Advocacy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social... more

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social justice and advocacy practices that eliminate systemic barriers to rigorous educational experiences for all students. This paper proposes an alignment of advocacy and social justice professional standards and competencies for school counselors and principals. This alignment, which consists of three contextual dimensions including social justice identity, human resources, and advocacy actions, serves as the foundational framework for principal-counselor collaboration around social justice advocacy. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Personalisation of care services has the potential of empowering users through maximising their choice of services and improving their control on how such services are provided and by whom; there is some debate, however, of the... more

Personalisation of care services has the potential of empowering users through maximising their choice of services and improving their control on how such services are provided and by whom; there is some debate, however, of the suitability of such approach to some groups of users and potentially increased risks. Advocacy groups have long played a crucial role in promoting the rights of users whilst ensuring their safeguard. The current seminar presents examples of advocacy work from the UK and Europe that are specific to social services and care provision. It will discuss the role of advocacy that is present at various stages of care delivery from facilitating the input of users in the process of workforce training and qualifications to their involvement in service delivery. The presentation also highlights the role of the wider context of national social policy strategies in establishing the role of advocacy. The discussion will stress the importance of the coordination between training, commissioning and service provision in ensuring access and choice while recognising the need for safeguarding. These are likely to be achieved through the application of a complementary framework of work that involves service users, the workforce, informal carers and independent advocates within current consumer driven systems.

In recent decades, civil society organisations (CSOs) have grown both in number and in their impact on policy-making, at European and also non-Member state level. Public institutions, motivated by the need to increase their legitimacy,... more

In recent decades, civil society organisations (CSOs) have grown both in number and in their impact on policy-making, at European and also non-Member state level. Public institutions, motivated by the need to increase their legitimacy, have increasingly delegated functions to CSOs. Concomitantly, CSOs have expanded their access to public funding. In part because of increased access to public funding, and in part because of a stronger relationship with public powers, CSOs are under pressure to demonstrate that they use the resources they are given in an efficient, accountable and transparent manner, e.g. by adopting policies on fiscal transparency, and by maintaining financial solvency. The EU's interest in regulating CSOs is relatively recent. At present, the legal framework addressing CSOs' financial accountability includes two 'categories' of norms: those that regulate the award of public contracts and the concession of grants, and those norms that address transparency and openness. The first category includes the rules on public contracts and the rules on (co-)financing of CSO projects; whereas the second category includes the Financial Transparency Initiative (FTJ) and the Joint Transparency Register
(JTR). The FTJ gathers all information on EU funding in a single database. The JTR gathers information produced by the various organisations (including CSOs) that are interested in lobbying the EU, and who register voluntarily. Defining the boundaries of CSO fiscal accountability and effectively tackling cases of fraud or financial mismanagement remains a difficult endeavor. On the one hand, the EU still lacks a single overarching understanding (and, consequently, legal definition) of CSOs. This translates into the absence of clear legal definitions, and more generally into
the opacity of the information available on CSOs through EU databases. Moreover, as CSOs are 'private entities', they are not submitted to the same integrity mechanisms and norms that apply to public institutions, including internal and external oversight. Finally, a significant administrative burden imposed on CSOs may, in the end, counter EU efforts to tackle financial mismanagement by CSOs. In many respects, the issue of CSO financial accountability has come to resemble a dialogue of the deaf: EU institution-proposed reforms have been postponed, or have not produced the outcomes expected, or have been fiercely opposed by CSOs. At the same time, the self-regulatory tools (including policies on selecting donors, self monitoring and codes of conduct and standards) developed by CSOs to enhance their
financial accountability have not obtained official recognition from EU institutions.

Planung und Evaluation im Public-Affairs-Management (PA) erfordern eine strategische Vorstellung von Ziel-Mittel-Relationen sowie Verlaufs- und Ergebnisinformationen über Veränderungen. Der Beitrag gibt in drei Teilen einen Überblick über... more

Planung und Evaluation im Public-Affairs-Management (PA) erfordern eine strategische Vorstellung von Ziel-Mittel-Relationen sowie Verlaufs- und Ergebnisinformationen über Veränderungen. Der Beitrag gibt in drei Teilen einen Überblick über Probleme und Lösungsideen dieser Aufgabe, die weniger der schematischen Kontrolle als der Strategiekompetenz und Lernkultur dienen sollte. Der erste Abschnitt umreißt die Ambivalenzen und Grenzen der PA-Metrie und legt dar, wie Werttreiber und Wirkungsmodelle einen Planungs- und Evaluationsrahmen für einzelne Messkonzepte bilden. Die zwei folgenden Abschnitte erläutern praktische Anwendungen: Bewertungstechniken für dauerhafte Verbandsmitgliedschaften von Unternehmen und stärker projektbezogen für das Lobbying bei Einzelvorhaben.

Currently in the USA, 43 States have enacted legislation to ensure that parents of children with autism can access services from professionals trained in Applied Behaviour Analysis under their health insurance. Across Europe, there are... more

Currently in the USA, 43 States have enacted legislation to ensure that parents of children with autism can access services from professionals trained in Applied Behaviour Analysis under their health insurance. Across Europe, there are very few opportunities for students to be trained in Applied Behaviour Analysis to international standards. In this paper I outline some of the obstacles to the promotion of this science in Europe that stem from misrepresentation by those who have not been trained in it. Abstrakt: V súčasnosti sa 43 štátov v USA legislatívne zaviazalo k zabezpečeniu prístupu k službám profesionálov vyškolených v oblasti aplikovanej behaviorálnej analýzy pre potreby rodičov detí s poruchami autistického spektra. Tieto služby by mali byť pokryté a plne hradené poisťovňou. Avšak v Európe je len zopár možnosti pre študentov, ktorí by sa mohli vyškoliť v oblasti aplikovanej behaviorálnej analýzy zodpovedajúcej medzinárodným štandardom. V príspevku autor poukazuje na niekoľko možných prekážok v šírení tejto vednej disciplíny v Európe, ktoré vychádzajú najmä z rôznych dezinterpretácií tých, ktorí v danej vednej oblasti neboli vyškolení. Kľúčové slová: aplikovaná behaviorálna analýza, poruchy autistického spektra, servisné služby.

The results of this research offer a realistic picture of lobbying in Romania. By the depth of this research addressing all players involved in lobbying in Romania and the fact that it is completed with data collected together with GfK... more

Studi kasus di desa penelitian yang terletak di Kabupaten Lombok Timur ini berfokus kepada advokasi perlindungan perempuan dan anak terkait isu kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Advokasi ini dilakukan melalui masyarakat desa melalui... more

Studi kasus di desa penelitian yang terletak di Kabupaten Lombok Timur ini berfokus kepada advokasi perlindungan perempuan dan anak terkait isu kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Advokasi ini dilakukan melalui masyarakat desa melalui pembentukan Kelompok Konstituen (KK) Mele Maju, dengan dukungan dari mitra dampingan MAMPU, yaitu Bursa Pengetahuan Kawasan Timur Indonesia (BaKTI). Kelompok ini beranggotakan laki-laki dan perempuan, serta terbentuk untuk mendukung proses advokasi di desa dalam beberapa isu, khususnya bagi perempuan. Salah satunya adalah dengan menanggapi norma sosial yang menyebabkan adanya pemakluman kekerasan yang terjadi terhadap perempuan di desa, baik kekerasan fisik, ekonomi, maupun psikologis. Pemakluman kekerasan menyebabkan kasus kekerasan yang terjadi kerap tidak terlaporkan. Selain itu, norma sosial juga telah membatasi keterlibatan perempuan dalam ruang formal dan informal proses pembuatan keputusan terkait kebutuhan masyarakat.

Material de apoio escrito para as turmas de direito processual civil I, sobre os "Procuradores no CPC/15", abordando as figuras dos advogados privados e públicos, incluídos os membros da Defensoria Pública. Autor: Alexandre de Paula... more

Material de apoio escrito para as turmas de direito processual civil I, sobre os "Procuradores no CPC/15", abordando as figuras dos advogados privados e públicos, incluídos os membros da Defensoria Pública. Autor: Alexandre de Paula Filho, mestre em direito pela Unicap, professor de direito processual civil e integrante do grupo de estudos 'Processo com Quê?'

Appellant's challenge to the aforesaid Rules is mainly on the ground that these Rules put an unreasonable restriction on his right to practice as an Advocate and are also ultra vires the provisions of Section 30 of the Advocates Act, 1961... more

Neurology is fast turning into a therapeutic specialty from its erstwhile image of " diagnose and adios ". Stroke physicians should now provide the option for intra-arterial thrombectomy for a subset of patients with acute stroke. Mobile... more

Neurology is fast turning into a therapeutic specialty from its erstwhile image of " diagnose and adios ". Stroke physicians should now provide the option for intra-arterial thrombectomy for a subset of patients with acute stroke. Mobile stroke units with computed tomography (CT) scan, laboratory and telemedicine backup have great potential to shorten the treatment time and increase the number of recipients of thrombolytics. The search for disease modifying agents in Parkinsonism has so far been negative but adenosine 2A receptor antagonists may be promising. Pimavenserine for psychosis in parkinsonism is good. Inhaled and intestinal gel formulations for levodopa appear promising. Simvastatin, oral steroids in place for intravenous, synthetic vitamin D, pegylated formulation of interferon and many new molecules including monoclonal antibodies have broadened therapeutic options in multiple sclerosis (MS). Dementia and cognitive impairments are being countered from an early preclinical stage by multimodal interventions (exercise, cognitive training, vascular risk factors control) vaccine and immune modulations targeted to amyloid beta and electrical stimulation of brain. Brivaracetam, perampanel and eslicarbazepine have shown good results in epilepsy. Management of status epilepticus can be simplified during prehospital stage by intramuscular midazolam. A new class of drug-calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor antagonists has shown promising results in migraine, neural stimulation of many targets outside and inside brain and botulinum toxin may help in refractory migraine and cluster headache. Intravenous rifampicin is good for florid tuberculous (TB) meningitis. Advances in gene therapy are still at conceptual or experimental stage, but electronics and computers for neural prosthesis are moving faster. Methodological issues, trial designs, negative studies nocebo effect, proof of concept-studies and flouting of Ingelfirmer rule have also been covered.

Concerns about the criminal justice response to rape have prompted the development of victim advocacy services across a range of jurisdictions, yet research evidence about the nature, meaning and value of advocacy remains limited. This... more

Concerns about the criminal justice response to rape have prompted the development of victim advocacy services across a range of jurisdictions, yet research evidence about the nature, meaning and value of advocacy remains limited. This article draws upon a study evaluating an innovative
advocacy model introduced in Scotland to assist reporting rape to the police. Findings from interviews with nine victims highlight the importance of advocacy that is independent of statutory and criminal justice agencies. However, it is argued that this does not mitigate the need for specialization or reform in the criminal justice response to rape and, further, that the distinction between advocacy at an individual and societal level represents a false dichotomy.

Public relations scholars have emphasised the role of the Internet, and in particular social media, as a new and effective way for communication professionals to engage with stakeholders on social issues. However, beyond conceptual... more

Public relations scholars have emphasised the role of the Internet, and in particular social media, as a new and effective way for communication professionals to engage with stakeholders on social issues. However, beyond conceptual papers, there has been limited to no empirical evidence that online spaces are indeed more effective when aiming to engage diverse, dispersed communities. This paper aims to address this gap, by examining the social media activities of two seemingly dissimilar communities: the Australian Asbestos Network and the West Australian Anti Nuclear Movement. The authors conclude that in an online advocacy context, communities create issues, as opposed to congregate around carefully crafted communications messages.

Introduction: Traditional Leaders are known to be relevant stakeholders as they demonstrate remarkable authority through which political and religious leaders reach out to the members of a given community. Traditional Leaders resolve... more

Introduction: Traditional Leaders are known to be relevant stakeholders as they demonstrate remarkable authority through which political and religious leaders reach out to the members of a given community. Traditional Leaders resolve disputes and enforce government directives on their subjects, leading to peace and stability with enhanced community involvement at addressing community needs. We reviewed the 2017/2018 MVC (Measles Vaccination Campaign) data to demonstrates the impact of the Northern Traditional Leaders' support to the campaign in the northern states of Nigeria Methods: We reviewed all documents linked to the Northern Traditional Leaders Committee (NTLC) activities, during the 2017/2018 measles vaccination exercise in the northern part of Nigeria. The documents information included notes of the meetings held with the Leaders, collation of the signed engagement, documentation that involved their physical presence either at the flag-off, during the evening review meetings and in resolving conflicts in their respective communities as well as direct involvement in the campaign supervision. Results: All the 20 states of the North participated in advocacy and sensitisation meetings at their various states, but only four (20%) followed up with their states to release counterpart funds. The NTL chaired 15 (75%) of all the 20 Northern states, 2017/2018 MVC flag-off ceremonies that were conducted at the states. Overall, the northern States recorded an average vaccination coverage of 88.2% during the 2017/2018 MVC. Twelve (60%) of the northern states recorded vaccination coverages of ≥90%. Conclusion: The impact of Traditional Leaders involvement in the 2017/2018 MVC is evident by the remarkable difference in the number of children reached with the vaccine in the northern states of Nigeria. For the first time in measles vaccination campaigns in Nigeria, a special presentation was made to the Northern Traditional Leaders with special task for their support during the campaign. Their influence at each level of decision making and in the patriarchal society of northern Nigeria provides a trusted platform for directly engaging them on important issues, including primary health care services in the country.

Debates on lobby regulation uncover a significant issue of the Romanian public law system as identifying its characteristics at international and Romanian level are an essential step in building the arguments of future regulations. In... more

Scientists are often wary of engaging in policy advocacy as they fear it may result in the perception of bias in their science or abuse of their position. Whilst advocacy need not always result in biased science or an abuse of position,... more

Scientists are often wary of engaging in policy advocacy as they fear it may result in the perception of bias in their science or abuse of their position. Whilst advocacy need not always result in biased science or an abuse of position, the mere suspicion that it might can be enough to deter a scientist from engaging in it. For climate scientists, this tension is well known, especially given how politically polarising action on climate change can be.
This thesis identifies how, both in theory and practice, climate scientists can engage in policy advocacy in a way that is acceptable to them and their scientific community. By providing a new way of defining advocacy and the roles that scientists can engage in when communicating, I create an advocacy spectrum that maps different communication roles for scientists. Position on this spectrum is influenced by ‘contextual factors’ which determine how a scientist’s communication may be perceived. Depending on which contextual factors are at play, even silence may be interpreted as advocacy. The advocacy spectrum is informed by semi-structured interviews with 47 climate scientists in the UK and USA. In the interviews, I explore their concerns about advocacy and the practical methods they use for managing the tensions they experience when communicating. Analysis of this data helps to further develop arguments in the theoretical literature about science communication, the role of values in science, and the conceptions about scientists as citizens in society. As a result, I identify what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable forms of policy advocacy as perceived by scientists and the scientific community. Combining the experience of climate scientists with the understanding from the theory, I then establish eight methods scientists can use that allow scientists qua scientists to engage in policy advocacy whilst also preserving their scientific credibility and independence.

Teaching is an art. Some people are born teachers while others acquire the skill. To be a great teacher, one has to have a sense of humor and be very flexible. Teachers will never teach to gain monetary reward. However, they will teach to... more

Teaching is an art. Some people are born teachers while others acquire the skill. To be a great teacher, one has to have a sense of humor and be very flexible. Teachers will never teach to gain monetary reward. However, they will teach to achieve the best reward - satisfaction that they have an impact on the education of the leaders of the world, the training of CEOs, and the success of new breed of professionals. Teaching is a noble profession.

Germany likely employs Europe’s largest national lobby labor force. This article presents a comprehensive study of German lobbyists’ workplaces and employer expectations of competencies. It provides insights into emerging requirements for... more

Germany likely employs Europe’s largest national lobby labor force. This article presents a comprehensive study of German lobbyists’ workplaces and employer expectations of competencies. It provides insights into emerging requirements for a qualified workforce in a diversified job market.
Drawing on multiple sources of statistics, surveys and cases, a first section examines staffing and entry routes for the main employer types – associations, corporations and consultancies. The job market offers a broad range of career options. This includes an emerging set of junior training programs. German employers have devised fully-paid apprenticeship models as structured practical learning schemes where rotating workplace assignments alternate with seminar learning. Some employers partner in training alliances. Traineeships are tailor-made and unregulated, but their existence points to a growing employer interest in formally developing a talent base and professionalism.
A second section offers a job market snapshot based on 189 advertisements from 2012 to 2014. Job ads can be assumed to be an objective measure of employers’ articulated intentions and expectations for a quality pool of applicants. The survey tabulates preferences for experience, academic degrees, knowledge areas, personal, social and method competencies, and specific political expert skills. Results demonstrate a complex interplay of qualifications and requirements. Ads also show great variety and ambiguity, suggesting that lobbying lacks standardized job classifications and a stable common vocabulary.
Findings show that organizational settings influence task and competency combinations expressed in job ads. While all employers appear to follow similar recruiting patterns in regard to some qualifications, they also differ. For example, associations and businesses place more emphasis on policy concepts, organizational participation, coordination, administration, and direct representation than do consultancies, while the latter stress advisory roles and strategizing. Corporations get less involved in campaign advocacy. Associations focus on members. Consulting firms tend to recruit younger, less experienced staff, and to less often request domain knowledge. Highlighting commonalities and differences, this paper may help stimulate discussion on explicating employers’ competency-based human capital management and recruiting practices.
The results may help develop guidelines for apprenticeship schemes, continuing education, organized efforts of professional bodies and university curricula.

Os textos reunidos no livro Ciências Sociais: diálogos interdisciplinares representam uma visão do que foram as pesquisas que resultaram em teses do Doutorado em Ciências Sociais realizado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais... more

Os textos reunidos no livro Ciências Sociais: diálogos interdisciplinares representam uma visão do que foram as pesquisas que resultaram em teses do Doutorado em Ciências Sociais realizado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro durante o período de 2012 a 2016.

It's heart breaking for any parent to see their child struggle and I was left feeling that I let my son down as I couldn't get him the help that he needs. For 10 years, I struggled to get my son an official diagnosis of ASD [Autism... more

It's heart breaking for any parent to see their child struggle and I was left feeling that I let my son down as I couldn't get him the help that he needs. For 10 years, I struggled to get my son an official diagnosis of ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder], which eventually happened in April 2017. I was referred to a leading charity for autism in N. Ireland, but no mention was made of ABA [Applied Behaviour Analysis]. This was unusual, I thought, because from my own research I found that the science of ABA could help overcome the difficulties of everyday life that hinder him socially, emotionally and mentally. We rely so much as parents on advice given by professionals. But how can we make the best decisions for our children when we are not given appropriate information. Again, I was left feeling very hopeless and alone. I was denied my rights as a parent to avail of a service/therapy that has been shown to be effective for helping children. (Letter from a parent) Before you read the comment from another parent below, here is some context to understand just how extraordinary it is that ABA-based interventions are not actively promoted in the UK. Currently,

This article contributes to the emergent literature on the use of social media at advocacy organizations. Much of this existing literature focuses on these organizations’ production of social media information; this article, however,... more

This article contributes to the emergent literature on the use of social media at advocacy organizations. Much of this existing literature focuses on these organizations’ production of social media information; this article, however, explores the complementary and relatively unexamined consumption of social media information that can form part of advocacy work. By drawing parallels between journalism and advocacy, the article develops two theoretical models of how advocacy organizations evaluate social media information as part of this consumption. These models differ according to the information values at their cores and according to how these values are evaluated in practice; correspondingly, the models interact differently with social media’s affordances. The key information value for the evidence model is the veracity of the information’s metadata, and this is largely evaluated through a time-intensive verification process requiring corroboration and drawing on human expertise. In contrast, the key information value pertaining to the engagement model is participation, which is evaluated by measuring the volume of participants in the information’s production and transmission. The affordances of social media are often hindrances for the evidence model, because they can make metadata more difficult to verify. In contrast, the engagement model capitalizes on social media affordances, because these affordances facilitate participation as well as the evaluation of participation volume using digital analytics. In addition to shedding light on approaches to social media information evaluation at advocacy organizations, this article urges researchers and practitioners to be alive to related barriers to pluralism as they study and use these approaches.

Zapotrzebowanie na wykwalifikowaną pomoc prawną istniało od początku lokacji Nowego Sącza, choć w zróżnicowanym zakresie. Początkowo adwokatów ceniono na dworach magnackich i szlacheckich, a tych ostatnich na Sądecczyźnie nie brakowało.... more

Zapotrzebowanie na wykwalifikowaną pomoc prawną istniało od początku lokacji Nowego Sącza, choć w zróżnicowanym zakresie. Początkowo adwokatów ceniono na dworach magnackich i szlacheckich, a tych ostatnich na Sądecczyźnie nie brakowało. Relacje pomiędzy adwokatami a społecznością nowosądecką nie ograniczały się jedynie do świadczenia usług prawnych. Wielu wybitnych przedstawicieli miasta wywodziło się z adwokatury, a członkowie sądeckiej palestry wywarli wpływ na kształtowanie się kultury region. Przyczyniali się także do podniesienia świadomości prawnej jego mieszkańców. Celem niniejszej pracy jest uchwycenie i przekazanie Czytelnikowi tego wielowątkowego zagadnienia.

Ideas for the advocate; basic ideas that are hard to find in books; importance of preparation; the judge is not your enemy; responsiveness; written advocacy

Social movement scholars have described activist burnout-when the stressors of activism become so overwhelming they debilitate activists' abilities to remain engaged-as a formidable threat to the sustainability of social movements.... more

Social movement scholars have described activist burnout-when the stressors of activism become so overwhelming they debilitate activists' abilities to remain engaged-as a formidable threat to the sustainability of social movements. However, studies designed to map the causes of burnout have failed to account for ways burnout might operate differently for privileged-identity activists such as white antiracism activists and marginalized-identity activists such as antiracism activists of color. Building on previous studies of activist burnout in racial justice activists and examinations of the roles of white activists in antiracism movements, this study represents one attempt to fill this gap. We analyzed data from interviews with racial justice activists of color in the United States who have experienced burnout to identify the ways they attributed their burnout to the attitudes and behaviors-the racism-of white activists. These included (1) harboring unevolved or racist views, (2) undermining or invalidating the racial justice work of activists of color, (3) being unwilling to step up and take action when needed,

In order to transform Cambodian society, a more holistic vision of social reconstruction is required; one that includes restorative, socioeconomic, political and psychosocial aspects among others. This chapter seeks to address this vision... more

In order to transform Cambodian society, a more holistic vision of social reconstruction is required; one that includes restorative, socioeconomic, political and psychosocial aspects among others. This chapter seeks to address this vision by offering insights to improve and extend the scope of transitional justice in Cambodia. The Court could contribute to achieve that vision. NGOs, with their local perspective and technical experience, are also well-suited to take on a major role. However, taken separately, the ECCC and NGOs are still underfunded and lack expertise in aspects such as psychological support. Thus, they are limited in their ability to fully satisfy the needs of justice for the Cambodian people. The government has a role to play in ensuring that the population has access to, for example, public psychological services to heal the wounds of the past. Therefore, for transformation to be fully attained, all actors including the ECCC, the NGOs, and the government need to work in concert multiplying activities in order to implement integrated transitional justice programs.
Suggested Citation: Strasser, J., Poluda, J., Balthazard, M., Om, C., Yim, S., Im, S., … Sperfeldt, C. (2011). Engaging communities—easing the pain: Outreach and psychosocial interventions in the context of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. In K. Lauritsch & F. Kernjak (Eds.), We need the truth: Enforced disappearances in Asia (pp. 146–159). Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial.

Chi sono le più influenti lobby italiane? Come e quanto riescono a incidere sulle decisioni pubbliche? E tutto questo che effetti ha sul funzionamento e la qualità della nostra democrazia? Nel rispondere a tali importanti interrogativi,... more

Chi sono le più influenti lobby italiane? Come e quanto riescono a incidere sulle decisioni pubbliche? E tutto questo che effetti ha sul funzionamento e la qualità della nostra democrazia? Nel rispondere a tali importanti interrogativi, l’autore mette a confronto i tratti salienti della politica degli interessi così come è andata strutturandosi nel corso della storia repubblicana, con un’attenta e puntuale analisi di come si presenta oggi. Nello specifico, vengono illustrate le caratteristiche distintive del sistema rispetto alla propria densità e differenziazione interna, nonché alle modalità attraverso le quali i gruppi di interesse italiani conducono la propria attività di lobbying, accedono alle diverse sedi istituzionali – nazionali e comunitarie – e incidono sul processo decisionale. Ne emerge un quadro decisamente rinnovato rispetto all’assetto della Prima Repubblica. Da un lato, all’interno del sistema è molto aumentato il grado di pluralismo: sempre più gruppi, rappresentanti una sempre più ampia varietà di interessi organizzati, sono oggi in grado di giocare un ruolo importante nel processo decisionale. Dall’altro lato, il prezzo di questa maggiore apertura risiede in una aumentata frammentazione e instabilità del sistema, principalmente legata al ridimensionamento dei partiti politici quali attori principali del policymaking.

Six years after the Indian government affirmed its commitment to the principles of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, there is still a limited understanding of the concept of reproductive and sexual health... more

Six years after the Indian government affirmed its commitment to the principles of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, there is still a limited understanding of the concept of reproductive and sexual health amongpolicymakers, programme managers and the public in India. Despite some progressive changes, there is a continuing focus on stabilising population growth rates and lack of unity of goals among women’ s rights advocates, service providers and policymakers. Advocacy efforts need to begin focusing on turning progressive reproductive health policies into concrete programmes on the ground, and continue to push for progressive policies in uncharted areas such as domestic violence. Those who implement programmes need to work with potential allies such as women’ s groups, development groups, health workers’ associations and the media, who all need to be brought on board. What continues to be missing are policies and programmes that promote not only health but also rights and the empowerment of women. Without a strong focus on the links between these, India’ s reproductive health policies and programmes may become like ‘ grass without roots’ .

Powerpoint Presentation (Part 2)

У науково-практичному коментарі розглянуті норми Закону України «Про адвокатуру та адвокатську діяльність», що регулюють питання статусу адвоката, його прав та обов’язків, організації адвокатської діяльності, а також повноважень органів... more

У науково-практичному коментарі розглянуті норми Закону України «Про адвокатуру та адвокатську діяльність», що регулюють питання статусу адвоката, його прав та обов’язків, організації адвокатської діяльності, а також повноважень органів адвокатського самоврядування. Автори тлумачать положення нормативних правових актів, що стосуються регулювання в Україні адвокатури та адвокатської діяльності, враховані наукові праці і розробки вітчизняних і закордонних учених фахівців в галузі адвокатури.
Видання розраховано на адвокатів, студентів, аспірантів, викладачів вищих юридичних навчальних закладів, а також на суддів та працівників правоохоронних органів.