Rural Archaeology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The aim of this joint paper is to analyse the often conflicting archaeological, historical and literary evidence relating to the moated site at Cloonfree in Co. Roscommon in order to create a picture of how the site appeared during the... more

The aim of this joint paper is to analyse the often conflicting archaeological, historical and literary evidence relating to the moated site at Cloonfree in Co. Roscommon in order to create a picture of how the site appeared during the time it was in use during the early 14th century. Questions both for future work at the site and for later medieval Ireland in general will also be formulated in the text.

Archaeological excavations are currently active at Orgeres - La Thuile in the Aosta Valley (NW Italy). The efforts from both academic players and local policy makers are addressed to operate an inclusive synergy, where excavations are the... more

Archaeological excavations are currently active at Orgeres - La Thuile in the Aosta Valley (NW Italy). The efforts from both academic players and local policy makers are addressed to operate an inclusive synergy, where excavations are the focus around which research, didactic, local business and tourism can rotate to generate mutual benefits. The declared research goal is to look for traces suggesting reading keys useful to describe ancient occupations of the area. In spite of the well-known applications of Geomatics in archaeology, in this work authors explicitly intend to make clear the high potentialities resident in those geographical data, generally released for free from institutional players by Geoportals, that were not specifically intended for an archaeological use. In the case study here presented some suggestions are given about the possibility of jointly using medium density point clouds from ALS, aerial hyperspectral images, high resolution true colour RGB aerial digital orthoimages. Presented results are preliminary.

The divers specialised studies of the Bréviandes watermill have yielded precise information on how the milling installation was operated and its environment. It was built with oak posts felled in 1115 along an ancient, silted up meander... more

The divers specialised studies of the Bréviandes watermill have yielded precise information on how the milling installation was operated and its environment. It was built with oak posts felled in 1115 along an ancient, silted up meander of the Seine River. The meander was reactivated after cleaning. The foundation probably served to maintain the vanes and platforms of two different mills located to either side of the channel. The millstone fragments correspond to a lower stone and three or four upper stones, two of which retained phytoliths of barley. The lifetime of this facility was probably short, because no repairs were observed following the fire that appears to have provoked the collapse of the north platform.

An archaeological excavation was carried out at De La Beche, Aldworth following an evaluation, which had previously identified the remains of a possible building. The excavation revealed two phases of buildings dating from the 12th... more

An archaeological excavation was carried out at De La Beche, Aldworth following an evaluation, which had previously identified the remains of a possible building. The excavation revealed two phases of buildings dating from the 12th century and the 13th century. Little of the earlier building survived. The later building had two internal surfaces: a beaten-earth floor and a cobbled area, both of which were probably roofed over. In addition, a apparently external drain, parallel to the walls, was investigated. Berkshire Archaeological Research Group carried out a resistivity survey with inconclusive results. The second structure excavated was probably an ancillary building to the manor complex built in the middle of the 13th century, and which was then demolished at an unknown point in the course of probably the 14th or possibly 15th century.

The rural sites of the Middle Bronze Age have not received much scholarly attention. A number of sites were excavated over the years, however, and the accumulating data allows a discussion of Middle Bronze Age rural communities. An... more

The rural sites of the Middle Bronze Age have not received much scholarly attention. A number of sites were excavated over the years, however, and the accumulating data allows a discussion of Middle Bronze Age rural communities. An analysis of the archaeological evidence indicates that the villages can be divided into two main groups. An in-depth examination of the archaeological data, in light of ethnographic and historical data, suggests that these villages should be interpreted as belonging to the following types: A few villages, exhibiting a surprisingly high standard of living, should be viewed as ‘independent’ villages. Other villages were ‘owned’ by a person/family or by an institution. The latter is divided into two subtypes depending on whether the landlord was present or absent. In the first, poor dwellings were the norm, but one can identify an outstanding structure, greatly surpassing the rest, that hosted the landlord. The second type is characterized by poor standards of living throughout the site, as all the surpluses were sent outside and left the village.

Questo lavoro riassume e presenta i risultati di tre anni di ricerche condotte nei territori dell’Appenino Tosco-Emiliano, con particolare attenzione per le zone comprese entro i limiti della provincia di Reggio Emilia. L’oggetto... more

Questo lavoro riassume e presenta i risultati di tre anni di ricerche condotte nei territori dell’Appenino Tosco-Emiliano, con particolare attenzione per le zone comprese entro i limiti della provincia di Reggio Emilia. L’oggetto principale dell’indagine sono le architetture domestiche medievali, tanto quelle ancora conservate in elevato quanto quelle emerse nel corso delle campagne di scavo archeologico, da quelle più risalenti nel tempo fino alla svolta tardomedievale. L’attenzione è stata rivolta non solo a uno studio tipologico dei modelli architettonici e alla loro evoluzione, ma anche alla comprensione del potenziale bacino di informazioni che questo particolare tipo di fonte rappresenta per la storia sociale, economica, insediativa e culturale del territorio. Si tratta in sostanza di uno studio di archeologia dell’architettura che non intende limitarsi ai temi classici, bensì si propone come punto di incontro tra l’analisi degli alzati e l’archeologia del paesaggio.
Attraverso lo studio intrecciato tra testimonianze archeologiche e fonti scritte si sono messe in luce alcune peculiarità insediative proprie dell’Appennino reggiano, derivanti dagli eventi che hanno plasmato le comunità umane che lo hanno abitato nel corso dei secoli medievali. L’estensione dei metodi propri dell’archeologia degli alzati, già abbondantemente impiegati nello studio di chiese e castelli, alle strutture cosiddette “minori” del paesaggio architettonico ha consentito di comprendere con maggiore chiarezza le relazioni e le strutture sociali che si vennero a determinare, di volta in volta, a fronte dei mutamenti degli assetti politici del territorio.

Das Projekt, das in der Siedlung von Ilkizes in der Nähe von Styra auf der Insel Euböa durchgeführt wird, konzentriert sich auf eine besondere Art ländlicher Bauten, die so genannten Drakospita (Drachenhäuser).

The work deals with the problem of the role of cults in defining and preserving ethnic and cultural identity. In particular it is focused on the question of the continuity and change of local religioustraditionsin Persian and... more

The work deals with the problem of the role of cults in defining and preserving ethnic
and cultural identity. In particular it is focused on the question of the continuity and change
of local religioustraditionsin Persian and Hellenistic rural innersouthern Phoenicia. During
these periods peoples of the hilly country of the inland of Tyre lived the experience of the
comparison with the vivid and multicultural coastal society, characterized by the presence
of strong Egyptian and Greek influence, well recognizable in different aspects of the artistic
production and material culture. Using what Jean-Loup Amselle calls the “démarche
discontinuiste”, that is to analyse human activities focusing on the identification of what is
indistinct instead of what is well defined and classified, we will present the documentation
of the rural sanctuary of Kharayeb, founded around the sixth – fifth century and remained
in use until the first cent. B.C.

Nouvel 2005b = NOUVEL (P.) – Chronique archéologique des travaux menés dans la région de Noyers-sur-Serein (2002-2005) Bulletin de la Société Archéologique et Historique du Tonnerrois, 55, 2005 (2006), p. 3-16.

Οι κατοικίες της κερκυραϊκής υπαίθρου, από την αρχαιότητα έως το α΄ μισό του 20ου αι., διαθέτουν χαρακτηριστικά, τα οποία λειτουργούν συμβολικά και καταδεικνύουν την κοινωνική θέση των ιδιοκτητών τους. Τέτοια είναι η τοποθεσία, το... more

Οι κατοικίες της κερκυραϊκής υπαίθρου, από την αρχαιότητα έως το α΄ μισό του 20ου αι., διαθέτουν χαρακτηριστικά, τα οποία λειτουργούν συμβολικά και καταδεικνύουν την κοινωνική θέση των ιδιοκτητών τους. Τέτοια είναι η τοποθεσία, το μέγεθος, τα υλικά δομής, οι αρχιτεκτονικές λεπτομέρειες, η οικοσκευή κ.α. Στο παρόν άρθρο τα χαρακτηριστικά αυτά εντοπίζονται σε αντιπροσωπευτικά δείγματα αρχαίων οικιών που έχουν έρθει στο φως με την ανασκαφή, καθώς και σε νεότερα ιστορικά κτήρια που σώζονται σήμερα, είτε ερειπωμένα είτε σε χρήση, στους παραδοσιακούς οικισμούς της Κέρκυρας.

Since 17th century due to the conversion of agriculture to capitalism, in the Po valley the cascina (a courtyard farm) established itself as an agrarian production centre, evolving into a multifunctional structure closely connected with... more

Since 17th century due to the conversion of agriculture to capitalism, in the Po valley the cascina (a courtyard farm) established itself as an agrarian production centre, evolving into a multifunctional structure closely connected with territory. It was often self-sufficient social centre, thanks to the presence of agricultural activities, breeding and food processing, as well as services (school, church).
In the second half of 20th century, agricultural mechanization and industrial development caused a severe decrease of agricultural employees, originating rural areas depopulation and farmsteads abandonment; therefore the lack of maintenance originated a gradual degradation and many constructions turned to ruin.
Nowadays neglected agrarian buildings represent a real agricultural archaeology heritage, that connotes Po valley landscape and recalls the archetype of rural life.
Since the 1990s, a growing nostalgia of rural lifestyle has developed, following by the development of agrarian estate refurbishments as permanent or holiday homes; but the lack of a common technical culture of restoration brought to disrespectful works.
Safeguard and valorisation strategies shouldn’t be based only on cultural interest declaration, that concerns emerging goods and not widespread heritage: it is essential to raise users’ and technicians’ awareness; provincial and regional authorities should issue guidelines for drawing up local planning instruments, that encourage more respectful actions also through incentives or tax relief.

Cette contribution s'attache à présenter les derniers acquis de l'archéologie languedocienne dédiée au premier Moyen Âge. Elle met en lumière tes apports spécifiques de l'archéologie programmée développée dans les zones de marge... more

Cette contribution s'attache à présenter les derniers acquis de l'archéologie languedocienne dédiée au premier Moyen Âge. Elle met en lumière tes apports spécifiques de l'archéologie programmée développée dans les zones de marge actuelles, garrigue, causse et relief, notamment sur ces établissements perchés et fortifiés qui se multiplient au cours des années 470-530 mais aussi sur des types d'habitat plus discrets, parfois temporaires. Elle souligne encore les nouvelles avancées de l'archéologie préventive désormais mieux installée qui se déploie davantage dans les zones de plaine et les périphéries urbaines à la faveur des grands travaux d'aménagement du territoire. Si le constat d'une grande diversité de situation est de mise, l'essor des travaux réalisés permet d'engager une réflexion sur la dynamique générale des plaques de peuplement étudiées à une échelle micro-régionale, sur les mobilités et la durabilité des habitats mais aussi sur les jeux d’échelles pratiqués.

vessels and decorative items. Catalogue (Karmen Farac, Ivan Radman-Livaja) 4.4. Novac i katalog / Coins and the catalogue (Anja Bertol) 4.5. Tragovi metalurgije / Traces of metallurgical activity (Kristina Jelinčić Vučković) 4.6.... more

vessels and decorative items. Catalogue (Karmen Farac, Ivan Radman-Livaja)
4.4. Novac i katalog / Coins and the catalogue (Anja Bertol)
4.5. Tragovi metalurgije / Traces of metallurgical activity (Kristina Jelinčić Vučković)
4.6. Predmeti izrađeni od kamena, katalog / Stone items, catalogue ( Josip Halamić, Kristina Jelinčić
4.7. Table pokretne arheološke građe po cjelinama / Tables of movable archaeological findings by
III dio / Part III
5. Arheobotanički i arheozoološki nalazi: prehrambene navike; uzgoj biljaka i životinja na lokalitetu
Virovitica Kiškorija jug / Archaeobotanical and archaeozoological finds: dietary habits; cultivation of
plants and animal husbandry at the site of Virovitica Kiškorija South
5.1. Životinjski ostaci iz rimskog i ranosrednjovjekovnog naselja na nalazištu Virovitica Kiškorija Jug (Siniša
Radović) / Animal remains from the Roman and early medieval settlements at the Virovitica Kiškorija South
5.2. Biljni ostaci iz antičkog i srednjovjekovnog naselja na lokalitetu Virovitica Kiškorija Jug / Plant remains
from the Roman and early medieval settlement at the site Virovitica Kiškorija South (Renata Šoštarić)
5.3. Interpretacija arheobotaničkih i arheozooloških nalaza iz rimskog konteksta prema povijesnim izvorima
/ Interpretation of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological finds from Roman contexts according to
historical sources (Ivana Ožanić Roguljić)
6. Virovitica Kiškorija Jug u ranom srednjem vijeku / Virovitica Kiškorija South during the early Middle ages
(Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Tatjana Tkalčec)
IV dio / Part IV
7. Virovitica Kiškorija Jug: primjer rimskog sela u Gornjoj Panoniji / Virovitica Kiškorija South: example of
Roman village in the Upper Pannonia
V dio
8. Popis literature i antičkih izvora / Bibliography and a list of ancient sources
9. Podaci o suradnicima na knjizi / Information on associates

This volume, second in a series of publications devoted to Panskoye I, presents the results of the 1969-1986 excavations in the necropolis of this important rural settlement in the territory of Tauric Chersonesos, north-western Crimea.... more

This volume, second in a series of publications devoted to Panskoye I, presents the results of the 1969-1986 excavations in the necropolis of this important rural settlement in the territory of Tauric Chersonesos, north-western Crimea. The tombs of Panskoye cover the whole chronological spectrum of the site, ranging in date from the late fifth century to around 270 BC. The tomb structures and burial rites as well as anthropological data strongly suggest that the population of this settlement was of a complex and mixed character, which, along with the Greek peasants, is likely to have included Scythian and Taurian components.

This paper discusses the results of a field-survey carried out at a site in central-south Sicily (Contrada Cimia, Mazzarino) previously unknown to scholars. The aim is to provide complementary data for the diachronic evolution of the... more

This paper discusses the results of a field-survey carried out at a site in central-south Sicily (Contrada Cimia, Mazzarino) previously unknown to scholars. The aim is to provide complementary data for the diachronic evolution of the settlement patterns in this area, filling a gap between major sites which have been the focus of recent archaeological research (Philosophiana, Villa del Casale, etc). Sporadic or minor evidence of human activity at this site dates to classical Greek period, early Roman Empire, and to the first two centuries of Byzantine rule on the island (6th-7th cc). However, it was only during the Norman period (11th-12th cc.) that the settlement at Cimia became an actual rural village, whose size probably exceeded 7 hectares. The explanations for the establishment ex novo of this village are multiple and likely linked to both the great quality of this water-rich agricultural catchment-area, and to its strategic position within the network of roads crossing central-south Sicily during the Norman period.

Of the thirty-eight coins found during the excavation of Field D at Tell Jawa, near Amman in Jordan, thirty-five come from one hoard of early Islamic copper alloy coins (Arabic: fulus, singular Fals). The hoard was found in Room 605,... more

Of the thirty-eight coins found during the excavation of Field D at Tell Jawa, near Amman in Jordan, thirty-five come from one hoard of early Islamic copper alloy coins (Arabic: fulus, singular Fals). The hoard was found in Room 605, identified as a kitchen, of Building 600, and comprised six unequal groups (termed 'stacks') totaling twenty-six coins and nine single finds. Associated with the hoard were traces of fabric. As the early Islamic hoard constitutes the most significant numismatic find at Tall Jawa, it is dealt with in some detail in this chapter.

650 years ago, members of the Upper Lusatian League burned the city of Nowoszów, along with the castle Neuhaus built by Duke Bolko II. Apparently, the traces of it were still visible in the last century, but the knowledge about its... more

650 years ago, members of the Upper Lusatian League burned the city of Nowoszów, along with the castle Neuhaus built by Duke Bolko II. Apparently, the traces of it were still visible in the last century, but the knowledge about its location has not survived to the present day.
Using basic research methods, such as querying and analyzing of archives and literature, analyzing LiDAR data, surface survey, excavations, artefacts‘ chronological and formal analysis, and geophysical survey, the site has been thoroughly examined.
As a result of the conducted activities, the usefulness of individual research methods was verified, the layout of the village and functions of some buildings were recognized, and probably the court of Bolko II was located.

The study presented here is part of a wider context of historical ecology and rural archaeology research projects carried out by the Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale (LASA, Dafist-Distav) of Genoa University. In particular,... more

The study presented here is part of a wider context of historical ecology and rural archaeology research projects carried out by the Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale (LASA, Dafist-Distav) of Genoa University. In particular, our contribution is focused on the reconstruction of agricultural practices connected to the historical transformation of breeding systems in the Ligurian and north-eastern Italian mountains since the second half of XIX century. The close connection between changes in agricultural systems (including animal breeding) and the overall settlements’ and inhabitants’ historical
transformations is also underlined.
The different methodologies are illustrated by two case-studies belonging to transhumance movements widespread in the Ligurian landscape. The first one, Casanova di Rovegno, was characterised by wooded-meadow pastures used during the summer season, while the second one, Riomaggiore, allowed to document evidences of sweet chestnut grove utilised for winter pastures.
Based on the discussion of the case studies, this contribution will
problems connected to the identification of specific markers (archaeological and palynological) of pastoral practices, and of the suitable exchange between the several sources of investigation taken into consideration.