Petre Guran | Institute for South East European Studies (Romanian Academy) (original) (raw)

Papers by Petre Guran

Research paper thumbnail of Compte rendu de Averil Cameron, The Byzantines; Evelyne Patlagean, Le Moyen Age grec; Alain Boureau

Chora, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A. I. Alekseev, Pod znakom konca vremen

Cahiers Du Monde Russe, Oct 1, 2003

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The study proposes a new evaluation of the formula “Byzantine heritage” in Romanian historiographical and cultural consciousness. Starting with the reception of Byzantine history and culture in modern Romania, the
study reopens the question of the medieval awareness of a Byzantine heritage and operates several distinctions: firstly between different “Byzantine” institutional actors in Late Middle Ages, like the Empire and its aristocratic and intellectual elites and the Church and its ecclesiastical network, secondly between different “Byzantine” ideas derived from the Roman imperial idea, that circulated after the fall of Constantinople: the holy autocracy, on one hand, and the Orthodox idea, on the other hand. We owe to Iorga’s Byzance après Byzance the intuition to operate such distinctions, when he evaluates that Byzance d’Église was more successful than the other one, presumably Byzance d’Empire. Nevertheless, this medieval understanding of the „Byzantine heritage” was abandoned in the early phases of Romania’s westernization. The 20th century’s quest for a „Byzantine heritage” is linked with the nation-building process and its need to propose a distinctive and rich identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arhitectură sacră şi conştiinţă eclezială oglindite în proiectul noii catedrale patriarhale

TABOR. Revista română de cultură şi spiritualitate …, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of La légitimation du pouvoir princier dans les hagiographies slavo-byzantines (XIe-XVIe siècles)

Archaevs IV/1-2, 2000

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Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Eureopeennes, 2007

An important change of eschatological beliefs in the last centuries of Byzantium mirrored a trans... more An important change of eschatological beliefs in the last centuries of Byzantium mirrored a transformation of the Byzantine society and power structure. The political decline of the empire asked for a new cosmological paradigm. Thus what we call in this paper ecclesiastical eschatology represents the effort done by Byzantine scholars to respond to the new political reality. In order to evaluate the transformation we will draw an outline of early imperial eschatology and compare it with the later eschatological literature.

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Research paper thumbnail of L' auréole de l'empereur. Témoignage iconographique de la légende de Barlaam et Josaphat

Medioevo greco, Torino, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Slavonic Historical Writing in South-Eastern Europe, 1200–1600

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Dynamics of Faith and Community around the Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine Ecclesiology in a New Member State of the European Union: The Romanian Case

Political Sciences, 2006

Among the few volumes with collected studies on the broad and vague topic of Church, Society and ... more Among the few volumes with collected studies on the broad and vague topic of Church, Society and State in Romania that have been edited during the last years none would call for a critical review. Taken together, they express the need for a thorough discussion of issues regarding the role of religion in post-communist Romanian society, but they contain not much more than that. Most of these volumes are the result of workshops and summer schools, participation to which seems to have been dictated more by political/religious considerations than scholarly interests. My invited contribution will consist in a short overview of these publications, in the course of which I will privilege discussion by topic, rather than by volume, and will refer to the various contributions contained therein according to the degree to which I considered them representative of the dominant tendencies in Romanian society. The question formulated immediately after 1989 was how to organize religious freedom in...

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Research paper thumbnail of A. I. Alekseev, Pod znakom konca vremen

Cahiers Du Monde Russe Russie Empire Russe Union Sovietique Et Etats Independants, Oct 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of In Search of the Génie du christianisme An Interview with Peter Brown about Teaching and Research

Faith and Community around the Mediterranean In Honor of Peter R. L. Brown Editors PETRE GURAN and DAVID A. MICHELSON

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New Europe College Yearbook, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of God Explains to Patriarch Athanasios the Fall of Constantinople: I. S. Peresvetov and the Impasse of Political Theology

Héritages de Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est aux époques moderne et contemporaine, ouvrage édité par Olivier Delouis, Anne Couderc et Petre Guran, École française d’Athènes, Mondes Méditerranéens et Balkaniques, 2013, pp. 63-78

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Research paper thumbnail of Petre_GURAN.pdf

Jean VI Cantacuzène, l’hésychasme et l’empire. Les miniatures du codex Parisinus graecus 1242.

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Research paper thumbnail of Petre Guran, Rabbuni. Despre cunoaștere și educație

Este un text despre cunoaștere și rostul școlii în transmiterea acesteia. A fost scris ca introd... more Este un text despre cunoaștere și rostul școlii în transmiterea acesteia. A fost scris ca introducere la un volum despre învățământul de arhitectură, intitulat 2,14 tipuri de școli de arhitectură, editat de Ina Stoian,
Irina Băncescu și Alexandru Belenyi.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Empire to Church and Back, RESEE 2006

The paper explains how the Church of Constantinople in the XIIIth century not only survived as a ... more The paper explains how the Church of Constantinople in the XIIIth century not only survived as a unity after the division of the Empire in several competing states, but also achieved to create a stronger bond with Churches which were at greater distance and very different political contexts. It develops the thesis that the Church already began to replace the Empire in the consciousness of Eastern Christianity.

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Research paper thumbnail of L''Aureole de l'empereur. Temoignage iconographique de la legende de Barlaam de Josaphat.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Nouvelles hypothese autour du protocole de couronnement de Manuel II Paleologue.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Antiquity in Byzantium

Oxford Handbooks Online, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Compte rendu de Averil Cameron, The Byzantines; Evelyne Patlagean, Le Moyen Age grec; Alain Boureau

Chora, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A. I. Alekseev, Pod znakom konca vremen

Cahiers Du Monde Russe, Oct 1, 2003

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The study proposes a new evaluation of the formula “Byzantine heritage” in Romanian historiographical and cultural consciousness. Starting with the reception of Byzantine history and culture in modern Romania, the
study reopens the question of the medieval awareness of a Byzantine heritage and operates several distinctions: firstly between different “Byzantine” institutional actors in Late Middle Ages, like the Empire and its aristocratic and intellectual elites and the Church and its ecclesiastical network, secondly between different “Byzantine” ideas derived from the Roman imperial idea, that circulated after the fall of Constantinople: the holy autocracy, on one hand, and the Orthodox idea, on the other hand. We owe to Iorga’s Byzance après Byzance the intuition to operate such distinctions, when he evaluates that Byzance d’Église was more successful than the other one, presumably Byzance d’Empire. Nevertheless, this medieval understanding of the „Byzantine heritage” was abandoned in the early phases of Romania’s westernization. The 20th century’s quest for a „Byzantine heritage” is linked with the nation-building process and its need to propose a distinctive and rich identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arhitectură sacră şi conştiinţă eclezială oglindite în proiectul noii catedrale patriarhale

TABOR. Revista română de cultură şi spiritualitate …, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of La légitimation du pouvoir princier dans les hagiographies slavo-byzantines (XIe-XVIe siècles)

Archaevs IV/1-2, 2000

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Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Eureopeennes, 2007

An important change of eschatological beliefs in the last centuries of Byzantium mirrored a trans... more An important change of eschatological beliefs in the last centuries of Byzantium mirrored a transformation of the Byzantine society and power structure. The political decline of the empire asked for a new cosmological paradigm. Thus what we call in this paper ecclesiastical eschatology represents the effort done by Byzantine scholars to respond to the new political reality. In order to evaluate the transformation we will draw an outline of early imperial eschatology and compare it with the later eschatological literature.

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Research paper thumbnail of L' auréole de l'empereur. Témoignage iconographique de la légende de Barlaam et Josaphat

Medioevo greco, Torino, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Slavonic Historical Writing in South-Eastern Europe, 1200–1600

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Dynamics of Faith and Community around the Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine Ecclesiology in a New Member State of the European Union: The Romanian Case

Political Sciences, 2006

Among the few volumes with collected studies on the broad and vague topic of Church, Society and ... more Among the few volumes with collected studies on the broad and vague topic of Church, Society and State in Romania that have been edited during the last years none would call for a critical review. Taken together, they express the need for a thorough discussion of issues regarding the role of religion in post-communist Romanian society, but they contain not much more than that. Most of these volumes are the result of workshops and summer schools, participation to which seems to have been dictated more by political/religious considerations than scholarly interests. My invited contribution will consist in a short overview of these publications, in the course of which I will privilege discussion by topic, rather than by volume, and will refer to the various contributions contained therein according to the degree to which I considered them representative of the dominant tendencies in Romanian society. The question formulated immediately after 1989 was how to organize religious freedom in...

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Research paper thumbnail of A. I. Alekseev, Pod znakom konca vremen

Cahiers Du Monde Russe Russie Empire Russe Union Sovietique Et Etats Independants, Oct 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of In Search of the Génie du christianisme An Interview with Peter Brown about Teaching and Research

Faith and Community around the Mediterranean In Honor of Peter R. L. Brown Editors PETRE GURAN and DAVID A. MICHELSON

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New Europe College Yearbook, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of God Explains to Patriarch Athanasios the Fall of Constantinople: I. S. Peresvetov and the Impasse of Political Theology

Héritages de Byzance en Europe du Sud-Est aux époques moderne et contemporaine, ouvrage édité par Olivier Delouis, Anne Couderc et Petre Guran, École française d’Athènes, Mondes Méditerranéens et Balkaniques, 2013, pp. 63-78

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Research paper thumbnail of Petre_GURAN.pdf

Jean VI Cantacuzène, l’hésychasme et l’empire. Les miniatures du codex Parisinus graecus 1242.

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Research paper thumbnail of Petre Guran, Rabbuni. Despre cunoaștere și educație

Este un text despre cunoaștere și rostul școlii în transmiterea acesteia. A fost scris ca introd... more Este un text despre cunoaștere și rostul școlii în transmiterea acesteia. A fost scris ca introducere la un volum despre învățământul de arhitectură, intitulat 2,14 tipuri de școli de arhitectură, editat de Ina Stoian,
Irina Băncescu și Alexandru Belenyi.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Empire to Church and Back, RESEE 2006

The paper explains how the Church of Constantinople in the XIIIth century not only survived as a ... more The paper explains how the Church of Constantinople in the XIIIth century not only survived as a unity after the division of the Empire in several competing states, but also achieved to create a stronger bond with Churches which were at greater distance and very different political contexts. It develops the thesis that the Church already began to replace the Empire in the consciousness of Eastern Christianity.

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Research paper thumbnail of L''Aureole de l'empereur. Temoignage iconographique de la legende de Barlaam de Josaphat.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Nouvelles hypothese autour du protocole de couronnement de Manuel II Paleologue.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Late Antiquity in Byzantium

Oxford Handbooks Online, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Rendre la couronne au Christ. Etude sur la fin de l’idée impériale byzantine

Supplementa EBPB 1, Herlo Verlag, Heidelberg, , 2021

Une idée-désire hante la Russie et les Balkans à travers leurs Églises et monarchies nationales, ... more Une idée-désire hante la Russie et les Balkans à travers leurs Églises et monarchies nationales, que Byzance ne mourût pas le 29 mai 1453, mais survécût en tant que Troisième Rome ou héritage byzantin. Ce livre confirme que Byzance en tant qu’idée ne meurt pas, mais ses représentations du pouvoir changent à tel point au long des deux derniers siècles avant la date fatidique, qu’il n’y a plus d’héritage politique à léguer. De cette transformation naquirent une autre institution universelle, l’Église orthodoxe, centrée sur son patriarche oecuménique, et un espace culturel et géopolitique, l’Orthodoxie. Parmi les innovations iconographiques du XIVe s. une place spéciale reçoit l’icône du Christ empereur et prêtre, vêtu des pièces d’apparat de l’empereur byzantin et du patriarche oecuménique. Cette image éclatante de la fusion des deux fonctions, impériale et sacerdotale, exprime par antithèse la mise en cause de l’idée impériale byzantine, selon laquelle l’empereur vivant était une image du Christ et relance le débat sur la nature des deux pouvoirs à la lumière de la théologie palamite. De la sorte, la monarchie se trouva désacralisée et dépourvue du nimbe ex dignitate officii, alors que les patriarches s’évertuèrent à dépeindre en eux cette image du Christ. La cohérence de cette transformation fut assurée par un groupe de moines théologiens et hommes d’action, amis et disciples de Grégoire Palamas, parmi lesquels l’empereur-moine Jean-Joasaph Cantacuzène et le patriarche Philothée Kokkinos. Les « palamites » accèdent au patriarcat de Constantinople et imposent une réévaluation de l’Empire comme institution accessoire de l’Église. L’idée impériale byzantine, dont les expressions idéologiques remontaient à l’antiquité tardive, se voit démunie de ses raisons d’être avant que la dernière bataille ne soit livrée. De ce mouvement d’idées il résulta que la Troisième Rome n’était pas un Empire, mais tout au plus une Église.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'empereur hagiographe. Culte des saints et monarchie byzantine et post-byzantine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Scoala "Cumplit mestesug de tampenie? Doamne fereste!"

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Research paper thumbnail of Programul de Studiu al Scolii de la Bunesti

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Research paper thumbnail of Familia Krupenski și elita istorică a Basarabiei. Un dialog cu Petre Guran, realizat de Svetlana Suveica, in: Mircea Ciubotaru, Lucian-Valeriu Lefter (Ed.),  Mihai Dim. Sturdza la 80 de ani. Omagiu, Iasi: Editura Universității ”Al.I. Cuza” din Iasi, 2014, 333-361.

Prezentul dialog s-a născut din interesul doamnei Svetlana Suveică, profesor de istorie contempor... more Prezentul dialog s-a născut din interesul doamnei Svetlana Suveică, profesor de istorie contemporană la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova (Chişinău), pentru istoria familia Krupenski în Basarabia şi s-a realizat în contextul misiunii diplomatice a istoricului Petre Guran ca director al Institutului Cultural Român din Chişinău în anii 2010-2013. Întrebările doamnei Suveică privesc atât istoria familiei în secolul al XIX-lea cât şi măsura în care descendenţa domnului Petre Guran din această familie prin bunica sa maternă şi-a pus amprenta asupra viziunii sale istorice. Dialogul încearcă să surprindă dincolo de genealogie patrimoniul memorial al unei familii. Prin recursul la cunoaşterea universului mental şi spiritual al unei familii aristocratice, acest dialog, urmat de transcrierea a două scrisori între fraţii Matei, Grigorie şi Teodor Krupenski, contribuie alături de cercetările genealogice din acest volum la omagierea aniversară a istoricului Mihai Dim. Sturdza.

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Research paper thumbnail of MONOGRAPHIES | Marie-France AUZÉPY, Guillaume SAINT-GUILLAIN, éd. / Oralité et lien social au Moyen Âge (Occident, Byzance, Islam): parole donnée, foi jurée, serment

MTM 29

Ce livre rassemble les contributions au colloque international suscité par les byzantinistes de l... more Ce livre rassemble les contributions au colloque international suscité par les byzantinistes de l’UMR 8167, Orient et Méditerranée et intitulé « Oralité et lien social (Occident, Byzance, Islam) : parole donnée, foi jurée, serment », qui s’est tenu à Paris du 10 au 12 mai 2007 : à la lumière des recherches récentes, la place de la parole donnée et sa relation avec le serment leur avaient semblé beaucoup plus importantes qu’on ne l’avait cru jusqu’ici dans la société qu’ils étudient, où l’honneur passe pour jouer un rôle bien moindre qu’en Occident. Le sujet n’était pas neuf – pour l’Occident, par exemple, le serment vassalique a suscité une vaste littérature – mais il est inépuisable et encore d’actualité. En élargissant l’étude aux sociétés qui entourent l’Empire byzantin tant au sud et à l’est – le califat et les royaumes ou principautés musulmans – qu’à l’ouest – l’Empire et les puissances chrétiennes d’Occident –, on voit se dégager de nouvelles perspectives.

ISBN : 978-2-916716-18-3

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Research paper thumbnail of Deschiderea Colocviului „Cărţi româneşti de învăţătură (Iaşi – 1643, 1646)”, 9-10 noiembrie 2016, Iaşi

În dimineața zilei de miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016, a avut loc deschiderea Colocviului „Cărţi român... more În dimineața zilei de miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2016, a avut loc deschiderea Colocviului „Cărţi româneşti de învăţătură (Iaşi – 1643, 1646)”.
Evenimentul a avut loc la Muzeul Mitropolitan din Iași, în prezența Înaltpreasfințitului Teofan, Mitropolitul Moldovei și Bucovinei. Conceput într-un spirit interdisciplinar, destinat întâlnirii specialiștilor aparținând mai multor orizonturi culturale, Colocviul Cărţi româneşti de învăţătură (Iaşi – 1643, 1646) își propune să conjuge mai multe abordări propuse până acum în mod disjunct (și care nu au dus în domeniu decât la rezultate cel mult parțiale): istorică, filologică și teologică. La acest eveniment vor fi prezenți, pe lângă invitați din Iași, și participanți din Paris, Rouen, Chișinău, București, Cluj-Napoca și Târgoviște.

Printre cei care au luat cuvântul în prima zi a evenimentului au fost Dl. Petre Guran, Secretar de Stat în Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Dl. Academician Alexandru Zub, Dl. Academician Demir Dragnev, Dl. Conf. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe Cojocaru și Dl. Conf. Univ. dr. Dan Ioan Mureşan de la Université de Rouen, Normandie, Franţa.

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Research paper thumbnail of TRAVAUX ET MÉMOIRES | Tome XXIII/1 | Mélanges Bernard Flusin | édités par André Binggeli & Vincent Déroche avec la collaboration de Michel Stavrou

by Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance ACHCByz, Jean-Claude CHEYNET, Muriel Debié, Olivier Delouis, Petre Guran, Christian Høgel, Sofia Kotzabassi, Avshalom Laniado, Margherita Losacco, Sophie Métivier, Viacheslav Patrin, and Robert Wiśniewski

Mélanges Bernard Flusin, 2019

Depuis son Miracle et histoire dans l’œuvre de Cyrille de Scythopolis de 1983, Bernard Flusin est... more Depuis son Miracle et histoire dans l’œuvre de Cyrille de Scythopolis de 1983, Bernard Flusin est devenu paisiblement un auteur incontournable dans le petit monde de l’hagiographie et de l’histoire religieuse de Byzance, et bien au-delà, en contribuant au renouvellement de la discipline dont H. Delehaye avait posé les fondements voici un siècle. Ce n’est pas en un jour qu’on en arrive là, et plus d’une centaine de publications sur des sujets éminemment variés sur presque quarante ans l’expliquent à l’envi. Approche littéraire, étude des manuscrits, étude des transmissions textuelles, histoire des objets comme les reliques et les icônes autant que des thèmes littéraires et des convictions religieuses, c’est en effet toute la chaîne des possibilités d’études des sources que B. Flusin a su exploiter, et son début de carrière à l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes a achevé de le convertir à une approche des textes par les détails de leur transmission dans les manuscrits et de leur circulation dans les traditions de l’Orient chrétien, en particulier géorgienne et syriaque, toujours riche de sens pour qui sait les scruter. Progressivement, le focus initial sur le monachisme et l’hagiographie de la Palestine tardo-antique s’est élargi vers l’époque mésobyzantine et à tout l’empire, avec même une incursion jusqu’en 1453 avec Doukas, couvrant ainsi tout le millénaire byzantin ; peu à peu, c’est une perspective proprement impériale et constantinopolitaine qui se dégage, embrassant le Synaxaire et le Typikon de la Grande Église. Elle trouve son aboutissement logique dans l’imminente publication du De cerimoniis, qu’il lui revenait de mener à son terme, tâche géante qui avait jusqu’ici découragé les byzantinistes au point de s’en remettre pour l’essentiel à l’édition reiske du xviii e siècle et aux commentaires de Bury au début du XXe. De la Grande Laure de Sabas et d’anastase le Perse à la Constantinople de Constantin VII Porphyrogénète, la route est longue, mais fructueuse – l’un de ses derniers articles sur les histoires édifiantes liées à la constantinople de Constantin VII résume bien cette généalogie qui relie l’histoire édifiante de la haute époque à ses avatars proprement médiévaux trop rares, mais précieux, dans un jeu constant entre le même et l’autre qui résume le rapport complexe de Byzance à son propre passé. c’est naturellement aussi que B. Flusin fut convié à rédiger sur l’histoire religieuse de Byzance des synthèses qui restent des références, dans l’ Histoire du christianisme et la Nouvelle clio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Viața Sfântului Vasile cel Nou. Vămile văzduhului și vederea Înfricoșătoarei Judecăți

Teologie Bizantină, 2020

Viața Sfântului Vasile cel Nou are o importanță deosebită pentru studiile bizantine și pentru stu... more Viața Sfântului Vasile cel Nou are o importanță deosebită pentru studiile bizantine și pentru studiile de istorie a teologiei și spiritualității creștine. Din punct de vedere hagiografic este unul dintre cele trei mari texte bizantine care ilustrează forma de spiritualitate denumită „nebunia întru Hristos”. Din punct de vedere al studiului spiritualității bizantine Viața Cuviosului Vasile cel Nou conține descrierea cea mai detaliată a judecății particulare sub forma vămilor demonice ale văzduhului. Mai important însă, decât nivelul de lectură moralizator, prin care se arată că lumea de dincolo este o inversare a raporturilor din lumea aceasta, Viața introduce tema evidenței sau vizibilității lumii de dincolo în lumea noastră, care se leagă de acel reproș al bogatului nemilostiv din iad către patriarhul Avraam: „Nu, părinte Avraam, ci, dacă cineva dintre morţi se va duce la ei, se vor pocăi” (Lc. 16, 30). Amploarea vedeniilor despre Judecata de Apoi și lumea de dincolo din Viața Sfântului Vasile cel Nou are în mod cert un interes și pentru interogația omului contemporan despre sensul ultim al vieții, despre eternitatea ei sau formele de existență de după despărțirea de trup.
Ediția de față conține traducerea, după originalul grecesc, a celei mai ample versiuni, păstrată în manuscrisul Mosquensis Sinod. gr. 249.

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Research paper thumbnail of Simpozionul „Tradiția patristică în actualitate”, editia I, Iași, 29-30.09.2022

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