dbo:abstract |
John Dudley KG (1501 - 22/23 d'agost de 1553) fou el primer Duc de Northumberland i polític anglès que fou executat per alta traïció per ordre de la reina Maria I d'Anglaterra. John Dudley fou el fill gran d', que fou executat el 1510 per Enric VIII. Fou adoptat per Edward Guilford amb la filla de la qual, Jane Guilford, es casaria el 1520. Va ser en el naixement del seu cinquè fill (1532/1533) quan John Dudley va ser assignat Mestre de l'Armeria de la Torre de Londres, essent el Comandant més competent que havien tingut fins aleshores els Tudor. Això ajudà a reahibilitar el nom de la família Dudley. La seva importància com a polític el dugué a conduir la processó en el bateig de la Princesa Elisabet, futura Elisabet I d'Anglaterra. Quan Edward Guildord va morir el 1534 sense cap fill, s'inicià una disputa per la seva herència entre John Dudley i el nebot d'Edward. Dudley reclamà Halden i altres territoris a Kent i . Cinc anys més tard vendria algunes de les seves propietats a Thomas Cromwell, que el convertí en un dels seus protegits. El 1549, ja sota el regnat d'Eduard VI, John Dudley es guanyà la fama gràcies a la victòria sobre els rebels de Norfolk que lluitaven contra la privatització (l'anomenat enclosure) de les terres comunals que la corona portava fent des del segle xii. Finalment, el 1551 li concediren el títol de Duc de Northumberland. John Dudley redactà juntament amb Eduard VI un document que inhabilitava a Maria i Elisabet del tron d'Anglaterra, beneficiant a Jane Grey, que s'havia casat amb el fill menor de John Dudley, . Tanmateix John Dudley es veié obligat a rendir-se a la reina Maria I per ser arrestat i executat el 1553. També morí amb ell el seu fill Guilford Dudley, marit de Jane Grey. (ca) جون دادلي، دوق نورثمبرلاند (الإنجليزية:John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland؛ 1504 - 22 أغسطس 1553) كان جنرال وأدميرال وسياسي الإنجليزي، بحيث قاد حكومة في عهد في الشاب إدوارد السادس ملك إنجلترا بين عامي 1550-1553، وأيضا حاول أجبر الملك على تسمية كنته جين غراي التي يرجع نسبها إلى ماري تيودور ابنة هنري السابع، ملكة على إنجلترا، بعد أن زوجها من ابنه غيلدفورد دادلي قبل وفاة الملك بستة أسابيع، وأيضا أراد يبقى وفاة الملك سرياً لتثبيت كنته على العرش، ومع ذلك كشف عن المخطط من قبل شقيقة الملك الكبرى ماري، وتم زج ابنه وزوجته الملكة في سجن برج لندن، وأيضا سقى هو أخر إلى برج لندن، وحكم بتهمة الخيانة العظمى، واعدم لاحقاً؛ قيل عنه توسل للملكة بالغفران، وأيضا قيل عنه تخلى عنه إيمانه البروتستانتي ورجع إلى الكاثوليكي، لاحقاً وتحديداً في 12 فبراير 1554 سيتم اعدم الزوجين بـ قطع الرأس بعد تمرد توماس وايت. (ar) John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland (* 1504; † 22. August 1553 in London) war ein englischer Adliger, der von 1549 bis 1553 im Namen des minderjährigen Königs Edward VI. de facto England regierte. Nach dessen Tod 1553 versuchte er, seine Schwiegertochter Lady Jane Grey als Königin zu etablieren, was jedoch scheiterte und zu seiner Hinrichtung führte. (de) John Dudley (Londres, 1502 - 1553ko abuztuaren 22a) ingeles politikaria izan zen. Henrike VIII.aren agindupean frantsesen eta eskoziarren aurka borrokatu zen. Alderdi protestanteko buruzagietako bat izan zen, eta Henrike erregearen agintaldiko azken urteetan eragin handia izan zuen Dudleyek. Gogor zigortu zituen nekazarien matxinadak (1549). Eduardo VI.a errege gaztearengan ere gero eta eragin handiagoa izan zuen, eta Joana Grey bere besoetakoa Erreinuko ondorengo izendarazi zuen. Erregea, aldiz, gazterik hil zen, eta erregina izendatu berriaren aurka altxatu zen herria. Dudley eta Joana Grey hiltzera zigortu zituzten. (eu) John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland KG (1504 – 22 August 1553) was an English general, admiral, and politician, who led the government of the young King Edward VI from 1550 until 1553, and unsuccessfully tried to install Lady Jane Grey on the English throne after the King's death. The son of Edmund Dudley, a minister of Henry VII executed by Henry VIII, John Dudley became the ward of Sir Edward Guildford at the age of seven. Dudley grew up in Guildford's household together with his future wife, Guildford's daughter Jane, with whom he was to have 13 children. Dudley served as Vice-Admiral and Lord Admiral from 1537 until 1547, during which time he set novel standards of navy organisation and was an innovative commander at sea. He also developed a strong interest in overseas exploration. Dudley took part in the 1544 campaigns in Scotland and France and was one of Henry VIII's intimates in the last years of the reign. He was also a leader of the religious reform party at court. In 1547 Dudley was created Earl of Warwick and, with the Duke of Somerset, England's Lord Protector, distinguished himself in the renewed Scottish war at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh. During the country-wide uprisings of 1549 Dudley put down Kett's Rebellion in Norfolk. Convinced of the Protector's incompetence, he and other privy councillors forced Somerset out of office in October 1549. Having averted a conservative reaction in religion and a plot to destroy him alongside Somerset, Dudley emerged in early 1550 as de facto regent for the 12-year-old Edward VI. He reconciled himself with Somerset, who nevertheless soon began to intrigue against him and his policies. Somerset was executed on largely fabricated charges, three months after Dudley had been raised to the Dukedom of Northumberland in October 1551. As Lord President of the Council, Dudley headed a distinctly conciliar government and sought to introduce the adolescent King into business. Taking over an almost bankrupt administration, he ended the costly wars with France and Scotland and tackled finances in ways that led to some economic recovery. To prevent further uprisings he introduced countrywide policing on a local basis, appointing lord-lieutenants who were in close contact with the central authority. Dudley's religious policy was — in accordance with Edward's religion — decidedly Protestant, further enforcing the English Reformation and promoting radical reformers to high Church positions. The 15-year-old King fell ill in early 1553 and excluded his half-sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, whom he regarded as illegitimate, from the succession, designating non-existent, hypothetical male heirs. As his death approached, Edward changed his will so that his Protestant cousin Jane Grey, Northumberland's daughter-in-law, could inherit the Crown. To what extent the Duke influenced this scheme is uncertain. The traditional view is that it was Northumberland's plot to maintain his power by placing his family on the throne. Many historians see the project as genuinely Edward's, enforced by Dudley after the King's death. The Duke did not prepare well for this occasion. Having marched to East Anglia to capture Mary, he surrendered on hearing that the Privy Council had changed sides and proclaimed Mary as queen. Convicted of high treason, Northumberland returned to Catholicism and abjured the Protestant faith before his execution. Having secured the contempt of both religious camps, popularly hated, and a natural scapegoat, he became the "wicked Duke" — in contrast to his predecessor Somerset, the "good Duke". Only since the 1970s has he also been seen as a Tudor Crown servant: self-serving, inherently loyal to the incumbent monarch, and an able statesman in difficult times. (en) John Dudley, I duque de Northumberland (1501 - 22 de agosto de 1553) fue un general, almirante y político inglés de la época Tudor que dirigió el gobierno del joven rey Eduardo VI de 1550 a 1553. Tras la muerte del rey, intentó colocar en el trono a su nuera Juana Grey, sobrina en segundo grado de Isabel I y casada con su hijo Guilford Dudley. Murió ejecutado por traición en 1553 en Tower Hill, y está enterrado en la capilla de San Pedro ad Vincula, en el recinto de la Torre de Londres. (es) John Dudley (1504, Londres – Tour de Londres, 22 août 1553), 1er comte de Warwick puis 1er duc de Northumberland, fils d'Edmund Dudley et d' (en), 6e baronne Lisle. (fr) John Dudley, hertog van Northumberland (1504 - Londen, 22 augustus 1553) was een Engelse edelman en van 1549 tot 1553 de facto regent van het land. (nl) 初代ノーサンバランド公爵ジョン・ダドリー(英: John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland, KG, PC, 1502年 - 1553年8月22日)は、イングランドの政治家、廷臣、軍人、貴族。 テューダー朝の国王ヘンリー8世とエドワード6世の時代に官職を歴任し、1542年に、1547年にウォリック伯に叙された。1549年にエドワード6世の摂政である初代サマセット公エドワード・シーモアを失脚に追いやったことで国政を主導する立場となり、ノーサンバランド公に叙された。財政改革やプロテスタント政策を推進した。1553年にエドワード6世が崩御するとカトリックのメアリー王女の即位を防ぐためにジェーン・グレイを女王に擁立したが、蜂起したメアリーに敗れて捕らえられ、大逆罪で処刑された。 (ja) John Dudley (Londra, 1504 – Londra, 22 agosto 1553) è stato un politico, generale e ammiraglio inglese dell'età Tudor. Rivestì un ruolo di primo piano nel governo durante il regno di Edoardo VI d'Inghilterra e, alla morte di questi, provò a mettere sul trono la nuora Jane Grey. (it) John Dudley, 1. książę Northumberland (ur. 1504? - zm. 22 sierpnia 1553) – angielski arystokrata, książę Northumberland od 1551, główny doradca króla Edwarda VI od 1550 do jego śmierci w lipcu 1553, syn Edmunda Dudleya i jego drugiej żony Elizabeth Grey. (pl) Джон Дадлі (англ. John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland; 1502 — 22 серпня 1553, Лондон) — англійський державний діяч, регент Англії в 1549—1553 роках (від імені малолітнього короля Едуарда VI). Після смерті останнього в 1553 році спробував звести на трон свою невістку леді Джейн Грей, однак зазнав невдачі, був заарештований і страчений. (uk) Джон Да́дли, 1-й герцог Нортумберленд (англ. John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland; 1504 — 22 августа 1553, Лондон) — английский генерал, адмирал и государственный деятель, возглавлявший правительство при юном короле Эдуарде VI в 1550—1553 годах и безуспешно пытавшийся посадить на английский трон после смерти короля свою невестку Джейн Грей. Сын Эдмунда Дадли, государственного деятеля при дворе Генриха VII, казнённого Генрихом VIII, Джон стал подопечным сэра Эдварда Гилфорда в возрасте семи лет. Дадли рос в доме Гилфорда вместе со своей будущей женой Джейн, дочерью Эдварда Гилфорда, от которой у Джона было 13 детей. Дадли служил вице-адмиралом и лорд-адмиралом с 1537 по 1547 год, в течение этого периода он установил новые стандарты организации флота и стал командиром-новатором. Он также проявил большой интерес к зарубежным исследованиям. Дадли участвовал в кампаниях 1544 года в Шотландии и Франции и был одним из приближённых Генриха VIII в последние годы его правления. Он также был лидером партии религиозных реформ при дворе. (ru) John Dudley, född 1501, död 22/23 augusti 1553, var en adelsman och politiker under Tudortiden, som avrättades för högförräderi av Maria I av England. (sv) John Dudley (Londres, 1501/1504 - Londres, 1553) foi visconde Lisle, Conde de Warwick, Duque de Northumberland e Lorde Protetor da Inglaterra. Amigo de Henrique VIII, foi notável militar. Fez maiores progressos ainda sob seu filho Eduardo VI em 1547: achava o Protetor Somerset muito moderado. Intrigou contra a família dos Seymour. Esmagou a jacquerie de 1549, sendo o verdadeiro campeão da aristocracia de terras. Lutou pela monarquia absoluta, após vencer o Protetor em 1552. Sua ambição desmesurada o fez impopular. Foi executado em Agosto de 1553. (pt) 第一代諾森伯蘭公爵約翰·達德利 KG(John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland,1504年-1553年8月22日)是16世紀的一位英格蘭貴族、政客。他在1537年至1547年間擔任海軍大臣,1550年取代第一代薩默塞特公爵愛德華·西摩成為英格蘭(愛德華六世治下)的護國公。1553年間愛德華六世逝世後,他在與英格蘭女王瑪麗一世的權力鬥爭中落敗,因而被殺。 (zh) |
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dbr:John_Talbot,_1st_Earl_of_Shrewsbury dbr:Patrick_Fraser_Tytler dbr:Patronage dbr:Cultural_depictions_of_Lady_Jane_Grey dbr:Culverin dbr:Burning_of_Edinburgh_(1544) dbr:Viceroyalty_of_Peru dbr:David_Loades dbr:Debatable_Lands dbr:Duke_of_Northumberland dbr:Earl_Marshal dbr:Earl_Marshal_of_England dbr:Earl_of_Warwick dbr:East_Anglia dbr:Jane_Dudley,_Duchess_of_Northumberland dbr:Letters_patent dbr:Linda_Porter_(historian) dbr:Staffordshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Paul_Slack dbr:Lady_Catherine_Grey dbr:Reseller dbr:Wilbur_Kitchener_Jordan dbr:Italian_War_of_1542–46 dbr:Northeast_Passage dbr:Courts-martial dbr:Annuities dbr:Mass_(liturgy) dbr:Elizabeth_Grey,_6th_Baroness_Lisle dbr:Gentry dbr:Neutral_country dbr:Thirty-Nine_Articles dbr:Scottish_Marches dbr:Tudor_navy dbr:Chris_Skidmore dbr:Church_of_St_Peter_ad_Vincula dbr:City_of_London dbc:English_politicians dbr:Edward_Seymour,_1st_Duke_of_Somerset dbr:Edward_VI dbr:Elisabeth_of_Valois dbr:Elizabeth_I dbr:Ely_Place 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1553-08-22 (xsd:date) |
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Tower Hill, London (en) |
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dbr:Order_of_the_Garter |
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DDLY551J (en) |
dbp:issue |
(en) Thomas Dudley (en) Charles Dudley (en) Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick (en) Henry Dudley (en) John Dudley, 2nd Earl of Warwick (en) Katherine Dudley (en) Katherine Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon (en) Margaret Dudley (en) Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (en) Sir Henry Dudley (en) Temperance Dudley (en) Lord Guildford Dudley (en) Mary Dudley, Lady Sidney (en) |
dbp:knownFor |
De facto ruling England, 1550–1553 (en) |
dbp:locality |
dbr:West_Midlands_(county) |
dbp:name |
The Duke of Northumberland (en) Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland (en) |
dbp:nationality |
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dbp:offices |
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dbp:otherTitles |
dbr:Earl_of_Warwick dbr:Viscount_Lisle |
dbp:parents |
(en) Edmund Dudley (en) Elizabeth Grey, 6th Baroness Lisle (en) |
dbp:residence |
Durham House, London (en) Dudley Castle, West Midlands (en) Ely Place, London (en) |
dbp:restingPlace |
dbr:Church_of_St_Peter_ad_Vincula dbr:Tower_of_London |
dbp:rows |
2 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:signature |
Dudley, John signature.GIF (en) |
dbp:spouse |
1525 (xsd:integer) dbr:Jane_Dudley,_Duchess_of_Northumberland (en) |
dbp:tenure |
1551 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:title |
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rdfs:comment |
جون دادلي، دوق نورثمبرلاند (الإنجليزية:John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland؛ 1504 - 22 أغسطس 1553) كان جنرال وأدميرال وسياسي الإنجليزي، بحيث قاد حكومة في عهد في الشاب إدوارد السادس ملك إنجلترا بين عامي 1550-1553، وأيضا حاول أجبر الملك على تسمية كنته جين غراي التي يرجع نسبها إلى ماري تيودور ابنة هنري السابع، ملكة على إنجلترا، بعد أن زوجها من ابنه غيلدفورد دادلي قبل وفاة الملك بستة أسابيع، وأيضا أراد يبقى وفاة الملك سرياً لتثبيت كنته على العرش، ومع ذلك كشف عن المخطط من قبل شقيقة الملك الكبرى ماري، وتم زج ابنه وزوجته الملكة في سجن برج لندن، وأيضا سقى هو أخر إلى برج لندن، وحكم بتهمة الخيانة العظمى، واعدم لاحقاً؛ قيل عنه توسل للملكة بالغفران، وأيضا قيل عنه تخلى عنه إيمانه البروتستانتي ورجع إلى الكاثوليكي، لاحقاً وتحديداً في 12 فبراير 1554 سيتم اعدم الزوجين بـ قطع الرأس بعد تمرد توماس وايت. (ar) John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland (* 1504; † 22. August 1553 in London) war ein englischer Adliger, der von 1549 bis 1553 im Namen des minderjährigen Königs Edward VI. de facto England regierte. Nach dessen Tod 1553 versuchte er, seine Schwiegertochter Lady Jane Grey als Königin zu etablieren, was jedoch scheiterte und zu seiner Hinrichtung führte. (de) John Dudley (Londres, 1502 - 1553ko abuztuaren 22a) ingeles politikaria izan zen. Henrike VIII.aren agindupean frantsesen eta eskoziarren aurka borrokatu zen. Alderdi protestanteko buruzagietako bat izan zen, eta Henrike erregearen agintaldiko azken urteetan eragin handia izan zuen Dudleyek. Gogor zigortu zituen nekazarien matxinadak (1549). Eduardo VI.a errege gaztearengan ere gero eta eragin handiagoa izan zuen, eta Joana Grey bere besoetakoa Erreinuko ondorengo izendarazi zuen. Erregea, aldiz, gazterik hil zen, eta erregina izendatu berriaren aurka altxatu zen herria. Dudley eta Joana Grey hiltzera zigortu zituzten. (eu) John Dudley, I duque de Northumberland (1501 - 22 de agosto de 1553) fue un general, almirante y político inglés de la época Tudor que dirigió el gobierno del joven rey Eduardo VI de 1550 a 1553. Tras la muerte del rey, intentó colocar en el trono a su nuera Juana Grey, sobrina en segundo grado de Isabel I y casada con su hijo Guilford Dudley. Murió ejecutado por traición en 1553 en Tower Hill, y está enterrado en la capilla de San Pedro ad Vincula, en el recinto de la Torre de Londres. (es) John Dudley (1504, Londres – Tour de Londres, 22 août 1553), 1er comte de Warwick puis 1er duc de Northumberland, fils d'Edmund Dudley et d' (en), 6e baronne Lisle. (fr) John Dudley, hertog van Northumberland (1504 - Londen, 22 augustus 1553) was een Engelse edelman en van 1549 tot 1553 de facto regent van het land. (nl) 初代ノーサンバランド公爵ジョン・ダドリー(英: John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland, KG, PC, 1502年 - 1553年8月22日)は、イングランドの政治家、廷臣、軍人、貴族。 テューダー朝の国王ヘンリー8世とエドワード6世の時代に官職を歴任し、1542年に、1547年にウォリック伯に叙された。1549年にエドワード6世の摂政である初代サマセット公エドワード・シーモアを失脚に追いやったことで国政を主導する立場となり、ノーサンバランド公に叙された。財政改革やプロテスタント政策を推進した。1553年にエドワード6世が崩御するとカトリックのメアリー王女の即位を防ぐためにジェーン・グレイを女王に擁立したが、蜂起したメアリーに敗れて捕らえられ、大逆罪で処刑された。 (ja) John Dudley (Londra, 1504 – Londra, 22 agosto 1553) è stato un politico, generale e ammiraglio inglese dell'età Tudor. Rivestì un ruolo di primo piano nel governo durante il regno di Edoardo VI d'Inghilterra e, alla morte di questi, provò a mettere sul trono la nuora Jane Grey. (it) John Dudley, 1. książę Northumberland (ur. 1504? - zm. 22 sierpnia 1553) – angielski arystokrata, książę Northumberland od 1551, główny doradca króla Edwarda VI od 1550 do jego śmierci w lipcu 1553, syn Edmunda Dudleya i jego drugiej żony Elizabeth Grey. (pl) Джон Дадлі (англ. John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland; 1502 — 22 серпня 1553, Лондон) — англійський державний діяч, регент Англії в 1549—1553 роках (від імені малолітнього короля Едуарда VI). Після смерті останнього в 1553 році спробував звести на трон свою невістку леді Джейн Грей, однак зазнав невдачі, був заарештований і страчений. (uk) John Dudley, född 1501, död 22/23 augusti 1553, var en adelsman och politiker under Tudortiden, som avrättades för högförräderi av Maria I av England. (sv) John Dudley (Londres, 1501/1504 - Londres, 1553) foi visconde Lisle, Conde de Warwick, Duque de Northumberland e Lorde Protetor da Inglaterra. Amigo de Henrique VIII, foi notável militar. Fez maiores progressos ainda sob seu filho Eduardo VI em 1547: achava o Protetor Somerset muito moderado. Intrigou contra a família dos Seymour. Esmagou a jacquerie de 1549, sendo o verdadeiro campeão da aristocracia de terras. Lutou pela monarquia absoluta, após vencer o Protetor em 1552. Sua ambição desmesurada o fez impopular. Foi executado em Agosto de 1553. (pt) 第一代諾森伯蘭公爵約翰·達德利 KG(John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland,1504年-1553年8月22日)是16世紀的一位英格蘭貴族、政客。他在1537年至1547年間擔任海軍大臣,1550年取代第一代薩默塞特公爵愛德華·西摩成為英格蘭(愛德華六世治下)的護國公。1553年間愛德華六世逝世後,他在與英格蘭女王瑪麗一世的權力鬥爭中落敗,因而被殺。 (zh) John Dudley KG (1501 - 22/23 d'agost de 1553) fou el primer Duc de Northumberland i polític anglès que fou executat per alta traïció per ordre de la reina Maria I d'Anglaterra. John Dudley fou el fill gran d', que fou executat el 1510 per Enric VIII. Fou adoptat per Edward Guilford amb la filla de la qual, Jane Guilford, es casaria el 1520. Va ser en el naixement del seu cinquè fill (1532/1533) quan John Dudley va ser assignat Mestre de l'Armeria de la Torre de Londres, essent el Comandant més competent que havien tingut fins aleshores els Tudor. Això ajudà a reahibilitar el nom de la família Dudley. La seva importància com a polític el dugué a conduir la processó en el bateig de la Princesa Elisabet, futura Elisabet I d'Anglaterra. (ca) John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland KG (1504 – 22 August 1553) was an English general, admiral, and politician, who led the government of the young King Edward VI from 1550 until 1553, and unsuccessfully tried to install Lady Jane Grey on the English throne after the King's death. The son of Edmund Dudley, a minister of Henry VII executed by Henry VIII, John Dudley became the ward of Sir Edward Guildford at the age of seven. Dudley grew up in Guildford's household together with his future wife, Guildford's daughter Jane, with whom he was to have 13 children. Dudley served as Vice-Admiral and Lord Admiral from 1537 until 1547, during which time he set novel standards of navy organisation and was an innovative commander at sea. He also developed a strong interest in overseas exploration. (en) Джон Да́дли, 1-й герцог Нортумберленд (англ. John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland; 1504 — 22 августа 1553, Лондон) — английский генерал, адмирал и государственный деятель, возглавлявший правительство при юном короле Эдуарде VI в 1550—1553 годах и безуспешно пытавшийся посадить на английский трон после смерти короля свою невестку Джейн Грей. (ru) |
rdfs:label |
جون دادلي (ar) John Dudley (ca) John Dudley, 1. Duke of Northumberland (de) John Dudley (es) John Dudley (eu) John Dudley, I duca di Northumberland (it) John Dudley (1er duc de Northumberland) (fr) John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland (en) ジョン・ダドリー (初代ノーサンバランド公) (ja) John Dudley (nl) John Dudley (pl) João Dudley, 1.º Duque de Northumberland (pt) Дадли, Джон, 1-й герцог Нортумберленд (ru) John Dudley, 1:e hertig av Northumberland (sv) 第一代諾森伯蘭公爵約翰·達德利 (zh) Джон Дадлі, 1-й герцог Нортумберленд (uk) |
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dbr:List_of_knights_and_ladies_of_the_Garter dbr:List_of_owners_of_Warwick_Castle dbr:List_of_portrait_drawings_by_Hans_Holbein_the_Younger dbr:List_of_wars_of_succession dbr:Richard_Beauchamp,_13th_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:Richard_Guildford dbr:Richard_Rich,_1st_Baron_Rich dbr:Richard_Williams_(alias_Cromwell) dbr:Robert_Bowes_(lawyer) dbr:Cultural_depictions_of_Edward_VI dbr:Vestments_controversy dbr:De_Birmingham_family dbr:Duke_of_Northumberland dbr:Earl_Marshal dbr:Earl_of_Warwick dbr:Innocent_Traitor dbr:Inventory_of_Elizabeth_I dbr:Inventory_of_Henry_VIII dbr:Jane_Dudley,_Duchess_of_Northumberland dbr:Linlithgow_Palace dbr:List_of_peers_1540–1549 dbr:List_of_peers_1550–1559 dbr:List_of_people_convicted_of_high_treason_in_England_before_1_May_1707 dbr:List_of_people_executed_by_the_Tudors dbr:List_of_people_who_were_beheaded dbr:List_of_regents dbr:John_Dudley_(disambiguation) dbr:Staffordshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Pedro_de_Negro dbr:Prostitution_in_early_modern_England dbr:1500s_in_England dbr:1504 dbr:1504_in_England dbr:1530s_in_England dbr:1540s_in_England dbr:1550s_in_England dbr:1551 dbr:1553 dbr:College_of_Arms dbr:Cricklade dbr:Amy_Robsart dbr:Mary_Sidney dbr:Matthew_Parker dbr:Elizabeth_Fane dbr:Elizabeth_Grey,_6th_Baroness_Lisle dbr:Esquire_of_the_Body dbr:George_Brooke,_9th_Baron_Cobham dbr:George_Douglas_of_Pittendreich dbr:George_Ferrers dbr:George_Freville dbr:Richard_Newport_(died_1570) dbr:Will_of_Henry_VIII_of_England dbr:Tudor_navy dbr:St_Peter's_Collegiate_Church dbr:Church_of_St_Mary_and_All_Saints,_Fotheringhay dbr:Church_of_St_Peter_ad_Vincula dbr:Clandeboye dbr:Clement_Paston dbr:Edward_Saunders_(judge) dbr:Edward_Seymour,_1st_Duke_of_Somerset dbr:Edward_VI dbr:Elizabeth_R dbr:Elizabeth_Tailboys,_4th_Baroness_Tailboys_of_Kyme dbr:George_Barne_(died_1558) dbr:George_Carew_(admiral) dbr:Giovanna_Gray dbr:Gothic_architecture dbr:Morville_Priory dbr:The_Prince_and_the_Pauper_(1937_film) dbr:Thomas_Arundell_of_Wardour_Castle dbr:Thomas_Cheney dbr:Thomas_Cranmer dbr:Thomas_Gower_(marshal_of_Berwick) dbr:Thomas_Holcroft_(politician) dbr:Thomas_Howard,_3rd_Duke_of_Norfolk dbr:Thomas_Seymour,_1st_Baron_Seymour_of_Sudeley dbr:Thomas_West,_8th_Baron_De_La_Warr dbr:Thomas_Wyatt_the_Younger dbr:Lacock_Abbey dbr:Lady_Jane_(1986_film) dbr:Lady_Jane_Grey dbr:Lady_Katherine_Grey dbr:Miles_Partridge dbr:Anthony_Hussey dbr:Lord_Great_Chamberlain dbr:Lord_Guildford_Dudley dbr:Lord_High_Admiral_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Lord_President_of_the_Council dbr:Lord_William_Howard dbr:St_Sampson's_Church,_Cricklade dbr:Clement_Throckmorton_(died_1573) dbr:Clerkenwell_Priory dbr:Francis_Hastings,_2nd_Earl_of_Huntingdon dbr:Henri_Cleutin dbr:Henry_Bedingfeld dbr:Henry_Dudley_(1531–1557) dbr:Hostmen_of_Newcastle_upon_Tyne dbr:John_Luttrell_(soldier) dbr:Patrick_Gray,_4th_Lord_Gray dbr:Peter_Osborne_(Keeper_of_the_Privy_Purse) dbr:Maurice_Denys dbr:Medway_watermills_(middle_tributaries) dbr:Michelangelo_Florio dbr:Mid-Tudor_Crisis dbr:Viscount_De_L'Isle dbr:Banbury_Castle dbr:Admiralty_in_the_16th_century dbr:Timeline_of_Northumbria_and_Northumberland dbr:Topcliffe,_North_Yorkshire dbr:Tudor_Rose_(film) dbr:Tudor_period dbr:Walsall dbr:Warwick_Castle dbr:William_Cecil,_1st_Baron_Burghley dbr:William_Dormer dbr:William_Drury_(died_1558) dbr:William_Grey,_13th_Baron_Grey_de_Wilton dbr:William_Howard,_1st_Baron_Howard_of_Effingham dbr:William_More_(died_1600) dbr:William_Parr,_1st_Marquess_of_Northampton dbr:William_Paulet,_1st_Marquess_of_Winchester dbr:William_Wynter dbr:Dudley_(surname) dbr:John_Dudley,_2nd_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:John_Gates_(courtier) dbr:John_Gwynneth dbr:Katherine_Hastings,_Countess_of_Huntingdon dbr:Lindridge_House dbr:Algernon_Sidney dbr:Dudley dbr:Dudley_Castle dbr:Dudley_Priory dbr:Earl_of_Pembroke dbr:Edmund_Knyvet dbr:Frances_Grey,_Duchess_of_Suffolk dbr:Baron_Dudley dbr:Broughty_Castle dbr:Norfolk dbr:Cecil_House dbr:Charles_Stourton,_8th_Baron_Stourton dbr:Edmund_Brindholme dbr:Edmund_Dudley dbr:Edmund_Steward dbr:Edward_Clinton,_1st_Earl_of_Lincoln dbr:Edward_Guildford dbr:Edward_Hastings,_1st_Baron_Hastings_of_Loughborough dbr:Edward_Littleton_(died_1610) dbr:Edward_Montagu_(judge) dbr:Frances_Sidney,_Countess_of_Sussex dbr:History_of_Birmingham dbr:History_of_Lacock dbr:John_Ponet dbr:John_Shute_(architect) dbr:John_Sutton,_1st_Baron_Dudley dbr:John_Sutton,_3rd_Baron_Dudley dbr:John_Twyne dbr:List_of_English_royal_consorts dbr:Sir_George_Howard_(courtier) dbr:Richard_Morgan_(Tudor_judge) dbr:Gregory_Cromwell,_1st_Baron_Cromwell dbr:Halesowen_Abbey dbr:Henry_Dudley_(conspirator) dbr:Henry_Grey,_1st_Duke_of_Suffolk dbr:Henry_Hastings,_3rd_Earl_of_Huntingdon dbr:Henry_Herbert,_2nd_Earl_of_Pembroke dbr:Henry_Seymour_(16th-century_MP) dbr:Henry_Sidney dbr:Heskin_Hall dbr:History_of_Norfolk dbr:Attainder_of_Duke_of_Northumberland_and_others_Act_1553 dbr:Italian_War_of_1542–1546 dbr:James_Butler,_9th_Earl_of_Ormond dbr:James_Hales dbr:Jamie_Parker dbr:Jean_Scheyfve dbr:Council_of_Wales_and_the_Marches dbr:Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer dbr:John_Cardmaker dbr:John_Day_(printer) dbr:John_Gage_(Tudor_politician) dbr:John_Guildford dbr:John_Knox dbr:Kenilworth_Castle dbr:Kett's_Rebellion dbr:Kew_Palace dbr:Lady_Mary_Grey dbr:Edward_Sutton,_4th_Baron_Dudley dbr:George_Harper_(MP) dbr:Henry_Jerningham dbr:Henry_Killigrew_(diplomat) dbr:Dudley,_John dbr:Nicholas_Throckmorton dbr:Sir_Thomas_Wyatt_(play) dbr:Thomas_Bromley_(chief_justice) dbr:Thomas_Palmer_(died_1553) dbr:Thomas_Stanley_(Royal_Mint) dbr:Thomas_Wilson_(rhetorician) dbr:Thomas_Wroth_(died_1573) dbr:William_Chester_(mayor) dbr:William_Fitzwilliam_(died_1559) dbr:William_Herbert,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke_(died_1570) dbr:William_Hewett_(Lord_Mayor) dbr:William_Patten_(historian) dbr:William_Whorwood dbr:Records_of_members_of_parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Reginald_Corbet dbr:William_Sharington dbr:Arthur_Pole_(conspirator) dbr:August_22 dbr:Austin_Friars,_Newcastle-upon-Tyne dbr:Margaret_Audley,_Duchess_of_Norfolk dbr:Margaret_Stanley,_Countess_of_Derby dbr:Marquess_of_Winchester dbr:Mary_I_of_England dbr:Burning_of_Edinburgh dbr:Philip_Sidney dbr:Pickwell dbr:St_Bartholomew's_Church,_Tong dbr:Guldeford_baronets dbr:Michael_Stanhope_(died_1552) dbr:Newington_Green dbr:Oldbury,_West_Midlands dbr:Yarmouth_Castle dbr:Lord_High_Steward dbr:Ralph_Hopton_(died_1571) dbr:General_Dudley dbr:Lord_Warden_of_the_Marches dbr:Mary_Dudley dbr:Robert_Crowley_(printer) dbr:Robert_Dudley,_1st_Earl_of_Leicester dbr:Nicholas_Pelham_(died_1560) dbr:Eythorne_Baptist_Church dbr:List_of_trials_of_peers_in_the_House_of_Lords dbr:Patrick_Ruthven,_3rd_Lord_Ruthven dbr:Viscount_Lisle dbr:Running_at_the_ring dbr:Thomas_Offley dbr:First_Statute_of_Repeal dbr:Neithrop dbr:St_Giles_in_the_Fields dbr:Richard_Chancellor dbr:Mousehold_Heath dbr:William_Honnyng dbr:Writ_of_acceleration dbr:William_Thomas_(scholar) dbr:Thomas_Stukley dbr:Thomas_Wentworth,_2nd_Baron_Wentworth dbr:Richard_Clement_(courtier) dbr:Tiverton_Castle dbr:Ralph_Vane dbr:Robert_Broke dbr:John_Dudley,_Duke_of_Northumberland dbr:Thomas_Gargrave dbr:John_Dudley dbr:John_Dudley,_1st_Viscount_Lisle dbr:John_Dudley,_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:John_Dudley,_duke_of_Northumberland dbr:John_Dudley,_1st_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:Northumberland,_John_Dudley,_Duke_of dbr:Lord_President_Northumberland |
is dbp:after of |
dbr:William_Paulet,_1st_Marquess_of_Winchester |
is dbp:before of |
dbr:William_Herbert,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke_(died_1570) |
is dbp:children of |
dbr:Edmund_Dudley |
is dbp:commander of |
dbr:Rough_Wooing dbr:Battle_of_the_Solent dbr:Burning_of_Edinburgh |
is dbp:father of |
dbr:Lord_Guildford_Dudley dbr:Katherine_Hastings,_Countess_of_Huntingdon dbr:Mary_Dudley |
is dbp:issue of |
dbr:Elizabeth_Grey,_6th_Baroness_Lisle |
is dbp:parents of |
dbr:Ambrose_Dudley,_3rd_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:John_Dudley,_2nd_Earl_of_Warwick dbr:Robert_Dudley,_1st_Earl_of_Leicester |
is dbp:people of |
dbr:Dudley_Priory |
is dbp:regent of |
dbr:John_Dudley,_2nd_Earl_of_Warwick |
is dbp:spouse of |
dbr:Jane_Dudley,_Duchess_of_Northumberland |
is dbp:successor of |
dbr:William_Paulet,_1st_Marquess_of_Winchester |
is foaf:primaryTopic of |
wikipedia-en:John_Dudley,_1st_Duke_of_Northumberland |