Government of Ireland (original) (raw)
- El Govern d'Irlanda (gaèlic irlandès Rialtas na hÉireann) és el gabinet que exerceix el poder executiu a la República d'Irlanda. (ca)
- Die irische Regierung (irisch: Rialtas na hÉireann) ist das Kabinett, das die Exekutivmacht in der Republik Irland ausübt. Die Regierung wird durch einen Premierminister (den sog. Taoiseach) und einen Vize-Premierminister (den sog. Tánaiste) angeführt. Der Taoiseach wird durch den irischen Präsidenten eingesetzt, nachdem er vom Unterhaus (Dáil Éireann) ernannt wurde. Der Präsident ernennt daraufhin die übrigen Regierungsminister auf Vorschlag des Taoiseach (und Zustimmung des Dáil). Die Regierung benötigt das Vertrauen des Dáil um im Amt zu bleiben. (de)
- Irlandako Gobernua (Eskoziako gaeleraz: Rialtas na hÉireann; ingelesez: Government of Ireland) Irlandako Errepublikan botere betearazlea gauzatzen duen gobernua da. (eu)
- The Government of Ireland (Irish: Rialtas na hÉireann) is the cabinet that exercises executive authority in Ireland. The Constitution of Ireland vests executive authority in a government which is headed by the Taoiseach, the head of government. The government is composed of ministers, each of whom must be a member of the Oireachtas, which consists of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann. The Taoiseach must be nominated by the Dáil, the house of representatives. Following the nomination of the Dáil, the President of Ireland appoints the Taoiseach to their role. The President also appoints members of the government, including the Tánaiste, the deputy head of government, on the nomination of the Taoiseach and their approval by the Dáil. The government is dependent upon the Oireachtas to pass primary legislation and as such, the government needs to command a majority in the Dáil in order to ensure support and confidence for budgets and government bills to pass. The Government is also known as the cabinet. The current government took office on 27 June 2020 with Micheál Martin, leader of Fianna Fáil, as Taoiseach. The Tánaiste is Leo Varadkar, leader of Fine Gael. It is a minority coalition government of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party. It was formed after protracted government negotiations following a general election on 8 February 2020. (en)
- El Gobierno de Irlanda es el cuerpo colegiado encargado del poder ejecutivo en la República de Irlanda. El Taoiseach (el jefe de gobierno) es el encargado de elegir a los ministros, que son aprobados por el Dáil Éireann y nombrados por el presidente de Irlanda. El gabinete debe contar con un máximo con 15 miembros, que deben ser a su vez miembros del Oireachtas, bien del Dáil o bien del Senado (con un máximo de 2 senadores). Los ministros son responsables ante el Dáil de su respectiva acción de gobierno. (es)
- De réir Bunreacht na hÉireann, is gá le níos mó ná 7 mball agus gan níos mó ná 15 ball a bheith i Rialtas na hÉireann. Is grúpa Airí sinsearacha é an Rialtas atá freagrach as cumhacht fheidhmeannach an Stáit. Cialaíonn sé seo go gcaithfidh an Rialtas dlíthe na tíre a chur i bhfeidhm. Déanann an Rialtas cinneadh maidir le polasaithe agus bíonn freagrachtaí tábhachtacha eile orthu freisin. Tagann an Rialtas le chéile agus feidhmíonn sé mar údarás aontaithe agus tá chomhfhreagracht ar na baill i dtaobh ranna uilig an Stáit. Úsáidtear an téarma "" nó "" anois agus aríst nuair a bhíonn an Rialtas i gceist. Is faoi rún a dhéantar plé ar ábhair ag cruinnithe den chomh-aireacht. Bíonn an Rialtas aontaithe ar pholasaithe agus ní mór do na hairí ar fad tacaíocht phoiblí a thabhairt do na polasaithe agus na cinnithe móra atá ag an Rialtas. Tá an Taoiseach i gceannas an Rialtais. Is é an té a fhaigheann tacaíocht ó thromlach na mball sa Dáil an Taoiseach. Cuireann an Dáil a hainm nó a ainm ar aghaidh agus glacann an tUachtarán go foirmiúil leis an ainmniú. Ainmníonn an Taoiseach, ansin, baill eile den Rialtas agus tugann Roinn Stáit dóibh. Faigheann siad seo tacaíocht na Dála agus glacann an tUachtarán leis an gceapáchán.Tá sé de chumhacht ag an Taoiseach airí a chur as a bpost má bhíonn cúis mhaith aige/aici. Má tá níos mó ná amháin sa Rialtas tugtar Comhrialtas ar an gcineál seo Rialtais. Roinneann na páirtithe na postanna sa Rialtas - de ghnáth tugtar post an Tánaiste do cheannaire an dara pháirtí is mó sa chomhrialtas. Ní mór do bhaill an Rialtais a bheith ina mbaill de Dáil Éireann nó ina mbaill de Sheanad Éireann. Ní féidir níos mó ná beirt bhall de Sheanad Éireann a bheith ina mbaill den Rialtas. Caithfidh an Taoiseach, an Tánaiste agus an tAire Airgeadais a bheith ina mbaill de Dháil Éireann. Is féidir leis an Taoiseach Airí Stáit a roghnú freisin, ainm eile a thugtar orthu ná Airí Sóisearacha. Ní baill den chomh-aireacht iad ach cuidíonn siad leis na hAirí Rialtais ina gcuid oibre Rialtais agus ina gcuid oibre sa Roinn atá faoina gcúram. Roghnaíonn an Taoiseach Ard-Aighne, freisin, chun comhairle dlí a chuir ar fáil don Rialtas. Ní ball den Rialtas An tArd-Aighne ach de réir traidisiún déanann sé/sí freastal ar chruinnithe den chomh-aireacht. De réir Bhunreacht na hÉireann, tá an Rialtas freagrach do Dháil Éireann. Mar sin bíonn an Rialtas in oifig an fhad agus atá tacaíocht tromlach na dteachtaí i nDáil Éireann aige. Má chailleann an Taoiseach tacaíocht tromlach na Dála, ní mór dó/dí éirí as a p(h)ost nó iarraidh ar an Uachtarán an Dáil a lánscoir. D'fhéadfadh sé seo tarlú i gcás comhrialtais nach mbeadh in ann comhoibriú lena chéile a thuilleadh. Má dhéantar an Dáil a lánscoir, tá ollthoghchán ann. Tar éis an ollthoghcháin ní mór go mbeadh tacaíocht tromlach na dteachtaí sa Dáil nua ag an té a ainmnítear mar Thaoiseach. (ga)
- Le gouvernement de l'Irlande (en anglais : Government of Ireland ; en irlandais : Rialtas na hÉireann) est le cabinet qui exerce le pouvoir exécutif en Irlande. Le gouvernement est dirigé par un premier ministre appelé Taoiseach et un vice-premier ministre appelé Tánaiste. Le Taoiseach est nommé par le président d'Irlande après avoir été désigné par le Dáil Éireann, la chambre basse du Parlement. Le président désigne les membres du gouvernement appelés ministres après qu’ils ont été choisis par le Taoiseach et approuvés par le Dáil. Le gouvernement doit avoir la confiance du Dáil s'il veut rester en place. (fr)
- Il governo dell'Irlanda (in inglese: Governement of Ireland, in irlandese: Rialtas na hÉireann) è il gabinetto che esercita il potere esecutivo in Irlanda. Il governo è guidato da un primo ministro chiamato Taoiseach e da un vice primo ministro chiamato Tánaiste. Il Taoiseach è nominato dal Presidente dell'Irlanda dopo essere stato indicato dal Dáil Éireann, la camera bassa del Parlamento. Il presidente nomina i membri del governo chiamati ministri dopo che sono stati scelti dal Taoiseach e approvati dal Dáil. Il governo deve avere la fiducia del Dáil. (it)
- アイルランド政府(アイルランドせいふ、愛: Rialtas na hÉireann、英: Government of Ireland)は、アイルランドの行政権を行使する内閣。 (ja)
- Rząd Irlandii (irl.: Rialtas na hÉireann, ang.: Government of Ireland) – jest gabinetem, który sprawuje władzę wykonawczą w Irlandii. Na czele rządu stoi premier (Taoiseach). Według Konstytucji Irlandii rząd musi zawierać od 7 do 15 ministrów - członków parlamentu (Oireachtas). (pl)
- O Governo da Irlanda (em irlandês: Rialtas na hÉireann) é o gabinete que exerce autoridade executiva, na Irlanda. O governo é chefiado por um primeiro-ministro chamado Taoiseach, e um vice-primeiro-ministro chamado Tánaiste. O Taoiseach é nomeado pelo Presidente depois de ter sido designado pelo Dáil Éireann (Câmara Baixa do Parlamento). O então Presidente nomeia os restantes membros do Governo - cada funcionário é tratado como um "Ministro do Governo", depois de terem sido escolhidos pelo Taoiseach e aprovados pelo Dáil. O Governo deve gozar da confiança do Dáil para se permanecer no cargo. (pt)
- Правительство Ирландии (ирл. Rialtas na hÉireann) — высший орган исполнительной власти в Ирландии. (ru)
- Уряд Ірландії — вищий орган виконавчої влади Ірландії. (uk)
- 553319 (xsd:integer)
- 30909 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1120332783 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:President_of_Ireland
- dbr:Primary_legislation
- dbr:Roderic_O'Gorman
- dbr:Minister_(government)
- dbr:Bord_Bia
- dbr:Defence_Forces_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Public_Expenditure_and_Reform
- dbr:Joseph_Connolly_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Revenue_Commissioners
- dbr:Declaration_of_war
- dbr:Department_of_State_(Ireland)
- dbr:Dáil_vote_for_Taoiseach
- dbr:Public_administration
- dbr:12th_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Contempt_of_court
- dbc:Politics_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Enda_Kenny
- dbr:Frank_Aiken
- dbr:Garda_Síochána
- dbr:Government_Buildings
- dbr:Government_of_the_31st_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_33rd_Dáil
- dbr:Minister_of_State_at_the_Department_of_the_Taoiseach
- dbr:Minister_without_portfolio
- dbr:Confidence_motions_in_Dáil_Éireann
- dbr:2020_Irish_general_election
- dbr:Anglo-Irish_Treaty
- dbr:Leo_Varadkar
- dbr:Local_government_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Simon_Coveney
- dbr:Simon_Harris_(politician)
- dbr:Stephen_Donnelly
- dbr:Common_law
- dbr:Catherine_Martin_(politician)
- dbr:Trinity_College_Dublin
- dbr:Tánaiste
- dbr:Civil_service_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Head_of_government
- dbr:Health_Service_Executive
- dbr:Healthcare_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_Prison_Service
- dbr:Irish_cabinets_since_1919
- dbr:Law_enforcement_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Minister_for_Defence_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Labour_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Posts_and_Telegraphs
- dbr:Minister_of_State_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_of_State_at_the_Department_of_Agriculture,_Food_and_the_Marine
- dbr:Minister_of_State_at_the_Department_of_Defence
- dbr:Ministers_and_Secretaries_Acts
- dbr:Ministry_of_Dáil_Éireann
- dbr:22nd_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:23rd_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:24th_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Albert_Reynolds
- dbr:An_Post
- dbr:1st_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Darragh_O'Brien
- dbr:Dublin
- dbr:Dublin_City_Council
- dbr:Dáil_Éireann
- dbr:ESB_Group
- dbr:Eamon_Ryan
- dbr:Executive_(government)
- dbr:Fianna_Fáil
- dbr:Fine_Gael
- dbr:Norma_Foley
- dbr:Paschal_Donohoe
- dbr:Caretaker_government
- dbr:Education_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_Defence_Forces
- dbr:Unilateral_declaration_of_independence
- dbr:Provisional_Government_of_Ireland_(1922)
- dbc:Government_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Green_Party_(Ireland)
- dbr:Heather_Humphreys
- dbr:Helen_McEntee
- dbr:Hildegarde_Naughton
- dbr:Irish_Free_State
- dbr:Irish_Republic
- dbr:Jack_Chambers_(politician)
- dbr:James_Dooge
- dbr:Taoiseach
- dbr:The_Emergency_(Ireland)
- dbr:State_Agencies_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Attorney_General_of_Ireland
- dbc:European_governments
- dbr:Charles_Haughey
- dbr:Charlie_McConalogue
- dbr:John_A._Costello
- dbr:John_Bruton
- dbr:Coalition_government
- dbr:Dissolution_of_parliament
- dbr:Disused_titles_of_Departments_of_State_(Ireland)
- dbr:20th_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:21st_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:30th_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:31st_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:32nd_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Cabinet_(government)
- dbr:Cabinet_reshuffle
- dbr:Pippa_Hackett
- dbr:Merrion_Street
- dbr:Michael_McGrath_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Micheál_Martin
- dbr:Minister_for_Agriculture,_Food_and_the_Marine
- dbr:Minister_for_Children,_Equality,_Disability,_Integration_and_Youth
- dbr:Minister_for_Education_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Enterprise,_Trade_and_Employment
- dbr:Minister_for_Finance_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Foreign_Affairs_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Further_and_Higher_Education,_Research,_Innovation_and_Science
- dbr:Minister_for_Health_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Housing,_Local_Government_and_Heritage
- dbr:Minister_for_Justice_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_Public_Expenditure_and_Reform
- dbr:Minister_for_Rural_and_Community_Development
- dbr:Minister_for_Social_Protection
- dbr:Minister_for_Supplies
- dbr:Minister_for_Tourism,_Culture,_Arts,_Gaeltacht,_Sport_and_Media
- dbr:Minister_for_Transport_(Ireland)
- dbr:Minister_for_the_Co-ordination_of_Defensive_Measures
- dbr:Minister_for_the_Environment,_Climate_and_Communications
- dbr:Oireachtas
- dbr:RTÉ
- dbr:Seanad_Éireann_(Irish_Free_State)
- dbr:Seventeenth_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Seán_Moylan
- dbr:Commission_for_Energy_Regulation
- dbr:IDA_Ireland
- dbr:Executive_Council_of_the_Irish_Free_State
- dbr:Politics_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:State-sponsored_bodies_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Parliamentary_Secretaries
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- dbr:File:Eamon_Ryan_2020_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:Helen_McEntee_in_2018.jpg
- dbr:File:Micheál_Martin_TD_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:Stephen_Donnelly_2016.jpg
- dbr:File:Catherine_Martin_TD.jpg
- dbr:File:Charlie_McConalogue_2011_cropped.jpg
- dbr:File:Darragh_O'Brien_(official_portrait)_2020.jpg
- dbr:File:Gbuildings.jpg
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- dbr:File:Hildegarde_Naughton.jpg
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- dbr:File:Jack_Chambers.jpg
- dbr:File:Michael_McGrath_2014_(headshot).jpg
- dbr:File:Norma_Foley.jpeg
- dbr:File:Paschal_Donohoe_TD.jpg
- dbr:File:Pippa_Hackett.jpg
- dbr:File:Roderic_O'Gorman_(official_portrait)_2020.jpg
- dbr:File:Simon_Harris_(official_portrait)_2020.jpg
- dbr:File:Leo_Varadkar_TD_(cropped).jpg
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- Government of Ireland (en)
- (en)
- Cabinet (en)
- 15 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Rialtas na hÉireann (en)
- (en)
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- dbt:Official_URL
- dbt:Official_website
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- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Start_date
- dbt:Ubl
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- dbt:Politics_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbt:Infobox_executive_government
- dbt:Government_of_Ireland
- dbt:British-Irish_Council
- dbt:Governments_of_Ireland
- dbc:Politics_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbc:Government_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbc:European_governments
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- dbo:OfficeHolder
- El Govern d'Irlanda (gaèlic irlandès Rialtas na hÉireann) és el gabinet que exerceix el poder executiu a la República d'Irlanda. (ca)
- Die irische Regierung (irisch: Rialtas na hÉireann) ist das Kabinett, das die Exekutivmacht in der Republik Irland ausübt. Die Regierung wird durch einen Premierminister (den sog. Taoiseach) und einen Vize-Premierminister (den sog. Tánaiste) angeführt. Der Taoiseach wird durch den irischen Präsidenten eingesetzt, nachdem er vom Unterhaus (Dáil Éireann) ernannt wurde. Der Präsident ernennt daraufhin die übrigen Regierungsminister auf Vorschlag des Taoiseach (und Zustimmung des Dáil). Die Regierung benötigt das Vertrauen des Dáil um im Amt zu bleiben. (de)
- Irlandako Gobernua (Eskoziako gaeleraz: Rialtas na hÉireann; ingelesez: Government of Ireland) Irlandako Errepublikan botere betearazlea gauzatzen duen gobernua da. (eu)
- El Gobierno de Irlanda es el cuerpo colegiado encargado del poder ejecutivo en la República de Irlanda. El Taoiseach (el jefe de gobierno) es el encargado de elegir a los ministros, que son aprobados por el Dáil Éireann y nombrados por el presidente de Irlanda. El gabinete debe contar con un máximo con 15 miembros, que deben ser a su vez miembros del Oireachtas, bien del Dáil o bien del Senado (con un máximo de 2 senadores). Los ministros son responsables ante el Dáil de su respectiva acción de gobierno. (es)
- Le gouvernement de l'Irlande (en anglais : Government of Ireland ; en irlandais : Rialtas na hÉireann) est le cabinet qui exerce le pouvoir exécutif en Irlande. Le gouvernement est dirigé par un premier ministre appelé Taoiseach et un vice-premier ministre appelé Tánaiste. Le Taoiseach est nommé par le président d'Irlande après avoir été désigné par le Dáil Éireann, la chambre basse du Parlement. Le président désigne les membres du gouvernement appelés ministres après qu’ils ont été choisis par le Taoiseach et approuvés par le Dáil. Le gouvernement doit avoir la confiance du Dáil s'il veut rester en place. (fr)
- Il governo dell'Irlanda (in inglese: Governement of Ireland, in irlandese: Rialtas na hÉireann) è il gabinetto che esercita il potere esecutivo in Irlanda. Il governo è guidato da un primo ministro chiamato Taoiseach e da un vice primo ministro chiamato Tánaiste. Il Taoiseach è nominato dal Presidente dell'Irlanda dopo essere stato indicato dal Dáil Éireann, la camera bassa del Parlamento. Il presidente nomina i membri del governo chiamati ministri dopo che sono stati scelti dal Taoiseach e approvati dal Dáil. Il governo deve avere la fiducia del Dáil. (it)
- アイルランド政府(アイルランドせいふ、愛: Rialtas na hÉireann、英: Government of Ireland)は、アイルランドの行政権を行使する内閣。 (ja)
- Rząd Irlandii (irl.: Rialtas na hÉireann, ang.: Government of Ireland) – jest gabinetem, który sprawuje władzę wykonawczą w Irlandii. Na czele rządu stoi premier (Taoiseach). Według Konstytucji Irlandii rząd musi zawierać od 7 do 15 ministrów - członków parlamentu (Oireachtas). (pl)
- O Governo da Irlanda (em irlandês: Rialtas na hÉireann) é o gabinete que exerce autoridade executiva, na Irlanda. O governo é chefiado por um primeiro-ministro chamado Taoiseach, e um vice-primeiro-ministro chamado Tánaiste. O Taoiseach é nomeado pelo Presidente depois de ter sido designado pelo Dáil Éireann (Câmara Baixa do Parlamento). O então Presidente nomeia os restantes membros do Governo - cada funcionário é tratado como um "Ministro do Governo", depois de terem sido escolhidos pelo Taoiseach e aprovados pelo Dáil. O Governo deve gozar da confiança do Dáil para se permanecer no cargo. (pt)
- Правительство Ирландии (ирл. Rialtas na hÉireann) — высший орган исполнительной власти в Ирландии. (ru)
- Уряд Ірландії — вищий орган виконавчої влади Ірландії. (uk)
- The Government of Ireland (Irish: Rialtas na hÉireann) is the cabinet that exercises executive authority in Ireland. The Constitution of Ireland vests executive authority in a government which is headed by the Taoiseach, the head of government. The government is composed of ministers, each of whom must be a member of the Oireachtas, which consists of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann. The Taoiseach must be nominated by the Dáil, the house of representatives. Following the nomination of the Dáil, the President of Ireland appoints the Taoiseach to their role. The President also appoints members of the government, including the Tánaiste, the deputy head of government, on the nomination of the Taoiseach and their approval by the Dáil. The government is dependent upon the Oireachtas to pass prima (en)
- De réir Bunreacht na hÉireann, is gá le níos mó ná 7 mball agus gan níos mó ná 15 ball a bheith i Rialtas na hÉireann. Is grúpa Airí sinsearacha é an Rialtas atá freagrach as cumhacht fheidhmeannach an Stáit. Cialaíonn sé seo go gcaithfidh an Rialtas dlíthe na tíre a chur i bhfeidhm. Déanann an Rialtas cinneadh maidir le polasaithe agus bíonn freagrachtaí tábhachtacha eile orthu freisin. Tagann an Rialtas le chéile agus feidhmíonn sé mar údarás aontaithe agus tá chomhfhreagracht ar na baill i dtaobh ranna uilig an Stáit. Úsáidtear an téarma "" nó "" anois agus aríst nuair a bhíonn an Rialtas i gceist. Is faoi rún a dhéantar plé ar ábhair ag cruinnithe den chomh-aireacht. Bíonn an Rialtas aontaithe ar pholasaithe agus ní mór do na hairí ar fad tacaíocht phoiblí a thabhairt do na polasaithe (ga)
- Government of Ireland (en)
- Govern d'Irlanda (ca)
- Irische Regierung (de)
- Gobierno de Irlanda (es)
- Irlandako Gobernua (eu)
- Rialtas na hÉireann (ga)
- Gouvernement de l'Irlande (fr)
- Governo dell'Irlanda (it)
- アイルランド政府 (ja)
- Rząd Irlandii (pl)
- Governo da República da Irlanda (pt)
- Правительство Ирландии (ru)
- Уряд Ірландії (uk)
- freebase:Government of Ireland
- yago-res:Government of Ireland
- wikidata:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-ca:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-de:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-es:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-eu:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-fr:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-ga:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-gl:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-he:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-it:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-ja:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-ms:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-pl:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-pt:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-ru:Government of Ireland
- dbpedia-uk:Government of Ireland
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Charlie_McConalogue_2011_cropped.jpg
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- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Simon_Coveney_2018.jpg
is dbo:author of
is dbo:developer of
is dbo:employer of
is dbo:foundedBy of
is dbo:jurisdiction of
- dbr:Department_of_Social_Protection
- dbr:Environmental_Protection_Agency_(Ireland)
- dbr:Transport_Infrastructure_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_Aid
- dbr:Sustainable_Energy_Authority_of_Ireland
- dbr:National_Archives_of_Ireland
- dbr:National_Immunisation_Advisory_Committee
is dbo:owner of
- dbr:Permanent_TSB
- dbr:Cork_Airport
- dbr:EirGrid
- dbr:Government_Buildings
- dbr:Steward's_Lodge
- dbr:Áras_an_Uachtaráin
- dbr:Busáras
- dbr:CIÉ
- dbr:Trim_Castle
- dbr:An_Post
- dbr:Duckett's_Grove
- dbr:Altamont_House
- dbr:Farmleigh
- dbr:Iveagh_House
- dbr:The_Custom_House
- dbr:RTÉ
- dbr:Shannon_Airport
- dbr:RTÉ_Radio
- dbr:Allied_Irish_Banks__,_p.l.c.__1
is dbo:owningCompany of
- dbr:Permanent_TSB
- dbr:EirGrid
- dbr:CIÉ
- dbr:An_Post
- dbr:RTÉ
- dbr:RTÉ_Radio
- dbr:Allied_Irish_Banks__,_p.l.c.__1
is dbo:parentCompany of
is dbo:parentOrganisation of
is dbo:presenter of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Dublin_Government
- dbr:Dublin_government
- dbr:Irish_Government
- dbr:The_Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Government_(Ireland)
- dbr:Government_in_Ireland
- dbr:Government_of_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Government_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Rialtas
- dbr:Cabinet_of_Ireland
- dbr:Cabinet_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_cabinet
- dbr:Irish_government
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Carnsore_Point
- dbr:Castlecomer_Plateau
- dbr:Amendments_to_the_Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Before_1960_in_Irish_television
- dbr:Potez_840
- dbr:President_of_Ireland
- dbr:Punky_(TV_series)
- dbr:Question_time
- dbr:Royal_College_of_Surgeons_in_Ireland
- dbr:Royal_Hospital_Kilmainham
- dbr:Scotland–Ireland_Euro_2008_bid
- dbr:Elections_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Electronic_voting_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_acronyms_associated_with_the_eurozone_crisis
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_the_Czech_Republic
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Kazakhstan_to_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_baronies_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_companies_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_failed_amendments_to_the_Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Minority_government
- dbr:National_Cyber_Security_Centre_(Ireland)
- dbr:National_Security_Committee_(Ireland)
- dbr:Mental_health_in_Ireland
- dbr:1935_in_Ireland
- dbr:1938_in_Ireland
- dbr:1939_in_Ireland
- dbr:2009_Irish_emergency_budget
- dbr:2009_Republic_of_Ireland_v_France_football_matches
- dbr:2010_Irish_budget
- dbr:2011_Irish_budget
- dbr:2011_Irish_census
- dbr:2012_Irish_budget
- dbr:2013_Irish_budget
- dbr:2030_FIFA_World_Cup
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Boyne
- dbr:Belvedere_College
- dbr:Billy_Fox_(politician)
- dbr:Billy_Kelleher
- dbr:Brian_Cowen
- dbr:Brian_MacCraith
- dbr:2011_in_Ireland
- dbr:2013_in_Ireland
- dbr:Debenhams_Ireland
- dbr:Defence_Forces_(Ireland)
- dbr:Denis_O'Brien
- dbr:Department_of_Agriculture,_Food_and_the_Marine
- dbr:Department_of_Children,_Equality,_Disability,_Integration_and_Youth
- dbr:Department_of_Defence_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Education_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Enterprise,_Trade_and_Employment
- dbr:Department_of_Finance_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Housing,_Local_Government_and_Heritage
- dbr:Department_of_Justice_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Public_Expenditure_and_Reform
- dbr:Department_of_Social_Protection
- dbr:Department_of_Tourism,_Culture,_Arts,_Gaeltacht,_Sport_and_Media
- dbr:Department_of_Transport_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_the_Environment,_Climate_and_Communications
- dbr:Department_of_the_Taoiseach
- dbr:Derry
- dbr:Devolution_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Anti-austerity_movement_in_Ireland
- dbr:Horse_racing_in_Ireland
- dbr:Hugh_Brady_(academic)
- dbr:John_Ormonde
- dbr:John_Taylor,_Baron_Kilclooney
- dbr:Joseph_Blowick
- dbr:Joseph_Brennan_(Fianna_Fáil_politician)
- dbr:Joseph_Connolly_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Joseph_McGrath_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:List_of_Ireland-related_topics
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_Canada
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_China
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_Malaysia
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_Spain
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Ireland_to_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_ambassadors_of_Russia_to_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_women_cabinet_ministers_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Patricia_McKenna
- dbr:Patrick_O'Donnell_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Paul_Reid_(HSE)
- dbr:Permanent_TSB
- dbr:Peter_Hughes_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Regina_Doherty
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Reserve_Defence_Forces
- dbr:Richard_Johnson_(judge)
- dbr:River_Goul
- dbr:River_Nore
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:Visa_policy_of_Ireland
- dbr:Definitions_of_torture
- dbr:Department_of_Further_and_Higher_Education,_Research,_Innovation_and_Science
- dbr:Department_of_Health_(Ireland)
- dbr:Department_of_Rural_and_Community_Development
- dbr:Department_of_State_(Ireland)
- dbr:Dermot_McCarthy
- dbr:Dáil_vote_for_Taoiseach
- dbr:Dúchas
- dbr:Independent_Commission_for_the_Location_of_Victims'_Remains
- dbr:Information_commissioner
- dbr:International_Protection_Accommodation_Service
- dbr:Malin_Head
- dbr:Library_Association_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_law_enforcement_agencies_in_th...cies_and_British_Overseas_Territories
- dbr:List_of_ministers_of_climate_change
- dbr:List_of_most_expensive_buildings
- dbr:List_of_national_governments
- dbr:List_of_people_associated_with_the_eurozone_crisis
- dbr:Postal_addresses_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Post-2008_Irish_economic_downturn
- dbr:Postbus
- dbr:Public_service_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:North/South_Consultative_Forum
- dbr:North_Sea_Offshore_Grid
- dbr:Northern_Ireland_(Ministers,_Elections_and_Petitions_of_Concern)_Act_2022
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland_(January–June_2020)
- dbr:Whitegate_refinery
- dbr:1916_Centenary_Commemorative_Medal
- dbr:1977_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1977_Seychelles_coup_d'état
- dbr:1981_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1990_Irish_presidential_election
- dbr:Coláiste_Ailigh
- dbr:Comic_Relief
- dbr:Commander-in-chief
- dbr:Communications_&_Information_Services_Corps
- dbr:Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Cork_Airport
- dbr:Costello_v._Government_of_Ireland
- dbr:Countries_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Crescent_College
- dbr:Mary_O'Rourke
- dbr:Mary_Robinson
- dbr:Maurice_O'Connell_(banker)
- dbr:Members_of_the_31st_Dáil
- dbr:S&P_Global_Ratings
- dbr:Gaza_journey_of_MV_Rachel_Corrie
- dbr:Genealogical_Office
- dbr:Geographical_renaming
- dbr:National_Asset_Management_Agency
- dbr:Ombudsman_for_the_Defence_Forces
- dbr:Operation_Green_(Ireland)
- dbr:Opposition_Front_Bench_(Ireland)
- dbr:RTÉ_One
- dbr:Sean_O'Callaghan
- dbr:Peace_Commissioner
- dbr:Rockall_Bank_dispute
- dbr:S-Plan
- dbr:St._Patrick's_Festival
- dbr:RTÉ_Television
- dbr:Timeline_of_RTÉ_Television
- dbr:Timeline_of_World_War_II_(1939)
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland_(January–June_2021)
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_t...ublic_of_Ireland_(July–December_2020)
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_t...ublic_of_Ireland_(July–December_2021)
- dbr:1988–1994_British_broadcasting_voice_restrictions
- dbr:1994_Cork_South-Central_by-election
- dbr:1994_Mayo_West_by-election
- dbr:1995_Wicklow_by-election
- dbr:1996_Donegal_North-East_by-election
- dbr:1997_in_Irish_television
- dbr:City_of_Derry_Airport
- dbr:Coillte
- dbr:EirGrid
- dbr:Elizabeth_Dunne
- dbr:Embassy_of_Ireland,_Paris
- dbr:Embassy_of_Ireland,_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum
- dbr:Entry_into_force
- dbr:Environmental_Protection_Agency_(Ireland)
- dbr:Frank_Clarke_(judge)
- dbr:Gabriel_Makhlouf
- dbr:Galway_Airport
- dbr:Garda_Crime_and_Security_Branch
- dbr:Garda_Emergency_Response_Unit
- dbr:Garda_National_Economic_Crime_Bureau
- dbr:Garda_National_Surveillance_Unit
- dbr:Garda_Síochána
- dbr:Gay_men
- dbr:Gene_Fitzgerald
- dbr:George_Birmingham
- dbr:George_Colley
- dbr:Gerard_Hogan
- dbr:Good_Friday_Agreement
- dbr:Government_Buildings
- dbr:Government_of_the_10th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_11th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_12th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_13th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_14th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_15th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_17th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_18th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_19th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_1st_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_20th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_21st_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_22nd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_23rd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_24th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_25th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_28th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_29th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_2nd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_31st_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_32nd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_33rd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_3rd_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_4th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_5th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_6th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_7th_Dáil
- dbr:Government_of_the_9th_Dáil
- dbr:Minister_of_State_at_the_Department_of_the_Taoiseach
- dbr:Minister_without_portfolio
- dbr:Monefelin_River
- dbr:Mossad
- dbr:Mother_and_Baby_Homes_Commission_of_Investigation
- dbr:Máire_Whelan
- dbr:Confidence_motions_in_Dáil_Éireann
- dbr:Conor_O'Boyle
- dbr:Constitution_Review_Group
- dbr:Constitutional_Convention_(Ireland)
- dbr:Corrib_gas_controversy
- dbr:The_Liberties,_Dublin
- dbr:The_Republic_of_Ireland_Act_1948
- dbr:The_Troubles
- dbr:Third_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Thirtieth_Amendment_of_the_Constitution_of_Ireland
- dbr:Thirty-year_rule
- dbr:Thomas_F._O'Higgins
- dbr:Thomas_J._Fitzpatrick_(Cavan_politician)
- dbr:Thomas_Walsh_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Labour_Party_Front_Bench_(Ireland)
- dbr:Military_aid_to_the_civil_community
- dbr:Military_aid_to_the_civil_power
- dbr:Neil_Pakey
- dbr:Order_of_precedence_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Ordinary_referendum
- dbr:1938_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1938_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:1954_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1957_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1961_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1965_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1969_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1973_Irish_general_election
- dbr:1982_in_Ireland
- dbr:1982_in_Irish_television
- dbr:Angela_Merkel
- dbr:Anglo-Irish_Agreement
- dbr:Anglo_Irish_Bank_Corporation_Act_2009
- dbr:Anne_Barrington
- dbr:Anthony_Collins_(judge)
- dbr:Anti-Irish_sentiment
- dbr:Aontacht_Éireann
- dbr:Armalite_and_ballot_box_strategy
- dbr:Arms_Crisis
- dbr:Leo_Varadkar
- dbr:Leonie_Reynolds
- dbr:Longitude_Festival
- dbr:Lydia_Foy
- dbr:Siege_of_Jadotville_Medal
- dbr:Silverton,_Oregon
- dbr:Simon_Coveney
- dbr:Sinn_Féin_Funds_case
- dbr:Sligo_Airport
- dbr:State_of_emergency
- dbr:Steward's_Lodge
- dbr:Stuart_Woods
- dbr:Style_(form_of_address)
- dbr:Climate_Case_Ireland
- dbr:Climate_change_litigation
- dbr:Clontibret_invasion
- dbr:Colm_Mac_Eochaidh
- dbr:Comhairle_na_Míre_Gaile
- dbr:Comhairle_na_nÓg
- dbr:Commission_for_Public_Service_Appointments
- dbr:Commission_to_Inquire_into_Child_Abuse
- dbr:Comparison_of_Irish,_Manx,_and_Scottish_Gaelic
- dbr:Áras_an_Uachtaráin
- dbr:Emergency_Aeromedical_Service
- dbr:Friends_of_Ireland_(UK)
- dbr:Front_bench_(Ireland)
- dbr:Frontbencher
- dbr:Halifax_(Ireland)
- dbr:Harp
- dbr:Harry_Boland_(basketball)
- dbr:Identity_Cards_Act_2006
- dbr:Pardon
- dbr:Paul_Butler_(politician)
- dbr:Maiden_City_Festival
- dbr:National_Treatment_Purchase_Fund
- dbr:Teachta_Dála
- dbr:Microsoft_Corp._v._United_States
- dbr:Murphy_Report
is dbp:agencyName of
is dbp:appointer of
is dbp:author of
is dbp:cabinet of
is dbp:developer of
is dbp:founder of
is dbp:jurisdiction of
- dbr:Department_of_Social_Protection
- dbr:Environmental_Protection_Agency_(Ireland)
- dbr:Transport_Infrastructure_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_Aid
- dbr:Sustainable_Energy_Authority_of_Ireland
- dbr:National_Archives_of_Ireland
- dbr:National_Immunisation_Advisory_Committee
is dbp:memberOf of
is dbp:nominator of
- dbr:Colm_Mac_Eochaidh
- dbr:Catherine_McGuinness
- dbr:Cearbhall_Ó_Dálaigh
- dbr:Garrett_Sheehan
- dbr:Daniel_O'Keeffe_(judge)
- dbr:Chief_Justice_of_Ireland
- dbr:Eileen_Kennedy_(judge)
- dbr:Carroll_Moran
- dbr:Sean_Ryan_(judge)
- dbr:Thomas_E._O'Donnell_(judge)
is dbp:owner of
- dbr:Permanent_TSB
- dbr:Cork_Airport
- dbr:EirGrid
- dbr:Government_Buildings
- dbr:Steward's_Lodge
- dbr:Áras_an_Uachtaráin
- dbr:Bus_Éireann
- dbr:Busáras
- dbr:CIÉ
- dbr:Allied_Irish_Banks
- dbr:An_Post
- dbr:Dublin_Bus
- dbr:Duckett's_Grove
- dbr:Altamont_House
- dbr:Farmleigh
- dbr:Iveagh_House
- dbr:The_Custom_House
- dbr:RTÉ
- dbr:Shannon_Airport
- dbr:RTÉ_Radio
is dbp:owners of
is dbp:parent of
is dbp:presenter of
is foaf:primaryTopic of