Galang Surya Gumilang | Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri (original) (raw)

Papers by Galang Surya Gumilang


Mental yang prima dan stabil diperlukan oleh atlet untuk kesiapan mengikuti pertandingan. Faktor ... more Mental yang prima dan stabil diperlukan oleh atlet untuk kesiapan mengikuti pertandingan. Faktor psikologi yang mempengaruhi mental performa atlet yaitu kecemasan. Kecemasan yang terjadi pada atlet karate sangat berpengaruh terhadap performa dan juga prestasi yang dimiliki atlet apabila tidak segera diatasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Sumber data yang digunakan merupakan sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara pada atlet karate Dojo SMANEKA Kediri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti tingkat kecemasan atlet pengguna alat bantu papan push up. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa atlet setelah menggunakan papan push up kecemasannya cenderung berkurang dan kepercayaan dirinya meningkat.

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Kejenuhan pada atlet biasanya terjadi karena monotinitas aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga tuntutan... more Kejenuhan pada atlet biasanya terjadi karena monotinitas aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga tuntutan yang dihasilkan dari periode stresor pelatihan yang berlebihan. Salah satu peralatan yang dapat membantu mengatasi kejenuhan yaitu push up board. Push up board memberikan inovasi dan fasilitas kepada atlet untuk dapat berlatih menggunakan alat-alat ringan hingga berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kejenuhan pada atlet karate melalui penggunaan alat bantu push up board. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus, wawancara dilakukan pada 10 atlet karate di Dojo Basecamp SMAN 1 Kandat. Hasil wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara mendalam untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa push up board berhasil dikembangkan dengan desain untuk membantu membentuk dan memaksimalkan otot tricep dan bicep brachii dengan mode papan plastik kokoh dan tebal serta efisien. Papan dengan kode warna yang berbeda menargetkan otot-otot yang bekerja. Sistem push up "Plug and Press" tugas berat dengan berbagai posisi dan sudut yang memahat dan memaksimalkan tubuh bagian atas. Membangun kekuatan dengan sistem push up inovatif ini menuntun melalui latihan kekuatan dan kebugaran tubuh total. Push up board secara signifikan mengurangi kejenuhan latihan serta sebagai media stress release yang efektif pada atlet karate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semar Sebagai Motivator: Cerminan Dalam Kepribadian Konselor

This research aims to determine Semar's "Motivator" personality which is implied in the counselor... more This research aims to determine Semar's "Motivator" personality which is implied in the counselor's personality. A qualitative approach was used with a Gadamerian hermeneutic type. The research's primary data is the text Semar: Dunia Batin Orang Jawa by Tuti Sumukti in 2006 and secondary data in the form of interview notes in 2023 with puppeteer Ki Catur Nugroho (ISI Surakarta lecturer & head of the Nugroho Laras Studio, Boyolali Regency). The research results show that Semar as a motivator includes 3 elements as a reflection of the counselor's personality, namely: (1) positive energy, (2) affection, and (3) life goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semar Sebagai Penasehat: Cerminan Dalam Kepribadian Konselor

Semar is an adviser to the knights as well as parents to the punakawan and the knights and that a... more Semar is an adviser to the knights as well as parents to the punakawan and the knights and that anyone who is guided by Semar will surely become even better. Semar plays the role of the seed of virtue that maintains harmony, harmony and balance in the journey of human relations. Semar's intact personality as an advisor is reflected in the identity of a counselor when he wants to help counselees think of solutions to problems, contemplate ideas that are expressed and might be used, and plan actions or develop choices that exist within counselee.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Pola Asuh Orang Tua dan Peer Pressure Untuk Memandirikan Siswa Kelas X SMA

The transition period from junior high school to high school requires students to adapt to a new ... more The transition period from junior high school to high school requires students to adapt to a new environment and the various characters of new friends. This period is included in the adolescent period, where they must be able to meet the developmental demands of adolescence. One form of developmental demands in adolescence is independence. Independence is the ability to freely control and regulate one's own thoughts, feelings and actions and try to overcome feelings of shame and doubt. Student independence is inseparable from parenting style, where parenting style plays an important role in shaping a child's personality and behavior. In addition, student independence is also influenced by peer pressure that is obtained from the surrounding environment, both in the school environment and the community environment. In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach, which used explanatory research methods. Researchers analyzed whether there was a significant effect of parenting and peer pressure on the independence of high school students.

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Research paper thumbnail of Profil Pemanfaatan Media Ular Tangga di SMP Mardi Utomo Grogol

Each student has a uniqueness that distinguishes them from one another. To create a generation th... more Each student has a uniqueness that distinguishes them from one another. To create a generation that is of high quality and has a high standard of ability, cooperation between education, teaching and guidance is needed, because all three are interrelated in achieving educational goals. Counseling guidance services have an important role in forming a quality generation. Through the various services available, guidance and counseling can provide the support needed to achieve these goals. One of them is by utilizing snakes and ladders learning media. Teachers have the ability to make this learning media creatively according to the objectives and learning materials. The snakes and ladders game aims to motivate students so that they continue to study and repeat material that has been studied before. Through this game, students will be tested and can feel the joy of learning.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Design Thinking Sebagai Metode Perancangan Prototype Website Bank Sampah Lastari (Kelola Sampah Tanpa Ribet) Sidoarjo

In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and ... more In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and enhancing the success of businesses or organizations. In the context of Bank Sampah Lastari in Sidoarjo, designing an effective and user-friendly prototype website can be a vital initial step in optimizing the operations and success of Bank Sampah Lastari in waste management. In this study, we employ the Design Thinking method as a design approach to build a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari. This method places a strong focus on the users (user-centric) and incorporates elements of creativity, empathy, and iteration in the design process. By following the steps of Design Thinking, we can understand the needs and desires of Bank Sampah Lastari users and design an intuitive, efficient, and tailored website to meet their requirements. The methodology used consists of five key stages in Design Thinking, namely empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In the empathy stage, we conducted observations and interviews with Bank Sampah Lastari members to understand their experiences in waste management. The definition stage involved data collection and analysis to identify the users' primary needs. The ideation stage is where we generated various design concepts and ideas for the website that have the potential to meet the users' needs. The prototyping stage involved creating a website prototype based on the selected concepts. Finally, in the testing stage, we gathered feedback from Bank Sampah Lastari users to identify weaknesses and potential improvements in the built prototype. The outcome of this study is a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari that aligns with the users' needs and desires. This website features an appealing design, easy-tounderstand navigation, and user-friendly functionalities for efficient waste management. The utilization of Design Thinking in designing the Bank Sampah Lastari website provides a holistic approach and yields more relevant solutions for the users. This prototype website serves as a foundation for further development and the official launch of the Bank Sampah Lastari website.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Perencanaan Karir untuk Meningkatkan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir Siswa SMK

The development of Science and Technology is very rapid, which certainly has an impact on the cha... more The development of Science and Technology is very rapid, which certainly has an impact on the challenges and global competition faced by every country, one of which is Indonesia. Therefore, quality human resources are needed. Quality human resources are formed through education. Every student certainly wants a brilliant career, and a career can be realized with an effort and carefully planned. All efforts made by counselors in helping students to plan their further studies and careers will not be successful without the right strategy. The current strategy to improve students' career planning skills is the Four C's which is a guidance-based strategy. Four C's is a strategy to improve high-level thinking skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication).

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Research paper thumbnail of Profil Teknik Homeroom Sebagai Strategi Jitu dalam Bimbingan Kelompok

In group guidance, group activities and dynamics must be realized to discuss various things that ... more In group guidance, group activities and dynamics must be realized to discuss various things that are useful for the development or problem solving of individuals (students) who are service participants. One of the group guidance techniques used is the homeroom technique, in which this technique is carried out to create a school or classroom condition like at home so as to create a condition that is free, fun and not under pressure. The reason for using the home room technique is so that students can feel a new atmosphere, train students to be confident and also to avoid mental tension when studying. By doing group guidance with the homeroom technique, students can be more open in expressing their problems because students feel comfortable in the group and students will feel more relaxed as if they were with their families at home. Things like this can motivate students to be better.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) untuk Membentuk Sikap Dasar Calon Konselor

Abstrak \Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut: 1) diperoleh deskripsi format... more Abstrak \Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut: 1) diperoleh deskripsi format media sikap dasar konseloR rmodel DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) (SLA)yang dapat diterima oleh ahli media dan calon dosen (mahasiswa), 2) diperoleh deskripsi isi media sikap dasar konselor model DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) (SLA) yang dapat diterima oleh ahli media dan calon konselor (mahasiswa). Berdasarkan ketercapaian dua tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan tersebut akan dihasilkan media sikap dasar konselor model DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA), (SLA)sebagai produk penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development atau penelitian dan pengembangan. Kata Kunci: DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA), sikap dasar konselor PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan salah satu hal terpenting bagi manusia.Baik pendidikan formal maupun non formal mampu membentuk kepribadian manusia lebih baik, sopan, cerdas, sukses, Mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling kedapatan mencontek saat pelaksanaan UAS, mahasiswa bimbingan konseling kedapatan melakukan copy paste tugas dari teman yang lain, mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling memilih-milih teman dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok, dan mahasiswa tidak peduli dengan kondisi teman yang sedang sakit. Contoh perilaku diatas merupakan bentuk perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan sikap dasar konselor. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dosen yang seharusnya. Dosen merupakan sebuah " profesi yang mulia dan altruistik " (Gladding, 2009). Pada umumnya profesi ini menarik orang-orang yang

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Research paper thumbnail of Brief Group Counseling Focuses On The Solution To Improve The Independence Of Decision Making Students in Class XI at SMKN 2 Kediri

This study aimed to obtain accurate data and know the effectiveness of counseling groups that foc... more This study aimed to obtain accurate data and know the effectiveness of counseling groups that focus on solutions to improve students' independence in decision making. This study uses quasi-experimental research with the quantitative approach. The process of data analysis using descriptive analysis and hypothesis analysis using paired sample t test. Research subjects for this study amounted to 10 respondents who are divided to two groups. Each group consists of 5 students of class XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Results of final data analysis are done by using parametric statistic test that is Independent Sampling Test with significance level 0,05 obtained by Sig. (2-tailed) are 0,000 <0,05 then Ho is rejected. The results from this study indicate that focus group counseling services focused on this solution is effective to improve the independence of decision making students' class XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Abstrak: Konseling kelompok singkat berfokus solusi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pengambilan keputusan peserta didik kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat dan mengetahui efektivitas kelompok konseling yang berfokus pada solusi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian siswa dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Proses analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis hipotesis menggunakan uji t sampel berpasangan. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 10 responden yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Hasil analisis data akhir dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji statistik parametrik yaitu Uji Sampel Independen dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh Sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa layanan konseling kelompok fokus sing berfokus solusi ini efektif untuk meningkatkan independensi pengambilan keputusan siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Kata Kunci: Konseling kelompok, Singkat berfokus solusi, kemandirian pengambilan keputusan Pendahuluan Bimbingan dan konseling adalah sebuah pola hubungan antara konselor dan konseli guna melakukan pemberian layanan konseling yang di dalamnya diharapkan mampu mengubah pola hidup yang salah menjadi benar, pola hidup yang negatif menjadi positif. Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu upaya/layanan dalam dunia pendidikan yang memiliki berbagai tujuan diantaranya adalah sebagai upaya untuk mengentaskan masalah peserta didik, membantu peserta didik dalam mencapai tugas perkembangannya, serta membantu peserta didik untuk dapat mengoptimalkan potensi-potensi yang dimilikinya. Dalam pelaksanaannya bimbingan dan konseling memiliki berbagai dasar atau acuan. Salah satu diantaranya adalah asas-asas pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling yang meliputi asas kerahasiaan, asas

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Research paper thumbnail of Niche Konselor di Indonesia dalam Pendidikan Formal

This article describes and discusses (1) understanding of "niche", (2) niche counselor in Indones... more This article describes and discusses (1) understanding of "niche", (2) niche counselor in Indonesia, (3) niche counselor on formal education, (4) niche counselor "to come" in Indonesia. Constraints to realize the role of school counselors, among others, principals and subject teachers who do not understand the function of guidance and counseling. Many school counselors who are not graduates of Guidance and Counseling but are merely odd or functional. Many and almost average in school School counselors do not have adequate facilities to work ideally, so the counselor's performance is less than optimal. School counselors are not considered important by students and educational components in schools. To overcome these obstacles required the participation of both governments, ABKIN, own counselor, and community environment, especially the school environment. From the counselor and the institution that shelter it needs to show good performance and from other components need to give trust and opportunity to the counselor to show its performance. Abstrak: Artikel ini mendeskripsikan dan membahas tentang (1) pengertian " niche " , (2) niche konselor di Indonesia, (3) niche konselor pada pendidikan formal, (4) niche konselor " yang akan datang " di Indonesia. Kendala untuk mewujudkan peran konselor sekolah antara lain kepala sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran yang kurang memahami fungsi bimbingan dan konseling. Banyak guru Pembimbing/Konselor sekolah yang bukan dari lulusan sarjana Bimbingan dan Konseling tetapi hanya merupakan sambilan saja atau alih fungsi. Banyak dan hampir rata-rata di sekolah Konselor sekolah tidak mempunyai fasilitas yang memadai untuk bekerja secara ideal, sehingga kinerja konselor kurang maksimal. Dari hal tersebut Konselor Sekolah kurang dipandang penting oleh siswa maupun komponen pendidik yang ada di sekolah. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut diperlukan peran serta baik pemerintah, ABKIN, konselor sendiri, dan lingkungan masyarakat terutama lingkungan sekolah. Dari konselor maupun lembaga yang menaunginya perlu menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan dari komponen lain perlu memberikan kepercayaan dan kesempatan kepada konselor untuk menunjukkan kinerjanya.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kepribadian Semar Sebagai Citra Diri Konselor

This article describes and discusses: (1) Semar personality, (2) Semar personality analysis and (... more This article describes and discusses: (1) Semar personality, (2) Semar personality analysis and (3) Semar personality as a self-image of Counselor. Semar acts as a servant or guardian of knights who will cultivate the seeds of virtue that maintain harmony, harmony, and balance the journey of inter-human relations, the universe of the gods. Semar figure figures have noble values that need to be absorbed and practiced by a counselor, such as patient, loving, compassionate, gentle, and never difficult.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pembentukan Sikap Dasar Konselor Melalui DVD Structured Learning Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Internalization of Philosophical Value "Tembang Macapat" in Guidance and Counseling

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Orang Tua sebagai Non Direct Services dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling Komprehensif

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Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Profesionalitas Pendidik Konselor Profesional

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Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Semar Sebagai Model Pribadi Konselor

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Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Bidang Bimbingan dan Konseling

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Self Position and Basic Attitude of Counselors by Semar Text

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Mental yang prima dan stabil diperlukan oleh atlet untuk kesiapan mengikuti pertandingan. Faktor ... more Mental yang prima dan stabil diperlukan oleh atlet untuk kesiapan mengikuti pertandingan. Faktor psikologi yang mempengaruhi mental performa atlet yaitu kecemasan. Kecemasan yang terjadi pada atlet karate sangat berpengaruh terhadap performa dan juga prestasi yang dimiliki atlet apabila tidak segera diatasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Sumber data yang digunakan merupakan sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara pada atlet karate Dojo SMANEKA Kediri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti tingkat kecemasan atlet pengguna alat bantu papan push up. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa atlet setelah menggunakan papan push up kecemasannya cenderung berkurang dan kepercayaan dirinya meningkat.

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Kejenuhan pada atlet biasanya terjadi karena monotinitas aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga tuntutan... more Kejenuhan pada atlet biasanya terjadi karena monotinitas aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga tuntutan yang dihasilkan dari periode stresor pelatihan yang berlebihan. Salah satu peralatan yang dapat membantu mengatasi kejenuhan yaitu push up board. Push up board memberikan inovasi dan fasilitas kepada atlet untuk dapat berlatih menggunakan alat-alat ringan hingga berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kejenuhan pada atlet karate melalui penggunaan alat bantu push up board. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus, wawancara dilakukan pada 10 atlet karate di Dojo Basecamp SMAN 1 Kandat. Hasil wawancara kemudian dianalisis secara mendalam untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa push up board berhasil dikembangkan dengan desain untuk membantu membentuk dan memaksimalkan otot tricep dan bicep brachii dengan mode papan plastik kokoh dan tebal serta efisien. Papan dengan kode warna yang berbeda menargetkan otot-otot yang bekerja. Sistem push up "Plug and Press" tugas berat dengan berbagai posisi dan sudut yang memahat dan memaksimalkan tubuh bagian atas. Membangun kekuatan dengan sistem push up inovatif ini menuntun melalui latihan kekuatan dan kebugaran tubuh total. Push up board secara signifikan mengurangi kejenuhan latihan serta sebagai media stress release yang efektif pada atlet karate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semar Sebagai Motivator: Cerminan Dalam Kepribadian Konselor

This research aims to determine Semar's "Motivator" personality which is implied in the counselor... more This research aims to determine Semar's "Motivator" personality which is implied in the counselor's personality. A qualitative approach was used with a Gadamerian hermeneutic type. The research's primary data is the text Semar: Dunia Batin Orang Jawa by Tuti Sumukti in 2006 and secondary data in the form of interview notes in 2023 with puppeteer Ki Catur Nugroho (ISI Surakarta lecturer & head of the Nugroho Laras Studio, Boyolali Regency). The research results show that Semar as a motivator includes 3 elements as a reflection of the counselor's personality, namely: (1) positive energy, (2) affection, and (3) life goals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semar Sebagai Penasehat: Cerminan Dalam Kepribadian Konselor

Semar is an adviser to the knights as well as parents to the punakawan and the knights and that a... more Semar is an adviser to the knights as well as parents to the punakawan and the knights and that anyone who is guided by Semar will surely become even better. Semar plays the role of the seed of virtue that maintains harmony, harmony and balance in the journey of human relations. Semar's intact personality as an advisor is reflected in the identity of a counselor when he wants to help counselees think of solutions to problems, contemplate ideas that are expressed and might be used, and plan actions or develop choices that exist within counselee.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Pola Asuh Orang Tua dan Peer Pressure Untuk Memandirikan Siswa Kelas X SMA

The transition period from junior high school to high school requires students to adapt to a new ... more The transition period from junior high school to high school requires students to adapt to a new environment and the various characters of new friends. This period is included in the adolescent period, where they must be able to meet the developmental demands of adolescence. One form of developmental demands in adolescence is independence. Independence is the ability to freely control and regulate one's own thoughts, feelings and actions and try to overcome feelings of shame and doubt. Student independence is inseparable from parenting style, where parenting style plays an important role in shaping a child's personality and behavior. In addition, student independence is also influenced by peer pressure that is obtained from the surrounding environment, both in the school environment and the community environment. In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach, which used explanatory research methods. Researchers analyzed whether there was a significant effect of parenting and peer pressure on the independence of high school students.

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Research paper thumbnail of Profil Pemanfaatan Media Ular Tangga di SMP Mardi Utomo Grogol

Each student has a uniqueness that distinguishes them from one another. To create a generation th... more Each student has a uniqueness that distinguishes them from one another. To create a generation that is of high quality and has a high standard of ability, cooperation between education, teaching and guidance is needed, because all three are interrelated in achieving educational goals. Counseling guidance services have an important role in forming a quality generation. Through the various services available, guidance and counseling can provide the support needed to achieve these goals. One of them is by utilizing snakes and ladders learning media. Teachers have the ability to make this learning media creatively according to the objectives and learning materials. The snakes and ladders game aims to motivate students so that they continue to study and repeat material that has been studied before. Through this game, students will be tested and can feel the joy of learning.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Design Thinking Sebagai Metode Perancangan Prototype Website Bank Sampah Lastari (Kelola Sampah Tanpa Ribet) Sidoarjo

In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and ... more In this digital era, the design and development of websites have become crucial in promoting and enhancing the success of businesses or organizations. In the context of Bank Sampah Lastari in Sidoarjo, designing an effective and user-friendly prototype website can be a vital initial step in optimizing the operations and success of Bank Sampah Lastari in waste management. In this study, we employ the Design Thinking method as a design approach to build a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari. This method places a strong focus on the users (user-centric) and incorporates elements of creativity, empathy, and iteration in the design process. By following the steps of Design Thinking, we can understand the needs and desires of Bank Sampah Lastari users and design an intuitive, efficient, and tailored website to meet their requirements. The methodology used consists of five key stages in Design Thinking, namely empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In the empathy stage, we conducted observations and interviews with Bank Sampah Lastari members to understand their experiences in waste management. The definition stage involved data collection and analysis to identify the users' primary needs. The ideation stage is where we generated various design concepts and ideas for the website that have the potential to meet the users' needs. The prototyping stage involved creating a website prototype based on the selected concepts. Finally, in the testing stage, we gathered feedback from Bank Sampah Lastari users to identify weaknesses and potential improvements in the built prototype. The outcome of this study is a prototype website for Bank Sampah Lastari that aligns with the users' needs and desires. This website features an appealing design, easy-tounderstand navigation, and user-friendly functionalities for efficient waste management. The utilization of Design Thinking in designing the Bank Sampah Lastari website provides a holistic approach and yields more relevant solutions for the users. This prototype website serves as a foundation for further development and the official launch of the Bank Sampah Lastari website.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Perencanaan Karir untuk Meningkatkan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir Siswa SMK

The development of Science and Technology is very rapid, which certainly has an impact on the cha... more The development of Science and Technology is very rapid, which certainly has an impact on the challenges and global competition faced by every country, one of which is Indonesia. Therefore, quality human resources are needed. Quality human resources are formed through education. Every student certainly wants a brilliant career, and a career can be realized with an effort and carefully planned. All efforts made by counselors in helping students to plan their further studies and careers will not be successful without the right strategy. The current strategy to improve students' career planning skills is the Four C's which is a guidance-based strategy. Four C's is a strategy to improve high-level thinking skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication).

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Research paper thumbnail of Profil Teknik Homeroom Sebagai Strategi Jitu dalam Bimbingan Kelompok

In group guidance, group activities and dynamics must be realized to discuss various things that ... more In group guidance, group activities and dynamics must be realized to discuss various things that are useful for the development or problem solving of individuals (students) who are service participants. One of the group guidance techniques used is the homeroom technique, in which this technique is carried out to create a school or classroom condition like at home so as to create a condition that is free, fun and not under pressure. The reason for using the home room technique is so that students can feel a new atmosphere, train students to be confident and also to avoid mental tension when studying. By doing group guidance with the homeroom technique, students can be more open in expressing their problems because students feel comfortable in the group and students will feel more relaxed as if they were with their families at home. Things like this can motivate students to be better.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) untuk Membentuk Sikap Dasar Calon Konselor

Abstrak \Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut: 1) diperoleh deskripsi format... more Abstrak \Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan adalah sebagai berikut: 1) diperoleh deskripsi format media sikap dasar konseloR rmodel DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) (SLA)yang dapat diterima oleh ahli media dan calon dosen (mahasiswa), 2) diperoleh deskripsi isi media sikap dasar konselor model DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA) (SLA) yang dapat diterima oleh ahli media dan calon konselor (mahasiswa). Berdasarkan ketercapaian dua tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan tersebut akan dihasilkan media sikap dasar konselor model DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA), (SLA)sebagai produk penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development atau penelitian dan pengembangan. Kata Kunci: DVD Structured Learning Approach (SLA), sikap dasar konselor PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan salah satu hal terpenting bagi manusia.Baik pendidikan formal maupun non formal mampu membentuk kepribadian manusia lebih baik, sopan, cerdas, sukses, Mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling kedapatan mencontek saat pelaksanaan UAS, mahasiswa bimbingan konseling kedapatan melakukan copy paste tugas dari teman yang lain, mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling memilih-milih teman dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok, dan mahasiswa tidak peduli dengan kondisi teman yang sedang sakit. Contoh perilaku diatas merupakan bentuk perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan sikap dasar konselor. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan dosen yang seharusnya. Dosen merupakan sebuah " profesi yang mulia dan altruistik " (Gladding, 2009). Pada umumnya profesi ini menarik orang-orang yang

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Research paper thumbnail of Brief Group Counseling Focuses On The Solution To Improve The Independence Of Decision Making Students in Class XI at SMKN 2 Kediri

This study aimed to obtain accurate data and know the effectiveness of counseling groups that foc... more This study aimed to obtain accurate data and know the effectiveness of counseling groups that focus on solutions to improve students' independence in decision making. This study uses quasi-experimental research with the quantitative approach. The process of data analysis using descriptive analysis and hypothesis analysis using paired sample t test. Research subjects for this study amounted to 10 respondents who are divided to two groups. Each group consists of 5 students of class XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Results of final data analysis are done by using parametric statistic test that is Independent Sampling Test with significance level 0,05 obtained by Sig. (2-tailed) are 0,000 <0,05 then Ho is rejected. The results from this study indicate that focus group counseling services focused on this solution is effective to improve the independence of decision making students' class XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Abstrak: Konseling kelompok singkat berfokus solusi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pengambilan keputusan peserta didik kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat dan mengetahui efektivitas kelompok konseling yang berfokus pada solusi untuk meningkatkan kemandirian siswa dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Proses analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis hipotesis menggunakan uji t sampel berpasangan. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 10 responden yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Hasil analisis data akhir dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji statistik parametrik yaitu Uji Sampel Independen dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh Sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak. Sehingga hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa layanan konseling kelompok fokus sing berfokus solusi ini efektif untuk meningkatkan independensi pengambilan keputusan siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Kediri. Kata Kunci: Konseling kelompok, Singkat berfokus solusi, kemandirian pengambilan keputusan Pendahuluan Bimbingan dan konseling adalah sebuah pola hubungan antara konselor dan konseli guna melakukan pemberian layanan konseling yang di dalamnya diharapkan mampu mengubah pola hidup yang salah menjadi benar, pola hidup yang negatif menjadi positif. Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu upaya/layanan dalam dunia pendidikan yang memiliki berbagai tujuan diantaranya adalah sebagai upaya untuk mengentaskan masalah peserta didik, membantu peserta didik dalam mencapai tugas perkembangannya, serta membantu peserta didik untuk dapat mengoptimalkan potensi-potensi yang dimilikinya. Dalam pelaksanaannya bimbingan dan konseling memiliki berbagai dasar atau acuan. Salah satu diantaranya adalah asas-asas pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling yang meliputi asas kerahasiaan, asas

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Research paper thumbnail of Niche Konselor di Indonesia dalam Pendidikan Formal

This article describes and discusses (1) understanding of "niche", (2) niche counselor in Indones... more This article describes and discusses (1) understanding of "niche", (2) niche counselor in Indonesia, (3) niche counselor on formal education, (4) niche counselor "to come" in Indonesia. Constraints to realize the role of school counselors, among others, principals and subject teachers who do not understand the function of guidance and counseling. Many school counselors who are not graduates of Guidance and Counseling but are merely odd or functional. Many and almost average in school School counselors do not have adequate facilities to work ideally, so the counselor's performance is less than optimal. School counselors are not considered important by students and educational components in schools. To overcome these obstacles required the participation of both governments, ABKIN, own counselor, and community environment, especially the school environment. From the counselor and the institution that shelter it needs to show good performance and from other components need to give trust and opportunity to the counselor to show its performance. Abstrak: Artikel ini mendeskripsikan dan membahas tentang (1) pengertian " niche " , (2) niche konselor di Indonesia, (3) niche konselor pada pendidikan formal, (4) niche konselor " yang akan datang " di Indonesia. Kendala untuk mewujudkan peran konselor sekolah antara lain kepala sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran yang kurang memahami fungsi bimbingan dan konseling. Banyak guru Pembimbing/Konselor sekolah yang bukan dari lulusan sarjana Bimbingan dan Konseling tetapi hanya merupakan sambilan saja atau alih fungsi. Banyak dan hampir rata-rata di sekolah Konselor sekolah tidak mempunyai fasilitas yang memadai untuk bekerja secara ideal, sehingga kinerja konselor kurang maksimal. Dari hal tersebut Konselor Sekolah kurang dipandang penting oleh siswa maupun komponen pendidik yang ada di sekolah. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut diperlukan peran serta baik pemerintah, ABKIN, konselor sendiri, dan lingkungan masyarakat terutama lingkungan sekolah. Dari konselor maupun lembaga yang menaunginya perlu menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan dari komponen lain perlu memberikan kepercayaan dan kesempatan kepada konselor untuk menunjukkan kinerjanya.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kepribadian Semar Sebagai Citra Diri Konselor

This article describes and discusses: (1) Semar personality, (2) Semar personality analysis and (... more This article describes and discusses: (1) Semar personality, (2) Semar personality analysis and (3) Semar personality as a self-image of Counselor. Semar acts as a servant or guardian of knights who will cultivate the seeds of virtue that maintain harmony, harmony, and balance the journey of inter-human relations, the universe of the gods. Semar figure figures have noble values that need to be absorbed and practiced by a counselor, such as patient, loving, compassionate, gentle, and never difficult.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pembentukan Sikap Dasar Konselor Melalui DVD Structured Learning Approach

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Research paper thumbnail of Internalization of Philosophical Value "Tembang Macapat" in Guidance and Counseling

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Research paper thumbnail of Peran Orang Tua sebagai Non Direct Services dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling Komprehensif

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Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Profesionalitas Pendidik Konselor Profesional

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Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Semar Sebagai Model Pribadi Konselor

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Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Bidang Bimbingan dan Konseling

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Self Position and Basic Attitude of Counselors by Semar Text

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Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Google Forms sebagai Media Online Teknik Assessment Non Testing.pdf

Google Form atau yang disebut google formulir adalah alat yang berguna untuk membantu anda merenc... more Google Form atau yang disebut google formulir adalah alat yang berguna untuk membantu anda merencanakan acara, mengirim survei, memberikan siswa atau orang lain kuis, atau mengumpulkan informasi yang mudah dengan cara yang efisin

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