Second Order Research Papers - (original) (raw)

RIASSUNTO L'eccessivo sfruttamento degli acquiferi carsici del Salento ha prodotto, da tempo, l'insorgere del fenomeno della salsificazione delle acque di falda. L'uso di acque salmastre per l'irriga-zione delle... more

RIASSUNTO L'eccessivo sfruttamento degli acquiferi carsici del Salento ha prodotto, da tempo, l'insorgere del fenomeno della salsificazione delle acque di falda. L'uso di acque salmastre per l'irriga-zione delle colture può determinare, nel lungo termine, la perdita del ...

With such a general model, one cannot obtain numerical results, but one can obtain general results which appear to correspond to some of the peculiar properties of liquid helium. Eq. (1) is not the exact Hamiltonian; it can be derived... more

With such a general model, one cannot obtain numerical results, but one can obtain general results which appear to correspond to some of the peculiar properties of liquid helium. Eq. (1) is not the exact Hamiltonian; it can be derived from the Hamil- tonian of a system of ...

There are two popular hypotheses to explain extinctions at the end of the last ice age, Climate Change and Overkill (humans hunting herbivores to extinction); each has significant problems. Some have suggested that the two hypotheses in... more

There are two popular hypotheses to explain extinctions at the end of the last ice age, Climate Change and Overkill (humans hunting herbivores to extinction); each has significant problems. Some have suggested that the two hypotheses in combination would yield a stronger explanation. The Pleistocene Extinction Model (PEM)(Whitney-Smith, 1991, 2003) was originally developed to test a third hypothesis, Second Order

We will show that if the kernel K(x, t) in the representation f(t) = R a 0 K(x, t)u(t)dqt, with u ∈ L 2 q(0, a), is a solution of a second order q-Sturm-Liouville boundary problem, then f admits a representation as a sampling formula of... more

We will show that if the kernel K(x, t) in the representation f(t) = R a 0 K(x, t)u(t)dqt, with u ∈ L 2 q(0, a), is a solution of a second order q-Sturm-Liouville boundary problem, then f admits a representation as a sampling formula of the form f(t) = P∞ n=0 f(λn)W(t)/(W '(λn)(t − λn)) where λn is the nth eigenvalue of the associated q-Sturm-Liouville boundary problem and W(t) is the Wronskian of two solutions selected in a specified way.

The purpose of this paper is to show the impact of design details on the performances of a Second Order Single Loop Delta-Sigma A/D CMOS converter, specified for 16 bit resolution and 15 bit linearity in the 0-4 kHz band with 2 MHz clock... more

The purpose of this paper is to show the impact of design details on the performances of a Second Order Single Loop Delta-Sigma A/D CMOS converter, specified for 16 bit resolution and 15 bit linearity in the 0-4 kHz band with 2 MHz clock frequency, taking into account +/- 3 ¿ dispersion due to process variations. Effect of MOS transistors noise, aliasing mechanisms and influence of crosstalks on quantization noise-shaping are analysed. Techniques used to improve dynamic range, to reduce electronic noise and to achieve a good shaping of quantization noise are discussed. Results from two practical realizations1 which use the same Sigma-Delta structure, the same 2-¿m 5-V CMOS process, but which respectively do not include and include above techniques, are compared.

Hydrochlorous acid bleaches c-phycocyanin visible absorbance with a second-order rate constant (pH 7.4) of 1.3x10(3) M(-1) s(-1). In excess of protein, ca. 0.16 bilin moieties are disrupted by each reacted HOCl molecule. This indicates... more

Hydrochlorous acid bleaches c-phycocyanin visible absorbance with a second-order rate constant (pH 7.4) of 1.3x10(3) M(-1) s(-1). In excess of protein, ca. 0.16 bilin moieties are disrupted by each reacted HOCl molecule. This indicates that the main reaction takes place at the apoprotein level, with a total rate constant (in monomeric units concentration) of 2.5x10(4) M(-1) s(-1). This rate constant is too low to provide protection to other biomolecules under physiological conditions. The reported antiinflammatory properties of phycocyanin are not then related to the removal of HOCl. On the other hand, the rather slow reaction rate with HOCI could be beneficial to its role as antiinflammatory agent since it will allow the protein to maintain its integrity at the inflammation locus.