Schlösser Research Papers - (original) (raw)
- by and +1
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- Castle Studies, Frühe Neuzeit, Castles and Fortifications, Archäologie
Oliver Fries/Robert Kuttig THE CHAPEL AT SCHALLABURG CASTLE. RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE BUILDING 2009–2015 Since 2009, the Schallaburg has been the object of investigations of the history of the building by the... more
Oliver Fries/Robert Kuttig
Since 2009, the Schallaburg has been the object of investigations
of the history of the building by the authors in
parallel with building activity. The particular focus of this
research is on the chapel, in part built on the foundations
of an older religious building in the form of a rotunda. The
chapel dates from a high-medieval building period and was
constructed around 1100 or in the early 12th century. However,
the chapel is not part of the original elements of the highmedieval
castle. In order to build the chapel, a part of the
enclosing wall from the first phase of construction was demolished
and the chapel located on the wall such that the apse
of the approx. 7.20 by 11 metre hall protrudes beyond the
building line of the outer wall. In a subsequent high-medieval
building stage, a three-nave hall crypt was inserted in the
lower storey of the chapel, part of which was lost during
building work in the 19th century. In the years around 1500,
the chapel was extended towards the west with a gallery in
the upper storey and a gable top on ashlar consoles. In the
Counterreformation, efforts were made to establish the chapel
as a church in its own right. Today there is no trace of the
Baroque ornamentation, of which particular mention should
be made of the altar painting dated 1665 by the famous
painter and topographer Clemens Beuttler. During the renovation
of the Schallaburg between 1968 and 1974 under Wilhelm
Zotti, the remains of the altar table against the south
wall of the chapel were removed and the remains of the
tomb of Hans Wilhelm von Losenstein formerly dispersed
in Loosdorf parish church were reassembled and re-erected
in the upper storey of the chapel in 1974.
Wolfgang Wüst, Schwäbischer Adel nach dem Ende des Alten Reiches: Regionales Bewahren und Gestalten, in: Peter Fassl/ Rainer Jehl (Hg.), Schwaben im Hl. Römischen Reich und das Reich in Schwaben. Studien zur geistigen Landkarte Schwabens,... more
- by Wolfgang Wüst
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- Europa, Altes Reich, Burgen, Schlösser
Le nouveau château de Beaufort, qui fut construit a côté des ruines du château médiéval, et qui était la résidence des familles propriétaires depuis sa construction en 1649 jusqu’en 2012, n’a jamais été ouvert au public. Depuis 2013, ojn... more
Le nouveau château de Beaufort, qui fut construit a côté des ruines du château médiéval, et qui était la résidence des familles propriétaires depuis sa construction en 1649 jusqu’en 2012, n’a jamais été ouvert au public. Depuis 2013, ojn peut visiter le château avec le mobilier des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Le château de Beaufort a la réputation d’être le plus beau château de style Renaissance du XVIIe siècle au Luxembourg. Dans cet article, on trouvera un résumé des dernières recherches et d'autres conclusions.
The goal to perform the historical and tourism analysis of a little-known Pniv castle, which is located near Nadvirna town in Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine), has been set by the author of the article. The analysis has been made on the... more
The goal to perform the historical and tourism analysis of a little-known Pniv castle, which is located near Nadvirna town in Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine), has been set by the author of the article. The analysis has been made on the basis of use of four descriptive characteristics: natural and geographical; historical and cultural; infrastructural; informational. The natural and geographical group includes the morphological features of the monument's construction; the hydrological characteristics of the territory; location near the objects of the natural reserve fund; presence of the complex of handmade recreational forests near the castle, landscaped parks or gardens; aggregate indicators of natural and geographical location of the castle. The historical and cultural component is described by the degree of physical preservation; the level of historical significance; the degree of cultural value, the indicator of architectural and stylistic value; the availability of saved elements from historic defensive systems. The infrastructural group contains the description of the transport accessibility; the availability of accommodation facilities; food establishments, museum institutions, specialized souvenir shops and stalls. Finally, the informational part consists of the castle's integration to tourism routes; the organization of touristic promotional campaigns, exhibitions and fairs; the availability of informational and advertising data; the coverage rank in scientific tourism profiles and the availability of touristic information on the Internet. Consequently, the historical and touristic analysis has showed that Pniv castle has high recreational potential, which is generated through the combination of unique elements of natural and geographical localization (combined type of landscape) and the specific historical and cultural features of the object (original architectural style of the defensive system). At the same time problematic aspects of the current state of Pniv castle are: the low level of general and special touristic infrastructure, low degree of informational and touristic promotion.
Beschreibung und Rundgang durch die zwischen 1015 und 1650 in vier Bauperioden entstandene und erweiterte mittelalterliche Burg Beaufort mit ihren verschiedenen Baustilen der Romanik, Gotik und Renaissance, und durch das über 370 Jahre... more
Beschreibung und Rundgang durch die zwischen 1015 und 1650 in vier Bauperioden entstandene und erweiterte mittelalterliche Burg Beaufort mit ihren verschiedenen Baustilen der Romanik, Gotik und Renaissance, und durch das über 370 Jahre alte vierflügelige Schloss im Stil der französischen Renaissance, mit seinen imposant möblierten Räumlichkeiten, Gärten, Stallungen und der Brennerei. Es folgt eine Zusammenfassung der Geschichte und Bewohner von Burg und Schloss Beaufort in alter und neuer Zeit. (Die Broschüre ist auch in französischer, englischer und niederländischer Sprache erschienen.)
Die laufende Studie untersucht mit den Methoden der historischen Bauforschung bis zu elf ausgewählte Herrenhäuser der Ostoberlausitz (im geografischen Rahmen des frühneuzeitlichen Görlitzer Kreises). Durch Archivrecherchen in Polen und... more
Die laufende Studie untersucht mit den Methoden der historischen Bauforschung bis zu elf ausgewählte Herrenhäuser der Ostoberlausitz (im geografischen Rahmen des frühneuzeitlichen Görlitzer Kreises). Durch Archivrecherchen in Polen und Deutschland, sowie Vergleichsanalysen werden Erkenntnisse über den jeweiligen Kulturkontext, die Architekturentwicklung, Bauprozesse und Besonderheiten der Baukunst in der Region herausgestellt, damit gesichert und zugänglich gemacht.
Schloss Buoans im Kanton Zug. Geschichte eines Wegkreuzes im Park von Schloss Buonas (Risch), Roche Forum. History of Schloss Buonas in Risch, Kanton Zug. Artikel in Tugium 33/2017
- by Daniel Schulz
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- History, Castles, Geschichte, Stadt Zug
Parks, Gärten und Gutshäuser bilden magische Anziehungspunkte für Besucher im gesamten Land Brandenburg. Das vorliegende reich illustrierte Inventar erfasst die im Landeshauptarchiv überlieferten Akten, Karten, Baubeschreibungen, Pläne... more
Parks, Gärten und Gutshäuser bilden magische Anziehungspunkte für Besucher im gesamten Land Brandenburg. Das vorliegende reich illustrierte Inventar erfasst die im Landeshauptarchiv überlieferten Akten, Karten, Baubeschreibungen, Pläne und Abbildungen zu Gutshäusern, ihren Wirtschaftsgebäuden und den ausgedehnten Garten- und Parkanlagen. Unter den 5.000 Einträgen zu über 800 brandenburgischen Gütern finden sich die bekannten Hohenzollernschlösser in Potsdam und Oranienburg ebenso wie die Herrensitze in Boitzenburg, Neuhardenberg, Wiepersdorf, Bad Muskau oder Branitz.
Eine Begleitausstellung zum selben Thema, organisiert im Rahmen des Kulturlandjahres „Landschaft und Gärten“, wird im Oktober im Landtag in Potsdam eröffnet. Der Band ist unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Bauherren, Denkmalpfleger und für alle an Architektur- und Landesgeschichte Interessierte.
The article analyzes problems of the tourism and excursion use of the castle architecture in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the era of independence of the Ukraine. The main groups of negative points were identified. They were structured... more
The article analyzes problems of the tourism and excursion use of the castle architecture in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the
era of independence of the Ukraine. The main groups of negative points were identified. They were structured into several
groups, which base on the principle of the conditionality. There are theoretical and methodological, organizational and legal,
functional, socioeconomic, informational and promotional, environmental groups of problems. The theoretical and
methodological problems cover the complex of scientific imperfections of the tourist using of castles and concern to
terminological, classificational and methodological issues. The organizational and legal problems include ineffective level of the
base of regulatory and legislative acts, lack of clearly prescribed legal regulation of the state support, protection and regulation
during the recreational using of castle. The group of functional problems reflects on the imbalance of degrees of the preservation
and adaptation of castle buildings, determines deficiencies and negativity of the restoration works. The socioeconomic group of
problems concerns to negative trends in the development of the tourism infrastructure, finding of funding sources and attracting
investment. The informational and promotional group characterizes negative trends of the informational and advertising
support, describes the prevalence of tourist materials, marketing promotion of castles as recreational destinations, development
of excursion and tourist routes. The environmental group of problems reflects negative environmental and natural phenomena in
the process of recreational using of castles and their adjoining areas, harmful effects of the recreation on nearby ecosystems and
landscapes, the anthropological contamination during the visit.
Keywords: Ivano-Frankivsk region, castle, castle building, problem, touristic and recreational adaptation