Contraception Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper looks at the journey of eleven counsellors in marital counselling centres in French-speaking Belgium, from the creation of the centres in 1953, to the 1970s, when contraception became legal, and abortion became a public issue.... more

This paper looks at the journey of eleven counsellors in marital counselling centres in French-speaking Belgium, from the creation of the centres in 1953, to the 1970s, when contraception became legal, and abortion became a public issue. At the time of Humanae Vitae, groups of volunteers, working within Catholic organisations where counselling took place, began to structure their activity around Carl Rogers’s ethics of client-centred therapy, placing their religious ideology in a secondary position to focus on the problems experienced by the couples and women they were receiving in the centres. These were often challenges they were experiencing themselves in their own lives. The reiteration of the Catholic orthodox view on contraception through Humanae Vitae marked a gap between the counsellors and the Church. This contribution questions the identity-related tension of Catholics working in conjugal counselling centres and the type of commitments they made to both the conjugal centre...

Our study aimed to identify perceptions Latina women have about four different contraceptive methods and to investigate whether religiosity and acculturation play a role in their contraceptive choice. An observational cross-sectional... more

Our study aimed to identify perceptions Latina women have about four different contraceptive methods and to investigate whether religiosity and acculturation play a role in their contraceptive choice. An observational cross-sectional study was performed at Bellevue Hospital. A questionnaire was given to women in the gynecology outpatient clinics asking about: oral contraceptive pills (OCP’s), injectable contraception (DMPA), the Intrauterine device (IUD) and the Ortho-Evra Patch (Patch). In the 102 complete surveys, self identified Latina women were not convinced of the safety of OCPs and DMPA (less than 50% perceived them to be safe) and largely uncertain about the Patch and IUD. Latinas also demonstrated more negative beliefs about the side effects of OCPs and DMPA. In particular, they were concerned about weight gain, method reversibility, and bleeding. There was no substantial correlation between religiosity and contraceptive beliefs. Low level acculturated women were more likely to believe that the IUD and OCPs were harmful, as opposed to their more acculturated counterparts who demonstrated more negative beliefs about the Patch. Overall, Latina women in this study tended to overrate the risks associated with contraceptive use, particularly OCPs and DMPA. The markedly low method confidence suggested by high rates of “unsure” answers is a possible explanation for why Latinas are less adherent with birth control than their white counterparts.

A large prospective long-term study with users of natural family planning (NFP) methods has been conducted to analyze the relation between unintended pregnancy rates and sexual behavior with special reference to barrier method use in the... more

A large prospective long-term study with users of natural family planning (NFP) methods has been conducted to analyze the relation between unintended pregnancy rates and sexual behavior with special reference to barrier method use in the fertile phase. Seven hundred and fifty eight NFP beginners, 19-45 years of age, 14870 cycles, 28 unintended pregnancies were studied. Of the couples, 54.2% use NFP only or predominantly and 45.9% use mixed methods (additional barrier method use in the fertile phase in 55.7% of the cycles). The overall pregnancy rate after 12 cycles of exposure is 2.2% according to the actuarial method. There is no significant difference between NFP users and mixed methods users and also no significant effect of duration of use in the first 5 years of exposure. During "perfect use" the pregnancy rate at 12 months is 0.63%. When only protected intercourse takes place in the fertile phase the pregnancy rate is 0.45%. The symptothermal method of NFP is most un...

Background The Government of Nepal has implemented safe abortion policy since 2002. There are 245 approved sites providing safe abortion services to women across the country. Family planning counselling is one of the components of the... more

Background The Government of Nepal has implemented safe abortion policy since 2002. There are 245 approved sites providing safe abortion services to women across the country. Family planning counselling is one of the components of the safe abortion policy, which is important to reduce unwanted pregnancy, maternal morbidity and mortality due to the consequences of unsafe abortion and the service burden. Objectives This study explains the perceptions, practices and factors affecting the use of family planning among abortion clients attending safe abortion services in Nepal. Methods A cross sectional study was carried out on September, 2008 enrolling 58 women who were waiting in the dressing room for safe abortion services in Paropkar Maternity Hospital, Nepal. All women attending hospital clinic for receiving safe abortion services were approached for interview till the targeted number was fulfilled. A convenience sampling was applied to reach the sample size. Results Of the 58 respon...

En France, la contraception d'urgence est souvent méconnue, utilisée de manière non appropriée. Des informations fausses continuent de circuler sur ces pilules incorrectement baptisées " du lendemain ". Et certains professionnels en... more

En France, la contraception d'urgence est souvent méconnue, utilisée de manière non appropriée. Des informations fausses continuent de circuler sur ces pilules incorrectement baptisées " du lendemain ". Et certains professionnels en freinent l'utilisation. Une sociologue a mené l'enquête auprès de soixante-quatre femmes de 15 à 25 ans. Elle souligne les fausses représentations autour de la contraception d'urgence ainsi que la méconnaissance par les jeunes femmes des structures permettant d'obtenir gratuitement ce type de contraception. Information et pédagogie doivent être mises en oeuvre.

In this study, we model women's recourse to induced abortion as resulting from a process that starts with sexual intercourse and contraceptive use (or nonuse), continues with the occurrence of an unintended pregnancy, and ends with the... more

In this study, we model women's recourse to induced abortion as resulting from a process that starts with sexual intercourse and contraceptive use (or nonuse), continues with the occurrence of an unintended pregnancy, and ends with the woman's decision to terminate the pregnancy and her access to abortion services. Our model includes two often-neglected proximate determinants of abortion: sexual practices and access to abortion services. We relate three sociodemographic characteristics—women's educational level, their relationship status, and their age—step by step to the stages of the abortion process. We apply our framework using data from the COCON survey, a national survey on reproductive health conducted in France in 2000. Our model shows that sociodemographic variables may have opposite impacts as the abortion process unfolds. For example, women's educational level can be positively linked to the probability of practicing contraception but negatively linked to the propensity to carry the unintended pregnancy to term. This conceptual framework brings together knowledge that is currently dispersed in the literature and helps to identify the source of abortion-rate differentials.

To explore the knowledge and attitudes underlying contraceptive use and non-use among Tongan adults and investigate the potential acceptability of contraceptive implants. A mixed methods study was conducted that used two focus groups and... more

To explore the knowledge and attitudes underlying contraceptive use and non-use among Tongan adults and investigate the potential acceptability of contraceptive implants. A mixed methods study was conducted that used two focus groups and a short self-completed survey (n=109). Participants were recruited from a Tongan non-governmental sexual and reproductive health clinic. Contraceptive method discontinuation was high among the study group, with reasons for discontinuation often relating to misconceptions circulating in the community about the side effects of contraceptives. A high proportion (38%) reported using 'natural' contraceptive methods. A total of 47% of survey participants reported having heard of implants and 37% indicated they would be willing to try them. Current Tongan contraceptive uptake and continuation is hampered by misconceptions about side effects of methods and their risks, particularly among long-acting and reversible methods. Contraceptive implants may...

Introduction. This study qualitatively explores perceptions of women who have experienced abortion care. It explores women's journey through abortion from confirmation of pregnancy to post-abortion. Aim. The study seeks to understand the... more

Introduction. This study qualitatively explores perceptions of women who have experienced abortion care. It explores women's journey through abortion from confirmation of pregnancy to post-abortion. Aim. The study seeks to understand the implications of these perceptions for policy and practice. Main Outcome Measures. A qualitative study involving in-depth semi-structured interviews with 17 women, aged between 22 and 57 years, who had undergone legal induced abortion in the UK when they were 16 years or older. Participants were not recruited under the age of 16 because of the ethical and legal complexities of interviewing minors. Additionally, 16 years was deemed to be the most appropriate age as this is the legal age of consent in the UK. Methods. Participants were recruited from 12 community contraception and sexual health clinics in two NHS trusts, one in England and one in Wales. Participant recruitment was set at a minimum of 12 and participants were recruited on a " first come first served basis " (i.e., the first 12 who contacted the researcher). The number of participants was raised to seventeen as this was the number deemed to be the most suitable for data saturation in this particular qualitative research. Results. Women in this study understood abortion as highly taboo and a potentially personally stigmatizing event. These perceptions continued to affect disclosure to others, long after the abortion, and affected women's perceptions of the response of others, including society in general, significant others, and health professionals. Conclusions. Women's experiences of abortion may be influenced by perceived negative social attitudes. Health professionals and abortion service providers might combat the perceived isolation of women undergoing abortion by attending not only to clinical/technical aspects of the procedure but also to women's psychological/emotional sensitivities surrounding the event. Astbury-Ward E, Parry O, and Carnwell R. Stigma, abortion and disclosure—Findings from a qualitative study. J Sex Med 2012;9:3137–3147.

This essue have the aim to put clear the mechanism of the pill. It has an anticonceptive effect, no dooubt, but could it have another effect. Why laboratory din´t explain all the effects of the pill. Have they fear, if yes, for what... more

This essue have the aim to put clear the mechanism of the pill. It has an anticonceptive effect, no dooubt, but could it have another effect. Why laboratory din´t explain all the effects of the pill. Have they fear, if yes, for what reason they silenced the abortive effect effects in many cases? We will try to put it as clear as we can.

This paper examines factors that are affecting abortion rates in 66 developing and developed countries. The variables examined are abortion rate, religion, contraceptive prevalence rate, maternal mortality rate, male to female birth... more

This paper examines factors that are affecting abortion rates in 66 developing and developed countries. The variables examined are abortion rate, religion, contraceptive prevalence rate, maternal mortality rate, male to female birth ratio, GDP per capita, health expenditure, and Human Development Index. In order to understand the relationship and the weight of the factors affecting abortion rates, the paper uses the population, multiple linear regression model, on the cross-sectional data which is valid when several assumptions are met. The results show that the most statistically significant variable is religion. After removing the Human Development Index from the model, the significance level of the GDP per capita increased. A rule that was used to determine the optimal model was to not include any covariate that had a p-value of 10% or more, omitting variables having a higher Variance Inflation Factor than 10. In addition to this, covariates that did not contribute to a higher R-squared were excluded from the model.

(2019). Le Cercle Psy, 34, 86-87.

Depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, les annonces se multiplient autour de la mise sur le marché d’une pilule contraceptive masculine. Cette promesse médicale pourrait bouleverser les rapports hommes/femmes.

This paper examines some of the traditional texts that deal with sexuality, birth control and childbirth in the orthodox Jewish tradition and presents the rules governing these areas. For instance, a married woman should avoid being alone... more

This paper examines some of the traditional texts that deal with sexuality, birth control and childbirth in the orthodox Jewish tradition and presents the rules governing these areas. For instance, a married woman should avoid being alone with a male physician unless other people are in earshot and have access to the room. A husband and wife must separate during the woman's menses and for the first 7 days afterward. Contraception is permitted if childbearing would endanger a woman's life or health. Termination of pregnancy is also permitted to preserve a woman's health, including her mental health. During childbirth the health of the mother is primary and supercedes all other rules or laws, including those of Sabbath observance. In general, orthodox Jewish women try to live as much as possible within the framework of Halacha. These customs are examined as examples of the need for sensitivity to cultural norms that affect the behaviour of different ethnic groups.

Community pharmacies play a vital role in promoting, maintaining and improving the health of the local community. This study explored community pharmacists' activities and attitudes towards the provision of sexual health services... more

Community pharmacies play a vital role in promoting, maintaining and improving the health of the local community. This study explored community pharmacists' activities and attitudes towards the provision of sexual health services (SHS) in North East Scotland, as well as their needs with regard to the delivery of current and future SHS. North East Scotland. A questionnaire was conducted of community pharmacists working in community pharmacies in Grampian (n = 128). Self-reported provision of sexual health services; attitudes towards current and future sexual health services; previous training and perceived training needs; respondent demographics. In total, 73% (94/128) of community pharmacists responded. The average number of SHS/products per pharmacy was six out of a possible 13 (range: 4-10). Respondents expressed positive attitudes towards the provision of current and future SHS. However, they also reported that they had received little or no sexual health training but that th...

The Roman Catholic Church, through the Magisterium teaches the faithful the right way to Christian living. Controversial among these teachings was Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae(On the Regulation of Birth) which indicates that... more

The Roman Catholic Church, through the Magisterium teaches the faithful the right way to Christian living. Controversial among these teachings was Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae(On the Regulation of Birth) which indicates that the use of contraceptives is incompatible with the Christian message. This study situated the practices and perspectives of contraception in the context of Humanae Vitae.It then engaged students of the Catholic University College of Ghana on their practices and perspectives regarding the subject matter.The acceptance of the teachings of Humanae Vitae continues to be a critical test casefor the Catholic and Christians not only in Europe and the Americas but also in Ghana.

Family Planning Program Evaluation is not a well-developed art, much less an exact science. The evaluation of the performance of such programs has received a good deal of attention but the methodologies are still controversial and the... more

Family Planning Program Evaluation is not a well-developed art, much less an exact science. The evaluation of the performance of such programs has received a good deal of attention but the methodologies are still controversial and the results inconclusive. This is due to a wide variety of constraints, not all of which are technical, and most of which are not unique to family planning. The prospects for improvement of FPPE depend, to a great extent, on overcoming these constraints.

This study assessed awareness and use of modern contraceptives among physically challenged in-school adolescents in Osun State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 215 adolescents in the special schools in the state. A... more

This study assessed awareness and use of modern contraceptives among physically challenged in-school adolescents in Osun State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 215 adolescents in the special schools in the state. A pretested semi-structured questionnaire was administered by trained interviewers. Data analysis was done using SPSS 17 and statistical level of significance was set at p < 0.05. The mean age of the respondents was 15.5 years and more than half of them (56%) were males. Only about two fifths of them (38%) had ever heard about modern contraceptives. More males, older adolescents and visually impaired respondents had significantly heard about modern contraceptives compared with females, younger ones and those with other challenges at p-values of 0.026, 0.001 and 0.003 respectively. Only 34% of sexually experienced respondents had used a modern contraceptive method. The male condom was the most commonly used method.

The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more

The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to negotiate both the political and religious landscapes. This essay introduces a special forum on rhetoric and religion in contemporary politics and touches on some recent instances of how religious differences have played out in the current political environment. Some of the issues discussed include the separation of church and state, Mitt Romney’s membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Rick Santorum’s conception of the “war on religion,” and the controversy over contraceptives at religious institutions and Rush Limbaugh’s attacks on a Georgetown law student.

Le Vade-mecum pour la prise en charge des demandes de contraception d’urgence réalisé par la Fédération laïque de centres de planning familial contient : - Une synthèse de la littérature scientifique - Un arbre décisionnel pour la... more

Le Vade-mecum pour la prise en charge des demandes de contraception d’urgence réalisé par la Fédération laïque de centres de planning familial contient :
- Une synthèse de la littérature scientifique
- Un arbre décisionnel pour la prise en charge médicale
- Des recommandations de bonne pratique
- Un questionnaire

La contraception en Égypte Ancienne