History of Kashmir (original) (raw)
- يتشابك تاريخ كشمير مع تاريخ شبه القارة الهندية والمناطق المحيطة بها، بما فيها مناطق آسيا الوسطى، وجنوب آسيا، وشرق آسيا. عُرفت كشمير في الماضي باسم وادي كشمير. وفي اليوم الحالي تشير كلمة كشمير إلى منطقة أوسع تشمل أقاليم جامو وكشمير ولداخ التابعة للهند، وأقاليم آزاد كشمير وغلغت-بلتستان التابعة لباكستان، وأقاليم أكساي تشين وتشكسجام التابعة للصين. في النصف الأول من الألفية الأولى، باتت كشمير مركزًا هامًا للديانة هندوسية، ولاحقًا البوذية. وفي القرن التاسع الميلادي برز مذهب الشيفاوية في كشمير. تأسلمت كشمير بدايةً من القرن الثالث عشر وحتى القرن الخامس عشر، ما أدى إلى اضمحلال الشيفاوية في نهاية المطاف. ورغم ذلك لم تذهب إنجازات الحضارات الماضية سُدى. في عام 1339 أصبح شاه مير أول حاكم مسلم لكشمير، وأول فرد من أفراد سلالة شاه مير الحاكمة. وعلى مر الخمسة قرون التالية حكم الملوك المسلمون كشمير، بما في ذلك سلطنة مغول الهند التي حكمت كشمير من عام 1586 إلى 1751، والدولة الدرانية الأفغانية التي حكمت من عام 1747 إلى 1819. وفي نفس العام ضم السيخ ولاية كشمير إليهم بقيادة رانجيت سينغ. وبعد هزيمة السيخ عام 1846 أمام الإنجليز في حرب السيخ الأولى، أُبرمت معاهدة لاهور وأصبح راجا جامو، غولاب سينغ، حاكم كشمير الجديد عقب شراء بريطانيا ولايتي جامو وكشمير بموجب معاهدة أمريتسار. ظل أحفاد غولاب سينغ يحكمون كشمير تحت رعاية التاج البريطاني حتى عام 1947 عندما أصبحت الولاية الأميرية السابقة منطقة متنازع عليها، وهي مُقسمة الآن بين ثلاث دول: الهند وباكستان وجمهورية الصين الشعبية. (ar)
- Este artículo cubre la historia de Cachemira desde los primeros tiempos registrados hasta la actualidad. (es)
- The history of Kashmir is intertwined with the history of the broader Indian subcontinent and the surrounding regions, comprising the areas of Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia. Historically, Kashmir referred to the Kashmir Valley. Today, it denotes a larger area that includes the Indian-administered union territories of Jammu and Kashmir (which consists of Jammu and the Kashmir Valley) and Ladakh, the Pakistan-administered territories of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and the Chinese-administered regions of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract. In the first half of the 1st millennium, the Kashmir region became an important centre of Hinduism and later—under the Mauryas and Kushanas—of Buddhism. Later in the ninth century, during the rule of the Karkota Dynasty, a native tradition of Shaivism arose. It flourished in the seven centuries of Hindu rule, continuing under the Utpala and the Lohara dynasties, ending in mid-14th century. Islamization in Kashmir began during the 13th century, accelerated under Muslim rule during the 14th and 15th centuries, and led to the eventual decline of the Kashmir Shaivism in Kashmir. In 1339, Shah Mir became the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir, inaugurating the Shah Mir dynasty. For the next five centuries, Muslim monarchs ruled Kashmir, including the Mughal Empire, who ruled from 1586 until 1751, and the Afghan Durrani Empire, which ruled from 1747 until 1819. That year, the Sikhs, under Ranjit Singh, annexed Kashmir. In 1846, after the Sikh defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh War, the Treaty of Lahore was signed and upon the purchase of the region from the British under the Treaty of Amritsar, the Raja of Jammu, Gulab Singh, became the new ruler of Kashmir. The rule of his descendants, under the paramountcy (or tutelage) of the British Crown, lasted until 1947, when the former princely state became a disputed territory, now administered by three countries: India, Pakistan, and the People's Republic of China. (en)
- Cet article présente les faits saillants de l'histoire du Cachemire, une région montagneuse du sous-continent indien qui désigne, depuis la partition des Indes et la disparition du Jammu-et-Cachemire, l'ensemble du territoire constituant cette ancienne principauté. Aujourd'hui, le Cachemire est partagé entre l'Inde, le Pakistan et la Chine. (fr)
- Il Kashmir è una regione della parte settentrionale del subcontinente indiano. L'odierno Kashmir (a righe) diviso tra India, Pakistan e Cina (it)
- Многие историки и местные жители считают, что Джамму был основан Раджей Джамбулочаном в XIV веке до н. э. Во время одной из своих охотничьих поездок он достиг реки Тави, где он увидел, как коза и лев пьют воду в одном месте. Царь был поражён и решил построить город и дать ему своё имя: Джамбу. С течением времени название превратилось в «Джамму». В «народной этимологии» название «Кашмир» означает «высушенные земли» (от санскритского: Ка = вода и шимира = высыхать). Согласно другой народной этимологии, мудрец Кашьяпа осушил озеро на месте нынешнего Кашмира. В Раджатарангини, истории Кашмира, написанной Калханой в середине XII века, сказано, что долина Кашмира раньше была озером. Оно было осушено великим Ришей или мудрецом Кашьяпой, сыном Маричи, сыном Брахмы, при помощи закрытия прохода в горах Бармулла (Вараха-Мула). Когда Кашмир был осушен, Кашьяпа попросил Брахманов прийти туда. Возможно, у легенды были некоторые реальные основания. Имя Кашьяпы, по истории и традиции, связываемое с осушением озера, город на берегах озера носил имя Кашьяпа-Пура, и возможно упомянуть Kaspatyros (Каспатира) Геродота (3.102, 4.44). Кашмир обозначен у Птолемея как Као-ир ~ пта. В некоторых местах в Кашмире его название произносят на подобный, архаичный манер. (ru)
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=SXdVS0SzQSAC
- http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SouthAsia/kashmir.html
- http://history.world-citizenship.org/baharistan-i-shahi
- http://www.kashmirlibrary.org/
- https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/uncom2.htm%7Caccess-date=26
- http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/country,,,RESOLUTION,IND,,3b00f23d10,0.html%7Caccess-date=26
- http://press.princeton.edu/titles/7637.html%7Cyear=2004%7Cpublisher=Princeton
- http://www.wdl.org/en/item/4077
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=-fvKVDxcJoUC&pg=PA51%7Cyear=1989%7Cpublisher=University
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- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=1eMfzTBcXcYC%7Cyear=1994%7Cpublisher=M.D.
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=3ACMe9WBdNAC%7Cyear=2005%7Cpublisher=Harvard
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=3P-ctgAACAAJ%7Cyear=1908%7Cpublisher=Great
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=7CP7fYghBFQC&pg=PA792%7Cyear=1993%7Cpublisher=BRILL%7Cisbn=978-90-04-09790-2
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=7CjvF88iEE8C&pg=PA28%7Cyear=2005%7Cpublisher=Oxford
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=7v76i0eF9tQC&pg=PA12%7Cyear=1985%7Cpublisher=Abhinav
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=8FKepYC6wzwC%7Cyear=2011%7Cpublisher=Pan
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=ApzUuLiO0jYC&pg=PA42%7Cyear=2005%7Cpublisher=SAGE%7Cisbn=978-0-7619-3325-0
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=CHzGvqRbV_IC&pg=PA71%7Cyear=1970%7Cpublisher=Rutgers
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=DO6QMPLRiEUC&pg=PA48%7Cyear=2003%7Cpublisher=Taylor
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=EUlwmXjE9DQC%7Cyear=1959%7Cpublisher=Aakar
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- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=Gqmy7FdD_XUC&pg=PA44%7Cyear=1985%7Cpublisher=Abhinav
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- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=vkpTy-_jEoYC&pg=PA74%7Cyear=2005%7Cpublisher=Concept
- http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Amritsar%7Caccess-date=26
- http://coinindia.com/galleries-kashmirsultans.html
- dbr:Ptolemy
- dbr:Punjab
- dbr:Punjab_region
- dbr:Queen_Didda
- dbr:Sanskrit
- dbr:Brahmins
- dbr:Mihirakula
- dbr:Shafi'i
- dbr:Battle_of_Shopian
- dbr:Battle_of_Sobraon
- dbr:Beas_River
- dbr:Brahma
- dbr:Humayun
- dbr:Hunza_(princely_state)
- dbr:Persia
- dbr:Persian_language
- dbr:Revolt_of_1857
- dbr:Rishi
- dbr:Union_territory
- dbr:United_Nations
- dbr:United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_47
- dbr:Vedic_period
- dbr:Kutte_Kol
- dbr:Kalinga_(historical_kingdom)
- dbr:Shia_Islam
- dbr:Shah_Miri_dynasty
- dbc:History_of_Kashmir
- dbr:1987_Jammu_and_Kashmir_Legislative_Assembly_election
- dbr:Maurya_Empire
- dbr:Mauryan_Empire
- dbr:Princely_state
- dbr:Rajatarangini
- dbr:Gandhara
- dbr:Gauḍa_(region)
- dbr:General_Zorawar_Singh
- dbr:Gilgit-Baltistan
- dbr:Gilgit_Agency
- dbr:Governor-General_of_India
- dbr:Brahmin
- dbr:Mohibbul_Hasan
- dbr:Monism
- dbr:Mount_Holyoke_College
- dbr:Mughal_Empire
- dbr:Muhammad
- dbr:Muslim
- dbr:Nagar_(princely_state)
- dbr:Nagarjuna
- dbr:File:NWFP-Kashmir1909-a.jpg
- dbr:1947_Jammu_massacres
- dbc:History_of_India
- dbr:Arabs
- dbr:Lohara_dynasty
- dbr:Louis_Mountbatten,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma
- dbr:Magadha
- dbr:Mahmud_of_Ghazni
- dbr:Malwa
- dbr:Shiva
- dbr:Sikh_Empire
- dbr:Sindh
- dbr:Standstill_agreement_(India)
- dbr:Sufism
- dbr:Zain-ul-Abidin
- dbr:Desiccate
- dbr:Khatri
- dbr:Gilgit–Baltistan
- dbr:Historical_Poonch_District
- dbr:Padishah
- dbr:Papier-mâché
- dbr:Stephanus_of_Byzantium
- dbr:Subah
- dbr:Subsistence_economy
- dbr:1947_Poonch_Rebellion
- dbc:History_of_Pakistan
- dbr:Aurangzeb
- dbr:Azad_Kashmir
- dbr:Babri_Masjid
- dbr:Baharistan-i-shahi
- dbr:Baltistan
- dbr:Baramulla
- dbr:British_India
- dbr:British_Raj
- dbr:Buddhism
- dbr:Buddhism_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Central_Asia
- dbr:Tibet
- dbr:Toramana
- dbr:Trans-Karakoram_Tract
- dbr:Turkic_peoples
- dbr:Harsha_of_Kashmir
- dbr:Jonaraja
- dbr:Kashmir_Shaivism
- dbr:Kashmiriyat
- dbr:Kashyapa
- dbr:Mirza_Muhammad_Haidar_Dughlat
- dbr:Nizamuddin_Ahmad
- dbr:Nilamata_Purana
- dbr:Abu'l-Fazl_ibn_Mubarak
- dbr:Ahmad_Shah_Durrani
- dbr:Akbar
- dbr:Aksai_Chin
- dbr:Alchon_Huns
- dbr:Alexander_the_Great
- dbr:Dal_Lake
- dbr:Durrani_Empire
- dbr:East_Asia
- dbr:First_Anglo-Sikh_War
- dbr:North_India
- dbr:Partition_of_India
- dbr:Pashmina
- dbr:Folk_etymology
- dbr:Fourth_Buddhist_council
- dbr:Kalhana
- dbr:Kanishka
- dbr:Gulab_Singh_of_Jammu_and_Kashmir
- dbr:King_Porus
- dbr:Ranbir_Singh_(Maharaja)
- dbr:Gujarat
- dbr:Gulab_Singh
- dbr:Hari_Singh
- dbr:Hazratbal_Shrine
- dbr:Hecataeus_of_Miletus
- dbr:Henry_Montgomery_Lawrence
- dbr:Herodotus
- dbr:Hindu
- dbr:Hindu_Kush
- dbr:Hindu_Shahi
- dbr:Islam
- dbr:Jamia_Masjid,_Srinagar
- dbr:Jammu
- dbr:Jammu_&_Kashmir_National_Conference
- dbr:Jammu_and_Kashmir_(union_territory)
- dbr:Nund_Rishi
- dbr:Article_370_of_the_Constitution_of_India
- dbr:Ashoka
- dbr:Abhinavagupta
- dbr:Abisares
- dbc:History_of_China
- dbr:Chak_dynasty
- dbr:Chang'an
- dbr:Kabul_Subah
- dbr:Kamarupa
- dbr:Kargil_War
- dbr:Karkota_Dynasty
- dbr:Karkota_Empire
- dbr:Kashgar
- dbr:Kashmir
- dbr:Kashmiri_Pandits
- dbr:Ladakh
- dbr:Lalitaditya_Muktapida
- dbr:Sunni_Islam
- dbr:Treaty_of_Amritsar,_1846
- dbr:Dominion_of_India
- dbr:Dominion_of_Pakistan
- dbr:Plebiscite
- dbr:Poonch_district,_India
- dbr:South_Asia
- dbr:Soviet–Afghan_War
- dbr:Srinagar
- dbr:Nadir_Shah's_invasion_of_India
- dbr:Poonch_district,_Jammu_and_Kashmir
- dbr:Indian_subcontinent
- dbr:Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1965
- dbr:Indus
- dbr:Instrument_of_Accession_(Jammu_and_Kashmir)
- dbr:Kota_Rani
- dbr:Kumārajīva
- dbr:Narasimhagupta
- dbr:Ashvagosha
- dbr:Avanti_Varman_(Utpala_dynasty)
- dbr:Rajouri_district
- dbr:Rajputs
- dbr:Ranjit_Singh
- dbr:Ravi_River
- dbr:Shah_Jahan
- dbr:Shah_Mir
- dbr:Shah_Mir_dynasty
- dbr:Sharada_Peeth
- dbr:Sheikh_Abdullah
- dbr:British_East_India_Company
- dbr:Xinjiang
- dbr:Yao_Xing
- dbr:Yashovarman
- dbr:Yasin_Malik
- dbr:Uttarakuru
- dbr:Stupa
- dbr:Tohfatu'l-Ahbab
- dbr:Neolithic
- dbr:Treaty_of_Lahore
- dbr:Southern_India
- dbr:Suri_Empire
- dbr:United_Nations_Commission_for_India_and_Pakistan
- dbr:Yasodharman
- dbr:Rajauri
- dbr:Kashmir_Conflict
- dbr:Kashmir_valley
- dbr:Sikandar_Butshikan
- dbr:Pashtun_people
- dbr:Shiva_Sutras_of_Vasugupta
- dbr:Treaty_of_Amritsar_(1846)
- dbr:Vasumitra
- dbr:Megalithic
- dbr:Thakur_(Indian_title)
- dbr:Vasugupta
- dbr:North-West_Frontier_Province_(1901–1955)
- dbr:Rigvedic_tribes
- dbr:List_of_topics_on_the_land_and_the_people_of_"Jammu_and_Kashmir"
- dbr:Rupees
- dbr:Tibetan_Buddhist
- dbr:Syed
- dbr:Princely_State_of_Kashmir_and_Jammu
- dbr:Azaan
- dbr:Kushan_dynasty
- dbr:Kushana_Empire
- dbr:Gilgit,_Pakistan
- dbr:UN_Security_Council
- dbr:Battle_of_Hydaspes
- dbr:Maharajah
- dbr:Jammu_and_Kashmir_Reorganisation_Act
- dbr:Jammu_and_Kashmir_Liberation_Front
- dbr:1986_Anantnag_riots
- dbr:Farishta
- dbr:Sikh_Kingdom
- dbr:Mongol
- dbr:Pashtu
- dbr:Sukh_Jiwan_Mal
- dbr:Abhisara
- dbr:Akbar_the_Great
- dbr:Kanyakubja
- dbr:Utpala_Dynasty
- dbr:Vale_of_Kashmir
- dbr:Chinese_Revolution_(1949)
- dbr:Gurjara
- dbr:Burzahom
- dbr:Mujahadeen
- dbr:Udabhandapura
- dbr:File:J&K10low.jpg
- dbr:File:Central_edifice_of_Martand-Sun_Temple.jpg
- dbr:File:Kanishka-Inaugurates-Mahyana-Buddhism.jpg
- dbr:File:Buddhist_tope_baramula1868.jpg
- dbr:File:Gulab_Sing.jpg
- dbr:File:MET_DP267829_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:Ruined_temple,_Boniar_(Kashmir)._19_May_1876.jpg
- dbr:File:Shalimar_Bagh,_Srinagar.jpg
- dbr:File:Sheik_Imam-Ud-Din,_Runjur_Sing,_and_Dewan_Dina_Nath..jpg
- dbr:File:Silver_coin_of_Kashmir_Sultanate.jpg
- dbr:File:Zeinulabuddin-tomb-srinagar1866.JPG
- Este artículo cubre la historia de Cachemira desde los primeros tiempos registrados hasta la actualidad. (es)
- Cet article présente les faits saillants de l'histoire du Cachemire, une région montagneuse du sous-continent indien qui désigne, depuis la partition des Indes et la disparition du Jammu-et-Cachemire, l'ensemble du territoire constituant cette ancienne principauté. Aujourd'hui, le Cachemire est partagé entre l'Inde, le Pakistan et la Chine. (fr)
- Il Kashmir è una regione della parte settentrionale del subcontinente indiano. L'odierno Kashmir (a righe) diviso tra India, Pakistan e Cina (it)
- يتشابك تاريخ كشمير مع تاريخ شبه القارة الهندية والمناطق المحيطة بها، بما فيها مناطق آسيا الوسطى، وجنوب آسيا، وشرق آسيا. عُرفت كشمير في الماضي باسم وادي كشمير. وفي اليوم الحالي تشير كلمة كشمير إلى منطقة أوسع تشمل أقاليم جامو وكشمير ولداخ التابعة للهند، وأقاليم آزاد كشمير وغلغت-بلتستان التابعة لباكستان، وأقاليم أكساي تشين وتشكسجام التابعة للصين. (ar)
- The history of Kashmir is intertwined with the history of the broader Indian subcontinent and the surrounding regions, comprising the areas of Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia. Historically, Kashmir referred to the Kashmir Valley. Today, it denotes a larger area that includes the Indian-administered union territories of Jammu and Kashmir (which consists of Jammu and the Kashmir Valley) and Ladakh, the Pakistan-administered territories of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and the Chinese-administered regions of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract. (en)
- Многие историки и местные жители считают, что Джамму был основан Раджей Джамбулочаном в XIV веке до н. э. Во время одной из своих охотничьих поездок он достиг реки Тави, где он увидел, как коза и лев пьют воду в одном месте. Царь был поражён и решил построить город и дать ему своё имя: Джамбу. С течением времени название превратилось в «Джамму». В «народной этимологии» название «Кашмир» означает «высушенные земли» (от санскритского: Ка = вода и шимира = высыхать). Согласно другой народной этимологии, мудрец Кашьяпа осушил озеро на месте нынешнего Кашмира. (ru)
- History of Kashmir (en)
- تاريخ كشمير (ar)
- Historia de Cachemira (es)
- Storia del Kashmir (it)
- Histoire du Cachemire (fr)
- História da Caxemira (pt)
- История Кашмира (ru)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Prehistory_of_Kashmir
- dbr:Prithivi_Nath_Kaul_Bamzai
- dbr:Utpala_dynasty
- dbr:Kutte_Kol
- dbr:Rasul_Mir
- dbr:Ghulam_Nabi_Gowhar
- dbr:State_Times
- dbr:Subramanian_Swamy
- dbr:Zeashta_Devi_Shrine
- dbr:Haji_Mohi-ud-din_Miskin
- dbr:Sultan
- dbr:Buddhism_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_Kashmir_conflict
- dbr:Kashmir_Subah
- dbr:List_of_Brahmins
- dbr:Agnishekhar
- dbr:Amir_Khan_Jawansher
- dbr:Culture_of_Kashmir
- dbr:Nirmal_Kumar_Singh
- dbr:Overa-Aru_Wildlife_Sanctuary
- dbr:List_of_Hindu_temples_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Hindu_temple
- dbr:History_of_Azad_Kashmir
- dbr:History_of_jammu_and_kashmir
- dbr:Kashmir_conflict
- dbr:Dogra_Art_Museum,_Jammu
- dbr:Neolithic_sites_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Roza_Bal
- dbr:In_Search_of_a_Future
- dbr:Mullah_Nadiri
- dbr:Political_movements_in_Jammu_and_Kashmir_(princely_state)
- dbr:Uchchala
- dbr:Outline_of_Jammu_and_Kashmir
- dbr:Tarikh-i-Kashmir
- dbr:Afghan_rule_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Kashmir_Sultanate
- dbr:Kashmiri_history
- dbr:Sikh_rule_in_Kashmir
- dbr:Sultanate_of_Kashmir
- dbr:History_of_Jammu_and_Kashmir
- dbr:Mughal_rule_in_Kashmir