Consumer Behavior Research Papers - (original) (raw)
"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more
"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently produce/convert energy. The principle behind the dynamo is to use opposing forces within the same machine to get a consolidated output of energy. If the new paradigm of “protodynamism” can be represented by an electrical generator, the old paradigm of Keynesian theory can be represented by a meat grinder in which ten pounds of product goes in one side, and six ounces of tasteless sausage comes out the funnel possibly tainted with formaldehyde or some random pesticide that is unpronounceable. "
La interactividad y el multimedia son dos de los pilares fundamentales del periodismo digital, junto a la hipertextualidad. Dado su carácter relativamente incipiente, analizamos empíricamente el uso en cabeceras internacionales. En este... more
La interactividad y el multimedia son dos de los pilares fundamentales del periodismo digital, junto a la hipertextualidad. Dado su carácter relativamente incipiente, analizamos empíricamente el uso en cabeceras internacionales. En este artículo se recogen los resultados de incorporación de interactividad (proporción de piezas en las que hay interactividad mediante comentarios en el foro, piezas con interactividad simétrica o asimétrica) en los periódicos The Sun (Reino Unido), Le Monde (Francia), The New York Times (Estados Unidos de América) y La Vanguardia (España). En la misma muestra se han recogido las inclusiones multimedia (audio, video, audiovisual). Se percibe un uso intenso de la interactividad en el foro, un uso testimonial de la interactividad simétrica y asimétrica y una inclusión moderada de los recursos multimedia analizados. Palabras clave: periodismo digital, interactividad, multimedia, comentario, entrevista.
Disney and its spectacularly successful theme parks are analyzed through the lens of its consumers. We focus on how Disney manages the consumption experience and discuss Disney strategies from several perspectives. Disney provides a... more
Disney and its spectacularly successful theme parks are analyzed
through the lens of its consumers. We focus on how Disney
manages the consumption experience and discuss Disney strategies from several perspectives. Disney provides a paradigm for contemporary consumption. A framework is presented to
understand consumption in Disney and Disneyesque settings.
Finally, we offer cautions and critiques regarding such strategies-a
guide for the informed consumer
Pakistani consumers must be well informed that, in achieving their corporate goals, organizations now bear greater responsibility to develop healthy environment and aware society. This study aims towards assessment of the impact of... more
Pakistani consumers must be well informed that, in achieving their corporate goals, organizations now bear greater responsibility to develop healthy environment and aware society. This study aims towards assessment of the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior in Pakistan and to analyze whether consumers reckon Organization's CSR initiative before buying decisions of goods and services. Carroll definition of CSR was adopted here that addresses whole range of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. A Survey Questionnaire in this regard was carried out and 313 responses were collected across the different corners of Pakistan that further lead to culmination of this analysis report. The analysis showed that there is significant positive correlation between all CSR components and consumer behavior. However, Pakistani consumer's priority appeared to be different than offered by Carroll's Classical Pyramid, where economic responsibility was considered to be the greatest priority, followed by philanthropic, legal & ethical responsibilities.
Newholm and Shaw look back on 'Voluntary Simplicity and Ethics of Consumption'
Ultimately climate change is the product of consumption; greenhouse gases are produced by making things and energy, moving things, and carrying people around. Simply put, more people are using more energy and creating and using more... more
Ultimately climate change is the product of consumption; greenhouse gases are produced by making things and energy, moving things, and carrying people around. Simply put, more people are using more energy and creating and using more “stuff” than ever before in the history of the planet. Besides lamenting the passing of low-impact village-level societies, what does anthropology have to say about consumer culture which might actually be useful in thinking our way towards more sustainable levels of consumption? I argue that a drastic re-orientation of the way we teach anthropology is in order; what do we want our students to learn about the world and what kind of skills do they need? The same argument can be made for the public messages we extend in our popular publications.
This paper presents a review of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) through four conceptualizations: IoT as liquification and density of information of resources; IoT as digital materiality; IoT as assemblage or service system; and IoT as... more
This paper presents a review of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) through four conceptualizations: IoT as liquification and density of information of resources; IoT as digital materiality; IoT as assemblage or service system; and IoT as modules, transactions, and service. From the conceptualizations, we provide a definition of IoT and present its implications and impact on future research in Marketing that interfaces with information systems, design and innovation, data science and cybersecurity, as well as organizational studies and economics. By integrating the implications of IoT with extant literature, we then propose a set of priorities for future research in this area.
A collaborative UK government-funded research project drawing on the design and sustainability expertise of the Department of Design and Technology at Loughborough University and the sustainability and product bank functions at The Boots... more
A collaborative UK government-funded research project drawing on the design and sustainability expertise of the Department of Design and Technology at Loughborough University and the sustainability and product bank functions at The Boots Company set out to investigate the potential that refillable packaging systems can offer the consumer and the environment. In the past, refills have generally been categorized under one general heading and often branded as a failure. However, early in the project, the team identified that by taking a creative approach to interpreting refills, there are actually a wide range of different types of refills that can be differentiated with respect to their delivery approach and level of consumer/business interaction. Once these had been identified, collated and categorized, the team set out to investigate the consumer perceptions, and the business barriers and drivers found to influence the adoption and success of a number of different types of refillable packaging. This paper reports on those findings. It concludes that differentiating between refill types holds the key to developing more suitable and more successful refillable packaging systems as positive and negative attributes can be more accurately identified and responded to. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
S'appuyant sur une série d'observations réalisées dans le cadre du Festival des Vieilles Charrues et des Transmusicales de Rennes, cet article se propose d'étudier le rôle que jouent les écranns domestiques, professionnels et personnels... more
S'appuyant sur une série d'observations réalisées dans le cadre du Festival des Vieilles Charrues et des Transmusicales de Rennes, cet article se propose d'étudier le rôle que jouent les écranns domestiques, professionnels et personnels dans la construction de l'expérience festivalière contemporaine.
While shaping aesthetic judgment and choice, socially constructed authenticity takes on some very different meanings among observers, consumers, producers and critics. Using a theoretical framework positing four distinct meanings of... more
While shaping aesthetic judgment and choice, socially constructed authenticity takes on some very different meanings among observers, consumers, producers and critics. Using a theoretical framework positing four distinct meanings of socially constructed authenticitytype, moral, craft, and idiosyncratic-we aim to document empirically the unique appeal of each type. We develop predictions about the relationships between attributed authenticity and corresponding increases in the value ascribed to it through: (1) consumer value ratings, (2) willingness to pay, and (3) behavioral choice. We report empirical analyses from a research program of three multi-method studies using (1) archival data from voluntary consumer evaluations of restaurants in an online review system, (2) a university-based behavioral lab experiment, and (3) an online survey-based experiment. Evidence is consistent across the studies and suggests that perceptions of four distinct subtypes of socially constructed authenticity generate increased appeal and value even after controlling for option quality. Findings suggest additional directions for research on authenticity.
- by nezihe figen ersoy and +2
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- Consumer Behavior
The keeping of dogs and cats as household pets is prevalent throughout the United States. Individuals define and express their personal identities in part through customizing their personal repertoires of possessions, which includes pets.... more
The keeping of dogs and cats as household pets is prevalent throughout the United States. Individuals define and express their personal identities in part through customizing their personal repertoires of possessions, which includes pets. The actual symbolic meanings given to dogs and cats are numerous and vary with individual interpretation, yet there are certain themes that repeat themselves. Dogs tend
The intention of this research article is to examine the modern characteristics of demand in the market under the tag modern demand prism. Intention to purchase (need, want & desire) creates demand in the market. The macro demand... more
The intention of this research article is to examine the modern characteristics of demand in the market under the tag modern demand prism. Intention to purchase (need, want & desire) creates demand in the market. The macro demand representation through various platforms provokes the purchase intention. Thus, it is always the demand the parent variable and the purchase intention the child variable. In this research demand model is established, purchase intention model is also established and the relationship between both is also tested. A survey was employed to collect data from Gen Z (N=590) and Gen X (N=550). Factor analysis was used to reduce the vast dimensions and to find the most suitable factors which leads to purchase intention. After performing the factor analysis, a CFA has been performed with help of the software Smart PLS and a model has been built for centennials and millennials. The basic criteria for reliability has been met introspecting values for outer loadings numbers, reliability numbers, AVE numbers, latent variable correlations and discriminant validity. The bootstrap analysis has also been run and the path coefficients have been determined considering the T-Statistics of 1.96 threshold value. It was found that, Gen Y though like to look for variety of products available in online shopping; they just review the products, collect information but do not get involved in the final purchase. With regard to Gen Z, they spend most of the time in social media and in surfing the internet where the exposure towards online shopping is more. The marketers can try to build the trust factor, which plays an important role especially when it comes to online marketing. Thus it is understood that modern demand variables mentioned in the (Modern Demand Prism) is proved to be true. Technology, Online-shopping, ethnocentric feeling, digital tools and AI has enhanced the purchase. These are various opportunities through which the purchase intention is satisfied. The philosophy “Demand is the mother concept for purchase intention” is remembered throughout this research article.
This study examines the influence of acculturation and language on the emotional response of three print advertisements (English, Spanish, Code Switched) through an experimental methodology founded on the Revised Hierarchical and the... more
This study examines the influence of acculturation and language on the emotional response of three print advertisements (English, Spanish, Code Switched) through an experimental methodology founded on the Revised Hierarchical and the Conceptual Feature Models. The advertising treatments and surveys were administered to a convenience sample of 272 respondents in a large southwestern metropolitan area from five local Hispanic churches. The Bidimensional Acculturation Scale for Hispanics was used to measure acculturation (Low, High, Bicultural). Emotional responses to the print advertisements were measured using the Emotional Quotient Scale and the condensed Reaction Profile. Results revealed some significant differences in advertising preferences. Results also suggested that a code-switched advertisement could be both culturally relevant and appropriate for reaching the majority of the Hispanic market. Implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research are discussed.
This paper is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 and consequently the internet connected technologies for the creation of value added for organizations and society. The contribution of the paper is mainly conceptual.... more
This paper is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 and consequently the internet connected technologies for the creation of value added for organizations and society. The contribution of the paper is mainly conceptual. With the development of the internet, the internet of things that is central to the new industrial revolution has led to "Industry 4.0". The aim of this paper is to synthesize the known theory and practices of Industry 4.0 and to investigate the changes that will result from Industry 4.0 and with the development of the internet of things.
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue... more
Online music streaming has become a rapidly increasing social phenomenon in past few years with as many as 103.1 million people currently paying for music streaming services worldwide. However, the literature highlights a specific issue regarding online consumer behaviour. Recent figures published by popular online streaming service providers show that the number of people that use music streaming services for free substantially eclipses this figure. Therefore, by using Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behaviour Model, this study identifies which factors best determine a consumer’s willingness to pay for music online.
Through the use of quantitative, statistical methods, this study finds a strong association between a person’s age group and a willingness to pay for online music streaming. This study suggests that young people demonstrate a conscience for online music consumption activity due to an increased consciousness for normative social influences and are, therefore, more likely to engage in the social behaviour. Perhaps more importantly, this study demonstrates the usefulness of applying Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behaviour Model to research within the social sciences due its demonstrated high construct validity in addition to its ability to explain the nature of social action within an Internet technology-related consumer behaviour context.
It is hoped that the findings of this study will be used to inform some of the key players within the music industries about taking a sociological approach to the understanding of online consumer behaviour. By gaining an understanding of the motivations behind a consumer’s willingness to pay for online music streaming, better marketing initiatives can be developed to improve the disparity between fee paying and fee free users.
Kamu politikalarıyla Türkiye’de bireylerin davranışlarını iyi yönde değiştirmek; refah düzeyini yükseltmek; daha sağlıklı bireyler olmalarını sağlayacak bir yaşam tarzı ve alışkanlıklar kazandırmaktır. - Tüketici davranışlarını... more
Kamu politikalarıyla Türkiye’de bireylerin davranışlarını iyi yönde değiştirmek; refah düzeyini yükseltmek; daha sağlıklı bireyler olmalarını sağlayacak bir yaşam tarzı ve alışkanlıklar kazandırmaktır.
- Tüketici davranışlarını değiştirmeye yönelik geliştirilen politikalar,
- Toplumda sigara kullanımını azaltmaya yönelik önlemler,
- Tarımsal alanlarda aşırı kimyasal girdi kullanımını engellemeye yönelik tedbirler,
This article assesses how consumers' decision-making styles relate to their shopping mall behavior and their global evaluations of shopping malls. Based on exploratory data analysis including the use of the comparative method, the article... more
This article assesses how consumers' decision-making styles relate to their shopping mall behavior and their global evaluations of shopping malls. Based on exploratory data analysis including the use of the comparative method, the article provides a theoretical model of antecedents and consequences of consumer-decision making styles. Data for this report come from personal face-to-face mall intercepts of shoppers (n = 527) in two super-regional (West Edmonton Mall and Mall of America in Bloomington) and two regional (Pier 39 in San Francisco and Forum Shops in Las Vegas) malls. The EDA results support a complex view of the antecedents and consequences of consumer decisionmaking styles. The article concludes with specific suggestions for extending psychological theory of shopping behavior and advancing strategic mall-retailing strategies.
O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,... more
O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, analisou-se os reflexos da individualidade fictícia da pós-modernidade e da massificação do consumo na escolha do instrumento processual a ser utilizado. Através da metodologia de levantamento de dados, avaliou-se o Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios e no Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios, ambos do CNJ, oportunidade em que se obteve incoerências de informações nos resultados dos dois acervos, o que aponta para graves problemas em relação à atualização de banco de dados de demandas repetitivas consumeristas no Brasil.
This article analyzes the incident for resolution of repetitive demands and the possibility of weakening class actions by using the institute, based on reflections made by theoretical and practical problems. Through bibliographic and documentary research, were analyzed the reflexes of the fictitious individuality of post-modernity and the massification of consumption in the choice of the procedural instrument. Through the data collection methodology, the “Painel de Consulta ao Banco Nacional de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios” and the “Banco Nacional de Dados de Demandas Repetitivas e Precedentes Obrigatórios”, both from CNJ, were evaluated, an opportunity in which information inconsistencies were found in the results of two databases, which points to serious problems in updating the databases of repetitive consumer demands in Brazil
In view of growing interest in alternative consumption channels and critiques of conventional retailing, this study proposes a scale of second-hand shopping motivations. After defining the concept, we present the characteristics of... more
In view of growing interest in alternative consumption channels and critiques of conventional retailing, this study proposes a scale of second-hand shopping motivations. After defining the concept, we present the characteristics of second-hand shopping and explain the importance of a motivationbased approach. Through qualitative and quantitative studies and two data collections carried out in France with 708 subjects, we propose a reliable, valid, eight-factor scale that includes motivations related to products and distribution channels. A second-order hierarchical structure supports the tripartite nature (critical, economic, and recreational) of this form of shopping. Furthermore, the measure reveals, through a typological analysis, four consumer segments: "polymorphous enthusiasts", "thrifty critics", "nostalgic hedonists", and "regular specialist shoppers". We discuss the applications of this new scale and their implications for both research and retailing strategies.
La decisione di acquistare una bottiglia di vino è guidata spesso da meccanismi di facilitazione della decisione (come per esempio la marca, il prezzo, l'etichetta, la bot-tiglia). Si tratta di soluzioni «veloci» che permettono di... more
La decisione di acquistare una bottiglia di vino è guidata spesso da meccanismi di facilitazione della decisione (come per esempio la marca, il prezzo, l'etichetta, la bot-tiglia). Si tratta di soluzioni «veloci» che permettono di risparmiare energia. Per più di cinquant'anni, nello studio dei comportamenti di consumo e nella valutazione dell'ef-ficacia della comunicazione, ci si è avvalsi di un modello interpretativo razionalistico: i consumatori sono sempre stati considerati come soggetti razionali, consapevoli dei loro vissuti e delle loro scelte. Grazie alle ultime ricerche neuroscientifiche e di neuro-marketing sappiamo, invece, che il modello più adeguato per comprendere i comporta-menti di acquisto è quello che riconosce all'emozione un ruolo determinante. Ciò vale soprattutto nel mondo del vino. Per questo, in un mercato sempre più compe-titivo occorre trovare nuove soluzioni di marketing in grado di colpire emotivamente il consumatore, prima di convincerlo razionalmente. Le tecniche di neuromarketing permettono di valutare più efficacemente la qualità della comunicazione di un vino grazie alla misura diretta delle emozioni. Come funzio-na il neuromarketing applicato al mondo del vino? Quali sono le migliori strategie per la scelta di un'immagine in un sito? Come costruire etichette in grado di rispondere razionalmente alle richieste dei consumatori e al contempo di emozionarli? Il testo risponde a queste domande partendo da casi applicativi di monitoraggio dei processi di comunicazione nel mondo vitivinicolo, nonché dalle numerose esperien-ze di consulenza di neuromarketing svolte «Behavior and Brain Lab» e del Master universitario in «Food and Wine Communica-tion» dell'Università iulm. Delegato del Rettore per i progetti Expo2015, nonché membro del Comitato Scientifico delle Università per Expo Milano 2015. Ha pubblicato (con N. Olivero) il manuale Psicologia dei consumi (Milano 2013 2) e curato il testo di Neuromar-keting, comunicazione e comportamenti di consumo (Milano, 2015). Patrizia Marin è giornalista, sommelier e Chairman di Marco Polo Experience, con esperienza ventennale nel settore istituzionale ed aziendale, nazionale ed internazio-nale. Esperto fondi ocm e Direttore Generale di Italian Signature Wine Academy, esclu-siva alleanza del vino italiano di pregio. Tra le attività didattiche si segnala la parte-cipazione al comitato scientifico e alla docenza presso il Master in Food and Wine Communication dell'Università iulm e di Gambero Rosso. SOCIETÀ COMUNICAZIONE IMPRESA COMUNICARE IL VINO Cop. Russo-Marin Com. il vino 4b.indd 1
This research analysed the relationship between photographing and tourist experience, and evaluated its implications on the visitors’ post-visit behavioural intentions. Using data collected from international first-time Caucasian visitors... more
This research analysed the relationship between photographing and tourist experience, and evaluated its implications on the visitors’ post-visit behavioural intentions. Using data collected from international first-time Caucasian visitors to The Forbidden City in Beijing, China, the study performed in the first stage CFA of Hosany and Gilbert’s (2010) Destination Emotional Scale to confirm the validity of the 15-dimensional construct. One-way ANOVA and SEM were then used to determine the factors leading to emotional experience and to assess the effects of photographing on various aspects of the visitors’ encounter with the cultural attraction. Drawing on a survey with 804 valid returns, study findings reveal that photographing tends to influence the visitors’ emotional experience and to negatively affect their perception towards a place. SEM results further confirmed that photographing does not only influence the individual model constructs examined in this study, but also to a certain extent their relationship to each other.
Ikea is a worldwide success story; their stores were visited 915 million times and their website was accessed over 2 billion times in 2016 (Highlights, 2016). As the world’s largest furniture retailer, Ikea services a number of market... more
Ikea is a worldwide success story; their stores were visited 915 million times and their website was accessed over 2 billion times in 2016 (Highlights, 2016). As the world’s largest furniture retailer, Ikea services a number of market segments. With significant volume discounts and a vertically integrated supply chain, the production of low-cost goods target young families and low income segments. Conversely, the flagship Stockholm line of furniture entices sophisticated consumers towards mid-priced, superior value products with quality materials such as walnut, bone china, and rustic grain leather.
- by Kevin Zentner and +2
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- Consumer Behavior, Consumer Culture, Retail Marketing, Retail Design
Advertisement is done by the organisations to induce potential customer to purchase or consume their product. In this study we will try to study the influence of advertisement on the consumer's buying behaviour by taking response from the... more
Advertisement is done by the organisations to induce potential customer to purchase or consume their product. In this study we will try to study the influence of advertisement on the consumer's buying behaviour by taking response from the people of Delhi and Gurgaon. And we expect that advertisement has a strong and positive connection with the consumers buying behaviour and we also expect that advertisement with emotional value and message has a greater impact on the mindset of the consumers. Survey method is used with a structured questionnaire to have a perception of the people about the influence of advertisement on their buying behaviour. Advertisement has vital influencing power to effect the purchasing behaviour of the consumers.
This introduction briefly summarizes each of the fifteen articles included in this special issue on fashion marketing of luxury brands and provides a rationale for the inclusion of each article. The articles are grouped by topic-luxury... more
This introduction briefly summarizes each of the fifteen articles included in this special issue on fashion marketing of luxury brands and provides a rationale for the inclusion of each article. The articles are grouped by topic-luxury status/values, luxury consumer behavior, luxury brand management, and luxury brand counterfeiting-even though many of the articles include information relevant to at least one other topic. With authors representing thirteen different countries (and probably more if country of origin were to be considered), this issue on marketing of luxury brands is truly international in scope.
ÖZET İnsanoğlunun "olaylar ve durumlar karşısında nasıl karar verdiği" bugün hala tam olarak çözülemeyen bir problem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Davranışların nedeni ve kökeni birçok bilim dalının sorunu olmuş ve geliştirilen kuramlar... more
- by Berkant Yılmaz and +2
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- Marketing, Neuroscience, Eye tracking, Advertising
The relationship between color psychology and consumer behavior is at the centre of most marketing activities in the business environment. Empirical and theoretical literature asserts that color psychology is instrumental in determining... more
The relationship between color psychology and consumer behavior is at the centre of most marketing activities in the business environment. Empirical and theoretical literature asserts that color psychology is instrumental in determining the effectiveness of marketing activities, particularly when properly integrated in the organization's manufacturing and distribution strategies. There are different interpretations of color as determined by consumers' beliefs, culture, and attitudes. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between color psychology and consumer buying behavior within the apparel market. The apparel market was chosen due its distinctive cultural dynamics and consumer psychological beliefs compared to other markets. There has been an increase in consumer buying behavior variations across the globe as a result of varying interpretations of marketing mix elements. The article submits that color psychology is one of the main features that determine consumer behavior in the apparel market. Data was collected through secondary sources such as journals, articles, and empirical sources such as existing researches regarding color psychology, consumer behavior regarding product color, and cultural perceptions on color within the apparel industry. Color psychology plays a bigger role in effecting emotional and intellectual influence among consumers. Color perception and color psychology affects people's behavior in such a way that the symbolism of the colors resonates with people's perceptions, hence linking it with information from their cultures. Through the color perception of different cultures, the research concluded that using a color that is associated with something negative will negatively affect the customers' retrieval cues, therefore repelling them from purchasing the product or service.
This article explores the personal garments present in the probate inventories of 83 individuals that lived in the city of Valencia and its hinterland during the long fourteenth century. The paper explores the differences between both... more
This article explores the personal garments present in the probate inventories of 83 individuals that lived in the city of Valencia and its hinterland during the long fourteenth century. The paper explores the differences between both groups of individuals, the urban and the rural one, in aspects such as the typologies of the pieces of clothing, the colours, finishes, complements and fabrics employed in their design. It also tracks the spread of particular pieces of clothing across both groups of deceased before and after the Black Death, and discusses how far these changes were guided by emulative motivations.
Consumers transferring from agriculture society to industrial society, changing life standards and rich product options have necessitated radical changes in the concept of marketing beyond traditional perspective by breaking the routine.... more
Consumers transferring from agriculture society to industrial society, changing life standards and rich product options have necessitated radical changes in the concept of marketing beyond traditional perspective by breaking the routine. In this regard, business establishments desire to have fewer mistakes in defining human wishes and needs; in other words they intend to gain strategic competitive advantage upon their rivals through a conceptual point of view. It is a fact that such a success as having the mentioned specialities and standing on foot among the giant rivals by doubling the corporate value in long term cannot be an example of a success gained through traditional methods in a market where innovative changes can occur anytime. Hence, experts taking place in a market where no isolation of change exists have to take subconscious elements into consideration lying under body&mind correlation if they are willing to learn what consumers think of, the dynamics they care when they make decisions and the secrets of their decisions. Neuromarketing, which has futuristic qualifications by using various measuring techniques in terms of scientific data and statistical calculations away from utopia, which is also a field of study creating foresights in this direction besides being a field of study with high reality and a window opening into human brain , and a marriage of marketing and science, is trying to solve the riddle by mixing marketing researches with science in accordance with the reasons mentioned above. The problem that individuals, with their complexity, behave under the effect of both their logic and emotions and this can cause them to become distanced to reality is the focus of neuromarketing and in this study neuromarketing is compared to traditional marketing and covered in details; in the empiric part advertisements preparing the potential customers for the seller visits and the effects of messages hidden in them on consumers are investigated through neuromarketing point of view. With the practice, it is aimed to increase the effect level and added value of the topic that is covered in multiple dimensions.
O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas... more
O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas extremamente nocivas ao consumidor. Nesse contexto, são apresentadas as técnicas publicitárias greenwashing e bluewashing, as quais utilizam anúncios para demonstrar que a empresa, além de vender produtos e serviços, supostamente também detém comprometimento social com causas ambientais e sociais. Na prática, percebe-se que diversas operações empresariais não condizem com esta realidade, pelo contrário, encobrem práticas abusivas. Logo, a veiculação de publicidade enganosa deve ser coibida pelo Estado. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa, tendo o levantamento bibliográfico e documental como procedimentos adotados. Uma das principais conclusões apresentadas é que, apesar de existirem normas protetivas dos direitos humanos, estas se mostram insuficientes para sancionar as empresas violadoras de direitos humanos por meio do falso marketing social.
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.
O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em... more
O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em diversos aspectos, deixou os cidadãos desassistidos, senão mediante ampla pressão social. Há uma nova realidade em curso imposta pela pandemia, com novas tendências já se concretizando e se projetando para o futuro, a exemplo de um maior consumo pelas plataformas de consumo compartilhado, bem como a ampliação do trabalho remoto. Neste particular, cumpre ressaltar a importância da efetiva proteção da parte mais vulnerável das relações econômicas e produtivas, mormente os consumidores e trabalhadores. Como pergunta central do problema de pesquisa, questiona-se se é possível reconfigurar a realidade social, para melhor, dentro de um Estado Neoliberal, que possui um projeto que dificilmente coincide com os interesses dos cidadãos – vulneráveis se comparados ao mercado. O método da pesquisa foi o hipotético-dedutivo e a metodologia de pesquisa a qualitativa, de viés exploratório e transdisciplinar, suscitando-se as categorias do Direito do Consumidor, do Direito do Trabalho e no âmbito da Ciência Política que definem a atuação de um Estado Neoliberal. Também foram utilizados dados recentes sobre os impactos da pandemia em diversos setores. Conclui-se que não será possível alcançar uma nova realidade social senão por meio de uma reconfiguração da atuação estatal, buscando-se a compatibilização dos interesses dos cidadãos com as práticas econômicas, com vistas a uma sociedade mais solidária, inclusiva e preocupada com o meio ambiente.
Household demand for green financial products is rarely investigated in the literature, except for ESG investments. This paper investigates the demand for a broader spectrum of finance (capital and banking markets together). The approach... more
Household demand for green financial products is rarely investigated in the literature, except for ESG investments. This paper investigates the demand for a broader spectrum of finance (capital and banking markets together). The approach comes from data science in order to manage survey data's high dimensionality. Four consumer groups are formed regarding green demand based on clustering. A positive relationship between green and financial knowledge and financial and personal green attitude is observable. Individuals with a more robust attitude toward sustainability in their daily life consumer decisions also have a stronger attitude toward green finance. However, a positive attitude is not enough to choose a ‘green’ product. The research empirically supports that subsidy policy and promoting financial and ecoliteracy together would strengthen the demand for green financial products.
BACKGROUND: Akpan is a traditional ready-to-drink fermented yoghurt-like cereal beverage consumed in urban and rural areas in Benin. With the aim of adapting the product to new local and export markets, this work maps African and European... more
BACKGROUND: Akpan is a traditional ready-to-drink fermented yoghurt-like cereal beverage consumed in urban and rural areas in Benin. With the aim of adapting the product to new local and export markets, this work maps African and European consumer preferences for different types of Akpan. RESULTS: A sensory profile of Akpan was created and consumer tests were conducted with 103 consumers of African origin and 74 consumers of European origin. Consumer acceptance was significantly correlated with fermented odour (r =-0.94) and milky taste (r = 0.92-0.97) attributes. Cluster analysis revealed different behaviour by African and European consumers with respect to acceptability of Akpan; European consumers did not like the sour taste and African consumers liked an intense sweet milky taste. CONCLUSION: This study provides information on how Akpan, and other fermented yoghurt-type cereal products, could be adapted to African and European consumer preferences.
Literature Study based on Report by MoEngage (2019)
The aim of this research is to understand the experience of the football sector on the use of artificial turf (satisfaction, safety, sporting feature, or the advantages and disadvantages). The study was conducted on a random selection of... more
The aim of this research is to understand the experience of the football sector on the use of artificial turf (satisfaction, safety, sporting feature, or the advantages and disadvantages). The study was conducted on a random selection of 627 male participants (404 amateur/semi-professional footballers, 101 coaches and 122 referees) that regularly train/compete on artificial turf in Spanish football leagues. The
Brand zealotry was defined as a specialized form of opinion leadership. Brand zealots are consumers who frequently engage in brand-related opinion leadership, report high interest in identifying the best brands to buy, and regularly... more
Brand zealotry was defined as a specialized form of opinion leadership. Brand zealots are consumers who frequently engage in brand-related opinion leadership, report high interest in identifying the best brands to buy, and regularly purchase the brand name products they favor. The concept was operationalized by means of an index of the propensity to engage in brand zealotry. Brand zealotry was found to be associated with the demographic factors such as younger and higher income consumers. Certain personality characteristics and media preferences pointed to the possibility that brand zealots are discerning consumers who rely on information provided in advertising and on the Internet.
door survey was conducted in Costa Rica 3 identib consumer attitudes and concerns about the safety of fruits and vegetables available in the marketplace. m e sample (n = 98) was randomly selected from a panel of 255 households in urban... more
door survey was conducted in Costa Rica 3 identib consumer attitudes and concerns about the safety of fruits and vegetables available in the marketplace. m e sample (n = 98) was randomly selected from a panel of 255 households in urban and rural areas. More than half the respondents (54%) expressed confidence in the safety of the produce available in the marketplace, while a minority (11 %) reported avoiding the consumption of some produce due to food safety concerns. A majority of respondents (64% agreed that the only way farmers control pests today is by using pesticides and that these are used indiscriminately (57%). Yet, 53% of the sample agreed that growers today use many practices to protect the environment and provide safe food. Consumers (48%) perceived farmers to be concerned about the environment and safe food, and agree (43 %) that farmers carefully manage the use of chemicals and other techniques to produce clean, safe, fresh food. m e majority (65%) of respondents were aware of the training programs and technical assistance provided to farmers on the use of chemicals by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle (MAG). Information sources on which consumers rely are television (92 %), radio (73 %), and newspapers (63%). mese findings show that while many consumers are not completely confident in the chemical safety of produce, few have reduced produce consumption. Consumers are also concerned with the perceived indiscriminate use of pesticides by farmers. Since public confidence appears to be high for MAG, the government may want to use MAG and the mass media to provide consumer education programs on food safety that specifically address the use of pesticides by farmers.