Common Link Based Isnad-Matn Analysis Research Papers (original) (raw)

The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have stated that "a bequest may not exceed one-third of an estate." Using the isnad-cum-matn method and other tools, we attempt to determine when, where, and by whom this report was first put into... more

The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have stated that "a bequest may not exceed one-third of an estate." Using the isnad-cum-matn method and other tools, we attempt to determine when, where, and by whom this report was first put into circulation; and to reconstruct the path of its transmission from its initial formulation in the first century AH down to the 3d century AH collections of hadith.

Dating and reconstructing hadith, based on their chain of transmission (isnad) and text (matn).

This essay studies the transmission history of three Prophetic hadiths set on the rural periphery of Medina. In all three, the Prophet rejects the military assistance of non-Muslims, proclaiming, "I'll not accept aid from a mushrik."... more

This essay studies the transmission history of three Prophetic hadiths set on the rural periphery of Medina. In all three, the Prophet rejects the military assistance of non-Muslims, proclaiming, "I'll not accept aid from a mushrik." These hadiths became important proof texts for the prescriptive view that Muslims should not ally with non-Muslims in collaborative undertakings of any sort. I use analytical methods developed by Harald Motzki (matn-cum-isnad analysis) and Behnam Sadeghi (the Traveling Tradition Test) to show that the three hadiths originated in early second/eighth century Medina. Although no conclusions are drawn about their historical accuracy, groundwork for such study is laid here. This essay does, however, show that the Arab Muslims lacked any principled, widely shared reasons not to ally with non-Muslims during the conquests, and that imagined rural spaces were instrumental for some hadith transmitters' rhetorical reinforcement of their own authority.

In spite of having an authentic originality (core), some hadiths are seen to sub-ject to some changes in time. Here it’s, we run into the same situation in conse-quence of some additions in the hadith of “I have been ordered to fight... more

In spite of having an authentic originality (core), some hadiths are seen to sub-ject to some changes in time. Here it’s, we run into the same situation in conse-quence of some additions in the hadith of “I have been ordered to fight against the people” too, which was narrated from Prophet Muhammad. In this study, we tried to put the authentic essence of the hadith, establishing and criticizing them. We used some critical methods both new and old together while accomplishing this. / Bazı hadislerin sahîh bir aslı (özü) olduğu halde, zaman içerisinde bazı değişikliklere uğradığı görülmektedir. İşte Hz. Peygamber’den rivâyet edilen “umirtu en ukâtile’n-nâse” hadisinde de, getirilen bazı ziyâdeler sonucunda bu duruma rastlamaktayız. Biz bu çalışmamızda bunların tespiti ve tenkidini yaparak, hadisin sahîh olan özünü ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Bunu yaparken hem klasik, hem de yeni bazı tenkit metotlarını bir arada kullandık.

It’s known that the hadiths coming from the Muhammad (s) can be undergone some changes with the disposition of narrators. Like these changes some times can be simple, some times, too, can make the hadith transform, which is different from... more

It’s known that the hadiths coming from the Muhammad (s) can be undergone some changes with the disposition of narrators. Like these changes some times can be simple, some times, too, can make the hadith transform, which is different from its original structure. Likewise, one of them is, too, the hadith dealing with the sexual power of the Muhammad (s). In this study, we’ll try to put forward how these narratives undergone changes and their causes. / Hz. Peygamber’den (sav) gelen hadislerin, râvilerin tasarrufları ile bazı değişikliklere uğrayabileceği malumdur. Bu değişiklikler bazen önemsiz olabileceği gibi, bazen de hadisi ilk halinden çok farklı bir şekle sokabilmektedir. Bunun örneklerinden birisi de Hz. Peygamber’in (sav) cinsel gücünü konu edinen rivâyettir. Çalışmamızda, söz konusu bu rivâyetin nasıl bir değişim geçirdiğini ve sebeplerini ortaya koymaya çalıştık.

A contribution to the memory of G.H.A. Juynboll, this is the first part of an extensive research about the meaning of the word 'kitab' in al-Zuhri's statement, 'We were averse to kitab [al-ilm] (2) until these rulers forced us to [accept]... more

A contribution to the memory of G.H.A. Juynboll, this is the first part of an extensive research about the meaning of the word 'kitab' in al-Zuhri's statement, 'We were averse to kitab [al-ilm] (2) until these rulers forced us to [accept] it, (3) and therefore we thought it best not to forbid it to any Muslim.' In the second part of my study (forthcoming in the volume 'Modern Hadith Studies',, I argue that the word 'kitab' signals al-Zuhri's attitude to Abd al-Malik's redaction of the Qur'an.
احياء لذكرى عالم الحديث الكبير جوتيه يوينبول، يمثل هذا المقال القسم الأول من دراسة موسعة أعالج فيها معنى قول ابن شهاب الزهري "كنا نكره الكتاب\كتاب العلم حتى أكرهنا هؤلاء الأمراء فرأينا ألا نمنعه أحدا من المسلمين". وفي القسم الثاني من الدراسة المتوقع صدوره في المجلد "علوم الجديث المعاصرة" يؤول البحث بيَ الى الاستنتاج بأن كلمة "الكتاب" في قول الزهري الآنف إنما تبين موقفه من مشروع عبد الملك بن مروان والحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي بإجراء التغييرات في رسم القرآن الكريم.

في هذا المقال استعرض الآراء المختلفة في ظهور الإسناد، وهي تتراوح زمانيا بين حياة الصحابة من جهة ونهاية القرن الثاني للهجرة من جهة أخرى. وقد ضمّنتُ المقال دراسة أسانيد حديث ابن سيربن المشهور .{لم يكونوا يسألون عن الإسناد فلما وقعت الفتنة... more

في هذا المقال استعرض الآراء المختلفة في ظهور الإسناد، وهي تتراوح زمانيا بين حياة الصحابة من جهة ونهاية القرن الثاني للهجرة من جهة أخرى. وقد ضمّنتُ المقال دراسة أسانيد حديث ابن سيربن المشهور .{لم يكونوا يسألون عن الإسناد فلما وقعت الفتنة قالوا: "سَمُّوا لنا رجالكم فينظر إلى أهل السنة فيؤخذ حديثُهم وينظر الى أهل البدع فلا يؤخذ حديثُهم"}، حيث لا أراه أُدير إلا مُنتهى القرن الثاني للهجرة. فكان مداره في بغداد، إما على "الشيخ السُنّي" أبي جعفر محمد بن الصّبّاح الدولابي (تـ 227 هـ) أو على شيخه إسماعيل بن زكريا بن مُرّة (تـ 173 هـ)، ورِوايةُ أبي جعفر أَرْجحُ، إذ مرّ بالظرف العصيب أيامَ محنة القرآن التي تسببت في الانصداع السياسي والديني بين أهل السنة ومن وسموهم بـ"أهل البدع"، وهذا لانصداع بائنٌ في متن حديث بن سيرين. كما أدرس حديثا آخر قلما لفت أنظار الباحثين الغربيين، وهو قول إبراهيم النخعي الكوفي (تـ 96 هـ) {إنما سُئِلَ عن الإسناد أيامَ المختار}. ورغم غرابة إسناده الفرد، يمكننا أن نعتبر هذا الحديث متابعا من حيث المعنى حديثَ ابن سيرين بل محددا له زمنيا. فابن سيرين يتحدث عن "الفتنة" قاصدا، في أغلب الظن، تَبِعَةَ مقتل الحسين بن علي ثم الحربَ بين عبد الله بن الزبير وعبد الملك بن مروان التي دارت رحاها بين سنتي 61 و72 هـ. أما النخعي فيريد مرحلة من مراحل تلك الحرب، وهي حركة المختار بن أبي عبيد الثقفي في الكوفة بين سنتي 66 و67 هـ. ونتيجةَ هذه الحركة وما تبعها من الميل نحو تحريف الحديث لأغراض سياسية – دينية ظهر الإسناد في هيأته البدائية ثم تطور خلال العقود اللاحقة فبلغ مرحلة النضوج وبات من مستلزمات الرواية التي لا معدى عنها مُنتهى القرن الثاني للهجرة.

For my PhD thesis, I am conducting a source-critical, isnad-cum-matn study of the historical and literary genesis (1/7 - 10/16 centuries) of two of the most controversial prophetic traditions, being reports that attribute words and deeds... more

For my PhD thesis, I am conducting a source-critical, isnad-cum-matn study of the historical and literary genesis (1/7 - 10/16 centuries) of two of the most controversial prophetic traditions, being reports that attribute words and deeds to the Prophet Muhammad: the Manzila (status) and Ghadir Khumm (Pond of Khumm) traditions. Both contributed significantly towards setting the foundations for later political and religious contestations surrounding the status and legitimacy of Islam’s fourth caliph, Ali b. Abi Talib (d. 40/661). They left a lasting impact on debates surrounding authority within Islam and specifically the Sunni-Shiite split.

In this essay, I study a widely circulated tradition in which the renowned jurist and ḥadīth collector Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī (d. 124/742) complains that Umayyad amīrs forced him to record Tradition (kitāb al-ʿilm). I deploy isnād-cum-matn... more

In this essay, I study a widely circulated tradition in which the renowned jurist and ḥadīth collector Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī (d. 124/742) complains that Umayyad amīrs forced him to record Tradition (kitāb al-ʿilm). I deploy isnād-cum-matn analysis to reconstruct al-Zuhrī’s original statement, in which, I argue, he used the word kitāb in an unqualified manner. It was only after al-Zuhrī’s death that the word al-ʿilm was added to kitāb as a second part of an iḍāfa compound. The matn of the coercion tradition, which, as noted by other scholars, exhibits considerable semantic strains, is shown to comprise diverse conceptual layers, each bearing on specific historical settings from the late Umayyad and the early ʿAbbāsid periods. The oldest of these layers is represented by the statement kunnā nakrahu ’l-kitāba (we were loath of al-kitāb), possibly implying al-Zuhrī’s initial rejection of the punctuation (naqṭ) and division into sections (awrād) of the Qurʾān that the governor of Iraq al-Ḥajjāj b. Yūsuf undertook between 84 and 85 AH (703–4 CE) at behest of the caliph ʿAbd al-Malik b. Marwān (r. 65–86/685–705). The notion of dichotomy between oral and written transmission of knowledge was superimposed upon the tradition’s scriptural concern in the second half of the second century AH/ca. 767–815 CE, after the actual cause of al-Zuhrī’s discontent with the rulers in this particular case had been obfuscated. Another important conceptual layer, which blurred the origins of the coercion tradition, is the equalitarian concern at the matn’s end, which apparently alludes to the struggle of non-Arabs (mawālī) for an equal status with the Arabs in the early decades of the second half of the second century AH.

Hadis ilminde bir râvi için kullanılan sika, mutkin, adl, sadûk, metrûk, zayıf.. vb. tabirlerin her biri, nâkilin rivayetlerindeki güvenilirlik derecesini anlatan terimlerdir. Hadisler hakkında verilen sahih, hasen, zayıf... gibi hükümler... more

Hadis ilminde bir râvi için kullanılan sika, mutkin, adl, sadûk, metrûk, zayıf.. vb. tabirlerin her biri, nâkilin rivayetlerindeki güvenilirlik derecesini anlatan terimlerdir. Hadisler hakkında verilen sahih, hasen, zayıf... gibi hükümler ise, hadisin Hz. Peygamber’e aidiyet ihtimâlinin kuvvetini beyan eden sözel değerlendirmelerdir. Muhaddisler bir hadis hakkında hüküm verirken o hadisi aktaran nâkillerin rivayet etmedeki genel tutarlılıklarını ve hadisin bütün tariklerini dikkate alıp, gâlib zanna göre bir hükme varmışlardır. Bu makalede, gerek râvilerle ilgili derecelerin gerekse hadislerle ilgili hükümlerin rakamsal değerlerinin ortaya çıkarılmasını mümkün kılacak ve herhangi bir hadisin en muhtemel formatını belirlemeye yardımcı olacak teorik bir model ileri sürülmüştür.

Among the Islamic narrations about the Bible, there are two special narrations which seem to denote the most explicit tenor against the authenticity of the Jewish-Christian scriptures: one on the authority of ʿUthmān in interpretation of... more

Among the Islamic narrations about the Bible, there are two special narrations which seem to denote the most explicit tenor against the authenticity of the Jewish-Christian scriptures: one on the authority of ʿUthmān in interpretation of Q. 2: 78, and the other a tradition on the authority of Ibn ʿAbbās forbidding Muslims from consulting Jews and Christians. This paper aims to date these narrations based on the method of isnād-cum-matn analysis and source criticism. This survey shows that they are, at best, the outcomes of the intellectual developments of the second century AH.

Batı’da Ignaz Goldziher’le (1850-1921) birlikte isnâdların hadislerle ilgili değerlendirmelerde dikkate alınmaması yaygınlaşmışsa da hem Goldziher’den önceki dönemde Alois Sprenger (1813-1893) ve William Muir (1819-1905) gibi isimler hem... more

Batı’da Ignaz Goldziher’le (1850-1921) birlikte isnâdların hadislerle ilgili değerlendirmelerde dikkate alınmaması yaygınlaşmışsa da hem Goldziher’den önceki dönemde Alois Sprenger (1813-1893) ve William Muir (1819-1905) gibi isimler hem de sonraki dönemde J.H. Kramers (1891-1951) ve Joseph Schacht (1902-1969) gibi oryantalistler isnâdlardan belirli sınırlamalarla birlikte yararlanma yoluna gitmişlerdir. Söz konusu sınırlamaların en dikkat çekeni tek râvîli ilerleyen tarîklerin güvenilmez kabul edilmesidir. Schacht geliştirdiği müşterek râvî teorisi ile müşterek râvîlerden önceki döneme ait kişilerin yer aldığı tek râvîli tarîklerin tarihîliğini reddetmiş ve bu konuyla irtibatlı olarak yayılma kavramını geliştirmiştir. Müşterek râvî teorisini ondan alarak üstlenen G.H.A. Juynboll (1935-2010) ise hem müşterek râvî öncesi hem de sonrası tek râvîli tarîklerin sıhhatini reddederek, esasen mefhûm olarak ilk defa Schacht’ta görülen “dalış”ları kavramlaştırmış, ayrıca “örümcek” adını verdiği isnâd yapılarının bu tür dalışlardan mürekkep tarihlendirilemez isnâdlar olduğunu iddia etmiştir. Bu tebliğde müşterek râvî teorisi bağlamında geliştirilen yayılma, dalış ve örümcek kavramlarından hareketle tek râvîli isnâdlara yöneltilen eleştirilerin, klâsik İslâmî paradigma içerisinden yürütülecek isnâd-metin analizi ile çürütülebileceği gösterilecek, ayrıca bu konuda, isnâd-metin analizini oryantalist paradigma içerisinden uygulayan Harald Motzki gibi oryantalistlerin görüşlerinden ve ulaştıkları sonuçlardan da istifade edilecektir.

This study includes an application for the theory of hadith transmission system based on probability calculation by the transmitters. The transmitter who is selected in order to remove the unknown character is Muslim b. Abī Maryam of the... more

This study includes an application for the theory of hadith transmission system based on probability calculation by the transmitters. The transmitter who is selected in order to remove the unknown character is Muslim b. Abī Maryam of the Tābi‘īn (the ones who listened to hadiths from the people who saw the Prophet.) The reliability coefficient based on unknown transmitters (η) is calculated by determining and analyzing all the transmissions of the transmitter with chain of reporters that are found in the sources. Besides, based on the conclusions, the power (P) of transmitter is brought to light as well and all of them are displayed in a table. In the conclusion of the study an appraisal is made by comparing the degrees of the words rebuttal (jarḥ) and amendment (ta‘dīl) that were envisaged by the hadith critics regarding the transmitter with η which is calculated by the theory of transmission system of hadith based on probability calculations that is presented here as an example.

Background and objectives: In the occurrence and development of primary knee osteoarthritis, the potential role of genetic factor has become an attraction for researches. Matrilin-3 (MATN-3), the newest identified gene in the... more

Background and objectives: In the occurrence and development of primary knee osteoarthritis, the potential role of genetic factor has become an attraction for researches. Matrilin-3 (MATN-3), the newest identified gene in the pathomechanism of primary knee osteoarthritis, is a non-collagenous oligomeric extracellular matrix protein (ECM) and the smallest member of the matrilin family. This present study highlights the possible association of MATN-3 rs8176070 (SNP6) polymorphism with primary knee OA in the Indian population. Material and Methods: In total, 50 patients with primary knee OA, aged between 40-75 years, enrolled in the case-control study conducted in North India. The other 50 demographically matched healthy individuals were considered as control groups. Determination of genotypes of MATN-3 SNP6 in cases as well as in controls was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Demographic details, medical history and other relevant information were obtained. The diagnosis Fortune J Rheumatol 2020; 1 (2): 001-012

This study includes an application for the theory of hadith transmission system based on probability calculation by the transmitters. The transmitter who is selected in order to remove the unknown character is Mūsā b. Anas b. Mālik of the... more

This study includes an application for the theory of hadith transmission system based on probability calculation by the transmitters. The transmitter who is selected in order to remove the unknown character is Mūsā b. Anas b. Mālik of the Tābi‘īn (the ones who listened to hadiths from the people who saw the Prophet.) The reliability coefficient based on unknown transmitters (η) is calculated by determining and analyzing all the transmissions of the transmitter with chain of reporters that are found in the sources. Besides, based on the conclusions, the power (P) of transmitter is brought to light as well and all of them are displayed in a table. In the conclusion of the study an appraisal is made by comparing the degrees of the words rebuttal (jarḥ) and amendment (ta‘dīl) that were envisaged by the hadith critics regarding the transmitter with η which is calculated by the theory of transmission system of hadith based on probability calculations that is presented here as an example.