CO2 Research Papers - (original) (raw)

We face Conflicts between human development and nature Capacity to Provide The resources for such development. This is a great paradox the countries that have most benefited from industrial development by producing greenhouse gases. The... more

We face Conflicts between human development and nature Capacity to Provide The resources for such development. This is a great paradox the countries that have most benefited from industrial development by producing greenhouse gases. The atmosphere surrounding the earth, heats the soil and the Plants also. Greenhouse is the body which allows the short wave length incoming solar radiation to come in but does not allow the long wave outgoing terrestrial infrared radiation to scope in a way and atmosphere energy going up. Green house where co2 acts as like a glass windows. Co2 and water Vapors in the atmosphere transmit short wave length solar radiation but reflect the longer wave length heat radiation from warmed surface of the co2 molecules are transparent to sunlight but not to the heat re action .So the trap and re enforce the solar heat stimulating an effect which is properly known as Greenhouse effect.

During the Pleistocene the vegetation changes in the high Colombian Andes included changes from C 3 to C 4 plants. This is inferred from N 13 C values of the C 31 n-alkane from the Funza-2 sedimentary record taken from the high plain of... more

During the Pleistocene the vegetation changes in the high Colombian Andes included changes from C 3 to C 4 plants. This is inferred from N 13 C values of the C 31 n-alkane from the Funza-2 sedimentary record taken from the high plain of Bogotä at 2550 m elevation. The environmental factors thought to be responsible for these changes were investigated using a single point simulation of the BIOME3 vegetation model, including changes in precipitation, temperature and atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. The model shows that changes are for a major part caused by these latter two factors. The isotopic signature of the n-alkanes of several extant C 3 and C 4 grasses from the area were determined to calibrate the interpretation of the isotopic record. From the geochemical record, we estimated the altitudinal distribution of C 3 and C 4 plants, using present grass distribution patterns based on floristic data as a template. This information, in combination with palaeotemperature estimates, enabled the reconstruction of atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. The reconstructed CO 2 concentrations follow the trends of the Vostok Antarctic ice core through three glacial and two interglacial stages. The lowest calculated CO 2 concentration is ca. 210 ppmV for the glacial maxima and within the range of lowest values from Vostok, our highest value (310 ppmV) is for interglacial MIS 7. This represents a new method to reconstruct palaeoatmospheric pCO 2 . It is less accurate than measurements from ice cores, but has potential to be used for sediments that are much older than the ice cores. ß

Smart implementation of the Internet of Things is observed in smart city projects. Nowadays this process is implemented worldwide. Various electronic equipment and internet protocols are used to maintain implementation of IoT in smart... more

Smart implementation of the Internet of Things is observed in smart city projects. Nowadays this process is implemented worldwide. Various electronic equipment and internet protocols are used to maintain implementation of IoT in smart city projects. The emission of CO2 is reduced due to this smart city project, as well as autonomous driving process is increased by this process. To maintain smart parking RFID is used by this process. This paper can evaluate the interconnection between these protocols. Safety and security related issues are improvised by the Internet of Things and increase the smartness of the city. High-quality architecture is important to maintain implementation of IoT. However, implementation of IoT consists of various challenges such as DoS and other security issues.

The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical... more

The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical disruptions in oil supply, and provide authoritative research and analysis on ways to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond. The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among its member countries, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports. The Agency's aims include the following objectives: n Secure member countries' access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions. n Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection in a global context -particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change. n Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy data.

With the decline in oil discoveries during the last decades it is believed that EOR technologies will play a key role to meet the energy demand in years to come. This paper presents a comprehensive review of EOR status and opportunities... more

With the decline in oil discoveries during the last decades it is believed that EOR technologies will play a key role to meet the energy demand in years to come. This paper presents a comprehensive review of EOR status and opportunities to increase final recovery factors in reservoirs ranging from extra heavy oil to gas condensate. Specifically, the paper discusses EOR status and opportunities organized by reservoir lithology (sandstone and carbonates formations and turbiditic reservoirs to a lesser extent) and offshore and onshore fields. Risk and rewards of EOR methods including growing trends in recent years such as CO 2 injection, high pressure air injection (HPAI) and chemical flooding are addressed including a brief overview of CO 2 -EOR project economics.

The quality of laser cut is the most important factor in laser cutting process. All cutting parameters might have significant influence on the resulting quality of work. In general, cutting parameters are adjusted and tuned to provide the... more

The quality of laser cut is the most important factor in laser cutting process. All cutting parameters might have significant influence on the resulting quality of work. In general, cutting parameters are adjusted and tuned to provide the quality of cut desired. But this consumes exhaustive (enormous) amount of time and effort. Therefore, it is important to investigate the impact of cutting parameters on quality of cut. The aim of this study is to relate the CO2 laser cutting parameters namely laser power, cutting speed laser scanning speed. Laser cutting is a fairly new technology that allows metals to be cut with extreme precision. The laser beam is typically 0.2 mm in diameter with a power of 1-10 kW [1]. Depending on the application of the laser cutter a selection of different gases are used in conjunction with the cutting. When cutting with oxygen, material is burned and vaporized when heated by the laser beam to ignition temperature. The reaction between the oxygen and the metal creates additional energy in the form of heat, supporting the cutting process. For certain well defined applications, e.g. cutting metal sheet using CO2-lasers, suppliers of laser cutting machines provide a comprehensive database for process parameters.

El presente trabajo se resume, la historia, tipos y los prinicipios de funcionamiento de las armas neumáticas que se encuentran en el mercado.

Fuel cells could substantially decarbonise domestic energy production, but at what cost? Models were developed to simulate economic and environmental benefits of fuel cell micro-CHP in UK homes, and project current purchase costs into the... more

The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical... more

The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its primary mandate was -and is -two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical disruptions in oil supply, and provide authoritative research and analysis on ways to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 29 member countries and beyond. The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among its member countries, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports. The Agency's aims include the following objectives: n Secure member countries' access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions. n Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection in a global context -particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change. n Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy data.

Developing new methods and technologies that compete with conventional industrial processes for CO 2 capture and recovery is a hot topic in the current research. Conventional processes do not fit with the current approach of process... more

Developing new methods and technologies that compete with conventional industrial processes for CO 2 capture and recovery is a hot topic in the current research. Conventional processes do not fit with the current approach of process intensification but take advantage due to their maturity and large-scale implementation. Acting in a precombusion scenario or post-combustion scenario involves the separation of CO 2 /H 2 or CO 2 /N 2 , respectively.

Acid gas removal from the natural gas using alkanolamine processes is the most common technology used for sweetening of natural gas. Based on the sour and sweet gas specifications, several alkanolamine solutions can be used for acid gas... more

Acid gas removal from the natural gas using alkanolamine processes is the most common technology used for sweetening of natural gas. Based on the sour and sweet gas specifications, several alkanolamine solutions can be used for acid gas removal, all of which are well developed processes. However, one of the remaining issues is the costs associated with the processes. In this study, DEA, DGA and mixed (MDEA+DEA) processes are designed for sweetening the natural gas produced in one of the gas fields having high CO 2 /H 2 S ratio. For each process, seven scenarios are designed to investigate the effects of the cooler's operating parameters on the performance of the process. For each scenario, the duty of the cooler is varied in order to have a specific lean amine temperature entering the absorber. Each scenario is simulated using Aspen HYSYS and economically evaluated using Aspen economic evaluation. Based on the results of this study, the required solution circulation rates slightly increases when the lean amine temperature increases. However, Lower process capital costs and lower cooler's duty were obtained by operating the DEA and DGA processes at higher values of lean amine temperature. Also, operating at lower lean amine temperatures resulted in lower hydrocarbon pick up in case of MDEA+DEA process.

La respiración del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los procesos de respiración y descomposición del suelo a nivel mundial liberan anualmente a la atmósfera un total de 220 mil millones de toneladas de dióxido... more

La respiración del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los procesos de respiración y descomposición del suelo a nivel mundial liberan anualmente a la atmósfera un total de 220 mil millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono. Por lo tanto, los estudios sobre los aspectos del ciclo del carbono del suelo para optimizar
las emisiones de dióxido de carbono agrícola o mejorar el secuestro de carbono contribuyen una práctica agrícola sostenible. En este artículo se presentan los efectos de la aplicación de biofertilizantes (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, y Pseudomonas putida) en la respiración del suelo, en el suelo chernozem. Los experimentos se realizaron en la Estación Experimental de Látókép, perteneciente a la Universidad de Debrecen, Hungría. Además, estos resultados se
compararon con los hallazgos de estudios anteriores relacionados con aplicaciones comerciales de fertilizantes NPK (en cuatro dosis: N60P45K45;N120P90K90;N180P135K135; y N240P180K180), y dos métodos de cultivo (arado, aflojado, RTK en filas y RTK entre filas); estas investigaciones se llevaron a cabo en la misma estación experimental. Los resultados indican una menor tendencia a la respiración del suelo cuando se aplican biofertilizantes en comparación con los
fertilizantes NPK comerciales, lo que permite disminuir la emisión de CO2 en el medio ambiente. También se discutió un cambio unitario en los diferentes métodos basados en la absorción de álcalis (Oxitop y Witkamp) para facilitar la comparación de los datos adquiridos recientemente con los resultados anteriores de experimentos de fertilización a largo plazo.

Wie müsste eine faire Lösung des Klimaproblems aussehen? Wie sollten wir Pflichten und finanzielle Lasten der nötigen CO2-Reduktionen verteilen, wenn es dabei gerecht zugehen soll und keiner übervorteilt werden darf? In meiner Antwort auf... more

Wie müsste eine faire Lösung des Klimaproblems aussehen? Wie sollten wir Pflichten und finanzielle Lasten der nötigen CO2-Reduktionen verteilen, wenn es dabei gerecht zugehen soll und keiner übervorteilt werden darf? In meiner Antwort auf diese ethischen Fragen stütze ich mich auf einen Grundsatz, den Angela Merkel formuliert hat: Jeder Mensch hat das Recht, genauso viel CO2-Emissionen zu verursachen wie jeder andere. Anders als die Bundeskanzlerin, die den Grundsatz nur langfristig in die Tat umsetzen will, plädiere ich dafür, dass die Gleichberechtigung aller in Sachen CO2-Ausstoß schon unter dem Nachfolge-Regime des Kyoto-Vertrags gelten soll. In einem ersten Schritt soll die Steigerung der weltweiten CO2-Emissionen angehalten werden. Um das auf gerechte Weise zu bewerkstelligen, werden in feiner Stückelung Rechte zum CO2-Ausstoß (die sog. Mikro-Zertifikate) ausgegeben, und zwar zunächst für genau so viel CO2, wie die Menschheit zur Zeit insgesamt pro Jahr in die Luft bläst. Wer CO2 emittieren will, gleichgültig wo, wie und wozu, darf das nur gegen Entwertung einer entsprechenden Anzahl an Mikro-Zertifikaten, sonst macht er sich strafbar. Die Mikro-Zertifikate werden auf einer weltweiten Börse gehandelt; ihr Preis ergibt sich aus Angebot und Nachfrage. Mein Vorschlag unterscheidet sich in zweierlei Hinsicht von den Versteigerungen der CO2-Zertifikate, wie sie bislang konzipiert und organisiert worden sind. Einerseits sollen am Ende alle Emissionen klimaschädlicher Gase in den Handel mit Mikro-Zertifikaten einbezogen werden. Andererseits wird das Geld, das durch die Versteigerung der Mikro-Zertifikate zusammenkommt, in regelmäßigen Abständen und ohne Abzüge an jeden einzelnen Menschen ausgezahlt. Das ist einfach, fair und transparent. In einem zweiten Schritt sind die weltweiten CO2-Emissionen drastisch zu verringern, und zwar sieben Jahre lang um jeweils 10%.

The article is composed of two sections. The first one is a critical review of the three main alternative indices to GDP which were proposed in the last decades – the Human Development Index (HDI), the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI),... more

The article is composed of two sections. The first one is a critical review of the three main alternative indices to GDP which were proposed in the last decades – the Human Development Index (HDI), the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), and the Happy Planet Index (HPI) – which is made on the basis of conceptual foundations, rather than looking at issues of statistical consistency or mathematical refinement as most of the literature does. The pars construens aims to propose an alternative measure, the composite wealth index, consistent with
an approach to development based on the notion of composite wealth, which is in turn derived from an empirical common sense criterion. Arguably, this approach is suitable to be conveyed into
an easily understandable and coherent indicator, and thus appropriate to track development in its various dimensions: simple in its formulation, the wealth approach can incorporate social and ecological goals without significant alterations in conceptual foundations, while reducing to a minimum arbitrary weighting.

A nivel mundial se tiene presente que ciertos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como "patrones climáticos", han sufrido cambios en frecuencia, intensidad, duración y época en la que se dan, esto en función de los registros y se nota en la... more

A nivel mundial se tiene presente que ciertos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como "patrones climáticos", han sufrido cambios en frecuencia, intensidad, duración y época en la que se dan, esto en función de los registros y se nota en la lluvia, viento, temperatura, deshielo de glaciares, por decir algunos.

This study is to determine the effect of the Ethanol as cetane number improves on combustion characteristics and pollutants of diesel engine fuelled by preheated biodiesel-diesel blend. A bench test is to be carried out on a four cylinder... more

This study is to determine the effect of the Ethanol as cetane number improves on combustion characteristics and pollutants of diesel engine fuelled by preheated biodiesel-diesel blend. A bench test is to be carried out on a four cylinder direct injection diesel engine aiming to study the variation of thermal efficiency, exhaust temperature and pollutant at different engine operating conditions.There are three blends chosen to be tested in the engine. It includes preheated B10 (900 ml diesel+100 ml Biodiesel), preheated B20 (800 ml diesel+200 ml biodiesel) and preheated B20E10 (700 ml diesel+200 ml biodiesel+100 ml ethanol). Hydrocarbon, CO2, NOx, emission characteristics are also studied in this paper with different blends of fuel.

Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are... more

Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are contributing to the bad air quality of most of the Indian cities. Air pollutants produced in any air shed are not completely confined, but at time passing all the geographical boundaries, hence donot remain only a problem of urban centers, but spread and affect remote rural areas supporting large productive agricultural land. In environmental parameters the air pollution is measure by taking one or few samples in a day that means there is no information present about the real time air pollution data. This is the main disadvantages of such system. Most of the countries in the world work on the real time bases to monitor the air quality. In this paper we describe use of ZigBee, sensor nodes, GPS to construct distributed system for urban air pollution monitoring and control. ZigBee module and pollution server is interfaced with GPS system to display real-time pollutants levels and there location on a 24h/7 days basis. In this system there are four transmitter (Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4) are present which transmit the different levels of pollutant substance such as CO2, SO2, and NO2 to the receiver node in real time.

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is one of the most important factors that affect the residents of the indoor locations. CO 2 , CO and thermal comfort is the most famous parameters, and IUG is considered as a leader in the pursuit of... more

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is one of the most important factors that affect the residents of the indoor locations. CO 2 , CO and thermal comfort is the most famous parameters, and IUG is considered as a leader in the pursuit of providing satisfaction for workers. This study aims to identify the impact of the elements of indoor environmental quality on the employees of IUG and to compare these elements with the international recognized standards. This study was conducted on 22 rooms within IUG, where employees spend more 7 hours in their offices during three seasons: winter, and summer, in two stages, the first stage: field work, by measuring the concentration of CO 2 , CO, Humidity and temperature by using the relevant devices, the second stage: designing a questionnaire for exploring the extent of the impact of The study shows the following results: 80% of IUG employees are satisfied with thermal comfort and the concentration of CO is appropriate and less than the standards (9ppm). CO 2 is high in the rooms that rely on centralized air conditioning, and there is a negative relationship between the ventilation ratio and the concentration of CO 2 . There is a significant statistical difference between CO 2 measurements according to seasons these factors on the employees working indoors. The university employees felt the symptoms of health issues related to carbon dioxide concentration. The study concluded that CO 2 , CO concentrations are varied inside the rooms of the university and the environmental awareness of these factors and their effect need to be enforced.

Pesticides resistance in Tetranychus urticae is a phenomenon which caused by many reasons. One of their causes is the exposure of highly levels of UV and CO2, which could play an important role to get a resistant field strain. The... more

Pesticides resistance in Tetranychus urticae is a phenomenon which caused by many reasons. One of their causes is the exposure of highly levels of UV and CO2, which could play an important role to get a resistant field strain. The Vertimec ,a pronounced miticide , LC50 of the laboratory resistant strain which maintained under selection pressure till F40 and the resistant field strain in comparable with susceptible strain were 2099.38,200.01 and 50.822 µLL¯¹ ,resp. Field studies through 2011,2012 and 2013 showed that initial kill percentages of T.urticae infested cotton were 86.08,62.74 and 40.32 % for the same arrangement, and the residual effect percentages were 94.62,67.11 and 52.90 %, resp. Moreover, the elevated esterases and mixed function oxidases (MFO) in both the laboratory and the 2013 field resistant strains mainly proved the effect of increased radiation of UV on the highly resistance levels recorded for both strains.

Trabalhar para efetivação de políticas públicas de promoção e defesa de direitos, priorizando populações de baixa renda, para a transformação da sociedade. Diaconia e atores sociais protagonistas na promoção e defesa de direitos,... more

Trabalhar para efetivação de políticas públicas de promoção e defesa de direitos, priorizando populações de baixa renda, para a transformação da sociedade. Diaconia e atores sociais protagonistas na promoção e defesa de direitos, incidência em políticas públicas e no desenvolvimento de programas sustentáveis. Missão Visão Inovações na atuação da instituição: DHESCAs Ÿ Soberania, segurança alimentar e hídrica; Ÿ Geração de trabalho e renda; Ÿ Direitos da infância, adolescência e juventude; Territorialidade Ÿ Relação entre os espaços urbano e rural; Ÿ As escalas municipal e estadual; Ÿ A relação entre territorialidade e políticas públicas; Ÿ O método da abordagem territorial. Fazem parte das novas estratégias da Diaconia ainda: Ÿ O fortalecimento da parceria com as igrejas; Ÿ O investimento na relação com parceiros do Sul-Sul e do Sul-Norte-Sul; Ÿ O fortalecimento da relação urbano-rural; Ÿ O aprimoramento da gestão democrática.

Olivine weathering is a natural process that takes time, years to decades when applied to suitable environments. Contrary to CCS, the effect is not instantaneous, but in the course of the coming decades in which society will continue to... more

Olivine weathering is a natural process that takes time, years to decades when applied to suitable environments. Contrary to CCS, the effect is not instantaneous, but in the course of the coming decades in which society will continue to produce CO2 and to be threatened by continued greenhouse warming, the annual addition of large volumes of olivine to suitable environments will counteract the rise of CO2 level of the atmosphere and the acidification of ocean waters.

La población y la energía tienen una fuerte relación, y un impacto conjunto negativo sobre el medio ambiente en el planeta. Situación actual Desde la revolución industrial vemos el aumento de la población que se asocia con el aumento... more

This study examines the effect of tourism development on energy consumption, CO 2 and economic growth in China over the period from 1981 to 2010. An extension of ARIMA model was performed to investigate the relationship between variables.... more

This study examines the effect of tourism development on energy consumption, CO 2 and economic growth in China over the period from 1981 to 2010. An extension of ARIMA model was performed to investigate the relationship between variables. Two principle test results emerge from this study. First, increases on visitors may largely give rise to GDP. On the other hand, increase on tourism receipts may result in greater energy consumption and CO 2 emission to some extent as compared to number of visitors. However, the amount of effects from either tourism receipts or number of visitors to energy consumption and CO 2 emission are limited. From an energy conservation and economic growth point of view, the results support the hypothesis of tourism-led economic growth in the China economy with relatively limited increase of energy consumption and CO 2 emission.

Activation of the carbon dioxide molecule was achieved using bicyclic amidines (DBU, PMDBD, and DBN). The solution reaction of CO 2 with amidines yielded the corresponding zwitterionic complexes through the formation of a N-CO 2 bond. 13... more

Activation of the carbon dioxide molecule was achieved using bicyclic amidines (DBU, PMDBD, and DBN). The solution reaction of CO 2 with amidines yielded the corresponding zwitterionic complexes through the formation of a N-CO 2 bond. 13 C NMR data confirmed the carbamic nature of the carbamic zwitterions, DBU-CO 2 and PMDBD-CO 2 . However, when these adducts were crystallized, the X-ray analyses of the single crystals were in agreement with bisamidinium bicarbonate salt structures, indicating that structural changes occurred in the crystallization process. The elemental and thermogravimetric analysis data for the carbamic zwitterions, DBU-CO 2 and PMDBD-CO 2 , initially obtained by the direct reaction of amidines with CO 2 , suggest that these molecules are probably associated with one molecule of water by hydrogen-bond formation (amidinium + -COO -‚‚‚H 2 O). A correlation was observed between the thermal stability and the transcarboxylating activity for the amidine-CO 2 complexes. Theoretical calculations of hardness were performed at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level of theory and showed concordance with the experimental reactivity of DBU and PMDBD toward CO 2 . SCHEME 2 FIGURE 2. ORTEP representation of the X-ray structure for bis[PMDBDH] + HCO3 -.

This study investigated the effect of microbial activity on the chemistry of hydrothermal fluids related to the Vicano-Cimino system, central Italy. The database included the composition and δ13C CO2 and δ13C CH4 values of soil gas from... more

This study investigated the effect of microbial activity on the chemistry of hydrothermal fluids related to the Vicano-Cimino system, central Italy. The database included the composition and δ13C CO2 and δ13C CH4 values of soil gas from an area characterized by intense degassing of fluids having a deep origin. The δ13C CH4 values along vertical profiles in the soil indicated that CH4 was controlled by microbial oxidation occurring at shallow (< 50 cm) depth, where free O2 was available. This was consistent with the vertical gradients of CH4, H2S and O2 concentrations. The δ13C CO2 values in soil gas, characterized by a composition similar to that of the hydrothermal fluids, were not significantly influenced by biodegradation. On the contrary, gas strongly affected by air contamination showed a significant δ13C CO2 fractionation. Microbial activity caused strong consumption of hydrothermal alkanes, alkenes, cyclics and hydrogenated halocarbons, whereas benzene was recalcitrant. Oxygenated compounds from hydrocarbon degradation consisted of alcohols, with minor aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. A predominance of alcohols at a high rate of degassing flux, corresponding to a short residence time of hydrothermal gas within the soil, indicated incomplete oxidation. N-bearing compounds were likely produced by humic substances in the soil and/or related to contamination by pesticides, whereas α-pinene traced air entering the soil. The study demonstrates that microbial communities in the soil play an important role for mitigating the release to the atmosphere of C-bearing gases, especially CH4, through diffuse soil degassing, a mechanism that in central Italy significantly contributes to the discharge of CO2-rich gas from deep sources.

Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are... more

Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are contributing to the bad air quality of most of the Indian cities. Air pollutants produced in any air shed are not completely confined, but at time passing all the geographical boundaries, hence donot remain only a problem of urban centers, but spread and affect remote rural areas supporting large productive agricultural land. In environmental parameters the air pollution is measure by taking one or few samples in a day that means there is no information present about the real time air pollution data. This is the main disadvantages of such system. Most of the countries in the world work on the real time bases to monitor the air quality. In this paper we describe use of ZigBee, sensor nodes, GPS to construct distributed system for urban air pollution monitoring and control. ZigBee module and pollution server is interfaced with GPS system to display real-time pollutants levels and there location on a 24h/7 days basis. In this system there are four transmitter (Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4) are present which transmit the different levels of pollutant substance such as CO2, SO2, and NO2 to the receiver node in real time.

Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 6FDA-6FpDA, 6FDA-6FmDA, and 6FDA-DAM polyimides with CO 2 weight percentages up to ∼30%, were carried out to characterize the atomic level features associated with CO 2 diffusivity in these... more

Extensive molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of 6FDA-6FpDA, 6FDA-6FmDA, and 6FDA-DAM polyimides with CO 2 weight percentages up to ∼30%, were carried out to characterize the atomic level features associated with CO 2 diffusivity in these glassy matrices. The fluorinated polyimide models were first loaded with CO 2 in increments of 2% in order to mimic the experimental procedure of progressive loading and to avoid the necessity of artificially preswelling the simulation boxes. The sorption phase was then followed by a progressive desorption phase in decrements of 2%. This work covered nominal CO 2 concentrations up to ∼200 cm 3 (STP) cm -3 and amounted to a total of more than 80 simulations of 5000 ps each at 308 K, as well as an additional 20 simulations at higher temperatures. In all cases, CO 2 trajectories display the basic hopping-type mechanism, i.e. a combination of oscillations within available free volumes in the polymer matrix associated with occasional jumps from one site to another. There are no longlived interactions with either the polymer or with the other penetrants, and thus, CO 2 is a very mobile penetrant free to access any part of the matrix free-volume. Diffusion coefficients, D CO 2 , at 308 K were estimated from a novel trajectory-extending kinetic Monte Carlo (TEKMC) method, which, based on the actual CO 2 trajectories during the MD production runs, allowed us to extend them by more than 3 orders of magnitude. These estimates of D CO 2 compare very well with those obtained by a high-temperature Arrhenius extrapolation approach and with experimental evidence. Activation energies for diffusion are also validated by experimental data. All three polyimide models are able to reproduce both experimental penetrant-induced plasticization and sorption-desorption hysteresis during the few nanoseconds time scale available to MD simulations. The D CO 2 are found to be very closely linked to the volume swelling-contraction behavior. They tend to remain low up to the start of plasticization and to be directly correlated to the gradual transition to an almost linear increase in volume at higher concentrations. The sorption-desorption hysteresis can be related to a fairly limited increase in polymer local mobility upon volume dilation, which means that the system is not able to come back to its initial structure upon desorption. Figure 1. Chemical structures of (a) 6FDA-6FpDA, (b) 6FDA-6FmDA, and (c) 6FDA-DAM polyimides.

This document contains supplementary and supporting materials, including references, for ‘Second law analyses of Endex and conventional calcium looping processes for CO2 capture’, that are enriching but too distracting or lengthy to... more

This document contains supplementary and supporting materials, including references, for ‘Second law analyses of Endex and conventional calcium looping processes for CO2 capture’, that are enriching but too distracting or lengthy to incorporate in the main article.

The global warming problematic is in reality decided not by the UNFCCC or IPCC with its mastodon meetings. The decisive players are the states of the following BIG polluters of CO2: and the US, despite the fact that its present government... more

The global warming problematic is in reality decided not by the UNFCCC or IPCC with its mastodon meetings. The decisive players are the states of the following BIG polluters of CO2: and the US, despite the fact that its present government already has defected from the common pool regime, set up in Paris 2017, These countries together with international shipping and aviation are putting out more than 50% of the CO2s. However, they are little interested, because they emphasize the policy-making of socioeconomic development, either economic growth with rich countries or the "catch-up" strategy with poor or emerging economies. Resilience will decide which countries can support the consequences of climate change.

Anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) have been widely touted as a low-cost alternative to existing proton exchange membrane fuel cells. However, AEMFCs operating on air suffer from a severe performance penalty caused by carbonation... more

Anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) have been widely touted as a low-cost alternative to existing proton exchange membrane fuel cells. However, AEMFCs operating on air suffer from a severe performance penalty caused by carbonation from exposure to CO2. Many approaches to removing CO2 from the cathode inlet would consume valuable energy and complicate the systems-level balance-of-plant. Therefore, this work focuses on an electrochemical solution where CO2 removal would still generate power, but not expose an entire AEMFC stack to carbonation conditions. Such a system consists of two AEMFCs in series. The first AEMFC, which acts as an anion exchange CO2 separator (AECS), is relatively small and serves to scrub CO2 from the air. The AECS is powered by the hydrogen bleed from the second (i.e., main) AEMFC. A small amount of hydrogen is bled from the recycled hydrogen used in the main AEMFC to mitigate impurity build-up, including nitrogen gas from diffusion across its membrane. The second, main AEMFC operates on the purified air output from the AECS and fresh H2. This work shows that it is possible to use an AECS to lower the CO2 concentration in the AEMFC input air stream to values low enough that the main AEMFC can be operated stably for extended periods, 150 h in this demonstration. Also, in this study, AEMFCs are operated on AECS-purified air without experiencing a performance penalty. Lastly, the relative geometric active area of the AEMFC and AECS devices are evaluated and discussed.

Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration and decomposition processes release yearly to the atmosphere a total of 220 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Therefore, studies on the whole-... more

Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration and decomposition processes
release yearly to the atmosphere a total of 220 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Therefore, studies on the whole- or
one particular aspect of soil carbon cycle aiming at optimizing agricultural carbon dioxide emissions or improving
carbon sequestration contribute to a sustainable agriculture practice. In this paper we present the effects of biofertilizer
application (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, and Pseudomonas putida) on soil respiration in chernozem soil.
Experiments were performed at Látókép Experimental Station, belonging to the University of Debrecen, Hungary.
Additionally, we compare our results with findings of prior studies related to commercial NPK fertilizer applications
(in four doses: N60P45K45;N120P90K90;N180P135K135; and N240P180K180), and two different cultivation methods (ploughed,
loosened, RTK in rows, and RTK between rows); these investigations were conducted at the same experimental
station. Our results indicate lower tendency for soil respiration, when biofertilizers are applied as compared to commercial
NPK fertilizers, which enables to decrease CO2 emission in the environment.We also discuss a unit change in
different alkali absorption-based methods (Oxitop andWitkamp) to facilitate comparability of recently acquired data
with results of previous long-term fertilization experiments.

The study carried out here aims to determine the advantage of using in-situ electricity generation facilities versus conventional generators, being evaluated from the environmental point of view. For this, an environmental analysis on the... more

The study carried out here aims to determine the advantage of using in-situ electricity generation facilities versus conventional generators, being evaluated from the environmental point of view. For this, an environmental analysis on the production of CO 2 has been applied to two scenarios of electricity generation for a residential building in Medellin city (Colombia). The first one refers to La Sierra thermo-electric plant located in La Sierra, municipality of Puerto Nare, in the Antioquiashire, which is the most efficient plant in Colombian thermal generation. The second comparison scenario refers to the annual operation of a micro-cogeneration facility, which satisfies the building's hot water and electrical energy needs. Using the capabilities of the TRNSYS v17® energy simulation software and the emission equations available in the public domain, the comparative environmental analysis is carried out between one and the other for the same load. The losses in electric transmission are assumed to be 10%. This analysis has shown a difference of more than 50% in emissions generation, with the main cause being the amount of fuel used, which for both cases is natural gas. On the other hand, this study shows the environmental advantages in the use of in-situ generators, decreasing transmission losses. Simulation | TRNSYS | Greenhouse effect | CO2| Electricity generation | Fossil fuel. Simulación dinámica | TRNSYS | efecto invernadero | CO 2 | generación de electricidad | combustible fósil.

The Asian Development Bank has in 2015 published a major investigation into the consequences of climate change for South East Asia. It is most read worthy, making hard and dismal projections for these economic miracles. But its suggested... more

The Asian Development Bank has in 2015 published a major investigation into the consequences of climate change for South East Asia. It is most read worthy, making hard and dismal projections for these economic miracles. But its suggested remedy-carbon sequestration-is not acceptable. The South East Asian economies should move to solar power and electrical vehicles. South East Asia must comply with the COP21 Treaty and start its implementation now. No time for politicking in the UN any longer (Conca, 2015; Vogler, 2016)!

This paper presents a multiagent system developed to predict the behaviour of the Atlantic Ocean in relation to the sinks/sources of CO2. The heart of the multiagent system is an intelligent agent capable of automatically making... more

This paper presents a multiagent system developed to predict the behaviour of the Atlantic Ocean in relation to the sinks/sources of CO2. The heart of the multiagent system is an intelligent agent capable of automatically making predictions about the flux of CO2 in the North Atlantic ocean. The multiagent system has been tested in simulation conditions and this work presents the preliminary obtained results.

Emissions resulting from rice cultivation are estimated in this paper including emissions from mechanical operations, field burning and N fertilization. The estimates are constructed using data and procedures from the IPCC guidelines for... more

Emissions resulting from rice cultivation are estimated in this paper including emissions from mechanical operations, field burning and N fertilization. The estimates are constructed using data and procedures from the IPCC guidelines for emissions estimation Coupled with Life Cycle Analysis procedures. The results show that the larger amounts of emissions come from Lower Egypt (Nile Delta). The regions with higher emissions are located as a rice belt in the Northern of the Nile Delta, Methane emission from the flooded rice fields are the main source of GHG emissions, contributing about 53.25 % of the total emissions. Rice straw burning after harvesting is the second largest source contributing 35.82 %. Nitrogen fertilization contributes out 9.92% and mechanical activities contribute about 1%. Finally, the carbon footprint for paddy rice is 1.90 Kg CO 2eq / Kg paddy rice. [Farag, A. A.; H. A. Radwan; M. A. A. Abdrabbo; M. A. M. Heggi and B. A. McCarl Carbon Footprint for Paddy Rice Production in Egypt Nat Sci 2013;11(12):36-45]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). . 6