Abacus Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

V poslední třetině 10. století se na křesťanských latinských školách začíná opětovně užívat matematická počtářská pomůcka zvaná Pýthagorova tabule (mensa Pythagorica) nebo také geometrická deska (mensa geometricalis) čili abakus. Za čelní... more

V poslední třetině 10. století se na křesťanských latinských školách začíná opětovně užívat matematická počtářská pomůcka zvaná Pýthagorova tabule (mensa Pythagorica) nebo také geometrická deska (mensa geometricalis) čili abakus. Za čelní protagonisty užívání nové podoby tohoto nástroje lze označit Gerberta z Remeše (zvaného rovněž z Aurillacu, z Bobbia či z Ravenny, papež Silvestr II.) nebo jeho následovníka Bernelina mladšího z Paříže. V této knize jsou bilingvně latinsko-česky publikovány jejich texty o způsobech, jak na abaku počítat – Gerbertova Pravidla počítání na abaku (Regulae de numerorum abaci rationibus) a Bernelinova Kniha o abaku (Liber abaci). Těmto spisům předchází úvodní studie seznamující s tradicí abacistického počtářství na latinském křesťanském Západě a knihu završují přílohy, v nichž jsou graficky zachyceny výpočty na abacistické desce, jak je ve svých dílech oba středověcí autoři popsali.

Ancient Chinese and Japanese abacuses used to have five beads at the lower (hearth) deck, while only four are required for the decimal representation of numbers. The use of the lower fifth bead demonstrated in the oldest extant book... more

Ancient Chinese and Japanese abacuses used to have five beads at the lower (hearth) deck, while only four are required for the decimal representation of numbers. The use of the lower fifth bead demonstrated in the oldest extant book entirely dedicated to the abacus, Computational Methods with Beads on a Tray (Pánzhū Suànfǎ 盤珠算法) by Xú Xīnlǔ (徐心魯) published in 1573, is discussed here in terms of a set of rules that shed light on the convenience of having that additional bead since it simplifies the calculations to a certain extent.

Abacus Teacher Training syllabus

Parents Guide Abacus Mental Arithmetic Education for Brain Skills Parents Guide

Role of Abacus Teacher / Tutor

Quali sono le aspettative ed opinioni degli studenti di cultura cinese sulla scuola e sulla matematica? Quali le concezioni di scuola e di studio che ereditano delle famiglie? In questo volume si tenta di offrire risposte a questi... more

Quali sono le aspettative ed opinioni degli studenti di cultura cinese sulla scuola e sulla matematica? Quali le concezioni di scuola e di studio che ereditano delle famiglie? In questo volume si tenta di offrire risposte a questi interrogativi per facilitare l'azione didattica degli insegnanti alle prese con classi sempre più multiculturali. Vi compare inoltre una lunga rassegna di temi, testi e personaggi della tradizione matematica cinese ed uno studio degli algoritmi specifici di questa cultura. Introduzione di Filippo Spagnolo (GRIM Palermo).

Shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse, and dissipate kinetic energy. In a vehicle, it reduces the effect of traveling over rough ground, leading to improved ride quality, and increase in... more

Shock absorber is a mechanical device designed to smooth out or damp shock impulse, and dissipate kinetic energy. In a vehicle, it reduces the effect of traveling over rough ground, leading to improved ride quality, and increase in comfort due to substantially reduced amplitude of disturbances. In this work suspension system is designed and a 3D model is created using CATIA V5 R21. The model is also changed by changing the thickness of the spring. Structural analysis and modal analysis are done on the shock absorber by varying different spring materials. Spring materials are Spring Steel, Phosphor bronze, Beryllium Copper and Titanium alloy. To validate the strength of the model, the structural analysis on the helical spring was done. The analysis is done by considering loads, bike weight, and single, double riding. Modal analysis is done to determine the displacements for different frequencies for number of modes. Finally comparison is done for different materials to verify best ma...

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Aritmética de formas y movimientos que no requiere cálculos numéricos mentales, mediante el uso concreto de elementos monovalor o multivalor en la Yupana o calculador Inca. Un enfoque radicalmente distinto y nuevo dentro de las... more

Aritmética de formas y movimientos que no requiere cálculos numéricos mentales, mediante el uso concreto de elementos monovalor o multivalor en la Yupana o calculador Inca. Un enfoque radicalmente distinto y nuevo dentro de las matemáticas que permite: adición rápida en paralelo sin orden fijo de procedimiento ni uso de memoria en manejo de acarreos; restas con uno o múltiples minuendos y sustraendos, sin necesidad de agrupaciones ni préstamos; multiplicación en paralelo sin necesidad de tablas de factores; multiplicación a través de restas; división sin tanteos ni requerimiento de tablas de multiplicar. Procedimientos aritméticos basados en cinco movimientos básicos, sus movimientos inversos y movimientos avanzados que permiten desarrollar las operaciones aritméticas desde una óptica lúdica, estratégica, de simplificación y máxima optimización, base de una computación natural paralela.

Indian Abacus - a Montessori Apparatus

The mechanical device which is designed to absorb, smooth out the shock impulse during running of a vehicle is called as shock absorber. In a motor vehicle, shock absorber reduces the effect of traveling over rough ground, tends to... more

The mechanical device which is designed to absorb, smooth out the shock impulse during running of a vehicle is called as shock absorber. In a motor vehicle, shock absorber reduces the effect of traveling over rough ground, tends to increase the running condition , and increase in comfortness, reduced the frequency of disturbances. In present work a 3D model of shock absorber is designed using CATIA V5 R20. The model is tested with different materials for absorber and also for spring. Structural analysis and modal analysis are done on the shock absorber by varying different spring materials. Spring materials are Spring Steel, Chrome vanadium, Beryllium Copper and Inconel X750. The analysis is done by considering all loads acting such as persons weight, bike weight etc. single Modal analysis is done for different frequencies to understand deformations at 10 different number of modes. The variation of von-misses stress, von-misses strain and deformation has been done using ANSYS.

Abstract. In La nova scientia (1537), Niccolo Tartaglia analyses trajectories of cannonballs by means of different forms of reasoning, including 'physical and geometrical reasoning', 'demonstrative geometrical reasoning', 'Archimedean... more

Abstract. In La nova scientia (1537), Niccolo Tartaglia analyses trajectories of cannonballs by means of different forms of reasoning, including 'physical and geometrical reasoning', 'demonstrative geometrical reasoning', 'Archimedean reasoning', and 'algebraic reasoning'. I consider what he understood by each of these methods and how he used them to render the quick succession of a projectile's positions into a single entity that he could explore and explain. I argue that our understanding of his methods and style is greatly enriched by considering the abacus tradition in which he worked. As a maestro d'abaco in sixteenth-century Venice he had access to a great variety of mathematical and natural-philosophical works. This paper traces how Tartaglia drew elements from a vast spectrum of sources and combined them in an innovative manner. I examine his use of algebra and geometry, consider what he knew about Archimedes and suggest a reading of his enigmatic phrase 'Archimedean reasoning', which has eluded satisfactory interpretation.

The distinction between rules-based and principles-based standards is not well defined and is subject to a variety of interpretations (SEC, 2003, p. 5). Yet there is a commonly held view that the FASB's standards are rules-based and... more

The distinction between rules-based and principles-based standards is not well defined and is subject to a variety of interpretations (SEC, 2003, p. 5). Yet there is a commonly held view that the FASB's standards are rules-based and the IASB's standards are principles-based. ...

Summer Course is one which is held during summer/ winter vacations lasting for one and half months to two months (1 ½ to 2 months). The intention is to help parents ensure that their children make use of the holidays, in a useful manner.... more

Summer Course is one which is held during summer/ winter vacations lasting for one and half months to two months (1 ½ to 2 months). The intention is to help parents ensure that their children make use of the holidays, in a useful manner. Since most parents are on the look out for summer/winter courses, Indian Abacus program can help out the parents without compromising on the syllabus or the practice needed.