Isidora Stanković | Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne (original) (raw)
Books by Isidora Stanković
Dominique Poulot and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Paris, Website of HiCSA, 2017 (shorter version of the book published in Serbia in 2016), 2017
Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Sirogojno, Open air Museum Old Village, 2016
Table of Contents: p. 9-12: Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković – Introduction / p. 15-39: Do... more Table of Contents:
p. 9-12: Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković – Introduction /
p. 15-39: Dominique Poulot – The French Museology /
p. 40-57: Milan Popadić – From Study Subject to Knowledge: Museology as a Course at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade /
p. 59-70: Stevan Martinović – Museum Fitted by the Measurements of Anti-Christ: End of the Church or its Metamorphosis /
p. 72-93: Bojana Bogdanović – Sirogojno Style Fashion Products in the System of General Museology: Theory and Practice /
p. 95-112: Milena Jokanović – Memory on the Cabinets of Wonders in Modern and Contemporary Art /
p. 114-138: Adriana Popović – An Outlook on Museology through a Practice of Clay Modelling Inherited from a Personal Cross History: Beyond a Micro Resistance to Violation of Imagination /
p. 140-155: Miloš Stanković – Serbian Church Art and Cultural Memory in the 19th Century: Russian Influence /
p. 157-171: Julijana Marković – The Church of the Nativity of Theotokos in Leskovac as the Monument of Local Community /
p. 173-193: Isidora Stanković – Discourses of Cultural Heritage of the Marais District in Paris /
p. 195-207: Tijana Zebić – Forgotten Greek Heritage in the Town of Pirot /
p. 209-223: Ksenia Smolović – French Perception of Serbia at the 1900 World Fair: a Support to the Serbian National Construction /
p. 225-241: Angelina Banković – Cultural Policy and Formation of the Museum Network in Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. Example of Belgrade /
p. 242-260: Ina Belcheva – “Sculptural Graveyards”: Park-Museums of Socialist Monuments as a Search for Consensus /
p. 262-284: Nikola Krstović – Postmodern Choreographing of the past – Open-air museums “Dancing” with Communities /
p. 287-298: Arnaud Bertinet – Museums Facing the Dangers and Catastrophes that Threaten the Preservation of Collections: the Louvre in Toulouse /
p. 301-320: Andrea Delaplace – The Heritage of Immigration: Rethinking the Museum’s Role as a Mediator in Identity Building
LE MUSÉE ET LE POLITIQUE Tout au long du XIX e siècle et du premier XX e siècle, le musée s'est i... more LE MUSÉE ET LE POLITIQUE Tout au long du XIX e siècle et du premier XX e siècle, le musée s'est inscrit dans un ensemble de pratiques de contrôle, social et moralisateur : il devait consolider les vertus publiques et travailler à la prospérité indus-trieuse. Le musée s'inscrivait aussi dans le jeu des rivalités internationales, autant dans la crainte de déper-ditions patrimoniales que dans la compétition autour de nouvelles collections à former. Mais à partir des années 1960 et 1970 cet idéal a été de plus en plus vivement contesté. On a voulu mettre au jour les agendas politiques cachés de l'institution en montrant ses liens avec les pouvoirs, politiques, industriels, financiers, et en cultivant au contraire les utopies d'un musée forum. La muséologie nouvelle entretient alors des liens étroits avec la réflexion politique et les théories sociales, le développement de nouveaux savoirs – l'écologie, les études matérielles, l'anthropologie –, aussi bien qu'avec le postcolonialisme et le multiculturalisme. La " politique du musée " est, au sein des démocraties contemporaines, une catégorie ou un sous-ensemble de politiques culturelles plus générales. De nouveaux musées nationaux témoignent de la réé-criture des thèmes traditionnels de l'État, de la nation et des identités, tandis qu'à l'inverse des musées " de l'Europe " ou du monde et de l'histoire globale tentent de proposer un récit. Les mises en scène et les choix des expôts peuvent susciter de vives polémiques, capables de conduire à l'annulation de la manifestation, la fermeture de l'institution ou l'échec de sa fondation. Les processus de collectionnisme et d'interprétation peuvent faire l'objet de propositions participatives dans une visée de démocratie directe. Des pressions, liées à des populismes ou à des groupes d'influence, sur la possession et la disposition des collections remettent en cause des organisations qui paraissaient réglées naguère par un consensus sur les compétences professionnelles de la conservation. Ce numéro propose un panorama des configurations qui, depuis plus de deux siècles, articulent le musée et le politique.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals by Isidora Stanković
Culture et Musées, No 28, p. 31-45, 2016
En retraçant l’histoire du lieu où a été installé le Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie à Belgrad... more En retraçant l’histoire du lieu où a été installé le Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie à Belgrade, mais où ont aussi été inaugurées diverses institutions patrimoniales depuis 1962, cet article examine les changements de la politique extérieure qui ont influencé la politique intérieure du musée. Par ailleurs, on y questionne aussi un lieu chargé de contenu mémoriel, dans son rapport aux politiques et à la culture mémorielle officielle, ou à celle de petits groupes. Ainsi, l’article traite de la fondation du Musée du 25 mai, de celle du musée des cadeaux de Josip Broz Tito, ancien président de la République fédérative socialiste de la Yougoslavie, puis du Centre mémoriel Josip Broz Tito, créé après sa mort, et finalement, du Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie, établi au même endroit que les institutions précédentes et qui englobe leurs collections, mais aussi les collections d’autres musées belgradois. /
Titre: Les politiques du Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie /
Mots-clés: Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie, lieux de mémoire, culture mémorielle, politique /
Tracing the history of the site where the Museum of Yugoslav History in Belgrade is located, but also where different heritage institutions were founded from 1962 onwards, this article examines changes in external politics that had an effect on the internal politics of this museum. Furthermore, this paper analyses the relationship between a place of memory and politics as well as the official culture of remembrance and that of sub-groups. Consequently, the article examines the foundation of the May 25 Museum, the museum that preserves the gifts of Josip Broz Tito, former president of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Memorial Center Josip Broz Tito created after his death, and finally, the Museum of Yugoslav History, founded at the same site as the aforementioned institutions and including not only their collections but also collections of other museums in Belgrade. /
Title: Politics of the Museum of Yugoslav History /
Keywords: Museum of Yugoslav History, places of memory, culture of remembrance, politics /
Explorando la historia del lugar donde se encuentra el Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia de Belgrado, y donde también han sido inauguradas diferentes instituciones patrimoniales desde 1962, el presente artículo examina los cambios de política exterior, los cuales a su vez influenciaron la política interna del museo. Asimismo, se estudian las relaciones entre un lugar cargado de memoria, con las políticas y la cultura conmemorativa oficial, o aquella de grupos más pequeños. De esta manera, el artículo investiga la creación del Museo del 25 de Mayo, del museo de los regalos de Josip Broz Tito, ex-presidente de la República Federativa Socialista de Yugoslavia, del Centro Memorial Josip Broz Tito, creado tras su muerte, y, por último, del Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia, fundado en el mismo lugar que las instituciones arriba mencionadas y que incluye sus colecciones, al igual que otras colecciones de museos de Belgrado. /
Titulo: Las políticas del Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia /
Palabras clave: Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia, lugares de la memoria, cultura de la memoria, política
Култура/Culture, No 8, p. 87-94, 2014
Novopazarski zbornik No. 36, Nov 2013
Синтезис, година III, No 1, p. 195-208, 2011
Book Chapters by Isidora Stanković
Fabrice Thuriot et Biljana Mickov (ed.), Innovation culturelle et transformation des villes, Paris, L’Harmattan, p. 169-178 (translation of the article published in Serbian in 2015), 2019
Dominique Poulot and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Discussing Heritage and Museums: Crossing Paths of France and Serbia. Choice of Articles from the Summer School of Museology Proceedings, Paris, Website of HiCSA, p. 80-99, 2017
The Marais district in Paris is important in the patrimonial sense for two reasons. The first one... more The Marais district in Paris is important in the patrimonial sense for two reasons. The first one is existence of numerous monuments and historical remains at this location. The second and probably even more important reason, which is making all of these traces of the past “part of the present”, is the engagement of numerous associations, institutions and communities in the preservation of certain elements of its past. This paper thus analyzes some of the actors that are defining, using, reinterpreting and transmitting the heritage of the Marais. At the beginning, some of the historical aspects of the district are accented focusing on the remains that could be found in the Marais today and events that influenced its appearance. Heritagization of certain parts of the district, carried out by various actors, is outlined in the second part of the paper, namely, the work of different associations related to the protection, valorization and raising awareness for the Marais’ heritage, policies that affected the legal protection of the district, institutions that create different programs about it and communities whose part of the identity is the district itself and which are involved in the transmission of the memories related to it in their everyday life.
Biljana Mickov and Dragan Ilić (ed.), Kulturna transformacija grada [Cultural Transformation of City], Novi Sad, Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine; Beograd, Službeni glasnik, p. 33-40, 2015
Angelina Milosavljević (ed.), Muzeologija, nova muzeologija i nauka o baštini [Museology, New Museology and Heritage Science], Beograd, Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Kruševac, Narodni muzej Kruševac, p. 69-86, 2013
Muzeji kao baštinske ustanove, od svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpeli su različite fizičke promen... more Muzeji kao baštinske ustanove, od svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpeli su različite fizičke promene i bili su predmet brojnih teorijskih razmatranja. Danas se naglašava njihova funkcija stvaranja i razmene informacija i posledično obrazovna – aktivna uloga u savremenom društvu. Ma koliko da se muzeologija, nauka o baštini, pa i sama ustanova muzeja transformišu, muzeji su i dalje neraskidivo povezani sa slikom, kao medijem, predstavom kao doživljajem i imaginacijom kao stvaranjem, te se postavlja pitanje o tome kako novi načini manipulacije slikama mogu pronaći svoje mesto u promenjenom muzeju i kritičkoj muzeologiji. Odgovor na ova pitanja možemo pronaći u konceptu „virtuelnog muzeja“ – ideji koja se odnosi na rekonstekualizaciju i dekonstektualizaciju muzejskog polja, kao i na njegovo proširenje. To je obrnut proces aktuelizaciji, reč je o činu kojim se dimenzija bilo kakve stvari menja njenim premeštanjem, kojim stvar proizvodi ekvivalente same sebe. Otuda, imaginarno i virtuelno indukuju novu realnost u kojoj muzej može biti porodični foto-album, groblje ili paralelni svet World Wide Weba.
Ključne reči: Muzej, nova muzeologija, virtuelni muzej, baštinske ustanove, imaginarni muzej, manipulacija slikom
Angelina Milosavljević (ed.), Muzeologija, nova muzeologija i nauka o baštini [Museology, New Museology and Heritage Science], Beograd, Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Kruševac, Narodni muzej Kruševac, p. 69-86, 2013
Cilj nam je da u ovom radu ukažemo na mogućnost interpretiranja groblja kao predmeta nasleđa, odn... more Cilj nam je da u ovom radu ukažemo na mogućnost interpretiranja groblja kao predmeta nasleđa, odnosno da groblje vidimo kao svedočanstvo o prošlim vremenima s jedne, a kao prostor sećanja s druge strane. Takođe želimo da ukažemo i na to da različita lična i kolektivna sećanja mogu da budu pohranjena kako u pojedinačne spomenike tako i u celokupni prostor groblja. Na prvom mestu biće ustanovljeno šta obuhvata proces baštinjenja i kakva je uloga i povezanost pamćenja i sećanja s tim procesom. Nadalje, biće istaknuta teorija Pjera Nore o mestima sećanja kao nasleđu i mehanizmima kojima se ukazuje na korišćenje prošlosti u sadašnjosti, odnosno, njeno „oživljavanje“. U svetlu teorije ovog autora biće reči i o posredničkoj ulozi koju imaju materijalni tragovi u koje pohranjujemo svoja sećanja. Takođe, biće ustanovljena mogućnost primene ove teorije u kontekstu prostora groblja. Na kraju, na primerima različitih groblja u Beogradu biće ispitane mogućnosti sagledavanja pojedinačnih spomenika kao nosilaca sećanja.
Ključne reči: sećanje, groblja, prostori sećanja, baština, kultura smrti
Conference Proceedings by Isidora Stanković
Marjan Ivković, Gazela Pudar Draško and Srđan Prodanović (ed.), Engaging Foucault, Vol. 2, Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, p. 180-188, 2015
Second International Congress of Art History Students Proceedings, Zagreb, Art History Students’ Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, p. 78-85, 2014
Teorija i preksa nauke u društvu: od krize ka društvu znanja, Hemijski fakultet u Beogradu, 2012
Abstracts by Isidora Stanković
by Eliezer Papo, Nenad Makuljevic, Jelena Erdeljan, Vuk Dautović, Filip Mitricevic, Milica Božić Marojević, Saša M Brajović, Angelina Bankovic, Haris Dajc, Łukasz Byrski, Jakov Đorđević, Sofija Grandakovska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Maja Kaninska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Danijela Stefanovic, Stevan/Daniel Milovanović/Perahya, Draginja Maskareli, Barbara Kristina Murovec, Nataša Mišković, Tijana Zebic-Bjelica, Ana Ciric Pavlovic, David Rotman, Milica Rožman, Svetlana Smolčić, Katja Smid, Isidora Stanković, Danka Spehar, Davor Stipić, Gordana Todoric, Katarzyna Taczyńska, Milena Ulcar, Jovana Tesic, Jagoda Večerina, Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov, Aleksandra Ilijevski, Milena Jokanovic (Gnjatovic), Zeljko Jovanovic, Radosav Mikic, Naomi Kojen, Vera Goseva, and Gordana Gorunović
ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Creating Memories in Early Modern and Modern Art and Literature, 2017
2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013
ABSTRACT We present a method how to create locally and globally interesting stories for virtual m... more ABSTRACT We present a method how to create locally and globally interesting stories for virtual museums in a relatively short time. The local interestingness is understood in a Koestlerian way (AH, AHA, HAHA bisociation effects). Global interestingness is achieved by discovering, within the given unique material, options for relating unrelated contexts, internal poetry and/or change of the narration mode. The craft of storytelling resulted in five short movies, completed during the South-East European Virtual Heritage School: Digital Storytelling for Virtual Museums. These intereStories“ are intentionally aimed at overcoming multiple limitations of backtelling, frequent in virtual museums. The five themes include Bosnian blues Sevdah, fate of Sephardic Jews, existing and nonexisting urban area, and traditional Bosnian coffee. The stories were coauthored by 15 beginners storytellers in groups (24 authors) in 5 days alongside with the 12 lectures on theory and narrative case studies from V-must network good practice. Besides the brainstormings, speed-up focused brainwritting feedback was provided twice: once for preexistent stories, second for betaversions. The final creations were produced in Adobe Premiere Pro and published at YouTube.
Dominique Poulot and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Paris, Website of HiCSA, 2017 (shorter version of the book published in Serbia in 2016), 2017
Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Sirogojno, Open air Museum Old Village, 2016
Table of Contents: p. 9-12: Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković – Introduction / p. 15-39: Do... more Table of Contents:
p. 9-12: Nikola Krstović and Isidora Stanković – Introduction /
p. 15-39: Dominique Poulot – The French Museology /
p. 40-57: Milan Popadić – From Study Subject to Knowledge: Museology as a Course at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade /
p. 59-70: Stevan Martinović – Museum Fitted by the Measurements of Anti-Christ: End of the Church or its Metamorphosis /
p. 72-93: Bojana Bogdanović – Sirogojno Style Fashion Products in the System of General Museology: Theory and Practice /
p. 95-112: Milena Jokanović – Memory on the Cabinets of Wonders in Modern and Contemporary Art /
p. 114-138: Adriana Popović – An Outlook on Museology through a Practice of Clay Modelling Inherited from a Personal Cross History: Beyond a Micro Resistance to Violation of Imagination /
p. 140-155: Miloš Stanković – Serbian Church Art and Cultural Memory in the 19th Century: Russian Influence /
p. 157-171: Julijana Marković – The Church of the Nativity of Theotokos in Leskovac as the Monument of Local Community /
p. 173-193: Isidora Stanković – Discourses of Cultural Heritage of the Marais District in Paris /
p. 195-207: Tijana Zebić – Forgotten Greek Heritage in the Town of Pirot /
p. 209-223: Ksenia Smolović – French Perception of Serbia at the 1900 World Fair: a Support to the Serbian National Construction /
p. 225-241: Angelina Banković – Cultural Policy and Formation of the Museum Network in Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. Example of Belgrade /
p. 242-260: Ina Belcheva – “Sculptural Graveyards”: Park-Museums of Socialist Monuments as a Search for Consensus /
p. 262-284: Nikola Krstović – Postmodern Choreographing of the past – Open-air museums “Dancing” with Communities /
p. 287-298: Arnaud Bertinet – Museums Facing the Dangers and Catastrophes that Threaten the Preservation of Collections: the Louvre in Toulouse /
p. 301-320: Andrea Delaplace – The Heritage of Immigration: Rethinking the Museum’s Role as a Mediator in Identity Building
LE MUSÉE ET LE POLITIQUE Tout au long du XIX e siècle et du premier XX e siècle, le musée s'est i... more LE MUSÉE ET LE POLITIQUE Tout au long du XIX e siècle et du premier XX e siècle, le musée s'est inscrit dans un ensemble de pratiques de contrôle, social et moralisateur : il devait consolider les vertus publiques et travailler à la prospérité indus-trieuse. Le musée s'inscrivait aussi dans le jeu des rivalités internationales, autant dans la crainte de déper-ditions patrimoniales que dans la compétition autour de nouvelles collections à former. Mais à partir des années 1960 et 1970 cet idéal a été de plus en plus vivement contesté. On a voulu mettre au jour les agendas politiques cachés de l'institution en montrant ses liens avec les pouvoirs, politiques, industriels, financiers, et en cultivant au contraire les utopies d'un musée forum. La muséologie nouvelle entretient alors des liens étroits avec la réflexion politique et les théories sociales, le développement de nouveaux savoirs – l'écologie, les études matérielles, l'anthropologie –, aussi bien qu'avec le postcolonialisme et le multiculturalisme. La " politique du musée " est, au sein des démocraties contemporaines, une catégorie ou un sous-ensemble de politiques culturelles plus générales. De nouveaux musées nationaux témoignent de la réé-criture des thèmes traditionnels de l'État, de la nation et des identités, tandis qu'à l'inverse des musées " de l'Europe " ou du monde et de l'histoire globale tentent de proposer un récit. Les mises en scène et les choix des expôts peuvent susciter de vives polémiques, capables de conduire à l'annulation de la manifestation, la fermeture de l'institution ou l'échec de sa fondation. Les processus de collectionnisme et d'interprétation peuvent faire l'objet de propositions participatives dans une visée de démocratie directe. Des pressions, liées à des populismes ou à des groupes d'influence, sur la possession et la disposition des collections remettent en cause des organisations qui paraissaient réglées naguère par un consensus sur les compétences professionnelles de la conservation. Ce numéro propose un panorama des configurations qui, depuis plus de deux siècles, articulent le musée et le politique.
Culture et Musées, No 28, p. 31-45, 2016
En retraçant l’histoire du lieu où a été installé le Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie à Belgrad... more En retraçant l’histoire du lieu où a été installé le Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie à Belgrade, mais où ont aussi été inaugurées diverses institutions patrimoniales depuis 1962, cet article examine les changements de la politique extérieure qui ont influencé la politique intérieure du musée. Par ailleurs, on y questionne aussi un lieu chargé de contenu mémoriel, dans son rapport aux politiques et à la culture mémorielle officielle, ou à celle de petits groupes. Ainsi, l’article traite de la fondation du Musée du 25 mai, de celle du musée des cadeaux de Josip Broz Tito, ancien président de la République fédérative socialiste de la Yougoslavie, puis du Centre mémoriel Josip Broz Tito, créé après sa mort, et finalement, du Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie, établi au même endroit que les institutions précédentes et qui englobe leurs collections, mais aussi les collections d’autres musées belgradois. /
Titre: Les politiques du Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie /
Mots-clés: Musée d’histoire de la Yougoslavie, lieux de mémoire, culture mémorielle, politique /
Tracing the history of the site where the Museum of Yugoslav History in Belgrade is located, but also where different heritage institutions were founded from 1962 onwards, this article examines changes in external politics that had an effect on the internal politics of this museum. Furthermore, this paper analyses the relationship between a place of memory and politics as well as the official culture of remembrance and that of sub-groups. Consequently, the article examines the foundation of the May 25 Museum, the museum that preserves the gifts of Josip Broz Tito, former president of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Memorial Center Josip Broz Tito created after his death, and finally, the Museum of Yugoslav History, founded at the same site as the aforementioned institutions and including not only their collections but also collections of other museums in Belgrade. /
Title: Politics of the Museum of Yugoslav History /
Keywords: Museum of Yugoslav History, places of memory, culture of remembrance, politics /
Explorando la historia del lugar donde se encuentra el Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia de Belgrado, y donde también han sido inauguradas diferentes instituciones patrimoniales desde 1962, el presente artículo examina los cambios de política exterior, los cuales a su vez influenciaron la política interna del museo. Asimismo, se estudian las relaciones entre un lugar cargado de memoria, con las políticas y la cultura conmemorativa oficial, o aquella de grupos más pequeños. De esta manera, el artículo investiga la creación del Museo del 25 de Mayo, del museo de los regalos de Josip Broz Tito, ex-presidente de la República Federativa Socialista de Yugoslavia, del Centro Memorial Josip Broz Tito, creado tras su muerte, y, por último, del Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia, fundado en el mismo lugar que las instituciones arriba mencionadas y que incluye sus colecciones, al igual que otras colecciones de museos de Belgrado. /
Titulo: Las políticas del Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia /
Palabras clave: Museo de Historia de Yugoslavia, lugares de la memoria, cultura de la memoria, política
Култура/Culture, No 8, p. 87-94, 2014
Novopazarski zbornik No. 36, Nov 2013
Синтезис, година III, No 1, p. 195-208, 2011
Fabrice Thuriot et Biljana Mickov (ed.), Innovation culturelle et transformation des villes, Paris, L’Harmattan, p. 169-178 (translation of the article published in Serbian in 2015), 2019
Dominique Poulot and Isidora Stanković (ed.), Discussing Heritage and Museums: Crossing Paths of France and Serbia. Choice of Articles from the Summer School of Museology Proceedings, Paris, Website of HiCSA, p. 80-99, 2017
The Marais district in Paris is important in the patrimonial sense for two reasons. The first one... more The Marais district in Paris is important in the patrimonial sense for two reasons. The first one is existence of numerous monuments and historical remains at this location. The second and probably even more important reason, which is making all of these traces of the past “part of the present”, is the engagement of numerous associations, institutions and communities in the preservation of certain elements of its past. This paper thus analyzes some of the actors that are defining, using, reinterpreting and transmitting the heritage of the Marais. At the beginning, some of the historical aspects of the district are accented focusing on the remains that could be found in the Marais today and events that influenced its appearance. Heritagization of certain parts of the district, carried out by various actors, is outlined in the second part of the paper, namely, the work of different associations related to the protection, valorization and raising awareness for the Marais’ heritage, policies that affected the legal protection of the district, institutions that create different programs about it and communities whose part of the identity is the district itself and which are involved in the transmission of the memories related to it in their everyday life.
Biljana Mickov and Dragan Ilić (ed.), Kulturna transformacija grada [Cultural Transformation of City], Novi Sad, Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine; Beograd, Službeni glasnik, p. 33-40, 2015
Angelina Milosavljević (ed.), Muzeologija, nova muzeologija i nauka o baštini [Museology, New Museology and Heritage Science], Beograd, Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Kruševac, Narodni muzej Kruševac, p. 69-86, 2013
Muzeji kao baštinske ustanove, od svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpeli su različite fizičke promen... more Muzeji kao baštinske ustanove, od svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpeli su različite fizičke promene i bili su predmet brojnih teorijskih razmatranja. Danas se naglašava njihova funkcija stvaranja i razmene informacija i posledično obrazovna – aktivna uloga u savremenom društvu. Ma koliko da se muzeologija, nauka o baštini, pa i sama ustanova muzeja transformišu, muzeji su i dalje neraskidivo povezani sa slikom, kao medijem, predstavom kao doživljajem i imaginacijom kao stvaranjem, te se postavlja pitanje o tome kako novi načini manipulacije slikama mogu pronaći svoje mesto u promenjenom muzeju i kritičkoj muzeologiji. Odgovor na ova pitanja možemo pronaći u konceptu „virtuelnog muzeja“ – ideji koja se odnosi na rekonstekualizaciju i dekonstektualizaciju muzejskog polja, kao i na njegovo proširenje. To je obrnut proces aktuelizaciji, reč je o činu kojim se dimenzija bilo kakve stvari menja njenim premeštanjem, kojim stvar proizvodi ekvivalente same sebe. Otuda, imaginarno i virtuelno indukuju novu realnost u kojoj muzej može biti porodični foto-album, groblje ili paralelni svet World Wide Weba.
Ključne reči: Muzej, nova muzeologija, virtuelni muzej, baštinske ustanove, imaginarni muzej, manipulacija slikom
Angelina Milosavljević (ed.), Muzeologija, nova muzeologija i nauka o baštini [Museology, New Museology and Heritage Science], Beograd, Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Kruševac, Narodni muzej Kruševac, p. 69-86, 2013
Cilj nam je da u ovom radu ukažemo na mogućnost interpretiranja groblja kao predmeta nasleđa, odn... more Cilj nam je da u ovom radu ukažemo na mogućnost interpretiranja groblja kao predmeta nasleđa, odnosno da groblje vidimo kao svedočanstvo o prošlim vremenima s jedne, a kao prostor sećanja s druge strane. Takođe želimo da ukažemo i na to da različita lična i kolektivna sećanja mogu da budu pohranjena kako u pojedinačne spomenike tako i u celokupni prostor groblja. Na prvom mestu biće ustanovljeno šta obuhvata proces baštinjenja i kakva je uloga i povezanost pamćenja i sećanja s tim procesom. Nadalje, biće istaknuta teorija Pjera Nore o mestima sećanja kao nasleđu i mehanizmima kojima se ukazuje na korišćenje prošlosti u sadašnjosti, odnosno, njeno „oživljavanje“. U svetlu teorije ovog autora biće reči i o posredničkoj ulozi koju imaju materijalni tragovi u koje pohranjujemo svoja sećanja. Takođe, biće ustanovljena mogućnost primene ove teorije u kontekstu prostora groblja. Na kraju, na primerima različitih groblja u Beogradu biće ispitane mogućnosti sagledavanja pojedinačnih spomenika kao nosilaca sećanja.
Ključne reči: sećanje, groblja, prostori sećanja, baština, kultura smrti
Marjan Ivković, Gazela Pudar Draško and Srđan Prodanović (ed.), Engaging Foucault, Vol. 2, Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, p. 180-188, 2015
Second International Congress of Art History Students Proceedings, Zagreb, Art History Students’ Association of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, p. 78-85, 2014
Teorija i preksa nauke u društvu: od krize ka društvu znanja, Hemijski fakultet u Beogradu, 2012
by Eliezer Papo, Nenad Makuljevic, Jelena Erdeljan, Vuk Dautović, Filip Mitricevic, Milica Božić Marojević, Saša M Brajović, Angelina Bankovic, Haris Dajc, Łukasz Byrski, Jakov Đorđević, Sofija Grandakovska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Maja Kaninska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Danijela Stefanovic, Stevan/Daniel Milovanović/Perahya, Draginja Maskareli, Barbara Kristina Murovec, Nataša Mišković, Tijana Zebic-Bjelica, Ana Ciric Pavlovic, David Rotman, Milica Rožman, Svetlana Smolčić, Katja Smid, Isidora Stanković, Danka Spehar, Davor Stipić, Gordana Todoric, Katarzyna Taczyńska, Milena Ulcar, Jovana Tesic, Jagoda Večerina, Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov, Aleksandra Ilijevski, Milena Jokanovic (Gnjatovic), Zeljko Jovanovic, Radosav Mikic, Naomi Kojen, Vera Goseva, and Gordana Gorunović
ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Creating Memories in Early Modern and Modern Art and Literature, 2017
2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013
ABSTRACT We present a method how to create locally and globally interesting stories for virtual m... more ABSTRACT We present a method how to create locally and globally interesting stories for virtual museums in a relatively short time. The local interestingness is understood in a Koestlerian way (AH, AHA, HAHA bisociation effects). Global interestingness is achieved by discovering, within the given unique material, options for relating unrelated contexts, internal poetry and/or change of the narration mode. The craft of storytelling resulted in five short movies, completed during the South-East European Virtual Heritage School: Digital Storytelling for Virtual Museums. These intereStories“ are intentionally aimed at overcoming multiple limitations of backtelling, frequent in virtual museums. The five themes include Bosnian blues Sevdah, fate of Sephardic Jews, existing and nonexisting urban area, and traditional Bosnian coffee. The stories were coauthored by 15 beginners storytellers in groups (24 authors) in 5 days alongside with the 12 lectures on theory and narrative case studies from V-must network good practice. Besides the brainstormings, speed-up focused brainwritting feedback was provided twice: once for preexistent stories, second for betaversions. The final creations were produced in Adobe Premiere Pro and published at YouTube.