The Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer Research Papers (original) (raw)
First published in 1818, The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer's entire philosophy, ranging through epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, aesthetics and philosophy of art, to ethics, the meaning of... more
- by and +2
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- Kant, German Idealism, Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant
Nachdem eine kleine Konjunktur der Schopenhauer-Editionen 1 wenigstens vorübergehend für das eklatante Fehlen einer großen historisch-kritischen Schopenhauer-Gesamtausgabe entschädigt, darf man hoffen, es werde sich in deren Gefolge auch... more
Nachdem eine kleine Konjunktur der Schopenhauer-Editionen 1 wenigstens vorübergehend für das eklatante Fehlen einer großen historisch-kritischen Schopenhauer-Gesamtausgabe entschädigt, darf man hoffen, es werde sich in deren Gefolge auch ein verstärktes sachliches Interesse an einem der bedeutendsten deutschen Philosophen entwickeln. Daß dies auch au-ßerhalb des engeren akademischen Rahmens geschehen kann, dürfte sich von selbst verstehen, doch wäre es aus verschiedenen Gründen auch von Nutzen, wenn sich universitär angebundene Forscherpersönlichkeiten ver-stärkt und nachhaltig mit Schopenhauer auseinandersetzten. Es ist bekannt, daß Arthur Hübscher in seiner Werkausgabe nur einen Teil der nachgelassenen Notizen publizierte (S. 9), teils aus ökonomischen Gründen. Auch der Bibliothekar Jochen Stollberg hat sich mit der Zettel-1 Siehe zuletzt: Vorlesung über Die Gesamte Philosophie oder die Lehre vom Wesen der Welt und dem menschlichen Geiste / Arthur Schopenhauer. Hrsg. von Daniel Schubbe unter Mitarb.
L’article analyse les écrits critiques (réunis dans Nos Maîtres) et les textes littéraires de Teodor de Wyzewa, en fonction de son attitude à l’égard de ceux qu’il considérait comme ses maîtres. L’évolution de la pensée de Wyzewa démontre... more
L’article analyse les écrits critiques (réunis dans Nos Maîtres) et les textes littéraires de Teodor de Wyzewa, en fonction de son attitude à l’égard de ceux qu’il considérait comme ses maîtres. L’évolution de la pensée de Wyzewa démontre que cet adepte du wagnérisme s’est progressivement éloigné de ceux qui l’ont influencé, en remplaçant une approche intellectuelle de l’art et la foi aveugle dans la science, jugée vaine, par un idéal à la fois esthétique et éthique. Dans le roman Valbert ou les Récits d’un jeune homme Wyzewa décrit un détachement de l’idéalisme aliénant au profit d’une attitude spontanée face à la vie. Sa relecture des paraboles bibliques met en question la philosophie schopenhauerienne au profit du tolstoïsme (Contes chrétiens). La quête des valeurs morales entraîne une rupture avec la pensée symboliste en faveur d’une religion de l’amour et de la beauté. En formulant son propre enseignement Wyzewa a donc dépassé l’autorité de ses maîtres, sans pourtant amoindrir leur importance pour toute sa génération.
The aim of this paper is to analyse and assess Arthur Schopenhauer’s theory of the sublime developed in his book named ‘The World as Will and Representation’, in order to have an Aesthetic appreciation of the sublime framework via the... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse and assess Arthur Schopenhauer’s theory of the sublime developed in his book named ‘The World as Will and Representation’, in order to have an Aesthetic appreciation of the sublime framework via the analysis of the painters: J.M.W. Turner and his painting ‘The Slave Ship’; and Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and his painting ‘The incredulity of Saint Thomas’. The 1st Section will be dealing with a brief analysis of Schopenhauer’s Metaphysical groundings. The 2nd Section will deal with Schopenhauer’s aesthetics and how it is always dependent on his Metaphysics in order to bring about the contrast between the Beautiful and the Sublime, paying attention particularly to the latter. Lastly, the 3rd Section will deal with the analysis of turner’s painting to show why it can represent the mathematical sublime aesthetic experience and Caravaggio’s painting to show why it can represent the dynamic sublime aesthetic experience. I will argue, furthermore, Schopenhauer’s account of the sublime is still redundant and interesting to understand for a fruitful conversation of Aesthetics.
Resenha da introdução da obra por Clademir Araldi.
Il saggio analizza il rapporto di Arthur Schopenhauer con il pensiero orientale. Il contributo si divide in 2 parti: nella prima si analizzano le fonti a cui Schopenhauer attinge per costituire la sua immagine dell'Oriente; nella seconda... more
Il saggio analizza il rapporto di Arthur Schopenhauer con il pensiero orientale. Il contributo si divide in 2 parti: nella prima si analizzano le fonti a cui Schopenhauer attinge per costituire la sua immagine dell'Oriente; nella seconda parte, invece, con metodo storico-filosofico e storico-genetico, si analizza in che modo Schopenhauer legge e interpreta il pensiero orientale alla luce della propria filosofia.
International Conference "The New Century of Schopenhauer", 22. - 24. February 2020,
Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences (Tokyo)
This MRP explores the concept of the will in the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, and explains how his theory of the will influenced his ethical thought concerning nonhuman animals. Part one considers four theories of the will prior to... more
This MRP explores the concept of the will in the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, and explains how his theory of the will influenced his ethical thought concerning nonhuman animals. Part one considers four theories of the will prior to Schopenhauer: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas. This review enables the reader to understand the dramatic shift in the interpretation of the will and the role it plays in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics and ethics. Part two focuses on Schopenhauer’s interpretation of the will, which led to a dramatically enlightened animal ethic when compared to his predecessors. The final section of the MRP explores the question of why Schopenhauer’s thought has lacked receptivity, and posits further questions to be pursued regarding this topic.
- by Joshua Duffy
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- Metaphysics, Ethics, Kant, Plato
In der modernen Forschung zu Schopenhauer rücken methodologische und systematische Fragen immer mehr in den Vordergrund, mit besonderem Fokus auf perspektivistische und hermeneutische Momente seiner Philosophie. Michał Dobrzański geht in... more
In der modernen Forschung zu Schopenhauer rücken methodologische und systematische Fragen immer mehr in den Vordergrund, mit besonderem Fokus auf perspektivistische und hermeneutische Momente seiner Philosophie. Michał Dobrzański geht in seinen Untersuchungen einem Problem nach, welches eine wichtige Grundlage für solche Deutungen verschafft – Schopenhauers Begriffslehre. In dem Buch wird sie aus zerstreuten Aussagen des Philosophen rekonstruiert, ausgewertet und dann um die Erörterung seines Philosophiekonzepts ergänzt. Dies bildet die Grundlage zur anschließenden vielseitigen Untersuchung von jenen Aspekten seiner Philosophie, in denen die Thesen seiner Begriffslehre besonders zum Tragen kommen. Spezieller Druck wird hier auf Schopenhauers Methode gelegt, zu deren vollem Bild sein rekonstruiertes Begriffsverständnis einen gehaltvollen Beitrag leistet.
Destiné aux étudiants du Supérieur, cet ouvrage a pour but de présenter l'essentiel des termes de la pensée Schopenhauerienne.
An introductory essay to the 3-volume work 'The Philosophy of the Unconscious' ('Die Philosophie des Unbewusstseins') of Eduard von Hartmann. Edouard d'Araille takes a brief survey of von Hartmann's life and thought, in particular the... more
An introductory essay to the 3-volume work 'The Philosophy of the Unconscious' ('Die Philosophie des Unbewusstseins') of Eduard von Hartmann. Edouard d'Araille takes a brief survey of von Hartmann's life and thought, in particular the "philosophy of the unconscious" which would make von Hartmann a household name both in Germany and abroad (including in England). This ambitious work extends upon the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer's system (set forth in most detailed fashion within 'The World as Will and Representation') whilst also being inspired by the triad of Post-Kantians F.W.J. von Schelling, J.G. Fichte and G.W.F. Hegel. Hartmann transforms Schopenhauer's concept of the 'Will' into his own, related idea, of the 'Unconscious', forming an interesting bridge between the ideas of one strand German Idealism and Sigmund Freud's psychology of the Sub-Conscious. This essay only provides a brief sketch of von Hartmann's philosophy, but enough so as to appreciate its importance in the evolution of thought. The essay also touches upon the pessimism which was at the heart of von Hartmann's philosophy, which he shared above all with Schopenhauer himself. The essay is followed by a four page Bibliography of von Hartmann's major work (including translations) and reference is also made to some books and article written about him.
Removing the concept of "scriptor" and simply reading Nietzsche's work, "On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life." In order for history to be done properly by Nietzsche, it must be done in moderation, which is easily revealed in... more
Removing the concept of "scriptor" and simply reading Nietzsche's work, "On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life." In order for history to be done properly by Nietzsche, it must be done in moderation, which is easily revealed in this particular work.
Freud. Las influencias filosóficas monistas y la doctrina de las pulsiones
The World as Will and Representation is the major achievement of Schopenhauer’s life, and the backbone of his intellectual career. In 1844 he published a revised and extended edition of it, and now added a whole second volume of... more
The World as Will and Representation is the major achievement of Schopenhauer’s life, and the backbone of his intellectual career. In 1844 he published a revised and extended edition of it, and now added a whole second volume of ‘supplementary’ essays. It is this second volume, even longer than the first, that we have here in translation. In 1859, the year before he died, Schopenhauer revised both volumes for a final time, making many further additions.
Resumen Crímenes y pecados es el título de una de las películas perteneciente al denominado "cine serio" del cineasta Woody Allen, en ella la trama nos remite a postulados fundamentales del existencialismo, de la moral y los valores... more
Resumen Crímenes y pecados es el título de una de las películas perteneciente al denominado "cine serio" del cineasta Woody Allen, en ella la trama nos remite a postulados fundamentales del existencialismo, de la moral y los valores éticos, en donde el trabajo literario de Dostoievski, el suspenso de Hitchcock, la ironía, el drama, la comedia, la tragedia, los principios morales del judaísmo y el existencialismo de Sartre, Kierkegaard, Heidegger y Camus se encuentran entrelazados en la trama de la película. I. Introducción El cine que aborda problemas filosóficos puede ser utilizado con fines didácticos para ejemplificar aspectos que suceden en la vida real y que invitan al espectador a reflexionar sobre los actos de los personajes, es decir si los personajes involucrados están tomando decisiones moralmente correctas o si están faltando a los valores éticos y religiosos que identifican a una sociedad determinada. En este trabajo se analizará la película de Woody Allen titulada "Crímenes y pecados", que plantea diversos problemas filosóficos y abre el espacio para preguntas sobre la moral, si es correcto o no tomar decisiones que afectan de forma positiva o negativa a otras personas y si todo es permitido cuando se trata de elegir entre lo que nos puede favorecer en nuestra vida privada o afectar la vida de las demás personas. Este trabajo se enfoca en el planteamiento existencial de Jean Paul Sartre que afirma que la existencia precede a la esencia y que al no existir Dios y no estar predeterminados nos enfrentamos a la libertad y a la angustia que experimentamos como resultado de la constante paradoja de las opciones que se nos presentan y que tenemos que elegir, pues afirma que, en esta vida, las decisiones que tomamos son las que nos definen y nos construyen en el camino. Inicio este trabajo con unos breves antecedentes biográficos del cineasta Woody Allen, un breve resumen de su filmografía, continuando con un resumen de la película analizada y de los problemas morales y éticos que plantea, a continuación abordaré un breve resumen del existencialismo y filósofos principales que sostienen esta corriente filosófica, siguiendo con el planteamiento que Jean Paul Sartre hace sobre este tema, finalizando con un breve comentario sobre el tema de la ética y la moral en la hermenéutica de Beauchot y el tema del mal en Amengual. El trabajo finaliza con las conclusiones y las referencias bibliográficas sobre el tema.
Nihilism poses grave problems for those who seek directives to lead their lives. In this article, the three most important ways to deal with nihilism are inquired, with an emphasis on their credibility. Both nihilism from a metaphysical... more
Nihilism poses grave problems for those who seek directives to lead their lives. In this article, the three most important ways to deal with nihilism are inquired, with an emphasis on their credibility. Both nihilism from a metaphysical perspective and the emphasis on pleasure from nihilistic considerations are given attention. The acceptance of nihilism can have far-reaching consequences, which are evaluated at various points. Nietzsche’s approach must also be considered. He accepts what he calls a sort of nihilism, but as a means to ‘new’ values. This alternative to nihilism is examined no less critically than the other two stances.
In this paper, I argue that the meaning of Wittgenstein's remarks on suicide should be elucidated against the background of the transcendental picture that permeates Wittgenstein's early writings. This picture is, in its essentials,... more
In this paper, I argue that the meaning of Wittgenstein's remarks on suicide should be elucidated against the background of the transcendental picture that permeates Wittgenstein's early writings. This picture is, in its essentials, Schopenhauer's metaphysics of the Will. It is part of my purpose here to argue that the question of suicide such as Wittgenstein raises it, far from being a side issue, is internally related to problems concerning the ethical integration of Will and world, and the meaning of the world. As it will be seen, Wittgenstein manages to present a highly original view on the fundamental character of ethics that combines asceticism with an affirmative attitude to the world. Suicide would undermine ethics. As such, it stands for a nihilistic worldview.
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether the positive-theoretic blueprint it promotes truly heralds a tenable undertaking. Marshaling a Schopenhauerian insight, I examine the possibility that agency might not be amenable to phenomenological description. Framing this thesis in terms of Charles S. Peirce’s semiotic framework, I suggest a way to integrate the idea of streaming experiences with that of bodily strivings, which, owing to their primitive structure, can never be represented.
The approach to the concept of immersion is closely connected with the perceptional paradigm of the aesthetic consciousness. The philosophical and art theoretical tradition describe the expression of the aesthetic consciousness in the... more
The approach to the concept of immersion is closely connected with the perceptional paradigm of the aesthetic consciousness. The philosophical and art theoretical tradition describe the expression of the aesthetic consciousness in the context of a convergence of external and internal representation. The principle of convergence is a main reference for immersion and aesthetic consciousness. The phantasmatic-imaginary processes of comprehension, within a subjective reception, are the key function. These processes are responsible for the configuration of subjectivity and the ability to create mental representations. Under the aesthetic condition the convergence of external and internal representation is a reduction of a difference between an aesthetic object and the subjective reception.
Naturalizing accounts of Schopenhauer's theory of compassion ignore the phenomenologically plausible possibility of direct second person perception of the other's will or emotional states and opt instead to prematurely naturalize... more
Naturalizing accounts of Schopenhauer's theory of compassion ignore the phenomenologically plausible possibility of direct second person perception of the other's will or emotional states and opt instead to prematurely naturalize Schopenhauer's metaphysical ground for compassion (that we are all one) into a psychological form of identification that shares similar problems. I argue second person emotional perception is irreducible to any combination of first and third person experiences and that attempt to reduce it leads to the kind of harmful erasure of the other that Hartman theorizes.
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
Ongoing discussion of this paper here:
Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic phenomenology of the human condition. Part of the problem is the ongoing confusion as to what philosophy actually amounts to, and what it can achieve. It is necessary to demystify philosophy, and have it restricted to the discipline of critical thinking, and it should not be thought of as possessing any substantial theoretical content of its own. It is a method, a skillset, a series of techniques, not a repository of various highbrow theories, whether about mind, epistemology, ontology, cosmology, science, or anything else. Metaphysics is an entirely distinct and separate field of inquiry, and concerns the human predicament, and ultimate human fulfilment, and it is to this end that critical thinking skills can usefully be applied. The purpose of this short study is to give some help to those hoping to gain an insight into the metaphysical realms of their being, and who would like some guidance with regard to those formal and academic disciplines supposedly geared to dealing with that very subject.
The “relation between art and knowledge” in Kant’s and Schopenhauer’s notion of art, which is the main subject in this study includes scrutinizing of opinion that genuine works of art can provide “a kind of” knowledge and distinguishing... more
- by F. Berfu Kutlu
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- Philosophy, Aesthetics, Kant, Art
Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and... more
Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and therefore cannot have any logical properties. He finds the Carnapian conception even in professed Wittgensteinians such as Peter Hacker and Gordon Baker who think of themselves as rejecting it. My question is where this leaves the notion of PHILOSOPHICAL nonsense. Could anything that was utterly devoid of content play the crucial deceptive role that nonsensicalists, including Wittgensteinians, assign it? Could it ever be detected if it did?
L'azione del pensiero schopenhaueriano sulla storia della filosofia e del pensiero occidentale si potrebbe definire uno Schopenhauer-Impact: l'effetto prodotto da un meteorite caduto sulla terra, che mette fine a un'era geologica e ne... more
L'azione del pensiero schopenhaueriano sulla storia della filosofia e del pensiero occidentale si potrebbe definire uno Schopenhauer-Impact: l'effetto prodotto da un meteorite caduto sulla terra, che mette fine a un'era geologica e ne inizia una nuova, instaurando nuove forme del pensiero e del filosofare. L'impatto del meteorite-Schopenhauer cambia la geologia della terra, la posizione dell'asse di senso attorno al quale ruota: il mondo non gira più in maniera ancillare, attorno alla divinità, non è guidato più da alcuna intelligenza o grazia divina, non è il frutto del cosmo, cioè dell'ordine e della bellezza, ma è scaturigine dell'oscuro caos, ruota su se stesso, attorno al proprio asse senza senso
This is a re-edited version of the original article on Schopenhauer's philosophy published in the 'Westminster Review' in 1853. The author of 'Iconoclasm in German Philosophy' has read a number of works by Arthur Schopenhauer - listed at... more
This is a re-edited version of the original article on Schopenhauer's philosophy published in the 'Westminster Review' in 1853. The author of 'Iconoclasm in German Philosophy' has read a number of works by Arthur Schopenhauer - listed at the top of the article - which has enabled him to appreciate the Weltanschuung of this philosophical author. The article is an excellent achievement in encapsulating the complex thought of a deep thinker in effective English prose. The article is famous for the fact that it was single-handedly responsible for kickstarting the appreciation of Schopenhauer's philosophy in the United Kingdom, at a time when he had already become famous in Germany. Interestingly though, it took forty years for Schopenhauer (1788-1860) to gain fame in his own country and only during the last decade of his life did he become a widely appreciated author. In his own view this was because his own philosophy was at odds with the reigning philosophy of his day - Hegelianism - and he was never ready to dilute or deform his own thought-system in order to conform with the 'State Philosophy', as he called it. This article is an eye-opener and it should be borne in mind that Schopenhauer was a great Anglophile - he had attended public school in England (albeit briefly), read the English newspapers daily and held up as the finest master of prose the philosopher David Hume - and English fame was something that was a great honour for him.
The traditional interpretation of Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation" sustains the antinomy between the World as Will, considered as blind desire, and the World as Representation, as a rational but illusory view of... more
The traditional interpretation of Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation" sustains the antinomy between the World as Will, considered as blind desire, and the World as Representation, as a rational but illusory view of reality. We'll argue that the notion of representation beyond the principle of reason, and of the will beyond nihilist desire gives us a new view of reality beyond the World itself. To understand our thesis we must acknowledge the impact of Plato's philosophy on Schopenhauerian metaphysics. The World as Will and Representation seems fairly simple to describe, either in the1818's four books first edition, or in the 1844's second edition (containing a second supplementary book to each of the original four books). The first book shows us the world, as we perceive it, as plain representation, in which the term "representation" must be understood as appearance and not as reality. The second book argues reality is, essentially, will, considered prima facie as blind and inexorable desire bringing nothing but suffering to those who live it. The third book stands for art as a mental sublimation for pacifying suffering, as a palliative. Finally, the fourth book suggests compassion and mysticism as a way of freeing ourselves from that suffering as they are the expression of radical renunciation to will, that way allowing closeness to the much-aspired emptiness and nothingness, in this nihilist and pessimist view. We'll argue this interpretation, although generally supported, is superficial and doesn't take into consideration the relevance of platonic reasoning and the Upanishads in Schopenhauer's work. As the author himself highlights,
Perfazendo a primeira filosofia existencial trágica, a doutrina de Schopenhauer atribui a origem do caráter simultaneamente trágico, absurdo e doloroso da existência ao querer viver, implicando um pessimismo que impõe à felicidade uma... more
Perfazendo a primeira filosofia existencial trágica, a doutrina de Schopenhauer atribui a origem do caráter simultaneamente trágico, absurdo e doloroso da existência ao querer viver, implicando um pessimismo que impõe à felicidade uma condição negativa, à medida que o sofrimento emerge como o fundamento de toda a vida, constituindo-se o prazer estético uma possibilidade quanto à superação da dor e do tédio, conforme assinala o artigo cujo trabalho mostra a correlação envolvendo a perspectiva da metafísica da vontade e o pensamento de Nietzsche que, detendo-se no niilismo como um acontecimento que expressa a negação da vida e converge para a sua própria superação, sobrepõe ao dualismo metafísico o princípio da unidade-múltipla através da construção da sua metafisica de artista, que supõe um movimento da consciência ética para o pathos artístico.
The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become... more
The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into oblivion, even if they have met all the standards of their day? Quite a few sociologists have tackled this elusive issue. Pierre Bourdieu, Michele Lamont and Randall Collins are among those who fleshed out strong explanatory frameworks. This project adds to this body of knowledge by emphasizing cultural factors that these authors downplayed in their seminal accounts, despite being aware of their significance. By showing why these underdeveloped aspects of their works need to be incorporated into the debate and how this can be achieved, this article introduces a new theorization of the iconic, lasting intellectual reputation substantiated by evidence from the lifeworks of Bronislaw Malinowski and Michel Foucault. As such, it aims, minimally, to make sociology of knowledge decisively ‘cultural’. Maximally, it seeks to demonstrate that the iconic success of intellectual intervention in social theory depends on carefully performed and contingently mediated engagement with the binary systems of symbolic classification.