Sociolinguistics, Sociology of Languages, Language Policy and Planning Research Papers (original) (raw)
This chapter looks at the sociolinguistic behavior of Quechua-speaking migrants to urban areas of Peru, primarily Lima, and their descendants. It notes the marked reluctance of many to speak, pass on, or acquire Quechua in the capital. I... more
This chapter looks at the sociolinguistic behavior of Quechua-speaking migrants to urban areas of Peru, primarily Lima, and their descendants. It notes the marked reluctance of many to speak, pass on, or acquire Quechua in the capital. I describe the associations of Quechua with the past, history, old people, and geographical and social circumscription and suggest that, for many, Quechua is felt to be somehow incompatible with modernity and the desired self-image of the ambitious migrant. It is noted that this positioning of minority languages as "anti-modern" is in some ways a societal construct and a reflection of the power of the dominant language. However, I argue that to conceptualize language loss solely as a capitulation to dominant norms is to ignore or negate speakers' view of themselves as ambitious and forward-looking, and language shift to Spanish as a positive taking of power and a transformation of the self.
language planning goals, examples of corpus and usage planning, linguistic diversity, diglossia, language shift, globalisation of English, critical approaches to linguistic imperialism, practice of LLP in selected regions and countries:... more
language planning goals, examples of corpus and usage planning, linguistic diversity, diglossia, language shift, globalisation of English, critical approaches to linguistic imperialism, practice of LLP in selected regions and countries: North America, EU, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Malaysia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, the Baltic states, Uzbekistan
This article calls for a policy reconsideration for English medium education in Nepali schools. I first of all show the increasing trend of Nepali parents to send their children to EMI private schools, and highlight some of the challenges... more
This article calls for a policy reconsideration for English medium education in Nepali schools. I first of all show the increasing trend of Nepali parents to send their children to EMI private schools, and highlight some of the challenges associated with teachers' English proficiency that may be consequential to the students' overall educational development. I draw the example of Hong Kong to make recommendation for the policy review of English medium private schools in Nepal. I suggest that the government in Nepal set up an examination system for English teachers or require the teachers in English medium schools to pass some internationally recognised English proficiency tests.
A survey of the multiple participants involved in linguistic planning of the Berber language, both in North Africa and in the diaspora: speakers, cultural associations, notable individuals, States, universities, institutions (HCA in... more
A survey of the multiple participants involved in linguistic planning of the Berber language, both in North Africa and in the diaspora: speakers, cultural associations, notable individuals, States, universities, institutions (HCA in Algeria, IRCAM in Morocco), schools, parties and movements, opposants, migrants abroad and second generations, foreign institutions (e.g. Inalco, France), foreign States, Berber associations in the world (e.g. CMA), standard-setting organizations (e.g. Unicode).
The introduction to the special issue takes a brief look at the history of ethnolinguistic policies in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and post-Soviet space. It also covers relevant key terms for understanding linguistic processes... more
The introduction to the special issue takes a brief look at the history of ethnolinguistic policies in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and post-Soviet space. It also covers relevant key terms for understanding linguistic processes taking place after the collapse of the USSR. At the end it introduces the case studies included in this special issue.
The paper presents patterns of language use of the schoolchildren who attend one of the two japanese educational establishments in Barcelona: the Japanese School of Barcelona and the Supplementary Japanese School of Barcelona. Based on... more
The paper presents patterns of language use of the schoolchildren who attend one of the two japanese educational establishments in Barcelona: the Japanese School of Barcelona and the Supplementary Japanese School of Barcelona. Based on the data from a small-scale pilot study, patterns of language use of the children in the communication with their parents, their siblings, and their friends are analyzed.
The purpose of this article is to show the changing dynamics of attitudes toward indigenous languages in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Since language attitudes have rarely become a special object of investigation in Russian... more
The purpose of this article is to show the changing dynamics of attitudes toward indigenous languages in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Since language attitudes have rarely become a special object of investigation in Russian sociolinguistics, the article dwells on theoretical issues of language attitudes studies. Then the author briefly describes attitudes to indigenous languages in the USSR and in the Russian Federation and their close correlation with the state language policy. As an argument confirming the change in language attitudes, the author brings results of a psychosociolinguistic experiment conducted in the Republic of Buryatia in 2013. More explicit and detailed argumentation is provided using the case of languages of peoples of the North focusing on boarding schools for northern peoples in Russia and Finland. The author comes to the conclusion that Finland has switched to practical measures to preserve and develop the Sámi language, while in Russia the corresponding changes can be observed only at the level of attitudes to indigenous languages, and the majority of languages of the peoples of the North are in different stages of language shift. Generally, the article concludes about two opposite trends in Russia: one towards the policy of centralization and support of the state (Russian) language, another one is seen in the gradual change of language attitudes towards greater tolerance and appreciation of linguistic diversity and in the increase in language activism.
The present study aims at investigating the relationship between language policies at macro-and micro-level. Drawing on Baldauf's conceptualisation (2006), language choices at the micro-level can be considered either as a... more
The present study aims at investigating the relationship between language policies at macro-and micro-level. Drawing on Baldauf's conceptualisation (2006), language choices at the micro-level can be considered either as a microimplementation of a macro-policy or as an autonomous micro-policy. These dynamics have been explored in two Italian-Sardinian bilingual websites, whose language practices have been measured against the precepts and spirit of the macropolicy of the Regional Administration of Sardinia.
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a complexity perspective stresses the importance of studying the contexts of phenomena, that is to say, their external relations. The direction to be followed here leads towards a better understanding of reality as a set of open systems that are in continuous exchange with the surrounding ecosystem, bearing in mind always that any apparent stability is the result of a dynamic equilibrium. Making headway towards an interdisciplinary approach is therefore necessary and imperative.
Headings such as status/normative/institution vis-à-vis others such as solidarity/normal/individual seem to imply a basic distinction in the definition of sociocultural reality. To discover and understand the dynamics of the interaction between these two major categories is, in fact, one of the most important subjects waiting to be addressed by language planning and policy strategies and more broadly by sociolinguistics. An interrelated set of guiding questions for the field could thus be stated as follows: What group or organisation, in pursuit of what overall objective or intention, wants to achieve what, where, how and when; and what do they actually achieve, and why? With this approach, even if how a group or organisation obtains its desired goal – that is, its actual intervention – is included as one of the main elements in a piece of research, the research will not focus exclusively on this topic, but will frame the intervention and identify how it is interrelated with all the other elements involved globally in this phenomenon, trying to establish a clear theoretical understanding of the entire interwoven set of events and processes.
The article examines the extent of the phenomenon of "common use of Cyrillic and Latin alphabet" in the Bulgarian language. The factors that impose such uses-Globalization, Information Society and Visual Culture, as well as the driving... more
The article examines the extent of the phenomenon of "common use of Cyrillic and Latin alphabet" in the Bulgarian language. The factors that impose such uses-Globalization, Information Society and Visual Culture, as well as the driving processes within them-are mentioned. Keywords: Latin as an international alphabet, bilingualism, code-switching and code-blending, digraphia, transliteration of the Bulgarian letters with Latin ones.
The author investigates in which cases the joint use of Cyrillic and Latin is used in Bulgarian text and for what purpose: definition, determination, citation, operative language, code-switching and code-blending, use as a stylistic tool and parallel bilingual text. The nature of these uses is described and the extent to which they are manifestations of phenomena such as bilingualism and digraphia. The general conclusion is that the joint use of Latin and Cyrillic is the result of the expansion of bilingualism with English. More and more Bulgarian citizens have an extended field of use of variants of two languages and two graphical systems. Secondly, the application of the Latin alphabet is a step towards the universal language of the image, since its graphic image acts as a visual symbol of pragmatic knowledge.
Darstellung der valdostanischen Mehrsprachigkeit unter zwei Aspekten: Teil 1 (Externe Sprachgeschichte) bietet ein von der Vorgeschichte bzw. der Romanisierung bis in die 1990er-Jahre reichendes Panorama der Geschichte des Aostatals unter... more
Darstellung der valdostanischen Mehrsprachigkeit unter zwei Aspekten: Teil 1 (Externe Sprachgeschichte) bietet ein von der Vorgeschichte bzw. der Romanisierung bis in die 1990er-Jahre reichendes Panorama der Geschichte des Aostatals unter besonderer Bedachtnahme auf die sprachliche und autonomiepolitische Situation. Teil 2 (Soziolinguistik) stellt dazu das empirische und synchrone Gegenstück dar. Es wird ein Forschungsbericht über Untersuchungen gegeben, die in den Jahren 1987ff. in 24 valdostanischen Ortschaften bei über 100 Gewährspersonen durchgeführt worden sind.
2/3 2013 readable and informative. The threevolume Principles of Linguistic Change, two of which are cited here as Labov 2001 and Labov 2010, is the touchstone for all scholars examining synchronic and diachronic variation. Labov's works... more
2/3 2013 readable and informative. The threevolume Principles of Linguistic Change, two of which are cited here as Labov 2001 and Labov 2010, is the touchstone for all scholars examining synchronic and diachronic variation. Labov's works tackle the largest theoretical questions, but his techniques are rigorous and statistically sophisticated, challenging future researchers with new standards. Labov's works are firmly in the field of linguistics and should only be tackled by those with some linguistic training. Wolfram and Ward 2006 is a popular account of dialect variation by scholars and fulfills the important outreach dialect scholars should provide to the society at large.
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different
movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa,
Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article, during the period from June
2011 to June 2012, a total of 165 graffiti have been photographed, of which 83 painted by
neo-fascist groups, 72 by extreme left groups and 10 by anarchist groups. These three
macro communities, made of different subgroups, emerged as the most active in expressing
their antagonism towards the parliamentary parties with their graffiti that combine semantic
(words) and semiotic (images) elements. An analysis of the collected graffiti’s language
form, meaning and context allows for the identification of the variety of styles of
communication adopted by the different political antagonisms and the different contents of
their communication through graffiti as well as the key elements of their political identities.
Key words: political radicalism, graffiti, linguistics
Дискусія про міжмовні відношення та мовні права є надзвичайно актуальною в нових світових і європейських соціополітичних умовах і, зокрема, в Україні. Дослідження мовних прав має інтердисциплінарний характер і стосується ряду інших... more
Дискусія про міжмовні відношення та мовні права є надзвичайно актуальною в нових
світових і європейських соціополітичних умовах і, зокрема, в Україні. Дослідження мовних прав
має інтердисциплінарний характер і стосується ряду інших взаємопов’язаних галузей наук:
соціолінгвістики, мовної політики, термінології, етномовної демаркації простору, екології мови
тощо. У статті пропонуємо здійснювати аналіз мовних відношень в Україні в межах уже встановлених
міжнародних стандартів щодо мовних прав. Також проводитимуться паралелі з італійською мовною ситуацією
та з її досвідом у підході до міноритарних мов.
This discussion examines an academic intervention designed to enhance the motivation and classroom engagement of English Language Learners (ELLs) during literacy-based activities. Stemming from a sociocultural perspective of literacy (Au,... more
This discussion examines an academic intervention designed to enhance the motivation and classroom engagement of English Language Learners (ELLs) during literacy-based activities. Stemming from a sociocultural perspective of literacy (Au, 1993; Perez, 2004) within a funds of knowledge framework (González, Moll, & Amanti , 2005), our approach emphasizes personalized learning (Redding, 2013) by having the students design, develop, and implement classroom lessons based on their own interests. As part of the process, the participating students made clear connections between home and classroom practices, resulting in higher productivity during literacy and oral activities. By tapping into what we call scholastic funds of knowledge, the students also showed higher levels of meta-cognitive awareness in designing activities for their peers and revealed a broader perspective of what it takes to develop academic lessons. Not only do the results demonstrate an increase in the participants' investment in classroom activities (Norton, 1995), their student-directed lessons had a positive effect on the engagement of other students within the class as well.
A transcript and video of a TV interview with Sir Eric Pickles MP on 20 March 2017, in which he agrees that the first large-scale central government funding for promoting the Cornish language, delivered from 2010 to 2016, was a political... more
A transcript and video of a TV interview with Sir Eric Pickles MP on 20 March 2017, in which he agrees that the first large-scale central government funding for promoting the Cornish language, delivered from 2010 to 2016, was a political ‘bribe’ to secure fiscal savings in other areas of government from his Liberal Democrat coalition partners. Includes some relevant background information.
After a very broad description of what language policy and planning is about this paper presents an overview of some of the current preoccupations of researchers focusing on language policy and planning as one of the blooming fields of... more
After a very broad description of what language policy and planning is about this paper presents an overview of some of the current preoccupations of researchers focusing on language policy and planning as one of the blooming fields of applied linguistics. The current issues in language policy and planning research that are dealt with include 'the history of the field' , 'language practices in different domains of society' , 'ideas and beliefs about language' , and 'the practical side of language policy and planning' . The brief sketch of current issues in language policy and planning research is meant to serve as the background for a preliminary discussion of the impact of language policy and planning research on society. That discussion takes the different 'roles' of academics working at university departments and doing research on language policy and planning as a starting point.
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il n’y a pas de langue sans grammaire : la langue est une norme.
Cependant, les langues du monde ne jouissent pas toutes de statuts égaux. Dans certains États, le ou les idiomes parlés par la majorité de la population sont normés (pourvus d’une norme de référence) et normalisés, c’est à dire soutenus par un appareil administratif et éducatif conséquent.
À l’inverse, de nombreuses communautés linguistiques, minoritaires ou trop pauvres, sont obligées d’utiliser d’autres langues que leur langue maternelle pour avoir accès à l’enseignement ou aux services publics. La normalisation des langues vernaculaires de ces groupes laissés pour compte est souhaitable pour deux raisons : 1. la préservation de la diversité culturelle de la planète ; 2. l’établissement de systèmes éducatifs et d’information plus performants, parce qu’utilisant la langue maternelle des communautés considérées.
Fixer la norme d’une langue peu décrite est loin d’être une sinécure, comme le montre l’exemple capverdien. Et en fin de compte, cette nouvelle norme n’aura d’utilité que si les pouvoirs publics favorisent sa normalisation, à savoir sa diffusion systématique auprès des populations concernées. L’aventure de la normalisation des langues vaut cependant la peine d’être vécue, en particulier dans nombre de pays du Tiers-Monde. En normant et en normalisant, le linguiste a un rôle essentiel à jouer dans les processus de développement économique.
This entry provides examples and steps how English teachers in EFL contexts could create interactive environment for the students taking into consideration a range of culture-sensitive issues in designing the teaching materials. I this... more
This entry provides examples and steps how English teachers in EFL contexts could create interactive environment for the students taking into consideration a range of culture-sensitive issues in designing the teaching materials. I this entry, we share a teacher’s, who is also the first author of this entry, insider experiences of developing interactions in an ESL classroom in Hong Kong. We shall, first of all, present the concept of interaction from sociocultural perspectives and discuss various challenges for the front-line EFL teachers to plan and implement lessons that incorporate interactions in ESL or EFL classrooms. Then, insider experiences of the first author of this entry in overcoming those challenges are shared. Assuming that the textbooks and teaching materials play a vital role to promote and facilitate the interactions in classrooms, a sample activity designed for the Secondary Two (Class 8) ESL students in Hong Kong is also included and discussed.
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
Sette tesi per la promozione di politiche linguistiche democratiche 1. Per una politica linguistica democratica è fondamentale riconoscere che ogni sistema linguistico ha uguale dignità sia per chi ne fa uso -come varietà nativa o no -sia... more
Sette tesi per la promozione di politiche linguistiche democratiche 1. Per una politica linguistica democratica è fondamentale riconoscere che ogni sistema linguistico ha uguale dignità sia per chi ne fa uso -come varietà nativa o no -sia per quanti abbiano responsabilità decisionali di carattere politico-amministrativo. Ciò vale per ogni 'lingua storiconaturale' (espressione che comprende lingue, dialetti, lingue 'segnate'), indipendentemente dal numero dei locutori e dalla consistenza del suo patrimonio storico-testuale, scritto e orale 2. Ogni lingua storico-naturale va considerata in tutte le sue componenti di variazione e di variabilità, indipendentemente dalla presenza di una varietà standardizzata. 3. Principio basilare dell'educazione linguistica è che per chi va apprendendo la sua lingua materna e attraverso questa va maturando le sue capacità di linguaggio (inclusa in ciò la capacità di apprendere poi lingue altre) non ha rilevanza immediata la collocazione di tale lingua negli usi e nelle dinamiche di società plurilingui. Essa è un patrimonio nativo che esige comunque rispetto nella società, nell'istruzione scolastica e nelle istituzioni. 4. La generalità dei paesi del mondo è caratterizzata sia dalla coesistenza di lingue diverse, dal multilinguismo, sia dal costituirsi di gerarchie tra le diverse lingue coesistenti, tra le quali in generale a una sono assegnate funzioni dominanti nell'uso scritto e negli usi pubblici e formali. È un diritto di ogni persona potere accedere a tali usi per averne piena padronanza. 5. Il plurilinguismo degli individui e il multilinguismo delle società e dei paesi è un valore da tutelare e promuovere in una prospettiva che voglia essere democratica: a esso dunque occorre ispirare analisi e proposte in materia di pratiche educative, politiche linguistiche implicite o esplicite e promozione di studi e ricerche, fatta salva l'opportunità storica e civile di assicurare e promuovere altresì, per quanti lo vogliano, la convergenza dei cittadini di uno stesso paese multilingue verso l'apprendimento e l'uso di una stessa lingua negli usi pubblici e ufficiali. 6. Una politica linguistica democratica trae ispirazione dai documenti internazionali che sanciscono il diritto all'uso parlato e scritto della propria lingua come un diritto umano. 7. Tale diritto e il valore del plurilinguismo e multilinguismo sono protetti e promossi dagli artt.3 c.2, 6, 9 e 21 della Costituzione della Repubblica italiana.
A language is considered as a sexist language if it conveys attitudes that stereotype a person according to gender rather than judging on individual merits. Feminists believe that English language is a sexist language because it involves... more
A language is considered as a sexist language if it conveys attitudes that stereotype a person according to gender rather than judging on individual merits. Feminists believe that English language is a sexist language because it involves negative attitudes towards women and maintains social inequalities between men and women. There are many English metaphors used to describe women in disagreeable manner, but this is rarely a case with men. Animal, food and villainous imageries are highly used to refer to women, such as: bitch, chick,-sugar, honey, tomato,-witch and so on. Animal imageries compare women with helpless creatures, food imageries with items used for sustenance and pleasure, and villainous imageries with evil creatures. More or less, in every society, women are believed to be weak and subordinate to men who are considered to be masculine. Even by linguistic items, men are presented as the head of societies. English morphology generally takes the male form as the base form, and adds suffix to construct the female form, for example: lion-lioness, tiger-tigress, actor-actress, etc. Suffix 'ess' carries connotations of lack of seriousness. By using the words 'he' and 'man' as generic forms, women are kept invisible and undermined. My first language is Bengali, so it was a question as to whether my language is also a sexist one. Sexism is also a usual feature of Bengali language, and even a careless observation on daily language can help identify the presence of sexism in Bengali. Women are sometimes referred by the following villainous imageries: Rakkhoshi (রাক্ষসী) = female monster; daini (ডাইনী) = witch. Even in terms of morphology, male form appears to be the base form in Bengali language, such as: chakor-chakrani (চাকর-চাকরানী) = servant-maidservant, shingho-shinghi (সসিংহ-সসিংহী) = lion-lioness, etc. Even names of Bengali children follow sexism; a male child is never named Nodi (নদী) = river and a female child is never named Shagor (সাগর) = sea. Even by means of names, men are presented as a strong figure and women as the subordinate figures who possess lesser strength comparing to their opposite gender. From the above discussion, it is obvious that both Bengali and English are sexist languages; delve into your language to discover sexism in your language.
Over the past few decades native speakers in Tlemcen have come into regular contact with rural speech users as a result of massive in-migration. It is surprisingly interesting that, though the usual pattern attested in urban speech... more
Over the past few decades native speakers in Tlemcen have come into regular contact with rural speech users as a result of massive in-migration. It is surprisingly interesting that, though the usual pattern attested in urban speech communities reflects an obvious influence of the dominant language variety over the minority speakers, non-native speakers, now settled in Tlemcen, are hardly ever influenced by urban speech features. Rather, the overall pattern reveals increasing accommodation from the part of native urban speakers to rural forms. This one-way switch occurs almost exclusively among males, and more so among younger ones, particularly in mixed interactions. Female speakers, on the other hand, seem to break away from the rule by maintaining their native speech whatever the situation.
After over a century of federal policy antagonistic toward indigenous languages, the government of Canada by the mid-1980s developed programs to financially support community-based indigenous language revitalization efforts. This project... more
After over a century of federal policy antagonistic toward indigenous languages, the government of Canada by the mid-1980s developed programs to financially support community-based indigenous language revitalization efforts. This project investigates the effect of one such program, the Aboriginal Language Initiative. While a number of useful resources have been produced through the ALI, the overall span of the program demonstrates shallow support for communities in need of capacity building. The experiences of local program delivery agents and feedback provided by recipient communities highlight the federal government’s refusal to act in partnership with Indigenous communities. In light of ongoing reforms to the ALI over the last year, the project will also shed light on the dual role required of language activists, to both harness available resources, while resisting regressive policy directions.
El volumen reúne nueve trabajos que analizan la situación actual de las lenguas de España: el gallego, el euskera y catalán (también en territorio francés) y el asturiano. Se ofrece información detallada sobre las diferentes realidades... more
El volumen reúne nueve trabajos que analizan la situación actual de las lenguas de España: el gallego, el euskera y catalán (también en territorio francés) y el asturiano.
Se ofrece información detallada sobre las diferentes realidades lingüísticas (incluida la de los inmigrantes) y las principales evoluciones desde la Transición así como una evaluación con enfoques ideológicos diversos, reunidos por primera vez en un volumen
y reflejando de este modo los abismos entre quienes apoyan una mayor emancipación de las diferentes lenguas y quienes consideran su promoción como peligro para la comunicabilidad a través de vastos espacios. Los trabajos son resultado de dos encuentros científicos celebrados en Friburgo de Brisgovia y París.
Participan E. Boix, M. Castillo, J. Kabatek, C. Lagarde, J. R. Lodares, M. Nicolás, M. Pujol, X. L. Regueira y B. Tejerina.
Language is an essential tool that fosters peaceful coexistence in any society. The Nigerian Pidgin is one of the unifying tools and a panacea for societal peace in a nation like Nigeria, with diverse languages, ethnic groups and... more
Language is an essential tool that fosters peaceful coexistence in any society. The Nigerian Pidgin is one of the unifying tools and a panacea for societal peace in a nation like Nigeria, with diverse languages, ethnic groups and cultures. This multilingual nature of the Nigerian society is a barrier to its societal peace, effective communication, and the implementation of the national language policy. In order to resolve the language problem and ensure societal peace, there is need to adopt a lingua franca that is neutral, common and easy-the Nigerian Pidgin is such language because it serves a common medium of communication among Nigerians. This paper is descriptive and highlights the relevance and roles of the Nigerian Pidgin in promoting societal peace in Nigeria. The paper has its theoretical thrust on the sociology of language by Fishman (1972). It is revealed that the Nigerian Pidgin is not a substandard language; rather it is a linguistic asset that holds the hope of Nigeria nationhood and promises sustainable peace and development. The paper concludes that the Nigerian Pidgin should be promoted and recognised as an official language in Nigeria. Keywords: multilingual situation, pidgin & pidginisation, Nigerian pidgin and societal peace 1. Introduction Language, which is a universal medium of communication and the expression of a people"s culture, does not belong in the sphere of the "I" but in the sphere of the "we". In other words, language is a social system that is not only use for communication but for establishing and maintaining relationships amongst people. It is an essential tool that fosters national integration and peaceful coexistence in any society. The multilingual and multi-ethnic nature of Nigeria is a barrier to societal
Lámhleabhar eolais faoin bpleanáil teanga.
This book is the result of the Lecture Notes produced for the class ‘Introduction to Interlinguistics’ held at the University of Amsterdam during my first mandate as Special Chair holder there (2014-2019). This means that the intended... more
This book is the result of the Lecture Notes produced for the class ‘Introduction to Interlinguistics’ held at the University of Amsterdam during my first mandate as Special Chair holder there (2014-2019). This means that the intended readers are my students, who may come from the Humanities, such as English Studies or Philosophy, as well as from more formally oriented curricula, such as Logic or Artificial Intelligence.
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale raccolto. A questa centrale riflessione se ne accompagnano altre incentrate sul contributo che lo studio del graffitismo, osservato e documentato nello spazio urbano e linguistico della capitale italiana, può offrire relativamente a tematiche quali, per esempio, il rapporto diamesico fra lingua scritta e parlata, l’analisi delle varietà giovanili, le interferenze del dialetto e la creazione di neologismi.
This paper argues that folk linguistic research methods have much to offer critical sociolinguists concerned with linguistic inequalities and power structures. In as much as critical theory considers knowledge as inherently woven into... more
This paper argues that folk linguistic research methods have much to offer critical sociolinguists concerned with linguistic inequalities and power structures. In as much as critical theory considers knowledge as inherently woven into power relations, the folk linguistics research tradition shows that knowledge about language and the sociolinguistic world is not only the domain of academics but also resides, and is actioned, in the community. This paper specifically explores the contribution folk linguistic research methods can make to critical sociolinguistics. The paper argues that folk linguistic methods are not only well-placed to identify and trace community-based claims of knowledge that create and sustain inequalities between languages and speakers, but also allow us to localise sociolinguistic knowledge by understanding local phenomena through local world-views. Ultimately, this helps to decolonise sociolinguistics by voicing, legitimising and indeed applying more ontologies and epistemologies of language than those from the West that generally still dominate sociolinguistic scholarship.
Can corporate language be regulated? Should it be? This question, at the crossroads of economic and linguistic policy, is here addressed by looking at France’s Loi Toubon, which obliges French businesses to use French in a number of... more
Can corporate language be regulated? Should it be? This question, at the crossroads of economic and linguistic policy, is here addressed by looking at France’s Loi Toubon, which obliges French businesses to use French in a number of contexts. Although the reasons for regulating language use in companies are many, be it from a macro-economic, social or linguistic point of view, the actual usefulness of the law, too ambitious and too vague at the same time, is open to doubt. Perhaps the company is bound to remain a ‘blind spot’ of language policy. Drawing on this, we suggest an alternative approach based on stakeholders’ implication and acknowledgement of what we propose to call the company’s ‘sociolinguistic responsibility’.
"Der Beitrag untersucht den Diskurs des Fußballs und versucht, die ihn konstituierenden Mechanismen zu definieren. Hierbei wird auch die Sprache der ‹ultras›, die an diesem Diskurs mitwirken, berücksichtigt. Ausgehend von Überlegungen... more
"Der Beitrag untersucht den Diskurs des Fußballs und versucht, die
ihn konstituierenden Mechanismen zu definieren. Hierbei wird auch die Sprache der ‹ultras›, die an diesem Diskurs mitwirken, berücksichtigt. Ausgehend von Überlegungen Pier Paolo Pasolinis zum «linguaggio del calcio» und seiner Prägung der «podemi» wird durch die Analyse der häufigsten Neologismen, der Dynamik des Diskurses und der möglichen Interferenzen im Kontakt mit anderen Sprachen die Anregung zu einer weiteren linguistischen Beschäftigung mit dem Phänomen gegeben."
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a política e o planejamento linguísticos para o português e o Tétum-Praça em Timor-Leste, já que ambas as línguas são asseguradas pela constituição do país, que data de 2002, como línguas... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a política e o planejamento linguísticos para o português e o Tétum-Praça em Timor-Leste, já que ambas as línguas são asseguradas pela constituição do país, que data de 2002, como línguas oficiais. Desta forma, em (2), serão discutidos o alçamento do status e do corpus do Tétum-Praça; em (3), será examinada principalmente a questão do status da língua portuguesa em território leste--timorense; e, em (4), serão elaboradas grades de análise para avaliar a eficácia do planejamento linguístico leste-timorense em diferentes momentos de sua história. Palavras-chave: política linguística; planejamento linguístico; línguas oficiais; Timor-Leste; língua portuguesa.
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the language contact between English and Italian.
ENGLISH: Toponymy and signage in Friulian: an overview of the present situation. Friuli is a historical region of Northeast Italy comprising most of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. It presents a special linguistic situation... more
ENGLISH: Toponymy and signage in Friulian: an overview of the present situation. Friuli is a historical region of Northeast Italy comprising most of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. It presents a special linguistic situation because Friulian (a Rhaeto-Romance language), Slovene, German and Veneto speaking communities coexist alongside the Italian community. In addition to the national law n. 482/1999 which protects historical linguistic minorities, the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia has issued various laws to protect the different linguistic communities of its territory. Some of these laws contain specific rules concerning toponymy and signage in Friulian language (Regional Laws 68/1981, 15/1996, 29/2007, etc.). This paper considers the consequences of and the problems pertaining to the enforcement of these laws by local authorities (Region, Provinces, Mountain communities, Municipalities): i.e. graphization and normalization of Friulian toponymy, typologies and modes of realization of the road signs in Friulian, the relationship between the standard and local variants of place names, bi- and multilingual road signs and the Italian Highway code, the effects on and reactions of the local communities. In particular herein is shown the data collected and the results of the project "Mappatura Toponomastica del Friuli" (Toponymic Mapping of Friuli), which the author carried out in all the municipalities (177) where the legal protection of the Friulian language is in place. The paper is accompanied by photographic documentation gathered throughout the region. / –
ITALIANO: Situata all’estremità nord-orientale dell’Italia, la Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia presenta una situazione linguistica peculiare, poiché – oltre all’elemento italiano – vi convivono comunità retoromanze (friulane), slave, germaniche e venete. Oltre alle leggi nazionali (soprattutto n. 482/1999 di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche storiche) la Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia ha emanato varie leggi di tutela per le diverse comunità linguistiche del suo territorio, nelle quali compaiono norme specifiche sulla toponomastica. In questo contributo sono analizzati gli effetti e le problematiche legate all'applicazione di tali misure da parte degli enti locali (regione, province, comunità montane, comuni): processi di standardizzazione e normazione dei toponimi (grafia, morfo-fonologia, ecc.), rapporto tra varianti standard e varianti locali dei nomi, processi di ufficializzazione (o coufficializzazione) della denominazione friulana o slovena, segnaletica (bi- e trilingue) e codice stradale, gli effetti e le reazioni da parte delle comunità locali. In particolare sono illustrati i dati raccolti e i risultati del progetto "Mappatura Toponomastica del Friuli", che l'autore ha svolto in tutti i comuni (177) dove è prevista la tutela della lingua friulana. L'articolo è accompagnato da documentazione fotografica raccolta in tutta la regione.
يتناول الكتاب الحديث عن التخطيط اللغوي عند علماء العربية القدامي منذ زمن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وما قبله إلى العصر العباسي الذهبي
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three languages (English, Arabic, and Italian) used as media of communication in government offices and in schools, various Somali administrations struggled to contain the impasse but found no tangible solution. Barely three years after Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in October 1969, he had his military regime introduce the Somali orthography in the Latin alphabet. Based on this milestone, Siad Barre's military rule is highly commended for taking a remarkable step forward in what came to be known as the Somalization project. However, officials of the government and Somali scholarship failed to
a branches of sociolinguistics