Think Tank Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Сп. Ново време, бр. 3/2015 г./Novo vreme Journal, issue 3/2015

Özellikle 1970'li yıllardan itibaren ''Daha az devlet daha çok toplum'' şiarıyla sivil toplum kuruluşlarının sayılarında artmaların görüldüğü gibi bu kuruluşlar artık raporları ve analizleriyle kişi ve kurumlara yol haritası taslakları... more

Özellikle 1970'li yıllardan itibaren ''Daha az devlet daha çok toplum'' şiarıyla sivil toplum kuruluşlarının sayılarında artmaların görüldüğü gibi bu kuruluşlar artık raporları ve analizleriyle kişi ve kurumlara yol haritası taslakları sunan politik merciler gibi görev yapmaya başladılar. Düşünce Kuruluşları/ Think Tankler geneli ABD merkezli olmak üzere bütün dünyayı saran yönlendirme vazifesi ile donatıldılar. Normalde düşünce kuruluşlarına her ülkenin ihtiyacı vardır fakat burada konu olanlar bazı hegemonyaların devam ettirilebilmesi için görev yapanlardır. ABD merkezli beş büyük Think Tank diğer bir deyişle Beş Büyükler şu şekildeydi:

There is a significant body of literature assessing the influence of think tanks; however, there has been relatively little research on the online impact of think tanks’ research activity. Differentiating the popularity of a policy think... more

There is a significant body of literature assessing the influence of think tanks; however, there has been relatively little research on the online impact of think tanks’ research activity. Differentiating the popularity of a policy think tank from its policy relevance is an important consideration in evaluating the impact of policy institutes on the Web. This study measures the perceived reliability of information as defined by web-based users. To measure the impact of think tanks’ web-based popularity and policy relevance, think
tank participation in five separate policy domains including social policy, equalization, climate change, clean energy, and peacemaking/peace building is studied using hyperlink analysis.

Democratic elections facilitate the exchange of ideas in a country and are an important moment for public engagement in political processes. Elections present an opportunity for organisations that want to influence or promote a culture of... more

Democratic elections facilitate the exchange of ideas in a country and are an important moment for public engagement in political processes. Elections present an opportunity for organisations that want to influence or promote a culture of ideas and innovation, evidence-use, transparency, democracy and citizen participation. This publication seeks to inspire and inform think tanks to act. It is a collection of stories and practical advice from organisations around the world that have influenced their country’s electoral process in some way.

As transatlantic experts focusing on security and Russia, we recognize the confusion among policymakers who have genuine interest in Euroatlantic security after the presidential election in the United States. The Russian Federation and... more

As transatlantic experts focusing on security and Russia, we recognize the confusion among policymakers who have genuine interest in Euroatlantic security after the presidential election in the United States. The Russian Federation and its proxies use an extensive toolkit to manipulate sovereign policy and decision-making in various democratic countries, both in Western and Eastern Europe. We are convinced that to challenge this tendency, a strong Euro-Atlantic cooperation is needed. A geopolitical vacuum in the region would only encourage Russian players to interfere more actively. And while Russia is calling for a friendship with the West, they are treating the West as an enemy: an easy target for information warfare and active measures. We aim to build on the US initiative (Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill) and to enhance the synergy with the European effort. Based on the experience of hostile Russian influence in Europe, we give suggestions where the US foreign and defense policy interest and resources should be targeted in order to support and enhance the European response. We would suggest focusing on the following practical steps: 1) Create a program which will make use of existing European knowledge (mainly in think-tanks) on how democratic states can form their policy responses to massive hostile disinformation. 2) Support scholarships for fact-checkers, investigative journalists and researchers focusing on exposing and scrutinizing hostile influence operations. 3) Support non-governmental watchdog organizations which promote an agenda of digital and media literacy, critical thinking and countering disinformation and conspiracy theories, with a special focus on education. We think that the exchange of ideas and experience between the Unites States and its European allies is crucial to be able to challenge this threat. For example, strategies to win an information war or to counter hostile Russian influence have already been drafted. To downplay the importance of Europe by the US foreign policy would only exacerbate the security challenges, and would go against the vested security policy interests of the Unites States.

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Pensando el Perú 2016: Diálogo y Política", que en el marco de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 se propuso elevar la calidad del debate público, instalar temas prioritarios... more

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Pensando el Perú 2016: Diálogo y Política", que en el marco de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 se propuso elevar la calidad del debate público, instalar temas prioritarios en la agenda política y fomentar el voto informado por parte de la ciudadanía. La iniciativa fue liderada por el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP).

With China's rapid growth as a regional and global power, think tanks in China have received increasing attention from politicians and academics, mostly due to the achievements of academic and processing policies. Recently,... more

With China's rapid growth as a regional and global power, think tanks in China have received increasing attention from politicians and academics, mostly due to the achievements of academic and processing policies. Recently, collaborations between the media and think tanks have become increasingly tight. This article aims to explore China's think tank industry and their relationship with the media by interviewing two members of staff from one of China’s most prominent think tanks and observing the Institute for six months. This study has found that China’s think tanks have a close relationship with the government and the media. The traditional Chinese Confucian culture and the "bureaucracy-oriented tradition" have a significant role in the think tanks' political behavior. This leads the think tanks to play the role of being an advocate of the government. Although social media, to some extent, liberalizes the work style of China's think tanks, the think tanks...

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Paraguay Debate", la cual se propuso como objetivo enriquecer el debate político con miras a las elecciones de abril de 2013, de manera que el mismo sea orientado a la discusión... more

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Paraguay Debate", la cual se propuso como objetivo enriquecer el debate político con miras a las elecciones de abril de 2013, de manera que el mismo sea orientado a la discusión de los temas más relevantes relacionados al fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad democrática y la sustentabilidad del desarrollo. "Paraguay Debate" se conformó como una alianza entre reconocidas organizaciones de la sociedad civil paraguayas.

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Elecciones Perú: Centrando el debate electoral", que en el marco de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 se propuso tres objetivos principales: robustecer el rol de los partidos... more

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Elecciones Perú: Centrando el debate electoral", que en el marco de las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 se propuso tres objetivos principales: robustecer el rol de los partidos políticos como actores que representan sectores sociales y proponen programas de gobierno, promover el diálogo socio político, y elevar el nivel del debate electoral, fortaleciendo la discusión programática de propuestas de política. La iniciativa fue liderada por el Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES).

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Ecuador Decide", la cual se propuso aportar al diálogo y a la participación democrática en el marco del proceso electoral ecuatoriano en 2017, generando tanto oportunidades para... more

Este documento sistematiza la experiencia de la iniciativa "Ecuador Decide", la cual se propuso aportar al diálogo y a la participación democrática en el marco del proceso electoral ecuatoriano en 2017, generando tanto oportunidades para que los políticos den a conocer sus propuestas, así como espacios para que los ciudadanos ejerzan un voto informado. La iniciativa fue liderada por Grupo FARO.

The eurozone crisis has spectacularly increased the European Union’s (EU’s) institutional demand for expert knowledge. While the crisis has challenged the legitimacy of the EU in many ways, it has in contrast amplified the visibility and... more

The eurozone crisis has spectacularly increased the European Union’s (EU’s) institutional demand for expert knowledge. While the crisis has challenged the legitimacy of the EU in many ways, it has in contrast amplified the visibility and the role of Brussels-based think tanks as laboratories of ideas that think ahead about eurozone governance and policies. Drawing on the analysis of more than 450 expert reports produced by two leading Brussels-based think tanks, over 300 CVs and biographical notes as well interviews, this article explores when, how and why Brussels-based think tanks expand their networks in times of crisis. While the article leaves aside the question of their ideational impact upon agenda-setting and the policy formulation process leading to the new European economic governance, it shows how think tanks adapt to crises and how they seek to have a voice in thinking about the future of the EU’s economic governance.