E-voting Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Dans ce travail, nous présentons un modèle de vote électronique sécurisé permettant de respecter sous la seule hypothèse de la fiabilité du système, la totalité des propriétés de sécurité existantes du vote électronique. La démarche de... more

Dans ce travail, nous présentons un modèle de vote électronique sécurisé permettant de respecter sous la seule hypothèse de la fiabilité du système, la totalité des propriétés de sécurité existantes du vote électronique. La démarche de mise sur pied de ce modèle a consisté en l'énumération des différentes propriétés de vote. Et après une modélisation de chacune d'elles, une démonstration que certaines d'entre elles, ne pourraient coexister de façon inconditionnelle a été effectuée. Dans l'optique d'apporter une solution à cette incompatibilité, nous avons bâti un modèle de vote qui sous certaines conditions et hypothèses, pourrait permettre la coexistence de toutes ces propriétés de sécurité. Et, nous avons conçu et développé un système informatique qui basé sur ce modèle, propose des règles et procé-ures permettant d'atteindre ces conditions et possède de ce fait les différentes propriétés de sécurité du vote électronique

Estonia is widely credited to be a pioneer in e-governance and especially e-democracy. It has frequently been expected, too, that Estonia will be the leading country for e-voting, introducing it already for the national elections of 2003.... more

Estonia is widely credited to be a pioneer in e-governance and especially e-democracy. It has frequently been expected, too, that Estonia will be the leading country for e-voting, introducing it already for the national elections of 2003. However, in the very last changes of the respective laws, the Estonian Parliament has voted for e-voting, not for the immediate future, but only with a delay of implementation until the year 2005. Still, to our knowledge, the current article is the first and so far the only investigation into the first European case of a country that has actually passed overall e-voting laws, and a step-by-step analysis of the relevant law-making process in this case.

Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w ramach nauk społecznych. Wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem nowych technologii i społeczeństwa informacyjnego, w wielu... more

Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w ramach nauk społecznych. Wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem nowych technologii i społeczeństwa informacyjnego, w wielu państwach podjęto działania zmierzające do zwiększenia zaangażowania obywatelskiego i wprowadzenia rozwiązań w zakresie nie tylko aktu wyborczego (e-voting i i-voting), ale także dostarczania informacji i usług publicznych drogą elektroniczną (e-government). Niniejsza praca wpisuje się w ten dynamicznie rozwijający się nurt badań naukowych poświęconych wpływowi ICT na zaangażowanie obywateli w proces podejmowania decyzji politycznych oraz ich relacje z instytucjami państwa, w tym administracją publiczną. Tematem rozważań teoretycznych są zagadnienia związane z partycypacją obywatelską i jej ewolucją w kierunku e-partycypacji. Przedmiotem analizy empirycznej są zaś deklaracje i opinie Polaków na temat elektronicznej administracji oraz głosowania elektronicznego traktowane jako przejaw partycypacji obywatelskiej. Podjęta w książce problematyka powinna zainteresować zarówno badaczy, jak i praktyków zajmujących się zwiększaniem udziału obywateli w życiu politycznym, a także wpływu nowych technologii na relacje obywatel-państwo.

This paper lays the groundwork for a comprehensive typology in uncovering the factors influencing the degree of shift towards e-democracy. The paper proposes an interaction model of factors in the analysis of e-democracy by examining the... more

This paper lays the groundwork for a comprehensive typology in uncovering the factors influencing the degree of shift towards e-democracy. The paper proposes an interaction model of factors in the analysis of e-democracy by examining the public sector, the private sector and the individuals. This interaction model is then used to discuss pertinent socio-economic and political impacts of e-democracy in Estonia. The discussion hopes to shed light on the obstacles and difficulties of achieving e- democracy and paves the way for future analysis of e-democracy implants in other countries.

There are several issues should be addressed and taken into consideration prior to initiating the e-voting system. The proposed system in this paper will ensure the integrity and the transparency of the electoral process. The paper will... more

There are several issues should be addressed and taken into consideration prior to initiating the e-voting system. The proposed system in this paper will ensure the integrity and the transparency of the electoral process. The paper will also focus on what's really needed to design a robust, secure and scalable electronic voting system that ensures accuracy, neutrality, transparency, simplicity, flexibility, Sustainability, and security of the information. With respect to accuracy, the system must be safe and secure in the face of numerous threats. In order to safeguard the neutrality of voter registration process, the system should not favour a particular party or group. Looking at the risks and benefit associated with transparency, the process must be clear in terms of counting the electronic votes, taking the political and legal setting into account. For simplicity, the process must be easy to understand for citizens and elected politicians. The simplicity allows for extreme flexibility in adapting to disabled and illiterate voters as well. All the above mentioned points will be addressed in the proposed contribution.

A fair voting process is a fundamental part of any system that works in a democratic manner as it gives individuals the power to voice their opinion. The existing system incorporates Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) that stores data... more

A fair voting process is a fundamental part of any system that works in a democratic manner as it gives individuals the power to voice their opinion. The existing system incorporates Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) that stores data locally and is centralized which makes it point of weakness. Since the data is stored locally over the EVM(s) until the end of the elections it could be hacked. Moreover, there have actually been incidents of "booth-hijacking" that have taken place in some places during the elections. In the recent years there have been lots of accusations of EVM being hacked and the elections manipulated due to it. Unfortunately, there is no methodology incorporated into the existing system which could be used to prove that the a particular vote has been casted successfully and the EVM was not hacked. The blockchain is an emerging, decentralized, and distributed technology that promises to enhance different aspects of many industries. With the blockchain being a practically hack-proof way of logging transactions, expanding e-voting into blockchain technology could be the solution to alleviate the present concerns in e-voting. This paper presents a blockchain based e-voting system, named VoteEth that is secure and reliable. It will increase accessibility as the users could cast their votes without paying a visit to the polling booths. VoteEth utilizes Ethereum's blockchain and smart contracts for its implementation.

This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at... more

This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at the local, national and European governmental levels, it identifies the preconditions, best practices and shortcomings of e-participation practices in connection with EU decision-making procedures and institutions. The book features case studies on parliamentary monitoring, e-voting practices, and e-publics, and offers recommendations for improving the integration of e-democracy in European politics and governance. Accordingly, it will appeal to scholars as well as practitioners interested in identifying suitable e-participation tools for European institutions and thus helps to reduce the EU’s current democratic deficit. This book is a continuation of the book “Electronic Democracy in Europe” published by Springer.

Elections are believed to be the key pillars of democracy and voting is one of the electoral processes that ensure the sustenance of democracy in any civil society. In this paper, we developed an electronic voting system, which will... more

Elections are believed to be the key pillars of democracy and voting is one of the electoral processes that ensure the sustenance of democracy in any civil society. In this paper, we developed an electronic voting system, which will eliminate rigging and manipulation of results to its barest minimum, this problem is mostly associated with the manual system of voting. The implementation of electronic voting system in Nigeria will boost the integrity of INEC and the result they produce. The programs used to develop this system are PHP, MySQL, Java Query, CSS and HTML. These packages make the Graphic Interface User friendly enough for even those with little or no computer knowledge.

Pelaksanaan pemilihan umum (Pemilu) akan diadakan dengan serentak pada tahun 2019, pemilu kali ini akan diadakan dengan menjunjung tinggi asas adil, jujur, dan efisien. Penyelenggaraan pemilu selama ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan... more

Pelaksanaan pemilihan umum (Pemilu) akan diadakan dengan serentak pada tahun 2019, pemilu kali ini akan diadakan dengan menjunjung tinggi asas adil, jujur, dan efisien. Penyelenggaraan pemilu selama ini memiliki beberapa kekurangan diantaranya banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang tidak terdaftar sebagai pemilih tetap pemilu, adanya daftar pemilih tetap yang ganda, dan maraknya penggelembungan suara yang terjadi. Hal ini dikarenakan proses administrasi yang masih manual dan belum teratur, sehingga menyebabkan kacaunya proses penyelenggaraan pemilu. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan suatu solusi yang dapat memecahkan masalah diatas, sehingga penulis menggagas sebuah solusi yaitu penerapan sistem e-voting sebagai upaya mewujudkan penyelenggaraan pemilu yang jujur dan adil. Solusi ini merupakan suatu strategi yang ditawarkan untuk melaksanakan pemilu secara serentak pada tahun 2019 nanti. Solusi ini dianggap penting karena melalui sistem e-voting tersebut, penyelenggaraan pemilu serentak 2019 bisa berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien. Efektif yang dimaksud adalah, penyelenggaraan pemilu dengan sistem e-voting dapat meminimalisir terjadinya kecurangan-kecurangan yang sering terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pemilu periode sebelumnya, misalnya manipulasi data pemilih dan hasil pemilu. Selanjutnya, efisien yang dimaksud adalah efisien dalam hal penggunaan anggaran, dan efisien dalam hal waktu pelaksanaan. Adapun tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pemilu di Indonesia saat ini dan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem e-voting sebagai upaya mewujudkan penyelenggaraan pemilu yang jujur dan adil. Pada penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Bahan hukum diperoleh melalui metode literature research, kemudian data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif dan dipaparkan secara deskriptif. Adapun langkah strategis yang harus dilakukan dalam penerapan solusi ini adalah pertama, penentuan dasar hukum pelaksanaannya yaitu melalui peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang mengatur sistematika pemilu serentak melalui sistem e-voting. Kedua, persiapan baik dari segi sarana maupun dari segi prasarana oleh KPU dimana mengadakan suatu sistem yang terpadu dengan sistem e-KTP yang telah ada sebelumnya sehingga terintegrasi dengan data kependudukan dan data pemilih tetap. Ketiga, melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai tata cara pelaksanaan sistem e-voting ini. Adapun hasil yang diharapkan adalah terwujudnya pemilu serentak 2019 yang jujur dan adil dari segi administrasi yaitu dari proses pendataan hingga penghitungan suara sehingga terwujudnya pemilu yang lebih efektif dan efisien.
Kata Kunci: E-Voting, Jujur dan Adil, Pemilu

A deepening political crisis in Europe is accompanied by increasing civil discontent which directly translates into decreasing trust in political systems and political outcomes deficit of legitimacy. It is already contributing to the... more

A deepening political crisis in Europe is accompanied by increasing civil discontent which directly translates into decreasing trust in political systems and political outcomes deficit of legitimacy. It is already contributing to the emergence of potentially dangerous and exclusive policies as populism and Euroscepticism is on spectacular rise, endangering liberal democracies of the continent and the European regional project. Therefore, a search for political innovation that could effectively address these issues is excessively justified. This thesis seeks to offer a solution by investigating the possibilities to extend popular sovereignty of citizens via the better integration of technological advances into the political life of European states. Such intention could not only carry the possibility to nurse some of the most serious societal grievances but also would adopt the conduct of 21st century politics to the ongoing trends set out by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Seiring Perkembangan Zaman Teknologi makin lama makin maju pesat oleh karena itu pentingnya dalam memamfaatkan kemajuan teknologi tersebut. Semua Ketua RT di Desa Satria Jaya Pada Tahun 2020 hampir habis Masa Jabatannya oleh karena itu... more

Electronic Voting (e-Voting) is the most important application in e-Government and e-Democracy. Thanks to the rapid growth in the use of computers and advances in cryptography, it is a serious push for e-Voting because many people already... more

Electronic Voting (e-Voting) is the most important application in e-Government and e-Democracy. Thanks to the rapid growth in the use of computers and advances in cryptography, it is a serious push for e-Voting because many people already have access to the Internet. e-Voting can be the fastest, cheapest, and most effective way to administer the election, count the votes, and report the results. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the major challenges facing e-Voting systems, introduce different ideas to face those challenge from different countries, and to explore the advantages and disadvantages of those ideas. Each of the challenges presented in this paper must be taken into account in crafting a legal framework for e-Voting to prevent harm before balloting is concluded

Data is an important thing as a base of an analytic or a hypothesis for concluding participant vote data in the Indonesian General Election. The data needs to be processed and secured, so the integrity of the data is in good condition. It... more

Data is an important thing as a base of an analytic or a hypothesis for concluding participant vote data in the Indonesian General Election. The data needs to be processed and secured, so the integrity of the data is in good condition. It also needs to protect the participant voting rights, so the information is correctly displayed. The research problems include creating a system that protects the integrity of election data and creating a system that protects election rights for each voter. Based on the problems, this research discusses a blockchain-based electronic voting information system that would secure the integrity of data and also protecting the participant voting rights in a General Election. The system uses Ethereum as a blockchain with Solidity as a programming language to build a smart contract and is built in Microsoft Windows platform. In this research, consortium blockchain and biometric fingerprint authentication are used as a problem-solving method, and waterfall steps are used as a system development method. The result of this research is a proposed design of the e-voting system. The conclusion based on this research is a blockchain-based e-voting system that secures the integrity of the data in a selection process and ensures protection to each vote right.

E-voting as an integral part of the e-governing and e-democracy cannot be implemented without a good and stabile legal infrastructure which would be the source of regulation that will allow a full participation of the citizens in building... more

Covid-19 pandemic has stressed more than anytime before the necessity for conducting election processes in an electronic manner, where voters can cast their votes remotely with complete security, privacy, and trust. The different voting... more

Covid-19 pandemic has stressed more than anytime before the necessity for conducting election processes in an electronic manner, where voters can cast their votes remotely with complete security, privacy, and trust. The different voting schema in different countries makes it very difficult to utilize a one fits all system. This paper presents a blockchain based voting system (BBVS) applied to the Parliamentary elections system in the country of Jordan. The proposed system is a private and centralized blockchain implemented in a simulated environment. The proposed BBVS system implements a hierarchical voting process, where a voter casts votes at two levels, one for a group, and the second for distinct members within the group. This paper provides a novel blockchain based e-Voting system, which proves to be transparent and yet secure. This paper utilizes synthetic voter benchmarks to measure the performance, accuracy and integrity of the election process. This research introduced and implemented new algorithms and methods to maintain acceptable performance both at the time of creating the blockchain(s) for voters and candidates as well as at the time of casting votes by voters.

“Voting merupakan salah satu alternatif metode dan teknik dalam mengambil suatu keputusan/kebijakan. Banyak disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari termasuk dalam ilmu perencanaan wilayah dan kota. Voting bisa dikembangkan menjadi e-voting melalui... more

“Voting merupakan salah satu alternatif metode dan teknik dalam mengambil suatu keputusan/kebijakan. Banyak disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari termasuk dalam ilmu perencanaan wilayah dan kota. Voting bisa dikembangkan menjadi e-voting melalui manipulasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk tujuan kemudahan dan berbagai penghematan waktu, biaya dan lain sebagainya serta praktis dalam mengumpulkan aspirasi warga masyarakat dalam menentukan pilihan.”

Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance but a lack of trust among citizens on their electoral system is a hindrance to satisfy the legal requirements of legislators. Even the world's largest democratic countries... more

Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance but a lack of trust among citizens on their electoral system is a hindrance to satisfy the legal requirements of legislators. Even the world's largest democratic countries suffer from issues like vote rigging, election manipulation and hacking of the electronic voting machines in the current voting system. To provide data security for e-Voting systems, the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm has been proposed, but traditional AES gives the same ciphertext for every similar pair of key and plaintext. So, to eliminate these disadvantages, AES in Galois-counter mode (GCM) has been used to obtain different ciphertexts all the time by using Initialization Vector. The fingerprint data from each user is verified using Internet of Things (IoT) based Biometric system which also helps to avoid Plural Voting. The whole data is encrypted and stored in the cloud, and it can be decrypted by authorized personnel to obtain the final vote count. So, the proposed model will enhance transparency and maintain anonymity of the voters alongside providing an easily accessible secured voting system.

Voting is the most important civil right for the people of a democratic country by which the civilians can ensure that the state is being governed according to the people’s opinions. Voting has been applied as a means of expressing... more

Voting is the most important civil right for the people of a democratic country by which the civilians can ensure that the state is being governed according to the people’s opinions. Voting has been applied as a means of expressing people’s opinions for centuries, but the mobile voting system is a relatively new concept. The voting system should be as perfect as possible to establish a complete democratic country. We have analyzed all the previous works done relevant to electronic voting system and briefly discussed the proposed methods of previous researchers. Among all the aspects and issues in achieving a reliable mobile voting system, we have narrowed down to three main issues where perfection is yet to be achieved. These issues are – Authenticity, Security and Confidentiality. Confidentiality is one of the most crucial issue and possibly the most important from the voter’s point of view, which ensures the anonymity of the voter’s identity and the vote content. The commonly used techniques for ensuring vote and voter confidentiality are Homomorphic System, Mix-net Protocol and Blind Signature System. In this thesis we have accumulated all the drawbacks of the existing techniques and proposed a solution of our own in order to achieve the highest level of confidentiality possible.

This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of... more

This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of Internet voting in European Parliament elections. It considers the social, political, legal, and technological implications of its introduction as an alternative to on-paper ballot and builds on the recent experience of previous trials and successful e-enabled elections to issue technical recommendations regarding Internet voting in the European Union.

Literature has shown that countries such as Brazil and India have successfully implemented electronic voting systems and other countries are at various piloting stages to address many challenges associated with manual paper based system... more

Literature has shown that countries such as Brazil and India have successfully implemented electronic voting systems and other countries are at various piloting stages to address many challenges associated with manual paper based system such ascosts of physical ballot paper and other overheads, electoral delays, distribution of electoral materials, and general lack of confidence in the electoral process. It is in this context that this study explores how South African can leverage the opportunities that e-voting presents. Manual voting is often tedious, non-secure, and time-consuming, which leads us to think about using electronic facilities to make the process more efficient. This study proposes that the adoption of electronic voting technologies could perhaps mitigate some of these issues and challengesin the process improving the electoral process. The study used an on-line questionnaire which was administered to a broader group of voters and an in-depth semi-structured interview with the Independent Electoral Commission officials. The analysis is based on thematic analysis and diffusion of innovations theory is adopted as a theoretical lens of analysis. The findings reveal that relative advantage, compatibility and complexity would determine the intentions of South African voters and the Electoral Management Bodies (IEC) to adopt e-voting technologies. Moreover, the findings also reveal several other factorsthat could influence the adoption process. The study is limited to only voters in Cape Town and these voters were expected to have some access to the internet. The sample size limits the generalizability of the findings of this study.

Does online voting mobilize citizens who otherwise would not participate? During the annual participatory budgeting vote in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil -- the world's largest -- Internet voters were asked whether... more

Does online voting mobilize citizens who otherwise would not participate? During the annual participatory budgeting vote in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil -- the world's largest -- Internet voters were asked whether they would have participated had there not been an online voting option (i-voting). The study documents an 8.2 percent increase in total turnout with the introduction of i-voting. In support of the mobilization hypothesis, unique survey data show that i-voting is mainly used by new participants rather than just for convenience by those who were already mobilized. The study also finds that age, gender, income, education, and social media usage are significant predictors of being online-only voters. Technology appears more likely to engage people who are younger, male, of higher income and educational attainment, and more frequent social media users.

The paper presents decentralized voting scheme for verified users while maintaining their anonymity. A blockchain network was applied, which is a decentralized and distributed database based on the Peer-to-Peer architecture. During the... more

The paper presents decentralized voting scheme for verified users while maintaining their anonymity. A blockchain network was applied, which is a decentralized and distributed database based on the Peer-to-Peer architecture. During the implementation, the Ethereum network was used. Thanks to this, it is possible to code the terms of the contract required to perform the transaction. Ethereum and the use of smart contracts were also discussed in paper. The implementation uses the blind signature protocol by David Chaum and encryption with the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. Presented in this paper scheme for blockchain decentralized voting for verified users with focus on anonymity is then fully implemented and identified potential issues are analysed and discussed.

The aim of the article is to present the opportunities and threats resulting from the implementation of voting via the Internet (i-voting) and to discuss the conditions for effective implementation of this alternative voting procedure on... more

The aim of the article is to present the opportunities and threats resulting from the implementation of voting via the Internet (i-voting) and to discuss the conditions for effective implementation of this alternative voting procedure on the example of Estonia and Switzerland. Estonia is the only country in the world where i-voting is widely used. In Switzerland, on the other hand, this voting method has been used most often, although its use has been suspended for several years due to legal, infrastructural and political problems. What are the conditions for successfully implementing Internet voting? The attempt to answer this research question was possible thanks to the use of the following research methods: comparative, formal-dogmatic, behavioral and modified historical method. The key conclusion is that the implementation of i-voting must be preceded by many years of political, legal, infrastructural and social activities, and that the created system must be as transparent as possible.

The need for fool proof authentication procedures away from traditional authentication mechanisms like passwords, security PINS has led to the advent of biometric authentication in information systems. Biometric data extracted from... more

The need for fool proof authentication procedures away from traditional authentication mechanisms like passwords, security PINS has led to the advent of biometric authentication in information systems. Biometric data extracted from physiological features of a person including but not limited to fingerprints, palm prints, face or retina for purpose of verification & identification is saved as biometric templates. The inception of biometrics in access control systems has not been without its own hitches & like other systems it has its fair share of challenges. Biometric fingerprints being the most mature of all biometric spheres are the most widely adopted biometric authentication systems. Biometric systems effectiveness lies on how secure they are at preventing inadvertent disclosure of biometric templates in an information system’s archive. This however has not been the case as biometric templates have been fraudulently accessed to gain unauthorized access in identification and verification systems. In order to achieve strong and secure biometric systems, biometric systems developers need to build biometric systems that properly secure biometric templates. Several biometric template protection schemes and approaches have been proposed and used to safeguard stored biometric templates. Despite there being various biometric template protection schemes and approaches in existence, none of them has provided the most authentic, reliable, efficient and deterrent means to totally secure biometric fingerprint templates. This research sought to establish status of the current biometric template protection techniques and methods by conducting a survey and analyzing data gathered from a sample of seventy-eight (78) respondents. We will report these results and give our conclusion based on findings of the survey in this paper.

Building a secure electronic voting system that offers the fairness and privacy of current voting schemes. "Vote", the word means to determine or to elect or select from a list or who will run the country or the organization or a group.... more

Building a secure electronic voting system that offers the fairness and privacy of current voting schemes. "Vote", the word means to determine or to elect or select from a list or who will run the country or the organization or a group. To find leaders selected by people is the prime aim of voting. In this work-in-progress paper, we evaluate an application which providing security with OTP login.

Este libro reúne diversos trabajos elaborados por un amplio catálogo de expertos en distintos ámbitos (juristas, sociólogos, ingenieros, historiadores...) que aportan una desusada y enriquecedora pluralidad de perspectivas sobre el voto... more

Este libro reúne diversos trabajos elaborados por un amplio catálogo de expertos en distintos ámbitos (juristas, sociólogos, ingenieros, historiadores...) que aportan una desusada y enriquecedora pluralidad de perspectivas sobre el voto electrónico, con la finalidad explícita de examinar las relaciones existentes entre innovaciones técnicas, prácticas jurídicas y actitudes sociopolíticas en esta materia. En efecto, aunque frecuentemente el voto electrónico sea considerado como una cuestión técnica, aislada del proceso electoral, y por tanto de su contexto social y cultural, su introducción no supone sólo una incorporación de algoritmos; por el contrario, supone tanto una forma de elegir (para los electores) como de hacerse elegir (para los candidatos), lo que exige tener en cuenta los constreñimientos, los intereses prácticos y las creencias que subyacen a -y condicionan- la elección de éste u otro método. Para ello, se examinan detalladamente sus antecedentes, sus alternativas, los conflictos que -histórica y actualmente- suscita los intereses (políticos, sociales, económicos) que rodean el debate en cada contexto, las diferencias entre modelos de organización electoral centralizados o descentralizados, las dificultades de su puesta en práctica... En definitiva, se trata de interpretar el significado político de esta (u otra) forma de voto: ¿a qué, y a quién(es) sirven las máquinas de votación?

E-voting adalah suatu metode pemungutan suara menggunakan media elektronik atau perangkat elektronik. Sistem informasi e-voting ini digunakan sebagai perangkat pemungutan suara elektronik sehingga memiliki kemampuan untuk mempercepat... more

Dalam rangka menuju era teknologi 5.0 yang sangat semakin maju baik dari sisi teknologi maupun perangkat teknologi yang dimiliki diharapkan pemerintah mampu meningkatkan fasilitas publik secara baik , efesien, aman. Pemilu merupakan... more

Dalam rangka menuju era teknologi 5.0 yang sangat semakin maju baik dari sisi teknologi maupun perangkat teknologi yang dimiliki diharapkan pemerintah mampu meningkatkan fasilitas publik secara baik , efesien, aman. Pemilu merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi berlangsunya penyelenggaraan negara. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi negara menfasilitasi masyarakat dan seluruh element negara untuk meberikan solusi alternatif dalam rangka melakukan sistem pendataan dan pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden secara online dan realtime (evote) namun tetap memegang prinsip langsung, umum, bebas, dan rahasia (LUBER). Pemilu dengan sistem online (e-vote) ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan efesiensi resource, biaya, dan keamanan karena diharapkan juga bisa mempermudah masyarakat secara umum dalam berpartisipasi pada pesta dekmokrasi 5 tahunan tersebut.

The study was conducted to design and obtain evidence concerning the software quality and acceptance of the new GUI student electoral voting system based on the electoral process adopted in Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC). The... more

The study was conducted to design and obtain evidence concerning the software quality and acceptance of the new GUI student electoral voting system based on the electoral process adopted in Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC). The intention of this research is three-fold; firstly, a system based on ISO 9126 software quality characteristics, secondly, a system that conforms to the current hardware and software standard and lastly, improve student participation to decision-making. Designing a usable system in the context of the user’s perception (needs) and let these perceptions dictate the design is therefore a great challenge.
This study used descriptive- quantitative research method. Data were collected thru guided interviews and survey questionnaires from the respondents. The researcher adopted the Princeton Development Methodology through the entire life cycle of the software development process.
A very substantial majority of the respondents stated that for them, the new voting system is highly acceptable as compared to the old system both in terms of development (maintainability and portability) and implementation (efficiency, functionality, reliability and usability) requirements of the ISO/IEC 9126-1. The researcher came to conclude that usability is tied to the four software characteristics. Users’ perception about software quality-implementation requirement is correlated specifically with usability. Based on data and the problems encountered, respondents’ placed low importance on metrics if it is not well represented in the interface. When the interface fails, users are more likely to take longer to vote, failing efficiency targets and be less reliable, weakening functionality.

Governance for the people of any country is executed by the democratically elected party through the voting process. Earlier the paper ballot voting system was used manually, which was later substituted by Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)... more

Governance for the people of any country is executed by the democratically elected party through the voting process. Earlier the paper ballot voting system was used manually, which was later substituted by Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in India. This mechanism has been suspected by some people and the possibilities of tampering in process cannot be ruled out. Every citizen of the country gradually expects to introduce the user-friendly, flexible, cost-effective, transparent, accurate, reliable, robust, and secure voting system in the twenty-first century using the latest concepts of emerging Blockchain technology by building Next-Generation Electoral system. It can save time, reduce cost and electoral fraud, increase voter privacy, and remove a lot of hurdles in the voting process on a secured platform, thereby increasing voter involvement and participation. The paper comprises of general evaluation of the current voting mechanism and proposes an effective and viable alternative model using Blockchain technology. This paper also provides a comparison of various prequalified criteria comprising of costing, timing, security, transparency, audit of voting process, and risk factors involved.

We all live in a rushing, always moving and changing network society where saving time became one of the most important things. Different kinds of e-services both from the private and public sectors are meant to facilitating our lives,... more

We all live in a rushing, always moving and changing network society where saving time became one of the most important things. Different kinds of e-services both from the private and public sectors are meant to facilitating our lives, make dealing with issues easier, faster, and cheaper than the traditional ways. In addition, the whole society became more mobile in the last few decades than it used to be, and as a result, the need for remote-(public)-administration is essential. As a parallel process, e-democracy and e-government evolved to serve the changing needs and to make proceedings more time-and cost-effective. One of the recent extensions of e-democracy is electronic voting which provides great opportunities, but threats, too. This paper aims to collect the general issues of e-voting, its features, and sub-types, the pros, and cons of its application.

In this study, we reviewed biometric template protection schemes in subsisting literature and established that there is no reliable, efficacious and foolproof technique that assures diversity, revocability, security and optimal... more

In this study, we reviewed biometric template protection schemes in subsisting literature and established that there is no reliable, efficacious and foolproof technique that assures diversity, revocability, security and optimal performance as is required of an ideal biometric template security scheme. This status of affairs motivated us to contrivance an approach that derives biometric encryption keys from biometric fingerprint templates. The technique we proposed involves a two-step enrollment and authentication of fingerprints while encrypting fingerprint templates with encryption keys derived from other biometric fingerprint templates before archiving them to a database. The system was implemented using Java, developed on Netbeans 8. 0 IDE, MySQL RDBMS was used for back-end database and utilized Source AFIS java library framework for fingerprint verification and identification. Test results were carried out to determine the system's efficacy.