Bosnian Genocide Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper investigates how national ideologies are able to contribute towards the preparation of the path to genocide. It looks at a concept of 'othering' where ideology can dehumanise the other and looks at the cases of Bosnia and... more

This paper investigates how national ideologies are able to contribute towards the preparation of the path to genocide. It looks at a concept of 'othering' where ideology can dehumanise the other and looks at the cases of Bosnia and Rwanda for further insight.

It’s a quarter of a century – and a half of my lifetime – since the 1995 Srebrenica genocide happened. Actually, to be more accurate, this genocide (like any other genocide) did not just happen; it was a planned, intentional crime... more

It’s a quarter of a century – and a half of my lifetime – since the 1995 Srebrenica genocide happened. Actually, to be more accurate, this genocide (like any other genocide) did not just happen; it was a planned, intentional crime committed by an army and the police trained, equipped and sponsored by Bosnia’s neighbour, the state of Serbia. They were the perpetrators –“beyond a reasonable doubt”, as numerous judgments by the ICTY have established– but this genocide was, in many regards, allowed to happened by the important actors within the international community who had chosen to play the role of passive bystanders, even though such a role was not only morally wrong but also against the international law and the 1951 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Moreover, while representing the first act of genocide in Europe after the Holocaust, this was also the first genocide ever to happen in a United Nations Safe Area (which sadly proved to be rather an un-safe area). At the time, the United Nations had its troops on the ground in Srebrenica with the mandate to protect people trapped in this largest refuge for Bosniaks in eastern Bosnia. However, instead of this mission becoming a triumph of the United Nations, in July 1995 Srebrenica became a triumph of the evil and the lowest point in the UN history.

In this paper, the authors pointed out the basic characteristics of the processing of war crimes that took place during the 1992-1995 war on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and offered a brief overview of the genesis of the... more

In this paper, the authors pointed out the basic characteristics of the
processing of war crimes that took place during the 1992-1995 war on the
territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and offered a brief overview of the genesis
of the establishment, organization, competencies and challenges in the work
of the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
Department is a judicial forum that, in accordance with the laws of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, has original competencies related to the processing of war
crimes, but it can also delegate those competencies to the entity courts, which
it often does in practice.
However, the central focus of this paper was the research of certain
segments of the fifteen-year activity of this Department in the processing of
war crimes in the period 2005-2020. The paper presents a descriptive analysis
of certain indicators, which, among other things, included the structure and
phenomenological characteristics of the observed crimes, the gender structure
of their perpetrators, the type of procedure (regular or summary) in which
the crimes in question were completed, the ratio of convicts and acquittals
for individual crimes, the manner in which the court decides on the property
claim of the injured party and the penal policy, i.e. the policy of sanctioning
perpetrators of war crimes.
It was established that in the observed period of time, hundreds of
criminal proceedings against exactly 400 indictees were completed before
the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
approximately the same number of criminal proceedings are still pending.
The largest number of prosecuted are males, who in the majority of cases were
prosecuted for the criminal offense of crimes against humanity and war crimes
against civilians. Approximately 2/3 of the accused were found guilty of the
crimes charged in the indictment, while 1/3 were acquitted. It was established
that the court councils in an extremely small number of cases in criminal
proceedings decided on the property claim of the injured parties, and that they
inherited a relatively mild penal policy.
Key words: war crimes, genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, War
Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, criminal policy,
property claim of the injured party

An assessment of the just war tradition and its applicability in the contemporary world. The three facets of just war - jus ad bellum, jus in bello, and jus post bellum, are analysed in context of their practical use to states in... more

An assessment of the just war tradition and its applicability in the contemporary world. The three facets of just war - jus ad bellum, jus in bello, and jus post bellum, are analysed in context of their practical use to states in governing warfare in the 21st century. Particular focus on the erosion of ad bellum and in bello practice by the UN system and the subversion of post bellum principles by the privatisation of warfare. Published in Issue X of the Manchester Review of Law, Crime and Ethics, Nov 2021.

Bu tez Bosna-Hersek Savaşı karşısında uluslararası toplumun vermiş olduğu tepkiyi analiz etmektedir.

This essay will attempt to examine the factors behind escalation of the conflict, why the conflict is still there, and how initiatives are evaluated to resolve the conflict. Knowledge from a recent excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina... more

This essay will attempt to examine the factors behind escalation of the conflict, why the conflict is still there, and how initiatives are evaluated to resolve the conflict. Knowledge from a recent excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Mostar, Srebrenica) will be used to complement discussions and arguments. Notably, local discourses sometimes did not coincide with academic’ perceptions.

Umijeće sjećanja (111-123 str.): Heroji oslobodilačkog rata: Adil Bešić ("Bitke za vječnost i legendu"); Nesib Malkić ("Komandant velike stručnosti i jasne vizije"); Hajrudin Mešić ("Zmaj od Majevice") /Korak br.29, god. X,... more

Umijeće sjećanja (111-123 str.): Heroji oslobodilačkog rata:
Adil Bešić ("Bitke za vječnost i legendu"); Nesib Malkić ("Komandant velike stručnosti i jasne vizije"); Hajrudin Mešić ("Zmaj od Majevice")
/Korak br.29, god. X, oktobar-decembar 2012. ISSN 1512-9411

In cases of subaltern genocide, oppressed and victimized groups employ genocidal strategies against their oppressors. What, though, of instances where a group’s victimization and its adoption of genocidal strategies are separated by... more

In cases of subaltern genocide, oppressed and victimized groups employ genocidal strategies against their oppressors. What, though, of instances where a group’s victimization and its adoption of genocidal strategies are separated by decades or even centuries? What happens when the targets of those genocidal strategies share no meaningful connection to the perpetrators of past acts of victimization? And what happens in situations where subaltern identifi cations become national myths, fueling a sense of vulnerability, humiliation, and fear that in turn helps to foment genocidal wars of aggression “in self-defense”? To what extent are such cases reasonably considered within a framing of “subaltern genocide,” and how do they serve to amplify and deepen the concept? Th e case of Yugoslavia/Serbia in the twentieth and twenty-fi rst centuries off ers one of the most striking instances of a genocidal campaign fueled by past victimization experiences and the subaltern identifi cations they spawned. It shows as well how such identifi cations may be marshaled and nurtured by unscrupulous political leaders, to strengthen their legitimacy and justify aggressive war and genocide.

It’s a quarter of a century – and a half of my lifetime – since the 1995 Srebrenica genocide happened. Actually, to be more accurate, this genocide (like any other genocide) did not just happen; it was a planned, intentional crime... more

It’s a quarter of a century – and a half of my lifetime – since the 1995 Srebrenica genocide happened. Actually, to be more accurate, this genocide (like any other genocide) did not just happen; it was a planned, intentional crime committed by an army and the police trained, equipped and sponsored by Bosnia’s neighbour, the state of Serbia. They were the perpetrators –“beyond a reasonable doubt”, as numerous judgments by the ICTY have established– but this genocide was, in many regards, allowed to happened by the important actors within the international community who had chosen to play the role of passive bystanders, even though such a role was not only morally wrong but also against the international law and the 1951 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Moreover, while representing the first act of genocide in Europe after the Holocaust, this was also the first genocide ever to happen in a United Nations Safe Area (which sadly proved to be rather an un-safe area). At the time, the United Nations had its troops on the ground in Srebrenica with the mandate to protect people trapped in this largest refuge for Bosniaks in eastern Bosnia. However, instead of this mission becoming a triumph of the United Nations, in July 1995 Srebrenica became a triumph of the evil and the lowest point in the UN history.

Bogos Nubaryan 1918-1922 yılları arasında Ermeni tezlerini tanıtmak için Ermeni Patrikliğince görevli olarak Avrupa'ya gönderilmiştir. Bu yıllar arasında Ermenilerin Anadolu'da yaptıklarını ve Avrupa'da yapılan karalama propagandalarını... more

Bogos Nubaryan 1918-1922 yılları arasında Ermeni tezlerini tanıtmak için Ermeni Patrikliğince görevli olarak Avrupa'ya gönderilmiştir. Bu yıllar arasında Ermenilerin Anadolu'da yaptıklarını ve Avrupa'da yapılan karalama propagandalarını düzenli olarak Ermeni Patriğine gönderdiği raporlar ve yaşadığı hayal kırıklıkları, büyük Ermenistan hayalinin sona ermesini anlattığı belgelere dayalı değerli bir eser

U okviru ovog rada autori su ukazali na osnovne karakteristike procesuiranja ratnih zločina koji su tokom rata od 1992-1995. vršeni na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine. Ponudili su kraći osvrt na genezu uspostave, organizaciju,... more

U okviru ovog rada autori su ukazali na osnovne karakteristike
procesuiranja ratnih zločina koji su tokom rata od 1992-1995. vršeni na
prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine. Ponudili su kraći osvrt na genezu uspostave,
organizaciju, nadležnosti te izazove u radu Odjela za ratne zločine Suda Bosne
i Hercegovine. Odjel predstavlja pravosudni forum koji u skladu sa zakonima
Bosne i Hercegovine ima izvorne nadležnosti vezane za procesuiranje ratnih
zločina, s tim da on te nadležnosti može delegirati i na sudove entiteta, što u
praksi nerijetko i čini.
Međutim, centralni fokus ovog rada predstavljalo je istraživanje
pojedinih segmenata petnaestogodišnjeg djelovanja ovog Odjela na
procesuiranju ratnih zločina u periodu 2005-2020. U radu je prikazana
deskriptivna analiza određenih pokazatelja, koja je, između ostalog,
obuhvatila strukturu i fenomenološke karakteristike posmatranih krivičnih
djela (zločina), spolnu strukturu njihovih učinitelja, vrstu postupka (redovni
ili sumarni) u okviru kojeg su okončani predmetni zločini, omjer osuđujućih
i oslobađajućih presuda za pojedine zločine, način odlučivanja suda o
imovinskopravnom zahtjevu oštećenog te kaznenu politiku, odnosno politiku
sankcioniranja učinitelja ratnih zločina.
Utvrđeno je da je u posmatranom vremenskom periodu pred Odjelom
za ratne zločine Suda Bosne i Hercegovine okončano na stotine krivičnih
postupaka protiv tačno 400 optuženih, a približno isti broj krivičnih postupaka
je još u toku. Najveći broj procesuiranih su osobe muškog pola, koje su u
pretežnom broju slučajeva procesuirane zbog krivičnog djela zločini protiv
čovječnosti i ratni zločin protiv civilnog stanovništva. Približno 2/3 optuženih
su oglašeni krivim za zločine koji su im optužnicom stavljani na teret, dok
je 1/3 oslobođena odgovornosti. Utvrđeno je da su sudska vijeća u izuzetno
malom broju slučajeva u krivičnom postupku odlučivala o imovinskopravnom
zahtjevu oštećenih, te da su baštinila relativno blagu kaznenu politiku.
Ključne riječi: ratni zločini, genocid u Bosni i Hercegovini, Odjel za
ratne zločine Suda Bosne i Hercegovine, kaznena politika, imovinskopravni
zahtjev oštećenog

Predmet istraživanja ovog rada čini zločin genocida kao "zločin nad zločinima", njegova pravna obilježja, te procesuiranje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini pred različitim pravosudnim forumima. Autor daje pregled relevantnih sudskih odluka... more

Predmet istraživanja ovog rada čini zločin genocida kao "zločin nad zločinima", njegova pravna obilježja, te procesuiranje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini pred različitim pravosudnim forumima. Autor daje pregled relevantnih sudskih odluka internacionalnih pravosudnih tijela, kao što su Međunarodni krivični tribunal za bivšu Jugoslaviju i Međunarodni sud pravde, ali i nacionalnog krivičnog pravosuđa Bosne i Hercegovine i Njemačke, koje su nastale kao rezultat postupaka koji su vođeni povodom optužbi za genocid na prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine protiv određenih fizičkih osoba, ali i država kao subjekata javnog prava. Pa premda je stručnoj, ali i općoj javnosti dobro poznata činjenica da su međunarodni sudovi, kao i nacionalno pravosuđe Bosne i Hercegovine zlodjela apokaliptičnih razmjera koja su se u julu 1995. godine događala na području Srebrenice pravno kvalifikovali kao zločin genocida, na marginama kolektivnog pamćenja ne samo međunarodne, već i domaće javnosti ostala je činjenica da su njemački sudovi temeljem univerzalne jurisdikcije utvrdili da se genocid dogodio i u drugim krajevima Bosne i Hercegovine: Doboju, Kotor Varoši, Osmacima kod Zvornika i Foči. Pored navedenog, u radu se analiziraju i pravna obilježja predmetnog zločina, prevashodno na temelju judikature koju su iznjedrili međunarodni i nacionalni sudovi spomenutih zemalja, ali i zagovara potreba za reinterpretacijom pojedinih obilježja genocida u odnosu na jurisprudenciju koja je prihvaćena u praksi predmetnih sudova, te nude prijedlozi za noveliranje pravnog određenja genocida.

During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano published in Milan (1927-1938) and too in Barcelona (1930-1935), and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy, included among its plates two... more

During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano published in Milan (1927-1938) and too in Barcelona (1930-1935), and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy, included among its plates two maps of European ethnic groups. The makers of the TCI’s atlas passed on to us a specific approach to determine the kind of collective that ought to be considered an ethnic group. The enigmatic second reprint of the fifth edition (1938) was inexplicably not accompanied by the symbolic features required by the Italian fascist authorities, but, after World War II started, the new version of the “Europa etnografica” map – on a 1:12.000.000 scale – clearly showed the changes that occurred in the political context.

Interdisciplinary Capstone Seminar Research Project

Nažalost, ideološke postavke (anti)srpskih liberala o “genocidu” u Srebrenici, i njihov odnos prema srpskim žrtvama, preuzimaju i pojedinci i grupe koje se deklarišu kao marksističke, komunističke i antiliberalne. Iako govore o... more

The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Serbia and Montenegro was one of the most complicated cases that the International Court of Justice took in its history. There are several dimensions of the case which makes it specific and therefore,... more

The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Serbia and Montenegro was one of the most complicated cases that the International Court of Justice took in its history. There are several dimensions of the case which makes it specific and therefore, hard to solve. This study aims to analyse the Bosnian-Serb conflict that took place in the Former Federal State of Yugoslavia in the 1990s giving the historical background and determining the lawsuit process by the International Court Justice. It ends up with the decision of the Court regarding the violation of the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by the Republic of Serbia (Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia).

In this essay, I analyse the nature of truth and justice as concepts, in the context of transitional justice and the procedures of it, and uncover the impact of ascertaining 'justice', on the uncovering of the 'truth' surrounding the... more

In this essay, I analyse the nature of truth and justice as concepts, in the context of transitional justice and the procedures of it, and uncover the impact of ascertaining 'justice', on the uncovering of the 'truth' surrounding the situation in question. Examples this essay focuses on are the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), in 1993, and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), in 1994. I conclude that delivering 'justice' through the processes of transitional justice undermines the uncovering of truth in a number of ways - for example, the distortion of blame, i.e. laying the blame of one million Tutsis in 100 days by death by machete, or the systematic rape of hundreds of thousands of Muslim Bosniak women by para-military units in the Yugoslav conflicts on the heads of under ten individuals; and the under-representation of the victims' perspective in the legalistic and formal setting of the court tribunal. What makes the tribunal so significant is its authority and status as the predominant means of acquiring justice for the victims. In its authority, the ruling of the court will profoundly influence the memory of the conflict and shape how it is interpreted from then onward, therefore distorting the 'truth' of the conflict.

Više od dvadesete godina od početka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad Bošnjacima, pitanje memorijalizacije odnosno trajnog sjećanja na žrtve postalo je jedno od važnijih pitanja za kolektivno pamćenje Bošnjaka. Ono... more

Više od dvadesete godina od početka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad Bošnjacima, pitanje memorijalizacije odnosno trajnog sjećanja na žrtve postalo je jedno od važnijih pitanja za kolektivno pamćenje Bošnjaka. Ono što je evidentno u BiH je odsustvo tematike genocida u obrazovnom sistemu što je ključno za kolektivno pamćenje jednog naroda. S druge strane, izgradnja memorijalnih centara i šehidskih obilježja u većini slučajeva proizlaze inicijativom iz lokalne zajednice. Ovaj rad tretira pitanje dosadašnje memorijalizacije žrtava u BiH, komparativno analizira rješenje u drugim državama te nudi nekoliko preporuka za buduću memorijalizaciju.

This special edition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum's 'Memoria' magazine is dedicated to its 2019 international educational conference, considering Auschwitz and the Holocaust in the context of other genocides and the lack of... more

This special edition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum's 'Memoria' magazine is dedicated to its 2019 international educational conference, considering Auschwitz and the Holocaust in the context of other genocides and the lack of response to contemporary examples of genocide and human rights violations.

The large-scale atrocities committed in the Prijedor municipality of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992 have featured prominently in the ICTY’s development—from its establishment, its first trial (Duško Tadić), to its final verdict (Ratko... more

The large-scale atrocities committed in the Prijedor municipality of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992 have featured prominently in the ICTY’s development—from its establishment, its first trial (Duško Tadić), to its final verdict (Ratko Mladić). As a result, the ITCY has produced a lasting historical record of crimes committed in Prijedor and significantly contributed to the shrinking of the space for their denial, even if itbut it did not qualify these crimeshem as genocide. This article addresses civil society activities aimed toward facing the past and memorialization in Prijedor and the question of how the ICTY has influenced the bottom-up mobilization of survivors and returnees for the right to remember civilian victims in an unfavorable environment. Inspired by previous work on the ICTY’s indirect influence on democratization by sparking civil society activism, I review events in 2012, the 20th anniversary of the heinous war crimes in Prijedor, and analyze how the court has influenced the mobilization of activists locally and abroad and how these activists have sought to influence the court’s work. To discuss this bi-directionality, I first consider how two important ICTY cases— (those concerning Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, both of whom were both indicted for genocide in Prijedor and other municipalities in 1992—encouraged the activists to mobilize and demand from local authorities a process of confronting the recent past, and gave legitimacy to their activists’ decision to use the word ‘genocide’ in public commemorations. Second, I address how concentration camp survivors addressed the Tribunal in an on-going process by filing an amici curiae request following a Trial Chamber decision to drop the count under which Karadžić was indicted for genocide in Prijedor and other Bosnian municipalities. The analysis shows how the ICTY has influenced the bottom-up mobilization of survivors and returnees for the right to remember in an unfavorable environment and the lasting impact of that year on local memory politics.

Nažalost, ideološke postavke (anti)srpskih liberala o “genocidu” u Srebrenici, i njihov odnos prema srpskim žrtvama, preuzimaju i pojedinci i grupe koje se deklarišu kao marksističke, komunističke i antiliberalne. Iako govore o... more

SAŽETAK: Ovaj rad rezultat je antropološke studije o utjecaju prisilnog raseljavanja, genocida i nestalih osoba na društvene identitete preživjelih žena, njihovih obitelji i lokalnih za-jednica. U prvom dijelu rada iznesene su statističke... more

SAŽETAK: Ovaj rad rezultat je antropološke studije o utjecaju prisilnog raseljavanja, genocida i nestalih osoba na društvene identitete preživjelih žena, njihovih obitelji i lokalnih za-jednica. U prvom dijelu rada iznesene su statističke i historiografske činjenice vezane uz nedavna ratna stradanja u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) te se upozorava na nedostat-ke kvantitativnoga istraživačkog pristupa u donošenju zaključaka o biti, karakteru i posljedicama ratnih događanja na različite demografske i rodne grupacije u BiH. U drugom dijelu-kroz etnografski opis života jedne od ratnih udovica i majke koja je izgubila dva sina, a koja danas živi u dijaspori-autor opisuje teškoće koje prate ratne udovice, kako na psihološkoj tako i na sociokulturnoj razini, kao i razloge zbog kojih su se mnoge od njih odlučile na migraciju u treće zemlje. Rad potom opisuje kako je medicinska i forenzička DNK-biotehnologija pomogla u rehumaniziranju ne-stalih i ubijenih, dok je poslijeratna birokracija u BiH, dobrim dijelom, imala drugači-ji, dehumanizirajući učinak na ratne udovice i preživjele, što je nerijetko bio jedan od razloga njihove emigracije. U zaključku se autor zalaže za aktivistički pristup druš-tveno-humanističkih istraživanja vezanih uz problematiku koja prati ratne udovice, a s ciljem zaštite i promicanja njihovih ljudskih prava i dostojanstva. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: ratne udovice, genocid, rod, nestali, migracije, Bosna i Hercego-vina UVOD Migranti podrijetlom iz Bosne i Hercegovine danas predstavljaju jednu od najnovijih, ali i najrasprostranjenijih iseljeničkih zajednica s područja Bal-kana. Tako postoje već brojne oformljene zajednice Bosanaca i Hercegova-ca u Australiji, Europi i diljem Sjeverne Amerike. Većina useljenika koji su emigrirali na ta tri kontinenta tamo je završila zbog rata od 1992. do 1995., tijekom kojega je oko 2,2 milijuna ljudi-ili polovina ukupnoga stanovniš-tva-bilo prisiljeno napustiti svoje domove i mjesta življenja, a od kojih je

Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. (354 pages)

Panel discussion and community event on genocide prevention and response, hosted by The Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center and the School of Education and Social Policy, Hillel, and STAND at Northwestern University,... more

Panel discussion and community event on genocide prevention and response, hosted by The Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center and the School of Education and Social Policy, Hillel, and STAND at Northwestern University, IL. Featuring Rwandan genocide survivor, Jean Claude Mugenzi, and witness to atrocities in Syria, Kenan Rahmani.

Turkey, Italy, and Croatia: How second fiddle beligerents avoid responsibility for war crimes.