Arboriculture Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In the mostly self-regulated arboricultural industry, Louisiana, U.S., is one of a few places where arborists must possess a license to operate. Since 1993, state-licensed arborists in Louisiana have been required to attend at least one... more

In the mostly self-regulated arboricultural industry, Louisiana, U.S., is one of a few places where arborists must possess a license to operate. Since 1993, state-licensed arborists in Louisiana have been required to attend at least one continuing education workshop each year to maintain their licenses. In 2002, the State of Louisiana assumed responsibility for providing arborist continuing education, and program planners identified increasing safety and professionalism among licensed arborists as the two primary goals for the training program. The authors collected written questionnaires from 386 licensed arborists who provided baseline data on their levels of safety and professional- ism and demographic information. Analysis suggested that safety and professionalism are not separate variables among respon- dents, but examination of categories of questions describing different aspects of safety and professionalism is revealing. Arborists self-reported good ethical practices in deal...

À l’ère de l'informatique, qui aurait cru que le dessin allait contribuer à jeter les bases d'une meilleure compréhension et d'une meilleure gestion du développement des arbres ? LE DESSIN, OUTIL DE RECHERCHE À une époque où la mode est... more

À l’ère de l'informatique, qui aurait cru que le dessin allait contribuer à jeter les bases d'une meilleure compréhension et d'une meilleure gestion du développement des arbres ?
À une époque où la mode est aux ordinateurs portables et aux analyses statistiques, il serait facile d'oublier l'im­portance du dessin en science. Pourtant, il est admis que la méthode doit se mettre au service de la recherche, et non l'inverse. Or, lorsqu'on cherche à identifier les mécanismes de fonctionnement des méristèmes api­caux d'une plante de l'envergure d'un arbre tout au long d'un cycle de vie pouvant s'étendre sur 200 ou 300 ans, on a intérêt à mettre de côté la prise de mesures fines. Le dessin permet d'assembler et de comparer rapide­ment une multitude de données. Il permet de voir au-delà de ce qui est connu, en forçant le regard de l'observateur sur son objet d'étude ; un premier pas en recherche qui donne ici des résultats étonnants et fon­cièrement utiles.

Sixty trees representing 9 different clones of Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa hybrids were wounded in 1975, each tree receiving 14 drill wounds. Dissections of these trees after 6 months revealed several patterns of healing, ranging... more

Sixty trees representing 9 different clones of Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa hybrids were wounded in 1975, each tree receiving 14 drill wounds. Dissections of these trees after 6 months revealed several patterns of healing, ranging from poor closure and compartmentalization to excellent closure and compartmentalization. The results show that it is difficult to generalize on the healing patterns of

Between 2015 and 2019 an integrated survey of the Veteran Trees and Archaeology at two sites in the Forest of Dean was carried out by volunteers under the supervision of Andrew Hoaen, of the University of Worcester. This report is a... more

Between 2015 and 2019 an integrated survey of the Veteran Trees and Archaeology at two sites in the Forest of Dean was carried out by volunteers under the supervision of Andrew Hoaen, of the University of Worcester. This report is a summary of the findings of the survey. The Speech House is an important relict holly wood with many ancient holly trees which have been extensively modified in the past to provide fodder, timber and shelter for grazing animals. The majority of ancient oaks and beeches in Forest of Dean are to be found around Speech House. The archaeological walkover survey identified the remains of woodland industries along with a piece of Bronze age rock art and squatter settlement. The survey demonstrates the limitations of LIDAR at locating small scale archaeological monuments in wooded environments.

Applying mulch on and around the root ball of newly installed trees is standard practice in many locations (Watson and Himelick 1997). However, mulch usage is less common in drier locations such as the southwestern United States. Applying... more

Applying mulch on and around the root ball of newly installed trees is standard practice in many locations (Watson and Himelick 1997). However, mulch usage is less common in drier locations such as the southwestern United States. Applying mulch around the base of the tree has ...

Hazard trees are a concern for anyone who manages trees in a landscape setting, including arborists, urban foresters, and grounds managers. Through re- search, experience, observation, and common sense, ar- borists and urban foresters... more

Hazard trees are a concern for anyone who manages trees in a landscape setting, including arborists, urban foresters, and grounds managers. Through re- search, experience, observation, and common sense, ar- borists and urban foresters have identified many risk factors that predispose trees to failure. They have also de- veloped thresholds to help determine the degree of hazard and whether a tree is in imminent danger of failing or needs annual (or more frequent) inspections. Two critical factors are involved in strength loss assessment in tree stems with defects. First, it is important to know how much strength is lost due to a defect such as a hollow or cavity. Second, the load required to cause failure needs to be considered since the wood of some trees is inherently stronger than others. Research currently underway at the University of Massachusetts , U.S., intends to test the strength loss due to decay in tree stems. Eventually, once the methodology has been refined, other tree ...

This study describes a simple method to estimate the correlation between root plate tilt and wind speed. The objective was to test if the tilt of trees in high winds can be predicted based on data obtained in the more often occurring low... more

Aleje – podręcznik użytkownika prezentuje w przystępny sposób wiedzę potrzebną dla właściwego zarządzania zadrzewieniami, zwłaszcza przydrożnymi. We wprowadzeniu omawia korzyści z nich płynące oraz specyfikę organizmu drzewa. Kolejne... more

Aleje – podręcznik użytkownika prezentuje w przystępny sposób wiedzę potrzebną dla właściwego zarządzania zadrzewieniami, zwłaszcza przydrożnymi. We wprowadzeniu omawia korzyści z nich płynące oraz specyfikę organizmu drzewa. Kolejne rozdziały II–IV poświęcone są zasadom pielęgnacji oraz diagnostyce stanu zdrowotnego i fizycznego drzewa. Przedstawiamy w nich między innymi nową propozycję formularza wizualnej oceny drzewa dla zarządców terenów. W rozdziale V zarysowujemy zagadnienia projektowania alej oraz ochrony drzew na placu budowy, a w VI radzimy, jak sformułować właściwe specyfikacje dla sadzenia drzew przydrożnych. Na koniec przyglądamy się działaniom edukacyjnym i uruchamiającym społeczną energię, a także współpracy zarządców dróg wszelkich szczebli, zwłaszcza gmin, z organizacjami społecznymi.

One major benefit of urban trees is the shade they provide on sunny days; this reduces the heat stored in engineered surfaces and lowers the heat load on people, increasing their comfort. This study compared the shading effectiveness of... more

One major benefit of urban trees is the shade they provide on sunny days; this reduces the heat stored in engineered surfaces and lowers the heat load on people, increasing their comfort. This study compared the shading effectiveness of five small street tree species within the urban landscape of Manchester, UK. The area of shade produced by each tree during early and midsummer 2012 was calculated from morphological measurements, such as canopy height, width, and aspect ratio. The effect of tree shade on air, mean radiant and surface temperatures was also compared and related to the leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy. It was found that tree shade reduced mean radiant temperatures by an average of 4°C, though neither tree species nor LAI had a significant effect. Tree shade reduced surface temperatures by an average of 12°C, and the tree species and LAI both had significant effects. Tree species with higher LAI, Crataegus laevigata and Pyrus calleryana, provided significantly more c...

Evapotranspirational cooling from urban trees is an effective way of reducing the urban heat island. However, the appropriate planting design to maximize the cooling benefit of street trees has not been widely examined. The current study... more

Evapotranspirational cooling from urban trees is an effective way of reducing the urban heat island. However, the appropriate planting design to maximize the cooling benefit of street trees has not been widely examined. The current study investigated the growth and physiology of a commonly planted urban tree, Pyrus calleryana, in Manchester, UK. Trees were planted in April 2010 using three standard planting techniques: in a small open pit, and in small or large closed pits with non-compacted load-bearing soils and sealed with permeable paving slabs. The growth rate, leaf area index, and stomatal conductance were monitored over the next three growing seasons, together with chlorophyll analysis and fluorescence and leaf water potential, allowing researchers to determine tree health, water status, and evapotranspirational cooling. Trees in the open pits grew twice as fast as those in small covered pits and 1.5 times as fast as trees in large covered pits. Having significantly higher ca...

Urban forests are a critical element in sustainable urban areas because of the many environmental, economic, and social benefits that city trees provide. In order to increase canopy cover in urban areas, residential homeowners, who... more

Urban forests are a critical element in sustainable urban areas because of the many environmental, economic, and social benefits that city trees provide. In order to increase canopy cover in urban areas, residential homeowners, who collectively own the majority of the land in most cities, need to engage in planting and retaining trees on their properties. This collaborative research project surveyed homeowners in Seattle, Washington, U.S., to examine their behaviors and attitudes toward the trees on their property. Attitudes toward trees were mapped to examine geographic distribution, as Seattle has a legacy of neighborhood-based planning. Results show that homeowners planted trees during non-optimal times of the year, preferred trees that are small at maturity over trees that are large at maturity, and showed increased interest in fruit trees. Homeowners intend to plant fewer trees in the future than they have in the past. This research is a model for social science efforts that ca...

Tree planting programs in Malaysia have progressed as planned. However, the subsequent management of the street trees, particularly at Kuala Lumpur City Hall, is not well undertaken due to inadequate information for management and... more

Tree planting programs in Malaysia have progressed as planned. However, the subsequent management of the street trees, particularly at Kuala Lumpur City Hall, is not well undertaken due to inadequate information for management and maintenance purposes. There has never been a systematic tree survey conducted to inventory street trees in Kuala Lumpur. With this, a survey was conducted to collect comprehensive information on tree structure, species composition, species diversity, and tree defects and disorders. A total 2,191 street trees were surveyed.

Opracowana w ramach programu „Drogi dla Natury” książka przeznaczona jest dla tych, którzy w ramach swoich obowiązków odpowiadają za drzewa, a także dla tych, którzy je po prostu kochają i pragną je lepiej poznać i chronić. Jest ona... more

Opracowana w ramach programu „Drogi dla Natury” książka przeznaczona jest dla tych, którzy w ramach swoich obowiązków odpowiadają za drzewa, a także dla tych, którzy je po prostu kochają i pragną je lepiej poznać i chronić. Jest ona połączonym drugim wydaniem książek „Aleje – skarbnice przyrody” oraz „Aleje – podręcznik użytkownika” opublikowanych w roku 2012. Ich zawartość została gruntownie zweryfikowana – zwłaszcza rozdziały o podstawowej diagnostyce i pielęgnacji drzew. Proponujemy także nowy, znacznie bardziej użyteczny formularz oceny drzewa. Mamy nadzieję, że książka będzie praktyczną pomocą dla pracowników służb drogowych i samorządów, gospodarzy nieruchomości oraz społeczników.

For the purposes of this article, climbing hitches will be assessed by three main criteria: • how well the climbing hitch holds the climber in place for work positioning By Mark Adams • how easily the climbing hitch releases to allow the... more

For the purposes of this article, climbing hitches will be assessed by three main criteria:
• how well the climbing hitch holds the climber in place for work positioning
By Mark Adams
• how easily the climbing hitch releases to allow the climber to descend and then grips once the climber has reached the next (usually lower) work station
• how easily the hitch breaks and advances when pushed by a slack tender or the climber’s hand and then grips once the climber has reached the next (usually higher) work station

Hazard trees are a concern for anyone who manages trees in a landscape setting, including arborists, urban foresters, and grounds maintainers. Considerable time and effort has been spent addressing the problem. Be-cause trees are living... more

Hazard trees are a concern for anyone who manages trees in a landscape setting, including arborists, urban foresters, and grounds maintainers. Considerable time and effort has been spent addressing the problem. Be-cause trees are living organisms, growing in varied en- ...

L’analyse architecturale des arbres est une discipline de recherche qui a défié les modes en science et qui donne accès aujourd’hui à des connaissances inédites sur le mode de développement des arbres. Saviez-vous qu’un arbre peut... more

L’analyse architecturale des arbres est une discipline de recherche qui a défié les modes en science et qui donne accès aujourd’hui à des connaissances inédites sur le mode de développement des arbres. Saviez-vous qu’un arbre peut fourcher pour 5 raisons différentes et que selon la raison, son devenir sera différent? Savez-vous reconnaître les différentes catégories d’axe d’un arbre et identifier d’un seul regard porté sur sa structure à quel stade de développement il est rendu? L’architecture de l’arbre est quelque chose qui se voit, qui est accessible et surtout qui est informateur et utile pour celui qui recense, gère, exploite ou protège l’arbre et la forêt.

While English yew Taxus baccata L. has become extinct or rare in many parts of Europe, Britain contains a large population of very large and old yew. We analyse 2,760 records of live yew trees to document this unique population and... more

While English yew Taxus baccata L. has become extinct or rare in many parts of Europe, Britain contains a large population of very large and old yew. We analyse 2,760 records of live yew trees to document this unique population and categorise by girth: 717 Veteran (5–6.99 m), 204 Ancient (7–8.99 m) and 55 Exceptional (≥9 m) yew trees. Individual trees are mapped, and both areas and habitats of the highest proportions are detailed. The loss of 223 notable trees from churchyards highlights a need for better safeguarding a unique habitat of the world’s largest yew trees.

Este manual se constituye en un aporte para la definición de los criterios orientadores para la siembra adecuada y óptima de árboles y palmas en las zonas blandas y parques de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali y recomendaciones para favorecer... more

Strumenti per la progettazione degli spazi pubblici tra mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici

This paper asks whether we can identify a recurrent domestication syndrome for tree crops (fruits, nuts) and track archaeologically the evolution of domestication of fruits from woody perennials. While archaeobotany has made major... more

This paper asks whether we can identify a recurrent domestication syndrome for tree crops (fruits, nuts) and track archaeologically the evolution of domestication of fruits from woody perennials. While archaeobotany has made major contributions to documenting the domestication process in cereals and other annual grains, long-lived perennials have received less comparative attention. Drawing on examples from across Eurasia, comparisons suggest a tendency for the larger domesticated fruits to contain seeds that are proportionally longer, thinner and with more pointed (acute to attenuated) apices. Therefore, although changes in flavour, such as increased sweetness, are not recoverable, seed metrics and shape provide an archaeological basis for tracking domestication episodes in fruits from woody perennials. Where available, metrical data suggest length increases, as well as size diversification over time, with examples drawn from the Jomon of Japan (Castanea crenata), Neolithic China (Prunus persica) and the later Neolithic of the Near East (Olea europaea, Phoenix dactylifera) to estimate rates of change. More limited data allow us to also compare Mesoamerica avocado (Persea americana) and western Pacific Canarium sp. nuts and Spondias sp. fruits. Data from modern Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana) are also considered in relation to seed length:width trends in relation to fruit contents (flesh proportion, sugar content). Despite the long generation time in tree fruits, rates of change in their seeds are generally comparable to rates of phenotypic evolution in annual grain crops, suggesting that gradual evolution via unconscious selection played a key role in initial processes of tree domestication, and that this had begun in the later Neolithic once annual crops had been domesticated, in both west and east Asia.

This paper explores how arborists negotiate their work environment, including the pressures of policies, the labour market, technologies, government regulations and lack thereof, and the non-human agencies with which they are confronted.... more

This paper explores how arborists negotiate their work environment, including the pressures of policies, the labour market, technologies, government regulations and lack thereof, and the non-human agencies with which they are confronted. The political climate surrounding urban forestry in Southern Ontario influences and governs operations and physical labour. There are many (f)actors and conditions (both external and internal) surrounding fieldwork in urban forestry and that these affect work and personal lives. The questions guiding this paper include: (a) How do various political and labour conditions impact arborists' sense of pride, independence and skill?; (b) What are the social and labour divisions within the culture of arboriculture?; and (c) What is the lived experience of urban forest workers, their employment, and what is it like to be a frontline worker? This paper provides a closer look at licensing, work conditions, subcultures and social dynamics in urban arboriculture. Using accounts from semi-structured interviews with arborists across Southern Ontario and by examining field arborists' activities, relationships with co-workers and working conditions through participant observation and ethnographic field notes, I explore and reveal how arborists feel about their working environment and the labour processes and people who oversee and surround them. Findings reveal that despite dehumanizing (f)actors within the field, there are elements of resistance and negotiation, and potential for an alternative future.

Savernake Forest and Tottenham Park, Wiltshire, is an extensive designed landscape established on the remnants of a medieval hunting forest and best known for its concentration of veteran trees. Between 2006 and 2009 seven thousand large... more

Savernake Forest and Tottenham Park, Wiltshire, is an extensive designed landscape established on the remnants of a medieval hunting forest and best known for its concentration of veteran trees. Between 2006 and 2009 seven thousand large trees were located and measured in a survey carried out by the Forestry Commission. The data are here stratified and analysed using the normal distribution curve to identify populations
and compared with archival material. It is suggested that the majority of veteran trees
date from the late eighteenth century. A small number of oaks are indicated as being of
older cohorts in the medieval period. Three may have their origins before the Norman

Recent research from the site of Pella in Jordan examines the process and timing of olive cultivation. The frequent presence of olive remains from the Pottery Neolithic, beginning in the Yarmoukian, suggests that exploitation of the olive... more

Recent research from the site of Pella in Jordan examines the process and timing of olive cultivation. The frequent presence of olive remains from the Pottery Neolithic, beginning in the Yarmoukian, suggests that exploitation of the olive dates from as early as c. 6200 cal bce, with evidence of oil pressing from at least c. 5200 cal bce. Morphometric data, spanning the Late Neolithic to the Middle Iron Age II, using the measurement of olive endocarp length and width, demonstrates a reduction in the size variation of olive endocarps through time, in addition to an increase in their length, likely the result of selection pressure on trees. At Pella, this change occurs sometime after the Chalcolithic and before the Late Bronze Age, probably post-dating the earliest phases of the Early Bronze Age. Domestication is thus later than Teleilat Ghassul (Jordan), which has the earliest morphological evidence for olive domestication, and suggests that olive domestication was a regionally and temporally diverse process.

Demesnes have been a dominant feature of the lrish landscape since medieval times and once occupied 5% of the country. Although dependant upon their supporting tenanted estates, demesnes - the manorial lands farmed directly by the lord -... more

Demesnes have been a dominant feature of the lrish landscape since medieval times and once occupied 5% of the country. Although dependant upon their supporting tenanted estates, demesnes - the manorial lands farmed directly by the lord - have evolved as seperate social and economic areas with distinctive planned and managed layouts incorporating woodland, farmland, gardens, and ornamental grounds, as well a a range of building types. Considering their central role in the development of Irish agriculture, horticuture, sylviculture and field sport, it is perhaps not surprising that demesnes have made a significant contribution to the natural history of Ireland. Indeed, they continue to do so, for despite the widespread devastation over the past eighty years, the demesne remains a significant component of the Irish landscape, offering suitable habitats to a wide range of flora and fauna.

Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] is a native American fruit tree that has potential as a new fruit crop or for use in landscapes, but little information is available to nurseries on the production of containerized plants. In greenhouse... more

Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] is a native American fruit tree that has potential as a new fruit crop or for use in landscapes, but little information is available to nurseries on the production of containerized plants. In greenhouse experiments, growth of pawpaw seedlings in Rootrainers was examined in three fertilization regimes, two root-zone temperatures, and four substrates [ProMix, 6 pine bark: 1 sand (v/v), 1 sand: 1 sphagnum peat, and 4 pine bark: 1 sand: 1 sphagnum peat medium]. A similar germination rate of 80% was obtained in all substrates. Weekly fertigation treatments were imposed when seedlings had 2 to 3 leaves, at 0, 50, and 100 mg·L-1 N as Peters 20N-8.6P-16.6K water-soluble fertilizer plus soluble trace elements. After 140 days at the highest fertilizer rate, plant height, leaf number, and dry weight (roots, shoots, and total plant) were greater in ProMix and 1 sand:1 sphagnum peat than in 6 pine bark: 1 sand (v/v) or 4 pine bark: 1 sand: 1 sphagnum peat. Als...

The California Tree Failure Report Program database was established in 1987 to collect data on tree branch, trunk, and root breakage or uprooting. The database for the CTFRP is compiled from failure evaluation reports filled out by... more

The California Tree Failure Report Program database was established in 1987 to collect data on tree branch, trunk, and root breakage or uprooting. The database for the CTFRP is compiled from failure evaluation reports filled out by statewide cooperating arborists, tree assessors, and other horticultural professionals. Compilation of 186 reports for Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) has permitted development of a

The Norway maple, Acer platanoldes, was in- troduced into the United States about 1756 after being cultivated in England since 1683. This species remained in relative obscurity in the U.S. until the mid- to late-1800's, but is now... more

The Norway maple, Acer platanoldes, was in- troduced into the United States about 1756 after being cultivated in England since 1683. This species remained in relative obscurity in the U.S. until the mid- to late-1800's, but is now one of the most popular urban trees. In certain regions of the United States, Norway maples dominate street tree populations and commonly escape to compete with native species. The extensive use of this species in North America has led to various problems across its new range. Some of these problems may be overcome by future introductions from its native range in Eurasia. L'erable de Norvege, Acer platanoides, etait introduit aux Etats-Unis vers 1756 apres avoir ete cultive en Angleterre depuis 1683. Cette espece restait dans une relative obscurite aux Etats-Unis jusque vers la mi a la fin du 18" siecle, mais est maintenant une des plus populaires parmi les arbres urbains. Dans certaines regions des Etats-Unis, les erables de Norvege dominen...