Fossil Fuels Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste... more

The concept of the waste biorefinery is known as one of the several energy recovery technologies capable of producing multi-products in the form of biofuels and value-added products treating different fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW). The conversion technologies such as anaerobic digestion (AD), pyrolysis, transesterification, incineration treat food, plastic, meat, and lignocellulosic wastes to produce liquid, gaseous and solid biofuels. Makkah city landfills receive about 2750 tons of waste every day. While during the Ramadan and Hajj seasons, these quantities become 3000 tons and 4706 tons per day respectively. More than 2.5 million animals were sold for slaughtering in 2014 Hajj, and their blood and organic solid waste were disposed of untreated. Similarly, around 2.1 million plastic Zam-Zam cups were wasted every day during the 2014 Ramadan time. In the first three days of 2014's Ramadan, 5000 tons of food was wasted only in Makkah municipality. Collectively, about 3853 tons of waste were generated each day during 2014 Hajj and Ramadan. The waste from Al-Haram and Al-Masha’ir (Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat) and their surroundings was mainly composed of organics (up to 68.5%). There is no waste-to-energy facility existing in Saudi Arabia. The waste biorefinery in Makkah will divert up to 94% of MSW from landfill to biorefinery. The energy potential of 2171.47 TJ and 8852.66 TJ can be produced if all of the food and plastic waste of the Makkah city are processed through AD and pyrolysis respectively. The development of AD and pyrolysis under waste biorefinery will also benefit the economy with gross savings of 405 and 565.7 million SR respectively, totalling to an annual profit of 970.7 million SR. Therefore, the benefits of waste biorefinery in Makkah city and other parts of the Saudi Arabia are numerous including the development of renewable-energy science and research, solving solid waste problems, new businesses and job creation opportunities and minimizing environmental pollution.

Of the five principal global carbon pools, the ocean pool is the largest at 38.4 trillion metric tons (mt) in the surface layer, followed by the fossil fuels (4.13 trillion mt), soils (2.5 trillion mt to a depth of one meter), biotic (620... more

Of the five principal global carbon pools, the ocean pool is the largest at 38.4 trillion metric tons (mt) in the surface layer, followed by the fossil fuels (4.13 trillion mt), soils (2.5 trillion mt to a depth of one meter), biotic (620 billion mt), and atmospheric pools (800 billion mt). If the fluxes among terrestrial pools are combined, annual total carbon flows across the pools average around 60 billion mt, with managed ecosystems (croplands, grazing lands, and plantations) accounting for 57 percent of that total. Thus, land managers have custody of more annual carbon flows than any other group.

As the collection of end-of-life (EOL) electrical and electronic products from households and businesses increases around the world, the search for economically and environmentally responsible and sustainable recovery and recycling... more

As the collection of end-of-life (EOL) electrical and electronic products from households and businesses increases around the world, the search for economically and environmentally responsible and sustainable recovery and recycling processes intensifies ...

If energy security is defined as the availability of energy at all times in various forms, in sufficient quantities and at affordable prices, without unacceptable or irreversible impact on the economy and the environment, Japan is facing... more

If energy security is defined as the availability of energy at all times in various forms, in sufficient quantities and at affordable prices, without unacceptable or irreversible impact on the economy and the environment, Japan is facing an energy security predicament. For a country that was already uneasy about energy security, the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, which caused a nuclear catastrophe in TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, turned this unease into outright anxiety. With the temporary and/or permanent ...

The present study aims to analyze the discourse of management and policy-making in the field of electricity in the country to study and analyze the text of 100 interviews, lectures, statements and quotations conducted in this regard in... more

The present study aims to analyze the discourse of management and policy-making in the field of electricity in the country to study and analyze the text of 100 interviews, lectures, statements and quotations conducted in this regard in the years after the revolution; Based on the theory of Laclau and Moff discourse,it focuses on specific themes and their elaboration Thus, first the main themes and axes of policymakers' discourse were extracted and then it was determined which themes have a special position and how they are placed in that discourse according to other themes. The main themes and axes of the dominant discourse entitled "Development based on the abundance of fossil resources in the country" are: "Sustainable electricity supply", "Self-sufficiency and self-reliance in the electricity industry", "Economic supply of electricity" and "Poverty alleviation and justice", have been elaborated around the central slab of "fossil fuel-based development". Analyzing the discourse of policymakers showed that they see the issues of electricity supply in the context of the "fossil electricity discourse" which is at the heart of "fossil fuel development". In this way, all their actions become meaningful in the context of the fossil regime discourse, and this discourse has been able to marginalize other sub-discourses, whether modifying or opposing the use of this energy, restructuring the electricity, nuclear and renewable industries, and this discource masters its concepts and achieves hegemony.

A series of experiments was conducted to study the effect of twisted-tape width on the heat transfer and pressure drop with laminar flow in tubes. Data for three twisted-tape wavelengths, each with five different widths, have been... more

A series of experiments was conducted to study the effect of twisted-tape width on the heat transfer and pressure drop with laminar flow in tubes. Data for three twisted-tape wavelengths, each with five different widths, have been collected with constant wall temperature boundary condition. Correlations for the friction factor and Nusselt number are also available. The correlations predict the experimental data to within 10 to 15 percent for the heat transfer and friction factor, respectively. The presence of the twisted tape has caused the friction factor to increase by a factor of 3 to 7 depending on Reynolds number and the twisted-tape geometry. Heat transfer results have shown an increase of 1.5 to 3 times that of plain tubes depending on the flow conditions and the twisted-tape geometry. The width shows no effect on friction factor and heat transfer in the low range of Reynolds number but has a more pronounced effect on heat transfer at the higher range of Reynolds number. It i...

Climate change is arguably the greatest threat to society as power plants, the single largest human source of heat-trapping pollution, continue to emit massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Sociologists have identified several... more

Climate change is arguably the greatest threat to society as power plants, the single largest human source of heat-trapping pollution, continue to emit massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Sociologists have identified several possible structural determinants of electricity-based CO 2 emissions, including international trade and global normative regimes, national political–legal systems, and organizational size and age. But because they treat these factors as competing predictors, scholars have yet to examine how they might work together to explain why some power plants emit vastly more pollutants than others. Using a worldwide data set of utility facilities and fuzzy-set methods, we analyze the conjoint effects of global, political, and organizational conditions on fossil-fueled plants' CO 2 emissions. Findings reveal that hyperpolluters' emission rates are a function of four distinct causal recipes, which we label coercive, quiescent, expropriative, and inertial configurations, and these same sets of conditions also increase plants' emission levels.

The total energy and fossil fuels used in producing a desktop computer with 17-in. CRT monitor are estimated at 6400 megajoules (MJ) and 260 kg, respectively. This indicates that computer manufacturing is energy intensive: the ratio of... more

The total energy and fossil fuels used in producing a desktop computer with 17-in. CRT monitor are estimated at 6400 megajoules (MJ) and 260 kg, respectively. This indicates that computer manufacturing is energy intensive: the ratio of fossil fuel use to product weight is 11, an order of magnitude larger than the factor of 1-2 for many other manufactured goods. This high energy intensity of manufacturing, combined with rapid turnover in computers, results in an annual life cycle energy burden that is surprisingly high: about 2600 MJ per year, 1.3 times that of a refrigerator. In contrast with many home appliances, life cycle energy use of a computer is dominated by production (81%) as opposed to operation (19%). Extension of usable lifespan (e.g. by reselling or upgrading) is thus a promising approach to mitigating energy impacts as well as other environmental burdens associated with manufacturing and disposal.

Yemen is a least developed arid country located in the Middle East within the Arabian Peninsula’s southern end. Currently, it entirely relies almost on gas and crude oil for the country’s entire energy sources. However, Yemen has a huge... more

Yemen is a least developed arid country located in the Middle East within the Arabian Peninsula’s southern end. Currently, it entirely relies almost on gas and crude oil for the country’s entire energy sources. However, Yemen has a huge potential for the production of renewable and alternative energy sources including wind and solar energy productions as confirmed by the country’s Ministry of Electricity & Energy. This project reviews how the country can benefit from solar power production and also examines how such an alternative energy source policy might mitigate the requirement to construct new fossil fuel generating powers in the country.