Educational planning and Management Research Papers (original) (raw)
The study investigated Institutional Resources Management and Funding of Secondary Education in Akwa Ibom State. Two objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A sample size of 254 principals was used for the... more
The study investigated Institutional Resources Management and Funding of Secondary Education in Akwa Ibom State. Two objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A sample size of 254 principals was used for the study which represented the entire population of 254 principals in Akwa Ibom state. The study adopted correlational design. Census was used to select the principals for the study. Two instruments titled institutional resources management questionnaire and funding questionnaire were used to collect data for the study. Face and content validity was ensured. Cronbach alpha was used to determine the reliability coefficient of institutional resources management questionnaire and established at 0.82(academic curriculum) and 0.94(alumni association) while funding questionnaire coefficient was established to be 0.88. Simple regression analysis was used in answering the research questions while t-test associated with simple regression was implored in testing the hypotheses. Findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between the management of academic curriculum, alumni association and funding of secondary education. It was recommended that Principals and teachers should be constantly trained on innovative ways to manage academic curriculum that will not only bring about academic excellence, but attract funding of schools and that School administrators should ensure that there is cordial relationship between the school and alumni association, as well as celebrating their achievements; it will motivate them to partner with the school financially.
Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’ job... more
Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’ job satisfaction. Therefore, this paper aims to examine previous studies that focused on the relationship between different school principals’ leadership styles and teachers’ job satisfaction to find out which style best to be implemented in the school context. Within this purpose, twenty-five studies related to the issue were found and downloaded in some journals from reputable databases. The studies than analyze through systematic review to compare the differences and similarities. The research revealed that transformational leadership style is the most prominent leadership style which significantly increase teachers’ job satisfaction compared to any other leadership styles. Therefore, the research recommended that school principals and other related parties ...
"La Guia per a l'elaboració de projectes aporta una proposta metodològica per abordar la realització de projectes d’intervenció socioeducativa. Ens referim més concretament a intervencions educatives dirigides a un públic heterogeni que... more
"La Guia per a l'elaboració de projectes aporta una proposta metodològica per abordar la realització de projectes d’intervenció socioeducativa. Ens referim més concretament a intervencions educatives dirigides a un públic heterogeni que de forma no obligada accedeix a un coneixement que li planteja interrogants, li facilita interrelacions, li possibilita la construcció de significats, etc. i que en definitiva li permet la construcció de conceptes i la generació de reaccions davant determinats esdeveniments o informacions.
La planificació és sens dubte necessària: hem de conèixer el context on s’ubica la nostra intervenció i les característiques dels usuaris als quals ens adreçam, així com les seves necessitats o problemes sobre els quals hem de prioritzar la nostra intervenció, hem de determinar les metes i els objectius que volem aconseguir, hem de determinar les estratègies metodològiques que utilitzarem, ens hem de plantejar com avaluarem la intervenció educativa, etc.
D’acord amb això, i per tal d’oferir les informacions necessàries per a l’elaboració de projectes, en primer lloc, i a manera d’introducció, ens aproparem al concepte de planificació en el marc de l’educació no formal: les seves característiques, els diversos nivells operatius de planificacions i d’instruments, etc.
Seguidament, ens introduirem en l’anàlisi de les principals fases del procés de planificació de projectes: diagnòstic, objectius, continguts, planificació d’activitats mitjançant instruments de gestió, estratègies metodològiques i avaluació.
Tots els aspectes seran analitzats des dels referents teòrics, però ens aproparan a una visió pràctica dels processos de planificació, ja que en cada una de les fases del procés s’ofereix un guió pràctic per a l’elaboració de projectes."
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated students' lives in different ways, depending not only on their level and education, but also on where they have reached their programs. therefore, it is especially important to study the reforms of... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated students' lives in different ways, depending not only on their level and education, but also on where they have reached their programs. therefore, it is especially important to study the reforms of countries in the field of education management. Therefore, we must always be prepared for possible changes in education management during crises and be aware of changes in the education strategies of other countries. The Covid-19 period continues to be a period of learning difficulties for kindergartens, schools and universities.
In this study, the coronavirus epidemic also known as COVID-19, which has started to be seen widely and still continues as of November 2019 and its impacts on the education sector are analyzed. It is clear that just as each country's methods of dealing with COVID-19 differ, so does the country's education sector's adaptation to COVID-19, the strategies it implements, and the changes it makes in education management differ too. The main purpose of my research is to take a closer look at different education administrations from different parts of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is considered a crisis period, to study its pros and cons, and to identify the most acceptable features for future possible crisis periods. In this regard, I tried to focus on Europe, Asia, America and separately examined the educational strategies and crisis management of countries such as Turkey, Italy, Japan, China, Canada, Hungary, Norway, Finland and others. The first part of my research includes observation method, which is part of the empirical method of perception, and the second part includes the collection and selection of facts and the analysis of the relationship between them.
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere yapılan hataları da göstererek uygulama ortamı oluşturuyor. Yenilik ilkelerini verirken startupların ve hatta büyük kuruluşların anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyüme konusundaki donanımını artırıyor. 2000'den fazla başarılı yeniliğin ortaya çıkışında önemli içgörüler sağlıyor.
Bu kitabın anlatım tarzında özel bir algoritma uygulanarak anlamlı gruplar belirlendi. İnovasyon fırsatlarını belirlemek için firmaların iç ve dış büyüme parametreleri ve performans değerleri, rakiplerini de devreye alarak şekillendirildi. İnovasyon odaklı performansın artırılabilmesi, önemli değerlendirmeler yapılabilmesi için özel ve hazır yol haritaları sunuldu. Endüstriler için de inovasyon modellerini teşhis edip yeni bir anlayış ve yöntem geliştirme imkânı sunuluyor.
Çevrimsel araştırmanın altyapısını vererek farklı ve anlamlı değişim ve dönüşümü düşündürüp kalıcı ve kullanışlı yollar uygulatarak kitabın ne kadar değerli olduğunu kanıtlıyor. Eğer kurumunuzda anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi inovasyon odaklı gerçekleştirmek isterseniz yenilik ilkelerinin detaylı olarak anlatıldığı İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabını okuyun.
Bu kitabın yazarlarından Larry Keeley'in tecrübelerinden yararlanmak büyük bir fırsat. Kendisi BusinessWeek tarafından inovasyon alanındaki dünya görüşünü ve paradigmaları değiştiren, yedi yenilik gurusundan biri olarak seçilmiş olup Doblin firmasının kurucusudur. Diğer yazarlar ile birlikte inovasyonun tasarlanması ve sürdürülebilir kılınması konusunda dünya çapında pek çok girişimciyi, yöneticiyi, şirketleri ve startupları etkilemiştir.
This study explored the extent of organizational commitment and how this may support or hinder a range of job satisfaction of teachers examined in the Ethiopian primary schools.The research employed correlation design. To this end, one... more
This study explored the extent of organizational commitment and how this may support or hinder a range of job satisfaction of teachers examined in the Ethiopian primary schools.The research employed correlation design. To this end, one hundred and eighteen 118 (58.1%) teachers were selected from six primary schools using simple random sampling technique and participated in the study. The researchers collected the relevant data from teachers using Spector’s (1997) adopted version of job satisfaction survey (JSS) and Meyer and Allen’s (1990) organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ). The researchers analyzed the data using mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and t-test. The result showed that there was evidence of positive correlation between teachers’ job satisfaction and their organizational commitment in the sampled schools. Regardless of this, the findings of the study revealed that gender was the only demographic variable that had significant positive relationship ...
The sudden outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which originated from the city of Wuhan, China, has become a major public health challenge for not only China but also countries all over the world. In fact the pandemic has led... more
The sudden outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which originated from
the city of Wuhan, China, has become a major public health challenge for not only
China but also countries all over the world. In fact the pandemic has led to the total
lockdown of most of the human activities in various parts of the world. The World
Health Organization announced that the outbreaks of the novel coronavirus have
constituted a public health emergency of international concern. As of February 26, 2020, COVID-19 has been recognized in 34 countries, with a total of 80,239
laboratory-confirmed cases and 2,700 deaths, there was a sudden shoot up of
confirmed cases of 4.9 million in at least 188 countries with 323,300 deaths and
nearly 1.7 million recoveries as at 20th of May 2020. Infection control measures are
necessary to prevent the virus from further spreading and to help control the epidemic
situation. One of the control measures is the total lockdown of schools at various
levels in the whole world, on march 19, 2020 Nigerian government through the
federal ministry of education ordered the closure of all schools at various levels.There
is no doubt that the interference of the coronavirus pandemic has caused so many
challenges on the Nigerian education system, in the like this, this paper reveals the
concepts of coronavirus (covid-19), issues, challenges and impacts on the sustainable
development of the educational system of Nigeria.
Coronavirus, Nigerian Education System
Education is the key that unlocks the door for the development of any nation. It is the instrument that facilitates political, economic, social and technological development of a country. For education to play its key role on the... more
Education is the key that unlocks the door for the development of any nation. It is the instrument that facilitates political, economic, social and technological development of a country. For education to play its key role on the transformation of a nation, it needs to be adequately and effectively planned because a faulty educational planning can jeopardize a country's development for decades. Therefore the importance of educational planning cannot be overemphasized. This chapter examines the types and reasons for educational planning. The types of planning have been succinctly discussed based on classification and an in-depth discussion of the reasons for educational planning presented. Similarly, the models of educational planning using the interactive and rational models have also been treated. The limitations of educational planning in Nigeria are identified and discussed. Premised on the constraints to educational planning, some remedies are proffered.
Abstract: Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’... more
Abstract: Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’ job satisfaction. Therefore, this paper aims to examine previous studies that focused on the relationship between different school principals’ leadership styles and teachers’ job satisfaction to find out which style best to be implemented in the school context. Within this purpose, twenty-five studies related to the issue were found and downloaded in some journals from reputable databases. The studies than analyze through systematic review to compare the differences and similarities. The research revealed that transformational leadership style is the most prominent leadership style which significantly increase teachers’ job satisfaction compared to any other leadership styles. Therefore, the research recommended that school principals and other related parties to have, implement, and maintain transformational leadership in their institutions.
The study dealt with the awareness, congruency, comprehensibility and attainability of Benguet State University's vision, mission, core values, CAS goals with its best practices and Program Objectives. A survey questionnaire was used to... more
The study dealt with the awareness, congruency, comprehensibility and attainability of Benguet State University's vision, mission, core values, CAS goals with its best practices and Program Objectives. A survey questionnaire was used to gather the needed data. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the results of the study, it was found that the respondents are all aware of the university's vision, mission and its core values. They also believed that BSU's vision, mission, CAS goals, its best practices and program objectives are congruent. Similarly, the university's vision and mission and CAS goals are perceived by the respondents to be comprehensible and attainable. From the findings of the study, it is recommended that university undertakings be strengthened upholding its mandates on instruction, research, extension and production towards internationalization. Further, institutional frameworks as bases for concrete action plans be established for the College of Arts and Sciences through the MA ESL and PhD Language Programs anchor the realization of its college goals, its best practices and program objectives.
This issue on Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies enables you to critical examine the trends and directions in educational administration, planning and management in their social, educational and political contexts in... more
Educational planning in Nigeria started from the colonial era when the country was ruled by the British government. During this period, there was no documented education plan for the country. Education ordinances were used to guide and... more
Educational planning in Nigeria started from the colonial era when the country was ruled by the British government. During this period, there was no documented education plan for the country. Education ordinances were used to guide and direct educational activities in Nigeria and the curriculum was modeled after the British system of education. In other words, the type of education given to the people of Nigeria did not reflect the needs, aspirations and culture of the people. The first articulated education plan for Nigeria during the British colonial administration was the 1944 ten-year education plan. After independence in 1960, Nigeria had come up with many education plans, some of which were embedded in the National Development plans. This chapter therefore, examines the development of educational planning from the colonial period to the present time. Various education plans and their associated problems are identified and discussed. The concepts of planning and educational planning are also explained.
Topik analisis biaya-manfaat (cost-benefit analysis) dalam perencanaan pendidikan, selama satu dasawarsa terakhir, telah sering membangkitkan kecurigaan di kalangan para guru dan administrator pendidikan. Analisis semacam ini biasanya... more
Topik analisis biaya-manfaat (cost-benefit analysis) dalam perencanaan pendidikan, selama satu dasawarsa terakhir, telah sering membangkitkan kecurigaan di kalangan para guru dan administrator pendidikan. Analisis semacam ini biasanya diajukan oleh para ekonom, yang bukan dari kalangan pendidik, dalam penentuan alokasi anggaran untuk sektor pendidikan di dalam anggaran nasional (APBN).
Information has come to be perceived, on the whole, as something ordinary and seems to be slowly losing its value. In this article, this is explored in four respects. It is no longer possible to have an overview with respect to the... more
Information has come to be perceived, on the whole, as something ordinary and seems to be slowly losing its value. In this article, this is explored in four respects. It is no longer possible to have an overview with respect to the information at one’s disposal. Furthermore, there is a relatively great supply of information, provided by a greater number of contributors than before. Some recent developments in education are also relevant in evaluating the situation. The impact of technical developments, in particular the Internet, on present society, is important from several points of view. This is given attention accordingly.
Crimes are as old as human civilization and Crimes against Women have been in existence since then. Crimes against Women are ubiquitous. Nature of Crimes against Women, its types, dimensions and rate of change vary from country to country... more
Crimes are as old as human civilization and Crimes against Women have been in existence since then. Crimes against Women are ubiquitous. Nature of Crimes against Women, its types, dimensions and rate of change vary from country to country and time to time. Even within a country it varies from region to region. This study covers a period of two decades from 1994 – 2013. It has focused on analysing the trends of Crimes against Women after the advent of the era of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. Here, crimes refer to only those crimes which are prescribed in criminal laws that have been taken up for analysis. Some of the special laws related to Crimes against Women have been analysed in addition to the general offences enumerated under IPC.
Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’ job... more
Leadership style is considered as one among many factors which significantly contributed to teachers’ job satisfaction. Thus, an appropriate style of leadership should be implemented by school principals to increase teachers’ job satisfaction. Therefore, this paper aims to examine previous studies that focused on the relationship between different school principals’ leadership styles and teachers’ job satisfaction to find out which style best to be implemented in the school context. Within this purpose, twenty-five studies related to the issue were found and downloaded in some journals from reputable databases. The studies than analyze through systematic review to compare the differences and similarities. The research revealed that transformational leadership style is the most prominent leadership style which significantly increase teachers’ job satisfaction compared to any other leadership styles. Therefore, the research recommended that school principals and other related parties ...
This paper presents detailed methods for constructing a flexible philosophical–analytical model through which to apply the analytic principles of CDA for the interpretation of metaphors across policy texts. Drawing on a theoretical... more
This paper presents detailed methods for constructing a flexible philosophical–analytical model through which to apply the analytic principles of CDA for the interpretation of metaphors across policy texts. Drawing on a theoretical framing from Foucault and the augmentation of Nietzsche’s views on valuation, we sketch a framework for examining ways in which evaluative semantic categories can be linked to sociological theories in order to bring out their relevance for the purpose of critical discourse analysis. This multi-level research framework draws upon a relationship between language analysis, the philosophical study of valuation, and political economy as a composite formulation of values through which neo-liberalism is discursively entwined and progressed through a system of principles of e/valuation.
- by Nadira Talib and +1
- •
- Critical Theory, Business, Business Administration, Business Ethics
This study explored the extent of organizational commitment and how this may support or hinder a range of job satisfaction of teachers examined in the Ethiopian primary schools.The research employed correlation design. To this end, one... more
This study explored the extent of organizational commitment and how this may support or hinder a range of job satisfaction of teachers examined in the Ethiopian primary schools.The research employed correlation design. To this end, one hundred and eighteen 118 (58.1%) teachers were selected from six primary schools using simple random sampling technique and participated in the study. The researchers collected the relevant data from teachers using Spector's (1997) adopted version of job satisfaction survey (JSS) and Meyer and Allen's (1990) organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ). The researchers analyzed the data using mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and t-test. The result showed that there was evidence of positive correlation between teachers' job satisfaction and their organizational commitment in the sampled schools. Regardless of this, the findings of the study revealed that gender was the only demographic variable that had significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. The other demographic variables such as age, gender, marital status and level of education did not show significant relationship with teachers' job satisfaction in the sampled schools. Consequent up on this finding it was concluded that schools can enhance the level of teachers' organizational commitment by creating a more satisfying working environment. As to the demographic variable, since some of the finding contradicts with the existing literature, we need to undertake more studies to have better understanding of the nature of the relationship between teachers demographic variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in developing countries context.
It is important to plan in all spheres of human endeavour. Anyone that does not plan ends up a failure. But planning without the necessary backups is like venturing into business without capitals. This is why funding or financial support... more
It is important to plan in all spheres of human endeavour. Anyone that does not plan ends up a failure. But planning without the necessary backups is like venturing into business without capitals. This is why funding or financial support is very important in every planning. Every educational administrator spearheads planning, coordination, directing, supervision, inspection, monitoring, staffing, organizing in any educational institution he or she finds him or herself. The educational administrator can be likened to educational leader or educational manager. He or she manages the resources of the educational institutions whether in lower basic education level schools (primary 1-3), middle basic education level schools (primary 4-6), upper basic education level schools (JSS 1-3), Senior Secondary Schools (SSI-3) and tertiary institutions (colleges of education, polytechnics and universities). The quality and standard of educational service delivery depends on the effectiveness, competence and efficiency of the educational administrator. Available materials, human and financial resources are handled and effectively or ineffectively utilized by the educational administrator. Teachers and students under this educational administrator have roles to also to play in the effective or ineffective use of available material, human and financial resources. The core of every development of any educational institution or other educational parastatals is anchored on funding. Adequate funding makes for effective planning and brings about advancement, system 's improvement, human capital development, effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery, academic performances and achievements that are exceptional and so on. The crux of this paper is looking at how adequate funding of educational institutions can bring about effective planning. This paper discusses the view point of an educational administrator on how adequate funding can foster effective planning.
Communities play a key role in educational development in many countries. In Cameroon, a number of legislations transfer certain educational responsibilities from the central government to local communities in line with the decentralized... more
Communities play a key role in educational development in many countries. In Cameroon, a number of legislations transfer certain educational responsibilities from the central government to local communities in line with the decentralized form of the state. Using the 2015/2016 academic year as the basis for assessment, this study examined the extent to which communities are responsive to the educational tasks assigned to them, and whether their contributions counts with regard to access to secondary education. Focus was on a sample of 65 randomly selected secondary schools in Fako Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. Principals from the schools responded to a questionnaire-the main instrument for data collection. Interviews were also held with parents, community leaders, councils and other stakeholders to complement questionnaire responses. Research data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and finding presented in the form of frequencies and proportions. Multinomial Logistic Regression Model was used to appraise the predictive power of community contributions on access to secondary education. The findings showed that community financing was little to inexistent and did not account for the relatively good access to secondary education reported. A major recommendation was for the government to effectively implement the process of decentralization by adequately empowering communities and other stakeholders at the decentralized level with finances and other resources needed to enhance the volume and quality of their participation in the achievement of state's development concerns.
This study investigated the influence of examination malpractice prevalence (EMP), agents' involvement in examination malpractice (AIEM), methods of minimising examination malpractice, students' willingness to engage in examination... more
This study investigated the influence of examination malpractice prevalence (EMP), agents' involvement in examination malpractice (AIEM), methods of minimising examination malpractice, students' willingness to engage in examination malpractice and examination quality assurance efforts (EQAE) on Examination Quality Assurance (EQA) of senior secondary school certificate examination (SSSCE) conducted by the National Examinations Council (NECO) in Oyo state, Nigeria. Survey design was adopted, while cluster technique was used in selecting 600 NECO candidates, 60 supervisors, 60 invigilators and 100 NECO staff. Six validated scales were used to collect data. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The EQAE (β=.059) had significant influence on EQA while EMP and AIEM did not. The independent variables (F(3; 219)=1.759; R2=0.024) jointly predicted the EQA of NECO SSSCE and contributed 2.4% of the variations in the dependent variable. The National Examinations Council should strengthen its methods of minimising examination malpractice.
Abstract Quality assurance is a holistic approach covering all the processes in tertiary institution in order to serve the students and other stakeholders in expected quality standards. The success of quality assurance system depends on... more
Quality assurance is a holistic approach covering all the processes in tertiary institution in order to serve the students and other stakeholders in expected quality standards. The success of quality assurance system depends on the support of the management. This paper examines the current academic and policy literatures surrounding quality assurance in tertiary education. Within the content is a superficial look at strategies for quality assurance in tertiary institutions. Among these are: quality assurance in education, modification of the curriculum, assessment, strategic planning, accreditation to tertiary institution and her programmes, human resource availability, information and communication technology adoption and effective supervision. The development of any nation depends on the quality of its education therefore; conscious effort should be made to ensure quality at every level. This paper look at education as a very significant tool for sustainable development. Through tertiary institution, one is prepared to adapt to social, political, technological and economic challenges. Quality assurance is the way to ensure that students acquire the needed skill and talent in order to face the list challenges of life.
Toksik liderlik, bir örgütte yöneticinin çalışanlara karşı olumsuz tavır sergileyerek örgütte kurum kültürünü etkilemesi ve kurumda toksik etki yaratmasıdır Bu çalışmanın amacı Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı personelinin görüşlerine göre, MEB üst... more
Toksik liderlik, bir örgütte yöneticinin çalışanlara karşı olumsuz tavır sergileyerek örgütte kurum kültürünü
etkilemesi ve kurumda toksik etki yaratmasıdır Bu çalışmanın amacı Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı personelinin görüşlerine
göre, MEB üst düzey yöneticilerinin toksik liderlik davranışlarının, çalışanların örgütsel güven ilişkine doğrudan
etkisini ve çalışanların örgütsel bağlılığına aracı etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu bağlamda, MEB’te görev yapan toplam
1202 gönüllü personele (merkez teşkilatında şube müdürü, memur, eğitim uzmanı, görevlendirme öğretmenler, İl ve
İlçe Müdürlüklerinde ise memur, eğitim uzmanı ve görevlendirme öğretmenler), üst düzey yöneticilerinin (Bakanlık
merkez teşkilatında daire başkanı ve genel müdür; taşra teşkilatında il ve ilçe milli eğitim müdür ve müdür
yardımcıları) toksik liderlik davranışları sergileyip sergilemedikleri, kendilerinin ise örgütsel güven ve örgütsel bağlılık
düzeyleri hakkındaki görüşleri sorulmuştur. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler kullanılmış ve ardından yapısal
eşitlik modellemesi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları MEB’te görev yapan üst düzey yöneticilerin büyük ölçüde toksik
liderlik davranışı gösterdiklerini, personelin orta düzeyde örgütsel bağlılığa sahip olduğunu ve personelin çok az
düzeyde örgütsel güvene sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Yine, araştırma sonuçları toksik liderlik ile örgütsel güven
arasında negatif orta düzeyli ilişki, toksik liderlik ile örgütsel bağlılık arasında düşük negatif yönde ilişki ve örgütsel
bağlılık ile örgütsel güven arasında pozitif orta düzeyde ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesinde
ise toksik liderlik ile örgütsel güven ilişkisinde örgütsel bağlılığın ‘kısmi aracı’ etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Örgütsel
güvende toksik liderlik etkisinin örgütsel bağlılık aracılığı ile gerçekleştiği genel sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Toksik liderlik, örgütsel güven, örgütsel bağlılık
The Management Plan refers to the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane that represents cultural heritage of exceptional value and is of highest national significance. The church of St. George is among the most important... more
The Management Plan refers to the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane that represents cultural heritage of exceptional value and is of highest national significance. The church of St. George is among the most important architectural and artistic achievements of the medieval art not only in Macedonia but at the same time on Balkan Peninsula, and in Byzantine art of 14th century in general, thus the monument has universal value as an architectural and artistic achievement and testimony for the artistic achievement of mankind.
For the preparation of the Plan, the used methodology was according to the preparation of management plans for sites that have been proclaimed as World Heritage by UNESCO, adapted to the church complex of St. George, Staro Nagorichane. The Plan contains historical data about the site, its values and meaning, its condition and challenges to which it is exposed, policies, strategies and aims/purposes of the management, as well as activities, organization and instruments for implementation of the Management Plan.
Chapter 1 presents set of information for the geographical location of the church complex, the protected area which includes boundaries and buffer zones, legal protection respectively protection status, legislative and spatial and urban plans associated with the complex. This chapter also contains historical information and description of the complex and its surroundings, its place in regional context, as well as descriptions of activities in and around the complex, its accessibility, existing infrastructure and data for the current management.
In Chapter 2 the church complex is evaluated and its universal values, authenticity, integrity and exceptional national importance of St. George and the site in general are listed/pointed. Based on the analysis of information contained in Chapter 1, an assessment on the condition of the church complex presented in Chapter 3 is given. Besides the physical condition of the site, damages of the buildings and wall paintings, this chapter also contains information on the accessibility, the level of research, presentation and popularization of the church complex and its inclusion in local economy.
In Chapter 4 the principles of management, the position of the Plan and the institutional framework for the management respectively policies of the management of the church complex are listed.
Strategy management, expected values and aims/goals of the Management plan for the
Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane is contained in Chapter 5 – “Implementation of the Management Plan”. The objectives of the Plan are grouped into long-term goals, management goals, conservation goals and goals in the area of legislation and policy of preservation of cultural heritage, as well as the needs in terms of future research, interpretation and presentation of the site, its involvement in the local economy and protection of the landscape. For each designated goal or need in this chapter activities needed for their implementation are listed.
The last Chapter (6) contains the model of organization and instruments for implementing, duration of the validity and review/revision of the Management Plan. The model and subjects of cooperation in implementation of the Plan are also part of this chapter.
The Management plan for the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane was prepared by the professional team of the National Conservation Centre – Skopje: Msc. Jasminka Nikolich Novakovich, Art histortian – Advisor conservator, Msc. Cvetanka Hadji Pecova, Architect – Advisor conservator, Msc. Jehona Spahiu, Art historian – Senior conservator, and Jovan Ristov, jurist in cooperation with representatives from Cultural Heritage Protection Office at the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Bishopric/Diocese of Kumanovo and Osogovo, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane.
The preparation of the Plan was enabled in the framework of the project Ljubljana Process II:
Rehabilitating Our Common Heritage with financial assistance in the form of the EU Parliament grant for Sustaining Heritage Rehabilitation in the Western Balkans, implemented by the Task Force on Culture and Society of the Regional Cooperation Council. At national level, the Ljubljana Process II is coordinated by the Cultural Heritage Protection Office and the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia.
The paper gives a theoretical background to experiential learning and its importance in profession development of executives in the education sector. The paper also describes the introduction of experiential and action learning approach... more
The paper gives a theoretical background to experiential learning and its importance in profession development of executives in the education sector. The paper also describes the introduction of experiential and action learning approach as a novel strategic paradigm at the National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, Nigeria with active support from the world Bank, Partnership for Child Development and other members of the UNAIDS Inter Agency Task Team .The Institute is charged with the responsibility of developing critical mass of educational planners and managers for the effective and efficient planning and management of the education system through capacity building, continuous training, research and consultancy. The paper recounts the Institute s journey between 2003-2006 during which several successful executives training using the experiential learning approach were held. Evaluation data from participants are presented and lesson learned described. The paper also explores future avenues of development for the Institute.
The success of the implementation of any programme, be it educational, political or economic to a large extent depends on adequate planning. Over the years, the government of this country in a desperate effort to enhance educational... more
The success of the implementation of any programme, be it educational, political or economic to a large extent depends on adequate planning. Over the years, the government of this country in a desperate effort to enhance educational development has embarked on various educational programmes. But some of them could not stand the test of time because of improper and inadequate planning. Lack of adequate planning in terms of personnel, facilities and equipment, funding and accurate statistical data for expected students/pupils enrolment made implementation difficult This paper therefore examines the need for effective planning as a pre-requisite for successful implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Scheme. The objectives of the scheme, the meaning, characteristics of good planning and what to plan for in the UBE Scheme are discussed. Finally, the paper calls on the Federal, State and Local Governments as well as Non-Governmental organizations to jointly ensure proper planning for the smooth commencement of the UBE Scheme.
This study investigated the extent of principals' implementation of external supervision feedback for quality assurance in public secondary schools in Imo state. To this end, the study was guided by three research questions and three... more
This study investigated the extent of principals' implementation of external supervision feedback for quality assurance in public secondary schools in Imo state. To this end, the study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. Population consisted 5,758 respondents made up of all the 395 principals and 5,363 teachers in the 285 public secondary schools in Imo state. A sample of 829 respondents comprising 81 principals and 748 teachers was drawn from the population using multi-stage sampling procedure. Data was collected using a questionnaire of 37 items titled Implementation of External Supervision Feedback Questionnaire (IESFQ) which was validated by three experts. Internal consistency reliability index of 0.89 was obtained for the three sections of the instrument using Cronbach's alpha method. Data analysis was done using mean for the research questions and t-test for the hypotheses. The findings revealed among others that external supervision feedback regarding teaching and learning process, leadership and management and teacher quality in secondary schools in Imo state are implemented to a low extent. The study also found out that the difference in the mean ratings of principals and teachers on the extent of implementation of external supervision feedback regarding teaching and learning process, leadership and management and teacher quality for quality assurance in secondary schools in Imo state was not significant. Based on the findings of the study it was recommended among others that the Imo State Education Board should arrange a continuous professional development training programmes for secondary school teachers on improving their teaching skills. This will help them improve in their implementation of feedback regarding teaching and learning process. Conclusions were drawn, implications of the findings and suggestions for further studies were also made out.
versity. Manuscript Info Abstract Manuscript History: Received: 12 November 2013 Final Accepted: 26 November 2013 Published Online: December 2013 Key words: Leadership Representation Schools Factors Positions Women still hold fewer... more
Manuscript Info Abstract
Manuscript History: Received: 12 November 2013 Final Accepted: 26 November 2013 Published Online: December 2013 Key words: Leadership Representation Schools Factors Positions
Women still hold fewer positions of responsibility when it comes to leadership in organisations such as schools in most developing countries (Johnson, 2010). In Zimbabwe, the government has put in place policies that encourage and promote the elevation of women into top positions of leadership. For example, it promulgated the National Gender Policy in 2004 to promote the advancement of women in all sectors (National Gender Policy, 2004). This was a result of the realisation that women constitute 52% of the population and yet, in terms of representation in leadership positions across all sectors, they constituted less than 30% (Makoni, 2011). A study of women in educational leadership positions in education undertaken by Brown and Ralph (2006) indicated that women were making little progress in achieving equity with men in attaining leadership positions. Ozigi (2004) observed that the education system still remains overwhelmingly male at the top levels with a few females in positions of authority in most countries. As Evetts (2009) lamented, “leadership positions in the education sector still remain the men‟s club to some extent.” Against the background of a literature review which examines representation of women teachers in leadership positions, this article draws on a qualitative inquiry of factors contributing toward the low representation of women in leadership positions in a small sample of 30 teachers and heads of schools from the Nkayi North West Circuit in Nkayi District in Matabeleland North in Zimbabwe, selected by means of purposeful sampling. The research adopted a qualitative methodology using a case study design. Data were gathered by means of semi-structured interviews using an interview guide. Views of the respondents were audio-taped, transcribed and became the primary data for analysis. The findings indicated that there are many subtle barriers that hinder the elevation of women into senior leadership positions. The government has promulgated very positive policies for women advancement and yet has ignored the cultural and social practices that negate women advancement. The study also revealed that there are few women teachers with the requisite qualifications to take up leadership positions. The study recommends that women should be conscientised about policies put in place by the government for their advancement in the work place and women should be encouraged to study to attain higher qualifications for eligibility for promotion.
Yalın girişimciliğin ve startup'ların gelişimi, vizyon ve inovatif düşünme yeteneğine sahip bireylere bağlıdır. Girişimcilerin kazancı, yüksek büyümeyi hızlandırmaları için verileri kullanmayı öğrenerek müşteri etkileşimini artırması... more
Yalın girişimciliğin ve startup'ların gelişimi, vizyon ve inovatif düşünme yeteneğine sahip bireylere bağlıdır. Girişimcilerin kazancı, yüksek büyümeyi hızlandırmaları için verileri kullanmayı öğrenerek müşteri etkileşimini artırması bakımından çok önemlidir. Bu amaçla, yalın girişimcilik alanında önemli danışmanlardan olan Brant Cooper ve Patrick Vlaskovits, bu kitabı kaleme alarak girişimciliğin inovatif yönüne vurgu yapmış ve alana katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Yazarlar bu kitapta, teknolojinin içinde ve dışında faaliyet gösteren onlarca girişimci ve startup fitma sahipleri ile görüşerek çeşitli vaka incelemelerini paylaşmışlardır.
Yeni bir girişimin oluşumunun ilk aşamalarında belirsizlik vardır. Ancak bu belirsizlik karşısında tahmin ve planlama gibi geleneksel müdahaleler artık yeterli gelmemektedir. İşte Yalın Girişim, tam da bu noktada devreye girmektedir. Bu kitapla Yalın Girişimcilere inovasyon odaklı, bilimsel verilere dayanan, test ve deneylerle ölçümlenebilir yeni bir yönetim anlayışı aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kitap vasıtasıyla girişimciler; müşterilerle nasıl iletişim kurulacağını, denemelerin nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini ve iş girişimlerinde elverişli verilerin nasıl kullanılması gerektiğini öğrenip bu doğrultuda girişimlerine inovasyon katabileceklerdir.
Bu kitap, kurumların işletme modellerine ilişkin zorlukların belirlenip bunlar üzerinde çalışılmasını sağlayacak yeni düşünme biçimleri, araçlar ve aktiviteler sunmaktadır. Startup'ın ne olduğu, bu doğrultuda vizyon, değerler ve kültürün etkileri üzerinde yeni bir vizyon vermektedir. Ayrıca inovatif bir vizyon için müşteri etkileşimi ve yalınlık, uygulanan gerçek vaka incelemeleriyle detaylandırılmıştır. Bu bakımdan Yalın Girişimci kitabının, sistemli ve inovatif bir girişimin oluşmasına rehberlik etmesi açısından okunması gerekir. Kitap sadece yeni girişimciler için değil, aynı zamanda üniversitelerde girişimcilik kültürü kapsamında da değerlendirilmesi gereken bir kaynaktır. Ayrıca, işletmelerde özellikle araştırma ve inovasyon odaklı çalışmalara önem veren şirket sahiplerinin ve yöneticilerin başvuru kitabı olarak değerlendirebilecekleri bir referans niteliği de taşımaktadır.
Globally, education is regarded as an instrument per-excellence for the development of any nation. Nigeria, like other developing countries, needs to combat unemployment, poverty, social ineptitude, scientific and technological... more
Globally, education is regarded as an instrument per-excellence for the development of any nation. Nigeria, like other developing countries, needs to combat unemployment, poverty, social ineptitude, scientific and technological backwardness. The paper examined quality management skills adopted by school principals to enhance attainment of secondary education goals in Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The 26 principals of public secondary schools in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA constituted the sample for the study using the census approach. An instrument titled: Principals' Quality Management Skills as Determinants of Goal Attainment Questionnaire (PQMSDGAQ) with a reliability coefficients 0.89 was used for data collection. Data was collected and analyzed through the Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between effective &...
The paper focuses on the proposed scrapping of JAMB and NECO Examinations Bodies in Nigeria. It carefully looked at the consequences of the action as well as the need to let the status quo ante be maintained. It further looked at the... more
The paper focuses on the proposed scrapping of JAMB and NECO Examinations Bodies in Nigeria. It carefully looked at the consequences of the action as well as the need to let the status quo ante be maintained. It further looked at the examination bodies in developed countries on how they welcome establishment of more examination bodies to compliment the efforts of the existing ones.
What are teachers thinking about their planning. - The paper presents findings in cognitive psychology on teachers' planning. This new field in descriptive research proves didactic models of formation to be inadequate in regard to... more
What are teachers thinking about their planning. - The paper presents findings in cognitive psychology on teachers'
planning. This new field in descriptive research proves didactic models of formation to be inadequate in regard to
classroom practices. Teachers function thanks to the intériorisation of previous plans into routines. They currently filter
new knowledge through reception structures which proceed to the didactic transposition of informations. Cognitive
plans generated by this inner frame organize routines interactivally with the field and allow improvisation to be
produced, which means adaptation of didactic structures to the ever moving reality of classroom practice. Further
models of formation should take into account field realities to structure flexible didactic frames involving interactional
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an... more
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an approach has led to overemphasis of grades, thus void of Values for societal change. However, other approaches like social change perspective that advocates for the transformation of the person for societal change prioritizes the "common good" as vital element for change. In addition, it allows state and religious organizations to influence education curriculum, aims and objectives for societal change. This study critically examines the salient features of Thomas Aquinas' Theory of education and establishes whether Thomas Aquinas' philosophical ideas can facilitate the realization of responsible citizens in Kenya.. The study recommends for a multidimensional approach in handling discipline issues, curriculum formulation and impleme...
Article highlights dismal state of literacy in Pakistan and explains factors that have hindered promotion of basic education in the country. It also offers information about few success stories of literacy drives in other countries.
Teacher mentoring is one of the most well-known and widespread methods of personalized guidance and support for school’s new-entrant substitute teachers (Bezzina, 2006; Andrews & Quinn 2005; Moyles, Suschitsky & Chapman, 1999;... more
Teacher mentoring is one of the most well-known and
widespread methods of personalized guidance and support for school’s new-entrant substitute teachers (Bezzina, 2006; Andrews & Quinn 2005; Moyles, Suschitsky & Chapman, 1999; Nemser-Feiman, 1996), providing multiple benefits (Ingersoll, 2003; Ingersoll & Kralik, 2004; Lambeth, 2012). However, in the Greek context, teacher mentoring as a practice, although it is institutionalized in 2010, has not been yet implemented. For that reason, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether school’s new-entrant substitute teachers receive mentoring support and guidance, even informally, from their colleagues (peer mentoring) and their principal. Additionally, it explores the role of leadership in mentoring support as described above. A quantitative research approach has been adopted. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 120 school’s new-entrant substitute schoolteachers using the convenience sampling technique. The questionnaires included a Likert type scale with 51 items measuring different aspects of teachers’ views about their informal peer mentoring support (Huling-Austin & Murphy, 1987) and leadership style of their principal (Organizational Climate Descriptive Questionnaire- Hoy & Clover, 1986). According to the results, school’s new-entrant substitute teachers seem to receive in a small extent informal mentoring support and guidance from their colleagues and principal. However, colleagues provide to a greater extent mentoring support than school principals. In addition, school leadership, especially supportive leadership style is positively correlated with mentoring support.
The reason for this study was to decide the impact of applying intermediate techniques in learning Islamic Religious Education on the advancement of youngsters' characters.Coaching and coaching which are good times for children can play... more
The reason for this study was to decide the impact of applying intermediate techniques in learning Islamic Religious Education on the advancement of youngsters' characters.Coaching and coaching which are good times for children can play an important role in shaping their personality, So there should be work from coaching specialists to find the kind of discovering that suits the advancement of the present kids living in the schooling division.progress. Sentra is an application designed to change children's moral, mental and scientific knowledge to improve something. The collected information is then investigated using an inductive illustrative examination approach. The results show that the instructive experiences that utilize the seven central parts are 1) availability, 2) block, 3) ability, 4) difficult tasks, 5) typical material, 6) body exercises, and 7) iman and taqwa., contributed at all in strengthening mental perspective. . , psychomotor, and adolescent social communication. Also, the assimilation of these techniques in the PAI educational experience can relate to the student's strict personal setting. The fundamental key to the outcome of using this technique is consistency of action. make critical commitments in fortifying children's mental, psychomotor, and social connections. What's more, the assimilation of these strategies in a developing PAI experience can link students' rigid personal development. The main key to the results of using this strategy is consistency of movement. make a major commitment to fortify the mental, psychomotor, and social communication of young people. Furthermore, the assimilation of these strategies in the PAI educational experience can link students' rigorous personal development. The main key to advancing the use of this technique is consistency of movement.
Keywords : central method; Islamic education; character; early childhood
A telephone survey of the first graduates from the newly-formed department of Tourism Business at the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus in Greece was carried out during May 2003. The purpose of the study was to assess the... more
A telephone survey of the first graduates from the newly-formed department of Tourism Business at the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus in Greece was carried out during May 2003. The purpose of the study was to assess the employment status of the graduates and the survey also included general questions about age, employment status and salary. The survey revealed there was no correlation between age, sex or degree classification (X 2-test, P>0.05) and salary or career expectations, and that the interviewed graduates consider family network, foreign languages or computer literacy to be more important than the degree itself in getting their first job in the hospitality industry.
Integrating the Monitoring at All Stages
Monitoring is an integral part of every project, from start to finish
Teacher mentoring is one of the most well-known and widespread methods of personalized guidance and support for school’s new-entrant substitute teachers (Bezzina, 2003456; Andrews & Quinn 2005; Moyles, Suschitsky & Chapman, 1999;... more
Teacher mentoring is one of the most well-known and widespread methods of personalized guidance and support for school’s new-entrant substitute teachers (Bezzina, 2003456; Andrews & Quinn 2005; Moyles, Suschitsky & Chapman, 1999; Nemser-Feiman, 1996), providing multiple benefits (Ingersoll, 2003; Ingersoll & Kralik, 2004; Lambeth, 2012). However, in the Greek context, teacher mentoring as a practice, although it is institutionalized in 2010, has not been yet implemented. For that reason, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether school’s new-entrant substitute teachers receive mentoring support and guidance, even informally, from their colleagues (peer mentoring) and their principal. Additionally, it explores the role of leadership in mentoring support as described above. A quantitative research approach has been adopted. Self-administered questionnaires werecompleted by 120 school’s new-entrant substitute schoolteachers using the convenience sampling technique. The questi...
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an... more
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an approach has led to overemphasis of grades, thus void of Values for societal change. However, other approaches like social change perspective that advocates for the transformation of the person for societal change prioritizes the "common good" as vital element for change. In addition, it allows state and religious organizations to influence education curriculum, aims and objectives for societal change. This study critically examines the salient features of Thomas Aquinas' Theory of education and establishes whether Thomas Aquinas' philosophical ideas can facilitate the realization of responsible citizens in Kenya.. The study recommends for a multidimensional approach in handling discipline issues, curriculum formulation and impleme...
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an... more
The overemphasis of human capital for addressing societal needs has driven education systems globally to reorient education systems towards empowering the young with vital competencies for suitability in the job market. In Kenya, such an approach has led to overemphasis of grades, thus void of Values for societal change. However, other approaches like social change perspective that advocates for the transformation of the person for societal change prioritizes the "common good" as vital element for change. In addition, it allows state and religious organizations to influence education curriculum, aims and objectives for societal change. This study critically examines the salient features of Thomas Aquinas' Theory of education and establishes whether Thomas Aquinas' philosophical ideas can facilitate the realization of responsible citizens in Kenya.. The study recommends for a multidimensional approach in handling discipline issues, curriculum formulation and impleme...
Globally, education is regarded as an instrument per-excellence for the development of any nation. Nigeria, like other developing countries, needs to combat unemployment, poverty, social ineptitude, scientific and technological... more
Globally, education is regarded as an instrument per-excellence for the development of any nation. Nigeria, like other developing countries, needs to combat unemployment, poverty, social ineptitude, scientific and technological backwardness. The paper examined quality management skills adopted by school principals to enhance attainment of secondary education goals in Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The 26 principals of public secondary schools in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA constituted the sample for the study using the census approach. An instrument titled: Principals' Quality Management Skills as Determinants of Goal Attainment Questionnaire (PQMSDGAQ) with a reliability coefficients 0.89 was used for data collection. Data was collected and analyzed through the Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between effective 'instructional supervision, teachers' performance evaluation and secondary school goal attainment. It was therefore recommended that principals should constantly carry out routine, and periodic instructional supervision and teachers' performance evaluation to fast track secondary school goal attainment.