BACKGAMMON Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Copy of page 1 of the final proofs.

This book is a translation of the Middle Persian work on Chess and Backgammon

Por favor no lo descarguen. Estoy actualizando el texto! Gracias ..... /// Backgammon es un juego antiquísimo, aquí presento una introducción para quien no lo conoce y sus reglas y además una variante propia en su forma de... more

Por favor no lo descarguen. Estoy actualizando el texto! Gracias ..... /// Backgammon es un juego antiquísimo, aquí presento una introducción para quien no lo conoce y sus reglas y además una variante propia en su forma de jugarlo./Backgammon is a very old game, I present an introduction for those who do not know and rules. In addition I propose a variant to play it differently.

Національний музей історії України. Тематичний збірник наукових праць. - К : “Фенікс”, 2011. - 376 с. : іл. - ISBN 978-966-651-940-8. У збірнику вміщені наукові статті співробітників Національного музею історії України, присвячені... more

Board games are often used as a plot motif in modern genre fiction, especially in detective and adventure stories. In these types of narrative a well-known pattern of storytelling or literary structure (e.g. the treasure hunt, the... more

Board games are often used as a plot motif in modern genre fiction, especially in detective and adventure stories. In these types of narrative a well-known pattern of storytelling or literary structure (e.g. the treasure hunt, the detection of serial crimes, the iniatory course, or the medieval tale collection) is reworked and adapted to the rules and phases of a board game such as chess, jeu de l’oie, or the tarot card pack. This literary practice is very ancient and may be traced back to a number of novelistic compositions of the ancient Near East, dating from the first millennium B.C. to late antiquity. In the Demotic Egyptian Tale of Setne Khaemwaset, from the Saite period, the protagonist Setne plays a board game (probably senet) with the mummy of a long dead and buried magician, in order to gain a powerful book of spells. The widespread Near-Eastern story-pattern of the magical competition is here superimposed on the procedure of a celebrated Egyptian game. In a late Hellenistic Greek novella inspired by the Odyssey (Apion of Alexandria, FGrH 616 F36) Penelope’s suitors play an elaborate game of marbles (petteia) in order to determine which one of them will marry the queen. This is a playful rewriting of the famous bow contest of the Homeric epic. A Sasanian novelistic work, the Wizārišn ī čatrang, adapts the age-old legend of the riddle contest of kings; the riddles are replaced with board games (chess and backgammon), which the opponents invent and propose to each other as difficult puzzles for solution. In all these texts the board game becomes a central symbol of the transformative and innovative power of literary narrative.

Studie autora byla vydána roku 1992 v časopise ,,Výběr - z prací členů historického spolku při Jihočeském muzeu v Českých Budějovicích" (ročník 29) / The study published in 1992 in the journal ,,Výběr - from the works of members of the... more

Studie autora byla vydána roku 1992 v časopise ,,Výběr - z prací členů historického spolku při Jihočeském muzeu v Českých Budějovicích" (ročník 29) / The study published in 1992 in the journal ,,Výběr - from the works of members of the Historical Society at the South Bohemian Museum in České Budějovice (Volume 29)".

Archéologie du jeu de tables, X-XIIIe s., en Occident.

Two particular years stand out for every Eastern European: the beginning of the Cold War in 1947 and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The fall of the wall started the great Transition of the Eastern Bloc to the western way of life. In... more

Two particular years stand out for every Eastern European: the beginning of the Cold War in 1947 and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The fall of the wall started the great Transition of the Eastern Bloc to the western way of life. In the following pages my intent is to share with you, my readers, how this cultural, social and spiritual transition is seen through the eyes of Bulgarian film makers after 1989. Two lines of thought appear in the films we are going to discuss. First is the emigration of the Bulgarians to the west before and after 1989, where their lives and values change. Second is the coming back to the homeland, Bulgaria, where the lives of these people are changed again. In this journey, west and back again, I am going to focus on the religious or spiritual transition which happens in someone's life. Is God a part of the transition? What view about God do the characters have? What role does the Christian faith play? What are their values? During the journey I will share also some personal details about my view of the events.

Rich connections between gaming and theater stretch back to the 16th and 17th centuries, when England's first commercial theaters appeared right next door to gaming houses and blood-sport arenas. In the first book-length exploration of... more