Arturo Figueroa-Montero | Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (original) (raw)

Patents by Arturo Figueroa-Montero


The present invention refers to a respirometry system for monitoring and controlling parameters d... more The present invention refers to a respirometry system for monitoring and controlling parameters during biological processes where the composition of the gas phase is required to be known. The system allows the consumption of O2, the production of CO2 and the measurement of the flow to be controlled and remotely monitored inline; the results may be used as indirect measures of the growth and physiological activity in organisms and microorganisms. The invention facilitates the collection and analysis of data, as well as the decision making and pertinent actions during the development of the processes upon observing the profile of CO2 inline. This system may be used for analyzing and monitoring the respirometry of microbial cultures, physiology of plants, fruits and/or small mammal subjects. The invention can also be used in research laboratories intended to study, optimize and scale processes of fermentation in solid medium. Also it is applied in industrial processes where the measureme nt of CO2, O2 and flow are required in the control of production and/or biosafety processes.

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Papers by Arturo Figueroa-Montero

Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido

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Research paper thumbnail of Addition of spherical‐style packing improves the production of conidia by Metarhizium robertsii in packed column bioreactors

Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Monitoring of Solid-State Fermentation Using Respirometry

Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2018

Abstract Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is characterized by its complexity and heterogeneity. Use... more Abstract Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is characterized by its complexity and heterogeneity. Use of agro-industrial residues as substrate avoids accurate measurement of biomass and substrates during the SSF process. Exhaust gas analysis has been used to indirectly estimate the biomass growth; however, these devices don't allow simultaneous measurements from different experimental units or bioreactors and they don't allow accurate simultaneous measurement of CO2, O2, and air-flow rate. A respirometry system based on CO2, O2, and air-flow measurement detectors fed by a system of 15 solenoid valves controlled by a programmable logic controller and a data logger was developed and evaluated during the growth of Rhizomucor pusillus in SSF. The respirometry system was compared to a classical chromatographic respirometer. Accurate measurements of CO2, O2, and air-flow rate allow precise and instantaneous estimation of some kinetic parameters associated with the respiration of the culture such as the specific CO2 production rate and the respiratory quotient. The respirometry system herein described allows online measurements of the microbial process allowing control procedures to be set in SSF processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De La Producción De Biomasa y Consumo De Sustrato en Fermentación en Medio Sólido Usando Un Soporte Inerte

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón

En este proyecto se realiza el estudio de prefactibilidad para la inversión de recursos en el est... more En este proyecto se realiza el estudio de prefactibilidad para la inversión de recursos en el establecimiento de una planta productora de quitosano a partir de los residuos del camarón. El surgimiento de los proyectos ocurren generalmente de un análisis de recursos y las necesidades con que cuenta un país, principalmente cuando se realiza un análisis detallado del diagnóstico y pronóstico de la situación actual y futura. El proyecto “Elaboración de cápsulas de quitosano como fibra dietética a partir de residuos del procesamiento de camarón” surge a partir de la identificación de las necesidades y recursos en la región noreste de México constituida por los estados de Nuevo León y Tamaulipas. Destaca el Estado de Tamaulipas que ocupa el tercer lugar a nivel nacional en la captura de camarón. De la cantidad capturada se produce un 35% que corresponden a los residuos (cabeza, cola y caparazón), el cual no es aprovechado y ocasiona problemas de contaminación.

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Phytase catalyses the hydrolysis of phytate. Phytate represents the major storage of phosphorus i... more Phytase catalyses the hydrolysis of phytate. Phytate represents the major storage of phosphorus in several grains, legumes and oilseeds. Monogastric animals are unable to utilize phytate phosphorous due to absence or very low phytase activities in their digestive tracts. Phytase can be produced in solid-state fermentation (SSF) by strains of Aspergillus niger using agro industrial residues as substrate. One of the major problems in SSF process is metabolic heat accumulation, due to low thermal conductivities of substrates, that affects negatively microbial growth and enzyme activities. The objective of this work was evaluating the effect of forced internal air convection, for metabolic heat removal, on phytase production by A. niger in SSF in a trays bioreactor. Tray bioreactor (80.6 L) was used for experiments. Solid substrate was wheat bran (70%) and soy meal (30%). Spore suspension and water were added to have an inoculum size of 2×10 7 spores per gram of dry matter and initial m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De La Distribución Del Agua en Procesos De Fermentación en Medio Sólido en Reactor De Charolas

Introducción. Las principales dificultades para la operación y control de biorreactores para ferm... more Introducción. Las principales dificultades para la operación y control de biorreactores para fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) están relacionadas con la regulación de la temperatura y el contenido de agua del lecho de fermentación (1). La evaporación de agua es uno de los principales mecanismos de remoción de calor, provocando grandes pérdidas de humedad que afectan el crecimiento de los microorganismos (2). En la mayoría de los procesos de FMS el contenido de agua durante el proceso es medido fuera de línea, removiendo y secando muestras (3). Esto es difícil en reactores de charolas, debido a problemas de contaminación y a cambios en la atmósfera del reactor. La medición indirecta del contenido de agua es útil en el diseño de algoritmos de control para FMS. El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar un modelo para estimar la distribución de agua en procesos de FMS en un reactor de charolas. Metodología. Se usó salvado de trigo y harina de soya que se empacaron en charolas de aluminio...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De Los Coeficientes De Transferencia De Calor en Un Reactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido Usando Un Soporte Inerte

Introducción. En los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala, uno de los pri... more Introducción. En los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala, uno de los principales problemas es la remoción del calor metabólico (1). La baja conductividad de los sustratos empleados ocasiona bajos coeficientes de transferencia de calor, lo que limita la remoción de calor de los lechos de fermentación. Esto provoca el aumento en la temperatura de los lechos, afectando el crecimiento de los microorganismos (1). El desarrollo de balances de calor para procesos de FMS es importante ya que permiten proponer y evaluar diferentes estrategias de remoción de calor metabólico. El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar balances de calor en un reactor de charolas para FMS que permita evaluar la contribución de los diferentes mecanismos de transferencia de calor en la remoción del calor metabólico. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó agrolita impregnada de medio Pontecorvo modificado, con 200 mg de sacarosa por g de soporte inerte (SI) que se empacó en charolas de aluminio abie...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación Del Coeficiente Global De Transferencia De Calor en Un Reactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido

Introducción. En la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) uno de los principales problemas es la rem... more Introducción. En la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) uno de los principales problemas es la remoción del calor generado por la actividad metabólica de los microorganismos (1). La remoción de calor de los lechos de fermentación está limitada por baja conductividad de los sustratos empleados, la que ocasiona un bajo coeficiente de transferencia de calor. Esto provoca acumulación de calor en los lechos, que afecta el crecimiento de los microorganismos (1). Estimar el coeficiente de transferencia de calor es importante pues se incluye en los balances de masa y calor (2), los cuales permiten proponer y evaluar diferentes estrategias de remoción de calor metabólico. El objetivo del trabajo fue estimar el coeficiente global de transferencia de calor en un reactor de charolas para FMS a partir de un balance de calor y agua, así como estudiar su relación con el espesor del lecho, el número de Reynolds (N Re) y la acumulación de calor. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó salvado de trigo y hari...

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Values of Porosity in Rice Cultures of Isaria fumosorosea by Adding Water Hyacinth: Effect on Conidial Yields and Quality

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015

Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in cro... more Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in crops. Commercially available mycoinsecticides manufactured with this fungus are produced on a large scale via solid-state cultures (SSC). In order to favour gaseous exchange in SCC, texturizers can be added to increase porosity fraction (ε). This work presents results of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a novel texturizer. A mixture of parboiled rice (PR), with a ε = 0.23, was used as a substrate, which was then mixed with water hyacinth (WH amendment) as a texturizer at different proportions affecting ε. Strains CNRCB1 and ARSEF3302 of I. fumosorosea yielded 1.6 (1.49-1.71) × 10(9) and 7.3 (7.02-7.58) × 10(9) conidia per gram of initial dry rice after 8 days, at ε values of 0.34 and 0.36, respectively. Improvement of conidial yields corresponded to 1.33 and 1.55 times, respectively, compared to rice alone using WH amendment in the mixtures PR:WH (%) at 90-10 and 80-20. In addition, infectivity against Galleria mellonella larvae was maintained. This is the first report of the use of water hyacinth as a texturizer in SSC, affecting ε, which is proposed a key parameter in conidia production by I. fumosorosea, without affecting conidial infectivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixture Design and Response Surface Methodology for Improving Enzymatic Extraction of Chlorogenic Acid

Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) has various pharmacological applications such as anti-ox... more Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) has various pharmacological applications such as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungical 1 . Enzymatic extraction of ClA is selective and harmless to the environment compared with other extraction methods, obtaining a natural label product. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of depolymerizing enzyme activities as pectinase (PecA), xylanase (XylA) and cellulase (CellA) on the extraction of ClA from coffee pulp (CP), using an mixture and response surface methodology. Material and methods. Assays were realized with 5 g of dried coffee pulp (mesh 100), 15 ml of water and 5 ml of phosphate buffer 100 mM at pH 5. The concentrations used (U/g dried CP) were 0 – 200 of each enzyme PecA, XylA and CellA. Enzymatic extraction was performed at 40°C and 100 rpm during 8 h. The mixtures and surface methodology was designed with the software STATISTICA 14 th version. Results. Table 1 shows the results of each enzyme extract ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Solid-State Culture Media for Production of Enzyme Extract Suitable for Chlorogenic Acid Extraction

Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) presents anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and an... more Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) presents anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungical activities 1 . This compound is hydrolyzed by chlorogenate esterase enzyme activity (CEA) 2 . The aim of this work was to determine optimal culture conditions for production of enzymatic extract that presents pectinase (PecA) and xylanase (XylA) activities required for ClA extraction from coffee pulp (CP) and avoiding the production of CEA. Material and methods. Assays were realized in fermentation columns with a mixture of 1/3 of CP, 1/3 of olive cake and 1/3 sugarcane bagasse (mesh 16). The culture medium was (100g SS): maltose, 3.5 g; oligoelements solution 0.55 ml. The support/substrate (SS) was inoculated with 1×10 8 spores/g SS, 60% humidity at 2 VKgM at 35ºC. A central composite design was designed with the software STATISTICA 14 th version. The assays factors were the concentrations of sucrose, (NH 4) 2 SO 4 and (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 . The response variables were PecA, XylA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia Del Sustrato y Tipo Del Bioreactor en La Produccion Fungica De La Tanin Acil Hidrolasa (3.1. 1.20) en Cultivo Solido

ABSTRACT La tanino acil hidrolasa (E.C. conocida comúnmente como tanasa, es una enzima c... more ABSTRACT La tanino acil hidrolasa (E.C. conocida comúnmente como tanasa, es una enzima capaz de catalizar la hidrolisis de los enlaces tipo éster de los taninos hidrolizables, tal como lo es el ácido tánico (1-3), que al ser hidrolizado por la enzima libera ácido gálico y glucosa. La tanasa puede ser producida por hongos del genero Aspergillus, Penicillum, Trichoderma y Fusarium, también por bacterias y levaduras. Dicha enzima tiene un amplio uso comercial, como agente clarificante de bebidas, en la fabricación de té instantáneo y en las industrias químicas y farmacéuticas, para la producción de ácido gálico, utilizando diferentes fuentes de plantas ricos en taninos (4-5). Sin embargo, actualmente su uso se encuentra limitada debido a su gran costo de producción. Es sabido que en Mexico existen plantas de diversas especies que son ricas en taninos, un ejemplo es aquella conocida como gobernadora (Larrea Tridentata Cov.) (2), la cual puede ser utilizada como fuente de taninos en la producción de tanasa mediante procesos biotecnológicos de bajo costo. Los taninos son un grupo abundante de polifenoles que tienen importantes actividades biológicas como mecanismo de defensa contra enfermedades provocadas por hongos, bacterias y virus, en la protección de tejido vegetal frente ataques de insectos y herbívoros (3-4). En el presente estudio se evaluó la producción de la enzima tanasa fúngica en cultivo en estado sólido empleando como sustrato un extracto de gobernadora y acido tánico comercial, en dos tipos de bioreactores, charolas y columnas empacadas

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinación Del Comportamiento De La Densidad De La Pulpa De Café en FMS

ABSTRACT Introducción. La variación de la densidad del sustrato-soporte durante la fermentación e... more ABSTRACT Introducción. La variación de la densidad del sustrato-soporte durante la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) se produce por la eliminación de carbono en el CO2 producido en la respiración y por el crecimiento de los microorganismos sobre la superficie del sólido (1). El aumento de la biomasa provoca que disminuya la disponibilidad de espacios vacíos para el intercambio de los gases. La estimación de estas variables es importante pues se incluyen en los modelos balance de masa y calor (2). Además permiten hacer correcciones en parámetros de control como el coeficiente respiratorio. El objetivo de este trabajo fue calcular la variación de la densidad y el volumen aparente de la PC mediante la estimación de la variación en las densidades de sus componentes principales debidas a las pérdidas de peso. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó pulpa de café ensilada (PC) que se empacó en columnas de vidrio a una densidad aparente inicial de 600 kgm -3 de reactor con aireación de 0.5Lkg -1 min -1 , durante 40h a 30 O C y se inoculó con Penicillium comune V33A25 (IRD-UAM). La densidad de la PC en kgm -3 de PC húmeda se estimó utilizando la metodología descrita por Toledo (2); basada en el cálculo de las densidades de los componentes principales de la PC (proteína, agua, carbohidratos, grasa y cenizas). La variación en las densidades se estimó por las pérdidas de peso debidas a la evolución de CO2 durante el crecimiento del hongo. El comportamiento del contenido de proteína se calculó a partir de la estimación de la biomasa producida (3). El contenido de sólidos se determinó por secado hasta peso constante. El volumen aparente de la PC (V s) se estimó por la siguiente ecuación:

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Research paper thumbnail of Remoción De Calor Por Convección Forzada en Un Bioreactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido

ABSTRACT La remoción de calor es una de las principales limitaciones en los procesos de fermentac... more ABSTRACT La remoción de calor es una de las principales limitaciones en los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala (1). La generación de calor metabólico, el bajo contenido de agua y la baja conductividad térmica de los sustratos causan la elevación de la temperatura en los lechos de fermentación afectando el metabolismo microbiano (1,2). Pocas estrategias han sido diseñadas para la remoción de calor durante la fermentación en los lechos en bioreactores de charolas para FMS (3). El objetivo del presente trabajo es proponer: i) una estrategia para la remoción de calor en reactores de charola para FMS; ii) balances de calor y masa que permitan la estimación de los coeficientes de transferencia, y iii) un modelo matemático que permita predecir la temperatura del lecho de fermentación. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó agrolita impregnada de medio Pontecorvo modificado, se empacó en charolas de aluminio abiertas con una densidad aparente de 141 kgm -3 . Se inoculó con Aspergillus niger C28B25. Las charolas se colocaron dentro del reactor, que se incubó en un cuarto a 30ºC. El CO 2 fue medido por espectrofotometría de absorción de infrarrojo. Se midió la temperatura del lecho de fermentación (T b) y del aire suministrado (T a). El contenido de humedad del lecho de fermentación fue medido en termobalanza. Detalles de los experimentos se muestran en la Tabla 1. Para aumentar el N Re del "headspace" del reactor fue introducido un sistema de ventiladores al reactor. Tabla 1. Condiciones de FMS, experimentos 1 (E1) y 2 (E2).

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct Quantification of Cellulase Activity by Clearing Zones on Petri Dishes Assay

ABSTRACT Introduction. The Petri dishes assay is a method that can be used for selection of micro... more ABSTRACT Introduction. The Petri dishes assay is a method that can be used for selection of microorganisms with special characteristics. Antier et al 1 determined pectinase activity by the appearance of clearing zones and Montville 2 determined protease activity by a similar way. The diameter of the clearing zones was linearly proportional with the log 10 of the enzyme activity. The aim of this work was to demonstrate that the agar assay can be used for direct quantifying of cellulase activity measuring the clearing zones in Petri dishes. Material and methods. Assays were realized in 55 mm diameter Petri dishes using 10 ml a medium containing (g/L): 15, agar and 2, CM-cellulose (Sigma C3896) as substrate and incubated at 30ºC and 40ºC. The culture medium was sterilized at 15 lb, and 121ºC for 15 min. Enzymes activities were tested from aqueous preparations (U/dishes) from commercial cellulose from Trichoderma reesei (Sigma C2730). A standard curve (clearing zone area vs enzyme concentration) was prepared. One international unit (U) of activity enzyme was defined as the amount of enzyme needed to produce 1 µmol of product (glucose) per min. Results. Figure 1 shows the cellulase activity in Petri dishes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación Del Contenido De Agua en Un Lecho De Fermentación en Medio Sólido en Un Reactor De Charolas Usando Un …

... Arturo Figueroa-Montero, Mariano Gutiérrez-Rojas, Sergio Huerta-Ochoa y Ernesto Favela-Torres... more ... Arturo Figueroa-Montero, Mariano Gutiérrez-Rojas, Sergio Huerta-Ochoa y Ernesto Favela-Torres Departamento de Biotecnología, UAM-Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. ... 79: 1228-1242. 3. McCabe, WJ, Smith, JC, Harriott, P. (2001). Drying of Solids. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of heat removal in solid-state fermentation tray bioreactors by forced air convection

Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2011

RESULTS: A stainless steel tray bioreactor (80.6 L capacity) was used. Aspergillus niger C28B25 w... more RESULTS: A stainless steel tray bioreactor (80.6 L capacity) was used. Aspergillus niger C28B25 was cultivated under SSF conditions on an inert support. Temperature, moisture content, biomass and substrate concentrations were measured. Water and energy integral balances were ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biotransformation and improved enzymatic extraction of chlorogenic acid from coffee pulp by filamentous fungi

Biotechnology Progress, 2013

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The present invention refers to a respirometry system for monitoring and controlling parameters d... more The present invention refers to a respirometry system for monitoring and controlling parameters during biological processes where the composition of the gas phase is required to be known. The system allows the consumption of O2, the production of CO2 and the measurement of the flow to be controlled and remotely monitored inline; the results may be used as indirect measures of the growth and physiological activity in organisms and microorganisms. The invention facilitates the collection and analysis of data, as well as the decision making and pertinent actions during the development of the processes upon observing the profile of CO2 inline. This system may be used for analyzing and monitoring the respirometry of microbial cultures, physiology of plants, fruits and/or small mammal subjects. The invention can also be used in research laboratories intended to study, optimize and scale processes of fermentation in solid medium. Also it is applied in industrial processes where the measureme nt of CO2, O2 and flow are required in the control of production and/or biosafety processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido

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Research paper thumbnail of Addition of spherical‐style packing improves the production of conidia by Metarhizium robertsii in packed column bioreactors

Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Online Monitoring of Solid-State Fermentation Using Respirometry

Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2018

Abstract Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is characterized by its complexity and heterogeneity. Use... more Abstract Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is characterized by its complexity and heterogeneity. Use of agro-industrial residues as substrate avoids accurate measurement of biomass and substrates during the SSF process. Exhaust gas analysis has been used to indirectly estimate the biomass growth; however, these devices don't allow simultaneous measurements from different experimental units or bioreactors and they don't allow accurate simultaneous measurement of CO2, O2, and air-flow rate. A respirometry system based on CO2, O2, and air-flow measurement detectors fed by a system of 15 solenoid valves controlled by a programmable logic controller and a data logger was developed and evaluated during the growth of Rhizomucor pusillus in SSF. The respirometry system was compared to a classical chromatographic respirometer. Accurate measurements of CO2, O2, and air-flow rate allow precise and instantaneous estimation of some kinetic parameters associated with the respiration of the culture such as the specific CO2 production rate and the respiratory quotient. The respirometry system herein described allows online measurements of the microbial process allowing control procedures to be set in SSF processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De La Producción De Biomasa y Consumo De Sustrato en Fermentación en Medio Sólido Usando Un Soporte Inerte

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón

En este proyecto se realiza el estudio de prefactibilidad para la inversión de recursos en el est... more En este proyecto se realiza el estudio de prefactibilidad para la inversión de recursos en el establecimiento de una planta productora de quitosano a partir de los residuos del camarón. El surgimiento de los proyectos ocurren generalmente de un análisis de recursos y las necesidades con que cuenta un país, principalmente cuando se realiza un análisis detallado del diagnóstico y pronóstico de la situación actual y futura. El proyecto “Elaboración de cápsulas de quitosano como fibra dietética a partir de residuos del procesamiento de camarón” surge a partir de la identificación de las necesidades y recursos en la región noreste de México constituida por los estados de Nuevo León y Tamaulipas. Destaca el Estado de Tamaulipas que ocupa el tercer lugar a nivel nacional en la captura de camarón. De la cantidad capturada se produce un 35% que corresponden a los residuos (cabeza, cola y caparazón), el cual no es aprovechado y ocasiona problemas de contaminación.

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Phytase catalyses the hydrolysis of phytate. Phytate represents the major storage of phosphorus i... more Phytase catalyses the hydrolysis of phytate. Phytate represents the major storage of phosphorus in several grains, legumes and oilseeds. Monogastric animals are unable to utilize phytate phosphorous due to absence or very low phytase activities in their digestive tracts. Phytase can be produced in solid-state fermentation (SSF) by strains of Aspergillus niger using agro industrial residues as substrate. One of the major problems in SSF process is metabolic heat accumulation, due to low thermal conductivities of substrates, that affects negatively microbial growth and enzyme activities. The objective of this work was evaluating the effect of forced internal air convection, for metabolic heat removal, on phytase production by A. niger in SSF in a trays bioreactor. Tray bioreactor (80.6 L) was used for experiments. Solid substrate was wheat bran (70%) and soy meal (30%). Spore suspension and water were added to have an inoculum size of 2×10 7 spores per gram of dry matter and initial m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De La Distribución Del Agua en Procesos De Fermentación en Medio Sólido en Reactor De Charolas

Introducción. Las principales dificultades para la operación y control de biorreactores para ferm... more Introducción. Las principales dificultades para la operación y control de biorreactores para fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) están relacionadas con la regulación de la temperatura y el contenido de agua del lecho de fermentación (1). La evaporación de agua es uno de los principales mecanismos de remoción de calor, provocando grandes pérdidas de humedad que afectan el crecimiento de los microorganismos (2). En la mayoría de los procesos de FMS el contenido de agua durante el proceso es medido fuera de línea, removiendo y secando muestras (3). Esto es difícil en reactores de charolas, debido a problemas de contaminación y a cambios en la atmósfera del reactor. La medición indirecta del contenido de agua es útil en el diseño de algoritmos de control para FMS. El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar un modelo para estimar la distribución de agua en procesos de FMS en un reactor de charolas. Metodología. Se usó salvado de trigo y harina de soya que se empacaron en charolas de aluminio...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación De Los Coeficientes De Transferencia De Calor en Un Reactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido Usando Un Soporte Inerte

Introducción. En los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala, uno de los pri... more Introducción. En los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala, uno de los principales problemas es la remoción del calor metabólico (1). La baja conductividad de los sustratos empleados ocasiona bajos coeficientes de transferencia de calor, lo que limita la remoción de calor de los lechos de fermentación. Esto provoca el aumento en la temperatura de los lechos, afectando el crecimiento de los microorganismos (1). El desarrollo de balances de calor para procesos de FMS es importante ya que permiten proponer y evaluar diferentes estrategias de remoción de calor metabólico. El objetivo del trabajo fue desarrollar balances de calor en un reactor de charolas para FMS que permita evaluar la contribución de los diferentes mecanismos de transferencia de calor en la remoción del calor metabólico. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó agrolita impregnada de medio Pontecorvo modificado, con 200 mg de sacarosa por g de soporte inerte (SI) que se empacó en charolas de aluminio abie...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación Del Coeficiente Global De Transferencia De Calor en Un Reactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido

Introducción. En la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) uno de los principales problemas es la rem... more Introducción. En la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) uno de los principales problemas es la remoción del calor generado por la actividad metabólica de los microorganismos (1). La remoción de calor de los lechos de fermentación está limitada por baja conductividad de los sustratos empleados, la que ocasiona un bajo coeficiente de transferencia de calor. Esto provoca acumulación de calor en los lechos, que afecta el crecimiento de los microorganismos (1). Estimar el coeficiente de transferencia de calor es importante pues se incluye en los balances de masa y calor (2), los cuales permiten proponer y evaluar diferentes estrategias de remoción de calor metabólico. El objetivo del trabajo fue estimar el coeficiente global de transferencia de calor en un reactor de charolas para FMS a partir de un balance de calor y agua, así como estudiar su relación con el espesor del lecho, el número de Reynolds (N Re) y la acumulación de calor. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó salvado de trigo y hari...

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Values of Porosity in Rice Cultures of Isaria fumosorosea by Adding Water Hyacinth: Effect on Conidial Yields and Quality

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015

Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in cro... more Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in crops. Commercially available mycoinsecticides manufactured with this fungus are produced on a large scale via solid-state cultures (SSC). In order to favour gaseous exchange in SCC, texturizers can be added to increase porosity fraction (ε). This work presents results of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a novel texturizer. A mixture of parboiled rice (PR), with a ε = 0.23, was used as a substrate, which was then mixed with water hyacinth (WH amendment) as a texturizer at different proportions affecting ε. Strains CNRCB1 and ARSEF3302 of I. fumosorosea yielded 1.6 (1.49-1.71) × 10(9) and 7.3 (7.02-7.58) × 10(9) conidia per gram of initial dry rice after 8 days, at ε values of 0.34 and 0.36, respectively. Improvement of conidial yields corresponded to 1.33 and 1.55 times, respectively, compared to rice alone using WH amendment in the mixtures PR:WH (%) at 90-10 and 80-20. In addition, infectivity against Galleria mellonella larvae was maintained. This is the first report of the use of water hyacinth as a texturizer in SSC, affecting ε, which is proposed a key parameter in conidia production by I. fumosorosea, without affecting conidial infectivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixture Design and Response Surface Methodology for Improving Enzymatic Extraction of Chlorogenic Acid

Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) has various pharmacological applications such as anti-ox... more Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) has various pharmacological applications such as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungical 1 . Enzymatic extraction of ClA is selective and harmless to the environment compared with other extraction methods, obtaining a natural label product. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of depolymerizing enzyme activities as pectinase (PecA), xylanase (XylA) and cellulase (CellA) on the extraction of ClA from coffee pulp (CP), using an mixture and response surface methodology. Material and methods. Assays were realized with 5 g of dried coffee pulp (mesh 100), 15 ml of water and 5 ml of phosphate buffer 100 mM at pH 5. The concentrations used (U/g dried CP) were 0 – 200 of each enzyme PecA, XylA and CellA. Enzymatic extraction was performed at 40°C and 100 rpm during 8 h. The mixtures and surface methodology was designed with the software STATISTICA 14 th version. Results. Table 1 shows the results of each enzyme extract ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Solid-State Culture Media for Production of Enzyme Extract Suitable for Chlorogenic Acid Extraction

Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) presents anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and an... more Introduction. The chlorogenic acid (ClA) presents anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungical activities 1 . This compound is hydrolyzed by chlorogenate esterase enzyme activity (CEA) 2 . The aim of this work was to determine optimal culture conditions for production of enzymatic extract that presents pectinase (PecA) and xylanase (XylA) activities required for ClA extraction from coffee pulp (CP) and avoiding the production of CEA. Material and methods. Assays were realized in fermentation columns with a mixture of 1/3 of CP, 1/3 of olive cake and 1/3 sugarcane bagasse (mesh 16). The culture medium was (100g SS): maltose, 3.5 g; oligoelements solution 0.55 ml. The support/substrate (SS) was inoculated with 1×10 8 spores/g SS, 60% humidity at 2 VKgM at 35ºC. A central composite design was designed with the software STATISTICA 14 th version. The assays factors were the concentrations of sucrose, (NH 4) 2 SO 4 and (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 . The response variables were PecA, XylA ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influencia Del Sustrato y Tipo Del Bioreactor en La Produccion Fungica De La Tanin Acil Hidrolasa (3.1. 1.20) en Cultivo Solido

ABSTRACT La tanino acil hidrolasa (E.C. conocida comúnmente como tanasa, es una enzima c... more ABSTRACT La tanino acil hidrolasa (E.C. conocida comúnmente como tanasa, es una enzima capaz de catalizar la hidrolisis de los enlaces tipo éster de los taninos hidrolizables, tal como lo es el ácido tánico (1-3), que al ser hidrolizado por la enzima libera ácido gálico y glucosa. La tanasa puede ser producida por hongos del genero Aspergillus, Penicillum, Trichoderma y Fusarium, también por bacterias y levaduras. Dicha enzima tiene un amplio uso comercial, como agente clarificante de bebidas, en la fabricación de té instantáneo y en las industrias químicas y farmacéuticas, para la producción de ácido gálico, utilizando diferentes fuentes de plantas ricos en taninos (4-5). Sin embargo, actualmente su uso se encuentra limitada debido a su gran costo de producción. Es sabido que en Mexico existen plantas de diversas especies que son ricas en taninos, un ejemplo es aquella conocida como gobernadora (Larrea Tridentata Cov.) (2), la cual puede ser utilizada como fuente de taninos en la producción de tanasa mediante procesos biotecnológicos de bajo costo. Los taninos son un grupo abundante de polifenoles que tienen importantes actividades biológicas como mecanismo de defensa contra enfermedades provocadas por hongos, bacterias y virus, en la protección de tejido vegetal frente ataques de insectos y herbívoros (3-4). En el presente estudio se evaluó la producción de la enzima tanasa fúngica en cultivo en estado sólido empleando como sustrato un extracto de gobernadora y acido tánico comercial, en dos tipos de bioreactores, charolas y columnas empacadas

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinación Del Comportamiento De La Densidad De La Pulpa De Café en FMS

ABSTRACT Introducción. La variación de la densidad del sustrato-soporte durante la fermentación e... more ABSTRACT Introducción. La variación de la densidad del sustrato-soporte durante la fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) se produce por la eliminación de carbono en el CO2 producido en la respiración y por el crecimiento de los microorganismos sobre la superficie del sólido (1). El aumento de la biomasa provoca que disminuya la disponibilidad de espacios vacíos para el intercambio de los gases. La estimación de estas variables es importante pues se incluyen en los modelos balance de masa y calor (2). Además permiten hacer correcciones en parámetros de control como el coeficiente respiratorio. El objetivo de este trabajo fue calcular la variación de la densidad y el volumen aparente de la PC mediante la estimación de la variación en las densidades de sus componentes principales debidas a las pérdidas de peso. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó pulpa de café ensilada (PC) que se empacó en columnas de vidrio a una densidad aparente inicial de 600 kgm -3 de reactor con aireación de 0.5Lkg -1 min -1 , durante 40h a 30 O C y se inoculó con Penicillium comune V33A25 (IRD-UAM). La densidad de la PC en kgm -3 de PC húmeda se estimó utilizando la metodología descrita por Toledo (2); basada en el cálculo de las densidades de los componentes principales de la PC (proteína, agua, carbohidratos, grasa y cenizas). La variación en las densidades se estimó por las pérdidas de peso debidas a la evolución de CO2 durante el crecimiento del hongo. El comportamiento del contenido de proteína se calculó a partir de la estimación de la biomasa producida (3). El contenido de sólidos se determinó por secado hasta peso constante. El volumen aparente de la PC (V s) se estimó por la siguiente ecuación:

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Research paper thumbnail of Remoción De Calor Por Convección Forzada en Un Bioreactor De Charolas Para Fermentación en Medio Sólido

ABSTRACT La remoción de calor es una de las principales limitaciones en los procesos de fermentac... more ABSTRACT La remoción de calor es una de las principales limitaciones en los procesos de fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) a gran escala (1). La generación de calor metabólico, el bajo contenido de agua y la baja conductividad térmica de los sustratos causan la elevación de la temperatura en los lechos de fermentación afectando el metabolismo microbiano (1,2). Pocas estrategias han sido diseñadas para la remoción de calor durante la fermentación en los lechos en bioreactores de charolas para FMS (3). El objetivo del presente trabajo es proponer: i) una estrategia para la remoción de calor en reactores de charola para FMS; ii) balances de calor y masa que permitan la estimación de los coeficientes de transferencia, y iii) un modelo matemático que permita predecir la temperatura del lecho de fermentación. Metodología. Para la FMS se usó agrolita impregnada de medio Pontecorvo modificado, se empacó en charolas de aluminio abiertas con una densidad aparente de 141 kgm -3 . Se inoculó con Aspergillus niger C28B25. Las charolas se colocaron dentro del reactor, que se incubó en un cuarto a 30ºC. El CO 2 fue medido por espectrofotometría de absorción de infrarrojo. Se midió la temperatura del lecho de fermentación (T b) y del aire suministrado (T a). El contenido de humedad del lecho de fermentación fue medido en termobalanza. Detalles de los experimentos se muestran en la Tabla 1. Para aumentar el N Re del "headspace" del reactor fue introducido un sistema de ventiladores al reactor. Tabla 1. Condiciones de FMS, experimentos 1 (E1) y 2 (E2).

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct Quantification of Cellulase Activity by Clearing Zones on Petri Dishes Assay

ABSTRACT Introduction. The Petri dishes assay is a method that can be used for selection of micro... more ABSTRACT Introduction. The Petri dishes assay is a method that can be used for selection of microorganisms with special characteristics. Antier et al 1 determined pectinase activity by the appearance of clearing zones and Montville 2 determined protease activity by a similar way. The diameter of the clearing zones was linearly proportional with the log 10 of the enzyme activity. The aim of this work was to demonstrate that the agar assay can be used for direct quantifying of cellulase activity measuring the clearing zones in Petri dishes. Material and methods. Assays were realized in 55 mm diameter Petri dishes using 10 ml a medium containing (g/L): 15, agar and 2, CM-cellulose (Sigma C3896) as substrate and incubated at 30ºC and 40ºC. The culture medium was sterilized at 15 lb, and 121ºC for 15 min. Enzymes activities were tested from aqueous preparations (U/dishes) from commercial cellulose from Trichoderma reesei (Sigma C2730). A standard curve (clearing zone area vs enzyme concentration) was prepared. One international unit (U) of activity enzyme was defined as the amount of enzyme needed to produce 1 µmol of product (glucose) per min. Results. Figure 1 shows the cellulase activity in Petri dishes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimación Del Contenido De Agua en Un Lecho De Fermentación en Medio Sólido en Un Reactor De Charolas Usando Un …

... Arturo Figueroa-Montero, Mariano Gutiérrez-Rojas, Sergio Huerta-Ochoa y Ernesto Favela-Torres... more ... Arturo Figueroa-Montero, Mariano Gutiérrez-Rojas, Sergio Huerta-Ochoa y Ernesto Favela-Torres Departamento de Biotecnología, UAM-Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, Col. ... 79: 1228-1242. 3. McCabe, WJ, Smith, JC, Harriott, P. (2001). Drying of Solids. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of heat removal in solid-state fermentation tray bioreactors by forced air convection

Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2011

RESULTS: A stainless steel tray bioreactor (80.6 L capacity) was used. Aspergillus niger C28B25 w... more RESULTS: A stainless steel tray bioreactor (80.6 L capacity) was used. Aspergillus niger C28B25 was cultivated under SSF conditions on an inert support. Temperature, moisture content, biomass and substrate concentrations were measured. Water and energy integral balances were ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Biotransformation and improved enzymatic extraction of chlorogenic acid from coffee pulp by filamentous fungi

Biotechnology Progress, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Values of Porosity in Rice Cultures of Isaria fumosorosea by Adding Water Hyacinth: Effect on Conidial Yields and Quality

Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in cro... more Conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea are used to control insect pests in crops. Commercially available mycoinsecticides manufactured with this fungus are produced on a large scale via solid-state cultures (SSC). In order to favour gaseous exchange in SCC, texturizers can be added to increase porosity fraction (ε). This work presents results of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a novel texturizer. A mixture of parboiled rice (PR), with a ε=0.23, was used as a substrate, which was then mixed with water hyacinth (WH amendment) as a texturizer at different proportions affecting ε. Strains CNRCB1 and ARSEF3302 of I. fumosorosea yielded 1.6 (1.49–1.71)×109 and 7.3 (7.02–7.58)×109 conidia per gram of initial dry rice after 8 days, at ε values of 0.34 and 0.36, respectively. Improvement of conidial yields corresponded to 1.33 and 1.55 times, respectively, compared to rice alone using WH amendment in the mixtures PR:WH (%) at 90–10 and 80–20. In addition, infectivity against Galleria mellonella larvae was maintained. This is the first report of the use of water hyacinth as a texturizer in SSC, affecting ε, which is proposed a key parameter in conidia production by I. fumosorosea, without affecting conidial infectivity.

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[Research paper thumbnail of MODELAMIENTO DE LA TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR Y MASA (AGUA) EN UN BIORREACTOR DE CHAROLAS PARA FERMENTACIÓN EN MEDIO SÓLIDO. (Parte Uno). [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. (Part One).]](

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[Research paper thumbnail of MODELAMIENTO DE LA TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR Y MASA (AGUA) EN UN BIORREACTOR DE CHAROLAS PARA FERMENTACIÓN EN MEDIO SÓLIDO. (por secciones). [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. (by Sections).]](

"In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content ... more "In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content profiles in the bed of a tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). For this purpose we developed heat and mass (water) balances which considered the mainmechanisms of heat and mass transfer in the fermentation bed. These balances were used to estimate the heat and mass (water) transfer coefficients. Bioreaction was also proposed for substrate consumption, biomass generation, CO2 and water. Stoichiometric balances were carried out to describe the growth of microorganisms. We used two strains, Aspergillus niger AT for fermentations (runs) on substrate support (70%, wheat bran; 30%, soybean meal) and Aspergillus niger C28B25 for fermentations on inert support (perlite). In the runs on substrate-support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (no data storage) were on-line measured and initial and final moisture content of fermentation bed, water activity, pH and enzyme activity phytase were off-line measured. In the runs on inert support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (both data storage), were measured and at regular time intervals, moisture, water activity, pH, enzymatic activity of invertase, biomass concentration, substrate concentration were off-line measured. The online measurement of CO2 production in the process was important because from these data, we estimated metabolic water generation, biomass and metabolic heat generation using the proposed bioreactions. Ordinary differential equations obtained from the water and energy balances allowed predictions of temperature and moisture content profiles in the fermentation bed of tray bioreactor. The system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the algorithm "Runge-Kutta.Fehlberg" (RKF56) Polymath ® software version 6.0. Integral mass and energy balances made possible to estimate the coefficients of heat and mass transfer (water) during the growth of microorganisms, which were used later in the mathematical model proposed.The profiles predictions obtained with the model for temperature and moisture content in fermentation bed, showed good fit compared with the experimental data for different operating conditions in the tray bioreactor. As a strategy for removing metabolic heat from the bed of fermentation the use of a fan system is proposed to change the air flow conditions in the bioreactor headspace (air space within the bioreactor that is not within the matrix of the substrate), the variations caused by internal forced air circulation were defined by the Reynolds number (NRe). The effect of the NRe and fermentation bed height (operation variables) on the variables described above were evaluated. This study was conducted in both support-substrate as inert support. In the studies with substrate support and inert support carried out was found that the
increase in bed height leads to higher accumulation of heat in the fermentation bed affecting negatively to the enzyme activities. The increase in the NRe had a positive effect in heat removal, improving the enzyme activities, however, must be found an optimum value, since the use of high values of NRe causes drying of fermentation bed that affect adversely the enzyme activities."

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Tésis completa por secciones.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido. Portada, Resumen y Contenido. [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. Cover, Abstract and Contents]](

In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content p... more In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content profiles in the bed of a tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). For this purpose we developed heat and mass (water) balances which considered the mainmechanisms of heat and mass transfer in the fermentation bed. These balances were used to estimate the heat and mass (water) transfer coefficients. Bioreaction was also proposed for substrate consumption, biomass generation, CO2 and water. Stoichiometric balances were carried out to describe the growth of microorganisms. We used two strains, Aspergillus niger AT for fermentations (runs) on substrate support (70%, wheat bran; 30%, soybean meal) and Aspergillus niger C28B25 for fermentations on inert support (perlite). In the runs on substrate-support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (no data storage) were on-line measured and initial and final moisture content of fermentation bed, water activity, pH and enzyme activity phytase were off-line measured. In the runs on inert support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (both data storage), were measured and at regular time intervals, moisture, water activity, pH, enzymatic activity of invertase, biomass concentration, substrate concentration were off-line measured. The online measurement of CO2 production in the process was important because from these data, we estimated metabolic water generation, biomass and metabolic heat generation using the proposed bioreactions. Ordinary differential equations obtained from the water and energy balances allowed predictions of temperature and moisture content profiles in the fermentation bed of tray bioreactor. The system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the algorithm "Runge-Kutta.Fehlberg" (RKF56) Polymath ® software version 6.0. Integral mass and energy balances made possible to estimate the coefficients of heat and mass transfer (water) during the growth of microorganisms, which were used later in the mathematical model proposed.The profiles predictions obtained with the model for temperature and moisture content in fermentation bed, showed good fit compared with the experimental data for different operating conditions in the tray bioreactor. As a strategy for removing metabolic heat from the bed of fermentation the use of a fan system is proposed to change the air flow conditions in the bioreactor headspace (air space within the bioreactor that is not within the matrix of the substrate), the variations caused by internal forced air circulation were defined by the Reynolds number (NRe). The effect of the NRe and fermentation bed height (operation variables) on the variables described above were evaluated. This study was conducted in both support-substrate as inert support. In the studies with substrate support and inert support carried out was found that the
increase in bed height leads to higher accumulation of heat in the fermentation bed affecting negatively to the enzyme activities. The increase in the NRe had a positive effect in heat removal, improving the enzyme activities, however, must be found an optimum value, since the use of high values of NRe causes drying of fermentation bed that affect adversely the enzyme activities.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido. Capítulo 1: Introducción. [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. Chapter 1: Introduction]](

In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content p... more In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content profiles in the bed of a tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). For this purpose we developed heat and mass (water) balances which considered the mainmechanisms of heat and mass transfer in the fermentation bed. These balances were used to estimate the heat and mass (water) transfer coefficients. Bioreaction was also proposed for substrate consumption, biomass generation, CO2 and water. Stoichiometric balances were carried out to describe the growth of microorganisms. We used two strains, Aspergillus niger AT for fermentations (runs) on substrate support (70%, wheat bran; 30%, soybean meal) and Aspergillus niger C28B25 for fermentations on inert support (perlite). In the runs on substrate-support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (no data storage) were on-line measured and initial and final moisture content of fermentation bed, water activity, pH and enzyme activity phytase were off-line measured. In the runs on inert support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (both data storage), were measured and at regular time intervals, moisture, water activity, pH, enzymatic activity of invertase, biomass concentration, substrate concentration were off-line measured. The online measurement of CO2 production in the process was important because from these data, we estimated metabolic water generation, biomass and metabolic heat generation using the proposed bioreactions. Ordinary differential equations obtained from the water and energy balances allowed predictions of temperature and moisture content profiles in the fermentation bed of tray bioreactor. The system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the algorithm "Runge-Kutta.Fehlberg" (RKF56) Polymath ® software version 6.0. Integral mass and energy balances made possible to estimate the coefficients of heat and mass transfer (water) during the growth of microorganisms, which were used later in the mathematical model proposed.The profiles predictions obtained with the model for temperature and moisture content in fermentation bed, showed good fit compared with the experimental data for different operating conditions in the tray bioreactor. As a strategy for removing metabolic heat from the bed of fermentation the use of a fan system is proposed to change the air flow conditions in the bioreactor headspace (air space within the bioreactor that is not within the matrix of the substrate), the variations caused by internal forced air circulation were defined by the Reynolds number (NRe). The effect of the NRe and fermentation bed height (operation variables) on the variables described above were evaluated. This study was conducted in both support-substrate as inert support. In the studies with substrate support and inert support carried out was found that the
increase in bed height leads to higher accumulation of heat in the fermentation bed affecting negatively to the enzyme activities. The increase in the NRe had a positive effect in heat removal, improving the enzyme activities, however, must be found an optimum value, since the use of high values of NRe causes drying of fermentation bed that affect adversely the enzyme activities.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido. Capítulo 2: Revisión Bibliográfica. [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. Chapter 2: Literature review]](

In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content p... more In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content profiles in the bed of a tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). For this purpose we developed heat and mass (water) balances which considered the mainmechanisms of heat and mass transfer in the fermentation bed. These balances were used to estimate the heat and mass (water) transfer coefficients. Bioreaction was also proposed for substrate consumption, biomass generation, CO2 and water. Stoichiometric balances were carried out to describe the growth of microorganisms. We used two strains, Aspergillus niger AT for fermentations (runs) on substrate support (70%, wheat bran; 30%, soybean meal) and Aspergillus niger C28B25 for fermentations on inert support (perlite). In the runs on substrate-support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (no data storage) were on-line measured and initial and final moisture content of fermentation bed, water activity, pH and enzyme activity phytase were off-line measured. In the runs on inert support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (both data storage), were measured and at regular time intervals, moisture, water activity, pH, enzymatic activity of invertase, biomass concentration, substrate concentration were off-line measured. The online measurement of CO2 production in the process was important because from these data, we estimated metabolic water generation, biomass and metabolic heat generation using the proposed bioreactions. Ordinary differential equations obtained from the water and energy balances allowed predictions of temperature and moisture content profiles in the fermentation bed of tray bioreactor. The system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the algorithm "Runge-Kutta.Fehlberg" (RKF56) Polymath ® software version 6.0. Integral mass and energy balances made possible to estimate the coefficients of heat and mass transfer (water) during the growth of microorganisms, which were used later in the mathematical model proposed.The profiles predictions obtained with the model for temperature and moisture content in fermentation bed, showed good fit compared with the experimental data for different operating conditions in the tray bioreactor. As a strategy for removing metabolic heat from the bed of fermentation the use of a fan system is proposed to change the air flow conditions in the bioreactor headspace (air space within the bioreactor that is not within the matrix of the substrate), the variations caused by internal forced air circulation were defined by the Reynolds number (NRe). The effect of the NRe and fermentation bed height (operation variables) on the variables described above were evaluated. This study was conducted in both support-substrate as inert support. In the studies with substrate support and inert support carried out was found that the
increase in bed height leads to higher accumulation of heat in the fermentation bed affecting negatively to the enzyme activities. The increase in the NRe had a positive effect in heat removal, improving the enzyme activities, however, must be found an optimum value, since the use of high values of NRe causes drying of fermentation bed that affect adversely the enzyme activities.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Modelamiento de la transferencia de calor y masa (agua) en un biorreactor de charolas para fermentación en medio sólido.  Capítulo 3: Justificación. [Modeling of heat and mass (water) transfer in tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation. Chapter 3: Justification]](

In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content p... more In this paper we developed a mathematical model for predicting temperature and moisture content profiles in the bed of a tray bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). For this purpose we developed heat and mass (water) balances which considered the mainmechanisms of heat and mass transfer in the fermentation bed. These balances were used to estimate the heat and mass (water) transfer coefficients. Bioreaction was also proposed for substrate consumption, biomass generation, CO2 and water. Stoichiometric balances were carried out to describe the growth of microorganisms. We used two strains, Aspergillus niger AT for fermentations (runs) on substrate support (70%, wheat bran; 30%, soybean meal) and Aspergillus niger C28B25 for fermentations on inert support (perlite). In the runs on substrate-support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (no data storage) were on-line measured and initial and final moisture content of fermentation bed, water activity, pH and enzyme activity phytase were off-line measured. In the runs on inert support, CO2 production and fermentation bed temperature (both data storage), were measured and at regular time intervals, moisture, water activity, pH, enzymatic activity of invertase, biomass concentration, substrate concentration were off-line measured. The online measurement of CO2 production in the process was important because from these data, we estimated metabolic water generation, biomass and metabolic heat generation using the proposed bioreactions. Ordinary differential equations obtained from the water and energy balances allowed predictions of temperature and moisture content profiles in the fermentation bed of tray bioreactor. The system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the algorithm "Runge-Kutta.Fehlberg" (RKF56) Polymath ® software version 6.0. Integral mass and energy balances made possible to estimate the coefficients of heat and mass transfer (water) during the growth of microorganisms, which were used later in the mathematical model proposed.The profiles predictions obtained with the model for temperature and moisture content in fermentation bed, showed good fit compared with the experimental data for different operating conditions in the tray bioreactor. As a strategy for removing metabolic heat from the bed of fermentation the use of a fan system is proposed to change the air flow conditions in the bioreactor headspace (air space within the bioreactor that is not within the matrix of the substrate), the variations caused by internal forced air circulation were defined by the Reynolds number (NRe). The effect of the NRe and fermentation bed height (operation variables) on the variables described above were evaluated. This study was conducted in both support-substrate as inert support. In the studies with substrate support and inert support carried out was found that the
increase in bed height leads to higher accumulation of heat in the fermentation bed affecting negatively to the enzyme activities. The increase in the NRe had a positive effect in heat removal, improving the enzyme activities, however, must be found an optimum value, since the use of high values of NRe causes drying of fermentation bed that affect adversely the enzyme activities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Portada, Resumen e Índice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 1: Generalidades.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 2: Entornos.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 3: Producto.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 4: Análisis de Mercado.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 5: Oferta.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 6: Balance Oferta-Demanda.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 7: Distribución del producto.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 8: Tamaño y localización de la planta.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 9: Proceso y Tecnología

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 10: Planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 11: Análisis financiero.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Capítulo 12: Conclusión.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Anexo A: Memorias de cálculo del proceso.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Anexo B: Quitosano.

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Research paper thumbnail of Elaboración de quitosano en cápsulas como fibra dietética a partir de los residuos del procesamiento de camarón - Anexo C: Normas oficiales mexicanas (NOM)..

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