Virtual Space Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The problem of mobile robot navigation has received a noticeable attention over last few years. Several different approaches were presented, each having major limitations. In this paper a new, agentbased solution the problem of mobile... more
The problem of mobile robot navigation has received a noticeable attention over last few years. Several different approaches were presented, each having major limitations. In this paper a new, agentbased solution the problem of mobile robots navigation is proposed. It is based on a novel representation of the environment, that divides it into a number of distinct regions, and assigns autonomous software Space Agents to supervise it. Space Agents create a graph, that represents a high-level structure of the entire environment. The graph is used as a virtual space, that robot controlling agents work in. The most important features of the approach are: path planning for multiple robots based on most recent data available in the system, automated collision avoidance, simple localization of a "lost robot" and unrestricted scalability.
This paper extends the previous research regarding the Romanian electronic market as context for the launching a business opportunity in this domain. Here we will present a study on the indigenous e-commerce websites in general and their... more
This paper extends the previous research regarding the Romanian electronic market as context for the launching a business opportunity in this domain. Here we will present a study on the indigenous e-commerce websites in general and their usability in particular. Nowadays, an ...
We propose an approach to creating shared mixed realities based on the construction of transparent boundaries between real and virtual spaces. First, we introduce a taxonomy that classifies current approaches to shared spaces according to... more
We propose an approach to creating shared mixed realities based on the construction of transparent boundaries between real and virtual spaces. First, we introduce a taxonomy that classifies current approaches to shared spaces according to the three dimensions of transportation, artificiality, and spatiality. Second, we discuss our experience of staging a poetry performance simultaneously within real and virtual theaters. This demonstrates the complexities involved in establishing social interaction between real and virtual spaces and motivates the development of a systematic approach to mixing realities. Third, we introduce and demonstrate the technique of mixed-reality boundaries as a way of joining real and virtual spaces together in order to address some of these problems.
Learning has been in active use as a tool that offers diverse opportunity to study in recent years, conventional face-to-face lecture still has some edge on it in stimulating students' appetite for study or in offering an environment for... more
Learning has been in active use as a tool that offers diverse opportunity to study in recent years, conventional face-to-face lecture still has some edge on it in stimulating students' appetite for study or in offering an environment for collaborative study. This paper introduces our study on 3Di as SNS in a broad sense to establish a new way of supporting research and educational activities.
erieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles Abstract Recently, Virtual Earth, Google Earth, or Map Cube provide a virtual city modeled from real outdoor environment, and they also provide a service to embed other virtual objects into... more
erieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles Abstract Recently, Virtual Earth, Google Earth, or Map Cube provide a virtual city modeled from real outdoor environment, and they also provide a service to embed other virtual objects into the virtual space. For the first step for analyzing such complex outdoor scene, we show some results of analyzing the skylight, which dominates
Different institutions worldwide, such as economic, social and political, are relying increasingly on the communication technology to perform a variety of functions: holding remote business meetings, discussing design issues in product... more
Different institutions worldwide, such as economic, social and political, are relying increasingly on the communication technology to perform a variety of functions: holding remote business meetings, discussing design issues in product development, enabling consumers to remain connected with their families and children, and so on. In this environment, where geographic and temporal boundaries are shrinking rapidly, electronic communication medium are playing an important role. With recent advances in 3D sensing, computing on new hardware platforms, high bandwidth communication connectivity and 3D display technology, the vision of 3D video-teleconferencing and of tele-immersive experience has become very attractive. These advances lead to tele-immersive communication systems that enable 3D interactive experience in a virtual space consisting of objects born in physical and virtual environments. This experience is achieved by fusing real-time color plus depth video of physical scenes from multiple stereo cameras located at different geographic sites, displaying 3D reconstructions of physical and virtual objects, and performing computations to facilitate interactions between objects. While tele-immersive (TI) systems have been attracting a lot of attention these days, the advantages of enabled interactions and delivered 3D content for viewing as opposed to current 2D high definition video have not been evaluated. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of three different types of communication media on remote collaboration in order to document the pros and cons of new technologies such as TI. The three communication media include 3D video tele-immersive, 2D video Skype and face-to-face used in a collaborative environment of a remote product development scenario. Through a study done over 90 subjects, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different media and propose a scope for improvement in each of them.
Video games and new communication metaphors are quickly changing today's young people habits. Considering the actual e-learning scenarios, embedded in a fully technological enabled environment it is crucial to take advantage of this kind... more
Video games and new communication metaphors are quickly changing today's young people habits. Considering the actual e-learning scenarios, embedded in a fully technological enabled environment it is crucial to take advantage of this kind of capabilities to let learning process gain best results. This paper presents a virtual campus created using Second Life which provides four distinct types of virtual space: common student campus, collaborative zones, lecture rooms and recreational areas. Second Life environments and objects have been designed and programmed to support synchronous lectures and collaborative learning. The Second Life virtual world has also been equipped with supporting tools enabling students and teachers to navigate among multimedia contents. Second Life and an ad-hoc developed Moodle plug-in have been integrated to naturally enrich the environment with LMS services, exploiting this 3D world to increase the interaction and communication opportunities between teachers and students, and among students, principally favoring planned and unplanned social encounters.
This paper extends the previous research regarding the Romanian electronic market as context for the launching a business opportunity in this domain. Here we will present a study on the indigenous ecommerce websites in general and their... more
This paper extends the previous research regarding the Romanian electronic market as context for the launching a business opportunity in this domain. Here we will present a study on the indigenous ecommerce websites in general and their usability in particular. Nowadays, an impressive number of virtual businesses were open despite the crisis, since others closed their doors due to the same reason. Thus, before starting a new business, it is strongly recommended to make a deeper analysis of the environment and potential competitors, especially in the Web 2.0 context. Web 2.0 provides a winning edge over e-markets that lack social connectivity and high usability features. Usability cannot be quantified easily. Despite this fact, this paper will propose a usability evaluation methodology that will be tested in the local virtual space. For a visitor, usability is more related to a feeling than a figure, and the designer must power the website with it. We have also tackled a main branch of the electronic marketing, entitled SEO (Search Engineering Optimization). In order to promote our business and to put/keep it in the top of the search result list, a continuous optimization of the dynamic web site is required. We asses that usability and SEO must be both considered for the success of an electronic business. For our purposes, a statistical study was applied, using a battery of tests including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Spearman, and Kruskal-Wallis ones. Also, some data mining tools will be used to confirm or infirm the statistical assertions.
We report on the results of a study in which 19 new mobile telephone users were closely tracked for the first six weeks after service acquisition. Results show that novices tend to rapidly modify their perceptions of social... more
We report on the results of a study in which 19 new mobile telephone users were closely tracked for the first six weeks after service acquisition. Results show that novices tend to rapidly modify their perceptions of social appropriateness around mobile phone use, that actual nature of use frequently differs from initial predictions, and that comprehension of service-based technologies can be problematic. We also describe instances and features of mobile telephony practice. When in use, mobile phones occupy multiple social spaces simultaneously, spaces with norms that sometimes conflict: the physical space of the mobile phone user and the virtual space of the conversation.
In this article, the authors consider emerging consumer practices in digital virtual spaces. Building on constructions of consumer behavior as both a sensemaking activity and a resource for the construction of daydreams, as well as... more
In this article, the authors consider emerging consumer practices in digital virtual spaces. Building on constructions of consumer behavior as both a sensemaking activity and a resource for the construction of daydreams, as well as anthropological readings of performance, the authors speculate that many performances during digital play are products of consumer fantasy. The authors develop an interpretation of the relationship between the real and the virtual that is better equipped to understand the movement between consumer daydreams and those practices actualized in the material and now also in digital virtual reality. The authors argue that digital virtual performances present opportunities for liminoid transformations through inversions, speculations, and playfulness acted out in aesthetic dramas. To illustrate, the authors consider specific examples of the theatrical productions available to consumers in digital spaces, highlighting the consumer imagination that feeds them, the performances they produce, and the potential for transformation in consumer-players.
Task 6.2 is concerned with developing the concept of the Mixed Reality stage as a networked layering of physical space and virtual environments. These environment allow for interaction and communication of multiple users enabled through... more
Task 6.2 is concerned with developing the concept of the Mixed Reality stage as a networked layering of physical space and virtual environments. These environment allow for interaction and communication of multiple users enabled through intuitive, free body interfaces. The deliverable discusses three main issues: • A characterisation of Mixed Reality approaches and techniques uncovering the requirements for Mixed Reality
In this paper, we discuss the role of digital actors in Virtual Environments. We describe the integration of motion control techniques with autonomy based on synthetic sensors. In particular, we emphasize the synthetic vision, audition... more
In this paper, we discuss the role of digital actors in Virtual Environments. We describe the integration of motion control techniques with autonomy based on synthetic sensors. In particular, we emphasize the synthetic vision, audition and tactile system. We also discuss how to introduce the sensors of real humans in the Virtual Space in order to have a communication between digital actors and real humans.
The widespread use of digital communication tools has brought the formation of a new perception of space-time in terms of artistic activities as well. Nowadays, artists and their works; art activities (art galleries, museums, exhibition... more
The widespread use of digital communication tools has brought the formation of a new perception of space-time in terms of artistic activities as well. Nowadays, artists and their works; art activities (art galleries, museums, exhibition spaces, workshops) are available for the audience through digital communication facilities. In the context of interdisciplinary design fields and digital communication relationships, there is a digital artistic medium of interaction where the designers and also the audience interested in art meet. In particular, exhibits related to the design areas, explaining the factors such as catalog of the works in digital media, the artist's biography and interviews, reach the audience with an effective presentation. The art audience, can watch the art scene through an outsider perspective with the information presented to him/her in a virtual environment. With the art space transferred to the virtual sphere (museums, galleries, exhibition halls, etc.) the concept of distance is removed. The news, video and images of any artistic event held anywhere in the world, is transferred to the electronic mailboxes. In the research where the boundaries of art sphere will be questioned, it is aimed to examine the sharing of arts, artist, and art work in digital media. In the light of the findings, the presentation of art in real and virtual sphere will be resolved with the use of the descriptive analysis method.
В статье акцентируется внимание на трансформации механизмов агрессии в условиях бурного роста информационных потоков. Раскрывается влияние на данный процесс публично поощряемых норм и ценностей современного общества. Смещение акцентов и... more
В статье акцентируется внимание на трансформации механизмов агрессии в условиях бурного роста информационных потоков. Раскрывается влияние на данный процесс публично поощряемых норм и ценностей современного общества. Смещение акцентов и повсеместная публичность привели к росту девиаций и появлению новых форм репрезентаций себя в виртуальном пространстве. Негативные явления, охотно тиражируемые и распространяемые в цифровом контенте, привели к появлению моды на агрессию и показную жестокость, а размывание границ между нормой и
девиацией – к искажению ценностей и смыслов. Материальная, ценностная дифференциация породила маргинальные группы, диктующие свои условия в интернет-пространстве, которые с помощью различных форм агрессии создают благоприятные условия для повсеместной истерии и скандала. Публичная агрессия и показная жестокость становятся нормой
публичного дискурса, что приводит к еще большей сегрегации общества.
Любой информационный повод превращается в невротический дискурс с делением на группы «своих» и «чужих», а альтернативная точка зрения и аргументированный диалог практически исключены из современного публичного поля. Поощрение интолерантного поведения усугубляет коммуникативный дисбаланс в современном российском обществе, выступая дополнительным стимулом негативного, конфликтного диалога,
обесценивающего и унижающего ценности оппонента. Разобщенность общества активизирует крайне фундаменталистские течения, способные из on-line перейти в реальные столкновения. С ростом подобных тенденций в обществе угрозы перехода неконтролируемой агрессии из виртуального сетевого мира в повседневную жизнь становятся близкой реальностью, а прогнозирование и выработка превентивных мер оказываются одной из ключевых задач современного общества.
It has been widely suggested, but rarely demonstrated, that virtual environments (VEs) are effective training media. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate how well a VE model of a complex office building trained individuals to... more
It has been widely suggested, but rarely demonstrated, that virtual environments (VEs) are effective training media. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate how well a VE model of a complex office building trained individuals to navigate in the actual building. Sixty participants ...
Virtual Reality (VR) is starting to be used in psychological therapy around the world. However, a thorough understanding of the reason why VR is effective and what effect it has on the human psyche is still missing. Most research on this... more
Virtual Reality (VR) is starting to be used in psychological therapy around the world. However, a thorough understanding of the reason why VR is effective and what effect it has on the human psyche is still missing. Most research on this subject is related to the concept of presence. This paper gives an up-to-date overview of research in this diverse field. It starts with the most prevailing definitions and theories on presence, most of which attribute special roles for the mental process of attention and for mental models of the virtual space. A review of the phenomena thought to be effected by presence shows that there is still a strong need for research on this subject because little conclusive evidence exists regarding the relationship between presence and phenoma such as emotional responses to virtual stimuli. An investigation shows there has been substantial research for developing methods for measuring presence and research regarding factors that contribute to presence. Knowledge of these contributing factors can play a vital role in development of new VR applications, but key knowledge elements in this area are still missing.
Despite the popularity of online spaces that simulate aspects of consumption-like experiences (online virtual worlds, video games and interactive functions on online retailers) conceptual tools that aim to comprehend such consumer... more
Despite the popularity of online spaces that simulate aspects of consumption-like experiences (online virtual worlds, video games and interactive functions on online retailers) conceptual tools that aim to comprehend such consumer practices are yet to emerge. In an effort to better understand them this paper puts forward a taxonomy that may help us capture emerging consumer behavior in the digital virtual terrain in relation to virtual and material consumption. This may be read as a fluid template that considers the movement between what resides in consumer imaginations as ideal or virtual, its actualization in material and now also digital virtual spaces. We then offer examples of the practices that are emerging, specifically the increase in imaginative resources that interactive media provide; practices that actualize probable, everyday commodities and experiences in the digital virtual and practices that actualize fantastic commodities and experiences in the digital virtual. Finally, we discuss the potential for these to produce new consumer subjectivities and new markets, and as a result we conclude with a discussion of the implications of such developments for consumer cultures, noting the potential for both liberatory/celebratory and critical discourse as well as avenues for future research.
With the evolution of technology, the implementation of computer technologies and virtual reality systems into every aspect of design and construction systems have also increased. Video games and its entertainment industry have become one... more
With the evolution of technology, the implementation of computer technologies and virtual reality systems into every aspect of design and construction systems have also increased. Video games and its entertainment industry have become one of the major industries in the world that are widespread continuously used these technologies. The video game industry and developers have used the technology to its fullest to achieve hyper-realistic graphics and fluent gameplay experience that mimic real-life properties. This addition also was used by the AEC industries and design mediums as well. To achieve this genuine atmosphere and immersion that embodies the player into the virtual reality of video games, the video game industry has used AEC industries knowledge addition on top of technological benefits. The same developments video game industry have used has also been used in AEC industries, architecture and interior design mediums as well. This thesis is aimed to achieve a correlation between the architectural and interior design mediums with video games with literature reviews and researches of important theoreticians works, and academic researchers pursuits of integrating virtuality into design cycle to clarify the importance of both mediums are crucial to one another. The central aspect of this thesis will be focused on immersion and embodiment into virtuality and how virtuality can be utilized in design mediums for further ease of design. In order to find these correlations, aspects of both mediums will be scoped under architecture, interior architecture, successful immersion, embodiment and realism. The result of this thesis shows the importance of virtual reality and its virtual possibilities importance in architecture, interior design and affiliated design mediums.
The paper presents various issues dealing with presentation of cultural heritage objects in a virtual space. While the reconstruction techniques are mentioned just briefly, the attention is paid to the visualization approaches for wide... more
The paper presents various issues dealing with presentation of cultural heritage objects in a virtual space. While the reconstruction techniques are mentioned just briefly, the attention is paid to the visualization approaches for wide audience, ie techniques targeted ...
Technology has advanced to the point where realism in virtual reality is very achievable. However, in our obsession to reproduce the world and human experience in virtual space, we overlook the most important aspects of what makes us who... more
Technology has advanced to the point where realism in virtual reality is very achievable. However, in our obsession to reproduce the world and human experience in virtual space, we overlook the most important aspects of what makes us who we are—our reality. Yet, it isn't enough just to trick the eye or fool the body and mind. One must capture
In this article, our goal is to present characteristics of what we call territorial intelligence as a theory, attitude, and ascending step of collective intelligence based on citizen approach of territorial valorization. And the capacity... more
In this article, our goal is to present characteristics of what we call territorial intelligence as a theory, attitude, and ascending step of collective intelligence based on citizen approach of territorial valorization. And the capacity (or the incapacity) of the actors Co-to write the scenario of their future within a widened framework, the U.E, in connection with local dimension. Vision
Pictograms form part of our daily lives through their use in medication, transport, computers, etc., because they indicate -in iconic form -places, directions, actions or constraints on actions in either the real world (a town, a road,... more
Pictograms form part of our daily lives through their use in medication, transport, computers, etc., because they indicate -in iconic form -places, directions, actions or constraints on actions in either the real world (a town, a road, etc.) or virtual space (computer desktop, Internet, etc.). This chapter is essentially a review of research on the pictogram effect, which can be summed up as follows: a pictogram is better than a label, and recognizing an image is easier than reading text . This review covers theoretical and experimental studies from linguistics, psychology and cognitive ergonomics on the design and validation, comprehension and usage of pictograms. Among the various methods, an emphasis is placed on classification and the creation of pictogram taxonomies as tools for homogenization and design.
- by Brigitte Lavalette and +1
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- Virtual Space, Experimental Study
“Rockstar’s virtual city Los Santos is based on modern 2011 Los Angeles.” This is an understanding widely adopted by contemporary gamers and is supported through the cognitive experience of playing the game. However, its urban... more
“Rockstar’s virtual city Los Santos is based on modern 2011 Los Angeles.” This is an understanding widely adopted by contemporary gamers and is supported through the cognitive experience of playing the game. However, its urban architecture has never been taken to a deeper level of analysis as found in academia. In a response to modernism, postmodern architects have virtualised cities through ideas of cognitive mapping. There is an unidentified shadow of postmodern ideals present in Rockstar’s creation of Los Santos. Therefore postmodern urban theorists such as Colin Rowe, Fred Koetter, The Situationists, Kevin Lynch, and Reyner Banham are suitable to act as precedent to discuss Los Santos. Through comparison with these theorists and Grand Theft Auto V, my interpretation of how Los Santos represents Los Angeles is speculated. To this idea, current day urban theorists now have the possibility to create immersive worlds within a playable and executable virtual realm. This perception gained through the identification of postmodern ideals in Los Santos, hopes to spark interest in the relationship between architecture and video games.
This paper discusses embodied interaction followed by a survey of examples in installation art and research projects that attempt to fuse physical space and digital technology. From studying the examples, we propose a categorization of... more
This paper discusses embodied interaction followed by a survey
of examples in installation art and research projects that attempt to fuse physical space and digital technology. From studying the examples, we propose a categorization of types for a better understanding of interactive spaces. Design attributes are also identified from the examples. We hope this will be useful to designers in designing engaging interactive spaces.
- by Hafizur Rahaman and +1
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- Embodiment, Interaction, Virtual Space, NUS
The present work constitutes the sequel of a ten year research and experimentation in typography and the relationship with other media. The research is specifically about the relation between book and art, writing as a visual means of... more
The present work constitutes the sequel of a ten year research and experimentation in typography and the relationship with other media. The research is specifically about the relation between book and art, writing as a visual means of expression. I search how the artist himself deals with the art of Book, through different periods, with characteristic examples. My intention was to prove that virtual space is the new substrate that will reinforce and will liberate the book’s structure, which has already acquired new extensions like the e-book. At the second part, my personal experiment is analyzed and a new form of artistic interactive book is suggested in the end. A book that is no longer a printed text or digital print-like, but a multimedia three-dimensional object, enriched with the meaning of time and interaction. Α book that will not address to one reader but to a “viewer-user”. At the same time, a prototype font was created, a writing that takes advantage of the possibilities of three-dimensional planning and which I name space-writing.
- by Anna K Meli
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- Creative Writing, Art, Video Games, Writing
Information technology (IT) and space are sociomaterial dimensions of organizations that Human Resource Management (HRM) often take for granted, discounting how workers enact them in practice. With digital technologies rapidly changing... more
Information technology (IT) and space are sociomaterial dimensions of organizations that Human Resource Management (HRM) often take for granted, discounting how workers enact them in practice. With digital technologies rapidly changing the spaces of work, this paper proposes a framework for HRM to appreciate the role of the lived, affective experience of ITenabled (physical and virtual) hybrid workspaces. We integrate the information systems (IS) literature on sociomaterial practices and insights on organizational space to suggest implications for HRM practice and pathways for future research on how virtual and physical spaces are related and lived in the emergence of new hybrid workplaces and practices.
Re-creating real places -as distinct from virtual spaces or environments -using virtual reality technology raises a series of significant challenges. Fortunately there is a large body of existing research into the experience of place... more
Re-creating real places -as distinct from virtual spaces or environments -using virtual reality technology raises a series of significant challenges. Fortunately there is a large body of existing research into the experience of place which might reasonably contribute to our understanding of the task. This paper reviews key aspects of the 'place' literature, relates them to the concept of presence, and then illustrates their application in the context of virtual reality. We conclude that some modification of existing theories of sense of place is necessary for this context and outline proposals for further work.
Pictograms form part of our daily lives through their use in medication, transport, computers, etc., because they indicate -in iconic form -places, directions, actions or constraints on actions in either the real world (a town, a road,... more
Pictograms form part of our daily lives through their use in medication, transport, computers, etc., because they indicate -in iconic form -places, directions, actions or constraints on actions in either the real world (a town, a road, etc.) or virtual space (computer desktop, Internet, etc.). This chapter is essentially a review of research on the pictogram effect, which can be summed up as follows: a pictogram is better than a label, and recognizing an image is easier than reading text . This review covers theoretical and experimental studies from linguistics, psychology and cognitive ergonomics on the design and validation, comprehension and usage of pictograms. Among the various methods, an emphasis is placed on classification and the creation of pictogram taxonomies as tools for homogenization and design.
Netnography has been developed and improved from traditional Ethnology methods by many scholars and scholars. One of them is Professor Robert V. Kozinets, who is recognized as the creator of the Netnography concept, as well as an academic... more
Netnography has been developed and improved from traditional Ethnology methods by many scholars and scholars. One of them is Professor Robert V. Kozinets, who is recognized as the creator of the Netnography concept, as well as an academic on social networking and marketing, which studies the beliefs, culture, social interaction, and behavior of small societies that Involve different participation and observation, with access to more and more diverse areas of the field. Including a variety of communication Able to connect to communication across many forms and store data permanently and most importantly, the researcher must not disturb the research field because he wants to study "as it is", including the confidentiality of research participants through human research ethics. That is the most important issue of research through Netnography.
The connection between the steady development of the Internet in Romania in the last five years, as channel of transmitting the marketing message, and the viral concept, as method of transmitting the message, may become the winning ticket... more
The connection between the steady development of the Internet in Romania in the last five years, as channel of transmitting the marketing message, and the viral concept, as method of transmitting the message, may become the winning ticket for the Romanian online advertising market. Thus, in the current socio-economic context, any company who wishes to be successful in the virtual space cannot ignore the viral marketing techniques for several reasons. Firstly, we are talking about the profile of Internet users who tend to constitute a new social group. Secondly, we are talking about the thirst for information. And, last but not least, we are talking about the appetite for online chatting, statistics showing that 62% of the Romanian Internet users consider it a very "savory" information channel. This article tries to explain, in brief, what viral marketing is, which are its peculiarities, advantages, risks, as well as the limitations of its use, and which the strategies of a viral marketing campaign are. We will illustrate by giving successful examples from the Romanian online market.
The paper deals with three artistic examples of humanistic transposition of smart technologies that reshape our reality. Computer vision technology redefines the classical notions of space that we enhabit and repostulates Shakespear's... more
The paper deals with three artistic examples of humanistic transposition of smart technologies that reshape our reality. Computer vision technology redefines the classical notions of space that we enhabit and repostulates Shakespear's verse "All the world is a stage." New media objects that simultaneously participate in our everyday life and in the "internet of things" pose new networked information on the state of their handling. The Forest of Arden, the metaphor used for the new mixed and smart reality, is neither a totality of paradise nor the Arcadia of easy living but a challenge for the scientists, artists and humanists alike. It is a semiotic forest, where the melancholic philosopher Jaques, confronted with people from all classes and with various problems, faces the given notions and tries to make new sense out of them.
Taking photographs seems no longer primarily an act of memory intended to safeguard family's pictorial heritage, but is increasingly becoming a tool for an individual's identity formation and communication. Digital cameras, cameraphones,... more
Taking photographs seems no longer primarily an act of memory intended to safeguard family's pictorial heritage, but is increasingly becoming a tool for an individual's identity formation and communication. Digital cameras, cameraphones, photoblogs and other multipurpose devices seem to promote the use of images a the preferred idiom of a new generation of users. This article's aim is to explore how technical changes (digitization) in connection to growing insights in cognitive science and to socio-cultural transformations, have affected personal photography. The increased malleability of photographic images may suit one's need for continuous self-remodeling and instant communication and bonding. However, that same manipulability may also lessen our grip on our images' future repurposing and reframing. Memory will not be eradicated from digital multipurpose tools. Instead, the function of memory reappears in the networked, distributed nature of digital photographs, as most images are sent over the internet and stored in virtual space.
- by Monika Fleischmann and +1
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- Interaction, Mixed Reality, Virtual Space, Virtual Environment
Virtual concerts in virtual spaces are implemented by the Digital Interactive Virtual Acoustics (DNA) research group. In this paper we introduce our Virtual Orchestra project which is an example of a realtime virtual concert experience.... more
Virtual concerts in virtual spaces are implemented by the Digital Interactive Virtual Acoustics (DNA) research group. In this paper we introduce our Virtual Orchestra project which is an example of a realtime virtual concert experience. The Virtual Orchestra is an experimental interactive real-time virtual environment that contains synchronized sound and animation components. The system provides tools for real-time automatic character animation and visualization, dynamic behavior control of virtual actors, interaction through motion analysis. sound generation with physical models of musical instruments, and three-dimensional sound auralization. All of these research areas are shortly reviewed and future goals of the DNA research are discussed.
in which participants at diflerent sites can feel as if they are at one site and can cooperatively work. In the teleconferencing system, the 3 0 model of a participant is constructed b y a wire frame model mapped b y color texture and is... more
in which participants at diflerent sites can feel as if they are at one site and can cooperatively work. In the teleconferencing system, the 3 0 model of a participant is constructed b y a wire frame model mapped b y color texture and is displayed on the 3 0 screen at the receiving site.
Research on educationally designed game-based virtual learning environments and virtual worlds has begun to explore the affordances of 3D metaverses for engaging learners in ways that contrast with formal schooling. Applying constructs... more
Research on educationally designed game-based virtual learning environments and virtual worlds has begun to explore the affordances of 3D metaverses for engaging learners in ways that contrast with formal schooling. Applying constructs from ecological psychology, distributed cognition, and sociocultural perspectives, design-based longitudinal studies have shown the quality of learning taking place in technology-supported collaborative environments. But what are the affordances of virtual environments for second language ...
We present the architecture, technology and experimental applications of a real-time, multi-site, interactive and collaborative environment called Distributed Immersive Performance (DIP). The objective of DIP is to develop the technology... more
We present the architecture, technology and experimental applications of a real-time, multi-site, interactive and collaborative environment called Distributed Immersive Performance (DIP). The objective of DIP is to develop the technology for live, interactive musical performances in which the participants -subsets of musicians, the conductor and the audience -are in different physical locations and are interconnected by very high fidelity multichannel audio and video links. DIP is a specific realization of broader immersive technology -the creation of the complete aural and visual ambience that places a person or a group of people in a virtual space where they can experience events occurring at a remote site or communicate naturally regardless of their location. The DIP experimental system has interaction sites and servers in different locations on the USC campus and at several partners, including the New World Symphony of Miami Beach, FL. The sites have different types of equipment to test the effects of video and audio fidelity on the ease of use and functionality for different applications. Many sites have high-definition (HD) video or digital video (DV) quality images projected onto wide screen wall displays completely integrated with an immersive audio reproduction system for a seamless, fully three-dimensional aural environment with the correct spatial sound localization for participants. The system is capable of storage and playback of the many streams of synchronized audio and video data (immersidata), and utilizes novel protocols for the low-latency, seamless, synchronized realtime delivery of immersidata over local area networks and widearea networks such as Internet2. We discuss several recent interactive experiments using the system and many technical challenges common to the DIP scenario and a broader range of applications.