Organizational Theory Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Agricultural cooperatives have changed considerably in recent decades. In witnessing these structural changes, scholars have proffered analyses of nontraditional ownership models focusing on residual claim rights. However, crucial... more

Agricultural cooperatives have changed considerably in recent decades. In witnessing these structural changes, scholars have proffered analyses of nontraditional ownership models focusing on residual claim rights. However, crucial information on the allocation of control rights in cooperatives is missing. This study sheds light on alternative ownership-control models adopted by agricultural cooperatives in different regions across the world. In each of these models, we describe the allocation of formal control rights with a focus on decision management and decision control rights. We thus provide empirical evidence on the “separation of ownership and control” in agricultural cooperatives. We also analyze each of the governance models in terms of the associated ownership costs, including risk-bearing costs, the costs of controlling managers, and collective decision-making costs. In doing so, we are able to better understand the forces influencing the organizational efficiency of each cooperative model. [EconLit classification: Q130].

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with... more

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with the practice of school leadership and the realities principals confront on a daily basis. This is partly because researchers have tended to ignore multiple facets of justice in their empirical investigations as well as how larger forces outside the school associated with historical, political, social and economic injustices marginalize students and communities. This article explores three cases of challenging school–community contexts that confound and partially subdue the efforts of well-intentioned principals. Each case highlights a dedicated principal committed to their school and community, and documents the significant progress made in addressing particular social justice issues, but also how they confronted justice dilemmas that they believed required them to prioritize certain social justice issues over others. These findings have important implications for how principals view their communities and engage in critical reflection about the leadership decisions and actions they take on a daily basis. This article concludes with implications for future research and a discussion of how aspiring principals can be better prepared to lead for social justice and effectively address justice dilemmas without ignoring or putting off other injustices.

Indice Introduzione©7 1. La negoziazione delle estetiche organizzative©9 1.1. Negoziazione, aggregazione e discriminazione©9 1.2. Estetica organizzativa al plurale©14 1.3. Estetica come consapevolezza metodologica©17 1.4. Se l’estetica... more

1. La negoziazione delle estetiche organizzative©9
1.1. Negoziazione, aggregazione e discriminazione©9
1.2. Estetica organizzativa al plurale©14
1.3. Estetica come consapevolezza metodologica©17
1.4. Se l’estetica non viene data per scontata©18
2. Giudizio estetico, organizzazione e comunità
di pratiche©27
2.1. Estetica ed etica organizzativa©28
2.2. Estetica tra organizzazione e comunità di pratiche©34
2.3. Estetica e potere nell’organizzazione©41
3. Performance e burocrazia©47
3.1. Principi estetici del teatro e vita organizzativa©49
3.2. Performance artistica e organizzazione©55
3.3. Che cosa rimane della performance organizzativa?©63
4. Arte, estetica e creatività organizzativa©71
4.1. Creatività dell’organizzare tra arte e design©71
4.2. Estetica organizzativa come emancipazione©81
5. Sociologia dei sensi e approccio estetico©88
5.1. Sensi e pratica sociale nell’organizzazione©90
5.2. L’odore dell’organizzazione©103

Organization Theory and Design Summary

Background. Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a response of management practitioners to the risk appearing in a turbulent environment. Recent publications consider BCM in pragmatic categories often deprived of its embedding in... more

Background. Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a response of management practitioners to the risk appearing in a turbulent environment. Recent publications consider BCM in pragmatic categories often deprived of its embedding in management science.
Research aims. The paper enters into a discussion of the essence and status of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in management sciences. It includes considerations of the following constituent subjects: the notion of BCM, Evolution of BCM, formal status of BCM in perspective of management science, directions of current BCM research.
Method. The argumentation presented in this paper is based on the critical analysis of the literature and synthesis.
Key findings. It is recommended to base the attempt of defining BCM on elements indicating identity of the management domain. Currently, BCM orientation is holistic and its meaning is global and its formal status in management sciences can be specified from the point of view of the content and from the point of view of relations. Due to its crossfunctional character BCM maintains relations with several domains of management.

introduction to build job nomenclature and job leveling in organization

West Bengal being a cosmopolitan state where amalgamation of different cultures is seen in businesses. Understanding people from different cultures becomes essential and differences in thinking which can cause misinterpretations and... more

West Bengal being a cosmopolitan state where amalgamation of different cultures is seen in businesses. Understanding people from different cultures becomes essential and differences in thinking which can cause misinterpretations and further on conflicts, are often neglected. To understand people’s actions as a result of their culture brands their actions apprehensible and acceptable. I believe that an anthropological approach can provide a more fruitful framework for understanding organizational culture and leadership. Leadership is an influence process whereby usually one person influences a group toward achievement of group goals but organizational culture is not something which is developed by leaders, but rather employee creates organizational culture, and that leaders emerge somewhere in the middle of that process. Our research techniques differ from those of most other social scientists in that ours are primarily qualitative (ethnographic).
Within the larger context of global trends and competition, the rules of the game for the manager are set by each country with regards to: the country’s political consensus and economic agenda, level of development and its regulatory environment.

This historical research review uses organization theory to describe and interpret the evolution of American hospitals, medical libraries, and the role of the professional librarian. Various organization theories are applied to explain... more

This historical research review uses organization theory to describe and interpret the evolution of American hospitals, medical libraries, and the role of the professional librarian. Various organization theories are applied to explain changes in hospitals and medical libraries over time. The interaction between the organization and the environment as described in organization theory shaped the emergence of today's information services. For readers unfamiliar with health sciences libraries, the study will provide a glimpse into the social forces that framed the development of this type of special library.

This article is concerned with antenarrative understanding and representation of organizational texts. Antenarrative captures an attempt to work with multiple pasts, multiple presents and multiple futures. This attempt is caught in the... more

This article is concerned with antenarrative understanding and representation of organizational texts. Antenarrative captures an attempt to work with multiple pasts, multiple presents and multiple futures. This attempt is caught in the notion of sideshadowing. Antenarrative thus counters the widespread linear approach to organizational research characterized as Western narrative obsessed with beginnings, middles and ends, e.g. foreshadowing. Instead, antenarrative emphasizes living story where texts are conceptualized as dialogical, fragmented, plural, spontaneous and emergent. Living story restores presentness to the present in emphasizing the here and now. The research process is described as a storytelling practice in which multiple possibilities are conveyed simultaneously in constructing, understanding and representing organizational texts. It is argued that genealogical analysis can be seen as one example of storytelling and the principles of genealogical analysis are presented and discussed. Finally, it is discussed what living story implies in terms of writing.

Prevailing views about what constitutes organisational knowledge need to be systematically evaluated at deep epistemological levels. We argue there is a need is to establish a new paradigm comprising of both a theoretical and an... more

Prevailing views about what constitutes organisational knowledge need to be systematically evaluated at deep epistemological levels. We argue there is a need is to establish a new paradigm comprising of both a theoretical and an ontological foundation for thinking about knowledge epistemologies. We think, along with Bill McKelvey, (1997, 2002) that the “science of management” as it relates to organisations seems to be greatly wanting.Our approach is based on an evolutionary theory of knowledge contained within Karl Popper’s later epistemological works beginning with his 1972 “Objective Knowledge – an evolutionary approach” and a framework of organisational theory based on Maturana and Varela's concept of self-producing complex systems ("autopoiesis"). We have drawn upon this combined approach in order to understand how best to integrate understandings of personal and objective knowledge and the notion of “living organisations” into a new paradigm of organisational know...

The totalitarianism inherent in corporate structures is defined and preserved by the hierarchy, and these structures stretch far beyond for-profit, private enterprises. In an attempt to justify arbitrary positions of power, organizations... more

The totalitarianism inherent in corporate structures is defined and preserved by the hierarchy, and these structures stretch far beyond for-profit, private enterprises. In an attempt to justify arbitrary positions of power, organizations often portray them as "leadership" positions, deploying corporate doublespeak like "team leaders" or "officers" in their hierarchical arrangement. The problem with this is that leadership, in any true sense, is an absolute contradiction from power; and especially from arbitrary power. The acquisition of money and idleness that becomes synonymous with climbing the ladder makes leadership roles impossible for those who fill these positions to obtain.

The bulk of contributions on digital business so far provide mainly descriptive analyses when it comes to the study of power-related phenomena within the gig economy. We particularly lack systematic, integrative studies which focus on... more

The bulk of contributions on digital business so far provide mainly descriptive analyses when it comes to the study of power-related phenomena within the gig economy. We particularly lack systematic, integrative studies which focus on interdependencies of power relations, labour conditions and business model efficiency, based on robust theoretical approaches which capture meso-level structures and micro-level dynamics of power simultaneously. Our conceptual paper addresses this gap by investigating power relations in platform arrangements, based on the framework of "circuits of power". We use the case of the ridesharing platform Uber, which has caused debates in and beyond academia to illustrate how this framework, combined with concepts from labour process theory, behavioural economics and micro-politics, can be applied for a systematic analysis of the diversified portfolio of power-related control and influence mechanisms that are embedded in platforms' software infrastructures. Departing from this, we examine how our approach can inform future research focused on assessing specific forms of management, organisation and work in the wider gig economy. Our discussion concentrates on a) the classification and comparison of heterogeneous forms of gig work; b) the assessment of labour-related problems; and c) power-related organisational dynamics or inertia in such settings. The latter point is related to the central question of why employee voice and resistance are rare in certain gig-work arrangements.

T his paper examines the staffing, division of labor, and resulting profitability of primary care physician practices. Division of labor is viewed as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of production processes through specialization.... more

T his paper examines the staffing, division of labor, and resulting profitability of primary care physician practices. Division of labor is viewed as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of production processes through specialization. At the same time, division of labor also introduces coordination cost as handoffs and communication needs increase. We attempt to empirically assess the net effect in primary care physician offices. We collected data from a sample of these practices and tested two hypotheses: (H1) controlling for staff size, greater delegation through the use of more staff types will decrease the throughput of visits, and (H2) controlling for staff size, income per unit time generated by the practice is decreasing in the number of staff types. We find evidence supporting both hypotheses. We conclude that many physicians are gaining little financial benefit from delegating work to support staff. This suggests that small practices with few staff may be viable alternati...

Peltonen, T. & Salovaara, P. (2018) (Forthcoming) Lefebvre, Lunch Beat and politics of organizational space. In: Dale, K., Knigma, S. & Wasserman, V. (eds.) Organizational Space and Beyond. Routledge

This article describes organizational symbolism from a sociology of knowledge perspective and considers both the theoretical and extra-theoretical bases of the symbolic approach. It illustrates the distinctive principles of the symbolic... more

This article describes organizational symbolism from a sociology of knowledge perspective and considers both the theoretical and extra-theoretical bases of the symbolic approach. It illustrates the distinctive principles of the symbolic approach with respect to other methods used in the study of organizations, the concepts on which it is based, and the organizational issues on which it has shed significant light. Symbolist studies of organizations have refocused scholarly attention on the multidisciplinary understanding of the logos, ethos, and pathos of organizational life. They have done so by stressing the production of knowledge tout court, rather than concerning themselves with the applicability of the organizational knowledge acquired by this approach for managerial purposes. Organizational symbolism is described in the article as a fluctuating and emerging social construction whose growth and spread has been fostered by support within academia.

In this chapter, we argue that there are three important micro cohorts--different social movement threads--of antiauthoritarian activists engaged in self-organization at the grassroots level in Quebec today: (1) radical feminists, (2)... more

In this chapter, we argue that there are three important micro cohorts--different social movement threads--of antiauthoritarian activists engaged in self-organization at the grassroots level in Quebec today: (1) radical feminists, (2) radical queers, and (3) feminists and profeminists organizing in antiracist and anticolonial groups and networks. Furthermore, these micro cohorts have played a role in developing radical analysis, strategy, and organizational modes in a variety of spaces inside, overlapping with, and external to the broader antiauthoritarian movement they/we are part of

There exists a common belief that entrepreneurs commonly start businesses in garages (or basements or dorm rooms or kitchens).The garage entrepreneur is a highly popular contemporary legend, but not quite accurate. An emergent notion in... more

There exists a common belief that entrepreneurs commonly start businesses in garages (or basements or dorm rooms or kitchens).The garage entrepreneur is a highly popular contemporary legend, but not quite accurate. An emergent notion in academic research is that entrepreneurs are often organizational products. They typically acquire confidence, business knowledge, and social connections via prior experience at existing organizations. These psychological and social resources aid entrepreneurs informing companies. Although the belief of the garage entrepreneur contributes to the preservation of the American ideals of opportunity and upward social mobility, it offers misleading insights to would-be entrepreneurs because it suggests an under socialized view of the entrepreneurial process. Individuals, companies, policy makers, and business schools will benefit from recasting the garage as a contemporary legend and focusing instead on the lessons that can be derived from an understanding of entrepreneurs as organizational products.

In this book, sociologists, philosophers, and economists investigate the conceptual issues around the performativity of economics over a variety of disciplinary contexts and provide new case studies illuminating this phenomenon. In... more

In this book, sociologists, philosophers, and economists investigate the conceptual issues around the performativity of economics over a variety of disciplinary contexts and provide new case studies illuminating this phenomenon. In featuring the latest contributions to the performativity debate the book revives discussion of the fundamental questions: What precise meaning can we attribute to the notion of performativity? What empirical evidence can help us recognize economics as performative? And what consequences does performativity have for contemporary societies? The contributions demonstrate how performativity can serve as a powerful conceptual resource in dealing with economic knowledge, as an inspiring framework for investigating performative practices, and as an engine of discovery for thinking of the economic proper.

Perceived work stress, It is stated that employees are psychologically disturbed and intensely threatening their health at their busy working tempo. Employees with a high degree of stress in the face of excessive workloads may experience... more

Perceived work stress, It is stated that employees are psychologically disturbed and intensely threatening their health at their busy working tempo. Employees with a high degree of stress in the face of excessive workloads may experience burnout and intention to quit. Employees experiencing job insecurity cannot show their real performance and cannot get the efficiency they want from employees because they do not see themselves permanently in their organizations. However, they cannot achieve the desired efficiency due to the fact that employees who have a role conflict must fulfill more than one workload. Employees who are satisfied with their organizations are able to adopt organizational culture and develop their organizational skills such as planning and problem solving. Within the scope of the aim of the research, a survey was conducted with 350 employees. Some of the analyzes were performed using SPSS 25 Program and some of them were performed with AMOS program. Factor analysis...