Biogas Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste... more

The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW). The conversion technologies such as anaerobic digestion (AD), pyrolysis, transesterification, incineration treat food, plastic, meat, and lignocellulosic wastes to produce liquid, gaseous and solid biofuels. Makkah city landfills receive about 2750 tons of waste every day. While during the Ramadan and Hajj seasons, these quantities become 3000 tons and 4706 tons per day respectively. More than 2.5 million animals were sold for slaughtering in 2014 Hajj, and their blood and organic solid waste were disposed of untreated. Similarly, around 2.1 million plastic Zam-Zam cups were wasted every day during the 2014 Ramadan time. In the first three days of 2014's Ramadan, 5000 tons of food was wasted only in Makkah municipality. Collectively, about 3853 tons of waste were generated each day during 2014 Hajj and Ramadan. The waste from Al-Haram and Al-Masha’ir (Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat) and their surroundings was mainly composed of organics (up to 68.5%). There is no waste-to-energy facility existing in Saudi Arabia. The waste biorefinery in Makkah will divert up to 94% of MSW from landfill to biorefinery. The energy potential of 2171.47 TJ and 8852.66 TJ can be produced if all of the food and plastic waste of the Makkah city are processed through AD and pyrolysis respectively. The development of AD and pyrolysis under waste biorefinery will also benefit the economy with gross savings of 405 and 565.7 million SR respectively, totalling to an annual profit of 970.7 million SR. Therefore, the benefits of waste biorefinery in Makkah city and other parts of the Saudi Arabia are numerous including the development of renewable-energy science and research, solving solid waste problems, new businesses and job creation opportunities and minimizing environmental pollution.

Production of biogas from different organic materials is a most interesting source of renewable energy. The biomethane potential (BMP) of these materials has to be determined to get insight in design parameters for anaerobic digesters.... more

Production of biogas from different organic materials is a most interesting source of renewable energy. The biomethane potential (BMP) of these materials has to be determined to get insight in design parameters for anaerobic digesters. Although several norms and guidelines for BMP tests exist, inter-laboratory tests regularly show high variability of BMPs for the same substrate. A workshop was held in June 2015, in Leysin, Switzerland, with over 40 attendees from 30 laboratories around the world, to agree on common solutions to the conundrum of inconsistent BMP test results. This paper presents the consensus of the intense roundtable discussions and cross-comparison of methodologies used in respective laboratories. Compulsory elements for the validation of BMP results were defined. They include the minimal number of replicates, the request to carry out blank and positive control assays, a criterion for the test duration, details on BMP calculation, and last but not least criteria fo...

The previous experiment was obtained that homemade activator is the best activator to produce biogas by using food waste consist of vegetable, fruit and rice waste. The current research is carried out by adding chicken manure as a... more

The previous experiment was obtained that homemade activator is the best activator to produce biogas by using food waste consist of vegetable, fruit and rice waste. The current research is carried out by adding chicken manure as a co-activator. Chicken manure content rich in nitrogen can be significantly enhance biogas production. This study is expected to increase the biogas production. There are two processes conducted at the laboratory scale, batch and semi-continuous process. The batch process aim to activate bacteria. The ratio set at food waste/chicken manure, 2 : 1 of digester #1, 3 : 1 of digester #2, 4 : 1 of digester #3 and digester control using food waste only. Stage two aims to produce biogas by adding food waste for 6 days periodically. The ratio is set at food waste/water, 1 : 2. The highest biogas yielded is digester 2 with a cumulative volume biogas 120.77 liters consist of 71.01% CH4, 26% CO2, 2.9% O2 and 0.088% H2S. The potential of methane gas produced is 0.87 ...

Biogas age from the anaerobic processing has uncovered to be probably the best innovation as another fuel source to petroleum derivatives, which can decrease the unfavorable ecological contamination and yield supplement muck as bio... more

Biogas age from the anaerobic processing has uncovered to be probably the best innovation as another fuel source to petroleum derivatives, which can decrease the unfavorable ecological contamination and yield supplement muck as bio manure. Biogas production from sugarcane press mud has enormous potential for energy age. Nonetheless, to empower the enhancement of the anaerobic digestion (AD) measure substrate trademark ought to be painstakingly assessed. In this paper the biogas improvement has been talked about and completed. Tests of press mud from different locales from the nation were investigated as far as aggregate and unstable solids, macronutrients, minor components and dietary benefit. Biochemical methane potential was performed to assess the energy capability of the press mud as per various sorts of sugarcane plants. Methane yields changed extensively, for the most part because of the various areas, water quality, soil structure and manures utilized for developing the sugar...

The extraction of energy from the biomass wastes by its anaerobic degradation with the help of various technologies adopted and will be leading to the use of renewable energy systems effectively and efficiently. In this contest one of the... more

The extraction of energy from the biomass wastes by its anaerobic degradation with the help of various technologies adopted and will be leading to the use of renewable energy systems effectively and efficiently. In this contest one of the best methods to extract the energy from the biological wastes which includes, Kitchen wastes, Agricultural wastes; Animal wastes etc…are the installation and generation of biogas plant. The biogas released acts as an environmentally sustainable energy source. In our Institute we have two hostels and all are having their own individual mess. The each hostel having about 350 students where daily about 30 kg of kitchen waste is obtained which can be utilized for better purposes. This work is to create an organic processing facility to generate biogas which will be more cost effective, eco-friendly, reduce landfill waste, generate a quality renewable fuel and reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions. Overall by constructing the biogas reactors in ca...

Due to Vietnam’s economic development its energy demand will continue to rise by 12–16% annually over the next few years. The government has realized that supply problems in the energy sector pose a significant threat to further... more

Due to Vietnam’s economic development its energy demand will continue to rise by 12–16% annually over the next few years. The government has realized that supply problems in the energy sector pose a significant threat to further development. Therefore, it is making concerted efforts to modernize the existing energy sector and expand the generating structure. There are ambitious expansion plans in the field of renewable energy sources, too. Owing to its very high potential, biomass could play a key role in energy production. This paper attempts to analyze the current status of biomass based energy production in Vietnam addressing variety of aspects such as biomass potential, legal framework as well as financial aspect. Section 4 contains an overview of ongoing bioenergy projects. Instead of providing a complete picture, these examples are intended to illustrate the various ways in which biomass can be used in different economic sectors. Finally existing barriers as well as action to ...

Most microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) contain only a single set of electrodes. In order to examine the scalability of a multiple-electrode design, we constructed a 2.5 L MEC containing 8 separate electrode pairs made of graphite fiber... more

Most microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) contain only a single set of electrodes. In order to examine the scalability of a multiple-electrode design, we constructed a 2.5 L MEC containing 8 separate electrode pairs made of graphite fiber brush anodes pre-acclimated for current generation using acetate, and 304 stainless steel mesh cathodes (64 m2/m3). Under continuous flow conditions and a one day hydraulic

Due to scarcity of petroleum and coal it threatens supply of fuel throughout the world also problem of their combustion leads to research in different corners to get access the new sources of energy, like renewable energy resources. Solar... more

Due to scarcity of petroleum and coal it threatens supply of fuel throughout the world also problem of their combustion leads to research in different corners to get access the new sources of energy, like renewable energy resources. Solar energy, wind energy, different thermal and hydro sources of energy, biogas are all renewable energy resources. But, biogas is distinct from other renewable energies because of its characteristics of using, controlling and collecting organic wastes and at the same time producing fertilizer and water for use in agricultural irrigation. Biogas does not have any geographical limitations nor does it requires advanced technology for producing energy, also it is very simple to use and apply. Kitchen waste is organic material having the high calorific value and nutritive value to microbes, that's why efficiency of methane production can be increased by several orders of magnitude as said earlier. It means higher efficiency and size of reactor and cost of biogas production is reduced. Also in most of cities and places, kitchen waste is disposed in landfill or discarded which causes the public health hazards and diseases like malaria, cholera, typhoid. This paper mainly brings out the journey identifies and evaluate the economic feasibility to produce biogas from poultry waste and kitchen waste. It has been concluded that biogas can be generated with a huge probability of energy for use in households as well as industrial use which can also cut the supply of non-conventional fuels and balancing the environment aspects using poultry waste digestion.

In this study, co-digestion of mixed sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and partially dephenolised two-phase olive pomace (DOP) as a co-substrate was addressed with the aim of improving the biodigestibility of both... more

In this study, co-digestion of mixed sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and partially dephenolised two-phase olive pomace (DOP) as a co-substrate was addressed with the aim of improving the biodigestibility of both substrates. The introduction of DOP into WWTP anaerobic digester facilities could significantly increase biomethane production and enhance the sustainability of both activities. An improvement in the system’s performance was supported by stability parameters: total alkalinity increased and stabilised with the addition of 5% v/v DOP, and the specific energy loading rate was maintained at 0.177 ± 0.03 d−1, which indicated better buffer capacity and stability in the bioreactor, and the possibility of enhancing the organic loading rate. In terms of average daily biogas production rate, an increase of 39% was achieved, up to 0.39 ± 0.11 L L−1d−1. Moreover, there was a 40% and 37% improvement in specific methane production and methane production rate, respec...

Batch anaerobic dry digestion promises further application in agriculture and for treatment of municipal solid waste, especially with smaller substrate throughputs. As in other anaerobic systems, bacteriological activity is inhibited by... more

Batch anaerobic dry digestion promises further application in agriculture and for treatment of municipal solid waste, especially with smaller substrate throughputs. As in other anaerobic systems, bacteriological activity is inhibited by lack of moisture and in batch dry digestion liquid is sprinkled over the substrate to encourage biomass degradation and biogas production throughout the process. Laboratory-scale experiments were carried out to investigate individual methane generation from the recirculated liquid phase and from the stacked solid material. Results clearly indicate that methane formation within the recirculated liquid significantly adds to the total methane production of the process. Up to 21% of the total methane generation originated from the recirculated liquid. This suggests that methane generation from the liquid phase is not to be neglected and needs to be recuperated. The process water tank should be equipped with gas collection facilities. Experimental results...

Catalytic reforming of methane using carbon dioxide as the oxidant (Eqn. 1) is a reaction of great interest for the production of synthesis gas (H2 + CO), since in addition to generating an important chemical feedstock it simultaneously... more

Catalytic reforming of methane using carbon dioxide as the oxidant (Eqn. 1) is a reaction of great interest for the production of synthesis gas (H2 + CO), since in addition to generating an important chemical feedstock it simultaneously consumes two greenhouse gases. There is particular interest, as well as significant challenges, in combining it with the generation of biogas (CH4 + CO2) through the anaerobic digestion of biomass, a process that is currently significantly underutilised.
CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2H2 + 2CO (1)
Research into the generation of electricity by direct reforming of methane using carbon dioxide in solid oxide fuel cells has been steadily increasing over the last few years, with much of the focus on using nickel supported yttria stabilised zirconia anodes [1,2]. These materials, however, suffer from severe lifetime issues due to unwanted carbon deposition caused by side reactions (Eqns. 2 and 3) and limited tolerance to sulphur that result in deactivation and limit their commercial viability. This solid formation of carbon blocks catalytically active sites and disrupts fuel distribution at the anode as well as breaking anode micro structure eventually leading to cell failure.
CH4 ⇌ C + 2H2 (2)
2CO ⇌ C + CO2 (3)
An alternative approach to using conventional nickel cermet anodes is to use mixed oxide materials. However, typically such materials show low catalytic activity and poor selectivity towards synthesis gas formation, favouring total oxidation products. In this presentation we show a novel, hydrothermally synthesized perovskite material that reforms biogas with negligible levels of carbon formation regardless of excess methane in the reactant feed. This material has significantly lower tendency to form deleterious carbon without sacrificing reforming activity and has been shown to be catalytically stable for extended periods of time (Fig.1).

"Volatile fatty acids (VFA) including acetic, butyric, formic and propionic are extensively utilized in contemporary industry. Their commercial value is of high significance while their often derive from petroleum which is non-abundance... more

"Volatile fatty acids (VFA) including acetic, butyric, formic and propionic are extensively utilized in contemporary industry. Their commercial value is of high significance while their often derive from petroleum which is non-abundance source. Other methods for the production and recovery from these substances have been proposed and investigated. Waste effluent streams are potential candidates for VFA recovery, especially if for their processing filtration technology will be used. Membrane filtration is an effective and efficient choice as it is a low cost, low energy, easy integrated method tested for the separation and concentration.

Current refugee influx has become an impediment for economic growth and environmental safety worldwide, particularly during the last decade. Challenges for additional space requirement to dispose waste produced by refugees, and fuel and... more

Current refugee influx has become an impediment for economic growth and environmental safety worldwide, particularly during the last decade. Challenges for additional space requirement to dispose waste produced by refugees, and fuel and energy requirement to fulfill the demand for additional population has become a major burden on hosting countries. Bangladesh is one such country accommodating over 1.2 million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar since 2017. It has provided temporary housing to this large number of refugees in Cox’s Bazaar district. To mitigate this additional energy demand, utilizing via biogas production, from the organic waste of the refugee camps, may contribute significantly. This case study aims to determine the present and future waste generation of Rohingya camps and assess the present and future biogas resource potential in Rohingya camp via a bottom-up analysis approach. Municipal solid waste has been considered for the projection of biogas production through anaerobic digestion process. The simulation outcome presented that, in 2019, organic fraction from generated waste was 110.98 Million ton (Mt) and in 2025 it is projected to be 136.56 Mt. Biogas potential from that organic fraction in 2019 is 7.16 Mm3 which will increase to 14.43Mm3 in 2025.

В роботі наведено аналіз відомих біотехнологій переробки відходів шкіряного виробництва та досліджено можливості отримання біогазу з таких відходів. Показано, що відходи підприємств з виробництва шкіри можуть слугувати сировиною для... more

В роботі наведено аналіз відомих біотехнологій переробки відходів шкіряного виробництва та досліджено можливості отримання біогазу з таких відходів. Показано, що відходи підприємств з виробництва шкіри можуть слугувати сировиною для отримання біогазу з високим вмістом метану при раціональному співвідношенні С:N (20:1). Ключові слова: біогаз, відходи шкіряного виробництва, жировмісні відходи, інокулят, анаеробний ферментативний процес.

The increasing interest in the recuperation of the biogas coming from organic residues, associated with its energetic use is a subject that has been widely discussed. Biogas was merely seen as a sub-product obtained from anaerobic... more

The increasing interest in the recuperation of the biogas coming from organic residues, associated with its energetic use is a subject that has been widely discussed. Biogas was merely seen as a sub-product obtained from anaerobic decomposition (without oxygen) of organic residue. In the paper is carried out an evaluation of the quantities of organic residues coming out from the sugar and alcohol industry (vinasse), urban solid and liquid wastes (garbage and sewage) and livestock residues (bovine and swine manure) in Brazil. Finally the electricity generation potential of biogas out of the evaluated sources of organic residues in Brazil is estimated. The results of this study indicate that the potential regarding the production of biogas out of the aforementioned organic residues of electricity production using could meet an energy demand of about 1.05 to 1.13 %. Constraints for biogas energy utilization are identified and discussed.

Methane (CH4) emissions from palm oil wastewater, more commonly known as biogas released from palm oil mill effluent (POME), represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. POME releases biogas, which consists of 60–70... more

Methane (CH4) emissions from palm oil wastewater, more commonly known as biogas released from palm oil mill effluent (POME), represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. POME releases biogas, which consists of 60–70 per cent methane and 30–40 per cent carbon dioxide (CO2) when it is treated in open ponds. Given the large palm oil plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, not to mention other agricultural activities in Southeast Asian countries, methane capture in the agroindustry has the largest potential for carbon capture in the region. This is especially important given that the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of CH4 is 28 times that of CO2. This policy brief explores the methane mitigation potential through biogas capture and utilisation in Southeast Asia’s clean energy transition.

In order to determine biogas potential of defatted silk worm pupae waste, anaerobic batch digestion was carried out in a 1-l bioreactor and, based on the results, further experiments were conducted in a 20-l KVIC (Khadi and Village... more

In order to determine biogas potential of defatted silk worm pupae waste, anaerobic batch digestion was carried out in a 1-l bioreactor and, based on the results, further experiments were conducted in a 20-l KVIC (Khadi and Village Industries Commission) type digester under semi-...

Traducción y adaptación del Capítulo 8 del libro "THE BIOGAS HANDBOOK, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS”, Editado por A. Welinger, J. Murphy & D. Baxter, publicado en el año 2013.Este documento se publica como documento divulgativo de... more

Traducción y adaptación del Capítulo 8 del libro "THE BIOGAS HANDBOOK, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS”, Editado por A. Welinger, J. Murphy & D. Baxter, publicado en el año 2013.Este documento se publica como documento divulgativo de la empresa CCA Biogás, en su página de Facebook, con fecha 32 de mayo de 2019.