Connectivity Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Purpose of the study: Since 2015, International aviation sector has witnessed an exceptional transformation of Indian air transport with a growth rate of 15-20%. It is also predicted to maintain a similar trend for not less than 4-5... more

Purpose of the study: Since 2015, International aviation sector has witnessed an exceptional transformation of Indian air transport with a growth rate of 15-20%. It is also predicted to maintain a similar trend for not less than 4-5 years. However, transporting 400-500 million people a year with the existing facilities and infrastructure will inversely affect the sector. Thus we require an efficient and well-equipped airport network throughout the country to cater the needs of the future demand. Benchmarks are said to be the vital part of every planning standards and processes.
Methodology: Study focuses on 109 airports of India (including upcoming airports in UDAN) and covers a critical evaluation of airport to airport connection as well as airport accessibility to and fro. This paper analyses all the benchmarking parameters, namely ‘indicators’, those influence connectivity and accessibility of these airports.
Main Findings: Using statistical tools, it evaluates the existing air network, makes a comparative investigation and models the entire network to frame individual and overall benchmarks. Based on these benchmarks, study recommends adopting few strategies for the next 5 years to address the increasing demand.
Implications: Study brings about a healthy competition among airports to resolve their shortcomings. It can boost up demand shift from other modes to air transport.
Applications of this study: The methodology may be followed to set Benchmarks of any networks based on the relevant parameters.
Novelty/Originality of this study: Airports in India are given different indices and ranks on the connectivity and accessibility parameters, so that their performance is analysed in the global network

As wireless sensor networks (WSNs) continue to attract more and more researchers attention, new ideas for applications are continually being developed, many of which involve consistent coverage with good network connectivity of a given... more

As wireless sensor networks (WSNs) continue to attract more and more researchers attention, new ideas for
applications are continually being developed, many of which involve consistent coverage with good
network connectivity of a given area of interest. For the successful operation of the wireless Sensor
Network, the active sensor nodes must maintain both coverage and also connectivity. These are two closely
related essential prerequisites and they are also very important measurements of quality of service (QoS)
for wireless sensor networks. This paper presents the design and analysis of novel protocols that can
dynamically configure a sensor network to result in guaranteed degrees of coverage and connectivity. This
protocol is simulated using NS2 simulated and compared against a distributed probabilistic coveragepreserving
configuration protocol (DPCCP) with SPAN [1] protocol in the literature and show that it
activates lesser number of sensor nodes, consumes much lesser energy and maximises the network lifetime

Las narrativas transmedia en las redes sociales digitales, como Instagram, reconfiguran las prácticas de producción de noticias, al mismo tiempo, reformulan el consumo dentro del “nosotros” en esas mismas redes. La reconfiguración se da a... more

Las narrativas transmedia en las redes sociales digitales, como Instagram, reconfiguran las prácticas de producción de noticias, al mismo tiempo, reformulan el consumo dentro del “nosotros” en esas mismas redes. La reconfiguración se da a partir de narrativas interconectadas que cruzan enlaces e hipervínculos, que diversifican la forma de consumo de noticias. Para entender este contexto de digitalización de los procesos periodísticos, se observa desde el contexto de las narrativas y el hipertexto, y es posible identificar las características del periodismo transmedia en la plataforma, gracias a la difusión de noticias en el entorno digital y a las potencialidades vinculadas a las redes sociales digitales (RSD). La presente investigación tiene como objetivo comprender las narrativas transmedia, a partir de las imágenes y fotografías publicadas en Instagram del diario El Espectador de Medellín, Colombia. Por tanto, tenemos los siguientes objetivos específicos: identificar el concepto ...

Many Canadian Educational Psychology classes currently emphasize and model constructivist teaching practices in addition to integrating the notion of connectivity and Web 2.0 into educational theory. This study examines 'Moodle 1 ' as a... more

Many Canadian Educational Psychology classes currently emphasize and model constructivist teaching practices in addition to integrating the notion of connectivity and Web 2.0 into educational theory. This study examines 'Moodle 1 ' as a technological tool to further enhance participation and performance in addition to the regularly used 'semiotic tools' and social-dialogical activities found in a teacher education program. Similarly, discourse and narrative are described as a mode of thinking, as a structure for organizing our knowledge, and as a vehicle in the process technology and higher education. How can a program of learning be assisted with structuring the delivery and organization of knowledge?

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The aim is to create a typology of the various ways in which candidates behaved on Twitter. Our research, which included a content analysis of tweets (n = 26,282) from all twittering Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates (n = 416) during the 2010 UK General Election campaign, focused on four aspects of tweets: type, interaction, function and topic. By examining candidates' twittering behaviour, the authors show that British politicians mainly used Twitter as a unidirectional form of communication. However, there were a group of candidates who used it to interact with voters by, for example, mobilizing, helping and consulting them, thus tapping into the potential Twitter offers for facilitating a closer relationship with citizens.

Connectivity is one of the most important factor that may affect as a great benefit to various domains for the next era of the IoT(Internet of Things). However, securing connectivity requires various industry stakeholders to access freely... more

Connectivity is one of the most important factor
that may affect as a great benefit to various
domains for the next era of the IoT(Internet of
Things). However, securing connectivity
requires various industry stakeholders to access
freely which cause business and regulatory
issues. The purpose of this study is to explore
challenges in implementing market based IoT
industry, focusing on connectivity issues. We
have investigated cases of the smart home
industry in Korea, presented implications based
on the literatures and the in-depth interviews.
As a result, newly emerging industry based on
technology like IoT tend to have conflicts
between service providers and network
providers. And it expands towards political
issues on data traffic and fostering spectrum
managements by private sectors. Moreover,
connectivity with device-platform-service
protocols and compatibility tend to be
monopolistic structured. Our implications
suggested supplementing ideas for improving
ways of establishing regulations.

1. Much of ecological research focuses on the responses of species and species communities to variation in the amount and quality of resources that are required for survival and reproduction. In such research, it is critical to measure... more

1. Much of ecological research focuses on the responses of species and species communities to variation in the amount and quality of resources that are required for survival and reproduction. In such research, it is critical to measure the availability of resources in a manner that is relevant in relation to the ecological requirements of the species.2. We have developed a measure for resource availability that integrates the contributions of the number, volume and diversity of resource units to quantify the amount of habitat that is available for a species community. We apply this measure to data on the occurrence of 116 species of wood-decaying polyporous fungi in 47 study plots of boreal forest within an area of 150 × 150 km.3. We show that species richness and pooled abundance of common species is explained well by the number of downed logs, whereas the occurrence of 41 red-listed species is best explained by the total volume of logs and by the abundance of large logs in particular. The occurrence of common species is explained by the local availability of dead wood, whereas the occurrence of red-listed species is additionally affected by the spatial connectivity of the focal forest stand to the surrounding larger expanses of old-growth forest.4. Our results elicit the contrasting ecologies of common and red-listed species in relation to how the number of logs, their size distribution and diversity, and forest connectivity affect species occurrences. The results suggest that the most cost-effective means of preventing further declines of threatened species is to increase the amount of large downed logs through restoration and biodiversity-oriented management in the vicinity of existing areas of natural-like forests.5. Synthesis. Our results illustrate that the most relevant way of measuring resource availability can differ greatly even within a taxonomically coherent community seemingly sharing the same resources. Our approach for modelling resource availability applies to the resources that occur as discrete objects with variation in the size and quality of individual resource units.

Book review on the Culture of Connectivty by José van Dijck

Chittagong port is considered the heart of the economy of Bangladesh. The important role of Chittagong Port for Bangladesh underlines the necessity of investigating how best it should be developed toward meeting the future... more

Chittagong port is considered the heart of the economy of Bangladesh. The important role of
Chittagong Port for Bangladesh underlines the necessity of investigating how best it should
be developed toward meeting the future challenges. Toward enhancing the existing handling
capacity, the Chittagong Port Authority plans for one of the largest and ambitious projects –
the Bay Terminal – which will be the future Port of Chittagong.
Ports certainly cannot remain unchanged. They in fact have new role to play. The new trade
and transport requirements are providing the ports both opportunities and risks. Their
response to this new situation will determine the success or failure of each port. There are
many more issues and challenges involving and evolving gradually in the global port
industry . Ports have to change accordingly, to adjust to the new situation to achieve its
expected prospect.
Moreover, in order to determine a prospectus port, it depends on how strategically the port is
confronting its challenges of its way of development.
The level of research embarked in this study was descriptive survey. The descriptive survey
research provided researcher an opportunity to present his perspectives on the subject. The
analysis of the data collected for the study employed quantitative method (face to face
interview, telephone interview). In order to achieve the objective, the author had to depend
on secondary data mostly. Secondary data were gathered from the lecture, presentations,
relevant books, UNCTAD publications, journals, newspapers, magazines and various reports
of CPA and ADB. Relevant data had been explored through review of literature, email
surveys and interacting with top management of different entities using unstructured
This study has tried to find various potential issues and challenges of a BCT from different
aspect of its pre-constructional phase to operational phase, such as: Challenges in
(Constructional, Operational, Strategical and Environmental) aspect. It has also found
prospects of becoming a successful regional sea port by proper deal with challenges in a
strategic way.
At the end, this study states some recommendations based on expected challenges has been
given. Those Includes: construction of flood wall, Landlord model introduction, connectivity
development, update TOS system, skilled manpower, a comprehensive environmental and
disaster management plan etc.

It has become increasingly clear that courts across the globe must do more to better organize and manage their caseload and that automation alone is not the answer. In response to this need, case flow management has emerged to become the... more

It has become increasingly clear that courts across the globe must do more to better organize and manage their caseload and that automation alone is not the answer. In response to this need, case flow management has emerged to become the central method of promoting greater court responsibility and accountability for efficient case processing. For over thirty years court case management concepts have evolved, starting in the United States (U.S.), spreading to other industrialized common law countries initially. Yet, for many judicial systems, the concept, techniques, and supporting systems of case flow management are still relatively new ideas that need to be more fully understood. This paper helps develop a basic understanding of case flow management by defining the concept, outlining the various techniques used, presenting in general the different case management information systems that support those techniques, and outlining the core steps a judicial system can take to plan for, ...

As the world enters a phase of recovery from the hardest part of the pandemic, one thing seems clear to everyone: connectivity has become vital to every side of our lives. This paper argues that almost 40 percent of the world population... more

As the world enters a phase of recovery from the hardest part of the pandemic, one thing seems clear to everyone: connectivity has become vital to every side of our lives. This paper argues that almost 40 percent of the world population still does not have access to what is increasingly touted as a fundamental right. To solve this pressing problem, it is essential to explore alternative solutions, aiming at a more sustainable internet ecosystem. In this perspective, this paper presents the key elements of this volume, dedicated to “Community Networks: Towards Sustainable Funding Models.” The aim of this publication is to provide a missing, yet essential perspective to the community network debate: how to fund these initiatives sustainably.

There are productive material connections beyond mere internal or external relations. The concept of connection enables a creative reinterpretation of certain historical questions and, accordingly, the essay stresses the importance of the... more

There are productive material connections beyond mere internal or external relations. The concept of connection enables a creative reinterpretation of certain historical questions and, accordingly, the essay stresses the importance of the concepts of connection, nexus, and fusion in many philosophies, from Aristotle to Deleuze.

In the light of the implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Greater Eurasia and, in particular, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries, this paper assesses the prospects of seven actual and potential trans-Eurasian... more

In the light of the implications of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Greater Eurasia and, in particular, Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries, this paper assesses the prospects of seven actual and potential trans-Eurasian overland transport corridors. Based on the analysis of trade flows, railway tariffs, existing restrictions and individual routes' potential efficiency, the most promising overland China-EU and China-EAEU transport corridors and their prospective goods nomenclatures are identified. China-EAEU-EU transit is interpreted as the 'story of the container'. The principal interests of EAEU countries in developing BRI transport corridors are identified, as are the opportunities that involvement in China's BRI affords for the promotion of a substantial transit business and, most importantly, better regional and interregional connectivity within both the EAEU and Greater Eurasia.

Social informatics is the body of research that examines the design, uses, and consequences of information and communication technologies in ways that take into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts. This... more

Social informatics is the body of research that examines the design, uses, and consequences of information and communication technologies in ways that take into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts. This article serves as a brief introduction to social informatics. Examples such as computer networks, scientific communication via electronic journals, and public access to the Internet are used to illustrate key ideas from social informatics research. Some of the key themes include the importance of social contexts and work processes, sociotechnical networks, public access to information, and social infrastructure for computing support. The article draws upon 25 years of systematic analytical and critical research about information technology and social change.