Tombarthite-(Y) (original) (raw)

A discredited species name




About Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Crystal System:



Named after Thomas Fredrik Weiby Barth (1899-1971), professor of geology, Oslo University, Norway.

A mixture of metamict and crystalline phases, among them thalénite-(Y), xenotime-(Y) and kainosite-(Y).

Described as a new mineral by Neumann & Nilssen (1968). Friis (2018, 2019) has re-examined the original material (neotype) and showed that the samples are heterogeneous, and a mixture of metamict and crystalline phases. The original chemical analyses were done on heated material, which removed elements such as C and F, and thus erroneously. The mineral was discredited by IMA in 2016.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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IMA Classification of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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First description reference:

Classification of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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9 : SILICATES (Germanates)
A : Nesosilicates
D : Nesosilicates without additional anions; cations in [6] and/or greater coordination

51 : NESOSILICATES Insular SiO4 Groups Only
5 : Insular SiO4 Groups Only with cations in >[6] coordination


14 : Silicates not Containing Aluminum
8 : Silicates of Group III metals other than Al

Physical Properties of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Chemistry of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Mindat Formula:


(x ≤ 4)

Crystallography of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Crystal System:



Partially metamict

First Recorded Occurrence of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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General Appearance of First Recorded Material:

Geological Setting of First Recorded Material:

Precambrian granite pegmatite dyke


Neumann, H., Nilssen, B. (1968) Tombarthite, a new mineral from Høgetveit, Evje, South Norway. Lithos: 1: 113-123.

Synonyms of Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Other Language Names for Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

1 photo of Tombarthite-(Y) associated with Biotite K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2

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9.AD. Adrianite Ca12(Al4Mg3Si7)O32Cl6 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_d
9.AD.05 Larnite Ca2SiO4 Mon. 2/m
9.AD.10 Calcio-olivine Ca2SiO4 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
9.AD.15 Merwinite Ca3Mg(SiO4)2 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
9.AD.20 Bredigite Ca7Mg(SiO4)4 Orth. m _m_2 : P n _n_2
9.AD.25 Andradite Ca3Fe3+2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Almandine Fe2+3Al2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Calderite Mn2+3Fe3+2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Goldmanite Ca3V3+2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Grossular Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Henritermierite Ca3Mn3+2(SiO4)2[◻(OH)4] Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a c d
9.AD.25 Kimzeyite Ca3Zr2(SiO4)(AlO4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Knorringite Mg3Cr2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Majorite Mg3(MgSi)(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Morimotoite Ca3(TiFe2+)(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Pyrope Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Schorlomite Ca3Ti2(SiO4)(Fe3+O4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Spessartine Mn2+3Al2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Uvarovite Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Wadalite (Ca,Mg)6(Al,Fe3+)4((Si,Al)O4)3O4Cl3 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_d
9.AD.25 va Hydrougrandite (Ca,Mg,Fe2+)3(Fe3+,Al)2[(OH)4(SiO4)2] Iso.
9.AD.25 va Yamatoite (Mn2+,Ca)3(V3+,Al)2(SiO4)3 Iso.
9.AD.25 Holtstamite Ca3Al2(SiO4)2[◻(OH)4] Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a c d
9.AD.25 Khoharite Mg3Fe3+2(SiO4)3
9.AD.25 Kerimasite Ca3Zr2(SiO4)(Fe3+O4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Toturite Ca3Sn2(SiO4)(Fe3+O4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Momoiite Mn2+3V3+2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Eringaite Ca3Sc2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Irinarassite Ca3Sn2(SiO4)(AlO4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Menzerite-(Y) (Y2Ca)Mg2(SiO4)3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 Eltyubyuite Ca12Fe3+10Si4O32Cl6 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_d
9.AD.25 Blythite Mn2+3Mn3+2[SiO4]3
9.AD.25 Skiagite Fe2+3Fe3+2[SiO4]3
9.AD.25 Hutcheonite Ca3Ti2(SiO4)(AlO4)2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : I a_3_d
9.AD.25 UM1984-37-SiO:CrMn Mn2+3Cr3+2(SiO4)3
9.AD.25 Rubinite Ca3Ti3+2Si3O12 Iso.
9.AD.25 Nikmelnikovite Ca12(Fe2+Fe3+3Al3◻)[SiO4]6[◻(OH)4]5◻4 Trig. 3 : _R_3
9.AD.25 Midbarite Ca3Mg2(V2Si)O12 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
9.AD.30 va Auerlite near Th(Si,P)O4
9.AD.30 Coffinite U(SiO4) · nH2O Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a m d
9.AD.30 Hafnon HfSiO4 Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a m d
9.AD.30 Thorite Th(SiO4) Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a m d
9.AD.30 Zircon Zr(SiO4) Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a m d
9.AD.30 Stetindite-(Ce) Ce(SiO4) Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_41/a m d
9.AD.35 Huttonite ThSiO4 Mon. 2/m
9.AD.40 Eulytine Bi4(SiO4)3 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_d
9.AD.45 Reidite ZrSiO4 Tet. 4/m : _I_41/a
9.AD.55 Jeffbenite Mg3Al2Si3O12 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for Tombarthite-(Y)Hide

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