Prison Education Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This special issue of the Journal of Prison Education and Reentry highlights many of the successful outcomes that stem from prison-university partnerships while also presenting a significant insight into the challenging nature of this... more

This special issue of the Journal of Prison Education and Reentry highlights many of the successful outcomes that stem from prison-university partnerships while also presenting a significant insight into the challenging nature of this work. The initiatives reflected on throughout the articles highlight how valuable this work is to learners, educators and institutions in overcoming the long-standing barriers to higher education for people with convictions. Evidently, the collaborative nature of this work is central to possibilities of success. However, as highlighted in this special issue, critical reflection lies at the heart of ensuring that the aims of the programmes can be realised and sustained. Therefore, the issue presents a collection of articles that provide a ‘realistic celebration’ of the projects being undertaken, whereby challenge and adversity reveal themselves to be just as empowering as the rewards experienced.

Why do inmates participate in educational activities? Is it for the main reasons that individuals belonging to general population do, or do the reasons differ significantly? The present study sought to determine the motives that drive... more

Why do inmates participate in educational activities? Is it for the main reasons that individuals belonging to general population do, or do the reasons differ significantly? The present study sought to determine the motives that drive adult prisoners to take part in educational programmes offered in prison. The study took part in Korydallos prison, Greece, with a sample of 72 male prisoners. The results, in alignment with previous research, indicated that escapism from the prison environment and doing something useful that may also contribute to sentence reduction are among the primary factors that guide inmates’ participation in educational programmes. Yet, ‘learning for the sake of learning’ was also identified as a strong motivator (second factor). It also appeared that motivation is largely informed by personal and situational factors, based on identifying differences according to offenders’ educational and professional background. Our findings bear significant implications for the future design and implementation of prison education programmes. However, there are substantial limitations to the present study, calling for further investigation to avoid linear simplifications.

In most Australian correctional jurisdictions, prisoners are not allowed access to the internet precluding them from participating in higher education online. Making the Connection is an Australian government funded project which is... more

In most Australian correctional jurisdictions, prisoners are not allowed access to the internet precluding them from participating in higher education online. Making the Connection is an Australian government funded project which is taking digital technologies, that don't require internet access, into prisons to enable prisoners to enroll in a suite of pre-tertiary and undergraduate programs. A version of the University of Southern Queensland's learning management system has been installed onto the education server of participating prisons. The second stage of the project will see notebook computers preloaded with the learning management system and course materials, allocated to participating prisoners. At the time of writing, the project has been deployed at thirteen sites in Queensland and Western Australia, with a further three sites coming on board in time for semester I 2016 and negotiations underway for further rollout to Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT and the Northern Territory.

All too often, media outlets report on young men who entered Western European prisons as petty criminals and, over time, radicalized, eventually conducting terrorist attacks in the name of ISIS. Today, prisons are viewed as one of the... more

All too often, media outlets report on young men who entered Western European prisons as petty criminals and, over time, radicalized, eventually conducting terrorist attacks in the name of ISIS. Today, prisons are viewed as one of the primary areas of terrorist recruitment in Europe, but this has not always been the case. Merely two decades ago, paramilitary activists deradicalized in Northern Irish prisons, as IRA members transformed into active supporters of the Irish peace process. How did it work? And what can this historical case study teach us about confronting radicalization today?

Using Foucault’s concept of governmentality vis-à-vis Appadurai’s “global ethnoscapes” as frames, I argue for a techno-cultural dimension which brought forth the phenomenon of the “dancing inmates,” an argument against the charge of... more

Using Foucault’s concept of governmentality vis-à-vis Appadurai’s “global ethnoscapes” as frames, I argue for a techno-cultural dimension which brought forth the phenomenon of the “dancing inmates,” an argument against the charge of Filipino colonial mimicry of a Hollywood popular entertainment. Albeit the inmates’ dance routines indeed depict Foucault’s “docile bodies” in his analysis of the modern prison, as pointed out by critics, I am inclined to show how the internet mediation through social media networks awakened a culturally imbibed dance and musical character trait vis-à-vis the jolly cultural disposition of Filipinos. Thus, I view these characteristics as existential responses, hence, ‘creative resilience,’ to the inhuman incarcerating conditions of the prison life through using the art of dance with the aid of media technology. I argue on the role of the internet as the prisoners’ avenue to the outside world that was strategically deprived of them as a form of punishment,...

The imprisonment could not be prejudicial to the right to education, unevadable instrument to attempt a social rehabilitation of the inmate, especially today, when ICT allow to integrate or substitute effectively the traditional classroom... more

The imprisonment could not be prejudicial to the right to education, unevadable instrument to attempt a social rehabilitation of the inmate, especially today, when ICT allow to integrate or substitute effectively the traditional classroom contexts. Moreover, a basic media competence represents by now a part of the cultural capital that cannot be renounced to exercise the citizenship, a profession or own social relationships. Therefore, e-learning and media education represent strategic keys to break convicts' cultural isolation and to prepare successfully their reintegration. The presented paper, a preliminary work for a larger comparative study, means to present the design of the investigation, explaining the theoretical basis for the implementation of media education and e-learning in prison.

This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important... more

This publication is a collection of essential tools for practical ministry in jails and prisons. It includes scores of Christian ministries and other faith-based organizations that offer free Bibles, books, literature, and other important resources for correctional chaplains.

Conference paper for the American Literature Association, May 28, 2016.

Arizona has become the site of a little-noticed literary flowering: it is home to some of the best prison writing in North America. During the last two decades, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Ken Lamberton, and Richard Shelton have converted their... more

Arizona has become the site of a little-noticed literary flowering: it is home to some of the best prison writing in North America. During the last two decades, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Ken Lamberton, and Richard Shelton have converted their experiences with Arizona’s penitentiaries into prize-winning books. No US state can claim a similar cluster of prominent prison writers. Baca has become one of the major voices of Chicano literature; Lamberton writes luminous nature essays and has won the Burroughs Prize; and Shelton’s Crossing the Yard (University of Arizona Press, 2007) is the much-noticed autobiographical capstone of a 30-year career as a volunteer teacher in prisons.

Ahstract The North Carolina Workplace and Community Transition Youth Offender Program (YOP), recentiy renamed the Incarcerated Individuals Program (IPP), has proven to be effective in terms of its growth and expansion, the support of... more

Ahstract The North Carolina Workplace and Community Transition Youth Offender Program (YOP), recentiy renamed the Incarcerated Individuals Program (IPP), has proven to be effective in terms of its growth and expansion, the support of education directors across the correctional facilities, university coiiaboration, student evaluations, and a iow recidivism rate. This artide, drawn from a muitiyear evaluation, explores what has contributed to that effectiveness. There are six major contributing factors: I Case managers activeiy including the YOP into case pians for students. 2. Education directors recognizing the effects the program had on students. 3. instructors keeping on-campus course content in prison courses and accepting the demand to be "real" in their interactions with students. 4. Students articuiating better educationai experiences than ones they had before and using the courseworii to critically understand their situation and, thus, motivate themseives to iearn. 5. Program participation mediating the effects of prison by reducing opportunities to incur infractions and by helping to manage the stigma of prison post-reiease. 6. The program using the annuai evaiuation to improve operations as weil as to understand program outcomes. Analyses of other programs are needed to beüer understand higher education in prison, we thini< the experience ofNC YOP is instructive for other programs in their efforts to promote effectiveness.

Revealing a substantial amount of evidence hitherto missed by pertinent literature reviews, this article sets out to offer a critical appraisal of the empirical research literature on the contributions arts-based programmes may make to... more

Revealing a substantial amount of evidence hitherto missed by pertinent literature reviews, this article sets out to offer a critical appraisal of the empirical research literature on the contributions arts-based programmes may make to the process of desistance from crime. The article begins by focusing on evaluations of arts-based programmes run by practitioners inside prisons, and their effects in terms of three sets of developments that are thought to advance desistance: psychological and attitudinal changes; increased learning capacity and motivations; and social skills building. Our appraisal then proceeds to address the effects of arts-based prison programmes after participants’ release into the community; a theme that has received very limited research attention to date, and even less attention in extant literature reviews. In the next section of the article, we briefly discuss our own evaluation of an arts-based programme that is aimed at prolonging and enhancing desistance through providing former prisoners with opportunities to continue engaging with the arts after release. We conclude with a few short remarks as to the lessons that can be drawn from this article for the design of arts-based programmes in the field of criminal justice.

The Open University (OU) has a long history of championing access to Higher Education for people whose prior experiences of education have not always been positive. In particular, almost since its inception, the OU has supported people... more

The Open University (OU) has a long history of championing access to Higher Education for people whose prior experiences of education have not always been positive. In particular, almost since its inception, the OU has supported people who wish to study for a degree whilst serving a prison sentence, many of whom have had troubled pasts and been excluded from school. In 1974 HMP Wakefield celebrated the first OU prison graduate and since then thousands of students have gained a degree while in prison, with thousands more gaining certificates and diplomas or simply beginning their learning journeys. There are currently almost 1800 OU students in prisons and secure hospitals across the UK, with degree pathways in all Faculties. For many of these students, the OU is life-changing, providing a new perspective on life and an opportunity to become a valued member of society upon release. This chapter discusses the benefits of OU study in prison, stressing the importance of developing the whole person and of having a positive, pro-social student identity. However, there are huge challenges to studying in prison which are also discussed. Key milestones over the last 50 years highlight how legislative changes and rapid advances in digital technologies have influenced delivery over that time. Despite some advances, there is still limited access to digital study materials in prison, most students use offline printed packs, often amounting to several hundred pages, which they study within the confines of a small cell. Yet their academic achievement is on a par with mainstream students, with many earning exceptional results. Continuing to provide a learning experience which is comparable with mainstream students, whilst still adhering to the strict requirements of the secure estate is extremely challenging for the OU. This chapter explores the students’ journey and the practical issues involved in developing and delivering the OU curriculum in prisons and introduces some of the exciting digital opportunities just emerging which may enable many more students in prison to transform their lives.

The majority of prison stations in Malawi are now offering education services to inmates. However, the question that one can ask is; are these schools effectively managed? This study set out to examine the internal effectiveness of the... more

The majority of prison stations in Malawi are now offering education services to inmates. However, the question that one can ask is; are these schools effectively managed? This study set out to examine the internal effectiveness of the management of the education programme in Malawi prisons. The study was conducted at seventeen prison stations in Malawi using a mixed methods research approach; utilising the convergent parallel design. The study involved a total of 243 respondents, drawing from students, teachers, station education coordinators, senior prison officers, as well as the Civil Society Organisations officials. Questionnaires, in-depth interviews, documentary review and observations were used for generating data. The key finding of this study was that the management of Prison Education Programme in Malawi was not effective in terms of its management structures, resources availability and teachers‟ capacities. The study revealed a number of serious challenges that had retrogressive repercussions on the programme. Firstly, the programme was managed by unqualified personnel who hardly had experience and skills in managing an education institution. As a result, the programme was run haphazardly without any policies or guidelines. Secondly, the programme lacked support from authorities hence facing numerous challenges such as lack of enough proper school blocks and having unqualified teachers. From the findings, it was concluded that the management of prison education programme in Malawi was not effective. The implication of the findings of this study is that there is a need for the prison authorities and the Ministry of Education to work together to effectively manage education activities in prisons.

Nell’intento di avvicinare due mondi professionali, carcere e università, passando attraverso la formazione di futuri educatori e pedagogisti, questo saggio si propone di coniugare intersezioni disciplinari per curricula pedagogici aperti... more

Nell’intento di avvicinare due mondi professionali, carcere e università, passando attraverso la formazione di futuri educatori e pedagogisti, questo saggio si propone di coniugare intersezioni disciplinari per curricula pedagogici aperti al penitenziario, anche alla luce del cambiamento normativo avviato a partire dalla cosiddetta ‘proposta di Legge Iori’.

Resumen La música fue utilizada como dispositivo de unidad y control en el funcionamiento cotidiano del sistema penitenciario franquista. A través del semanario Redención –medio de comunicación y propaganda, creado exprofeso para el... more

La música fue utilizada como dispositivo de unidad y control en el funcionamiento cotidiano del sistema penitenciario franquista. A través del semanario Redención –medio de comunicación y propaganda, creado exprofeso para el ámbito penitenciario– puede recogerse y analizarse la presencia y funciones de la música en estos centros de represión. En un sistema de información en el que los medios ordinarios daban de lado las cuestiones carcelarias, el semanario Redención se convirtió en una forma marginal y endogámica de darle salida a un problema que se mantuvo en la clandestinidad pese a formar parte del discurso oficial.
En la elaboración del discurso musical oficial, participaron activamente los presos, generando un repertorio de «intramuros» contribuyendo a un corpus de producción propia, construido sobre las bases y patrones compositivos del repertorio de «extramuros» patrocinado por las autoridades en el ámbito penitenciario.
A lo largo del presente artículo se ofrecerá al lector un análisis de las actuaciones y actividades artístico-musicales recogidas en este periódico en la década de 1939 a 1949, como muestra de la presencia de la música y la utilidad con que fue considerada, como medio para la redención intelectual de la pena, así como fórmula reeducativo de la población reclusa en los valores estéticos, «de buen gusto», ideológico y morales de la España de posguerra.
Palabras clave: Música, franquismo, cárcel, redención.
Music was used as way of controlling the prisoner’s day-to-day in francoist’s prison system. Through the journal Redención the musical activities can be collected and analysed by the researcher, who can interpret the presence and function of music in these centers of repression. In an information system in which the ordinary means gave prison issues aside, the journal redemption became a marginal and inbreeding way to give out a problem that remained in hiding despite part of the official discourse. The prisoners contributed to this way of repression and re-education by creating a musical repertoire built on the foundations and compositional patterns of the musical repertoire which was consumed outside the jails. These activities were strongly sponsored by the main authorities in the penitentiary field who were actively involved in the preparation of the official musical discourse.
This article mains to offer the reader an analysis of the musical activities that appears at the newspaper Redención in the decade from 1939 to 1949, as a sign of the presence of music in these institutions and the utility that was given to it in terms of intellectual worth of redemption, as well as a way of re-education in the aesthetic values for the prison’s population, in line with the ideological and moral premises of postwar Spain.
Keywords: Music, francoism, prison, redemption.

Il volume è rivolto alla formazione di competenze professionali specifiche per educatori penitenziari minorili e coniuga riflessioni teoriche di pedagogia generale e sociale con le attuali politiche in materia di giustizia minorile. Il... more

Il volume è rivolto alla formazione di competenze professionali specifiche per educatori penitenziari minorili e coniuga riflessioni teoriche di pedagogia generale e sociale con le attuali politiche in materia di giustizia minorile. Il modello formativo e applicativo proposto, funzionale a fornire le chiavi di lettura del contesto organizzativo penitenziario minorile, sempre più adultizzato nella sua evoluzione storica e nel suo assetto istituzionale, parte dal tutoring rivolto a studenti di Scienze dell’educazione e mira a evidenziare il nesso tra Prison Education e Adult Education in chiave di Life Long Learning, secondo le politiche sia nazionali che della Comunità Europea.

Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or... more

Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or disallowed in correctional environments. Four universities, all leading distance education providers in the countries in which they are based, are delivering higher education into prisons using technology to varying extents. This paper reports on regional differences in the provision of distance education into prisons, particularly using technology, in Australia, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Nigeria. In these four jurisdictions, there are significant differences in prisoner access to computer hardware, personal devices and to the internet. How these differences impact on the delivery of distance education is explored with an examination of various learning initiatives and lessons learned.

Starting from the semantic and pedagogical value of 'human training' concept, this essay aims to focus, in broad terms, on the importance of a questioning reflection about the role and the perspective of penitentiary educator, between... more

Starting from the semantic and pedagogical value of 'human training' concept, this essay aims to focus, in broad terms, on the importance of a questioning reflection about the role and the perspective of penitentiary educator, between current reality and ideal reality, throughout training intervention process in favor of adult inmates inside Italian prisons.

Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly through media and cinema representations. Therefore, it is very likely these representations... more

Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly through media and cinema representations. Therefore, it is very likely these representations play an important role in formation of our social representation for this matter. Additionally, the audience captivated for issues which are unknown and unreachable and that relate to the criminal behavior and action of institutions of social control of crime, but also to life in prison. In this article we will refer, first to the way of representation of prison in fictional films and television series, secondly the research which have been developed about the relationship between the fictional representation of the prison and the audience’s reception and finally we see what impact have all these to criminal justice community, since research saw that “skilled public” in criminological knowledge share the same perceptions for prison with others.
Key words: prison, fictional representations, reception of audience, social construction, criminological knowledge

This paper focuses on university education in prison. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, it examines the Italian experience of Prison University Campuses. Focusing attention on university education in prison takes the form of a... more

This paper focuses on university education in prison. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, it examines the Italian experience of Prison University Campuses. Focusing attention on university education in prison takes the form of a particularly useful analytical and critical exercise because it permits questioning the distance between prison and society, stereotypes of the prisoner and stereotypes of prison, for example. Furthermore, it allows capturing the transformative effects of “knowledge practices” on the individual and on the system, beyond any rhetoric of treatment.

This essay makes an argument for critical pedagogy as a meaningful approach to transformational teaching and learning in prison education programs. The social structures that are enforced and which allow for the injustices that are... more

This essay makes an argument for critical pedagogy as a meaningful approach to transformational teaching and learning in prison education programs. The social structures that are enforced and which allow for the injustices that are reinforced within the prison system, account for the dehumanization of prisoners in the United States. Freire’s critical pedagogy is the focal point for the argument that re-humanization of prisoners can occur through critical thinking and reflection, which in turn can have a profound effect on prisoners’ post-release outcomes. The question of whether the measurement of successful education should be in monetary terms, or could be held to some other, more meaningful standard is also proposed. An examination of the key factors associated with education in Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed is used to explore the roles of the system, the teacher, the student and the prisoner in both current educational practices and in critical pedagogical practices.

تعتبر المؤسسة السجنية مجالا مغلقا يعرف بناءات ثقافية ومعيارية للمجتمع المصغر الذي يحتوية من خلاله المكانات الجديدة التي يحتلها الفاعلون؛ لذلك سيحاول هذا العمل صبر أغوار مؤسسة السجن وفق مقاربة سوسيو-انتروبولوجية.

Le parole di un padre detenuto che riescono a raggiungere il proprio figlio anche là, oltre le mura del carcere, e quel bambino dentro di sé, quel figlio che egli stesso è stato in passato. Perché non esistono prigioni che possano... more

Le parole di un padre detenuto che riescono a raggiungere il proprio figlio anche là, oltre le mura del carcere, e quel bambino dentro di sé, quel figlio che egli stesso è stato in passato. Perché non esistono prigioni che possano reprimere l'affetto di un genitore.

This paper reports the design, development and implementation of an innovative psycho-educational curriculum currently being offered to remand prisoners in South Australia by the Department for Correctional Service (South Australia). The... more

This paper reports the design, development and implementation of an innovative psycho-educational curriculum currently being offered to remand prisoners in South Australia by the Department for Correctional Service (South Australia). The project is noteworthy given that few programs are available to remand prisoners, and the application of positive psychology concepts and methods in a prison setting. The initial stages of program delivery have confirmed that engaging remand prisoners in psycho-education increases individual’s openness, motivation and readiness to engage in alternative ways of viewing life events that may increase individual’s resilience and problem-solving abilities. This paper highlights that an engagement in psycho-educational curricula in the remand phase may increase the potential for individuals to engage in education and other rehabilitation programs should they subsequently receive a custodial sentence or community-based sanction. Salient questions arise as to whether people released without conviction may benefit from completing psycho-education and reduce further contact with the criminal justice system.

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the lived workplace experiences of adjunct community college faculty in Northern California. The problem is adjunct faculty may experience an institutionalized employment system that... more

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the lived workplace experiences of adjunct community college faculty in Northern California. The problem is adjunct faculty may experience an institutionalized employment system that marginalizes contingent teachers. Using the theoretical framework of institutionalization theory and phenomenological design, interviews were conducted with 22 adjunct instructors. Findings suggest adjunct faculty are a heterogeneous population motivated by a passion for teaching, but the positive attributes associated with their occupation are circumscribed by marginalizing factors. This study concludes with several recommendations for policy changes, implications for leadership, and suggestions for future research.

Following a brief overview of the history of prison education in Canada and the emergence of the Walls to Bridges (W2B) program in 2011 at a women's federal prison in Ontario, this chapter outlines the challenging, critical, and emotional... more

Following a brief overview of the history of prison education in Canada and the emergence of the Walls to Bridges (W2B) program in 2011 at a women's federal prison in Ontario, this chapter outlines the challenging, critical, and emotional journey of the first W2B class offered at the University of Ottawa inside a provincial detention centre. The overall purpose of this chapter is to describe the W2B pro- cess and the experiences that Jennifer Kilty and Sandra Lehalle shared as they arranged, designed, and co-taught the first W2B course offered by the University of Ottawa, which was held inside a provincial detention and remand centre in the province of Ontario (we are not permitted to identify the specific institution). To accomplish this goal, we mobilize the critical reflection journals written by students in the course, as well as the experiences of Rachel Fayter, who participated in several W2B courses while incarcerated in a federal prison in Canada.

The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the systems that were applied occasionally. Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the... more

The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the systems that were applied occasionally.
Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the USA and is scattered in the entire
world. The prisons, internationally, present common characteristics traits as they are: the continuous increase of their population,
the“overpopulation“, the large number of foreigners, pre-judicial people and large majority of men condemned for laws about narcotics,
etc. According to the last record of World Prison Population List, what is based on elements that were available up to in October 2006,
more from 9,25 millions persons are jailed worldwide and most as prejudged despite as condemning. In our country, as in other countries
of Western world, its correctional population increased iniquitous the last fifteen years. In the study that follows we will present tendencies
of incarceration the last decades in Greece compared to other countries and the problems that result from the squalid conditions of
imprisonment and violation of fundamental human rights of inmates.

Il report riferisce i risultati di un progetto realizzato nell'anno 2019 nel carcere di Bologna, in collaborazione con l'istituzione scolastica (CPIA) e l'ufficio del Garante regionale dei detenuti. In qual modo la... more

Il report riferisce i risultati di un progetto realizzato nell'anno 2019 nel carcere di Bologna, in collaborazione con l'istituzione scolastica (CPIA) e l'ufficio del Garante regionale dei detenuti. In qual modo la religiosità/spiritualità interagisce con la vita ristretta? Quali potenzialità e criticità emergono dal recupero della dimensione religiosa in carcere? Come intervenire sul piano educativo (quindi non direttamente confessionale) nel rapporto con le religioni/spiritualità dei detenuti? Si tratta di un progetto pilota che si spera di estendere ad altre realtà, in carcere e fuori.

Under the Nigerian criminal justice system, Bail has been admitted to be free , yet one queries whether Bail is really free indeed? In this article, the Nigerian courts have on a good number of cases highlighted their views on bail... more

Under the Nigerian criminal justice system, Bail has been admitted to be free , yet one queries whether Bail is really free indeed? In this article, the Nigerian courts have on a good number of cases highlighted their views on bail application in Nigeria, and as such made notable pronunciations on bail application which will be beneficial to any applicant. Please for further inquiry or clarification on bail application in Nigeria, do not hesitate to contact the writer.

Στην Αμερική έχει καθιερωθεί το πρόγραμμα PEP, που αναλαμβάνει να συνδέσει επιτυχημένους επιχειρηματίες (μέντορες) με φυλακισμένους, ώστε να αξιοποιήσουν ορθώς τις καλύτερες δεξιότητες τους. Εκτός από τις ζωές των κρατουμένων,... more

Στην Αμερική έχει καθιερωθεί το πρόγραμμα PEP, που αναλαμβάνει να συνδέσει επιτυχημένους επιχειρηματίες (μέντορες) με φυλακισμένους, ώστε να αξιοποιήσουν ορθώς τις καλύτερες δεξιότητες τους. Εκτός από τις ζωές των κρατουμένων, μεταμορφώνουν τις φυλακές σε εκκολαπτήρια επιχειρήσεων. Είναι κοινώς αποδεκτό πως ο σημαντικότερος πόρος στις επιχειρήσεις είναι ο χρόνος που αφιερώνουν οι εργαζόμενοι, αλλά σχεδόν ποτέ αυτός δεν είναι αρκετός για τις ανάγκες του οργανισμού. Αυτό ακριβώς είναι που έχουν οι κρατούμενοι μίας φυλακής άφθονο, τον οποίο αν τον εκμεταλλευτούν σωστά, θα ωφεληθούν οι ίδιοι, η κοινωνία, και ίσως κάποιες επιχειρήσεις. Στο Χιούστον μόνο, το πρόγραμμα έχει βοηθήσει 1400 φυλακισμένους, εκ εκ των οποίων το 100% βρήκε δουλειά εντός τριών μηνών από την αποφυλάκιση τους. Όταν κάποιοι αποφυλακιστούν, αρχίζουν από το μηδέν, χωρίς δουλειά, με μία κακή φήμη να τους ακολουθεί, λίγα χρήματα, και πολύ μικρές πιθανότητες ανάκαμψης. Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται ένα πρόγραμμα που υλοποιήθηκε το 2017 στις φυλακές Γρεβενών.

Engaging prisoners in education is one of range of measures that could alleviate risk in prisons. For prisoners, the main challenge with incarceration is monotony, often leading to frustration, raising the risk of injury for staff and... more

Engaging prisoners in education is one of range of measures that could alleviate risk in prisons. For prisoners, the main challenge with incarceration is monotony, often leading to frustration, raising the risk of injury for staff and other prisoners. This article investigates how prisoner engagement in education can help alleviate risk in prisons through relieving monotony and by promoting critical thinking skills. It concludes by exploring projects undertaken in Australia and the UK to introduce digital technologies into prisons to allow access to higher education. This increased access to learning could help realize the benefits of reduced risk and decreased recidivism rates.