Design of Machine Elements Research Papers (original) (raw)

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in order... more

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in order to define the overall reliability of shafts. Presented reliability model of cardan shafts is based on an examination of diagnostic size of the bearing assembly on cardan joints. This document presents a difference between reliability of cardan shafts investigated in pure laboratory conditions and those cardan shafts investigated in clean exploitation conditions.

By using the method of finite elements and starting with the possibilities given by the program system ANSYS in the field of application, research has been performed regarding the analysis of static behavior of a centrifugal pump shaft.... more

By using the method of finite elements and starting with the possibilities given by the program system ANSYS in the field of application, research has been performed regarding the analysis of static behavior of a centrifugal pump shaft. The computational analysis of static behavior of shaft using the method of finite elements on the examined model during the phase of projecting, was aiming for a timely sighting of critical spots, in order to avoid possible further malfunction. In this way it is possible to examine validity of the basic solution with no need for making the prototypes. By static behavior analysis, in other words, using the method of finite elements it was shown to which extent can certain conditions of exploitation, created tensions, that is shifted knots, cause difficulties in the whole model performance. Analysis of the static behavior of shaft was performed for two cases with different load: the effect of radial force and the torsion moment. A special attention was...

Wear of contact surfaces is one of the most common causes of gear failure. In addition to physical and chemical processes that occur in the contact zone, ki-nematic meshing parameters have a great effect on the wear process. This paper... more

Wear of contact surfaces is one of the most common causes of gear failure. In addition to physical and chemical processes that occur in the contact zone, ki-nematic meshing parameters have a great effect on the wear process. This paper analyses the influence of geometric and kinematic parameters of the gear profile on the instantaneous friction coefficient of the trochoidal gearing in the gerоtor pump. The friction coefficient is not a constant value and it varies during the teeth meshing as a result of a constant change in the lubrication regime. There are many empirical expressions for calculation of the instantaneous friction coefficient, but due to numerous limitations, many of these expressions can be applied only to certain operating conditions and loads. The analysis of the friction coefficient was performed through two contact periods defined by the change in direction of the rolling velocity of the meshing profiles contact point. The obtained results enable identification of dominant factors that influence the instantaneous friction coefficient and show possibilities for further development of analytical models of mechanical losses in the gerоtor pump. There is a wide range of pumps used in modern industrial practice. One of the simplest is a gerоtor pump. Gerоtor (trochoidal) pumps are rotary pumps with in

In this paper are presented the power losses and sources of their occurrence in worm gear boxes. These are the losses that occur in the coupling of worm teeth and worm gear, losses in bearings, seals and oil churning power losses in the... more

In this paper are presented the power losses and sources of their occurrence in worm gear boxes. These are the losses that occur in the coupling of worm teeth and worm gear, losses in bearings, seals and oil churning power losses in the transmission. When the operation of worm gearing is characterized by line contact of coupled elements which is accompanied by significant sliding, the highest value have the power losses in the worm and worm gear coupling compared to other losses in gearing. Among other things, in the paper also presents the expressions that are used for calculation of individual power losses and efficiency of the gearing. The size of the losses primarily depends on the type of coupled material and geometry of worm pair, circumferential velocity (input rotational speed), the type and viscosity of lubricating oil, load, worm shape, and temperature and so on. The paper also deals with the influence of different factors on power losses and efficiency. As the efficiency of the worm pair is significantly lower compared to other types of gear pairs, the appropriate combination of geometric parameters and materials of worm and worm gear, lubrication and working conditions can significantly affect its increase.

Semi-automatic Plant Pot Filling Machine is designed to make polythene pot filling in plant nurseries, faster and easier. A mix of soil is supplied to the machine and using a screw conveyor, the soil is transferred into the pot. Since... more

Semi-automatic Plant Pot Filling Machine is designed to make polythene pot filling in plant nurseries, faster and easier. A mix of soil is supplied to the machine and using a screw conveyor, the soil is transferred into the pot. Since there are many pot sizes, a mechanism has been implemented to change the speed of soil transferring.

Hướng dẫn gia công cánh Tua-bin trên máy phay 5 trục

This course emphasises on design of machine parts like detachable joints like screwed joints, keys, power screws and nondetachable joints like welded and riveted joints. Design of cotter joints, design if material against static loading... more

This course emphasises on design of machine parts like detachable joints like screwed joints, keys, power screws and nondetachable joints like welded and riveted joints. Design of cotter joints, design if material against static loading conditions. Basic advanced concepts on strength of materials with some practical applications.

Bài tập lớn Chi tiết máy - ĐHBK2016

Bu çalışmada iki kademeli redüktörlerin dişlilerinin kesilmesini ve emniyetli çalışmasının kontrolünü sağlamaktır. Ayrıca lamelli manyetik kavramalı fren sistemi ile sistemin emniyete alınmasını sağlamaktır. Bu proje iş sağlığı ve... more

Bu çalışmada iki kademeli redüktörlerin dişlilerinin kesilmesini ve emniyetli çalışmasının kontrolünü sağlamaktır. Ayrıca lamelli manyetik kavramalı fren sistemi ile sistemin emniyete alınmasını sağlamaktır. Bu proje iş sağlığı ve güvenliliği esaslarına göre tasarlanmıştır.

This document provides design, analysis and evaluation of a compound reverted geartrain with respect to loading, stress and safety factors to obtain specifications for gears, shafts and bearings which satisfy the customer requirements for... more

This document provides design, analysis and evaluation of a compound reverted geartrain with respect to loading, stress and safety factors to obtain specifications for gears, shafts and bearings which satisfy the customer requirements for the desired power and torque.

In this current period, human beings are purchasing items from e-commerce sites, and many companies developed an online transaction mode for payment via credit cards. The usage of online credit card transactions is gradually increasing... more

In this current period, human beings are purchasing items from e-commerce sites, and many companies developed an online transaction mode for payment via credit cards. The usage of online credit card transactions is gradually increasing day by day. Generally, online credit card frauds are also happening more. To solve this problem, researchers used some machine learning methods. In this paper, we utilized European credit card fraud dataset for experimental analysis. The further dataset was divided into a training set and test set. The algorithms used in the experiment were Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and CatBoost. Results show that Random Forest and Catboost gives more accuracy and random forest give the best result with evaluation metrics among Logistic regression and Catboost methods.

يهدف هذا البحث لتحسين كفاءة الطرق المستخدمة في فصل صفق الحناء عن أعواد وشوائب الحناء. ويحتوي هذا البحث على خمسة فصول: الفصل الأول: يتناول المقدمة، وصف نبتة الحناء، أصناف الحناء، الموطن الرئيسي، مناطق الإنتاج في السودان، التركيب الكيميائي،... more

يهدف هذا البحث لتحسين كفاءة الطرق المستخدمة في فصل صفق الحناء عن أعواد وشوائب الحناء. ويحتوي هذا البحث على خمسة فصول:
الفصل الأول:
يتناول المقدمة، وصف نبتة الحناء، أصناف الحناء، الموطن الرئيسي، مناطق الإنتاج في السودان، التركيب الكيميائي، استخدامات الحناء، والهدف من الدراسة.
الفصل الثاني:
يتناول الحلول والخيارات واختيار الحل الأفضل.
الفصل الثالث:
يتناول تصميم واختيار الحل الأفضل.
الفصل الرابع:
يتناول المناقشة.
الفصل الخامس:
يتناول الخاتمة.
وُجِد من خلال هذه الدراسة أن الآلية التي تم تصميمها وتصنيعها كنموذج توفر الوقت والجهد البدني للعمال . بالتالي يمكن تصنيعها بمقاسات أكبر لاستخدامها في مصانع الحناء الموجودة بولاية نهر النيل .

The aim of this paper is to determine deformations and stresses in the statically loaded thrust ball bearing subjected to a centric external axial load. In this case, all balls in the bearing are equally engaged in the transmission of the... more

The aim of this paper is to determine deformations and stresses in the statically loaded thrust ball bearing subjected to a centric external axial load. In this case, all balls in the bearing are equally engaged in the transmission of the operational load. The influence of the load on the stresses and deformations in the bearings of different series has been analysed. The obtained results are the basis for further research of the load distribution in an eccentrically loaded axial ball bearing in order to determine the reduction of the static load bearing capacity in relation to the values determined in appropriate standard and also to the values prescribed by manufacturers’ catalogues.

Cornering fluency is a prime factor determining the performance of a vehicle. Apart from suspension design effectiveness, a differential used in power train enhances the fluency in cornering. With many advancements coming up in... more

Cornering fluency is a prime factor determining the performance of a vehicle. Apart from suspension design
effectiveness, a differential used in power train enhances the fluency in cornering. With many advancements coming up in
automobile sector and the various inventions made, a cage-less differential is one such development. Reduction in weight
and space, due to its compactness, makes it a vital device. In this study, a cage-less differential was designed and analysed
for its use on an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV). The entire design of differential gears was done theoretically using
Buckingham’s equation, and was then simulated in Kiss Soft 03-2013. The modelling part was carried out in CATIA
V5R20 and analysis was done using ANSYS Workbench 14.0. A sequential approach of gear design, cross-pin design and
bearing design was adopted. Its use on an All-Terrain Vehicle was seen to be effective.

On bending calculation of spurs gears and more form factor has a key role. This factor corrects and has linear dependence with nominal stress on root. This factor is given to us in two-way, table or graphical, and only if there is one... more

On bending calculation of spurs gears and more form factor has a key role. This factor corrects and has linear dependence with nominal stress on root. This factor is given to us in two-way, table or graphical, and only if there is one tooth pair in gear. For optimization like genetic algorithm and for advanced design we need to calculate this factor exactly for every gears pair, as ISO standard recommend us. In this article this factor is calculated for " the worst case " and for many different gears pair and then are create graphs for each of them. We have used Mathcad for algorithms that are showed behind. .

pembahasan roda gigi lurus atau roda gigi spurs

RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo se realiza una reflexión en torno a la moda, al fenómeno Fashion que, a través de la estética del vestir, evidencia los contextos sociológicos y antropológicos de una época. Ya que, a partir de la creación... more

En el presente trabajo se realiza una reflexión en torno a la moda, al fenómeno Fashion que, a través de la estética del vestir, evidencia los contextos sociológicos y antropológicos de una época. Ya que, a partir de la creación de necesidades artificiales, la sociedad de consumo se estereotipa, transformando el vestir en un asunto político.
Así el vestir, se hace parte de la constitución de una identidad, como teatralidad de la vida social, la propia consistencia responde a las exigencias del otro. A su vez, se produce un proceso de desiconización del símbolo en respuesta a la estereotipación e imposibilidad de reconocerse a sí mismo fuera de la sociedad de los medios de comunicación masivos.
La moda como espectáculo. Relaciones entre individualismo, frivolidad y poder
La gente siempre está buscando un cambio hacia lo nuevo pero manteniendo su individualidad. Lipovetsky dice que no hay moda sin una desestimación a lo antiguo; esto es que al cambiar una moda, lo que se uso antes puede verse mal si ya no está in.
Los nuevos gurús de la moda (ejemplos: Gaultier, Mcqueen, Galliano, Vivienne Westwood, etc.) han creado un fenómeno de los estrenos de cada colección. Siendo la sociedad constantemente bombardeada con imágenes de modelos anoréxicas, bandas de rock, y super estrellas andróginas. Guy Debord expresa que estos eventos “ponen en juego esa tensión radical entre un aparente individualismo, y una sutil masificación y alienación”.
Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in... more

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective
of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic
of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in order to
define the overall reliability of shafts. Presented reliability model of cardan shafts
is based on an examination of diagnostic size of the bearing assembly on cardan
joints. This document presents a difference between reliability of cardan shafts
investigated in pure laboratory conditions and those cardan shafts investigated in
clean exploitation conditions.

With the aim at performing the highest precision during woodworking, a mix of alternative approaches, fruitfully integrated in a common design strategy, is essential. This paper represents an overview of technical solutions, recently... more

With the aim at performing the highest precision during woodworking, a mix of alternative approaches, fruitfully integrated in a common design strategy, is essential. This paper represents an overview of technical solutions, recently developed by authors, in design of machine tools and their final effects on manufacturing. The most advanced solutions in machine design are reported side by side with common practices or little everyday expedients. These design actions are directly or indirectly related to the rational use of materials, sometimes very uncommon, as in the case of magnetorheological fluids chosen to implement an active control in speed and force on the electro-spindle, and permitting to improve the quality of wood machining. Other actions are less unusual, as in the case of the adoption of innovative anti-vibration supports for basement. Tradition or innovation, all these technical solutions contribute to the final result: the highest precision in wood machining.

Beberapa pengendara yang mengeluhkan bahwa ia harus seringkali mengganti pelat kopling yang cepat habis, padahal menurutnya jeda waktu penggantian pelat kopling belum lama. Tentu saja dengan seringnya mengganti pelat kopling berarti harus... more

Beberapa pengendara yang mengeluhkan bahwa ia harus seringkali mengganti pelat kopling yang cepat habis, padahal menurutnya jeda waktu penggantian pelat
kopling belum lama. Tentu saja dengan seringnya mengganti pelat kopling berarti harus mengeluarkan uang yang lebih banyak. Menurut pengalaman, salah satu penyebab paling umum cepat habisnya pelat kopling adalah tata cara mengemudi kendaraan yang kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ini kami informasikan mengenai kopling dan tata cara mengendarai kendaraan agar kopling dapat bekerja secara optimal dan tentu saja tidak mudah rusak.

DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the... more

DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the mechanical behavior of flexible DNA origami rotational and linear joints that integrate stiff double-stranded DNA components and flexible single-stranded DNA components to constrain motion along a single degree of freedom and demonstrate the ability to tune the flexibility and range of motion. Multiple joints with simple 1D motion were then integrated into higher order mechanisms. One mechanism is a crank–slider that couples rotational and linear motion, and the other is a Bennett linkage that moves between a compacted bundle and an expanded frame configuration with a constrained 3D motion path. Finally, we demonstrate distributed actuation of the linkage using DNA input strands to achieve reversible conformational changes of the entire structure on ∼minute timescales. Our results demonstrate programmable motion of 2D and 3D DNA origami mechanisms constructed following a macroscopic machine design approach.

external load of ball bearing is transferred from one ring to other one through balls. in the radially loaded bearing all balls are not simultaneously active. simultaneously active balls participating in load transfer are in loaded zone.... more

external load of ball bearing is transferred from one ring to other one through balls. in the radially loaded bearing all balls are not simultaneously active. simultaneously active balls participating in load transfer are in loaded zone. Load distribution between balls in loaded zone is unequal. Width of loaded zone depends on bearing internal radial clearance. The loaded zone decreases with increasing clearance. consequently, the load distribution between balls becomes more unequal. it leads to decreasing of ball bearing service life. The analysis of influence of internal radial clearance on the radially loaded deep groove ball bearing service life is carried out in this paper. For this purpose a new mathematical model is derived respecting classic ball bearing life theory and by introduction of a new parameter – reduced load distribution factor.

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in order... more

The mechanism that is discussed in this study is cardan shaft. The main objective of the proposed and completed research within the presented work was diagnostic of bearing assembly at joints of cardan shafts, which was performed in order to define the overall reliability of shafts. Presented reliability model of cardan shafts is based on an examination of diagnostic size of the bearing assembly on cardan joints. This document presents a difference between reliability of cardan shafts investigated in pure laboratory conditions and those cardan shafts investigated in clean exploitation conditions.

The basic parameters of the universal gear drives, except the axis height, are not defined by the standard, so the manufacturers of universal gear reducers can define them in their way. Most of the manufacturers followed the parameter... more

The basic parameters of the universal gear drives, except the axis height, are not defined by the standard, so the manufacturers of universal gear reducers can define them in their way. Most of the manufacturers followed the parameter values of universal gear reducers of leading world producers in order to ensure their interchangeability and the better positioning of their gear units at the market. This paper deals with the analysis of the influence of the gear pair teeth number on the size of the module, as well as on the load carrying capacity of single-stage universal gear units. For defined gear ratio values, different combinations of teeth number of pinion and driven gear were selected. Further, it was made calculation of the basic geometric dimensions of the gear pair, as well as the load capacity.

Odaksan Mühendislik tarafından üretilen tablalı streç makinası ve akülü streç makinası streçleme sorunlarınızı çözerken %400 tasarruf sağlar. Streç Makinesi fiyatları, streç makinesi modelleri ve streç makinesi... more

Odaksan Mühendislik tarafından üretilen tablalı streç makinası ve akülü streç makinası streçleme sorunlarınızı çözerken %400 tasarruf sağlar. Streç Makinesi fiyatları, streç makinesi modelleri ve streç makinesi çeşitleri uygun fiyatlarla burada. en ucuz streç makinesi seçenekleri ayağına gelsin. Streç makinaları, Palet streç sarma makinası robotları, Streç makineleri ve çeşitleri En uygun fiyatlara Odaksan Güvencesi ile Akülü ve Tablalı Streç Makinası ..

Changes in the safety standards that address machinery protection incorporate obligations often controversial. In Brazil, occurs the same situation in the Regulatory Norm nº 12 (NR 12). Thus, this article, which it aims to discuss the... more

Changes in the safety standards that address machinery protection incorporate obligations often controversial. In Brazil, occurs the same situation in the Regulatory Norm nº 12 (NR 12). Thus, this article, which it aims to discuss the changes in the NR 12 to understand the reason of the criticisms of entrepreneurs and how difficult is for Brazilian companies to apply this norm. As this is an explanatory research, the methodology was based in a information collection through databases and sites and inspection agencies of safety at work in order to explain why companies have problems applying this standard. The results show eight major difficulties, ranging from the absence of certification of equipment to correctly signal difficulty of the machines and cognitive limitations of the employees. Finally, some solutions are given to solve these difficulties identified. Thus, this article aims to discuss the changes in the NR 12 to understand the reason of the criticisms of entrepreneurs and how difficult is to Brazilian companies to apply this norm.

This paper deals with current practices of drying agricultural products in most of developing nations like India. It also try to coin the concept of utilization of Solar dryer at farm side. In a developing country like India, having the... more

This paper deals with current practices of drying agricultural products in most of developing nations like India. It also try to coin the concept of utilization of Solar dryer at farm side. In a developing country like India, having the second largest population and agriculture as the source of income to nearly 60 % of the total population, post-harvest and storage loss is a major quandary, which needs to be addressed in due diligence. Many food preservation techniques like cold storage, drying, etc., have been evolved out over the years to tackle the above losses. The major constraint is that almost all the technologies are utilizing fossil fuel resources, which are depleting very fast and wise use of these precious resources are preferred for longterm energy sustainability. Therefore, sustainable methods for food preservation are the need of the hour. Solar drying is one of the best choices in this context. The effect of temperature to moisture contents against time and rate of dr...

DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the... more

DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the mechanical behavior of flexible DNA origami rotational and linear joints that integrate stiff double-stranded DNA components and flexible single-stranded DNA components to constrain motion along a single degree of freedom and demonstrate the ability to tune the flexibility and range of motion. Multiple joints with simple 1D motion were then integrated into higher order mechanisms. One mechanism is a crank-slider that couples rotational and linear motion, and the other is a Bennett linkage that moves between a compacted bundle and an expanded frame configuration with a constrained 3D motion path. Finally, we demonstrate distributed actuation of the linkage using DNA input strands to achieve reversible conformational changes of the entire structure on ∼minute...

The number of automobiles has seen an alarming rise in the recent years. The main reason for this rise is the advent of mass production technologies for automobiles , making cars relatively cheap and affordable to everyone. In the year... more

The number of automobiles has seen an alarming rise in the recent years. The main reason for this rise is the advent of mass production technologies for automobiles , making cars relatively cheap and affordable to everyone. In the year 2014, the number of road vehicles produced annually increased to 87.23 million vehicles from around 40 million in 2000. Th is shows that production has increased to more than twice the volume in only 14 years. Hence the auto industry is always on -the-rise. During the assembly of automobiles, be it everyday passenger cars or large commercial vehicles, tyres have to be assembled o n the car chassis at some point of t ime in the assembly. An average tyre+rim set for a commercial car weights around 10-12kg, and for heavy commercial vehicles it can go up to 25-45kg per tyre. Also the number of cars produced every day is very large. Almost always when the tyre has to be assembled, the vehicle is jacked i.e. it is raised to a height. Hence the tyre has to b...

Nowadays development of low cost composites with preferable good strength is aforemost issue in investigates area. The Polymeric composites with synthetic fibres provides the Advantages like Strength and High stiffness to weight ratio... more

Nowadays development of low cost composites with preferable good strength is aforemost issue in investigates area. The Polymeric composites with synthetic fibres provides the Advantages like Strength and High stiffness to weight ratio over the conventional materials(Wood, concrete, and steel) along with the constraint of high cost of materials. In present Work a polymer composite is fabricated by using abundantly available hemp, banana Stem fibre, with jute powder and epoxy resin as matrix. The main objectives of this study was to More than Two fibres combined With fibre reinforced with Epoxy resin composites and to determine the maximum load withstanding capacity of the Epoxy composite laminates when they are subjected to tension as compared to the other composites. The specimens were prepared in different ratios of Fibre to resin volume fraction by weight and are subjected to tensile loading in a UTM and tested by gradually increasing the tensile load until it fractures. The results proved that the properties of Natural Fibre Epoxy Polymer composites were inflated with the Decrease in Natural fibre content maximum up to 80% by weight. Therefore, the findings of this tensile characteristics dependence of Natural Fibre with Epoxy Polymer can contribute to a better understanding in its applications.