Tora Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Pelaksanaan RPJMN 2015-2019 telah memasuki tahap akhir. Memperhatikan capaian itu, sebagai upaya konsolidasi dan membangun fondasi untuk melakukan akselerasi yang berkelanjutan pada RPJMN berikutnya, maka perlu dilakukan evaluasi atas... more

Un’affascinante pagina di continuità dei più intimi sentimenti e dei riti religiosi dei popoli italici alla fine dell’antichità, con la persistenza di tante antichissime consuetudini e riti nelle forme del cristianesimo quale va... more

Un’affascinante pagina di continuità dei più intimi sentimenti e dei riti religiosi dei popoli italici alla fine dell’antichità, con la persistenza di tante antichissime consuetudini e riti nelle forme del cristianesimo quale va definendosi a livello territoriale, specie nelle campagne e nelle aree montane della media Italia appenninica ed adriatica, ancora in larga parte “pagane” sino agli inizi dell’altomedioevo, ed anche oltre.
Particolarmente eloquente il caso delle due sante sabine Anatolia e Vittoria, l’una propiziatrice della fecondità e della vita, l’altra compagna della vita stessa nelle sue fasi infere, che ereditano fra IV e V secolo d.C. le due intime nature di quella antichissima divinità italica della fecondità in cui gli italici avevano cercato per secoli assistenza, speranze, e certezze di vita, dalla nascita sino alla morte.
E così, probabilmente per tale antichissima eredità più che per la loro rilevanza intrinseca , ritroviamo le due sorelle sabine fra le sante più venerate del cristianesimo occidentale nel Corteo delle Sante degli splendidi mosaici di S. Apollinare Nuovo a Ravenna.

Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs) are self organized by a collection of mobile nodes, which are interconnected by multi hop wireless paths. Providing QoS support in MANETs is an active research area, basically for supporting real time... more

Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs) are self organized by a collection of mobile nodes, which are interconnected by multi hop wireless paths. Providing QoS support in MANETs is an active research area, basically for supporting real time applications that are based upon interaction between the routing scheme and QoS provisioning. The goal of QoS aware routing is to achieve more deterministic behavior of the network i.e. a stable path, so that information carried by the network can be delivered in an uninterrupted fashion and for better resource utilization. In this paper we have developed AMTR, a new ant based QoS aware on-demand multipath routing algorithm for MANETs with better route failure management and which will be highly adaptive and energy efficient.

The advent of ubiquitous computing and the proliferation of portable computing devices have raised the importance of mobile ad-hoc network. A major challenge lies in adapting multicast communication into such environments where mobility... more

The advent of ubiquitous computing and the proliferation of portable computing devices have raised the importance of mobile ad-hoc network. A major challenge lies in adapting multicast communication into such environments where mobility and link failures are inevitable. The purpose of this paper is to study impact of mobility models in performance of multicast routing protocols in MANET. In this work, three widely used mobility models such as Random Way Point, Reference Point Group and Manhattan mobility models and three popular multicast routing protocols such as On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol, Multicast Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing protocol and Adaptive Demand driven Multicast Routing protocol have been chosen and implemented in NS2. Several experiments have been carried out to study the relative strengths, weakness and applicability of multicast protocols to these mobility models.

This paper presents the performance analysis of different routing protocols of a Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET) including cellular wireless nodes. The connections between these cellular nodes have been conducted without any typical... more

This paper presents the performance analysis of different routing protocols of a Mobile ad hoc Network (MANET) including cellular wireless nodes. The connections between these cellular nodes have been conducted without any typical control. MANET is a self organized and self configurable program where cellular nodes are modified randomly. The cellular nodes can acquire and forward the packets as a wireless router. Random movement of different nodes makes the packet forwarding even more complicated. This paper has dealt with four routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR, DSDV and TORA using ns2 simulator. The performance of these routing protocols has been analyzed by five metrics: throughput, end to end delay, packet drop, routing overhead and bandwidth. All four routing protocols have been described and evaluated theoretically and empirically. Finally, it is found that DSR is the best for Mobile ad-hoc network in all cases.

Celem podjętych badań jest pokazanie translacji chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej terminologii religijnej na przykładzie wybranych leksemów z pola semantycznego nazw świętych ksiąg takich, jak: Prawo, Przepis, Tora (inne nazwy z dziedziny... more

Celem podjętych badań jest pokazanie translacji chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej terminologii religijnej na przykładzie wybranych leksemów z pola semantycznego nazw świętych ksiąg takich, jak: Prawo, Przepis, Tora (inne nazwy z dziedziny prawa, to: Dekret, Dowód, Napomnienie, Osąd, Przestroga, Rękojmia, Rozstrzygnięcie, Sędzia).