Child Law Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Article 4 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that state parties have a positive obligation to implement the necessary legal measures to secure the rights recognised in the Convention. The CRC Committee has stated... more
Article 4 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that state parties have a positive obligation to implement the necessary legal measures to secure the rights recognised in the Convention. The CRC Committee has stated that incorporation is its preferred method of implementation. In Sweden, the issue of incorporation has been the subject of a lengthy and contentious debate. This article aims to unpack the reasons for this. It is suggested that technical-legal arguments against the incorporation of the CRC are grounded in and intertwined with cultural-legal arguments. While these arguments may be more or less clearly expressed by the various parties in the Swedish debate, I argue that they seem to have played an important role in the process through which this international treaty has been made applicable on the domestic level in Sweden.
Children in their learning and development process are prone to get their hands on things that they have never tried before. Despite it being a moral obligation for a child to always listen to their parents or guardian, there would still... more
Children in their learning and development process are prone to get their hands on things that they have never tried before. Despite it being a moral obligation for a child to always listen to their parents or guardian, there would still be some children who will always refused to follow their parents’ or guardians’ orders like playing truant, smoking, running away from home or committing misbehaviours that a child should not have been doing or even be involved with at the first place. Parents or guardian could not find any other means to exercise proper control and supervision over them. This group of children is known as ‘children beyond control’.
Children that possess behaviours which could destroy their moral values is a group of children that requires extra care and attention from their parents or guardians. However, the present circumstance is that the parents or guardians of the child themselves could not handle the way the child is behaving. Therefore, the alternative for the parents or guardians is through making an application for a Court order to have the child detained in an institution for the purpose of rehabilitating them and prepare them for a reintegration in the society.
Child Labor in Turkey with laws and numbers
- by saime kara
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- Child Law, Turkey, Child Labor, Child Labour
This article considers the inclusion of the best interests of the child standard in the family law regimes of Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as its implications for our understanding of families in the Gulf region.... more
This article considers the inclusion of the best interests of the child standard in the family law regimes of Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as its implications for our understanding of families in the Gulf region. Specifically, the degree and ends to which the concept of the best interests of the child have been used in formulating the rules governing domestic child law generally, and parental care in particular, will be investigated. As the best interests of the child standard remains a vague and largely undefined legal concept in all three family codes, the analysis will not limit its focus on statutory approaches to reforming child law. More importantly, this article also considers legal practice in child law and the courts’ interpretation of the best interests of the child standard. In doing so, the article: (i.) discusses how the introduction of the best interests of the child standard has served to reform family law
on its codification in Bahrain, Qatar, and the uae; and (ii.) explores what the interpretation of the concept of best interests of the child tells us about changing societal values, family structures, and present-day attitudes towards motherhood and fatherhood in the gcc. I argue that, although the best interests of the child standard has come to influence most aspects of child law in the three countries under review, its usage and meaning remains inconsistent. The concept serves multiple purposes in the area of parental care in particular. What is still missing in all three jurisdictions is a thoroughly grounded and all-encompassing framework to determine the best interests of the child standard and also an understanding of its overall function within family law.
This paper was written while reading the subject 'Child Law' at the University of Malta, in partial fulfilment of my Doctor of Laws Degree. This paper analysis the current care order proceedings in Malta and whether the current practices... more
This paper was written while reading the subject 'Child Law' at the University of Malta, in partial fulfilment of my Doctor of Laws Degree. This paper analysis the current care order proceedings in Malta and whether the current practices and law safeguard the child's right to participation as per article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Spannungsfeld zwischen Art. 6 II GG, einem Recht auf Bildung des Kindes und dem staatlichen Bildungs- und Erziehungsauftrag aus Art. 7 I GG und die Frage, ob in der Verwirklichung von elterlichem Erziehungsauftrag, Wächteramt, Kindeswohl... more
Spannungsfeld zwischen Art. 6 II GG, einem Recht auf Bildung des Kindes und dem staatlichen Bildungs- und Erziehungsauftrag aus Art. 7 I GG und die Frage, ob in der Verwirklichung von elterlichem Erziehungsauftrag, Wächteramt, Kindeswohl und Organisation eines staatlichen Schulwesens durch das Gesetzesrecht noch eine zusätzliche Komponente eines REchts auf Bildung des Kindes Platz findet.
This paper considers the basis of child marriages in Northern Nigeria. It is an Islamic practice rooted in the interpretation of the Quran. Significantly, the caveat that copulation should be delayed until such girls are mature is often... more
This paper considers the basis of child marriages in Northern Nigeria. It is an Islamic practice rooted in the interpretation of the Quran. Significantly, the caveat that copulation should be delayed until such girls are mature is often ignored as these child brides are engaged in sex. This paper analyzes the report of a Senator in Nigeria married to a 13-year-old bride. More painfully, he divorced a 15-year-old child bride who already had a child for him. It argues that such young teenagers may not be able to give informed consent to the marriage. In addition, because of their tender years, they are unable to express their sexual autonomy. Against this background, it canvasses that the implications of this practice are multi dimensional, drawing from the Yemen example. It analyzes the provisions of Child Rights Act on child marriages against the background of other jurisdictions. This paper concludes that the practice can be jettisoned highlighting the Egyptian example.
Analisis de Caso, Materia a fines didacticos y Academicos.
Child sexual exploitation and child prostitution are some of the major challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a developing tourist destination. Poverty, lack of education and inequality are some of the main causes for these kinds of... more
Child sexual exploitation and child prostitution are some of the major challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a developing tourist destination. Poverty, lack of education and inequality are some of the main causes for these kinds of issues. Sri Lanka is sometimes known as the heaven for sexual relationships among tourists due to the commonly found child prostitution services. This issue arises mostly in South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand and Philippine. Sri Lanka has a beautiful coastline around the country as it is an island with an attractive tourist destination which bought the country a huge benefit for the country’s economy but on the other hand it exploits the countries future generation by giving a new face to these kinds of issues. This research will be focused on commercial sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution in Sri Lanka, how it is addressed in the legal framework and how the law has tried to prevent them and prote...
Child sexual exploitation and child prostitution are some of the major challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a developing tourist destination. Poverty, lack of education and inequality are some of the main causes for these kinds of... more
Child sexual exploitation and child prostitution are some of the major challenges which Sri Lanka is facing as a developing tourist destination. Poverty, lack of education and inequality are some of the main causes for these kinds of issues. Sri Lanka is sometimes known as the heaven for sexual relationships among tourists due to the commonly found child prostitution services. This issue arises mostly in South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand and Philippine. Sri Lanka has a beautiful coastline around the country as it is an island with an attractive tourist destination which bought the country a huge benefit for the country's economy but on the other hand it exploits the countries future generation by giving a new face to these kinds of issues. This research will be focused on commercial sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution in Sri Lanka, how it is addressed in the legal framework and how the law has tried to prevent them and protect the children. Further, it discusses the legislative provisions of some selected jurisdictions such as North Ireland, England and Wales. Finally, this normative research which is based on a literature review focuses on the pros and cons of the Sri Lankan legislative provisions and proposes some recommendations.
A s wi nG e o r g e C a mb r i a nc o l l e g e , S u d b u r y , O n t a r i o " T h e r ec a nb en ok e e n e r r e v e l a t i o no f as o c i e t y ' ss o u l t h a nt h ewa yi nwh i c hi t t r e a t si t s c h i l d r e n. "-Ne l s o... more
A s wi nG e o r g e C a mb r i a nc o l l e g e , S u d b u r y , O n t a r i o " T h e r ec a nb en ok e e n e r r e v e l a t i o no f as o c i e t y ' ss o u l t h a nt h ewa yi nwh i c hi t t r e a t si t s c h i l d r e n. "-Ne l s o nMa n d e l a A b s t r a c t : S ma l l t i n yh a n d sc a ng r i pap e nwe l l n o t at o o l. B u t t h ed i f f u s i o no f c h i l dl a b o u r i so n eo ft h ec r i t i c a l s n a g st h r e a t e n i n gt h ewo r l da tg r e a t. I ti sama t t e ro fa b u n d a n t a l a r m t oma n ye me r g i n gC o u n t r i e sl i k eI n d i a. I t ' sb e c o meas o c i o-e c o n o mi cp r o b l e m wh i c hr o b sc h i l d r e no ft h e i ri n f a n t i l e , i mp e n d i n ga n dc o mp o s u r e. I nma n yc a s e sc h i l d s l o gi sp r i ma r i l yc o mp e l l e db yf i s c a l p r e s s u r e so ft h ep a r e n t s .T h ef o r e mo s ta s p e c t wh i c hg i v e ss u r g et oc h i l dl a b o u ri se x t e n s i v er e d u n d a n c y. I n d i ai st h es e c o n dl a r g e s t p o p u l a c ec o u n t r yb u ti th a sp r i mef i g u r eo fc h i l dl a b o u r. T h ep i v o t a l g a r d e n so fc h i l d l a b o r e n c o mp a s s s c a r c i t y , r e d u n d a n c ya n ds u r p l u sp o p u l a c eb u t p o v e r t yi st h ek e yr o o t b e h i n dt h i sp r o d u c t i o n. E mp l o y e dc h i l d r e na r et h es t u f f so fp u n i s h i n gma n i p u l a t i o ni n t e r mso fs l o g g i n gf o rl o n gh o u r so fn e g l i g i b l ec o mp e n s a t i o na n du s u a l l yt h e s el a b o r s t o i li nl e t h a lwo r k s h o p s .S o , t h eu t mo s tn e e d e dp a r ti nt h i sr e g a r di st h ee f f e c t i v e e x e c u t i o n o fr u l e s a n d s t r i c ti mp l e me n t a t i o n o fl a b o u rl a ws i n I n d i a .No w t h e g o v e r n me n to fI n d i ah a sa l s or e s e r v e dn u me r o u so t h e rs u p e r i o r i t i e st or e mo v ec h i l d l a b o u r p r o b l e m. K e y wo r d s : C h i l dl a b o u r , I n d i a , P o v e r t y , E d u c a t i o n , Ha z a r d o u swo r k .
Awarding prospective loss in a death of a child
This paper discusses at length the analysis of the Juvenile justice system in Tanzanian providing in depth analysis between the law and practice of the juvenile court system in Tanzania and its jurisdiction but also the establishment of... more
This paper discusses at length the analysis of the Juvenile justice system in Tanzanian providing in depth analysis between the law and practice of the juvenile court system in Tanzania and its jurisdiction but also the establishment of the juvenile system in Tanzania. There is further discussion within the paper on the principle rights of the child, pre-trial, trial and post trial proceedings; and both nature and categorization of juvenile offences in Tanzania.
The paper analyses the meaning of a juvenile and operation of Juvenile Court as established under the Law of the Child Act No. 21 of 2009. It also gives the definition of the juvenile court, the procedures of conducting Juvenile Court and the competency and compellability of Juvenile witnesses in the Court system in Tanzania as provided in the Act.
İki sene önce kaleme aldığım makalemden bir alıntı ile başlayayım , TARLADAN OKULA, FIRINDAN KÜTÜPHANEYE-Cigdem Yorgancioglu Türkiye'deki çocuk işçiliğinin en berbat biçimlerinden birİ sokaklarda çalıştırılan çocukların yaşlarının beşe... more
İki sene önce kaleme aldığım makalemden bir alıntı ile başlayayım , TARLADAN OKULA, FIRINDAN KÜTÜPHANEYE-Cigdem Yorgancioglu Türkiye'deki çocuk işçiliğinin en berbat biçimlerinden birİ sokaklarda çalıştırılan çocukların yaşlarının beşe kadar düşmesi oldukça yürek burkucu. Gerek sokaklarda gerekse kamu taşıtlarında pek çok kez karşımıza çıkan bu içler acıtan manzara çoğumuzu hüzünlendirse de görüntü silikleşip ortadan kalkınca hayatımızın olağan akışına ve rutinine odaklanmamız çok da sürmüyor. Dilendirilen ya da bu eyleme alet edilen çocukların yaşlarının bebekliğe kadar indiğini hiç saymıyorum bile. Her şeyden önce 18 yaş altı gençleri ve çocukları çalıştıran işyerlerinin dikkat etmesi gereken bazı özel durumlar bulunmaktadır. 18 yaş altı işçilerin çalışma saatleri, çalıştırılabilecekleri işler, iş kanunu kapsamında sahip oldukları haklar diğer sigortalı işçilere göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bunun yanısıra çocuk işçi ve genç işçi aynı kapsama girmemektedir. Buradaki ayrıma bakacak olursak Temel eğitimini yani ilköğretimi tamamlamış 15 yaşını doldurmamış işçilere çocuk işçi, 15 yaşını doldurmuş ve 18 yaşını tamamlamamış işçilere ise genç işçi dendiğini görmekteyiz. Türkiye'deki çocuk işçiliğinin en berbat biçimlerinden birİ sokaklarda çalıştırılan çocukların yaşlarının beşe kadar düşmesi oldukça yürek burkucu. Gerek sokaklarda gerekse kamu taşıtlarında pek çok kez karşımıza çıkan bu içler acıtan manzara çoğumuzu hüzünlendirse de görüntü silikleşip ortadan kalkınca hayatımızın olağan akışına ve rutinine odaklanmamız çok da sürmüyor. Dilendirilen ya da bu eyleme alet edilen çocukların yaşlarının bebekliğe kadar indiğini hiç saymıyorum bile.-Çiğdem Yorgancioglu Hukuk ve Ekonomi Gazetesi
In recent years, court system in Tanzania has been challenged by the increasing of juvenile witnesses within court system of which this made it not only a very serious problem on our society but also has put the court system under... more
In recent years, court system in Tanzania has been challenged by the increasing of juvenile witnesses within court system of which this made it not only a very serious problem on our society but also has put the court system under spotlight as to the way on how its handling these juvenile witnesses.
The question is whether section 127(1) of the law of evidence act provided that, “Every person shall be competent to testify unless the court considers that he is incapable of understanding the questions put to him or of giving rational answers to those questions by reason of tender age, extreme old age, disease (whether of body or mind) or any other similar cause” is observed. Under this section it provides the competent of a person to testify before the court of law which is our key of our discussion basing on juvenile witnesses and this is the aim and purposes of the discussion.
This discussion examines the nature and scope of administration of juvenile witnesses, competency and compellability in justice in Tanzania by identifying the gap between the law and practice. In so doing, this paper will be confined the admissibility of it surveying appropriate local and international legal standards in the administration of juvenile justice and how they are implemented in Tanzania.
Article on the position of the law on Child Custody in Nigeria
Application of international treaty law and best Interest of Children in Sri Lanka, Court as an upper guardian
במאמר זה נטען כי הרטוריקה הרווחת במשפט הישראלי יוצרת את האשליה שהמשפט הישראלי מציע הגנה מקיפה וממשית מפני כל פגיעה בשלום הילד, ושטובת הילד היא שיקול מכריע בענייניו. לאמיתו של דבר לא מוצעת לילד אלא הגנה חלקית בלבד, בעיקר מפני אנשים בסביבתו... more
במאמר זה נטען כי הרטוריקה הרווחת במשפט הישראלי יוצרת את האשליה שהמשפט הישראלי מציע הגנה מקיפה וממשית מפני כל פגיעה בשלום הילד, ושטובת הילד היא שיקול מכריע בענייניו. לאמיתו של דבר לא מוצעת לילד אלא הגנה חלקית בלבד, בעיקר מפני אנשים בסביבתו האינטימית, אך לא כאדם שלם בעל זהות ובעל זיקות למשפחה ולקהילה, כפי שמתחייב מאמנת האו"ם בדבר זכויות הילד. עוד נטען כי אף לטעמם של אלה המבקשים להגן על הילד במבודד ממשפחתו, בהתבסס על אתוס ליברלי-אינדיווידואליסטי של זכויות הילד, אין הדין הנוהג מגן על הילד כראוי –לא בתוך משפחתו ולא מחוץ לה. הסדר הגנת הילד במתכונת הקיימת בישראל עשוי טלאים-טלאים ואינו ראוי כמכלול. כדי להדגים את טענותינו, נצביע בפרקי המאמר על הכשלים הקיימים במשפט הנוהג בישראל בכל אחד מן השטחים העוסקים ברווחת הילד. כן נעמוד במאמר על הגישה האידיאולוגית-ההיסטורית באשר להגנת הילד בישראל ועל השפעתה בהווה, ובסיומו נביע עמדה בנוגע לשינוי היסודי הנדרש בדין הנוהג כדי להגן על שלום הילד באופן המיטבי
The consensus in modern democracies is that constitutions should be based on inclusivity. However, the Nigerian constitution is replete with provisions which are interpreted to either deny the realities of women or outright discriminate... more
The consensus in modern democracies is that constitutions should be based on inclusivity. However, the Nigerian constitution is replete with provisions which are interpreted to either deny the realities of women or outright discriminate against them. This article examines the intersections of gender, law and the Nigerian constitution. It argues that women have played a minimal role in the history of constitution making. The inclusion and interpretation of equality; non-discrimination; negative vs. positive rights and gender quotas are biased. The article posits that a conscious effort to give women presence in the polity started in the Nigerian Fourth Republic. The National Gender Policy mainstreamed gender to increase the participation of women in politics and hoisted favourable economic strategies. In addition, in 2014, President Goodluck Jonathan inaugurated a national conference, where far-reaching resolutions were made on gender issues. Consequently, some of the socioeconomic rights have been made justiciable and imputed in the latest Constitutional Amendments bill. An impasse between the president and the National Assembly led to his refusal to assent. The tenure of the government has ended and the resolutions of the conference may not be revisited for some time to come. In contrast to the earlier position, the Nigerian Supreme Court, in two notable decisions, strongly condemned discriminatory inheritance customary practices. The author's finding is that constitutional amendments and a continuous active stance by the courts, amongst others, offer leeways for women's development.
This Article discusses the rules governing guardianship over a child’s property and personal affairs in contemporary Muslim jurisdictions from a comparative perspective. Specifically, it questions the reasons for a less progressive... more
This Article discusses the rules governing guardianship over a child’s property and personal affairs in contemporary Muslim jurisdictions from a comparative perspective. Specifically, it questions the reasons for a less progressive reading and interpretation of wilaya (guardianship) in an era that has otherwise borne witness to family law codification and reform in the majority of Arab-Muslim countries. The Article first considers the legislatures’ reluctance to reform guardianship despite having adopted a progressive approach for other areas of family law in general and for custody, as an element of the parent-child relationship, in particular. It then classifies the current guardianship rules that can be found in (Arab) Muslim jurisdictions and concludes that, apart from the Maghreb, wilaya is still framed as a largely gendered legal concept and a male prerogative. Finally, these legislative choices are discussed with a view to potential reform impediments, namely a patriarchal reading of pre-modern Islamic legal doctrine, the legislatures’ preference for vesting financial control in men, and, lastly, the outsourcing of guardianship from the larger body of codified family law as can be witnessed in some jurisdictions. The Article concludes that, in addition to relying on pre-modern legal practice, changes in current guardianship rules can be equally brought about through an inter-Arab comparative approach to family law reform as well as an adjustment of wilaya to the themes and leitmotifs already permeating most codified family law in contemporary Muslim jurisdictions.
La obra reúne a una serie de destacadas y destacados expertos en el campo de los derechos humanos, la movilidad humana y la justicia, para precisar el alcance y dimensiones del derecho de niñas y niños en contextos de movilidad humana a... more
La obra reúne a una serie de destacadas y destacados expertos en el campo de los derechos humanos, la movilidad humana y la justicia, para precisar el alcance y dimensiones del derecho de niñas y niños en contextos de movilidad humana a acceder a la justicia. Los capítulos aquí reunidos no sólo dan cuenta de estándares de derechos humanos, sino también, precisan prácticas emergentes en este campo que puedan orientar una protección integral por parte de los Estados
- by Yıldız Abik
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- Child Law
This article considers the extent to which foster children in Ireland are afforded a voice during their care placement proceedings. In particular, it will examine Ireland’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,... more
This article considers the extent to which foster children in Ireland are afforded a voice during their care placement proceedings. In particular, it will examine Ireland’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with specific regard to Article 12 which provides that all children have the right to be heard in matters relating to them. The relevant legislation governing children in foster care, the Child Care Act 1991, will be examined along with the Child Care (Placement of Children in Foster Care) Regulations 1995. This article will argue that the current law and policy in Ireland falls short of protecting the child’s voice in care placement proceedings, and therefore is incompatible with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This chapter considers laws and social realities determining the status of the Moroccan child born inside or outside of marriage. It considers first, the legal grounds for filiation and second, the legal framework for guardianship of... more
This chapter considers laws and social realities determining the status of the Moroccan child born inside or outside of marriage. It considers first, the legal grounds for filiation and second, the legal framework for guardianship of parentless (abandoned or orphaned) children. In both the legal and social approaches to these two issues, there are several constants over time, especially the strong – but not absolute – influence of Maliki jurisprudence. Proposed reforms in the deeply conservative fields of family and guardianship laws indicate that judges are not only considering the 2011 Moroccan Constitution, the 2004 Family Code (Moudawana) and the 2002 kafala (guardianship) law, but also the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its concept of the best interests of the child. I argue that in regards to kafala guardianships, which are handled under contract law rather than family law in Morocco, the state occupies an ambivalent position, mandating replacement care at the level expected of biological parents while denying the child the rights and responsibilities of biological children. Recent cases in the Moroccan courts question longstanding conservative approaches to gender as well as family, raising the possibility of female-headed families (not only households) by issuing family booklets to women, and increasing calls to recognize biological paternity as entailing responsibilities otherwise only expected of fathers with paternal filiation through marriage.
Keywords Morocco Adoption Family Family law Islamic guardianship Private international law
Tiivistelmä Lapsen huoltoa, asumista, tapaamisoikeutta ja elatusta koskevien asioiden käsittelyyn liittyy monia haasteita. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelen tiettyjä lapsen asemaa koskevien asioiden käsittelyyn liittyvistä ongelmista. Osa... more
Tiivistelmä Lapsen huoltoa, asumista, tapaamisoikeutta ja elatusta koskevien asioiden käsittelyyn liittyy monia haasteita. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelen tiettyjä lapsen asemaa koskevien asioiden käsittelyyn liittyvistä ongelmista. Osa haasteista liittyy yhteiskunnallisiin muutoksiin, kuten oikeudellistumiseen. Toiset haasteet liittyvät itse oikeudenkäyntimenettelyyn, joka on omiaan pahentamaan vanhempien välistä konfliktia. Oikeudenkäyntimenettelyn rinnalla on pitkään käytetty sovittelua. Suomessa ei ole omia säännöksiä lapsen asemaa koskevien asioiden sovittelua varten, mitä voidaan pitää ongelmallisena. Sovitteluun liittyy kuitenkin useita ongelmia joihin ulkomaisessa kirjallisuudessa on kiinnitetty huomiota. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan myös Norjassa käytössä olevaa ns. " Follo-mallia " , jossa tuomarin lisäksi asian käsittelyyn osaallistuu psykologi tai sosiaalityöntekijä. Mallia kokeillaan Suomessa muutamassa käräjäoikeudessa. Follo-mallia on viimeaikoina kritisoisoitu: siinä eri toimijoiden roolit menevät sekaisin ja sitä pidetän huonosti ennakoitavana. Mallin perusajatukset konfliktitason vähentämisestä ja erityyppisen asiantuntijuuden hyödyntämisestä eivät siis toteudu käytännössä toivotulla tavalla, vaan aiheuttavat uusia ongelmia.
The Emirati Code of Personal Status of 2005 recognizes four grounds for establishing filiation (nasab): a valid marriage (usually circumscribed as ‘firāsh’), acknowledgment (iqrār), proof (bayyina), and scientific methods (ṭuruq... more
The Emirati Code of Personal Status of 2005 recognizes four grounds for establishing filiation (nasab): a valid marriage (usually circumscribed as ‘firāsh’), acknowledgment (iqrār), proof (bayyina), and scientific methods (ṭuruq ʿilmiyya). At the same time, these options are all limited by additional requirements that need to be fulfilled for a full parent-child relationship to emerge. Should both paternal and maternal filiation not be established, the child will be treated as ‘majhūl al-nasab’, i.e. of unknown filiation, with such a child sometimes also being referred to as a foundling (laqīṭ). Foundlings or abandoned children are a growing societal problem in the United Arab Emirates. They are protected by the state insofar as they are automatically awarded citizenship, thereby having access to the far-reaching governmental benefits available only to nationals. Nonetheless, these benefits have not solved the issue entirely, as foundlings and children of unknown filiation are still in need of a permanent caretaker. It is for this reason that the Emirati legislature passed the federal Foster Care Act of 2012, which comprehensively regulates questions regarding the protection of children without filiation. This specialized legislation has unified (i) the procedure for awarding and revoking foster care, (ii) the requirements for potential caretakers, and (iii) the rights and duties of caretakers; further, it allows for both married couples and single females over the age of thirty to foster children. Yet an analysis of the existing legal framework reveals that caretakers will primarily assume the role of custodian (ḥāḍin) rather than being granted full parental authority, including unlimited rights of guardianship (wilāya).