Silicon Research Papers - (original) (raw)

We have investigated the effects of deep hydrogen implantation into n- and p-type silicon wafers ((100) oriented, with resistivity in the 1-20 !"cm range) . Deep implantation has been achieved using the Hitachi-AccSys PL-7 RF LINAC... more

We have investigated the effects of deep hydrogen implantation into n- and p-type silicon wafers ((100) oriented, with resistivity in the 1-20 !"cm range) . Deep implantation has been achieved using the Hitachi-AccSys PL-7 RF LINAC set for 3.0 MeV beam energy, degraded to 1.8 MeV. Hydrogen has been implanted 30 #m below the wafer surface with an implant dose (fluence) >5x10 15 cm -2 . Samples were partly covered by a metal mask during implant. Porous silicon has been formed on the exposed samples to study the effect of hydrogen irradiation. We have found that porous silicon formation is inhibited in the irradiated areas on p-type silicon and promoted on the n-type one.

Graphene has attracted great interest for its superior physical, chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties that enable a wide range of applications from electronics to nanoelectromechanical systems. Functionalization is among the... more

Graphene has attracted great interest for its superior physical, chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties that enable a wide range of applications from electronics to nanoelectromechanical systems. Functionalization is among the significant vectors that drive graphene towards technological applications. While the physical properties of graphene have been at the center of attention, we still lack the knowledge framework for targeted graphene functionalization. In this critical review, we describe some of the important ...

The prolonged and localized delivery of nitric oxide (NO), a potent antithrombotic and antimicrobial agent, has many potential biomedical applications. In this work, the origin of the long-term storage stability and sustained NO release... more

The prolonged and localized delivery of nitric oxide (NO), a potent antithrombotic and antimicrobial agent, has many potential biomedical applications. In this work, the origin of the long-term storage stability and sustained NO release mechanism of S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D-penicillamine (SNAP)-doped CarboSil 20 80A polymer, a biomedical thermoplastic silicone-polycarbonate-urethane, is explored. Long-term (22 d) localized NO release is achieved by utilizing a cross-linked silicone rubber as topcoats, which can greatly reduce the amount of SNAP, NAP, and NAP disulfide leaching from the SNAP-doped CarboSil films, as measured by LC-MS. Raman spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) characterization of SNAP-doped CarboSil films demonstrate that a polymer-crystal composite is formed during the solvent evaporation process when SNAP exceeds its solubility in CarboSil (ca. 3.4-4.0 wt%). Further, when exceeding this solubility threshold, SNAP exists in an orthorhombic crystal form withi...

Defect detection is an important step in industrial production of monocrystalline silicon. Through the study of deep learning, this work proposes a framework for classifying monocrystalline silicon wafer defects using deep transfer... more

Defect detection is an important step in industrial production of monocrystalline silicon. Through the study of deep learning, this work proposes a framework for classifying monocrystalline silicon wafer defects using deep transfer learning (DTL). An existing pre-trained deep learning model was used as the starting point for building a new model. We studied the use of DTL and the potential adaptation of MobileNetV2 that was pre-trained using ImageNet for extracting monocrystalline silicon wafer defect features. This has led to speeding up the training process and to improving performance of the DTL-MobileNetV2 model in detecting and classifying six types of monocrystalline silicon wafer defects (crack, double contrast, hole, microcrack, saw-mark and stain). The process of training the DTL-MobileNetV2 model was optimized by relying on the dense block layer and global average pooling (GAP) method which had accelerated the convergence rate and improved generalization of the classificat...

The fabrication and performance of an electrophoretic separation chip with integrated optical waveguides for absorption detection is presented. The device was fabricated on a silicon substrate by standard microfabrication techniques with... more

The fabrication and performance of an electrophoretic separation chip with integrated optical waveguides for absorption detection is presented. The device was fabricated on a silicon substrate by standard microfabrication techniques with the use of two photolithographic mask steps. The waveguides on the device were connected to optical fibers, which enabled alignment free operation due to the absence of free-space optics. A 750 microm long U-shaped detection cell was used to facilitate longitudinal absorption detection. To minimize geometrically induced band broadening at the turn in the U-cell, tapering of the separation channel from a width of 120 down to 30 microm was employed. Electrical insulation was achieved by a 13 microm thermally grown silicon dioxide between the silicon substrate and the channels. The breakdown voltage during operation of the chip was measured to 10.6 kV. A separation of 3.2 microM rhodamine 110, 8 microM 2,7-dichlorofluorescein, 10 microM fluorescein and 18 microM 5-carboxyfluorescein was demonstrated on the device using the detection cell for absorption measurements at 488 nm.

Here the technique of Activation analysis with 14MeV neutrons was used to know the depth profile of Aluminium in samples of p-type Silicon rubbed with Alumina and baked at high temperature(800oC). Chemical etching was done to remove... more

Here the technique of Activation analysis with 14MeV neutrons was used to know the depth profile of Aluminium in samples of p-type Silicon rubbed with Alumina and baked at high temperature(800oC). Chemical etching was done to remove layers and find the depth.

Square gate all around MOSFETs are a very promising device structures allowing to continue scaling due to their superior control over the short channel effects. In this work a numerical study of a square structure with single channel is... more

Square gate all around MOSFETs are a very promising device structures allowing to continue scaling due to their superior control over the short channel effects. In this work a numerical study of a square structure with single channel is compared to a structure with 4 channels in order to highlight the impact of channels number on the device's DC parameters (drain current and threshold voltage). Our single channel rectangular GAA MOSFET showed reasonable ratio Ion/Ioff of 10 4 , while our four channels GAA MOSFET showed a value of 10 3. In addition, a low value of drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) of 60mV/V was obtained for our single channel GAA and a lower value of with 40mv/v has been obtained for our four channel one. Also, an extrinsic transconductance of 88ms/µm have been obtained for our four channels GAA compared to the single channel that is equal to 7ms/µm. Keyword: Channels DIBL Gate-all-around MOSFETS Multiple SCEs Silicon Silvaco-TCAD

In the 1970s, several studies revealed the requirement for silicon in bone development, while bioactive silicate glasses simultaneously pioneered the current era of bioactive materials. Considerable research has subsequently focused on... more

In the 1970s, several studies revealed the requirement for silicon in bone development, while bioactive silicate glasses simultaneously pioneered the current era of bioactive materials. Considerable research has subsequently focused on the chemistry and biological function of silicon in bone, demonstrating that the element has at least two separate effects in the extracellular matrix: (i) interacting with glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans during their synthesis, and (ii) forming ionic substitutions in the crystal lattice structure of hydroxyapatite. In addition, the dissolution products of bioactive glass (predominantly silicic acids) have significant effects on the molecular biology of osteoblasts in vitro, regulating the expression of several genes including key osteoblastic markers, cell cycle regulators and extracellular matrix proteins. Researchers have sought to capitalize on these effects and have generated a diverse array of biomaterials, which include bioactive glasses, ...

With an increasing demand of digitalization of human activities, needs of software and hardware increasing geometrical proportion. So, main ingredient of this system is obviously silicon and silicon as a semiconductor material. In... more

With an increasing demand of digitalization of human activities, needs of software and hardware increasing geometrical proportion. So, main ingredient of this system is obviously silicon and silicon as a semiconductor material. In addition, silicon materials have a wide range of applications in textiles, construction, sealants and adhesives, paper and film, paints and coatings, household products, health care, etc in different sectors. With the environmental awareness, renewable source of pure silicon is supposed to be the most important component of consideration. Natural, Biological, Renwewable sources and their waste materials will defiantly a great source of pure Silicon. Bangladesh is a country of biodiversity having distinct six seasons. It is an agrigrain country with huge agro-wastes having a good content of silicon easily available and a potential renewable source of organic Silicon. Here, short information as regard various sources of Si available in Bangladesh are given for consideration of interested potential entrepreneurs who think inclusive development with green technology by investing in research, development and production in this sector with some economic and technical indicators.

Increase of the efficiency of the solar cells which are produced in industry, is important. Increase of efficiency of solar cells was identified, when nanoplasmonics phenomenon was formed in solar cell. So, in this article, influence of... more

Increase of the efficiency of the solar cells which are produced in industry, is important. Increase of efficiency of solar cells was identified, when nanoplasmonics phenomenon was formed in solar cell. So, in this article, influence of nanoparticles Pt, Au, Ag and Cu on properties of silicon based solar cell has been studied. When nanoparticle Pt was inclused in silicon based solar cell, its efficiency increased 2.31 times. Optimal radius of nanoparticule Pt was identified to be between 15-25 nm.

A field experiment was conducted during 2014-2015 season to study the effect of two soil fertilizer treatments 200 kg/ha compound fertilizer NPK 18-18-18 and organic manure (10 ton/ha of sheep manure) and their interaction with high... more

A field experiment was conducted during 2014-2015 season to study the effect of two soil fertilizer treatments 200 kg/ha compound fertilizer NPK 18-18-18 and organic manure (10 ton/ha of sheep manure) and their interaction with high potash [1% of N-P-K, 0-5-36] and silicon [0.5 mM of potassium silicate on broad bean antioxidants [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione (GSH), ascorbic acid and proline] in saline soil (9.4 dS/m). The application of soil fertilizers caused a significant increase in the activity of CAT, APX, GSH, but it had no significant effect on SOD activity. While it caused a significant decrease in proline and a changeable effect on ascorbic acid content whereas compound fertilizer caused a significant reduction in ascorbic acid compared to control. The organic fertilizer caused a significant increase in ascorbic acid compared to control. Foliar fertilizers resulted in significant increase in the activity of CAT, SOD, GSH and proline, but it had no significant effect on APX and ascorbic acid compared to control. The interactions between the factors caused significant effects on all parameters.

This paper explores the current state of the art in silicon, organic, and glass interposer technologies and their high-performance applications. Issues and challenges broadly encompassing electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties of... more

This paper explores the current state of the art in silicon, organic, and glass interposer technologies and their high-performance applications. Issues and challenges broadly encompassing electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties of these interposer technologies are discussed along with the proven and under research solutions pertaining to these challenges. An evaluation of high-performance applications for these three technologies provides a useful insight into the role of interposers for such applications. This paper is an effort to evaluate and compare the viability of silicon, organic, and glass interposer technologies for high-performance applications. This paper also discusses the future trends, promising advancements, and market requirements with special emphasis on glass interposer technologies as evaluated to be the most viable option for the future high-performance applications.

Approximately three million workers in the United States are estimated to be exposed to silica, man-made mineral fibers, and asbestos. The lung is the primary target organ of concern. Each of these substances is composed predominantly of... more

Approximately three million workers in the United States are estimated to be exposed to silica, man-made mineral fibers, and asbestos. The lung is the primary target organ of concern. Each of these substances is composed predominantly of silicon and oxygen; asbestos and silica are crystalline, and asbestos and man-made mineral fibers are fibers. Man-made mineral fibers and asbestos are used as insulating agents, with the former having generally replaced the latter in recent years. Silica is used in foundries, pottery, and brick making, and is encountered by miners. A meta-analysis of 16 of the largest studies with well-documented silica exposure and low probability of confounding by other occupational exposures, indicates a relative risk (RR) of 1.3 (95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-1.4). Lung cancer risks are highest and most consistent for silicotics, who have received the highest doses (RR = 2.3, CI = 2.2-2.4, across 19 studies). The data for mineral fibers continue to s...

A study from 1995 to 2016 - Architecture/Geology

Critical issues and Potential development for Chemical and Metallurgical Industry of Silicon