Deutscher Werkbund Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Before the Bauhaus reevaluates the political, architectural, and artistic cultures of pre-World War I Germany. Every bit as contradictory and conflict-ridden as the German Second Reich itself, the world of architects, craftsmen, and... more
Before the Bauhaus reevaluates the political, architectural, and artistic cultures of pre-World War I Germany. Every bit as contradictory and conflict-ridden as the German Second Reich itself, the world of architects, craftsmen, and applied-arts “artists” was in no way immune to the expansionist, imperialist, and capitalist struggles that transformed Germany in the quarter-century leading up to the First World War. In this study, John V. Maciuika brings together architectural and design history, political history, social history, and cultural geography. He substantially revises our understanding of the roots of the Bauhaus and, by extension, the historical roots of twentieth-century German architecture and design. At the same time, his book also sheds new light on hotly contested debates pertaining to the history of pre-World War I Germany, namely, questions involving the “modernity” or “anti-modernity” of the German Second Empire, the character and effectiveness of the government administration, and the role played by the nation’s most important architects – as members of the rising bourgeois class – in challenging the traditional aristocracy at the top of the new German economic and social order.
Germany was in a state of despair at the turn of the 20th century. Its economy was not up to par with the rest of the European nations due to the negligence of the Weimar Republic. As the attaché for the German Embassy in Great Britain,... more
Germany was in a state of despair at the turn of the 20th century. Its economy was not up to par with the rest of the European nations due to the negligence of the Weimar Republic. As the attaché for the German Embassy in Great Britain, Hermann Muthesius studied the Arts and Crafts movement that was occurring in England and noticed the quality of the production due to the movement’s ideals. He brought back the movement’s ideals to Germany through his book, Das Englische Haus, but added technology to the formula, effectively leading to mass production of goods with high quality.
The ideals that Muthesius studied and applied in Germany were then formed into what is now known as the Deutscher Werkbund. The ideals of the Werkbund aided in the advancement of Germany and the stabilization of its once weak economy. Parallel to this occurrence, political movements were also developing; different political parties were emerging after the collapse of the Weimar Republic. The National Socialists German Workers’ Party emerged onto the scene. This party had similar economical ideals to the Werkbund as it sought out a greater and technologically advanced Germany.
Modernist Cultures 12.3 (2017): 331–344. This essay reconsiders Reyner Banham's classic study of early twentieth-century architecture and design, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, originally published in 1960. Banham surveyed... more
Modernist Cultures 12.3 (2017): 331–344. This essay reconsiders Reyner Banham's classic study of early twentieth-century architecture and design, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, originally published in 1960. Banham surveyed the architecture, design, and visual arts of the 'first machine age', characterized by industrial production and motorized transportation, from a self-consciously thematized perspective within the 'second machine age', populated by expendable consumer technologies and images. This revisionist perspective enabled Banham to challenge long-standing myths propagated by the dominant figures of the modern movement. In his polemical emphasis on the contingency and plurality of that which had empirically transpired in first machine age, Banham rejected the reduction of the messy history of the modern movement to the victory of a putative 'international style'. Banham reasserted the intimate connection of architectural modernism with the avant-garde artistic movements of the 1910s and 20s, emphasizing particularly the most radical ones such as expressionism, futurism, and dadaism.
PT_ A presente tese sustenta a construção de um conceito de enquadramento em arquitetura, interpretando a sua aplicação na obra do arquiteto Adolf Loos, nomeadamente nas casas unifamiliares da sua autoria. O trabalho deste arquiteto... more
A presente tese sustenta a construção de um conceito de enquadramento em arquitetura, interpretando a sua aplicação na obra do arquiteto Adolf Loos, nomeadamente nas casas unifamiliares da sua autoria.
O trabalho deste arquiteto sintetiza as influências do iluminismo francês, as características do contexto cultural angloamericano oitocentista e os desenvolvimentos conceptuais impulsionados pelo movimento pitoresco europeu.
Partindo do método de planeamento visual e colocando a experiência empática do sujeito no centro do pensamento de projeto, Loos sistematizou uma metodologia de enquadramento arquitetónico, cujo objetivo é a sugestão progressiva da ideia de particularidade.
Arredamento Mimarlık, 231, s.: 93-102, Ocak 2010.
In After Dada, Dorothy Rowe, Senior Lecturer in Art History at the University of Bristol, efficiently disposes of the idea of Cologne as a post-Dada morgue by delving into the history of the city’s avant-garde in the 1920s, with... more
In After Dada, Dorothy Rowe, Senior Lecturer in Art History at the University of Bristol, efficiently disposes of the idea of Cologne as a post-Dada morgue by delving into the history of the city’s avant-garde in the 1920s, with particular emphasis on the work of Marta Hegemann.
A book review of Robin Schuldenfrei, Luxury and Modernism: Architecture and the Object in Germany 1900-1933 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018). This book challenges the canonical interpretation of two of the most revered... more
A book review of Robin Schuldenfrei, Luxury and Modernism: Architecture and the Object in Germany 1900-1933 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018). This book challenges the canonical interpretation of two of the most revered institutions in the history of modern architecture-the Werkbund and the Bauhaus-and presents a critical interpretation of the relationship between modern architecture and luxury, which first appeared a generation ago.
Catalogue of Tel Aviv Museum of Art exhibition (26 Oct 2012 - 2 March 2013), presenting selection of works by Jugendstil / Art Deco / Deutsche-Werkbund designer and artist Friedrich Adler (1878-1942) in context of Zionist movement and... more
Catalogue of Tel Aviv Museum of Art exhibition (26 Oct 2012 - 2 March 2013), presenting selection of works by Jugendstil / Art Deco / Deutsche-Werkbund designer and artist Friedrich Adler (1878-1942) in context of Zionist movement and avant-garde art.
Um estudo sobre a metrópole sob a ótica dos trabalhos publlicados por Ludwig Hilberseimer em Stuttgart, 1927.
Edited by: Giacomo Calandra di Roccolino, Christian Toson. Including contributions by: Giacomo Calandra di Roccolino, Pierre-Alain Croset, Marco De Michelis, Hartmut Frank, Monika Isler Binz, Silvia Malcovati, Herman van Bergeijk.
Architekten, Ingenieure und Industrieexperten führten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg eine breite Debatte um das sogenannte Fabrikproblem. Dieses bestand aus zwei miteinander verwobenen Aspekten: Zum einen ging es um die Raumordnung der Fabrik,... more
Architekten, Ingenieure und Industrieexperten führten nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg eine breite Debatte um das sogenannte Fabrikproblem. Dieses bestand aus zwei miteinander verwobenen Aspekten: Zum einen ging es um die Raumordnung der Fabrik, zum anderen um die effektive Gestaltung der Machtausübung am Arbeitsplatz. Gemeinsam war beiden Aspekten ein neues Interesse am menschlichen Faktor in der Produktion. Es erschien nicht mehr ausreichend, allein über die Disziplinierung der Arbeiter/-innen nachzudenken. Rationalisierungsexperten begriffen Arbeiter/-innen nicht ausschließlich als eine potentielle Störgröße innerhalb der Produktionsabläufe, sondern sahen in der Subjektivität der Arbeiter/-innen auch ein Potential, das es sinnvoll zu integrieren und zu optimieren galt.
In diesem Zusammenhang entstand ein neuer Diskurs der Arbeitsumwelt. Einige der einflussreichsten deutschen Architekten und Ingenieure verfolgten das Ziel, die Fabrik zu verschönern und den Arbeitsplatz als „Lebensraum“ zu gestalten. In diesem Diskurs wurden die Ziele der Effizienzsteigerung und der Verschönerung miteinander verbunden – in einem gewissen Sinne wurde die Rationalisierung „humanisiert“. In der Folge wurde in der Industriearbeit während des 20. Jahrhunderts die externe Disziplinierung nach und nach reduziert und partiell durch die Selbstkontrolle ausgewählter Arbeiter/-innen ersetzt.
На протяжении многих эпох ведется диалог ремесел и изящных искусств. Мы предлагаем проследить историческое отношение к месту ремесел в социальной и духовных сферах человеческой жизни, а также рассмотреть некоторые примеры деятельности,... more
На протяжении многих эпох ведется диалог ремесел и изящных искусств. Мы предлагаем проследить историческое отношение к месту ремесел в социальной и духовных сферах человеческой жизни, а также рассмотреть некоторые примеры деятельности, направленной на возрождение интереса к ручным ремеслам.
Colloque international : "Les années 1910 : arts décoratifs, mode, design", Université Paris I-Sorbonne, 19, 20 et 21 mai 2016.
Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948) was a key figure of the twentieth-century avant-garde, an all-rounder whose diverse activities as an artist, writer, typographer, and performer were unequalled by any of his contemporaries. He is now... more
Examining the relation between architecture and power in the age of totalitarianism, Germer provides a new interpretation of the Modernism of around 1930: Modern Fascist architecture in Italy, itself influenced by the German Neues Bauen,... more
Examining the relation between architecture and power in the age of totalitarianism, Germer provides a new interpretation of the Modernism of around 1930: Modern Fascist architecture in Italy, itself influenced by the German Neues Bauen, became a model for the nationalist avant-garde of the Third Reich. The conservative elite supported a constrained architectural modernity, and rejected the critique of modernist architecture as Bolshevist by pointing to modernist Fascist architecture in Italy. The advocates of Neues Bauen stressed its “revolutionary character” in an attempt to persuade the National Socialists to adopt Modernism as an official style. While opening new vistas into German–Italian cultural relations, this article illuminates the challenge to modernist architecture after 1933.
Von den dionysischen Festspielen der Antike ist bekannt, daß sie vornehmlich kultische Opferhandlungen waren, bei denen den Göttern in ritualisierter Form Opfer gebracht wurden. Diese waren vielleicht zunächst Menschenopfer, überliefert... more
Von den dionysischen Festspielen der Antike ist bekannt, daß sie vornehmlich kultische Opferhandlungen waren, bei denen den Göttern in ritualisierter Form Opfer gebracht wurden. Diese waren vielleicht zunächst Menschenopfer, überliefert sind Tieropfer, später »Rauchopfer« zur Sättigung der Götter durch den Bratenduft. Wichtig bei dieser gemeinschaftlich begangenen kultischen Form sind folgende Aspekte. Die Handlung mußte im Freien stattfinden, damit die Götter dem Ritus beiwohnen konnten. An der Handlung waren alle Beteiligten als Tänzer und Darsteller beteiligt. Es gab einen Opferstein auf dem das Opfer geschlachtet und gesotten wurde. Die Opferhandlung selber (die Schlachtung) vollzog ein Priester. Der Opferstein (Altar) bildet den kultischen Mittelpunkt um den die Gemeinde tanzt und zunächst gemeinsam das Opfer um den Stein herumträgt, bevor es auf diesen
Vortrag gehalten und veröffentlicht als /Talk published as: "Spuren Ostasiens. August Endell im Kontext der Japanrezeption nach 1900" in: Nicola Bröcker, Gisela Moeller, Christiane Salge (Hrsg.): August Endell 1871 -1925. Architekt und... more
Vortrag gehalten und veröffentlicht als /Talk published as:
"Spuren Ostasiens. August Endell im Kontext der Japanrezeption nach 1900" in: Nicola Bröcker, Gisela Moeller, Christiane Salge (Hrsg.): August Endell 1871 -1925. Architekt und Formkünstler. Petersberg: Imhof, 2012, S. 91-101