CAT Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Previous experiments have demonstrated that auditory (AS) and/or somatosensory (SS) stimulation can increase the duration of REM sleep periods in rats, cats and humans. The objectives of this study were to determine whether repeated AS... more

Previous experiments have demonstrated that auditory (AS) and/or somatosensory (SS) stimulation can increase the duration of REM sleep periods in rats, cats and humans. The objectives of this study were to determine whether repeated AS stimulation causes habituation to the stimulus and whether any additive effects could be obtained with the simultaneous application of AS and SS. Three experimental procedures were used in this study. In experiment 1, animals were recorded for 4 consecutive days with AS, followed by a post-stimulus session. In experiment 2, they were recorded for 24 hours with AS applied at each REM period, followed by a subsequent 24-hours-post-stimulus recording. In experiment 3, animals underwent AS, SS stimulation, or simultaneous application of both in a random fashion at each REM period. The results of all experiments confirm previous findings showing that auditory or somatosensory stimuli significantly increase REM sleep period duration. In addition, AS--applie...

Saccharolytic, nonpigmented, anaerobic gram-negative rods isolated from infected dog and cat bite wounds in humans have been poorly characterized, and most are not included in the databases of kits used for anaerobic identification; thus,... more

Saccharolytic, nonpigmented, anaerobic gram-negative rods isolated from infected dog and cat bite wounds in humans have been poorly characterized, and most are not included in the databases of kits used for anaerobic identification; thus, they are problematic for clinical laboratories to identify. Fifty strains isolated from such wounds were characterized with commercial kits for preformed-enzyme detection, carbohydrate fermentation, and other biochemical tests. PCR fingerprinting was performed on these strains to further characterize subgroups within these species. Bacteroides tectum is a frequent isolate in bite wounds and resembles Prevotella bivia in colony morphology and saccharolytic activity, except that it grows in 20% bile and hydrolyzes esculin. Profile numbers generated by various kits associate B. tectum with P. bivia, Prevotella oralis group, or Prevotella melaninogenica. PCR fingerprinting identified at least four subgroups and confirmed the heterogeneous nature of thi...

The relationship between slow waves and peristaltic reflexes has not been well analyzed. In this study, we have recorded the electrical activity of slow waves together with that generated by spontaneous peristaltic contractions at 240... more

The relationship between slow waves and peristaltic reflexes has not been well analyzed. In this study, we have recorded the electrical activity of slow waves together with that generated by spontaneous peristaltic contractions at 240 extracellular sites simultaneously. Recordings were made from five isolated tubular and six sheet segments of feline duodenum superfused in vitro. In all preparations, slow waves propagated as broad wave fronts along the longitudinal axis of the preparation in either the aborad or the orad direction. Electrical potentials recorded during peristalsis (peristaltic waves) also propagated as broad wave fronts in either directions. Peristaltic waves often spontaneously stopped conducting (46%), in contrast to slow waves that never did. Peristaltic waves propagated at a lower velocity than the slow waves (0.98 +/- 0.25 and 1.29 +/- 0.28 cm/s, respectively; P < 0.001; n = 24) and in a direction independent of the preceding slow wave direction (64% in the s...

The study described in this paper had the goal to validate the Italian version of the UNESP‑Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale (UNESP‑Botucatu MCPS) to assess postoperative pain in cats using video analysis and psycometric... more

The study described in this paper had the goal to validate the Italian version of the UNESP‑Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale (UNESP‑Botucatu MCPS) to assess postoperative pain in cats using video analysis and psycometric testing. The English version of the scale was translated into Italian. Thirty videos of the perioperative period of ovariohysterectomy surgery were analysed by 5 Italian observers with the aim to determine the pain score using the Italian version of the scale and to verify the need for analgesic treatment for each cat. Obtained scores were submitted to psycometric validity, responsiveness, and reliability tests. Of the 3 domains identified by factor analysis, the internal consistency was excellent for 'Psychomotor changes' and 'Protection of the painful area and vocal expressions of pain' , while 'Physiological variables' showed moderate internal consistency. Significant changes in pain scores in response to surgery and analgesics confirmed content and construct validity. The agreement between the 'gold standard' and the blinded observers supported the criterion validity. Inter‑ and intra‑rater reliability ranged from good to very good for all scale items. The cut‑off point for rescue analgesia was > 7. The study concluded that the Italian version of the UNESP‑Botucatu MCPS is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing postoperative pain in cats. The cut‑off point for rescue analgesia provides an additional tool for guiding analgesic therapy.

Bravecto (fluralaner) chewable tablets have been thoroughly evaluated in multiple countries and are approved as a safe and effective flea, tick and mite treatment for dogs Abstract — Bravecto (fluralaner) is thoroughly tested to... more

Bravecto (fluralaner) chewable tablets have been thoroughly evaluated in multiple countries and are approved as a safe and effective flea, tick and mite treatment for dogs Abstract — Bravecto (fluralaner) is thoroughly tested to international safety standards for veterinary drugs, meeting approval requirements for over 70 countries. This valuable antiparasite (fleas, ticks and mites) treatment contributes to the health of millions of dogs and promotes dog health worldwide by protecting them against dangerous parasite infestations that are known to lead to pathogen transmission, blood loss, local irritation, and skin allergies. In 2017, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) completed an in depth targeted review of all reported adverse events (ADE) related to various potential disorders and confirmed the positive benefit-risk profile of Bravecto. Official records that monitor adverse events are often available online and these reports can be easily misunderstood by people unfamiliar with the procedures and how to interpret monitoring information. For example, many people do not know that the FDA advises " For any given ADE report, there is no certainty that the reported drug caused the adverse event. " This means that the cause of a problem reported to this agency has not been determined, and this is typical of drug use reports. Multiple communications from individual dog and cat owners provided photographs showing how their pet has dramatically improved with the help of fluralaner treatment.

The remains are described of a young small felid found in a Predynastic burial at Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt. Osteometric and zoogeographical arguments indicate that the specimen, dated to around 3700 B.C. on the basis of the associated... more

The remains are described of a young small felid found in a Predynastic burial at Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt. Osteometric and zoogeographical arguments indicate that the specimen, dated to around 3700 B.C. on the basis of the associated pottery, belongs to Felis silvestris. In the same cemetery several other animal species, both wild and domestic, have been found. The left humerus and right femur of the cat show healed fractures indicating that the animal had been held in captivity for at least 4–6 weeks prior to its burial. We believe that this pathology suggests early cat taming more convincingly than a buried cat recently reported from Neolithic Cyprus (7500 B.C.). Such taming events were probably part of the processes that eventually led to the domestication of Felis silvestris. However, the absence of the cat in Predynastic and Early Dynastic depictions and its rare attestation in the archaeozoological record indicates that domestic status had not yet been attained during those early periods. Other species that were also held in captivity by Ancient Egyptians probably never became domesticated because they had one or more characteristics that prevented it.

Several major pet-food and human-food safety incidents occurred worldwide between 2003 and 2008, causing illnesses and deaths in children, cats, dogs, and pigs. During the 2007 outbreak of renal failure in dogs and cats in the United... more

Several major pet-food and human-food safety incidents occurred worldwide between 2003 and 2008, causing illnesses and deaths in children, cats, dogs, and pigs. During the 2007 outbreak of renal failure in dogs and cats in the United States, veterinary diagnostic laboratories helped identify melamine and melamine analogues as contaminants in implicated food. In 2008, thousands of infants developed renal failure from exposure to melamine alone. Management of these outbreaks depends on the collaboration of veterinary and human laboratories and clinics, government agencies, academic institutions, and food industries, along with prompt communication and sharing of data.

ทฤษฎีการทดสอบในปัจจุบันสามารถแบ่งออกเป็น 2 ประเภทหลักๆ คือ ประเภทแรก ได้แก่ ทฤษฎีการทดสอบแบบดั้งเดิม (Classical Test Theory: CTT) มีแนวคิดว่าคะแนนสอบที่สังเกตได้ (X) นั้นเป็นผลรวมมาจากโมเดลเชิงเส้นของผลรวมคะแนนจริง (T) และความคลาดเคลื่อน... more

ทฤษฎีการทดสอบในปัจจุบันสามารถแบ่งออกเป็น 2 ประเภทหลักๆ คือ ประเภทแรก ได้แก่ ทฤษฎีการทดสอบแบบดั้งเดิม (Classical Test Theory: CTT) มีแนวคิดว่าคะแนนสอบที่สังเกตได้ (X) นั้นเป็นผลรวมมาจากโมเดลเชิงเส้นของผลรวมคะแนนจริง (T) และความคลาดเคลื่อน (e) โดความคลาดเคลื่อนนั้นมีลักษณะเป็นหนึ่งเดียวที่ไม่สามารถแบ่งแยกได้ (unique error) ส่วนทฤษฎีประเภทที่สองของทฤษฎีการทดสอบในปัจจุบัน ได้แก่ ทฤษฎีการทดสอบแนวใหม่ (Modern Test Theory) ปัจจุบันที่ใช้กันอย่างแพร่หลายมีอยู่ด้วยกัน 2 ทฤษฎี คือ ทฤษฎีการสรุปอ้างอิงความน่าเชื่อถือของผลการวัด (Generalizability Theory: GT) และทฤษฎีการตอบสนองข้อสอบ (Item Response Theory: IRT)