Web Technologies Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

L’aumento dei canali di contatto e di comunicazione ha, per un museo, effetti anche di natura strettamente commerciale: l’aumento dell’utenza potenziale e, dunque, della domanda potenziale, può rendere il museo un ‘prodotto’... more

L’aumento dei canali di contatto e di comunicazione ha, per un museo, effetti anche di natura strettamente commerciale: l’aumento dell’utenza potenziale e, dunque, della domanda potenziale, può rendere il museo un ‘prodotto’ commercialmente più appetibile dal punto di vista degli investimenti o delle sponsorizzazioni, una ulteriore occasione per i finanziatori di pubblicizzare il proprio marchio o la propria azienda. Attraverso un'analisi 'empirica' dell'utenza remota di alcuni siti web museali italiani e stranieri a confronto, si analizzano criticità e potenzialità dell'uso del web per queste istituzioni museali.

Web-based academic advising system was designed to facilitate more accurate advising sessions on campus, as well as provide a complete history of past advising sessions. Advisors may select which courses they wish a student to register... more

Web-based academic advising system was designed to facilitate more accurate advising sessions on campus, as well as provide a complete history of past advising sessions. Advisors may select which courses they wish a student to register in, up to several semesters in to the future, as well as leave comments for the student and other campus staff. The system was designed and developed using Relational Data Model (RDM) and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and was implemented using PHP and MySQL programming languages. The researchers have developed an interactive web-based information system that can help Nigerian universities to facilitate more accurate advising sessions on campus and make important decisions. The developed System can handle errors, updates and modification of data more efficiently and can be accessed anywhere and anytime than the manual methods of academic advising system. This paper describes an Advisement System designed to mitigate the issues of an out-of-the-box implementation in Nigerian university to help improve retention and graduation. A successful implementation of this research study would enable the main objective of this system to assist Nigerian universities orientation camp in solving the problems associated with the manual method of academic advising system,

Questa tesi si propone di analizzare empiricamente l’effetto persuasivo di una delle principali tecnologie web del mondo moderno: il social network Facebook. L’elaborato si compone di quattro parti: nella prima parte vengono presentati... more

Questa tesi si propone di analizzare empiricamente l’effetto persuasivo di una delle principali tecnologie web del mondo moderno: il social network Facebook. L’elaborato si compone di quattro parti: nella prima parte vengono presentati dal punto di vista teorico alcuni modelli e alcune teorie sulla persuasione, successivamente viene introdotto il concetto di Captologia, una disciplina che studia i computer nel ruolo di tecnologie persuasive. Infine, la tesi introduce il tema delle fallacie logiche in qualità di elemento persuasivo alla base dell'analisi empirica. Nella parte conclusiva del lavoro viene descritta la metodologia utilizzata e i risultati ottenuti dalla analisi empirica realizzata su Facebook.

Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more

Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures” recentemente erogato agli alunni di una classe quinta di un Istituto Tecnico Economico ad articolazione SIA (Sistemi Informativi Aziendali). Durante un cospicuo periodo di assenza dal servizio, l’autore si è visto costretto a ripianificare e riprogettare una parte del percorso formativo, in corso d’opera e, coinvolgendo gli altri colleghi del CLIL team, ha disegnato e allestito tre webinar sulla piattaforma wiziq.com per compensare alcune lezioni in presenza. Questa volta, il docente CLIL/DNL, nella veste di elearning researcher, investiga e si sofferma su alcuni rilevanti aspetti che emergono nel corso delle tre lezioni on line perché nota che la quantità e qualità delle interazioni on line migliora quando il classroom discourse si basa sull’uso delle funzioni comunicative del linguaggio riuscendo a fondere teoria e pratica in modo naturale ed efficace. Questo contributo infine mostra come sia stata condotta e realizzata la Ricerca-Azione, nel rispetto dei canoni scientifici, evidenziando quali sono stati i punti di debolezza e prospettando i possibili sviluppi .

The goal was to create a website for Galway Art Festival which is a hypothetical client .This was done in order to get better understanding of the skills that are needed in the area of website design and development. There were many... more

The goal was to create a website for Galway Art Festival which is a hypothetical client .This was done in order to get better understanding of the skills that are needed in the area of website design and development. There were many things that were taken in order to submit a successful project such as Market Research, identifying audiences.

Modern web technologies have already become an indispensable part of our everyday life, shaping a new, overlaid tech-social reality. This however generates numerous cyber opportunities & threats, produced as a result of the evolving... more

Modern web technologies have already become an indispensable part of our everyday life, shaping a new, overlaid tech-social reality. This however generates numerous cyber opportunities & threats, produced as a result of the evolving human-machine and machine-to-machine interactions. The paper outlines a comprehensive, practical solution for meeting these problems from the cybersecurity perspective. A fourfold methodological approach to digital reality cyber threat landscape understanding is presented through: (i) Cyber Threat Landscape Definition, (ii) System Modelling & Analysis, (iii) Hybrid Simulation, (iv) Results Validation & Verification within multiple successful case studies.

Web caching has been proposed as an effective solution to the problems of network traffic and congestion, Web objects access and Web load balancing. This paper presents a model for optimizing Web cache content by applying either a genetic... more

Web caching has been proposed as an effective solution to the problems of network traffic and
congestion, Web objects access and Web load balancing. This paper presents a model for optimizing Web cache
content by applying either a genetic algorithm or an evolutionary programming scheme for Web cache content
replacement. Three policies are proposed for each of the genetic algorithm and the evolutionary programming
techniques, in relation to objects staleness factors and retrieval rates. A simulation model is developed and long term
trace-driven simulation is used to experiment on the proposed techniques. The results indicate that all evolutionary
techniques are beneficial to the cache replacement, compared to the conventional replacement applied in most
Web cache server. Under an appropriate objective function the genetic algorithm has been proven to be the best
of all approaches with respect to cache hit and byte hit ratios

Indy is a new performance modeling framework for the creation of tools for many different classes of performance problems, including capacity planning, bottleneck analysis, etc. Users can plug in their own workload and hardware models... more

Indy is a new performance modeling framework for the creation of tools for many different classes of performance problems, including capacity planning, bottleneck analysis, etc. Users can plug in their own workload and hardware models while exploiting core shared services such as resource tracking and evaluation engines. We used Indy to create EMOD, a performance analysis tool for database-backed web sites. We validate EMOD using the predicted and observed performance of SVT, a sample e-commerce site.

Although the World Wide Web (or web) is a decentralized network of interconnected documents, highly centralized ecosystem dominated by a few supranational companies has developed on top of these foundations. These companies create their... more

Although the World Wide Web (or web) is a decentralized network of interconnected documents, highly centralized ecosystem dominated by a few supranational companies has developed on top of these foundations. These companies create their own platforms and offer web-powered services that are used by people and organizations around the world. Many of these platforms or services are free of charge, but the providers often process personal and other users' data not just to improve their services but also for other commercial purposes. The users' data also represent a significant barrier to entry of new companies to the market, because collecting the users' data would require significant investments from the new entrants. At the same time, users often face difficulties when switching service providers because their data are in many cases not easily transferable between services. As a result, these supranational companies have become centers of significant power and influence. This article presents the so-called re-decentralization of the web as a complementary alternative to this present state. The goal of the re-decentralized web is to return to the original ideas of the web as an open space, where everyone can freely publish their content and decide on the use of their data. This paper offers a probe into this issue from a social and technical point of view based on an integrative literature review. In this context, some relevant phenomena such as cloud feudalism, platform capitalism or dictatorship of algorithms were highlighted and referred to. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the current situation, presents challenges for further research, and discusses the possible implications of wider adoption of the technologies based on the idea of a re-decentralized web in the near future.

Reviews Manuel d'analyse du Web en sciences humaines et sociales. Sous la direction de Christine Barats. Paris : Armand Colin, coll. « U Sciences humaines et sociales », 2013. 258 pp. ISBN : 9782200286279. D ans leur manuel collectif, le... more

Reviews Manuel d'analyse du Web en sciences humaines et sociales. Sous la direction de Christine Barats. Paris : Armand Colin, coll. « U Sciences humaines et sociales », 2013. 258 pp. ISBN : 9782200286279. D ans leur manuel collectif, le premier du genre dans l'espace francophone 1 , Christine Barats et ses collègues ont réussi la prouesse de rédiger diverses contributions (vingt-deux), denses, claires et pédagogiques, pour la plupart françaises, proposant diverses références, outils et techniques de collecte de données et d'investigation, issus bien évidemment des sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), illustrés par divers exemples intéressants de terrains qui abordent, analysent ou encore intègrent le Web et ses caractéristiques particulières (dont sa dynamique, sa pluralité, sa multiforme et son ubiquité, voire même sa porosité). Ce manuel didactique présente un état actualisé mais non exhaustif des références et savoirs, tant théoriques, réflexifs et critiques que méthodologiques et exploratoires, applicables à l'étude des technologies complexes du Web contemporain et leurs effets sous-jacents. Se distanciant ainsi d'un regard surplombant visant à recenser les meilleures méthodologies applicables à l'étude du Web dans un catalogue ou même un prêt-à-monter de méthodes ou d'outils, comme l'affirme d'emblée Christine Barats en introduction, ce manuel collectif incite à la curiosité des chercheuses et des chercheurs en SHS et insiste sur l'importance de concevoir et d'élaborer des méthodes propices et bien adaptées à leurs problématiques et objets d'étude choisis ainsi qu'aux cadres théoriques spécifiques de toute recherche. L'ouvrage se compose de trois grandes parties, qui peuvent se lire séparément mais gagnent assurément à être consultées ensemble. Elles traitent des différents enjeux et questions interdisciplinaires souvent posés, à différents moments, dans une démarche de recherche sur le Web en SHS. L'originalité de ce manuel pédagogique se retrouve dans les deuxième et troisième parties, plutôt consacrées au moment de l'observation du corpus numérique et de l'analyse des résultats, notamment avec le recours à des outils et dispositifs inédits en SHS (tels que la textométrie digitale, la cartographie du Web, l'ethnographie en ligne, l'approche sémiologique, etc.). La première partie de ce manuel collectif présente une série de réflexions et de problématiques transversales à l'étude et à l'analyse du Web. De prime abord, Laurence Monnoyer-Smith expose de façon réflexive et critique une conceptualisation du Web comme dispositif sociotechnique (ch. 1). Mais encore, suivent deux réflexions et études (ch. 2 et 3) assez substantielles et stimulantes, abordant respectivement les dimensions éthiques de la recherche en ligne, ainsi que la pratique de l'archivage et de la mémoire dans un contexte de « potentielle hypermnésie 2 » du Web, et leurs effets sur les pratiques de recherche en SHS. Ces deux contributions, qui retiennent ici un

During times of crises such as the present COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, digital helpers emerge as key agents of the promotion of digital literacy in society. Using data from the CPSS-5 national survey, the authors looked at the digital... more

During times of crises such as the present COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, digital helpers emerge as key agents of the promotion of digital literacy in society. Using data from the CPSS-5 national survey, the authors looked at the digital help provided by individuals to various demographic cohorts during the pandemic period in Canada. This survey comprised 3,961 adult respondents aged 15 years old who were interviewed in September, 2020. Digital helpers assisted fellow Canadians in through navigating digital technologies such as videoconferencing, online voice chats, online shopping sites or educational resources. Digital helpers comprised 48% of the total adult population where the most typical form was the assistance of adult respondents aged 18 to 64 years old. Assistance to specific demographic cohorts such as children, teens and seniors varied according to the socio-demographic profiles of helpers. Multivariate analysis of seven typical types of digital help suggests that the likelihood of digital help increased with a younger age of the helper, the presence of a child living at home, university education, urban residence status and/or living in large households. Overall, digital help outcomes appeared to be linked to the life course position of the individual and the types of family or non family networks situated around the helper. The role of young married women living with children and other individuals as the new "Good Samaritans" of digital help is relevant in this regard.

El taller, de formato cuatrimestral, se encuentra dirigido a los estudiantes de los años finales de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Su planteo teórico y práctico consiste en proporcionar las... more

El taller, de formato cuatrimestral, se encuentra dirigido a los estudiantes de los años finales de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Su planteo teórico y práctico consiste en proporcionar las herramientas imprescindibles para que los estudiantes puedan diseñar, planificar y ejecutar campañas destinadas a la difusión científica de un problema determinado con anterioridad, y que puedan a la vez elaborar guiones para el desarrollo de las mismas. A lo largo de la cursada, deberán investigar en términos teórico/prácticos acerca de las diversas temáticas a abordar y proponer transposiciones en función de diferentes públicos implicados. El empleo de distintos tipos de recursos digitales para la producción de textos científicos, ocupará un lugar central en el marco de esta asignatura. En este sentido proporcionaremos los conceptos y herramientas indispensables para que los estudiantes puedan analizar, comprender y desarrollar prototipos y guiones de proyectos transmedia de no ficción, y de documentales científicos lineales e interactivos.

In this expert system will be created an expert system that will be used to diagnose diseases of bone fractures in humans using forward chaining and it is an application designed with engineering reasoning and tracking forward the start... more

In this expert system will be created an expert system that will be used to diagnose diseases of bone fractures in humans using forward chaining and it is an application designed with engineering reasoning and tracking forward the start of a set of facts (data) to look for rules (indications) were matched with allegations / hypothesis that there towards the conclusion. An expert system developed web-based technology client and PHP (Hypertext Proprocessor) and MySQL based on the server side. The expert system is designed by using the method of Forward Chaining wherein expert system will display the questions in the form of indications that are often experienced by the user who will mengarkan user to reach conclusions and treatment that may be experienced by user (patient). I. INTRODUCTION The bones are the framework of the body that causes the body to be able to stand up straight, place of attachment of muscles thus allowing the course of the blood vessels, where the bone marrow and nerve protect the soft tissues, and bone is also an organ that humans need to lift and carry heavy goods. The Bone is an organ that we need to perform daily activities, so we can not imagine how disruption when there is a damage that happens to our bones. Some people think the bone is dead tissue that is passive, when in fact not. Bone is a living tissue and grow, as well as the constantly unload, reshape and improve its network. Bone Fracture is a condition that damages the frame and makes the bones weak and prone to fracture. Weak bones are not a natural part of aging. While strong bones begin in childhood, people of all ages can improve their bone health. Difficulties in diagnosing fractures, the authors make the application of expert systems to diagnose broken bones in humans by using forward chaining method which sourced from an expert who is in the Broken Bones Medical Clinic, the expected ability of an expert who specializes in health issues, particularly regarding diseases of the bones (in this case is an expert fractures) can be substituted into the computer in the form of a program that can be used by many people and can be used to resolve problems experienced independently without the presence of an expert directly so that we can conclude the diagnosis.

Il nuovo libro di Roberto Alborghetti, dopo il grande successo di "Pronto? Sono il librofonino". Una "guida per under 14" per misurare il modo di stare (bene) nella Rete. Illustrazioni e grafica di Eleonora Moretti. Coordinamento... more

Il nuovo libro di Roberto Alborghetti, dopo il grande successo di "Pronto? Sono il librofonino". Una "guida per under 14" per misurare il modo di stare (bene) nella Rete. Illustrazioni e grafica di Eleonora Moretti. Coordinamento editoriale di Paolo Sandini. Pensiero introduttivo del prof. Mario Morcellini, Commissario Agcom. Funtasy Editrice. Per info, incontri con l'autore, pubbliche letture, corsi formazione e conferenze per i genitori: funtasyeditrice@gmail.com -

There is always an intention behind any task or activity we do in our day to day life. This principle is also applicable behind building as well as using a software system or application. The stakeholders have some of their own intentions... more

There is always an intention behind any task or activity we do in our day to day life. This principle is also applicable behind building as well as using a software system or application. The stakeholders have some of their own intentions to provide certain functionalities through software systems and the users have their own intentions behind using the functionalities. The 'Intent Driven Design' suggests focusing on the intention of both, the stakeholders and the users.
Intent-driven development is an approach that simplifies and standardizes the process of getting detailed technical requirements from non-technical business decision makers so you can develop more complete and consistent requirements as well as design and implement it in such a way that you can keep track of development as well as the usage and also make it more close to end users.

Learning from the bitter experience of publishing preliminary results in a traditional form during the 2009 local and 2010 general elections, the Central Election Commission of Kosovo took a decision to use a technologically advanced... more

Learning from the bitter experience of publishing preliminary results in a traditional form during
the 2009 local and 2010 general elections, the Central Election Commission of Kosovo took a
decision to use a technologically advanced system, entitled K-vote, to publish preliminary results
during the most recent 2013 local and 2014 general elections. As with any election operation that
involves technology, there were significant technical challenges and lessons learned from
implementing the project which could be useful for election administrators and experts. The K-vote
project was eventually considered successful in meeting election standards, and contributed
significantly to the improved integrity of elections in Kosovo.

This article is concerned primarily with what constitutes the need to innovate and how it comes about in real world scenarios. I then discuss the teaching of lighting and some of the methods I had discovered to reveal the sensibility... more

This article is concerned primarily with what constitutes the need to innovate and how it comes about in real world scenarios. I then discuss the teaching of lighting and some of the methods I had discovered to reveal the sensibility required by people entering not only theatre film and television industries, but also those who are involved in academic transmission. Lastly I conclude by appreciating two great Spanish innovators in theatre and film from the last century to try to bring together some of the ideas within the paper which centre around the complex relationship between practice and theory.

Creating an efficient user knowledge model is a crucial task for web-based adaptive learning environments in different domains. It is often a challenge to determine exactly what type of domain dependent data will be stored and how it will... more

Creating an efficient user knowledge model is a crucial task for web-based adaptive learning environments in different domains. It is often a challenge to determine exactly what type of domain dependent data will be stored and how it will be evaluated by a user modeling system. The most important disadvantage of these models is that they classify the knowledge of users without taking into account the weight differences among the domain dependent data of users. For this purpose, both the probabilistic and the instance-based models have been developed and commonly used in the user modeling systems. In this study a powerful, efficient and simple ‘Intuitive Knowledge Classifier’ method is proposed and presented to model the domain dependent data of users. A domain independent object model, the user modeling approach and the weight-tuning method are combined with instance-based classification algorithm to improve classification performances of well-known the Bayes and the k-nearest neighbor-based methods. The proposed knowledge classifier intuitively explores the optimum weight values of students’ features on their knowledge class first. Then it measures the distances among the students depending on their data and the values of weights. Finally, it uses the dissimilarities in the classification process to determine their knowledge class. The experimental studies have shown that the weighting of domain dependent data of students and combination of user modeling algorithms and population-based searching approach play an essential role in classifying performance of user modeling system. The proposed system improves the classification accuracy of instance-based user modeling approach for all distance metrics and different k-values.

Computer systems engineering is based, increasingly, on models. These models permit to describe the systems under development and their environment at different abstraction levels. These abstractions allow us to conceive applications... more

Computer systems engineering is based, increasingly, on models. These models permit to describe the systems under development and their environment at different abstraction levels. These abstractions allow us to conceive applications independently of target platforms. For a long time, models have only constituted a help for human users, allow to manually develop the final code of computer applications. The Model-Driven Engineering approach (MDE) consists of programming at the level of models, represented as an instance of a meta-model, and using them for generating the end code of applications. The MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) is a typical model-driven engineering approach to application design. MDA is based on the UML standard to define models and on the meta-modeling environment (MOF) [1] for model-level programming and code generation. The code generation operation is the subject of this paper. Thus, in this work, we explain the code generation of MVC2 Web application by using the M2M transformation (ATL transformation language) then the M2T transformation. To implement this latter we use the Acceleo generator which is a generator language. In the M2T transformation, we use the PSM model of Struts2 already generated by M2M transformation as an input model of Acceleo generator. This transformation is validated by a case study. The main goal of this paper is to achieve the end-to-end code generation.

Background:The course suggested below is designed for a private language institute in Greece and it will, approximately, take 5 teaching hours to be completed. The institute is well equipped, has a modern computer lab with internet access... more

Background:The course suggested below is designed for a private language institute in Greece and it will, approximately, take 5 teaching hours to be completed. The institute is well equipped, has a modern computer lab with internet access and both the teachers and students are competent users of the internet and computer literate. Also the headmasters of the institute are open minded and willing to give students a variety of tools to assist them in their learning. The principal aim of the institute, is to produce competent, autonomous learners, that actively participate in their own development. Learners, therefore, are encouraged to experiment with ideas, try out different solutions to problems ,and be active learners and users of language. Moreover, the politics of the school also support that students should be actively involved with new technologies and the WWW, so as to develop their critical thinking skills, and thus assist them in succeeding in their exams and also, help lear...

Building an effective Information Retieval (IR) System for such a complex sector like a library, is indeed a challenging task. Creating this kind of applications, one must be aware of basic IR methodologies and structures used, as well as... more

Building an effective Information Retieval (IR) System for such a complex sector like a library, is indeed a challenging task. Creating this kind of applications, one must be aware of basic IR methodologies and structures used, as well as the User's Experience requirements. Combining different technologies for creating different kinds of applications has been one of the major problems in software reuse. However, in recent years, many frameworks that offer a complete suite for developing cross-platform applications have been developed. In this paper, we present a combination of breakthrough technologies and frameworks for developing a Python based RestAPI, an Administrator's side desktop application and a cross-platform application powered by Ionic, Angular, HTML and CSS, as the main IR tool of UCY's library.

This business case demonstrates how the implementation of the open source web content management system (WCMS) Joomla will help to address the current business goals and needs of the Australia Institute (TAI). In addition the business... more

This business case demonstrates how the implementation of the open source web content management system (WCMS) Joomla will help to address the current business goals and needs of the Australia Institute (TAI). In addition the business case outlines the benefits and value of adopting an open source solution, makes recommendations and justifies investment in WCMS. Its also addresses some of the challenges and issues associated with the implementation and ongoing maintenance of a WCMS. This business case does not cover any financial cost benefit analysis of adopting a WCMS. It is assumed that such analysis would be carried out after general support for the implementation of this technology is obtained.

— This paper reports on the development of a virtual tour of a community pharmacy. The interactive walkthrough was designed to be used as an adjunct to placement training for Pharmacy students. This paper reports on the limitations and... more

— This paper reports on the development of a virtual tour of a community pharmacy. The interactive walkthrough was designed to be used as an adjunct to placement training for Pharmacy students. This paper reports on the limitations and issues associated with developing a virtual tour using currently available hardware such as the GigaPan Pro and software such as the GigaPan Stitch and krpano. These tools are relatively available and claim to allow for automatic generation of virtual tours along with the addition of interactive element such as text and sounds. We found that in general producing a standard walkthrough was straightforward. We also found that with patience and some experimentation high quality outcomes could be achieved as long as only simple navigation was required. However, adding even simple interactive elements such as sound objects, pop up text and modified hotspots for more natural zooming between locations added significantly to the required IT skill set. We conclude that programming knowledge and subtle interface design skills, consistent with a trained IT professional are required if anything beyond a very basic walkthrough is to be produced.

There has been a steady decrease in the number of registered Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Russian forestry sector in period, 2005-2014. Yet, demand for timber products in the foreign market seemed growing, a potential to... more

There has been a steady decrease in the number of registered Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Russian forestry sector in period, 2005-2014. Yet, demand for timber products in the foreign market seemed growing, a potential to contribute immensely to the national budget income. Reports mention of forest exploitation by entities lacking coordination causing unnecessary competition and costs amongst SMEs. Huge expenses in production, transportation and marketing are incurred. Flow of information in this value chain is uneven, fragmented and erratic, making planning by SMEs owners extremely difficult. Our research findings confirm the existence of marketing challenges. We introduce a Web based Market Linkage System (WMLS) as a technology and model to manage SMEs marketing activities in the timber value chain. Karelia, Yakutia, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk forestry regions are reorganized into market clusters, influenced by Hungarian Algorithm, to share online, a centrally managed database.

Semantic Search Engine (SSE) has been developed to improve Kumbotso Teacher Educator Journal (KUTEJ) search engine, the software architecture implement an applications in the Semantic Web, based on designs and implementation specified in... more

Semantic Search Engine (SSE) has been developed to improve Kumbotso Teacher Educator Journal (KUTEJ) search engine, the software architecture implement an applications in the Semantic Web, based on designs and implementation specified in the Semantic Search Method (SSM). This architecture relies heavily on the ontology that structure underlying data for the purpose of comprehensive and transportable machine understanding. Therefore, the success of the Semantic Web depends strongly on the proliferation of ontology. Ontology model has been used in defining the concept and the association about the SSM.

Building Block of Computer Systems

Social networks and the Web in general are characterized by multiple information sources often claiming conflicting data values. Data veracity is hard to estimate, especially when there is no prior knowledge about the sources or the... more

Social networks and the Web in general are characterized by multiple information sources often claiming conflicting data values. Data veracity is hard to estimate, especially when there is no prior knowledge about the sources or the claims in time-dependent scenarios (e.g., crisis situation) where initially very few observers can report first information. Despite the wide set of recently proposed truth discovery approaches, " no-one-fits-all " solution emerges for estimating the veracity of on-line information in open contexts. However, analyzing the space of conflicting information and disagreeing sources might be relevant, as well as ensembling multiple truth discovery methods. This demonstration presents VERA, a Web-based platform that supports information extraction from Web textual data and micro-texts from Twitter and estimates data veracity. Given a user query, VERA systematically extracts entities and relations from Web content, structures them as claims relevant to the query and gathers more conflicting/corroborating information. VERA combines multiple truth discovery algorithms through ensembling and returns the veracity label and score of each data value as well as the trustworthiness scores of the sources. VERA will be demonstrated through several real-world scenarios to show its potential value for fact-checking from Web data.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly transforming the remote work culture of many organizations. The demand for online work-from-home has significantly increased during this pandemic. Though it has a significant advantage in... more

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly transforming the remote work culture of many organizations. The demand for online work-from-home has significantly increased during this pandemic. Though it has a significant advantage in eliminating travel time and positively impacting the environment and productive family time, some organizations raise the alarm over the new work style patterns. We discuss some organizational survey results and perspective employees permanently working from home. Some responses have a solid negative relationship on how the work from home affects their organization's innovative culture and work habits. But at the same time, some have expressed positive views and show a strong promise of a cultural shift with sustainable growth. Furthermore, we analyse the present and future pandemic era and how the C-level executives at each organization take the challenge forward to get maximum returns in this competitive global marketplace.

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Distribusi data merupakan suatu kemudahan yang dihasilkan dari teknologi web. User atau operator dalam suatu institusi tidak perlu mengelola data pada masing-masing host namun dapat dilakukan terpusat dan kemudian hasilnya dapat langsung... more

Distribusi data merupakan suatu kemudahan yang dihasilkan dari teknologi web. User atau operator dalam suatu institusi tidak perlu mengelola data pada masing-masing host namun dapat dilakukan terpusat dan kemudian hasilnya dapat langsung ditampilkan pada tiap host yang ada hubungannya dangan pengelohan data nilai siswa yang terdapat di institusi tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari pengelolaan data yang dilakukan secara manual yang terjadi pada sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) swasta Nusa Penida di Medan. Pihak SMK (guru dan petugas tata usaha) masih bergantung pada lembaran-lembaran kertas sebagai media penyimpanan. Dengan menggunakan teknologi web pihak SMK dapat melakukan pengelolaan data nilai siswa yang output-nya dapat didistribusikan ke siswa. Teknologi web ini diterapkan menggunakan metode waterfall. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pihak SMK dapat mengolah data nilai siswa secara online dan pihak SMK dan siswa dapat mengakses dimanapun dan kapanpun termasuk via mobile (smartphone).

Resumen: A lo largo de la historia, la forma de trabajar de los seres humanos ha ido de la mano con la tecnología de su tiempo, a partir de los años noventa la sociedad de la información, que se basa en el conocimiento, ofrece un nuevo... more

Resumen: A lo largo de la historia, la forma de trabajar de los seres humanos ha ido de la mano con la tecnología de su tiempo, a partir de los años noventa la sociedad de la información, que se basa en el conocimiento, ofrece un nuevo modelo de interacción basado en las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) que modifican las relaciones sociales, el contexto político y cultural, de las cuales, el trabajo no es la excepción. El contexto de crisis económica global que acompaña el nacimiento de empresas vinculadas directamente con internet es propicio para relacionar a las TIC con una reconfiguración de los espacios laborales, que paulatinamente desplazan el trabajo físico convencional, reemplazándolo con el trabajo virtual realizado a través de un ordenador o cualquier dispositivo conectado a internet. Esta reconfiguración lleva consigo una serie de factores a analizar, tales como el tiempo en el ejercicio de las actividades laborales, la remuneración económica y/o material que se obtiene o no por los productos multimedia que circulan en la red, el pago de impuestos y la seguridad social que recibe cada trabajador y trabajadora, el respeto a la propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor, inclusive el trabajo infantil a través de las redes. Por otra parte también se analiza el problema de la accesibilidad a la red, es decir, ¿Cuánta gente tiene acceso a internet en el mundo? Desde los países más industrializados hasta los países con mayores índices de pobreza experimentan una problemática de accesibilidad en algún porcentaje de su población. La sociedad de la información ofrece una reconfiguración del empleo, desde los grandes consorcios, hasta los más pequeños negocios.

In this episode we look at two different types of online learning environments: a centralised Learning Management System (LMS) and free, open access social media. We discuss the benefits of each and highlight some important issues that... more

In this episode we look at two different types of online learning environments: a centralised Learning Management System (LMS) and free, open access social media. We discuss the benefits of each and highlight some important issues that need to be considered when using each of them.

This episode aims to give you an introduction to the Learning to Teach Online project, define its aims, and explains how you can use these resources to help you get started with online teaching, or improve your existing practice. Please... more

This episode aims to give you an introduction to the Learning to Teach Online project, define its aims, and explains how you can use these resources to help you get started with online teaching, or improve your existing practice. Please also watch the video component of this episode for more information.