effects it is essential that necessary knowledge is present to the developers and decision makers engaged in renewable energy. This is where this workshop is valuable in its discussion of unintended health and environmental impacts of various renewable energy technologies.
The workshop give the participants an introduction the the concept of unintended consequences, in connection with renewable energy. Furthermore, several approaches to improve the understanding of these consequences and methods for predicting them, will be discussed. This will include the concepts of rebound effects and consequential life cycle assessments (LCA). The workshop will encompass presentations and discussions of results from cross-disciplinary research on implementation of the alternative fuels hydrogen, electricity and biodiesel in the transport sector, as well as the assessment of environmental impacts from the production of solar cells. This will also cover impacts of the use of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the various energy technologies. In-dept focus will also be on the formation of nanoparticles during combustion of bio-blended diesel, and the toxic effects of these new emission components.

A great number of procedures have been developed and today a wide assortment of special analytical equipment for the analysis of chemical compositions of metal and alloys, including those widely spread and industrially produced, exists... more

A great number of procedures have been developed and today a wide assortment of special analytical equipment for the analysis of chemical compositions of metal and alloys, including those widely spread and industrially produced, exists [1]. However, new analytical tasks for the control of steel products, or for individual parts made from them, constantly appear, and it is sometimes difficult to choose the appropriate method and device for the analysis. Very often complications appear when it is necessary to test a finished product, which must be left in for further use. The analysis must then be performed, or the sample taken, in such a way that the object does not loose its technical assignment or demand future restoration or repair. In addition, the more important and the more expensive the object, the less damage there must be and, at the same time, the more accurate the analysis must be. As a rule, these two conditions contradict each other. The list of objects requiring strict control of their composition is long: boilers, which operate under high pressure, and supplementary equipment; tanks for keeping fuel, lubricants and flammable materials; load-lifting or transportation mechanisms, cranes, and so on [2]. These problems are accelerated to the researchers of Metal chemist and got solutions i.e. Identification of Positive Materials by XRF Techniques of Non Destructive Test and Evaluations (NDE). Often, famously it has called Positive Material Identifications (PMI). It is known that non-destructive control of the composition can be conducted by X-ray analysis and portable compact analyzers have been created for performing analyses under field conditions. Based purely on physical features, X-ray fluorescence analysis is realized in high-quality laboratories. In this present study, we would like to develop a procedure for analyzing some selective industrially used steel products using XRF Spectra i.e. PMI and the same comparatively analyzing by Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) and Wet Chemistry and also verify the obtained results to prove the best one for NDE.