Bancassurance Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is... more

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is possible government can use the wide network of

Saat ini metode pemasaran produk asuransi yang sedang berkembang adalah metode bancassurance. Pemasaran bancassurance adalah aktivitas pemasaran produk asuransi oleh bank di mana aktivitas pemasaran ini dilandasai dengan kerjasama antara... more

Saat ini metode pemasaran produk asuransi yang sedang berkembang adalah metode bancassurance. Pemasaran bancassurance adalah aktivitas pemasaran produk asuransi oleh bank di mana aktivitas pemasaran ini dilandasai dengan kerjasama antara bank dengan perusahaan asuransi. Salah satu skema bancassurance yang dilakukan oleh bank dan perusahaan asuransi dalam memasarkan produk asuransi adalah skema bancassurance telemarketing. Bancassurance telemarketing adalah penawaran produk asuransi kepada nasabah perbankan melalui sarana jarak jauh yaitu telefon. Penawaran melalui produk asuransi melalui telemarketing menjadi pilihan yang tepat bagi perusahaan asuransi karena dapat menjual asuransi tanpa tatap muka sehingga dapat menekan pengeluaran perusahaan. Namun perlu diperhatikan bahwa perusahaan asuransi tidak dapat sembarangan dalam memasarkan produk asuransi melalui telemarketing karena saat ini telah diatur oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sehingga kepatuhan pada pengaturan tersebut sangat perlu diterapkan oleh perusahaan asuransi yang melakukan aktivitas tersebut. Jurnal ini akan membahas dan menganalisa mengenai praktik bisnis bancassurance telemarketing pada industri perasuransian di Indonesia berikut dengan mekanisme pelaksanaan yang wajib diterapkan oleh perusahaan asuransi sebagaimana yang telah diatur pada pengaturan yang terkait pada bancassurance.

This paper examined the relationship between bancassurance and insurance Firms' income in Nigeria from 1996 to 2017. Error correction model (ECM) results suggested that Bancassurance Convergence (BANS), Interest on Credit facilities... more

This paper examined the relationship between bancassurance and insurance Firms' income in Nigeria from 1996 to 2017. Error correction model (ECM) results suggested that Bancassurance Convergence (BANS), Interest on Credit facilities (INTR) and Total Investment (TINV) impacted positively and were statistically significant at 5% to the Aggregate Insurance Sector Growth Rate (AIGR) in the previous and current years except Inflation Rate (INFR). The study concluded that there is long run relationship among (BANS), (INFR), (INTR) and (AIGR) and recommended that aggressive improvement on Bancassurance Convergence (BANS) policy should be enacted and taken seriously to enhance efficiency in (AIGR).

The reality of bancassurance is multifaceted. A clear success in many markets such as France, Spain or Italy, it remains a marginal player in other countries. However, it is not so easy to understand why it fails to develop in the same... more

The reality of bancassurance is multifaceted. A clear success in many markets such as France, Spain or Italy, it remains a marginal player in other countries. However, it is not so easy to understand why it fails to develop in the same way everywhere. Because the keys to success are numerous, variegated and sometimes surprising. The objective of this research project is to study experiences of bancassurance in different countries, in light of which the researcher would seek to evaluate that what possibly can be instrumental in promoting this sector in the Indian subcontinent.

This paper is an attempt to understand the various models existing in various countries and to develop an alternative model from Indian context. For the purpose of the study various secondary sources reviewed and in depth study is made.... more

This paper is an attempt to understand the various models existing in various countries and to develop an alternative model from Indian context. For the purpose of the study various secondary sources reviewed and in depth study is made. It shows the due to dynamics of each country are different and the need for change of model is also important. One model cannot be implemented around the globe. Keeping the economic conditions of the country in mind the model needs to be developed.

A power point presentation on the concept of Bancassurance

The present paper is an attempt to understand the various dynamics of bancassurance in India from the operational point of view. Through this paper the authors tried decode the issues related to bancassurance. The paper is based on... more

The present paper is an attempt to understand the various dynamics of bancassurance in India from the operational point of view. Through this paper the authors tried decode the issues related to bancassurance. The paper is based on secondary data and the objective is to undertake in depth analysis of emergence of bancassurance in India with special reference to eastern part of the country. We are sure that the literature included for this paper will provide new dimensions for the various researchers working in this area. Sinha (2005) The author highlights the emerging trends of bancassurance in Indian market. There are various factors responsible for this growing trend and among these, factors like huge branch network, fee based earnings for bank staffs and common acceptability of banks among mass consumers visa -vis insurance companies plays a dominant role. Along with these the problems of bad loans faced by the Indian banks as well as overstaffing situation also forces the banks to take this route. This not only increase the level of income substantially it also helps to use the manpower resources in a proper manner for banks. The author concluded that the change in regulatory environment just after liberalization of Indian economy plays a significant role for the development of the bancassurance business model. 1 Focus Publication (2005) The paper concluded that country wise performance of the bancassurance business model can't be grouped under one condition due to different regulatory environment that may exist in different countries. In most of the Latin American countries and European countries where bancassurance has a huge growth still growing at a faster rate and in other parts of the world

La criptovaluta può essere definita come una "digitalizzazione di valore", che viene utilizzata come mezzo di scambio per l'acquisto di beni e servizi, caratterizzandosi per non essere emessa da una banca centrale o altra pubblica... more

La criptovaluta può essere definita come una "digitalizzazione di valore", che viene utilizzata come mezzo di scambio per l'acquisto di beni e servizi, caratterizzandosi per non essere emessa da una banca centrale o altra pubblica autorità e per non essere necessariamente collegata ad una valuta avente corso legale, e, in quanto tale, può essere oggetto di operazioni speculative in ragione dell'estrema variabilità dei livelli di fluttuazione che la caratterizza. La criptovaluta deve qualificarsi come "bene", e come tale può essere oggetto di acquisto, scambio e deposito, ed è caratterizzata dall'essere bene fungibile, trattandosi di rappresentazioni digitali espresse in unità patrimoniali di un medesimo valore. Il rapporto tra utenti e exchange per criptovalute è qualificabile come rapporto misto di deposito e trading, non potendoci essere commercio in difetto di correlativo deposito per tutte le caratteristiche di funzionamento del commercio di criptovalute e della piattaforma; in tal modo dando luogo ad un deposito irregolare, cui consegue lo specifico obbligo del depositario di mantenere sempre a disposizione la quantità integrale. Nell'ipotesi di deposito irregolare di beni fungibili, nella specie criptovalute, anche quando questi non siano stati individuati al momento della consegna, entrano, comunque, nella disponibilità del depositario che acquista il diritto di servirsene e, pertanto, ne diventa proprietario, pur essendo tenuto a restituirne altrettanti della stessa specie e quantità, salvo che sia stata apposta un'apposita clausola derogatoria.

Objectives At the end of this course delegate will be able to understand the following: - You will have good working knowledge of the business model (bancassurance) and the opportunities therein. - You will know the different partnership... more

At the end of this course delegate will be able to understand the following:
- You will have good working knowledge of the business model (bancassurance) and the opportunities therein.
- You will know the different partnership arrangements within the model that will best suit your organisation and business environment.
- You would have acquired the requisite knowledge for detail analysis and implementation of the business model to the advantage of your organization.
This course consists of three modules.
Module One - Consists of the introduction, concept of bancassurance, bancassurance across the world, motivation and trend in financial services industry
Module Two – Evolution/Historical development of Bancassurance, Guidelines on Bancassurance products, referral model of Banking and Supervision Department of CBN.
Module Three
Bancassurance as agent of change from bank and insurance perspective and the Bancassurance Business model.
Module Four -
Strategic alliances, Product development and effective remuneration and incentive scheme design
Module Five –
Benefit to all Stakeholders – bank, insurer, customer and government
Module Six
Critical success factor – legal framework, distribution channel, Brand IT etc

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the diversity of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been... more

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its
liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the diversity
of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been effective in the
European countries and it has come into existence in India. The banks and the
insurance companies come together and the banks distribute the products of insurance
company’s ie.Bancassurance. This arrangement facilitates the insurance companies in
reaching out to the rural market through the strong network of the bank branches.The
article attempts to understand the evolution of bancassurance in India through a review
of the literature. Further, it explores the research in the area of bancassurance, tries to
identify the gaps and provide directions for further research. For this purpose, several
articles on bancassurances pertaining to various countries and India were reviewed.
The earlier studies were reviewed attempting to understand bancassurance in the
perspective of marketing. The research in the area of bancassurance has several
perspectives and extensive researches have been carried out in the European markets
while the research in bancassurance pertaining to the Indian context is limited.
Research can be carried out to measure the effectiveness of bancassurance, explore the
cross buying intentions of the customers of the bank, compare the effectiveness of the
bancassurance channel over the traditional channels, the relevance of bancassurance
with the increasing online purchase.

Keberadaan lembaga asuransi saat ini tidak terlepas dari risiko yang mengancam jiwa seseorang ataupun harta bendanya. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut pemasaran/penawaran asuransi yang berjalan cepat dan praktis dengan menggunakan media... more

Keberadaan lembaga asuransi saat ini tidak terlepas dari risiko yang mengancam jiwa seseorang ataupun harta bendanya. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut pemasaran/penawaran asuransi yang berjalan cepat dan praktis dengan menggunakan media komunikasi telepon (telemarketing). Kesepakatan atas penerimaan tersebut dapat tercapai cukup dalam bentuk perilaku atau ditindaklanjuti dengan penandatanganan dokumen perjanjian asuransi. Salah satu persoalan hukum yang terjadi yaitu timbulnya kesalahpahaman/kekeliruan antara yang ditawarkan perusahaan asuransi secara telemarketing dengan pemahaman calon pemegang polis/tertanggung. Meskipun telah ada gugatan hingga kasasi mengenai pembatalan lahirnya perjanjian asuransi secara telemarketing yang telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, perjanjian tersebut tidaklah dapat dibatalkan sepihak. Bahwasanya perjanjian asuransi mulai mengikat setelah adanya kesepakatan para pihak dengan kekuatan pembuktian secara bertahap mengingat perjanjian asuransi sebatas bukti permulaan saja dan kemudian diejawantahkan ke dalam polis asuransi. Oleh karena itu, dalil-dalil dan bukti-bukti untuk membatalkan perjanjian asuransi yang telah disepakati tidak dapat dibenarkan dan tidak berdasarkan hukum, sehingga permohonan kasasi harus ditolak.

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the diversity of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been... more

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its
liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the
diversity of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been effective in
the European countries and it has come into existence in India. The banks and the
insurance companies come together and the banks distribute the products of
insurance company’s ie.Bancassurance. This arrangement facilitates the insurance
companies in reaching out to the rural market through the strong network of the bank
branches.The article attempts to understand the evolution of bancassurance in India
through a review of the literature. Further, it explores the research in the area of
bancassurance, tries to identify the gaps and provide directions for further research.
For this purpose, several articles on bancassurances pertaining to various countries
and India were reviewed. The earlier studies were reviewed attempting to understand
bancassurance in the perspective of marketing. The research in the area of
bancassurance has several perspectives and extensive researches have been carried
out in the European markets while the research in bancassurance pertaining to the
Indian context is limited. Research can be carried out to measure the effectiveness of
bancassurance, explore the cross buying intentions of the customers of the bank,
compare the effectiveness of the bancassurance channel over the traditional channels,
the relevance of bancassurance with the increasing online purchase

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is... more

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is possible government can use the wide network of bank branches to reach even to the rural segment. Under universal banking bank can provide all the financial products under one roof which also includes insurance. The distribution of insurance through the bank network is called as the bancassurance; insurance company uses the bancassurance channel to enlarge its market, the present article focus on the bancassurance concept, its efficiency, and problems in the implementation.

The prominence of insurance industry in India with a number of modifications in entry of foreign players and regulatory structure has created an advantageous situation. The manner in which the industry connects with its customer and... more

The prominence of insurance industry in India with a number of modifications in entry of foreign players and regulatory structure has created an advantageous situation. The manner in which the industry connects with its customer and progresses in its business has resulted in spurge in the insurance activity leading to an increased growth rate. Government's initiative of motivating the uninsured to take up insurance has continuously driven penetration in the nation and multiplication of insurance products. During the year 2016-17, the penetration of life Insurance and Non-life insurance was 2.72% and 0.77%, respectively. The penetration of insurance products can be increased only through effective distribution channels. As on date 70% of distribution is done through intermediaries such as agents, brokers and web aggregators. Bancassurance is one such medium to distribute insurance products through bank as an intermediary. The present paper attempts to give a picture of bancassurance in terms of various models of bancassurance, guidelines prescribed by RBI for each model and also the motivating factors for banks to enter into insurance business. Bancassurance has contributed nearly 50% of the distribution of life insurance products in the year 2016-17 and thus, it can be considered as an effective tool for distribution as it creates a win-win situation for both the sectors and can remain as a forerunner in improving the penetration of insurance industry in India with an optimistic future business outlook.

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is... more

Financial inclusion is the new concept which is emerging nowadays; it is a process through which all the financial products are provided even to the weaker section of the society. With the help of banking the financial inclusion is possible government can use the wide network of bank branches to reach even to the rural segment. Under universal banking bank can provide all the financial products under one roof which also includes insurance. The distribution of insurance through the bank network is called as the bancassurance; insurance company uses the bancassurance channel to enlarge its market, the present article focus on the bancassurance concept, its efficiency, and problems in the implementation.

Banc-assurance simply means selling of insurance products by banks. Banc-assurance is used to describe the partnership or relationship between a bank and an insurance company whereby the insurance company uses the bank sales channel in... more

Banc-assurance simply means selling of insurance products by banks. Banc-assurance is used to describe the partnership or relationship between a bank and an insurance company whereby the insurance company uses the bank sales channel in order to sell insurance products.
In this arrangement, insurance companies and banks undergo a tie-up, thereby allowing banks to sell the insurance products to its customers. By selling insurance policies bank earns a revenue stream apart from interest. It is called as fee-based income. This income is purely risk-free for the bank since the bank simply plays the role of an intermediary for sourcing business to the insurance company. Insurers see it as a tool to increase penetration and market share and bankers use it to augment their fee income and to smooth-en the volatility of interest income. Banc-assurance is a package of banking and insurance services under one roof.The introduction of Banc-assurance has broadened the scope of retail banking.

This report deals with the review of empirical studies related to perceptions towards the distribution of insurance channels in banks. This review has been undertaken to observe the areas of distribution of insurance channels in banks... more

This report deals with the review of empirical studies related to perceptions towards the distribution of insurance channels in banks. This review has been undertaken to observe the areas of distribution of insurance channels in banks which has been explored and which need further investigation in order to formulate objectives and undertake productive research. This review also has been undertaken to unveil the problem areas related to perceptions towards distribution channels as well as to study the current status of life insurers and challenges faced by them. Besides, studies would provide an insight into the various efforts directed towards better understanding of the complexities of framing distribution strategies of life insurance companies.

Bancassurance has rapidly grown in Europe over the past 20 years catching the attention of managers and academia. Most dedicated studies have only been descriptive in nature, while the number of empirical stud-ies is very limited.... more

Bancassurance has rapidly grown in Europe over the past 20 years catching the attention of managers and academia. Most dedicated studies have only been descriptive in nature, while the number of empirical stud-ies is very limited. Potential efficiency gains are a poorly ...

This paper examined the relationship between bancassurance and insurance Firms' income in Nigeria from 1996 to 2017. Error correction model (ECM) results suggested that Bancassurance Convergence (BANS), Interest on Credit facilities... more

This paper examined the relationship between bancassurance and insurance Firms' income in Nigeria from 1996 to 2017. Error correction model (ECM) results suggested that Bancassurance Convergence (BANS), Interest on Credit facilities (INTR) and Total Investment (TINV) impacted positively and were statistically significant at 5% to the Aggregate Insurance Sector Growth Rate (AIGR) in the previous and current years except Inflation Rate (INFR). The study concluded that there is long run relationship among (BANS), (INFR), (INTR) and (AIGR) and recommended that aggressive improvement on Bancassurance Convergence (BANS) policy should be enacted and taken seriously to enhance efficiency in (AIGR).

The banking and insurance industries have developed rapidly in the changing and challenging economic environment all over the world. Due to merging of global financial markets, development of new technologies, universalization of banking... more

The banking and insurance industries have developed rapidly in the changing and challenging economic environment all over the world. Due to merging of global financial markets, development of new technologies, universalization of banking industries and with the expansion of non-banking activities, the insurance industry has globally brought in new channels of distribution into existence. Nowadays Banks have started increasing their business to securities and insurance and other sectors by adding new range of products. The financial resources in the hands of people should be channelized in effective manner to increase the returns from the basic financial structure of nation and also the quality of living of people. Insurance policies are instruments towards the cause. This study focuses on the perception of the policyholders towards Bancassurance and its features.

resumen de situaciones con blanqueo de capitales

Integrated services of financial institutions contribute to the quality and development of financial markets. The collaboration of banks and insurance companies through the bancassurance model, as the distribution channel of insurance... more

Integrated services of financial institutions contribute to the quality and development of financial markets. The collaboration of banks and insurance companies through the bancassurance model, as the distribution channel of insurance products, results in reduction of business risk and costs of market research and achieves better profitability and other mutual l benefits which have a positive effect on the performance of the insurance and financial markets. More specifically, the effective implementation of bancassurance provides benefits to banks, insurance companies, and to their customers. Although bancassurance has development perspective on the Montenegrin market, the paper will prove that adequate education and motivation of employees in the banking sector, as well as the adequate demand for this type of financial services, are necessary for its successful implementation. The purpose of this paper is to show the current trend of banks entering the insurance market in Montenegr...

Objective of this paper is to explore the existing practices of Bancassurance in Nepalese insurance industries. Secondary data has been obtained from Insurance Board, the official websites, annual report of respective insurance companies.... more

Objective of this paper is to explore the existing practices of Bancassurance in Nepalese insurance industries. Secondary data has been obtained from Insurance Board, the official websites, annual report of respective insurance companies. On the basis of available literature, we arrive into this conclusion that out of 83 institutional agencies of insurance, 77 are bank and financial institutions (BFI). All insurers have appointed BFI as insurance agents the concept and practices of bancassurance is not institutionalized compared to the western countries.

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the diversity of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been... more

The insurance industry in India has undergone a spectrum of changes since its liberalization, in terms of a number of players, the distribution system and the diversity of products. Bancassurance as a channel of distribution has been effective in the European countries and it has come into existence in India. The banks and the insurance companies come together and the banks distribute the products of insurance company's ie.Bancassurance. This arrangement facilitates the insurance companies in reaching out to the rural market through the strong network of the bank branches.The article attempts to understand the evolution of bancassurance in India through a review of the literature. Further, it explores the research in the area of bancassurance, tries to identify the gaps and provide directions for further research. For this purpose, several articles on bancassurances pertaining to various countries and India were reviewed. The earlier studies were reviewed attempting to understand bancassurance in the perspective of marketing. The research in the area of bancassurance has several perspectives and extensive researches have been carried out in the European markets while the research in bancassurance pertaining to the Indian context is limited. Research can be carried out to measure the effectiveness of bancassurance, explore the cross buying intentions of the customers of the bank, compare the effectiveness of the bancassurance channel over the traditional channels, the relevance of bancassurance with the increasing online purchase.