CAD/CAM Research Papers - (original) (raw)

La tecnología CAD (Diseño Asistido por Ordenador) CAM (Fabricación Asistida por Ordenador) dental es la técnica más innovadora disponible en prótesis fijas y supone un adelanto muy importante con relación a la odontología convencional.... more

La tecnología CAD (Diseño Asistido por Ordenador) CAM (Fabricación Asistida por Ordenador) dental es la técnica más innovadora disponible en prótesis fijas y supone un adelanto muy importante con relación a la odontología convencional. Con esta tecnología digital los modelos de la boca del paciente son escaneados y las restauraciones procesadas y fabricadas mediante una mecanización asistida por ordenador. Esto nos aporta una gran precisión en el diagnóstico y la preparación, además de permitirnos simular la cirugía que vamos a utilizar en la zona seleccionada. La tecnología cad cam dental consta de tres procesos:

La presente investigación surge por la necesidad de conocer los elementos necesarios para crear obra plástica con materiales cerámicos, empleando el Diseño Asistido por Computadora y la Manufactura Asistida por Computadora (CAD/CAM), como... more

La presente investigación surge por la necesidad de conocer los elementos necesarios para crear obra plástica con materiales cerámicos, empleando el Diseño Asistido por Computadora y la Manufactura Asistida por Computadora (CAD/CAM), como herramienta para realizar propuestas.
Debido a que el CAD/CAM tiene múltiples aplicaciones, se puede emplear en el desarrollo de obra plástica, sin embargo, es primordial detectar las limitaciones y ventajas que permitan al artista o al diseñador emplear adecuadamente estas tecnologías con el fin de potenciar la generación de obra sin limitar su capacidad expresiva.
Se creará así, un sistema de módulos cerámicos a partir de modelado paramétrico2, que posibiliten la realización de obra plástica implementando el uso del CAD/CAM como base del desarrollo artístico.
En esta investigación se ejemplificará la producción de obra de arte con materiales cerámicos a fin de puntualizar los elementos necesarios para la producción de escultura idealmente monumental.

Degradation of silane coupling layers by water ingress in computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) of resin composites has been reported qualitatively. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated how water absorption of... more

Degradation of silane coupling layers by water ingress in computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) of resin composites has been reported qualitatively. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated how water absorption of CAD/CAM resin composites affects the silane coupling layer by in vitro and in silico methods. Methods: A Katana Avencia block (KAB) and an experimental matrix block composed of only a matrix resin were used to evaluate the effect of water immersion for seven days on the elastic modulus. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with fluorine-labeling of the KAB was performed to evaluate the atomic percentage of F1s, which represents the hydrolysis amount by water immersion. In silico analysis of the three-dimensional model of the KAB was performed to determine the coupling ratios before and after water immersion. Results: The elastic modulus of the KAB was 8.2 GPa before and 6.9 GPa after immersion in water. The atomic percentages of F1s in the after-and before-immersion groups were 14.31% and 11.52%, respectively, suggesting that hydrolysis of the silane coupling layer occurred during water immersion. From in silico analysis of the three-dimensional model of the KAB, the coupling ratio was predicted to be 78.2% before water immersion. After water immersion, the coupling ratio was predicted to be 68.4%. Conclusion: The in vitro and in silico approaches established in this study were able to predict the silane coupling ratios of CAD/CAM resin composites, and they showed that the silane coupling ratio decreased by water absorption.

ABSTARCT Background: The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the vertical marginal fit of crowns fabricated with ZrO2 CAD/CAM, before and after porcelain firing cycles and after glaze cycles. Materials and Methods: An acrylic... more

ABSTARCT Background: The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the vertical marginal fit of crowns fabricated with ZrO2 CAD/CAM, before and after porcelain firing cycles and after glaze cycles. Materials and Methods: An acrylic resin model of a left maxillary first molar was prepared and duplicated to have Nickel-Chromium master die. Ten die stone dies were sent to the CAD/CAM (Amann Girrbach) for crowns fabrication. Marginal gaps along vertical planes were measured at four indentations at the (mid mesial, mid distal, mid buccal, mid palatal) before (Time 0) and after porcelain firing cycles (Time 1) and after glaze cycles (Time 2) using a light microscope at a magnification of ×100. One way ANOVA LSD tests were performed to determine whether the mean and standard deviation of sub group Time 2. Results: The mean values of the ZrO2 CAD/CAM Time 0 were (6.77μm), Time 1(8.75μm) and Time 2(10.62 μm). One way ANOVA test revealed highly statistical significance(P<0.01). LSD test results showed that there is highly significant difference between time (0) and time (2), while there is no any significant difference between time (0) and time (1), and between time (1) and time (2). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that the ZrO2 CAD/CAM demonstrated acceptable marginal fit; The porcelain firing and the glaze firing cycles affected the marginal gap.

Digital geoinformation for the surface and subsurface is virtually never integrated in civil engineering projects. Reasons are that the surface information is gathered by different person’s and that the subsurface information is in... more

Digital geoinformation for the surface and subsurface is virtually never integrated in civil engineering projects. Reasons are that the surface information is gathered by different person’s and that the subsurface information is in different formats from the surface information. Likelihood and uncertainty of subsurface models is not quantifiable. To quantify the likelihood and correctness of the subsurface information the civil engineer would have to have full access to the original data, which is not available due to the none integration of the data. In the last 10 years considerable progress has been made in use of geographic information systems but the progress in the integration of data and the addressing of likelihood of subsurface data is limited.


Fused Depoition Modeling is a type of Additive Manufacturing technology, which has capability to construct final product by mean of adding layer by layer pattern automatically from data generated by Computer Aided Design (CAD) model. This... more

Fused Depoition Modeling is a type of Additive Manufacturing technology, which has capability to construct final product by mean of adding layer by layer pattern automatically from data generated by Computer Aided Design (CAD) model. This research work focused over the study of effect of process parameters such as infill percentage, Shell wall thickness and extruion temperature with specimen material used as ABS. This Research work includes optimization of the process parameter using statistical method Response Surface Methodology(RSM(and validating parameter's significance using ANOVA. To overcome some of the drawbacks such as time consumption of printing, machine speed, quality of surface, required properties namely strength, thermal and mechanical properties optimization of process parameter is importand. It is also equally important to find out correlation between process parameters and response outcomes required. Hence, it was proposed to carry experimental investigation of FDM process parameters on polymeric materials because polymeric materials are easy to print as well as economical with wide range of application. FDM process is simple process as compared to other processes so on that basis FDM is chosen. In order to carry work methodology, sample specimens prepared according to ASTM standard for tensile test. Results carried out according to performing test to investigate the relationship between parameters and concomitant effect on strength. Major reason for weak strength of FDM processed parts owes to distortion within the layer or between the layers while building the parts due to temperature gradient. The utility of RP parts suggests that it is dependent on various loading conditions and hence needs to be optimized to gain effective practical implications and optimistic improvisation according to requirements.

In research and development field, many research efforts have been made to save the overall time of product design and development of any product. As we know that design phase has a lot of potential where overall time can be saved. Hence,... more

In research and development field, many research efforts have been made to save the overall time of product design and development of any product. As we know that design phase has a lot of potential where overall time can be saved. Hence, design automation has been the best concept came into picture which involves integration of different software like product design software developed, modeling software and analysis software. It has been observed that many researchers are taking efforts in the area of design automation like integration of different tailor made software developed using different computer programming languages like Visual Basic, Java, C++ with different CAD software like Pro/E, CREO Parametric, CATIA, SolidWorks .But it is observed that Visual Basic is having some better advantages over others like it will give dot frame work for design of product input base as well as it can be easily interface with intermediate software like Microsoft excel which provides an input to other modeling or analysis software and among all available parametric modeling software CREO is widely used in industries because it has best parameterization quality. In this paper, integration of product design software developed using Visual Basic as computer programming language and CREO Parametric as modeling software by taking the case study of design of CI Engine parts has been done to validate the concept. Simulation of CI Engine is added in developed GUI which gives results of pressure, temperature, volume at each crank angle of crankshaft in the form of graphs and maximum value of pressure and temperature got are being used for structural and thermal analysis of major components.

إنَّ مؤِّلف هذا الكتاب وإيماناً منه بالدور العظيم والمُقدَّر للأستاذ الجامعي في إثراء حركة التأليف والتعريف والترجمة للمراجع والكتب الهندسية يأمل أن يفي هذا الكتاب بمتطلبات برامج البكالوريوس والدبلوم لطلاب الهندسة الميكانيكية ، هندسة... more

إنَّ مؤِّلف هذا الكتاب وإيماناً منه بالدور العظيم والمُقدَّر للأستاذ الجامعي في إثراء حركة التأليف والتعريف والترجمة للمراجع والكتب الهندسية يأمل أن يفي هذا الكتاب بمتطلبات برامج البكالوريوس والدبلوم لطلاب الهندسة الميكانيكية ، هندسة الإنتاج او التصنيع ، الهندسة الكهربائية والهندسة المدنية حيث يُغطِّى مناهج نظرية ومختبرية في الديناميكا الحرارية وتطبيقاتها. يتفق هذا الكتاب لغوياً مع القاموس الهندسي الموحَّد السوداني ، ويُعد الكتاب مرجعاً في مجاله حيث يمكن أن يستفيد منه الطالب والمهندس والباحث. هذا الكتاب مقتبس من مُذكرات مؤلفه في تدريسه لهذا المُقرر لفترة لا تقل عن خمس وعشرون عاماً.
يهدف هذا الكتاب لتأكيد أهمية دراسة التصميم بمساعدة الحاسوب في تطبيقات هندسية عديدة من بينها تحليل الإجهادات، إنتقال الحرارة، تحليل الجملونات، وإنحراف العارضات.
يشتمل هذا الكتاب على خمسة فصول. يستعرض الفصل الأول أسلوب العنصر المحدَّد بمدخل لأهميته، فكرته الأساسية وخطوات حل المسائل باستخدام هذا الأسلوب.
يتضمَّن الفصل الثاني خطوات حل مسائل تحليل الإجهادات باستخدام أسلوب العناصر المحددة التي تشتمل على تعريف شبكة العناصر المحدَّدة، إختيار نموذج الإزاحة، صياغة معادلة الكزازة المتقطعة، حل معادلات الكزازة وتحديد إنفعال وإجهاد العنصر بالإضافة لمثالين عند نهاية هذا الفصل.
أما الفصل الثالث فيشتمل على دراسة تطبيق طريقة العناصر المحدّدة في إنتقال الحرارة حيث يستعرض هذا الفصل المعادلات العامة للتوصيل للإحداثيات المستطيلة والأسطوانية، معادلات معدَّل إنتقال الحرارة، معادلة موازنة الطاقة، وطريقة جاليركن بالإضافة لمثال محلول عند نهاية الفصل.
يتناول الفصل الرابع تحليل الجملونات حيث يشتمل على تعريف للعنصر الفراغي للجملون ومثال محلول في هذا الموضوع.
يشتمل الفصل الخامس على مقدمة وأمثلة محلولة في إنحراف العارضات بإستخدام طريقة العناصر المحددة.
إنَّ الكاتب يأمل أن يساهم هذا الكتاب في إثراء المكتبة الجامعية داخل السودان وخارجه في هذا المجال من المعرفة ويأمل من القارئ ضرورة إرسال تغذية راجعة إن كانت هنالك ثَمَّة أخطاء حتى يستطيع الكاتب تصويبها في الطبعة التالية للكتاب.

CAD Training Institute Designed advanced auto-cad course in which you will learn about 2D & 3D autocad designing easily.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the internal fit of hybrid and internal hex connections using different materials. Materials & Methods: Forty abutments were divided into 2 groups according to connection type. Each group... more

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the internal fit of hybrid and internal hex connections using different materials. Materials & Methods: Forty abutments were divided into 2 groups according to connection type. Each group was subdivided into 4 subgroups according to material (Zr, Ti, Co-Cr and softmilled Co-Cr-Mo). Internal fit was measured using replica technique. Results: All the samples had clinically acceptable gap values ≤150 µm where internal hex connection had narrower gap than conical connection. Zirconia was the material with lowest gap values, followed by titanium and soft-milled Co-Cr-Mo. Co-Cr had the largest gap distance. Conclusions: 1: Internal hex connection has better internal fit than hybrid connection with more consistent results among different materials. 2: Zirconia showed the best overall internal adaptation with consistent performance among the two connections used. 3: Low marginal gap distance of CAD/CAM conical abutments may not necessarily indicate proper seating of the abutments.

Surface damage & morphology Surface treatments Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal a b s t r a c t This paper studied the surface quality (damage, morphology, and phase transformation) of yttria-stabilized tetragonal... more

Surface damage & morphology Surface treatments Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal a b s t r a c t This paper studied the surface quality (damage, morphology, and phase transformation) of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) in CAD/CAM milling, and subsequent polishing, sintering and sandblasting processes applied in dental restorations. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to scan all processed surfaces to determine phase transformations and analyse surface damage morphology, respectively. The average surface roughness (R a) and maximum roughness (R z) for all processed surfaces were measured using desk-top SEM-assisted morphology analytical software. X-ray diffraction patterns prove the sintering-induced monoclinic-tetragonal phase transformation while the sandblasting-induced phase transformation was not detected. The CAD/CAM milling of pre-sintered Y-TZP produced very rough surfaces with extensive fractures and cracks. Simply polishing or sintering of milled pre-sintered surfaces did not significantly improve their surface roughness (ANOVA, p40.05). Neither sintering-polishing of the milled surfaces could effectively improve the surface roughness (ANOVA, p40.05). The best surface morphology was produced in the milling-polishing-sintering process, achieving R a ¼0.2170.03 mm and R z ¼1.7370.04 mm, which meets the threshold for bacterial retention. Sandblasting of intaglios with smaller abrasives was recommended as larger abrasive produced visible surface defects. This study provides technical insights into process selection for Y-TZP to achieve the improved restorative quality. (L. Yin). j o u r n a l o f t h e m e c h a n i c a l b e h a v i o r o f b i o m e d i c a l m a t e r i a l s 6 5 (2 0 1 7) 1 0 2 – 1 1 6

The 3D model presents a digital reconstruction of Design patent RU114142 “Casual dress”. The dress consists of a front, back, skirt with pleats, flat collar and pelerine, with a zip fastener and two in-seam pockets. The dress isdecoratet... more

Teach modeling and simulation techniques for designing engineering systems and analyzing their behavior. Course contents Overview of dynamic systems: Introduction to modeling and simulation, models for dynamic systems and system... more

Teach modeling and simulation techniques for designing engineering systems and analyzing their behavior. Course contents Overview of dynamic systems: Introduction to modeling and simulation, models for dynamic systems and system similarity. Modeling of engineering systems: Mechanical systems, electrical systems, fluid systems, thermal systems, mixed discipline systems. System dynamic response analysis: Frequency response, time response and digital simulation. Engineering applications: system design and selection of components. Use of commonly used design and simulation software.

Jedan od najčešćih problema s kojima su suočeni korisnici CAD aplikacija je razmjena podataka, ne samo između različitih aplikacija, nego čak i unutar iste aplikacije, ali sa različitim verzijama. U tu svrhu su razvijana različita... more

Jedan od najčešćih problema s kojima su suočeni korisnici CAD aplikacija je razmjena podataka, ne samo između različitih aplikacija, nego čak i unutar iste aplikacije, ali sa različitim verzijama. U tu svrhu su razvijana različita rješenja, od alata za direktno prevođenje formata, univerzalnih standardnih formata, kao što su IGES i STEP, do dodataka za uvoz/izvoz datoteka. Razvoj računarstva u oblaku otvara nove mogućnosti, ne samo za portabilnost CAD aplikacija, omogućavanje timskog rada i razmjenu podataka, nego i za rješavanje problema nekompatibilnosti verzija CAD datoteka. U ovom radu je dat osvrt na upotrebu računarstva u oblaku na primjeru aplikacije Autodesk A360.

CAD/CAM technologies for superior product modelling in the intelligence of designing complete product variants become more and more pertinent in future. Many design techniques to help interdisciplinary design actions in different... more

CAD/CAM technologies for superior product modelling in the intelligence of designing complete product variants become more and more pertinent in future. Many design techniques to help interdisciplinary design actions in different engineering domains in addition to consequent processes have to be developed. A necessary job to achieve this aim is to permanently investigate the present state of the art, emerging trends, new approaches, in addition to industrial problems and requirements about the entire CAD/CAM area. With the aim of direct future research and development activities as close as possible to the continuously rising requirements of a worldwide market we carried out a wide-ranging national study in cooperation with one of the Germans leading CAD/CAM magazines. In this way, it became possible to reach a representative amount of users, to obtain their experience based assessments on today's most important aspects of CAD/CAM technology. The results of this examination are summarized in this paper to give system developers, engineers, and researchers and overview of the present condition as well as to serve as a direction for decision makers in the Design and Development areas in the modern manufacturing technologies.

Polimer matrisli kompozit (PMK) malzemeler sahip oldukları mühendislik özelliklerinden dolayı havacılık ve uzay sanayisinin yanında günlük yaşamda da oldukça sık kullanım alanına sahiptir. Ancak karmaşık yapıya sahip olmaları sebebiyle... more

Polimer matrisli kompozit (PMK) malzemeler sahip oldukları mühendislik özelliklerinden dolayı havacılık ve uzay sanayisinin yanında günlük yaşamda da oldukça sık kullanım alanına sahiptir. Ancak karmaşık yapıya sahip olmaları sebebiyle yapılan talaşlı imalat işlemlerinde, PMK'lerin mühendislik özelliklerini olumsuz etkileyecek durumlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kompozit parçaların montajında genellikle pimli bağlantıların kullanılmasından dolayı delik delme işlemine daha fazla ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmaların yoğun olarak delme işlemi üzerinde gerçekleştiği görülmüştür. Delme işleminde, delik giriş ve çıkışında oluşan yüzey hasarları, kesici takım, kesme parametreleri ve kesici takım geometrisi gibi faktörler dikkate alınarak araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, Taguchi, Anova, Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) ve Regresyon analizi gibi yöntemler kullanılarak yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Takviye elemanı olarak genellikle cam ve karbon elyafın kullanıldığı gözlenirken, çalışmalar neticesinde yüksek kesme hızı ve düşük ilerleme değerlerinin kullanılması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.

This work made an attempt to summarize about stresses developed in a mating spur gear which has involute teeth. A pair of spur gears are taken from a lathe gear box and progressed onward to calculate stresses in their teeth.... more

This work made an attempt to summarize about stresses
developed in a mating spur gear which has involute
teeth. A pair of spur gears are taken from a lathe gear
box and progressed onward to calculate stresses in their
teeth. Conventionally the analysis is carried out
analytically using Lewis formulae and then Finite
Element Analysis is used for the same. In this study
some stress reliving features have been incorporated in
the teeth to know their effect on the stress
concentrations. A finite element model of teeth is
considered for analysis and geometrical features of
various sizes are introduced at various locations and
their effect is analyzed.

Over the last decades, the new technical means and methods, and in particular computing technology, have become more and more popular and efficient and their capabilities evolved exponentially in due time. This development has led to... more

Over the last decades, the new technical means and methods, and in particular computing technology, have become more and more popular and efficient and their capabilities evolved
exponentially in due time. This development has led to the present situation, where structural analysis has stopped being a hindrance to the development of projects with geometrical and construction complexity.
This paper explores the impact of the available design tools, especially in the field of structural analysis, on the built forms in each historical period. This process is studied through a detailed time-line, relating the evolution of built forms with the historical developments in the fields of construction materials, structural analysis methods, etc.

The paper analyses pedagogical methods for incorporating computer aided design and manufacture into higher education jewellery design based on surveying five European universities: Birmingham City University (UK) Loughborough University... more

The paper analyses pedagogical methods for incorporating computer aided design and manufacture into higher education jewellery design based on surveying five European universities: Birmingham City University (UK) Loughborough University (UK), Polytechnic of Milan (I), Kolding Design School (DK), Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). It seeks to identify strengths and weaknesses in contemporary teaching practices; highlighting innovative methods that nurture design problem solving, technical competence, exploration of new materials and dynamic form generation. Investigations concern possible teaching strategies for instructing students in the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD), through software such as Rhino3D, JewelCAD, Illustrator and Maya. Alongside modes of teaching Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) including subtractive and additive technologies such as 3D Printing and CNC milling, alongside planar production through laser cutting and digital photo-etching. Abstract CAD-CAM, jewellery design

Why would I embark on designing an Electric Upright Bass? Because the advent of CAD-CAM and the affordability of CNC Routers makes it possible for someone with industrial design skills. Luthier (musical instrument making) used to be... more

Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI) is the most commonly used bus protocols in the day-today because of its high performance and high-frequency operation without using complex bridges. AXI is also backward-compatible with existing AHB and... more

Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI) is the most commonly used bus protocols in the day-today because of its high performance and high-frequency operation without using complex bridges. AXI is also backward-compatible with existing AHB and APB interfaces. So verification of driver logic using AMBA-AXI UVM is presented in this paper. The AXI is used for multiple outstanding operations which is only possible in the other protocol but it is possible in AXI because it contains different write address and data channels and AXI also supports out of order transfer based on the transaction ID which is generated at the start of the transfer. The driver logic for the AXI has been designed and implemented using the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM).The signaling of the five channels such as write address, write data, write response, read address, read data channel of AXI protocol are considered for verification. According to the AXI protocol,the signals of these channels are driven to the interconnect and results are observed for single master and single slave. The driver logic has been implemented and verified successfully according to AXI protocol using the Rivera Pro. The results observed for single master and single slave have shown the correctness of AMBA-AXI design in Verilog.

Steering knuckle is the most stress sustaining and critical component of All Terrain Vehicle (ATV). The light weight and high strength components are highly necessary for race car application. Lightweight and optimized design of steering... more

Steering knuckle is the most stress sustaining and critical component of All Terrain Vehicle (ATV). The light weight and high strength components are highly necessary for race car application. Lightweight and optimized design of steering knuckle is proposed to use in a BAJA SAE INDIA off road race car. A steering knuckle is a component over which a wheel hub is mounted for supporting the steering and braking which operates under very high stress condition. 3D CAD model was created by using Cero 3.0. Static and model analysis carried out in HYPERMESH and ANSYS software to understand its behaviour under operating conditions. A CAD model of existing steering knuckle and wheel hub is applied in the race car. Finite element analysis (FEA) method was used to predict product reactions to real-world forces, vibration and other physical effects to prove whether a product worked the way it was designed to. Where as topology optimization was use to minimize the weight of component. There was 24.09 % weight reduction for hub and 16.30% for knuckle after weight optimization performed using topology optimization. It was analyses through FEA that the models of the knuckle are below the stress values and very less deflection under the applied loads.

Recognising a growing international student body at De Montfort University (DMU), this investigation reviews current pedagogic practices within Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Fashion & Textile Design, with the aim of providing a more... more

Recognising a growing international student body at De Montfort University (DMU), this investigation reviews current pedagogic practices within Computer Aided Design (CAD) in Fashion & Textile Design, with the aim of providing a more effective and inclusive learning and teaching environment. It explores the efficacy of digital video tutorials, or 'screencasts', in terms of how they can be developed and applied as part of inclusive practice, with a particular focus on international students-but which also enables other students to engage more in learning activities. As well as a review of relevant literature, primary research was undertaken with Fashion and Textile Design students and teaching staff at both DMU and Soochow University in China. Findings suggest that screencasts are valued by students and have potential to overcome some of the barriers faced by international students, particularly those for whom English is an additional language-and perhaps other minority groups too.

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) process used to make three-dimensional product or joining two elements without any tooling or human intervention from computer aided data (CAD) file. CL50WS material is hot work tool steel which widely... more

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) process used to make three-dimensional product or joining two elements without any tooling or human intervention from computer aided data (CAD) file. CL50WS material is hot work tool steel which widely used to make die and mould in tooling industries. DMLS widely accepted to manufactured die, mould and tooling insert in tooling industries. It can be made customized tooling insert, die and mould with cooling channel which is also known as conformal cooling. Die, mould or tooling insert are widely used in injection moulding industries which manufacture mass production of discrete parts for assembly or as final product. Thus, worse dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of die and mould affect number of parts or products that make huge losses to industries. Thus, dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of die or mould is very significant parameter for injection moulding industries. Hence, this study carried out for the same. In this study, the relationship between input parameters of DMLS (laser power, layer thickness, scan speed and hatch distance) and performance characteristic (Dimensional accuracy and Surface roughness) have been discussed. From study, it can be seen that Layer thickness and laser power are most affective parameter for mentioned characteristic. Empirical model for both characteristics have been developed for future prediction of DA and SR at outside range of process parameter. Optimum result has been determined by Response Surface methodology (RSM). The obtained result was validated and that optimum result have good agreement with performed regression result.

Tutorial Master CAM membuat Shock tower

There are an increasing number of people with amputations and traumatic and congenital reductions of the upper limb. Prosthetic needs are complex due to patient unique needs and financial resources of families play a crucial role in the... more

There are an increasing number of people with amputations and traumatic and congenital reductions of the upper limb. Prosthetic needs are complex due to patient unique needs and financial resources of families play a crucial role in the prescription of prostheses, especially when private insurance and public financing are insufficient. Electrical (ie, myoelectric) and body-driven (ie mechanical) devices have been developed to meet the needs of patients, but the cost of maintenance and replacement represents an obstacle for many families. Due to the complexity and high cost of this upper limb prosthetic, they are not accessible to patients from low-income, uninsured or developing-country families. Advances in Computer Aided Design (CAD), additive manufacturing and image editing software offer the ability to design, print and adjust prosthetic handheld devices at a very low cost. The purpose of this research work was to design a low-cost three-dimensional (3D) upper limb prosthetic. This project seeks to provide an alternative solution by designing a device based on the new 3D technology. Interviews with experts in the field as well as a literature research related to the study area were executed during the investigation. The result shows that it is possible to create a customized low cost prosthetic, as a useful solution for patients from low-income with the advantage of fast construction and easy assembly.

The present review is aimed at assessing the existence of scientific articles that tell us about the advantages, disadvantages, applications, progress and results of existing prostheses and prosthetic attachments manufactured entirely by... more

The present review is aimed at assessing the existence of scientific articles that tell us about the advantages, disadvantages, applications, progress and results of existing prostheses and prosthetic attachments manufactured entirely by milling procedures using alphanumeric control machines and previous conformation through the use of digital sensors and intelligent design programs in 3D, all bonded in a process called CAD–CAM.

En la historia del CAD/CAM se pueden encontrar precursores de estas técnicas en dibujos de civilizaciones antiguas como Egipto Grecia o Roma. Los trabajos de Leonardo da Vinci muestran técnicas CAD actuales como el uso de perspectivas.... more

En la historia del CAD/CAM se pueden encontrar precursores de estas técnicas en dibujos de civilizaciones antiguas como Egipto Grecia o Roma. Los trabajos de Leonardo da Vinci muestran técnicas CAD actuales como el uso de perspectivas. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de estas técnicas esta ligado a la evolución de los ordenadores que se produce a partir de los años 50. A principios de la decada1950 aparece la primera pantalla gráfica en el MIT capaz de representar dibujos simples de forma no interactiva. En esta época y también en el MIT se desarrolla el concepto de programación de control numérico. A mediados de esta década aparece el lápiz óptico que supone el inicio de los gráficos interactivos. A finales de la década aparecen las primeras máquinas herramienta y General Motors comienza a usar técnicas basadas en el uso interactivo de gráficos para sus diseños. La década de los 60 representa un periodo crucial para el desarrollo de los gráficos por ordenador. Aparece el termino CAD y varios grupos de investigación dedican gran esfuerzo a estas técnicas. Fruto de este esfuerzo es la aparición de unos pocos sistemas de CAD. Un hecho determinante de este periodo es la aparición comercial de pantallas de ordenador. En la década de los 70 se consolidan las investigaciones anteriores y la industria se percata del potencial del uso de estas técnicas, lo que lanza definitivamente la implantación y uso de estos sistemas, limitada por la capacidad de los ordenadores de esta época. Aparecen los primeros sistemas 3D (prototipos), sistemas de modelado de elementos finitos, control numérico, etc. Hechos relevantes de esta década son, entre otros, la celebración del primer SIGGRAPH y la aparición de IGES. En la década de los 80 se generaliza el uso de las técnicas CAD/CAM propiciada por los avances en hardware y la aparición de aplicaciones en 3D capaces de manejar superficies complejas y modelado sólido. Aparecen multitud de aplicaciones en todos los campos de la industria que usan técnicas de CAD/ CAM, y se empieza a hablar de realidad virtual. La década de los 90 se caracteriza por una automatización cada vez más completa de los procesos industriales en los que se va generalizando la integración de las diversas técnicas de diseño, análisis, simulación y fabricación. La evolución del hardware y las comunicaciones hacen posible que la aplicación de técnicas CAD/CAM este limitada tan solo por la imaginación de los usuarios. En la actualidad, el uso de CONSULTIN BY: AKINEE CHAN

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When we talk about Mechanical Engineering, CAD(Computer Aided Design) is something we associate with design and creativity and thus do not consider it a process that be automated. This article tries to explain why CAD automation is needed... more

When we talk about Mechanical Engineering, CAD(Computer Aided Design) is something we associate with design and creativity and thus do not consider it a process that be automated. This article tries to explain why CAD automation is needed ,how its done and why Mechanical engineers or CAD users in general, need to get acquainted with programming. We associate CAD with modeling and designing complex products with regards to minute details that a customer might require, using simulations to test the design ,make changes and finally using the best design to actually manufacture the product. We associate CAD with custom made designs, designs that have been specifically tailored for that specific product. How then, can such a practice be automated and WHY should it be automated? (Some people might link automation with AI or Machine Learning, that is not what we are talking about for now.) The answer to "CAN it be automated?" is obviously "yes"(this article wouldn't exist otherwise), using software APIs and code. What is an API? It stands for Application Programming Interface. Here's a short description. "….. an API lists a bunch of operations that developers can use, along with a description of what they do. The developer doesn't necessarily need to know how, for example, an operating system builds and presents a "Save As" dialog box. They just need to know that it's available for use in their app." (Basically ,for CAD it could be a function in the code that inputs a face of the model and returns whether it is a "Cylinder, Sphere , Conical, Flat" Surface. We don't know how it is done and we don't need to know. We are concerned with the inputs and outputs of the API.)

Dalam bengkel otomotif ataupun bengkel kerja bangku kunci spanner sangat diperlukan untuk pengunaan pada posisi-posisi tertentu, maka desain sebuah model kunci spanner untuk berbagai pembebanan yang diterimah pada suatu pekerjaan... more

Dalam bengkel otomotif ataupun bengkel kerja bangku kunci spanner sangat diperlukan untuk pengunaan pada posisi-posisi tertentu, maka desain sebuah model kunci spanner untuk berbagai pembebanan yang diterimah pada suatu pekerjaan sangatlah penting dianalisah untuk menentukan batas pembebanan yang diterapkan, analisa pengujian pembebanan dipelajari menggunakan Software Ansys untuk mengetahui sasaran yang akan diterima dari pembebanan. Pembebanan yang diterima sesuai dengan beberapa variasi material, yang lebih cocok terpakai untuk kunci ring adalah dengan bahan Stainless Steel karena nilai maximum dengan type pembebanan Maximum Principal Elastic Strain mencapai hingga 0.0011531, sedangkan untuk material yang lain tidak sampai angka tersebut. Maka dengan ini penulis dikatakan cocok terpakai. Dan sementara untuk safety factor untuk material Stailess Steel dan Gray Cast Iron ketinggian nilai hampir sama.

كتاب التصميم بمساعدة الحاسوب الفصل الرابع تحليل الجملونات (Analysis of Trusses) تأليف: د. أسامة محمد المرضي سليمان خيَّال Dr. Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية الهندسة والتقنية جامعة وادي النيل عطبرة,... more

كتاب التصميم بمساعدة الحاسوب الفصل الثالث تطبيق طريقة العناصر المحدَّدة في إنتقال الحرارة Application of Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer)) تأليف: د. أسامة محمد المرضي سليمان خيَّال Dr. Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman Khayal قسم... more

— With modernization, pneumatic industry has made exponential growth in its manufacturing capabilities and demand in various fields. Air compressor is a basic requirement for any pneumatic system or a machine which can compress air. Oil... more

— With modernization, pneumatic industry has made exponential growth in its manufacturing capabilities and demand in various fields. Air compressor is a basic requirement for any pneumatic system or a machine which can compress air. Oil free air compressors using in medical, foods, beverages etc. because of oil particles can be harmful in their applications. This design is based on single stage, double cylinder oil free air compressor. The concept of this novel design is based on bull engine mechanism. Due to unique design of pushrod, getting continuous compressed air flow and also high air displacement. With the help of single crank-rod, this is beneficial for dual functions with the help of pushrod. With the help of respective free air delivery in CFM and Power in hp all parts designed. In this dissertation all the components will be well modeled with the help of Solidworks 2016 software and will be analyzed.

In this study, parametric design with set of numerical parameters of trawler yachts design and modeling are presented. This parametric design is utilized to find a superstructure form and interior space design by considering hull,... more

In this study, parametric design with set of numerical parameters of trawler yachts
design and modeling are presented. This parametric design is utilized to find a
superstructure form and interior space design by considering hull, superstructure, lower
deck, staircases and cocpit area. Within the scope of this study, the design phases are
based on the desire to achieve a faster and more accurate result by creating a design
process sequence according to the determined yacht typology. Based on the numerical
values of the yacht form, it is aimed to make the superstructure and interior designs
suitable for the desired typology. This study attempts to visualize trawler typology as a
step to be taken by automatically modeling the desired typology. This approach does not
completely replace the experts’ design knowhow's but at least it suggests a guideline to
initial layout of interior spaces and superstructure design.

3D printing generally describes a manufacturing process that creates an object by building one layer at a time adding multiple layers which results in the formation of an object.3D printing can be precisely described as Additive... more

3D printing generally describes a manufacturing process that creates an object by building one layer at a time adding multiple layers which results in the formation of an object.3D printing can be precisely described as Additive manufacturing or Rapid prototyping. Since the advent of additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing as it is commonly known, customization has become a feasible reality.
Dentistry is one avenue in medicine that had greatly benefitted from 3D printing. Creating artificial teeth and dental implants has become all the more easily owing to the ability of the process to create them rapidly, sometimes within a dentist’s office itself.

Advanced digital technology is rapidly changing the world, as well as transforming the dental profession. The entry of computer in the eld of design and manufacturing has led to the emergence of new area known as Computer Aided Design... more

Advanced digital technology is rapidly changing the world, as well as transforming the dental profession.
The entry of computer in the eld of design and manufacturing has led to the emergence of new area known as Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing. The adaptation of digital technologies in dentistry allied with efcient processes and accurate high-strength material are replacing outdated techniques to improve overall patients experience and outcome. CAD/CAM systems have been used for many years in various industries, notably the automotive industry, but are now nding application development in dentistry. In this article, we review the recent history of development and application of CAD/CAM in orthodontic eld of Dentistry. The ability to consistently fabricate dimensionally accurate custom made orthodontic appliances in large quantities is a manufacturing challenge that has only recently been met through advances in CAD/CAM technology.

Mühendislik uygulamalarında kullanılan metallere kıyasla, elyaf takviyeli polimer kompozit malzemeler, yüksek mekanik dayanım, sertlik, hafiflik, düşük termal genleşme ve yüksek sönümleme gibi birçok özellikleri bir arada... more

Mühendislik uygulamalarında kullanılan metallere kıyasla, elyaf takviyeli polimer kompozit malzemeler, yüksek mekanik dayanım, sertlik, hafiflik, düşük termal genleşme ve yüksek sönümleme gibi birçok özellikleri bir arada bulundurmaktadırlar. Ancak, bu malzemeler karmaşık yapıya sahip olduğundan, talaşlı şekillendirme işlemleri esnasında, elyaf kopması ve delaminasyon gibi mühendislik özelliklerini olumsuz şekilde etkileyecek durumlara neden olmaktadır. Yapılan talaşlı şekillendirme çalışmalarının ağırlıklı olarak sırasıyla, delik delme, frezeleme, tornalama ve taşlama şeklinde olduğu gözlenmektedir. Ayrıca, çalışmalarda kesme parametrelerine bağlı olarak elde edilen veriler, Taguchi, ANOVA, Yapay Sinir Ağları (ANN) ve Regresyon analizi gibi istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Birçok çalışmada talaşlı işlemlerde, yüksek kesme hızı ve düşük ilerleme değerlerinin kullanılması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.