dbo:abstract |
L'Ulmus minor, anomenat popularment om, aumiser, um, olm o orm, és un arbre caducifoli autòcton dels països catalans d'uns 10-30 metres d'alçada. (ca) Jilm habrolistý (Ulmus minor), též jako jilm polní či jilm ladní, je listnatý strom z čeledi jilmovité (Ulmaceae). (cs) دردار أصغر (الاسم العلمي: Ulmus minor) هو نوع نباتي يتبع جنس الدردار من فصيلة الدردارية. (ar) La glata ulmo (Ulmus minor) estas palearktisa arbo en la familio ulmacoj indiĝena al Britio kaj suda kaj meza Eŭropo. Ĝi povas atingi altecon de pli ol 35 metroj. (eo) Die Feldulme (Ulmus minor, synonym Ulmus campestris), in fachsprachlicher Rechtschreibung Feld-Ulme, oder Iper ist ein sommergrüner Laubbaum aus der Gattung der Ulmen (Ulmus) und der Familie der Ulmengewächse (Ulmaceae). Seit einigen Jahrzehnten wird sie stark vom Ulmensterben bedroht. (de) Zumar hostotxikia edo zumar hostoleuna (Ulmus minor) Ulmazeoen familiako eta Ulmus generoko zuhaitza da. Jatorria Europa, Afrikako iparraldean eta Asiako hego-mendebaldean du. Hosto-erorkorrekoa da. (eu) Ulmus minor, el olmo común o negrillo, es una especie de árbol perteneciente a la familia Ulmaceae. (es) Ulmus minor Ulmus minor Ulmus carpinifolia Espèce Ulmus minorMill., 1768 Classification APG III (2009) Répartition géographique L’orme champêtre, l’ormeau ou le petit orme (Ulmus minor) est une espèce d'arbres à feuilles caduques de la famille des Ulmaceae. Il est aussi parfois appelé ipréau, orme cilié ou yvet. Il s'agit d'une espèce communément établie à des altitudes modestes sur des sols modérément calcaires, souvent à l'état subspontané. Les plus vieux spécimens ont été décimés par l'épidémie de graphiose de l'orme (maladie hollandaise de l'orme) et il est toujours déconseillé à la plantation, la graphiose évoluant en variantes de plus en plus dévastatrices.[réf. souhaitée] Une allée bordée d'ormeaux conduisait au prieuré fontevriste de l'ensemble monastique du Grand Moûtier (voir Prieurés de l’Ordre de Fontevraud Saint Jean de l'Habit). (fr) Ulmus minor Mill., the field elm, is by far the most polymorphic of the European species, although its taxonomy remains a matter of contention. Its natural range is predominantly south European, extending to Asia Minor and Iran; its northern outposts are the Baltic islands of Öland and Gotland, although it may have been introduced by humans. The tree's typical habitat is low-lying forest along the main rivers, growing in association with oak and ash, where it tolerates summer floods as well as droughts. Current treatment of the species owes much to Richens, who noted (1983) that several varieties of field elm are distinguishable on the European mainland. Of these, he listed the small-leaved U. minor of France and Spain; the narrow-leaved U. minor of northern and central Italy; the densely hairy leaved U. minor of southern Italy and Greece; the U. minor with small-toothed leaves from the Balkans; the U. minor with large-toothed leaves from the Danube region; and the small-leaved U. minor from southern Russia and Ukraine. As for British varieties, "the continental populations most closely related [to eastern English Field Elm] are in central Europe", while south-western forms were introduced from France. He concluded, however, that owing to incomplete field-research at the time of writing, it was "not possible to present an overall breakdown of the European Field Elm into regional varieties". The epithet 'red' elm was commonly used by British foresters, an allusion to the colour of the timber. Richens sank a number of British elms, notably English elm, as either subspecies or varieties of U. minor in 1968. However, Melville, writing ten years later, identified five distinct species (including U. glabra in the count), several varieties and numerous complex hybrids. In 1992 Armstrong identified no fewer than forty British species and microspecies. Clive Stace (1997) wrote of the British elms "The two-species (glabra and minor) concept of Richens is not sufficiently discriminating to be of taxonomic value". Nevertheless, it is Richens’ classification which has been the most commonly adopted in recent years, although it is not used in Flora Europaea [15]. In 2009 Dr Max Coleman of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh wrote: "The advent of DNA fingerprinting has shed considerable light on the question. A number of studies have now shown that the distinctive forms Melville elevated to species and Richens lumped together as field elm are single clones, all genetically identical, which have been propagated by vegetative means such as cuttings or root suckers. This means that enigmatic British elms such as Plot elm and English elm have been shown to be single clones of field elm. Although Richens did not have the evidence to prove it, he was correct in recognising a series of clones and grouping them together as a variable species." It is hoped that analysis of molecular markers will ultimately eliminate the taxonomic confusion. (en) L'olmo campestre (Ulmus minor Mill., 1768) è un albero deciduo appartenente alla famiglia delle Ulmaceae, diffuso in Europa, Africa nord-occidentale e Asia occidentale. Da alcuni decenni una malattia di origine fungina diffusasi dall'Asia, la grafiosi, sta decimando gli esemplari più vecchi. La ricerca scientifica ha tuttavia permesso di sviluppare una varietà di esemplari che mostrano una resistenza a questa malattia. L'epiteto "Minor" deriva dalle foglie che misurano 2–9 cm, più piccole rispetto a U. glabra (9–15 cm). (it) De gladde iep of veldiep (Ulmus minor, synoniem: Ulmus carpinifolia) is een boom uit de iepenfamilie (Ulmaceae), die van nature voorkomt van Europa tot en met Zuidwest-Azië. De boom kan tot 30 m hoog worden. Ulmus minor 'Suberosa' is de kurkiep met opvallende kurklijsten op de takken. (nl) Wiąz pospolity, wiąz polny (Ulmus minor Mill.) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny wiązowatych (Ulmaceae). Rodzime obszary jego występowania to: Europa, Azja Zachodnia i Kaukaz, Afryka Północna (Algieria, Maroko, Tunezja) i Wyspy Kanaryjskie. (pl) Lundalm (Ulmus minor) är en växtart i familjen almväxter. Bladen är 6–10 centimeter långa och i stort sett ovala i formen. (sv) Бе́рест (Ulmus minor Mill.) — дерево з родини в'язових (ільмових) заввишки до 30 м. з характерним крилатим насінням. (uk) Вяз ма́лый, или вяз листоватый (лат. Úlmus mínor) — вид деревьев из рода Вяз семейства Вязовые. Растение называют также берест, карагач, караич, пробковый ильм, красный ильм. (ru) 欧洲野榆(學名:Ulmus minor;英語:European field elm)是欧洲的三种榆属植物之一。和欧洲白榆、欧洲山榆一样,欧洲野榆也易感荷兰榆树病,但欧洲野榆的抗性稍高。 欧洲野榆形态变化很大,叶形倒披针形、倒卵形、椭圆形或近圆形,叶片上表面光滑或粗糙,叶片下表面无毛或有毛,嫩枝无毛至密被柔毛。《》据此将其分为三个种(Ulmus minor、Ulmus canescens、Ulmus procera),但现在一般把三者合并为一种。 (zh) |
dbp:synonyms |
*Ulmus araxina (Takht.) *Ulmus boissieri (Grudz.) *Ulmus campestre (Anon.) *Ulmus campestris (L.) var. australis (Henry) *Ulmus campestris (L.) var. dalmatica (Baldacci) *Ulmus campestris var. glabra (Hartig, Planch., Aschers. & Graebn.) *Ulmus campestris var. laevis (Spach, Planch.) *Ulmus campestris (Huds.) var. microphylla (Boiss.) *Ulmus canescens (Melville) *Ulmus carpinifolia (Gled.) *Ulmus coritana (Melville) *Ulmus densa ( Litv.) *Ulmus foliacea (Gilibert, Sarg.) *Ulmus georgica (Schchian) *Ulmus glabra (, Ley, Mill., Smith, Loudon, Rchb., Wilkomm, C. K. Schneid., Ley) *Ulmus glabra (Mill.) var.pilifera (Borbas) *Ulmus grossheimii (Takht.) *Ulmus micrantha (Kitt.) *Ulmus microphylla (Mill.) *Ulmus microphylla (Pers.) *Ulmus minor subsp. minor (Richens) *Ulmus minor suberosa (Moench, Rehder) *Ulmus nemoralis (Fraas) *Ulmus nitens (Moench) *Ulmus pilifera (Borbas) *Ulmus procera (Salisb.) *Ulmus sparsa (Dumrt.) *Ulmus stricta ( Lindley) *Ulmus stricta ( Lindley ) var goodyeri (Melville) *Ulmus tetrandra (Sckk.) *Ulmus tortuosa (Host) *Ulmus uzbekistanica (Drob.) *Ulmus wissotzkyi (Kotov) (en) |
rdfs:comment |
L'Ulmus minor, anomenat popularment om, aumiser, um, olm o orm, és un arbre caducifoli autòcton dels països catalans d'uns 10-30 metres d'alçada. (ca) Jilm habrolistý (Ulmus minor), též jako jilm polní či jilm ladní, je listnatý strom z čeledi jilmovité (Ulmaceae). (cs) دردار أصغر (الاسم العلمي: Ulmus minor) هو نوع نباتي يتبع جنس الدردار من فصيلة الدردارية. (ar) La glata ulmo (Ulmus minor) estas palearktisa arbo en la familio ulmacoj indiĝena al Britio kaj suda kaj meza Eŭropo. Ĝi povas atingi altecon de pli ol 35 metroj. (eo) Die Feldulme (Ulmus minor, synonym Ulmus campestris), in fachsprachlicher Rechtschreibung Feld-Ulme, oder Iper ist ein sommergrüner Laubbaum aus der Gattung der Ulmen (Ulmus) und der Familie der Ulmengewächse (Ulmaceae). Seit einigen Jahrzehnten wird sie stark vom Ulmensterben bedroht. (de) Zumar hostotxikia edo zumar hostoleuna (Ulmus minor) Ulmazeoen familiako eta Ulmus generoko zuhaitza da. Jatorria Europa, Afrikako iparraldean eta Asiako hego-mendebaldean du. Hosto-erorkorrekoa da. (eu) Ulmus minor, el olmo común o negrillo, es una especie de árbol perteneciente a la familia Ulmaceae. (es) L'olmo campestre (Ulmus minor Mill., 1768) è un albero deciduo appartenente alla famiglia delle Ulmaceae, diffuso in Europa, Africa nord-occidentale e Asia occidentale. Da alcuni decenni una malattia di origine fungina diffusasi dall'Asia, la grafiosi, sta decimando gli esemplari più vecchi. La ricerca scientifica ha tuttavia permesso di sviluppare una varietà di esemplari che mostrano una resistenza a questa malattia. L'epiteto "Minor" deriva dalle foglie che misurano 2–9 cm, più piccole rispetto a U. glabra (9–15 cm). (it) De gladde iep of veldiep (Ulmus minor, synoniem: Ulmus carpinifolia) is een boom uit de iepenfamilie (Ulmaceae), die van nature voorkomt van Europa tot en met Zuidwest-Azië. De boom kan tot 30 m hoog worden. Ulmus minor 'Suberosa' is de kurkiep met opvallende kurklijsten op de takken. (nl) Wiąz pospolity, wiąz polny (Ulmus minor Mill.) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny wiązowatych (Ulmaceae). Rodzime obszary jego występowania to: Europa, Azja Zachodnia i Kaukaz, Afryka Północna (Algieria, Maroko, Tunezja) i Wyspy Kanaryjskie. (pl) Lundalm (Ulmus minor) är en växtart i familjen almväxter. Bladen är 6–10 centimeter långa och i stort sett ovala i formen. (sv) Бе́рест (Ulmus minor Mill.) — дерево з родини в'язових (ільмових) заввишки до 30 м. з характерним крилатим насінням. (uk) Вяз ма́лый, или вяз листоватый (лат. Úlmus mínor) — вид деревьев из рода Вяз семейства Вязовые. Растение называют также берест, карагач, караич, пробковый ильм, красный ильм. (ru) 欧洲野榆(學名:Ulmus minor;英語:European field elm)是欧洲的三种榆属植物之一。和欧洲白榆、欧洲山榆一样,欧洲野榆也易感荷兰榆树病,但欧洲野榆的抗性稍高。 欧洲野榆形态变化很大,叶形倒披针形、倒卵形、椭圆形或近圆形,叶片上表面光滑或粗糙,叶片下表面无毛或有毛,嫩枝无毛至密被柔毛。《》据此将其分为三个种(Ulmus minor、Ulmus canescens、Ulmus procera),但现在一般把三者合并为一种。 (zh) Ulmus minor Ulmus minor Ulmus carpinifolia Espèce Ulmus minorMill., 1768 Classification APG III (2009) Répartition géographique L’orme champêtre, l’ormeau ou le petit orme (Ulmus minor) est une espèce d'arbres à feuilles caduques de la famille des Ulmaceae. Il est aussi parfois appelé ipréau, orme cilié ou yvet. Une allée bordée d'ormeaux conduisait au prieuré fontevriste de l'ensemble monastique du Grand Moûtier (voir Prieurés de l’Ordre de Fontevraud Saint Jean de l'Habit). (fr) Ulmus minor Mill., the field elm, is by far the most polymorphic of the European species, although its taxonomy remains a matter of contention. Its natural range is predominantly south European, extending to Asia Minor and Iran; its northern outposts are the Baltic islands of Öland and Gotland, although it may have been introduced by humans. The tree's typical habitat is low-lying forest along the main rivers, growing in association with oak and ash, where it tolerates summer floods as well as droughts. (en) |