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Maratha (marathi: मराठा, marāthā, també mahratta) té tres usos relacionats: dins de la regió de parla marathi, descriu la casta Maratha dominant; fora de Maharashtra pot referir-se a tota la població de parla marathi, els marathes; històricament, descriu a l'imperi Maratha fundat per Shivaji Maharaj al seglex XVII i continuat pels seus successors, el qual incloïa moltes castes. La casta Maratha està formada principalment per guerres, terratinents i els savakars. Principalment resideix als estats indis de Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka i Tamil Nadu. (ca) Maratha Indiako kasta bat da, gizarte mailen artetik erdialdekoa. Marathak Indiako mendebaldean bizi dira, nagusiki Maharashtra estatuan. Marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen dira, eta nekazariak, lurjabeak eta soldaduak dira gehienak. Hiru adiera ditu maratha hitzak: marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen den lurraldean, hango kasta nagusia adierazteko erabiltzen da; Maharashtra estatutik kanpora, marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen den lurraldea adierazteko, eta historian, maratha buruzagiak VII. mendean sortu zuen inperioa izendatzeko. (eu) The Maratha caste is composed of 96 Marathi clans originally formed in the earlier centuries from the amalgamation of families from the peasant (Kunbi), shepherd (Dhangar), pastoral (Gavli), blacksmith (Lohar), carpenter (Sutar), Bhandari, Thakar and Koli castes in Maharashtra. Many of them took to military service in the 16th century for the Deccan sultanates or the Mughals. Later in the 17th and 18th centuries, they served in the armies of the Maratha Empire, founded by Shivaji, a Maratha Kunbi by caste. Many Marathas were granted hereditary fiefs by the Sultanates, and Mughals for their service. According to the Maharashtrian historian B. R. Sunthankar, and scholars such as Rajendra Vora, the "Marathas" are a "middle-peasantry" caste which formed the bulk of the Maharashtrian society together with the other Kunbi peasant caste. Vora adds that the Maratha caste is the largest caste of India and dominate the power structure in Maharashtra because of their numerical strength, especially in the rural society. According to Jeremy Black, British historian at the University of Exeter, "Maratha caste is a coalescence of peasants, shepherds, ironworkers, etc. as a result of serving in the military in the 17th and 18th century". They are dominant caste in rural areas and mainly constitute the landed peasantry. As of 2018, 80% of the members of the Maratha caste were farmers. Marathas are subdivided into 96 different clans, known as the 96 Kuli Marathas or Shahānnau Kule. Three clan lists exist but the general body of lists are often at great variance with each other. These lists were compiled in the 19th century.There is not much social distinction between the Marathas and Kunbis since the 1950s. The Maratha king Shivaji founded the Maratha empire that included warriors and other notables from Maratha and several other castes from Maharashtra. This empire was the dominant in India for much of 18th century. (en) Les Marathes sont une caste indienne de guerriers et de seigneurs faisant partie des Kshatriyas, ils fondèrent l'Empire marathe. Ils sont issus du peuple marathi présent à Goa, au Gujarat, au Madhya Pradesh, mais surtout au Maharashtra, où celui-ci forme 40 % de la population. (fr) Marāthās (Marathi: मराठा, juga Mahratta) membentuk grup prajurit Hindu , yang mendirikan Kekaisaran Maratha yang terdiri dari bagian utama India pada akhir abad ke-17 dan abad ke-18. Etimologi kata "Marātha" dan "Marāthi" masih belum pasti. (in) I Maratti, o più esattamente, Marāthā (in urdu: مراٹھا) sono un clan o casta dell'India, sviluppatasi nello stato indiano del Maharashtra. Il termine è distinto da Marathi, che indica il gruppo etnico o la lingua dominanti nello stesso stato. (it) 마라타(마라타어: मराठा)는 인도아리아인 계통의 마라타인 출신으로 구성된 자티 집단의 총칭이다. 주로 마하라슈트라주에 모여산다. 그들은 팽창하는 마라타 제국을 만들어 17세기 후반에서 18세기에 중부 인도의 대부분을 장악하였다. (ko) |
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Maratha (marathi: मराठा, marāthā, també mahratta) té tres usos relacionats: dins de la regió de parla marathi, descriu la casta Maratha dominant; fora de Maharashtra pot referir-se a tota la població de parla marathi, els marathes; històricament, descriu a l'imperi Maratha fundat per Shivaji Maharaj al seglex XVII i continuat pels seus successors, el qual incloïa moltes castes. La casta Maratha està formada principalment per guerres, terratinents i els savakars. Principalment resideix als estats indis de Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka i Tamil Nadu. (ca) Maratha Indiako kasta bat da, gizarte mailen artetik erdialdekoa. Marathak Indiako mendebaldean bizi dira, nagusiki Maharashtra estatuan. Marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen dira, eta nekazariak, lurjabeak eta soldaduak dira gehienak. Hiru adiera ditu maratha hitzak: marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen den lurraldean, hango kasta nagusia adierazteko erabiltzen da; Maharashtra estatutik kanpora, marathi hizkuntzaz mintzatzen den lurraldea adierazteko, eta historian, maratha buruzagiak VII. mendean sortu zuen inperioa izendatzeko. (eu) Les Marathes sont une caste indienne de guerriers et de seigneurs faisant partie des Kshatriyas, ils fondèrent l'Empire marathe. Ils sont issus du peuple marathi présent à Goa, au Gujarat, au Madhya Pradesh, mais surtout au Maharashtra, où celui-ci forme 40 % de la population. (fr) Marāthās (Marathi: मराठा, juga Mahratta) membentuk grup prajurit Hindu , yang mendirikan Kekaisaran Maratha yang terdiri dari bagian utama India pada akhir abad ke-17 dan abad ke-18. Etimologi kata "Marātha" dan "Marāthi" masih belum pasti. (in) I Maratti, o più esattamente, Marāthā (in urdu: مراٹھا) sono un clan o casta dell'India, sviluppatasi nello stato indiano del Maharashtra. Il termine è distinto da Marathi, che indica il gruppo etnico o la lingua dominanti nello stesso stato. (it) 마라타(마라타어: मराठा)는 인도아리아인 계통의 마라타인 출신으로 구성된 자티 집단의 총칭이다. 주로 마하라슈트라주에 모여산다. 그들은 팽창하는 마라타 제국을 만들어 17세기 후반에서 18세기에 중부 인도의 대부분을 장악하였다. (ko) The Maratha caste is composed of 96 Marathi clans originally formed in the earlier centuries from the amalgamation of families from the peasant (Kunbi), shepherd (Dhangar), pastoral (Gavli), blacksmith (Lohar), carpenter (Sutar), Bhandari, Thakar and Koli castes in Maharashtra. Many of them took to military service in the 16th century for the Deccan sultanates or the Mughals. Later in the 17th and 18th centuries, they served in the armies of the Maratha Empire, founded by Shivaji, a Maratha Kunbi by caste. Many Marathas were granted hereditary fiefs by the Sultanates, and Mughals for their service. (en) |