Indexation Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Objective: To examine the significance of neonatal risk factors from the individual, family, social, and parenting behavior domains of the ecological model of child maltreatment in predicting maltreatment reports in the first 4 years of... more

Objective: To examine the significance of neonatal risk factors from the individual, family, social, and parenting behavior domains of the ecological model of child maltreatment in predicting maltreatment reports in the first 4 years of life, and to examine the extent to which the interactions of life event stress and social support modify those risk factors. Method: Mothers of 708 predominantly at-risk infants were interviewed in their homes soon after their infants' discharge from the hospital. State child abuse and neglect central registry data were tracked every 6 months until the infants reached their fourth birthdays. Results: The incidence of maltreatment reports was higher in households where the mothers were depressed, complained of psychosomatic symptoms, had not graduated from high school, consumed alcohol, participated in public income support programs, cared for more than one dependent child, or were separated from their own mothers at age 14 years (p Ͻ .1). In interaction models including these seven predisposing variables, there were significant interactions (p Ͻ .01) between social support, as measured by the social well-being index after the birth of the index child, and depression, and between social well-being and stress, as measured by an increase in total life events. Conclusion: Some predisposing risk factors measured soon after birth continue to be significant predictors of child maltreatment reports through the fourth year of life. In general, families with low levels of social support had a higher risk of a maltreatment report. For families with lower levels of maternal depression and/or life event stress, low social support significantly increased the risk of a maltreatment report by as much as a factor of four.

Over the past 2-3 years, the term of "co-occurring disorder" (COD) has gradually come to replace the vernacular of "dual diagnosis." In this manual the terminology will be synonymous. In order to remain consistent with the DDCAT author,... more

Over the past 2-3 years, the term of "co-occurring disorder" (COD) has gradually come to replace the vernacular of "dual diagnosis." In this manual the terminology will be synonymous. In order to remain consistent with the DDCAT author, the dual diagnosis terminology will be used in discussing the specifics of the DDCAT items. When discussing issues broadly, however, the use of co-occurring disorders will be used.

An observational study of variations in the appearance of the alar ligament on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the normal range of lateral flexion and rotation of the atlas was performed to validate some of the premises underlying... more

An observational study of variations in the appearance of the alar ligament on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the normal range of lateral flexion and rotation of the atlas was performed to validate some of the premises underlying the use of MRI for the detection of injuries to the alar ligament. Fifteen healthy volunteers were included. Three sets of coronal proton-density images, and axial T2-weighted images of the craniovertebral junction, were obtained at 0.5 T with the neck in neutral position and laterally flexed (coronal proton density) or rotated (axial T2). Five of the subjects also underwent imaging at 1.5 T. The scans were independently examined twice by two radiologists. The presence of alar ligaments was recorded and a three-point scale used to grade the extent of hyperintensity exhibited by the structures: the ligament were graded as 2 and 3 if, respectively, less or more of its cross-section was hyperintense, whereas grade 1 represented a hypointense ligament. The effect of lateral flexion on image quality was assessed. Concordance analysis of the data were performed before and after dichotomising the data on grading. The atlanto-axial angle and rotation of the atlas were measured. The magnitude of movement to right was normalised to that to the left to give, respectively, the flexion index and the rotation index. The alar ligaments were most reliably seen on coronal proton-density scans, with a Maxwell's RE of 0.96 as compared with 0.46 for sagittal images. Flexion of the neck improved definition of the ligaments in only rare instances. Inter-observer disagreement was marked with respect to grading of the ligament on both coronal [composite proportion of agreement (p 0 )=0.44; 95% confidence intervals: 0.26, 0.64)] and sagittal scans [p 0 =0.40 (0.19, 0.63)]. Dichotomising the data did not appreciably improve reliability [Maxwell's RE: )0.11 (coronal scans), )0.20 (sagittal scans)]: for ligaments which demonstrated hypertensive areas (grades 2 and 3) there was complete lack of agreement for both coronal [p 2 =0 (0, 0.25)] and sagittal scans [p2=0 (0-0.30)]. A large response bias was found in the reports of both readers albeit in opposite directions. There was poor concordance between scans obtained at different field strengths [RE (coronal images)=0.25; RE (sagittal images)=0.14). Mean flexion index and mean rotation index were 1.00 (SD 0.03) and 1.01 (SD 0.06), respectively. The MR imaging may not be the investigation of choice for the investigation of subtle injuries to the alar ligament. Whether it can be substituted by kinematic assessment of the occipito-atlanto-axial complex with MRI warrants investigation.

This paper covers a total of 82 bibliometric studies on single journals (62 studies cover unique titles) published between 1998 and 2008 grouped into the following fields; Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (12 items); Medical and... more

This paper covers a total of 82 bibliometric studies on single journals (62 studies cover unique titles) published between 1998 and 2008 grouped into the following fields; Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (12 items); Medical and Health Sciences (19 items); Sciences and Technology (30 items) and Library and Information Sciences (21 items). Under each field the studies are described in accordance to their geographical location in the following order, United Kingdom, United States and Americana, Europe, Asia (India, Africa and Malaysia). For each study, elements described are (a) the journal's publication characteristics and indexation information; (b) the objectives; (c) the sampling and bibliometric measures used; and (d) the results observed. A list of journal titles studied is appended. The results show that (a)bibliometric studies cover journals in various fields; (b) there are several revisits of some journals which are considered important; (c) Asian and African contributions is high (41.4% of total studies; 43.5% covering unique titles), United States (30.4% of total; 31.0% on unique titles), Europe (18.2% of total and 14.5% on unique titles) and the United Kingdom (10% of total and 11% on unique titles); (d) a high number of bibliometrists are Indians and as such coverage of Indian journals is high (28% of total studies; 30.6% of unique titles); and (e) the quality of the journals and their importance either nationally or internationally are inferred from their indexation status.

The objective was to explore if vibration superposed to tonic contraction induces plastic changes in the contra-and ipsilateral motor cortex. Healthy subjects (n = 12) abducted the right index finger with a force 5% of maximal voluntary... more

The objective was to explore if vibration superposed to tonic contraction induces plastic changes in the contra-and ipsilateral motor cortex. Healthy subjects (n = 12) abducted the right index finger with a force 5% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) against the lever of a torque motor while a 60 Hz vibration stimulus of 10 min was delivered. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) after single and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of right and left hand pre, during, post and 30 min post-stimulation. The TMS assessments were employed with tonic contraction alone (TONIC) and with superposed vibrostimulation (VIBRO), each for the ipsi-and contralateral cortex separately. In the contralateral cortex: resting motor threshold (rMT) decreased, MEP amplitudes increased, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) reduced and intracortical facilitation (ICF) increased post VIBRO, while no changes occurred post TONIC. In the ipsilateral cortex: rMT decreased, MEP amplitude increased and SICI reduced during TONIC, while no changes occurred post TONIC, during and post VIBRO. Vibration superposed to tonic contraction, induces lasting (30 min) plastic changes, whereas contraction alone caused no outlasting effects. Mainly intrinsic intracortical mechanisms are involved because spinal adaptation could be excluded (F-wave assessments). These findings have a therapeutic potential in the functional recovery of motor deficits with robot-aided devices.

Indices of heart rate variability (HRV) based on fractal signal models have recently been shown to possess value as predictors of mortality in specific patient populations. To develop more powerful clinical indices of HRV based on a... more

Indices of heart rate variability (HRV) based on fractal signal models have recently been shown to possess value as predictors of mortality in specific patient populations. To develop more powerful clinical indices of HRV based on a fractal signal model, the study investigated two HRV indices based on a monofractal signal model called fractional Brownian motion and an index based on a multifractal signal model called multifractional Brownian motion. The performance of the indices was compared with an HRV index in common clinical use. To compare the indices, 18 normal subjects were subjected to postural changes, and the indices were compared on their ability to respond to the resulting autonomic events in HRV recordings. The magnitude of the response to postural change (normalised by the measurement

We used multiple regression to calculate a new Ego Impairment Index (EII-3). The aim was to incorporate changes in the component variables and distribution of the number of response as found in the new Rorschach Performance Assessment... more

We used multiple regression to calculate a new Ego Impairment Index (EII-3). The aim was to incorporate changes in the component variables and distribution of the number of response as found in the new Rorschach Performance Assessment System, while sustaining the validity and reliability of previous EIIs. The EII-3 formula was derived from a large, diverse, developmental sample (N = 411) and tested on an independent validation sample (N = 206) procured from psychiatric, forensic, research, and nonclinical control contexts. Additional analyses revealed high correlations with previous EIIs with similar reliability and validity but superior distributional qualities.

A pedagogical review on supersymmetry in quantum mechanis is presented which provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject. First, the key ingredients on the quantization of the systems with anticommuting variables are discussed. The... more

A pedagogical review on supersymmetry in quantum mechanis is presented which provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject. First, the key ingredients on the quantization of the systems with anticommuting variables are discussed. The supersymmetric Hamiltotian in quantum mechanics is then constructed by emphasizing the role of partner potentials and the superpotentials. We also make explicit the mathematical formulation of the Hamiltonian by considering in detail the N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric (quantum) mechanics. Supersymmetry is then discussed in the context of one-dimensional problems and the importance of the factorization method is highlighted. We treat in detail the technique of constructing a hierarchy of Hamiltonians employing the so-called ‘shape-invariance’ of potentials. To make transparent the relationship between supersymmetry and solvable potentials, we also solve several examples. We then go over to the formulation of supersymmetry in radial problems, paying a spec...

The influence of teammates' shared mental models on team processes and performance was tested using 56 undergraduate dyads who "flew" a series of missions on a personal-computer-based flightcombat simulation. The authors both conceptually... more

The influence of teammates' shared mental models on team processes and performance was tested using 56 undergraduate dyads who "flew" a series of missions on a personal-computer-based flightcombat simulation. The authors both conceptually and empirically distinguished between teammates' task-and team-based mental models and indexed their convergence or "sharedness" using individually completed paired-comparisons matrices analyzed using a network-based algorithm. The results illustrated that both shared-team-and task-based mental models related positively to subsequent team process and performance. Furthermore, team processes fully mediated the relationship between mental model convergence and team effectiveness. Results are discussed in terms of the role of shared cognitions in team effectiveness and the applicability of different interventions designed to achieve such convergence.

This article focuses on developments in pigmentary disorders that extend dermatologists' understanding of the field. Areas that are reviewed include the basic biochemistry, pharmacology, and physiology of the melanocortin system;... more

This article focuses on developments in pigmentary disorders that extend dermatologists' understanding of the field. Areas that are reviewed include the basic biochemistry, pharmacology, and physiology of the melanocortin system; melanosome development; genetic diseases associated with pigmentary disorders; pigmentary disorders secondary to systemic disease; drug-induced hyperpigmentation; environmental exposure to chemicals; and primary disorders of hyperpigmentation such as melasma and lentigines. Basic, clinical, and epidemiological research, along with a number of clinical case reports, were included in the review. This article also reports on the new health-related quality-of-life instrument (MELASQOL) that has been developed for women with melasma. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54:S255-61.)

A recent factor analysis oftheMultiple AffectAdjective check List (MAACL) changed the Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility scales from bipolar to unipolar scales and added two new scales: Positive Affect and Sensation Seek-ing. Internal... more

A recent factor analysis oftheMultiple AffectAdjective check List (MAACL) changed the Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility scales from bipolar to unipolar scales and added two new scales: Positive Affect and Sensation Seek-ing. Internal reliability of the MAACL-R scales, ...

This paper investigates which events of World War II (WWII) the US investors (at that time) considered as turning points (structural breaks) of the war. The empirical study employs daily Dow Jones industrial average stock index and... more

This paper investigates which events of World War II (WWII) the US investors (at that time) considered as turning points (structural breaks) of the war. The empirical study employs daily Dow Jones industrial average stock index and volatility from January 1939 to December 1945 and applies structural shift oriented test to determine endogenously the structural breaks during the WWII period. Results show that the majority of the wartime events (on and off the battlefield) labelled important by historians did result in structural breaks in both price movement and stock returns volatility (risk). These results have major implications for investors of the present and future. 1 Tsiakas is able to show that events during trading and non-trading hours both have substantial effect on both stock price and volatility. During wartime, events can take place during trading and non-trading hours. 2 According to Mazouz et al. (2009) investors under-react to both positive and negative shocks, irrespective of the magnitude of the shocks.

In recent years, financial economists and commercial providers of governance services have created measures of corporate governance quality that collapse into one number (a governance rating or index) the multiple dimensions of a... more

In recent years, financial economists and commercial providers of governance services have created measures of corporate governance quality that collapse into one number (a governance rating or index) the multiple dimensions of a company's governance, measures which commercial providers market to institutional investors as aids for portfolio and proxy voting decisions. The aim of this Article is twofold: to analyze the effectiveness of corporate governance indices in predicting corporate performance and to consider the implications for public policy that follow from that assessment. We highlight methodological shortcomings of the extant research that claims to have identified a relation between particular governance measures and corporate performance. Our core conclusion is that there is no consistent relation between governance indices and measures of corporate performance. Namely, there is no one "best" measure of corporate governance: The most effective governance system depends on context and on firms' specific circumstances. It would therefore be difficult for an index, or any one variable, to capture nuances critical for making informed decisions. As a consequence, we conclude that governance indices are highly imperfect instruments for determining how to vote corporate proxies, let alone for making portfolio investment decisions, and that investors and policymakers should exercise caution in attempting to draw inferences regarding a firm's quality orfuture stock market performance from its ranking on any particular corporate governance measure. Most important, because there is considerable variation in the relation between indices and measures of corporate performance, our analysis suggests that corporate governance is an area where a regulatory regime of

Callus induction from petiole explants has been achieved in Alocasia micholitziana `Green Velvet'. The highest percentage (71%) of explants inducing callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 μM 2,4-D and 0.5 μM kinetin in the... more

Callus induction from petiole explants has been achieved in Alocasia micholitziana `Green Velvet'. The highest percentage (71%) of explants inducing callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 μM 2,4-D and 0.5 μM kinetin in the dark after 4 months of culture. Shoots were regenerated at the highest frequency of 33.3% under light condition when 0.5 μM BA was added to MS medium with the average of 7.8±2.3 shoots per callus explant. The callus-derived shoots rooted on hormone free MS medium and within 4 weeks the plantlets were ready for acclimatization. The regenerated plants appeared morphologically similar to mother plants.

The novelty of the peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm relies on two main concepts: cooperation among users and resource sharing. There are many applications based on peer-to-peer paradigm, but the most popular one is the file sharing. We can... more

The novelty of the peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm relies on two main concepts: cooperation among users and resource sharing. There are many applications based on peer-to-peer paradigm, but the most popular one is the file sharing. We can classify the file sharing application into centralized systems, (having a central server), and decentralized systems. Another classification would be structured and unstructured systems,

Jews in Mexico City have long organized themselves into ethnic sub-groups. Various labels circulate to refer to their members, including halebi (Aleppan), shami (Damascene), idish (Ashkenazi), and turco (Sephardi). Given recent... more

Jews in Mexico City have long organized themselves into ethnic sub-groups. Various labels circulate to refer to their members, including halebi (Aleppan), shami (Damascene), idish (Ashkenazi), and turco (Sephardi). Given recent demographic and religious changes, what is the contemporary role and relevance of these ethnic distinctions in Mexican Jewish identities? I explore this question through a focus on labeling practices, with special attention to terms applied to Jews of Syrian ancestry. I first consider the influence of ultra-Orthodox movements on these labels: While always important, notions of religiosity have come to trump other indexical values in distinguishing the social types they denote. I then discuss shajato, a derisive slur for most, but occasionally used to express pride in being shami or halebi. I argue that this more recent, ameliorated usage is made possible in part by shifts in relations between Syrian and Ashkenazi sectors. By analyzing metasemantic talk about these labels, as well their use in interaction, we see the fundamental interrelationships between social and semantic change in this immigrant-descendent community in Mexico.

Why do most leaders or managers elicit merely competent performance from their followers, while a select few inspire extraordinary achievement? Leadership expert Bernard Bass takes this question beyond the usual speculation, presenting... more

Why do most leaders or managers elicit merely competent performance from their followers, while a select few inspire extraordinary achievement? Leadership expert Bernard Bass takes this question beyond the usual speculation, presenting original research that ...

Dodol is a popular traditional food that has great potential to be commercialized. The physico-chemical characterization of dodols such as proximate analysis, pH, moisture content, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash and fibre contents are... more

Dodol is a popular traditional food that has great potential to be commercialized. The physico-chemical characterization of dodols such as proximate analysis, pH, moisture content, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash and fibre contents are investigated. The rheological characterization of dodols were modelled by several models such Bingham, Power Law and Casson models. Regression analysis shows good agreements for all three models applied in this study. Dodol exhibits pseudoplastic behaviour under the conditions tested, as indicated by flow behaviour indices (n) ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 and is further confirmed with the data of decreasing apparent viscosity with increasing shear rate, indicating strong shear-thinning behaviour.

Session 1 5:00-6:30 p.m. Interactive poster session and social reception Bialek M. Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis -FITS Botens-Helmus C, Klein R, Stephan C, Hans-Rudolf Weiss. Reliability of the Bad Sobernheim Stress... more

Session 1 5:00-6:30 p.m. Interactive poster session and social reception Bialek M. Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis -FITS Botens-Helmus C, Klein R, Stephan C, Hans-Rudolf Weiss. Reliability of the Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire (BSSQbrace) Brooks WJ, Krupinski EA, Hawes MC. Reversal of curvature magnitude in response to physical methods: a 15year followup in an adult female diagnosed with moderately severe scoliosis at age eleven. Correia KA, Megna J. The effect of physical therapy on computerized dynamic posturography of an adolescent with idiopathic scoliosis: A case study. Durmala J. 'Dobosiewicz's method Ferguson L. An artist's inquiry into scoliosis. Karski T, Kalakucki J, Karski J. Patient-specific exercise programs in the conservative management of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis Maruyama T. 'Short and long term objectives of conservative management of IS''. Miller E. Yoga for scoliosis: an adult case approach. Monroe M. Yoga and Somatic Therapy for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Adult case report. Negrini S. The evidence based ISICO approach to rehabilitation of spinal deformities. Nieh MT. Exercise-based methods to treat adult scoliosis: a case report. Rensselaer NY. O'Brien JP. Retrospective review of a single case of surgically treated AIS over a 40-year period. Rigo M. Conservative approach for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in the ' E. Salva Institute' of Barcelona Shawafaty N, Cheriet F, Coillard C, Rhalmi S, Labelle H, Rivard CH. Non invasive evaluation of SpineCor brace correction from surface topography Sherman K. Pilot Study to Validate a Scoliosis-Specific Instrument that Measures Quality of Life and Treatment Effect. Stokes IAF. Analysis and simulation of progressive adolescent scoliosis by biomechanical growth modulation Torres B. Katharina Schroth Method for treatment of post-polio scoliosis in an adult.

An adaptive and fast constant false alarm rate (CFAR) algorithm based on automatic censoring (AC) is proposed for target detection in high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. First, an adaptive global threshold is selected... more

An adaptive and fast constant false alarm rate (CFAR) algorithm based on automatic censoring (AC) is proposed for target detection in high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. First, an adaptive global threshold is selected to obtain an index matrix which labels whether each pixel of the image is a potential target pixel or not. Second, by using the index matrix, the clutter environment can be determined adaptively to prescreen the clutter pixels in the sliding window used for detecting. The G 0 distribution, which can model multilook SAR images within an extensive range of degree of homogeneity, is adopted as the statistical model of clutter in this paper. With the introduction of AC, the proposed algorithm gains good CFAR detection performance for homogeneous regions, clutter edge, and multitarget situations. Meanwhile, the corresponding fast algorithm greatly reduces the computational load. Finally, target clustering is implemented to obtain more accurate target regions. According to the theoretical performance analysis and the experiment results of typical real SAR images, the proposed algorithm is shown to be of good performance and strong practicability.

NORMAT is a new technique for quantifying hydrothermal alteration in greenschist facies rocks using normative mineral ratios without precursor or mineralogical determination. Using five petrologic rules, the NORMAT calculations first... more

NORMAT is a new technique for quantifying hydrothermal alteration in greenschist facies rocks using normative mineral ratios without precursor or mineralogical determination. Using five petrologic rules, the NORMAT calculations first compute normative alteration (paragonite, sericite, chlorite, pyrophyllite) and precursor minerals (albite, orthoclase, anorthite), as well as normative loss on ignition (LOI) and CO 2 contents. The results are then computed as alteration indices that quantify the overall alkali element depletion in terms of the paragonitization, sericitization, chloritization and pyrophillitization components. Equations for the alteration indices are ratios between the normative alteration and precursor minerals, thus providing a relative numerical measure of alteration intensity that is independent of protolith. Alteration by carbonatization is quantified by the IPAF index, which represents the position of the sample's analytical LOI value within a range bounded by CO 2-free normative LOI and maximum possible normative LOI-CO 2 content. This procedure also allows the CO 2 content to be estimated from LOI, which can then be used to calculate normative carbonate minerals. Alteration index (AI) values and normative minerals for 28 selected samples from the Val d'Or Formation illustrate the main properties of normative mineral ratio alteration indices.

This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results obtained through Google... more

This paper compares the h-indices of a list of highly-cited Israeli researchers based on citations counts retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar respectively. In several case the results obtained through Google Scholar are considerably different from the results based on the Web of Science and Scopus. Data cleansing is discussed extensively.

The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm has attracted a great deal of interest among researches and practitioners in a wide variety of fields. The SOM has been analyzed extensively, a number of variants have been developed and, perhaps... more

The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm has attracted a great deal of interest among researches and practitioners in a wide variety of fields. The SOM has been analyzed extensively, a number of variants have been developed and, perhaps most notably, it has been applied ...

Avoidance of excessively deep sedation levels is problematic in intensive care patients. Electrophysiologic monitoring may offer an approach to solving this problem. Since electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to different sedation... more

Avoidance of excessively deep sedation levels is problematic in intensive care patients. Electrophysiologic monitoring may offer an approach to solving this problem. Since electroencephalogram (EEG) responses to different sedation regimens vary, we assessed electrophysiologic responses to two sedative drug regimens in 10 healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine/remifentanil (dex/remi group) and midazolam/remifentanil (mida/remi group) were infused 7 days apart. Each combination of medications was given at stepwise intervals to reach Ramsay scores (RS) 2, 3, and 4. Resting EEG, bispectral index (BIS), and the N100 amplitudes of long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (ERP) were recorded at each level of sedation. During dex/remi, resting EEG was characterized by a recurrent highpower low-frequency pattern which became more pronounced at deeper levels of sedation. BIS Index decreased uniformly in only the dex/remi group (from 94 Ϯ 3 at baseline to 58 Ϯ 14 at RS 4) compared to the mida/remi group (from 94 Ϯ 2 to 76 Ϯ 10; P ϭ 0.029 between groups). The ERP amplitudes decreased from 5.3 Ϯ 1.3 at baseline to 0.4 Ϯ 1.1 at RS 4 (P ϭ 0.003) in only the mida/remi group. We conclude that ERPs in volunteers sedated with dex/remi, in contrast to mida/remi, indicate a cortical response to acoustic stimuli, even when sedation reaches deeper levels. Consequently, ERP can monitor sedation with midazolam but not with dexmedetomidine. The reverse is true for BIS.

This study examined the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on species richness, pattern of diversity, forest structure and regeneration of tree species in the Madhupur Sal (Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn) forests of Bangladesh. The forest... more

This study examined the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on species richness, pattern of diversity, forest structure and regeneration of tree species in the Madhupur Sal (Shorea robusta C.F. Gaertn) forests of Bangladesh. The forest sites were classified as low, medium and highly disturbed based on the intensity of historic and current anthropogenic impacts. Plant species richness and biological diversity varied along a disturbance gradient in different forest types. A total of 134 plant species were identified. The highest plant species richness (125 species) was found in the low disturbed forest type, and the lowest species richness (19 species) in the highly disturbed forest type. Plant density (except herbs and saplings) and basal area of mature trees declined with an increase in disturbance intensity. Only a few snags (4.4 ha -1 ) were found in the low disturbed forest type. The diameter and height distributions revealed that the low disturbed forest type comprised a mixture of very young to giant trees, while the medium and highly disturbed forest types contained only young trees. The relative abundance of the early successional species, S. robusta,increased with the intensity of human disturbances due to its regeneration potential. Highly disturbed forests can no longer be considered natural habitats for natural plant species due to shifting cultivation and agroforestry.

The purpose of this brief paper is to suggest a practical process through which the appropriate choice of reliability index can be determined, based on the conceptual framework provided by and . There are numerous methods of assessing... more

The purpose of this brief paper is to suggest a practical process through which the appropriate choice of reliability index can be determined, based on the conceptual framework provided by and . There are numerous methods of assessing interobserver agreement and/or reliability today. These methods have been derived from statistical assumptions, are appropriate for different epistemological paradigms, and yield different types of information. While many authors have compared various indices conceptually or have shown mathematical relationships, this paper uses a decision tree format to show when different indices are appropriate. One can divide observation researchers as to which paradigms they adhere. There are those who position themselves closely to the traditional Skinnerian view that only directly observable behaviors can be measured; this is the idiographic-behavior paradigm. On the other hand, there are those researchers who attempt to develop observational measures of psychological constructs or mediating processes which cannot be directly

Iodine adlayers formed on Au(lll) in aqueous KI solution have been studied by ex situ Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The LEED patterns are... more

Iodine adlayers formed on Au(lll) in aqueous KI solution have been studied by ex situ Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The LEED patterns are described as c(p X vr3R -30 °) where p decreases continuously with increasing emersion potential. By in situ STM, a series of rotated hexagonal structures was observed at positive potentials in addition to the c(p x v~R -30 °) structures. This rotated hexagonal adlattice was also compressed with increasing electrode potential. These results in general confirm the phenomenon of electrocompression of the iodine adlayer on Au(lll) observed by in situ surface X-ray scattering.

Policy decisions at the organizational, corporate, and governmental levels should be more heavily influenced by issues related to well-being—people’s evaluations and feelings about their lives. Domestic policy currently focuses heavily on... more

Policy decisions at the organizational, corporate, and governmental levels should be more heavily influenced by issues related to well-being—people’s evaluations and feelings about their lives. Domestic policy currently focuses heavily on economic outcomes, although economic indicators omit, and even mislead about, much of what society values. We show that economic indicators have many shortcomings, and that measures of well-being point

Cliniciens et chercheurs reconnaissent l'importance de l'utilisation d'échelles d'évaluations des interactions entre le bébé et l'adulte. Les auteurs définissent les interactions et présentent cinq échelles : le guide pour l'évaluation du... more

Cliniciens et chercheurs reconnaissent l'importance de l'utilisation d'échelles d'évaluations des interactions entre le bébé et l'adulte. Les auteurs définissent les interactions et présentent cinq échelles : le guide pour l'évaluation du dialogue adulte-nourrisson (GEDAN) ; la grille d'évaluation des interactions précoces de Bobigny ; le CARE-Index ; les notations globales des interactions mère-bébé à deux et quatre mois ; et l'échelle d'évaluation du comportement néonatal de Brazelton (BNBAS). Chaque outil fait l'objet d'une description avec l'explication de la procédure et de l'analyse du codage.

From the New England Research Institutes, Watertown, Massachusetts (VK, GRC, RCR), Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois (MPF), Cornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, New York (SAK), and Ferring International... more

From the New England Research Institutes, Watertown, Massachusetts (VK, GRC, RCR), Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois (MPF), Cornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, New York (SAK), and Ferring International Pharmascience Center, ...

Doses in mammography should be maintained as low as possible without reducing the high image quality needed for early detection of the breast cancer. The breast is composed of tissues with very close composition and densities. It... more

Doses in mammography should be maintained as low as possible without reducing the high image quality needed for early detection of the breast cancer. The breast is composed of tissues with very close composition and densities. It increases the difficulty to detect small changes in the normal anatomical structures which may be associated with breast cancer. To achieve the standards of definition and contrast for mammography, the quality and intensity of the X-ray beam, the breast positioning and compression, the film-screen system, and the film processing have to be in optimal operational conditions. This study sought to evaluate average glandular dose (AGD) and image quality on a standard phantom in 134 mammography units in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between December 2004 and May 2006. AGDs were obtained by means of entrance kerma measured with TL LiF100 dosimeters on phantom surface. Phantom images were obtained with automatic exposure technique, fixed 28 kV and molybdenum anode-filter combination. The phantom used contained structures simulating tumoral masses, microcalcifications, fibers and low contrast areas. High-resolution metallic meshes to assess image definition and a stepwedge to measure image contrast index were also inserted in the phantom. The visualization of simulated structures, the mean optical density and the contrast index allowed to classify the phantom image quality in a seven-point scale. The results showed that 54.5% of the facilities did not achieve the minimum performance level for image quality. It is mainly due to insufficient film processing observed in 61.2% of the units. AGD varied from 0.41 to 2.73 mGy with a mean value of 1.3270.44 mGy. In all optimal quality phantom images, AGDs were in this range. Additionally, in 7.3% of the mammography units, the AGD constraint of 2 mGy was exceeded. One may conclude that dose level to patient and image quality are not in conformity to regulations in most of the facilities. This indicates that ongoing actions are needed to optimize image quality and radiation dose for early detection of the breast cancer.

Tsallis statistics (or q-statistics) in nonextensive statistical mechanics is a one-parameter description of correlated states. In this paper we use a translated entropic index: 1−qtoq1 - q \to q1qtoq . The essence of this translation is to... more

Tsallis statistics (or q-statistics) in nonextensive statistical mechanics is a one-parameter description of correlated states. In this paper we use a translated entropic index: 1−qtoq1 - q \to q1qtoq . The essence of this translation is to improve the mathematical symmetry of the q-algebra and make q directly proportional to the nonlinear coupling. A conjugate transformation is defined $\hat q

Research in bioinformatics is a complex phenomenon as it overlaps two knowledge domains, namely, biological and computer sciences. This paper has tried to introduce an efficient data mining approach for classifying proteins into some... more

Research in bioinformatics is a complex phenomenon as it overlaps two knowledge domains, namely, biological and computer sciences. This paper has tried to introduce an efficient data mining approach for classifying proteins into some useful groups by representing them in hierarchy tree structure. There are several techniques used to classify proteins but most of them had few drawbacks on their grouping. Among them the most efficient grouping technique is used by PSIMAP. Even though PSIMAP (Protein Structural Interactome Map) technique was successful to incorporate most of the protein but it fails to classify the scale free property proteins. Our technique overcomes this drawback and successfully maps all the protein in different groups, including the scale free property proteins failed to group by PSIMAP. Our approach selects the six major attributes of protein: a) Structure comparison b) Sequence Comparison c) Connectivity d) Cluster Index e) Interactivity f) Taxonomic to group the protein from the databank by generating a hierarchal tree structure. The proposed approach calculates the degree (probability) of similarity of each protein newly entered in the system against of existing proteins in the system by using probability theorem on each six properties of proteins. This function generates probabilistic value for deriving its respective weight against that particular property. All probabilistic values generated by six individual functions will be added together to calculate the bond factor. Bond Factor defines how strongly one protein bonds with another protein base on their similarity on six attributes. Finally, in order to group them in hierarchy tree, the aggregated probabilistic value will be compared with the probabilistic value of the protein that resides at the root. If there is no root protein (i.e. at the initial state), the first protein will be considered as the root and depending on the probabilistic value it can change its relative position. Recursively, at each node, we have applied this technique to calculate the highest probable position for a particular protein in the tree.

This study was designed to determine the predictive value of lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Oxidative modification of circulating lipids... more

This study was designed to determine the predictive value of lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels for adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Oxidative modification of circulating lipids contributes to inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, which are hallmark features of atherosclerosis. A serum biomarker of oxidation is LOOH, which is a primary product of fatty acid peroxidation. Serum LOOH levels were measured and correlated with clinical events over a 3-year period in 634 patients with angiographic evidence of CAD. Baseline LOOH levels in the highest quartile were associated with hazard ratios of 3.24 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.86 to 5.65; p = 0.0001) for nonfatal vascular events (n = 149), 1.80 (95% CI 1.13 to 2.88; p = 0.014) for major vascular procedures (n = 139), and 2.23 (95% CI 1.44 to 3.44; p = 0.0003) for all vascular events and procedures. Baseline LOOH levels correlated with serum levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (p = 0.001) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (p = 0.001) as well as the mean percent change in stenosis for large segments >50% stenosed (p = 0.048). A multivariate proportional hazards model, adjusted for traditional risk factors and inflammatory markers, showed an independent effect of LOOH on nonfatal vascular events, vascular procedures, and all events or procedures. Amlodipine treatment was associated with reduced cardiovascular events and changes in LOOH levels compared with placebo. Elevated LOOH levels were predictive of nonfatal vascular events and procedures in patients with stable CAD, independent of traditional risk factors and inflammatory markers.

A new result on the Drazin inverse of 2 × 2 block matrix M = A B D C , where A and C are square matrices are presented, extended in the case when D = 0, the well known representation for the Drazin inverse of M , given by Hartwig, Meyer... more

A new result on the Drazin inverse of 2 × 2 block matrix M = A B D C , where A and C are square matrices are presented, extended in the case when D = 0, the well known representation for the Drazin inverse of M , given by Hartwig, Meyer and Rose in 1977, respectively. Using that new result, an explicit representation for the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix P + RS and its generalized matrix P Q + RS are also presented.

The paper estimates the effect of soil degradation on crop yields for dominant cereals in Ethiopia at a nationwide level and analyses its relation with population density and fertiliser use. A soil degradation index is derived from an... more

The paper estimates the effect of soil degradation on crop yields for dominant cereals in Ethiopia at a nationwide level and analyses its relation with population density and fertiliser use. A soil degradation index is derived from an ordered qualitative classification on the degree of soil degradation and the area extension. Biophysical variability is incorporated by using, as dependent variable, the yield ratio (actual/potential yield) to correct for agro-climatic and crop genetic differences, and by including soil fertility as explanatory variable. The data set is cross sectional and obtained from gridded overlays on soil degradation, climate, soil, land form, population (and cattle) density. The relationships are estimated via non-parametric (kernel density) regression and the estimation results are depicted in 3-D graphs. It appears that the relationship between yield ratio, land degradation and soil fertility is not very strong. Yet, three stylised facts can be identified. First, land degradation has its major impact on soils of lower fertility, where population levels are low. Secondly, on fertile soils, land degradation is largely compensated by fertiliser application. Finally, most people can be found on the slope facing a deep and dangerous precipice. A spatial representation of the elasticity of crop productivity with respect to soil degradation indicates that most vulnerable areas are located in the northern part of the country.

Mќљѡ іѠ ю critical life-history stage for birds. Feathers wear out, and they need to be replaced so that the functions of plumage are not compromised. Because feathers account for a considerable proportion of total body protein (Newton... more

Mќљѡ іѠ ю critical life-history stage for birds. Feathers wear out, and they need to be replaced so that the functions of plumage are not compromised. Because feathers account for a considerable proportion of total body protein (Newton 1966, Murphy and King 1986, Lindström et al. 1993), and molt is normally separated temporally from other life-history AяѠѡџюѐѡ.-In European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), mass of new primary feathers increases linearly with time for most of the duration of molt (Dawson 2003). Here, we had two aims: (1) to confi rm that mass of new primary feathers increases linearly in other species, and (2) to use that linear increase as the basis of a system to score the progress of molt. Increase in length of primary feathers during molt was recorded for captive Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica), Carrion Crows (Corvus corone), European Greenfi nches (Carduelis chloris), and Eurasian Bullfi nches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula). Wing shape diff ers among those species. Feather lengths during molt were converted into mass by using information on fi nal feather length and mass and the distribution of mass from tip to base of feather. Rate of increase in total mass of new primary feathers was largely linear in all four species. A molt scoring method is described in which individual feather scores are weighted to account for the contribution of each particular primary feather's mass toward total primaryfeather mass. When the method was tested on eight captive starlings, the increase in mass-corrected molt score was almost linear, unlike the increase shown by the standard scoring system, which exaggerated molt rate during the early part of molt and underestimated it later. In the four species studied here, mass-corrected molt score likewise closely tracked the actual increase in mass, unlike the standard molt score. Because it is based on feather mass, the method presented here is of greater physiological and energetic relevance than the standard method. Because the mass-corrected score increases more linearly with time, it has the additional advantage of enabling less complicated, and potentially more accurate, estimations of molt start dates and molt durations.

Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch... more

Values for body surface area (BSA) are commonly used in medicine, particularly to calculate doses of chemotherapeutic agents and index cardiac output. Various BSA formulas have been developed over the years. The DuBois and DuBois (Arch Intern Med 1916;17:863-71) BSA equation is the most widely used, although derived from only 9 subjects. More recently, Mosteller (N Engl J Med 1987;317:1098) produced a simple formula, [weight (kg) Â height (cm)/3600] 1/2 , which could be easily remembered and evaluated on a pocket calculator, but validation data in adults are rare. The purpose of the present study was to examine the BSA based on Mosteller's formula in normal-weight (body mass index [BMI], 20-24.9 kg/m 2), overweight (BMI, 25-29.9 kg/m 2), and obese (BMI, z 30 kg/m 2) adults (N 18 years old) in comparison with other empirically derived formulas (DuBois and DuBois, Boyd [The growth of the surface area of the human body.

Studies of cyanobacterial nostocacean taxa are important to the global scientific community, mainly because a significant number of beneficial strains that belong to the order Nostocales fix atmospheric nitrogen, thus contributing to the... more

Studies of cyanobacterial nostocacean taxa are important to the global scientific community, mainly because a significant number of beneficial strains that belong to the order Nostocales fix atmospheric nitrogen, thus contributing to the fertility of agricultural soils worldwide, while others behave as nuisance microorganisms in aquatic ecosystems due to their involvement in toxic bloom events. However, in spite of their ecological importance and environmental concerns, their identification and taxonomy are still problematic and doubtful, often being based on current morphological and physiological studies, which generate confusing classification systems and usually vary under different conditions. Therefore, the present research aimed to investigate through a polyphasic approach differences in morphological, biochemical and genotypic features of three nostocacean cyanobacterial strains isolated from central-western Portuguese shallow freshwater bodies. Morphometric, genetic (16S rRNA, nifH and hetR fragments) and biochemical (fatty acid methyl ester; FAME profiles) data were used to characterize the strains. Morphological analysis and sequencing of 16S rRNA fragments showed that the strains belonged to Anabaena cylindrica (UTAD_A212), Aphanizomenon gracile (UADFA16) and Nostoc muscorum (UTAD_N213) species. These strains showed clear distinct morphological and genetic features, allowing easy allocation to their respective genera. The same happened by using partial sequences of hetR and nifH genes, in spite of the scarcity of deposited sequences. Biochemical characterization showed that the FAME profiles obtained were consistent with both morphological and molecular analyses. It was suggested that the ratio of monounsaturated to polyunsaturated FAMEs, together with the unsaturation index, could be used as genus-specific chemotaxonomic biomarkers.

Lignocellulosic materials pretreated using liquid hot water (LHW) (220~ 5 MPa, 120 s) were fermented to ethanol by batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of Trichoderma... more

Lignocellulosic materials pretreated using liquid hot water (LHW) (220~ 5 MPa, 120 s) were fermented to ethanol by batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of Trichoderma reesei cellulase. SSF of sugarcane bagasse (as received), aspen chips (smallest dimension 3 mm), and mixed hardwood flour (-60 +70 mesh) resulted in 90% conversion to ethanol in 2-5 d at enzyme loadings of 15-30 FPU/g. In most cases, 90% of the final conversion was achieved within 75 h of inoculation. Comminution of the pretreated substrates did not affect the conversion to ethanol. The hydrolysate produced from the LHW pretreatment showed slight inhibition of batch growth of S. cerevisiae. Solids pretreated at a concentration of 100 g/L were as reactive as those pretreated at a lower concentration, provided that the temperature was maintained at 220~

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that affects both women and men. The aim of this study was to characterize and investigate the differences in terms of anxiety, depression, illness perception,... more

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that affects both women and men. The aim of this study was to characterize and investigate the differences in terms of anxiety, depression, illness perception, and quality of life between female and male OSAS patients from a total of 111 patients (33 women and 78 men) who were recently diagnosed with OSAS in an outpatient clinic of a University Hospital in Portugal. They underwent a standardized protocol that included evaluation to assess of psychological morbidity (anxiety and depression -Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), illness representations (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire), and quality of life (Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index). The most significant differences between female and male OSAS patients result of apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), after controlling for body mass index (p 5 0.05); anxiety (p ¼ 0.000) and depression (p 5 0.005); consequences (p 5 0.005), identity (p ¼ 0.000), coherence (p 5 0.01), and emotional representation (p 5 0.005) of OSAS; and for daily functioning (p ¼ 0.000), emotional (p ¼ 0.001), and symptoms (p 5 0.05) domains of quality of life. Data suggest that women revealed more psychological morbidity associated with OSAS. Therefore, it seems extremely important to look at women as potential patients for sleep apnea and avoid looking up for a pattern of symptoms that rely on men as a norm to which women are compared.