3-D Reconstruction Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

L'acquisition de la forme tridimensionnelle d'un personnage est une etape indispensable pour un grand nombre d'applications de realite virtuelle, augmentee et dans la conception de jeux videos. Celle-ci soit etre complete et... more

L'acquisition de la forme tridimensionnelle d'un personnage est une etape indispensable pour un grand nombre d'applications de realite virtuelle, augmentee et dans la conception de jeux videos. Celle-ci soit etre complete et precise pour offrir le meilleur realisme possible. Les methodes dites "Shape From Silhouette" (SFS) permettent d'obtenir cette estimation en temps reel a partir de plusieurs cameras. L'une des limitations de ces methodes est que le personnage doit etre entierement visible dans toutes les cameras pour etre reconstruit entierement. Dans cet article nous proposons une extension a SFS qui permet de reconstruire une estimation 3d de la forme d'un objet meme s'il sort du champ de vision d'une ou plusieurs cameras.

This paper addresses the challenge of digitally reconstructing ruined architectural sites and retracing their history, in order to virtually recompose their geometrical, stylistic and material integrity. To this end, the research team... more

This paper addresses the challenge of digitally reconstructing ruined architectural sites and retracing their history, in order to virtually recompose their geometrical, stylistic and material integrity. To this end, the research team analyzed the ruins of the church of Santa Maria de Monasterio Albo, located in the ancient village of Misterbianco (Sicily) and destroyed (together with the entire hamlet) by the 1669 eruption of Mount Etna. In the last years, some excavation campaigns brought the church to the light, unveiling the remains of the main portal and six altars, which are one of the most remarkable examples of Mannerist art in eastern Sicily. This research aimed to three-dimensional (3D) reconstruct both the altars and the portal, ideally reviving their original 17th century configuration. This goal was achieved through an in-depth archival research (documents dating back to the years between 1300 and 1666 were consulted), an analysis of Classic and Renaissance treatises, a...

MUSINT is an interactive museological network devoted to the Tuscan archaeological collections which enables the creation of an innovative display itinerary through the collections of Aegean and Cypriot antiquities, so that exhibits... more

MUSINT is an interactive museological network devoted to the Tuscan archaeological collections which enables the creation of an innovative display itinerary through the collections of Aegean and Cypriot antiquities, so that exhibits originating from different museum institutions can be appreciated. This has led to the creation of a "museum of museums" which responds to the need to offer a display system that can be "visited" by a broad and variegated public. The arrangement of the book itself reflects the true nature of the MUSINT project and its character as a research worksite, enhanced by past experience, and a bridge for the appreciation of new perspectives within a scientific, technological and cultural universe that is open and in continual movement.

We present three case studies illustrating the virtual reproduction of caves that belong to the most important artistic ensemble of the Paleolithic from Bizkaia (Spain): Benta Laperra, Askondo and Lumentxa. The complex... more

We present three case studies illustrating the virtual reproduction of caves that belong to the most important artistic ensemble of the Paleolithic from Bizkaia (Spain): Benta Laperra, Askondo and Lumentxa. The complex morphology of the cavities, the fineness of their engravings and the poor definition of their paintings imply technical difficulties to achieve faithful reproduction of their geometry and appearance. The methodology applied in these caves, based on a combination of photogrammetric and surveying techniques, allows the creation of a complete virtual replica, without shadow zones and a detailed reproduction of their engravings and paintings. At the same time, this replica has given rise to a type of technical documentation that very faithfully and objectively facilitates the analysis and interpretation of the cave. On the one hand, series of longitudinal and transverse sections have been generated, extracting information of the cut profile a...

With the need to develop an artificial organ replacing the human finger in the case of a deficit and the need to understand the functioning of this physiological system, an inverse physical model of the finger system, allowing to search... more

With the need to develop an artificial organ replacing the human finger in the case of a deficit and the need to understand the functioning of this physiological system, an inverse physical model of the finger system, allowing to search for neuronal activations from motion, is necessary. Despite the large number of studies in human hand modeling, there is almost no inverse physical model of the major finger system that is interested in searching for neuronal activations. Almost all of the existing models have focused on muscle strength and activation. The aim of the thesis is to present a neuromuscular-skeletal model of the human major finger system, allowing the neuronal activation, muscular activation and muscular forces of all the muscles acting on the finger system to be obtained from the analysis of the movement. The purpose of this type of models is to represent the essential characteristics of the movement as realistically as possible. Our work consists in studying, modeling ...

Avec le besoin de developper un organe artificiel remplacant le doigt humain dans le cas d'un deficit et la necessite de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce systeme physiologique, un modele physique inverse du systeme doigt, permettant... more

Avec le besoin de developper un organe artificiel remplacant le doigt humain dans le cas d'un deficit et la necessite de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce systeme physiologique, un modele physique inverse du systeme doigt, permettant de chercher les activations neuronales a partir du mouvement, est necessaire. Malgre le grand nombre d'etudes dans la modelisation de la main humaine, presque il n'existe aucun modele physique inverse du systeme doigt majeur qui s'interesse a chercher les activations neuronales. Presque tous les modeles existants se sont interesses a la recherche des forces et des activations musculaires. L'objectif de la these est de presenter un modele neuromusculo-squelettique du systeme doigt majeur humain permettant d'obtenir les activations neuronales, les activations musculaires et les forces musculaires des tous les muscles agissants sur le systeme doigt d'apres l'analyse du mouvement. Le but de ce type des modeles est de represe...

Octopus arms, as well as other muscular hydrostats, are characterized by a very large number of degrees of freedom and a rich motion repertoire. Over the years, several attempts have been made to elucidate the interplay between the... more

Octopus arms, as well as other muscular hydrostats, are characterized by a very large number of degrees of freedom and a rich motion repertoire. Over the years, several attempts have been made to elucidate the interplay between the biomechanics of these organs and their control systems. Recent developments in electrophysiological recordings from both the arms and brains of behaving octopuses mark significant progress in this direction. The next stage is relating these recordings to the octopus arm movements, which requires an accurate and reliable method of movement description and analysis. Here we describe a semiautomatic computerized system for 3D reconstruction of an octopus arm during motion. It consists of two digital video cameras and a PC computer running custom-made software. The system overcomes the difficulty of extracting the motion of smooth, nonrigid objects in poor viewing conditions. Some of the trouble is explained by the problem of light refraction in recording und...

Surface microroughness plays an important role in determining osteoblast behavior on titanium. Previous studies have shown that osteoblast differentiation on microtextured titanium substrates is dependent on alpha‐2 beta‐1 (α2β1) integrin... more

Surface microroughness plays an important role in determining osteoblast behavior on titanium. Previous studies have shown that osteoblast differentiation on microtextured titanium substrates is dependent on alpha‐2 beta‐1 (α2β1) integrin signaling. This study used focused ion beam milling and scanning electron microscopy, combined with three‐dimensional image reconstruction, to investigate early interactions of individual cells with their substrate and the role of integrin α2β1 in determining cell shape. MG63 osteoblast‐like cells on sand blasted/acid etched (SLA) Ti surfaces after 3 days of culturing indicated decreased cell number, increased cell differentiation, and increased expression of mRNA levels for α1, α2, αV, and β1 integrin subunits compared to cells on smooth Ti (PT) surfaces. α2 or β1 silenced cells exhibited increased cell number and decreased differentiation on SLA compared to wild‐type cells. Wild‐type cells on SLA possessed an elongated morphology with reduced cel...

In order to comprehend the problem, it is necessary with some background information about the rock carvings in this area. The carvings are usually divided into a northern tradition with motifs related to hunting (9000-2000 BC), and a... more

In order to comprehend the problem, it is necessary with some background information about the rock carvings in this area. The carvings are usually divided into a northern tradition with motifs related to hunting (9000-2000 BC), and a southern tradition created in BronzeLate Iron Age (1800 BC – 400 AD) with motifs related to agriculture and battle scenes (Mandt & Lødøen 2005: 4). In Denmark 2,000 rock carving sites are known; in Norway there are 5,000, and in Sweden there are as many as 21,000 sites (Glob 1969). Just in the Swedish area Bohuslän, there are 1,500 sites (Ling 2008: 1). Bohuslän and its neighboring area, Østfold, in Norway should be considered one rock carving area, and archaeologist John Coles estimate that this area includes 75,000 motifs (Coles 2005: 17). These numbers give an impression of the challenge cultural institutions face today. The threats to rock carvings are many and diverse. Biological factors are some of them. The growth of algae and lichens slowly des...