Ecological Planning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

"Authors: Adam Horálek and Pavel Ptáček "The book contains eight chapters in four major fields (each field contains two chapters) - environment, demography and population, economy, and geopolitics. As an introduction, the short outline... more

In this article, the authors explore how, at the level of a Baurci village approaches the solution of environmental problems and improvement of the village. The results of consultation with inhabitants in the process of decision-making by... more

In this article, the authors explore how, at the level of a Baurci village approaches the solution of environmental problems and improvement of the village. The results of consultation with inhabitants in the process of decision-making by the authorities and an example of cooperation with NGO in the implementation of the project.

1950’li yıllardan bu yana Türkiye’de hükümetler tarafından kalkınma ve gelişme amacıyla alınan sosyo-ekonomik kararlar fizik mekâna yansımakta ve imar planları bu çerçevede yapılmaktadır. Bölge planları ise gereği gibi yapılmadığı için... more

1950’li yıllardan bu yana Türkiye’de hükümetler tarafından kalkınma ve gelişme amacıyla alınan sosyo-ekonomik kararlar fizik mekâna yansımakta ve imar planları bu çerçevede yapılmaktadır. Bölge planları ise gereği gibi yapılmadığı için Bursa Ovası, Konya Havzası, Güneydoğu Anadolu Havzası gibi önemli doğal kaynak özelliklerine sahip su toplama havzaları yapılaşmaya açılmıştır [1], [2]. Araştırma alanı olarak ele alınan Bursa Nilüfer Çayı Başköy – Kestel Bölümü ve alt havzalarının güncel arazi kullanımı incelendiğinde hükümetlerin aldıkları kararlar neticesinde birinci sınıf tarım toprakları üzerinde ve jeolojik açıdan yüksek geçirgenliğe sahip kayaçların oluşturduğu alanlarda yer alan yerleşim ve sanayi alanları gibi olumsuz kentleşme olgularının havzayı oluşturan doğal kaynaklar üzerinde güncel kirlilikler ve kirlilik riskleri ortaya koyduğu görülmüştür. Araştırmada; doğal kaynak verileri ve mevcut kirliliklere özgü haritalar elde edilmiş, fiziki coğrafya özelliklerine bağlı olarak, kirlilik bulguları sebep – sonuç ilişkileri bağlamında irdelenerek özelden genele değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Böylelikle Türkiye’de havza planı ve yerel alan planları yapılırken; öncelikle doğal kaynakların mevcut durumunun saptanması, fiziksel – biyolojik ve ekolojik özelliklerinin olması gerektiği gibi irdelenerek arazi kullanımı kararlarına yansıtılması gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır.

German) Der Begriff "Ökosystemdienstleistungen" (ÖSD) impliziert, dass Ökosysteme Dienstleistungen für die Menschheit bereitstellen. Die Identifizierung von ÖSD ermöglicht die Berechnung und Monetarisierung natürlicher Ressourcen. Am... more

German) Der Begriff "Ökosystemdienstleistungen" (ÖSD) impliziert, dass Ökosysteme Dienstleistungen für die Menschheit bereitstellen. Die Identifizierung von ÖSD ermöglicht die Berechnung und Monetarisierung natürlicher Ressourcen. Am Beispiel des Oshiwara-Flusses in Mumbai wurde eine qualitative ÖSD-Analyse durchgeführt. Er fließt durch stark verdichtetes städtisches Gebiet der westlichen Vorstadt Mumbais. Durch viele Eingriffe in den Fluss ist er in sehr schlechtem ökologischem Zustand. An sechs Standorten, die die Vielfalt der städtischen Umgebung widerspiegeln, wurden Begehungen durchgeführt. Die Kernfragen dieser Bachelorarbeit sind: Welche ÖSD hat der Oshiwara-Fluss in der Vergangenheit bereitgestellt und welche stellt er heute bereit? Welche ÖSD könnte er in Zukunft bereitstellen, wenn bestimmte Maßnahmen ergriffen würden? Die sechs Untersuchungsstandorte wurden schriftlich und fotografisch dokumentiert. Zur Auswertung wurden je Standort eine Konfliktkarte, die derzeitige Nutzungskonflikte zeigt, und eine Potentialkarte, die potentielle Nutzungen und Maßnahmen zeigt, die die ÖSD-Performance verbessern könnten, erstellt. In der nachfolgenden ÖSD-Ranking-Liste wurden ÖSD nach Relevanz für den Oshiwara-Fluss sortiert. Sie enthält außerdem konkrete Vorschläge, um die ÖSD-Performance zu verbessern. Schließlich wurde festgestellt, dass die zwei ÖSD Hochwasserschutz und Abwasser-und Abfallabtransport am wichtigsten sind, und dass ihre ausufernde Nutzung zum ökologischen Verfall des Flusses geführt hat. Da dieses Problem für die ganze Stadt Mumbai symptomatisch ist, sind großmaßstäbliche Lösungen sinnvoll und notwendig. Kleinmaßstäbliche Maßnahmen reichen nicht aus, um nachhaltig für Veränderung zu sorgen -wohl aber um einen Veränderungsprozess anzustoßen. Diese Bachelorarbeit setzt sich außerdem mit der Studie "Inventorisation of Water Courses, Large Urban Greens and Coastline Features in Greater Mumbai" (Inventur von Fließgewässern, großen städtische Grünflächen und Küstenräumen im Großraum Mumbai) auseinander, die von der MMR-EIS, der Umweltabteilung der Stadtverwaltung Mumbais, durchgeführt wurde. Die Ausstellung "SOAK -Mumbai in an estuary" (etwa: "Aufgeweicht -Mumbai als Flussdelta") liefert wesentlichen theoretischen Input zur Rolle des Wassers in Mumbai. Luise Haufe · Ecosystem services of urban rivers 3 4 Luise Haufe · Ecosystem services of urban rivers

Dünyada ve ülkemizde bilim çevreleri doğa koruma alanlarının gelecek kuşaklar için ayrılmış en önemli alanlar olduğu konusunda neredeyse hemfikirdir. Bu alanların planlanmasında ekolojik denge ölçütü hukuksal ve bilimsel düzeyde... more

Dünyada ve ülkemizde bilim çevreleri doğa koruma alanlarının gelecek kuşaklar için ayrılmış en önemli alanlar olduğu konusunda neredeyse hemfikirdir. Bu alanların planlanmasında ekolojik denge ölçütü hukuksal ve bilimsel düzeyde vurgulanmaktadır. Doğa koruma alanlarında; alan kullanımları için en uygun yerleri; alana ait elverişli ve kısıtlayıcı koşulların belirlemesi beklenir. Planlanan alana ait biyofizik, sosyo-kültürel ve ekonomik faktörler ile aralarındaki sebep-sonuç ilişkilerine bağlı olarak doğal denge veya ekolojik dende ölçütü belirlemek, objektif kriterlere bağlamak sürdürlebilir planlamanın en önemli aşamasıdır. Bu makalenin amacı doğa koruma alanlarında eşik analizinin ekolojik dengeyi gözeten bir planlama analitiği olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektir. Doğal verilerden yararlanarak planlanan alanda ekolojik istikrar uygunluğu ile doğal eşiklerin belirlenebileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

This article talks about the various shifts in the conception of ‘nature’ in Mumbai, to contextualize the various environmental conflicts, contestations and diverse claims over resources, space and place that have been witnessed by the... more

This article talks about the various shifts in the conception of ‘nature’ in Mumbai, to contextualize the various environmental conflicts, contestations and diverse claims over resources, space and place that have been witnessed by the city. It it evaluates the adoption of the ‘commons’ framework in the context of Mumbai and its use by communities and collectives as an instrument of resistance to the appropriation and commodification of urban space.

Bu çalışmada Ankara’nın çok hareketli ve yüksek derecede kentleşmenin sürdürüldüğü Mamak ilçesinde, plansız şehirleşme ve sanayileşmenin sonuçları ile sorunlara karşı tedbirler araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca Mamak ilçesi dâhilinde bulunan... more

Bu çalışmada Ankara’nın çok hareketli ve yüksek derecede kentleşmenin sürdürüldüğü Mamak ilçesinde, plansız şehirleşme ve sanayileşmenin sonuçları ile sorunlara karşı tedbirler araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca Mamak ilçesi dâhilinde bulunan kentsel habitat çeşitliliği belirlenmiş, bu habitatlarda yaşayan yerli ve yabancı bitki türlerinin bir envanteri çıkarılmıştır. İlçenin bitki tür envanteri çıkarılırken, öncelikle vejetasyon döneminde ilçede bulunan bütün park ve bahçe gibi yeşil alanlar gezilerek bitki örnekleri toplanmış, toplanan örnekler herbaryum tekniklerine uygun biçimde kurutulmuş ve teşhisleri yapılmıştır. Bunun dışında, literatürdeki ekoloji ve ekosistem tanımları, kent ve kent ekolojisi tanım ve kapsamları, kentsel planlama tanımları açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca ilçe ile ilgili olarak bölgenin ekolojik yapısı, iklimi, ekonomik yapısı, tarihsel gelişimi, nüfus, turizm ve sanayi potansiyeli, çevre sorunları vb. konular araştırılarak verileri ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada Mamak ilçesinde toplam 223 tür ve tür altı takson tespit edilmiştir. Bunun 108’i doğal, 67’si plantasyon, 47’si egzotik ve 10’u kültivardır. Plantasyon ve kültivarların 9’u hem plantasyon hem de kültivardır. İlave olarak bu çalışma, özellikle Mamak bölgesi ve Ankara için kentsel ekoloji çalışmalarının önemini ortaya koymuş, öncelikle Ankara’da daha sonra da bütün kentlerde kentsel ekoloji çalışmalarının yaygınlaştırılmasının gerekliliğini vurgulamıştır.

Sustainable urban design offers a dynamic, creative and collaborative process strengthened by a number of different disciplines in order to generate ecologically responsive and environmentally responsible transformations in urbanized... more

Sustainable urban design offers a dynamic, creative and collaborative process strengthened by a number of different disciplines in order to generate ecologically responsive and environmentally responsible transformations in urbanized areas. Through thoughtful evaluation of viable alternatives and meaningful implementation of key design concepts, principles, and strategies the sustainability of urban areas can be tremendously improved. Sustainable design efforts should emphasize the importance of balancing conservation and new developments, minimize sprawl, integrate mixed-use infill re/developments, and allow for a multiplicity of mobility options for residents.

It has been stated that Zonguldak city will be the center of Black Sea Region by means of the realization of Filyos Valley Project (FVP), which was declared as industrial region, and high percentage of economic benefit has been hoped. In... more

It has been stated that Zonguldak city will be the center of Black Sea Region by means of the realization of Filyos Valley Project (FVP), which was declared as industrial region, and high percentage of economic benefit has been hoped. In the context of FVP, buildings of iron-steel
factories, energy plants, port, cement and furniture factories etc. establishments have been predicted and providing employment opportunity for 20.000 persons has been planned. In Zonguldak city, due to increasing migration, population has been decreased. Therefore FVP
has a promising future for local community. FVP has also been placed among determined and defined regional development strategies and targets in 10th Developmet Plan at country scale. At the regional scale, that the Filyos Valley Project will have the economic and ecological
impact on the hinterland of Bartın and Karabük provinces in addition to Zonguldak province. Therefore, the Filyos Valley Project should be examined in accordance with the principles of ecological and strategic planning, in order to prevent possible ecological damages in the
future and to provide the possibilities of creating sustainable environment of the project and to gain ecological dimension. In the research presented in this paper, strategic evaluations were made regarding the possible environmental impacts of the activities planned within the scope of the Filyos Valley Project, whose general framework was summarized above, and the potential ecological risks of the Filyos Valley Project was examined.

Non-Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural... more

Non-Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural ecosystems, NUAs are endangered by urban sprawl. The regulation of sprawl is a key issue for land-use planning. We propose a land use suitability strategy model to orient Land Uses of NUAs, based on integration of Land Cover Analysis (LCA) and Fragmentation Analysis (FA). With LCA the percentage of evapotranspiring surface is defined for each land use. Dimensions and densities of NUAs patches are assessed in FA. The model has been developed with Geographical Information Systems, using an extensive set of geodatabases, including orthophotos, vectorial cartographies and field surveys. The case of the municipality of Mascalucia in Catania metropolitan area (Italy), characterized by a considerable urban sprawl, is presented.► Non-Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are crucial for land planning and pollution minimization. ► NUAs are endangered by urban sprawl in Catania metropolitan areas (Italy). ► NUAs can be characterized by Land Cover and Fragmentation analysis. ► Results from analysis are used in a Land Use Suitability Strategy Model (LUSSM). ► By LUSSM application seven new prospective land uses for NUAs are proposed.

Reviewed the concept of green infrastructure (GI) and five cases of GI-like application in Japan; proposed four general landscape planning and design guidelines of GI from a landscape ecology perspective; and made recommendations of four... more

Reviewed the concept of green infrastructure (GI) and five cases of GI-like application in Japan; proposed four general landscape planning and design guidelines of GI from a landscape ecology perspective; and made recommendations of four areas of application of GI to Asian cities

It is increasingly recognized that more sustainable approaches are needed for planning and managing landscapes worldwide. New tools are needed to effectively apply sustainable principles to planning and management. The spatial dimension... more

It is increasingly recognized that more sustainable approaches are needed for planning and managing landscapes worldwide. New tools are needed to effectively apply sustainable principles to planning and management. The spatial dimension of sustainability engages processes and relations between different land uses, ecosystems and biotopes at different scales, and over time. Therefore ecological knowledge is essential when planning for sustainability. The paper briefly reviews the historical role of ecological in planning, and ecological planning and management theories and methodologies. Building on existing ecological planning methods, we have developed a conceptual framework for sustainable landscape planning applying landscape ecological concepts and exploring the multiple potential roles of landscape metrics as ecological planning tools. We argue for a common framework that applies ecological knowledge in land planning, applicable to all physical planning activities. We believe this framework represents a significant contribution to increase the acceptance and use of ecological knowledge across the horizontal sectors planning, and to enhance communication between planners, thus contributing to an increased scientific and cultural consensus for sustainable landscape planning. These metrics are essential tools to address the spatial dimension of sustainability in a quantitatively rigorous and robust manner.
This paper proposes a core (sub)set of metrics, identified through literature reviews, which are understood as the most useful and relevant for landscape planning. A two-part sustainable landscape planning perspective is proposed, integrating horizontal and vertical perspectives. We believe that this dual approach can help to structure and clarify why, where, how and which landscape ecological principles and metrics can most effectively assist planning. We include a demonstration of this approach in the Mill river Watershed, USA. We argue that proper and informed use of landscape metrics will contribute to advance landscape planning theory and practice towards the goal of sustainability.

Öz Ulusal yasa ve uluslararası etik kurallar milli park alanının özelliklerinin kaybolmasına veya değiştirilmesine sebep olabilecek işlemleri yasaklamakta, yapılacak faaliyetlerde doğal denge veya ekolojik dengeyi referans olarak... more

Öz Ulusal yasa ve uluslararası etik kurallar milli park alanının özelliklerinin kaybolmasına veya değiştirilmesine sebep olabilecek işlemleri yasaklamakta, yapılacak faaliyetlerde doğal denge veya ekolojik dengeyi referans olarak sun-maktadır. Plancılar bu sınırları hangi ölçütlerle belirleyebilir? Sorusuna cevap arayışı olarak yapılan bu çalışmada; doğal eşik-lerin; sürdürülebilir ekolojik planlamada kullanmak için analitik bir araç olarak başvurulabileceği savunulmaktadır. Bu çalışma Uludağ Milli Parkı'nda iki odağı belirlemeye yönelmiştir. Bu odaklardan ilki doğal dengenin sağlandığı varsayılan istikrarlı alanları, ikincisi kullanım için nihai kısıtlamalar yani doğal eşiklerdir. Yapılan analizde; Uludağ Milli Parkı'nın % 46'sı ekolojik istikrarlı, % 54'ü ekolojik istikrarlılığı olmayan alanlardan oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma neticesinde; sürdürülebilir bir yönetim için doğa koruma alanlarında doğal eşiklerinin belirlenmesi ve ekolojik parametrelere dayalı analizinin yapılması ve değerlendirmesi önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ekolojik eşik, doğa koruma alanı, istikrarlı ekosistemler, doğal denge. Abstract National laws and international ethical rules in the action to be taken to prohibit a transaction that might cause a loss or change the characteristics of the national park natural balance or ecological balance serves as references. Planners can identify these limits to what extent? In the quest for answers to the question made in this study; natural threshold; It can be applied as an analytical tool to use sustainable ecological planning is advocated. This study was directed to determine the Uludag National Park two focuses. The first of thes in is supposed to focus on providing the natural equilibrium stable areas, second one is the ultimate limitation for use that are natural threshold. In the analysis; Uludag National Park is comprised; 46 % of ecological stability and 54 % of non-ecological stability of the area. In this stady result; determination of the natural threshold in the field of nature conservation and analyzing based on ecological parameters is recommended for a sustainable management.

Today, natural resources have been destroyed to make developed built environment. Furthermore, this destruction is on behalf of the creation of quality urban environ‐ ments. It is necessary that dynamics of the planning, design,... more

Today, natural resources have been destroyed to make developed built environment. Furthermore, this destruction is on behalf of the creation of quality urban environ‐ ments. It is necessary that dynamics of the planning, design, application processes which build urban environments should be taken into account and firstly these processes should be retrofitted. In this context, approaches, principles, action plans, and application tools from planning to architecture, from architecture to building materi‐ al, from material to production and consumption technologies based on ecology should be ranked in a hierarchical row and this frame should be adopted. This ecological framework is the theoretical, legislative, administrative base for sustainable settle‐ ments, and sustainable and livable cities, in addition to the creation of the quality built environments in which the community has a chance for comfortable and quality living condition. In this chapter, urban ecology and ecosystems of the cities ,which can be embraced as living organisms, are mentioned. With the integrated approach, begin‐ ning ecological planning, importance and utilization of eco-technologies also are emphasized in the framework of ecological architecture and ecological urban design based on urban ecology.

Şahin, Ş., Perçin, H., Kurum, E., Uzun, O. and Bilgili, B.C. (2014). National Technical Guideline for Landscape Character Analysis and Assessment at the Regional and Sub-Regional (Provincial) Levels. TÜBİTAK KAMAG 1007 Program PEYZAJ-44... more

Many developing countries’ national plans and urbanization policies lack effective measures to address environmental degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources. Sustainable urban development policies, the most... more

Many developing countries’ national plans and urbanization policies lack effective measures to address
environmental degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources. Sustainable urban development
policies, the most important pillar of socio-economic development, have not been produced and/
or integrated to the urban planning system in Turkey. Suggesting that economic growth may be equaled
to wealth and welfare is only possible in environments where certain requirements are satisfied. These
requirements may be enumerated as not surpassing the natural renovation capacity, minimizing pollution
risks, optimal protection and preservation of non-renewable resources, use of natural resources according
to protection-utilization principles. This chapter firstly addresses planning tradition in conceptual
background, and analyses relationship of this convention with urban development. Secondly and final
phase it addresses the ecological influences created by the urban development shaped by urban planning
tradition on the environment, and presents suggestions for solution.

(Paper in Spanish) This study focuses on considering the landscape as the main criterion for analysis, evaluation and proposals for the framework of territorial and urban planning, to organize and harmonize changes induced by social,... more

(Paper in Spanish)
This study focuses on considering the landscape as the main criterion for analysis, evaluation and proposals for the framework of territorial and urban planning, to organize and harmonize changes induced by social, economic and environmental conditions in the territory. It also considers the landscape as a common good of society as a participatory process that includes citizens of the town residents and visitors to the analysis of visual perception of the landscape of the town of Yeste.
The revitalization of local economies has been a key strategy for rural development over the past two decades. Often, one of the main difficulties for people in rural areas has been to change their perception of land assets and identify their potential role as a source of employment and income. Consistent with the idea of 'social construction' of the territory advocated by these programs, we propose the use of landscape as a key argument for local development planning. The landscape is a particular resource, an asset of the emerging rural activities, easily identifiable and assessable by the population.
We used a method where the landscape criteria define a set of attractive models and territorial vulnerability that rule the supply and demand for the different types of land use. These criteria, together with an inventory and an economic analysis are analyzed and evaluated through GIS to determine landscape-territorial strategies for the municipality. An important aspect of the study is to develop a model of participatory visual preference for the determination of protection zones and landscape-territorial management. The visual model has been developed using 60 photographs of the town (some of them digitally altered photo), which were used in a survey that was asked 50 tourists and 150 residents dictate the visual preference system categories using each of the photographs. This categorization and identification of visual preference, allowed us to generate a visual model. Using geographic information Systems, maps were generated with the visual preference in the landscape that were incorporated into the landscaping attractive models. The methodology has proven to be very useful, because it allows linking planning criteria that traditionally did not have geographical connotations and landscape. With these criteria and the geographical landscape we gave recommendations for the protection, management and planning of the landscape to be incorporated into spatial planning policies and urban planning of the municipality and the region, as well as other sectoral policies that may have a direct or indirect impact on the landscape.
Keywords: landscape planning, sustainability, participatory planning, visual preference model

İnsanoğlu var oluşundan bugüne kadar yeryüzünde doğanın kendisine sunduklarıyla yetinmeyip kendisine yeni yaşama ortamları yaratmaya çalışırken, diğer bütün canlı türleri üzerinde egemenlik kurarak aynı zamanda doğayı ve doğayla birlikte... more

İnsanoğlu var oluşundan bugüne kadar yeryüzünde doğanın kendisine sunduklarıyla yetinmeyip kendisine yeni yaşama ortamları yaratmaya çalışırken, diğer bütün canlı türleri üzerinde egemenlik kurarak aynı zamanda doğayı ve doğayla birlikte kendi yaşam olanaklarını hızla tahrip ve yok etmeye başlamıştır.
Makale kapsamında çalışmaya temel teşkil eden doğal kaynakların meydana getirdiği havzaların tanımı yapılarak, havza içindeki doğal kaynakların fiziksel-biyolojik-ekolojik özellikleri ile doğal kaynakların ekolojik hassasiyetleri ve yapay faktörlerden etkilenme riskleri belirtilmiştir. Etkilenme süreçlerinin kendi içlerinde ve birbirleriyle olan ilişkiler bütünü ortaya konarak havzayı oluşturan iç ve dış dinamikleri sebep-sonuç ilişkileri ile ortaya konmuştur. Türkiye’nin 26 havzasının doğal kaynak mozaiğinin ( biotop ağı ve bölge ilişkileri kurularak) birbiriyle olan fiziksel, biyolojik ve ekolojik ilişkileri ve tipolojileri anlatılmıştır. Havzaların bu özellikleri Marmara Havzası, Burdur Göller Havzası, Antalya Havzası, Konya Havzası, Fırat Havzası, Van Gölü Havzası, Doğu Karadeniz Havzası ve Susurluk Havzası özelinde değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Havzaların doğal kaynaklarıyla birlikte sürdürülebilirliğini ve koruma – kullanma bağlamında yönetimini sağlamak üzere ekolojik açıdan farklı özellikler ortaya koyan 26 havzanın ülke, bölge planlaması açısından önemi vurgulanmaya çalışılmış ve giderek ‘Ekolojik Planlama’ yönteminin sürdürülebilir bir ülke kalkınması ve gelişmesi bağlamında vazgeçilmez bir yöntem olduğunun altı çizilmeye çalışılmıştır.

Il verde urbano è un elemento dell'ambiente costruito in fondamentale relazione con il paesaggio. L'auspicabile diffusione del verde urbano, indicata anche da Agenda 21 e Carta di Aalborg, è un elemento di grande importanza ai fini del... more

Il verde urbano è un elemento dell'ambiente costruito in fondamentale relazione con il paesaggio. L'auspicabile diffusione del verde urbano, indicata anche da Agenda 21 e Carta di Aalborg, è un elemento di grande importanza ai fini del miglioramento della qualità della vita nelle città. Nei paesi anglosassoni la disciplina che si interessa del verde urbano è conosciuta come urban forestry, (letteralmente: "forestazione urbana"), quasi ad indicare come le aree verdi possano proporsi come oasi di ruralità entro gli ambiti urbani, con una sottolineatura della wilderness delle aree verdi inserite in un "arido" edificato. Per parchi urbani si intende aree verdi più o meno estese, presenti nelle aree urbane o ai loro margini, che svolgono una importante funzione ricreativa, igienica, ambientale e culturale. "I parchi urbani possono essere caratterizzati dalla suddivisione in zone con diverse funzioni (riposo, gioco, attività sportive, servizi, centri culturali e ricreativi). Generalmente i parchi urbani sono progettati utilizzando specie autoctone, e facendo un notevole impiego del prato e di alcune specie arbustive ed arboree acclimatate per l'area di insediamento. Le aree interessate in generale possono andare da medio piccole ad estese, e in quest'ultimo caso diventano dei veri e propri "polmoni verdi" della città. In aree espansione periurbana razionalmente pianificate, il verde dei parchi può assumere anche un ruolo di integrazione e sostituzione del sistema agricolo e forestale, diventando oltretutto un elemento di caratterizzazione ambientale e di mitigazione del clima urbano. Fra l'altro la presenza di ampie zone verdi peri-o infra-urbane, gestite a parco, può consentire l'insediamento e la migrazione di una ricca fauna stanziale e migratoria, contribuendo così ulteriormente al riequilibrio di un ecosistema fortemente sbilanciato in senso degradativo quale è in genere quello urbano" 1 . Nel corso della seconda metà del XX secolo la popolazione italiana ed il relativo sistema insediativo ha profondamente cambiato i propri connotati: da un profilo rurale, proprio ancora dell'immediato dopoguerra, ha progressivamente assunto quello più urbano. Questo cambiamento ha determinato evidenti effetti socioeconomici, paesaggistici ed urbanistici. Lo sviluppo delle aree urbane non sempre è stato organico e rispettoso di quelli che oggi sono definiti .standard della qualità della vita.. In particolare scarsa è stata l.attenzione nei confronti del verde sia dal punto di vista quantitativo che da quello qualitativo. La frequente affermazione di un processo edificatorio di tipo indiscriminato è stata tale che, nel tentativo di porne un limite, sul finire degli anni sessanta fu emanato un decreto interministeriale, il 1444/68, che fissò i rapporti tra spazi destinati agli insediamenti e quelli riservati al verde pubblico ai fini della formazione degli strumenti urbanistici ossia a fissare gli standards minimi inderogabili nella definizione degli strumenti urbanistici generali. Di fatto il decreto si è limitato fondamentalmente i ad introdurre le aliquote di verde commisurandole all'entità degli insediamenti Residenziali, produttivi, commerciali e direzionali, dimensionamenti non sempre facilmente applicabili: -negli insediamenti residenziali il verde attrezzato deve essere dimensionato contemplando l'aliquota di 9,0 mq/ab -negli insediamenti produttivi (aree industriali ed artigianali) la superficie destinata a spazi pubblici o per attività collettive, verde pubblico e parcheggi deve essere dimensionata nella misura di almeno il 10% dell'intera superficie (il D.I. non fornisce l'aliquota esatta da attribuire al verde); -nei nuovi insediamenti di carattere commerciale e direzionali si valuta una superficie di spazi pubblici pari a 80 mq per ogni 100 mq di Slp (Superficie Lorda di Pavimento) degli edifici previsti, di cui almeno la metà destinata a parcheggi e a verde (l'aliquota del verde anche in questo caso non è univocamente determinata!). Per spazi verdi di quartiere si intende, in genere, piccole aree verdi presenti in diversi punti del tessuto urbano, utilizzati prevalentemente dagli abitanti della zona che utilizzano queste aree con funzione ricreativa, di svago e di incontro. I criteri di progettazione di questi spazi verdi, considerato l'utilizzo generalmente intensivo, a fronte di una modesta estensione, devono essere semplici: alberi, arbusti e zone a prato vanno ubicati in modo da alternare zone d'ombra a zone al sole; devono essere previste aree pavimentate attrezzate per il gioco e la sosta, anche per limitare 1 Manuale per tecnici del verde urbano, Città di Torino

"Wars and their aftermaths frequently transform land use and ownership, reshaping ‘post-conflict’ landscapes through new boundaries, population movements, land reforms and conditions of access. Within a global context of controversial... more

"Wars and their aftermaths frequently transform land use and ownership, reshaping ‘post-conflict’ landscapes through new boundaries, population movements, land reforms and conditions of access. Within a global context of controversial land concessions and farmland acquisitions, we bring to light the continued salience of historical memories of war in the ways land conflicts are being negotiated in Laos. Considering circumstances at different scalesdfrom bilateral government relations to village-level claimsdwe find that political capital linked to memories of wartime affiliations have crucial spatial and place-based connections, and that they affect the ways investors, government officials and villagers negotiate over land concessions. Ethnographic evidence, spatial analysis and a survey of expatriate development workers engaged with land issues in Laos suggest that such ‘political memories’ are an important but often overlooked factor in shaping an uneven concessions landscape. We discuss implications for foreign development organizations that tend to privilege technical and legal aspects of land
management over such political dimensions."

This study addresses the region concept in the light of regional planning, new developments in regional planning and various distinctions of regions used in Turkey, and discusses the characteristics of these regions established with... more

This study addresses the region concept in the light of regional planning, new
developments in regional planning and various distinctions of regions used in Turkey,
and discusses the characteristics of these regions established with different
approaches, the criteria used in the determination of these regions, and the confusions
and nuisances that the disparities between them give rise to in terms of planning.
While inquiring the criteria used in the determination of regional boundaries and the
region concept with particular regard to Turkey, efforts have been used to demonstrate
the necessity of carrying out any zoning on a “catchment basin” scale", taking into
account the unity of natural resources and the regional boundaries, noting also the
transformation process the country is undergoing.

Öz: Günümüzde dünya gündeminde en çok tartışılan konuların başında iklim değişikliğine ilişkin sorunlar gelmektedir. İklim değişikliği özellikle kentlerde gerçekleştirilen insan faaliyetleri sonucu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sorunun çözülmesi... more

Öz: Günümüzde dünya gündeminde en çok tartışılan konuların başında iklim değişikliğine ilişkin sorunlar gelmektedir. İklim değişikliği özellikle kentlerde gerçekleştirilen insan faaliyetleri sonucu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sorunun çözülmesi için kentlere odaklanılması gereklidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında iklim değişikliğine dayanıklı planlama ilkeleri kentsel alan ve yakın çevresi kapsamında ele alınmakta ve Türkiye için bir model önerisi geliştirilmektedir. Çalışmada kentsel alanda planlama ve tasarım aşamasında söz konusu ilkelere göre yapılacak düzenlemelerin enerjiyi etkin kullanan, ekolojik dengesini ve çeşitliliğini sağlamış, düşük karbonlu kalkınma ilkelerini uygulayan kentsel mekânların oluşumunu sağlayacağı sonucu elde edilmiştir. Abstract: Today, the most debated issues in the world's agenda are the problems related to climate change. Climate change is the result of human activities especially carried out in the cities. It is necessary to focus on the cities to solve the problem. In this study, climate change resilient planning principles are discussed within a scope of urban areas and their vicinities and a model proposal for Turkey is developed. It was attained as a conclusion of this study that the arrangements based on these principles at the planning and design process provides the urban areas where the energy is efficiently used, ecological balance and biodiversity are obtained, and the low carbon development principles can be implemented.

world, spatial planning strategies which focus on the sustainable development processes are based upon ecological bases. Under the guidance of this notion, areas have been chosen improperly. Planning is a decision-making process which is... more

world, spatial planning strategies which focus on the sustainable development processes are based upon ecological bases. Under the guidance of this notion, areas have been chosen improperly. Planning is a decision-making process which is about " the future ". In each scale of planning process, spatial rules of the social life are formed. In this process, firstly series of spatial analyses should be practised. Throughout the adapt an ecological approach and both the regional and urban planning also in Turkey, spatial planning strategies should be urgently reviewed and any level of planning process should be directed to ecological bases. Furthermore, in all these steps, natural resources and ecological characteristics should be taken into consideration. In the city of Bartin, where Bartin River flows through, a case study has been carried out regarding the above mentioned planning strategies. The case study has three stages. These stages also frame the data, analysis and evaluation stages. In the case study, a combination of McHarg's ecological evaluation method and Kiemstedt's usage value analysis in planning has been employed. With the help of ecological analyses, in the rural areas that have not been settled yet, the potential of the natural resources has been examined for the new residential areas. As a result, in the city of Bartin, the potential residential areas have been defined on the unsettled regions. What is more, concerning the subject, a map has been formed on the scale of 1/25 000. As a result of the case study, it has been concluded that in Bartin city because of the physical planning which ignores the potential of the natural resources, some of the existing residential

ÖZET Kentleşme süreci ve şehirler, geçmişten günümüze yapısal olarak birçok kez değişime uğramıştır. Nüfusun sürekli artması, hakim ekonomi politikaları ve güncel teknolojik gelişmeler; bu değişim sürecinin temel nedenleri arasındadır.... more

An urban policy that includes ecological concerns should target in 2 basic directions: a) each city as a system should be evolving within the limits of the bigger ecosystem that supports the 'real' needs of people (mental, social,... more

An urban policy that includes ecological concerns should target in 2 basic directions: a) each city as a system should be evolving within the limits of the bigger ecosystem that supports the 'real' needs of people (mental, social, financial, technical) and b) there should be an inner ecological restructure of the developing urban planning for the preservation and the promotion of its architectural cultural heritage, redesign of its deprived areas and the application of the principles of the eco-design in the new areas of expansion. The ecological city has the direct democracy as their foundation. Democracy can't be meant without community. For the fulfillment of this goal, a community organization of the space of the city is needed, using as a foundation the neighborhood as the smallest cell of community organization according to the cultural tradition of each country. For Greece, this cell is the neighborhood-parish, a place where all the mental, social, financial and technical needs of its habitant must be fulfilled according to the principles of greek tradition scientific ecology. For an ecological transformation of the society in each city, active citizens with ecological conscience are needed. For the application of the principles of an ecological urban policy, mainly in the transitional stage, the specialized scientists play a major role (planners, architects, sociologists etc).

Can systems thinking remedy the difficulties of ecological thinking? A discussion of the need for a new, critically normative concept of ecology, and at the same time an introduction to critical systems heuristics (CSH) as a framework for... more

Can systems thinking remedy the difficulties of ecological thinking? A discussion of the need for a new, critically normative concept of ecology, and at the same time an introduction to critical systems heuristics (CSH) as a framework for reflective practice.

La Infografía es una técnica que consiste en recrear la realidad mediante la

Bali Island, Indonesia, is undergoing rapid land use changes owing to tourism-related development and urbanization. Consequently, urban green spaces, which provide a myriad of benefits to residents, are disappearing and deteriorating.... more

Bali Island, Indonesia, is undergoing rapid land use changes owing to tourism-related development and urbanization. Consequently, urban green spaces, which provide a myriad of benefits to residents, are disappearing and deteriorating. Focusing on telajakan, a strip of traditional green space between the frontal wall of a housing compound and a ditch/pedestrian path in a roadside, the study aims: 1) to investigate and document the changes that are occurring with regards to telajakan in Denpasar, Bali and 2) to evaluate the functions of the plantings in telajakan. The research methods include literature review on traditional green spaces in Bali, vegetation survey at a lot scale, and homeowner interviews with the help of local experts. The study found that: 1) aesthetics, economics, and rituals are the top three functions provided by the telajakan plants with aesthetic function being by far the most provided function; 2) species diversity does not correspond with functional diversity; and 3) telajakan space itself is often minimized or sometimes lost completely for more inner, privatized space or for vehicle parking lot for shop owners. Since telajakan is an important component of traditional Balinese architecture, its loss, degradation, and marginalization necessarily lead to the loss of Balinese culture and identity. This study hints, however, a new form of social interaction through aesthetically-pleasing telajakan. Also, functional diversity, which is arguably as important as species diversity, can be maintained by carefully selecting indigenous species with multiple functions.

Cities are extremely human-modified environments, with few existing original habitats. Local, regional and global studies have indicated scale-dependent patterns of communities in relation to urbanization. In general, species with high... more

Cities are extremely human-modified environments, with few existing original habitats. Local, regional and global studies have indicated scale-dependent patterns of communities in relation to urbanization. In general, species with high abundance in urban environments are generalist species, whereas specialists have declined. However, these results do not indicate directly if urban habitats are either sink or source habitats for wildlife. Reproductive success, mortality, and dispersion are key factors to improve our understanding of how to support more diverse animal communities in urban environments. We need more research on the factors affecting the behavioral responses to urbanization of species with different life-histories. Some studies have demonstrated that urbanization has clear impacts on the behavior of wildlife species, a character that is strongly related to the success of species in a given habitat. Indeed, animals can adapt to urban ecosystems behaviorally, for example, by adjusting their food preferences, foraging behavior, anti-predator behavior, or extending the length of their reproduction season. Merging community and behavioral ecology will enable a more effective conservation of remnant semi-natural habitats in urbanized landscapes.

The study aims to create an upper-scaled green infrastructure plan for the Siirt, using ecological planning principles. In order to create this plan, the cores, corridors and sites, which are green infrastructure components, were... more

The study aims to create an upper-scaled green infrastructure plan for the Siirt, using ecological planning principles. In order to create this plan, the cores, corridors and sites, which are green infrastructure components, were determined using 1/100.000 scaled Environmental Plan. Landscape core areas have been analysed using landscape structure metrics, and evaluated in terms of fragmentation, connectivity, and isolation. The areas that are of high importance in terms of the landscape structure that will form the basis of the Siirt green infrastructure plan were determined. For landscape connectivity, links have been established between areas whose function is important in the landscape by using least-cost-path and Euclidean distance methods. As a result, the ecological roles and importance of the components in the landscape structure was determined the green infrastructure plan framework for the Siirt. Considering these evaluations, a biodiversity network, arable network and green access network were created, and a green infrastructure plan was designed in Siirt. In this study, while planning a green infrastructure on the upper scale, the fragmentation of the components, which ones can be protected or recovered, and how the strategies formed according to the results of the analysis can be included and applied in other plans were evaluated with a holistic approach. The results of this study and the method used will contribute to other studies in terms of applicability.

Maintaining existing levels of landscape diversity is becoming more and more important for planning considering the increasing pressures on agricultural ecosystems due to soil sealing, sprawl processes and intensive agriculture. Norms for... more

Maintaining existing levels of landscape diversity is becoming more and more important for planning considering the increasing pressures on agricultural ecosystems due to soil sealing, sprawl processes and intensive agriculture. Norms for land-use regulation and measures for landscape Safeguard and Rehabilitation have to take into consideration these threats in landscape planning. Evaluating the diversity of agricultural ecosystems is a fundamental step for proposing sound approaches to planning and managing both soil and landscape, as well as maintaining the related ecosystem services. The paper proposes a method aimed at the qualitative evaluation of spatial diversity of agricultural landscapes using a reduced set of ecological indicators based on land-use vector data. Indicators are calculated for defined landscape units characterized by landscape homogeneity. GIS geoprocessing and spatial analysis functions are employed. The study area is the Province of Enna in Sicily (Italy), which is characterized by cultivation mosaics in its southern region, cereal cultivation in the central region and prevailing natural environments in the northern region.

Non Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural... more

Non Urbanised Areas (NUAs) are part of agricultural and green infrastructures that provide ecosystem services. Their role is fundamental for the minimization of urban pollution and adaptation to climate change. Like all natural ecosystems, NUAs are endangered by urban sprawl. The regulation of sprawl is a key issue for land use planning. We propose a land use suitability strategy model to orient Land Uses of NUAs, based on integration of Land Cover (LCA) and Fragmentation Analyses (FA). With LCA the percentage of evapotranspiring surface is defined for each land use. Dimensions and densities of NUAs patches are assessed in FA. The model has been developed with Geographical Information Systems, using an extensive set of geodatabases, including orthophotos, vectorial cartographies and field surveys. The case of the municipality of Mascalucia in Catania metropolitan area (Italy), characterized by a considerable urban sprawl, is presented.