Emergency Contraception Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

En France, la contraception d'urgence est souvent méconnue, utilisée de manière non appropriée. Des informations fausses continuent de circuler sur ces pilules incorrectement baptisées " du lendemain ". Et certains professionnels en... more

En France, la contraception d'urgence est souvent méconnue, utilisée de manière non appropriée. Des informations fausses continuent de circuler sur ces pilules incorrectement baptisées " du lendemain ". Et certains professionnels en freinent l'utilisation. Une sociologue a mené l'enquête auprès de soixante-quatre femmes de 15 à 25 ans. Elle souligne les fausses représentations autour de la contraception d'urgence ainsi que la méconnaissance par les jeunes femmes des structures permettant d'obtenir gratuitement ce type de contraception. Information et pédagogie doivent être mises en oeuvre.

To investigate the knowledge, practices, and attitudes among students at a university in Ghana regarding emergency contraception (EC).An anonymous, self-administered, 39-item questionnaire was sent to 3200 students. The sample size was... more

To investigate the knowledge, practices, and attitudes among students at a university in Ghana regarding emergency contraception (EC).An anonymous, self-administered, 39-item questionnaire was sent to 3200 students. The sample size was stratified and 2292 students were randomly selected.Of the 71.6% of students who responded, 51.4% had heard of EC. Among those, 19.4% thought EC consisted of contraceptive pills, 19.1% of “morning-after pills,” and 12.8% of an intrauterine device. Only 4.2% had ever used EC but 73.9% wished it were provided on campus. Of all the respondents, 90.9% called for the establishment of a reproductive health counseling center on campus.Student knowledge and use of EC were poor, and there is urgent need for reproductive counseling and EC services on campus.

Le Vade-mecum pour la prise en charge des demandes de contraception d’urgence réalisé par la Fédération laïque de centres de planning familial contient : - Une synthèse de la littérature scientifique - Un arbre décisionnel pour la... more

Le Vade-mecum pour la prise en charge des demandes de contraception d’urgence réalisé par la Fédération laïque de centres de planning familial contient :
- Une synthèse de la littérature scientifique
- Un arbre décisionnel pour la prise en charge médicale
- Des recommandations de bonne pratique
- Un questionnaire

We measured the consistency with which a national random sample of 110 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs provided 17 services to sexual assault victims. SANE programs consistently offered forensic evidence collection, sexually... more

We measured the consistency with which a national random sample of 110 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs provided 17 services to sexual assault victims. SANE programs consistently offered forensic evidence collection, sexually transmitted infection (STI) prophylaxis, information on HIV, information on pregnancy risk, and referrals to community resources. Reasons programs did not routinely offer particular services (e.g., STI cultures, HIV testing/prophylaxis, emergency contraception (EC)) included financial constraints, difficulties balancing medical care with legal prosecution, and affiliations with Catholic hospitals.

This thesis explores the demand for family planning (FP) in the region and demonstrates that just at the time that demand takes off the brain drain and economic situation make it unlikely that the required services will be provided. This,... more

This thesis explores the demand for family planning (FP) in the region and demonstrates that just at the time that demand takes off the brain drain and economic situation make it unlikely that the required services will be provided. This, increasingly, results in unsafe abortions. FP in Zimbabwe is overwhelmingly based on the pill (little effort of health workers needed)

Los enormes beneficios que aportan los nuevos avances científicos relacionados con el inicio de la vida humana, vienen de la mano con la exigencia de ofrecer nuevas respuestas en el orden bioético a las situaciones planteadas, que afectan... more

Los enormes beneficios que aportan los nuevos avances científicos relacionados con el inicio de la vida humana, vienen de la mano con la exigencia de ofrecer nuevas respuestas en el orden bioético a las situaciones planteadas, que afectan a la dignidad del ser humano y al respeto a sus derechos, fundamentalmente el derecho a la vida. En la recta bioética, el fin sigue sin justificar los medios, pero además, no todo fin, por el hecho de constituir un avance científico y una posibilidad de dominio de la naturaleza por parte del ser humano, resulta automáticamente lícito. Precisamente su propia naturaleza humana, que ha recibido de otro y que él mismo no ha diseñado, consistente en mucho más que un agregado de moléculas o procesos bioquímicos, establece los límites que deben marcarse al progreso, la innovación científica o el afán de notoriedad y dominio.

In his article “Is Plan B an Abortifacient?” Rev. Nicanor Austriaco presents a selection of recent research studies on levonorgestrel (LNG), the hormone contained in the emergency contraceptive (EC) Plan B. He is led to conclude that an... more

In his article “Is Plan B an Abortifacient?” Rev. Nicanor Austriaco presents a selection of recent research studies on levonorgestrel (LNG), the hormone contained in the emergency contraceptive (EC) Plan B. He is led to conclude that an abortifacient effect of Plan B is “most unlikely.” We have examined the evidence presented by Austriaco and have noted important methodological and statistical inadequacies in these studies that were not considered in his analysis. We conclude that there is insufficient evidence to disprove an abortifacient
effect of Plan B.

A woman who is sexually assaulted has the right to defend herself against this unjust aggression. She is free to act against any semen deposited in the reproductive tract as a result of the assault. The debate is regarding the scientific... more

A woman who is sexually assaulted has the right to defend herself against this unjust aggression. She is free to act against any semen deposited in the reproductive tract as a result of the assault. The debate is regarding the scientific evidence of whether levonorgestrel (Plan B) acts as an abortifacient, the moral justification for such use.

An estimated 13% of women and 3% of men worldwide report sexual assault in their lifetime. Although managing sexual assault may appear daunting, some victims want medical care only. After disclosure, discuss forensic assessment. If a... more

An estimated 13% of women and 3% of men worldwide report sexual assault in their lifetime. Although managing sexual assault may appear daunting, some victims want medical care only. After disclosure, discuss forensic assessment. If a complaint to the police is possible, give the first dose of emergency contraception if required, and refer for forensic assessment. If medical care only is desired, determine the timing and type of assault and current contraception, manage general and genital injuries and perform relevant tests. After unprotected vaginal rape, offer emergency contraception, chlamydia prophylaxis and vaccination against hepatitis B virus. Counselling is important for all victims of sexual assault, as psychosocial consequences are more common than physical injuries. Management by a sympathetic, non-judgmental health practitioner helps the victim to regain control.

Advances in technology have resulted in medical procedures and practices that were unthought-of in previous generations. Embryonic stem cell research, abortifacients, birth control, and artificial insemination are just a few examples of... more

Advances in technology have resulted in medical procedures and practices that were unthought-of in previous generations. Embryonic stem cell research, abortifacients, birth control, and artificial insemination are just a few examples of these technological advances. While many individuals readily embrace such medical advances, others find them morally objectionable. A contentious national debate is now occurring over whether employee pharmacists have the right to refuse to fill legal prescriptions for emergency contraception because of conscientious objections. In the United States, existing public policy is somewhat muddled in both protecting and encroaching on the employee pharmacist’s right of refusal. This article discusses the legal and ethical nature of that controversy, as well as the clash of interests, rights and responsibilities between employers, employee pharmacists and customers from a U.S. perspective.

The discussion about the mechnism of action of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception (LNG-EC) is properly about moral certitude. And the burden of establishing moral certitude should properly rest on the proponents of LNG-EC.24 Moral... more

The discussion about the mechnism of action of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception (LNG-EC) is properly about moral certitude. And the burden of establishing moral certitude should properly rest on the proponents of LNG-EC.24 Moral certitude that LNG-EC is not abortifacient requires resolution of reasonable doubts to the contrary.

Health Issue: Contraception choices affect the long-term sexual health and fertility of women and men. Data from the 1998 Canadian Contraception Study and the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey were assessed for measures of... more

Health Issue: Contraception choices affect the long-term sexual health and fertility of women and men. Data from the 1998 Canadian Contraception Study and the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey were assessed for measures of contraceptive use and familiarity with various methods among Canadian women. Key Findings: The oral contraceptive (OC) pill is the dominant method of contraception for Canadian women.

This study evaluated the effect of two approaches to provision of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) on ECP use and unprotected intercourse among women relying on spermicides for contraception. The study enrolled 211 women at 4 family... more

This study evaluated the effect of two approaches to provision of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) on ECP use and unprotected intercourse among women relying on spermicides for contraception. The study enrolled 211 women at 4 family planning clinics in Ghana. At two clinics, participants were advised to return to the clinic within 3 days after unprotected intercourse to obtain ECPs.

This study analyses women’s experiences in accessing the emergency hormonal contraception levonorgestrel, ‘NorLevo’, in pharmacies, two years subsequent to its deregulation in Ireland. The study sought to investigate whether such... more

This study analyses women’s experiences in accessing the emergency hormonal contraception levonorgestrel, ‘NorLevo’, in pharmacies, two years subsequent to its deregulation in Ireland. The study sought to investigate whether such deregulation has resulted in positive or negative experiences among women accessing emergency hormonal contraception in pharmacies. Upon analysis of various sociopolitical factors, the role of the Catholic Church, as well as that of Ireland’s colonial history was hypothesised to have, to a large extent, determined societal norms regarding female sexuality, and the regulation of female sexuality, from the perspective of both past and present. The study found 89% of a sample of 141 women to have had negative experiences in accessing emergency hormonal contraception. Internalised stigma and shame, as well as attitudes and practices of pharmacists, were predominantly found to have produced such negative experiences. Negative experiences were also found to have influenced a delay in access among 24.5% of participants, and to have influenced a decision not to access emergency hormonal contraception among 13.2% of participants. The study recommends the implementation of efforts to reject restrictive societal norms regarding female sexuality, as well as a targeted approach regarding the alleviation of stigma surrounding accessing emergency contraception in pharmacies.

Objectives To study the contraceptive practices in perimenopausal women and to compare them between general population and staff nurses. Methods A questionnaire based study was done on 250 perimenopausal women (100 staff nurses and 150... more

Objectives To study the contraceptive practices in perimenopausal women and to compare them between general population and staff nurses. Methods A questionnaire based study was done on 250 perimenopausal women (100 staff nurses and 150 women from general population) to evaluate the impact of literacy on the contraceptive choices among these women. Results Mean parity of the general population was more (3.2) as compared to the staff nurses (2.12) and this difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). Effect of literacy on reducing the parity was statistically significant (p=0.001) and was inversely related to it. Use of barrier method was more common in staff nurses as compared to general population (p<0.001). None of the women in either group were using oral contraceptive pills. Awareness about emergency contraception was more in staff nurses as compared to general population (p<0.001). Conclusion Intellectual status and literacy level has a definite role in using temporary methods of contraception more effectively. There is a need for creating awareness about emergency contraception among women more so amongst the general population

Emergency contraception can play an important role in reducing the rate of unintended pregnancies in Nigeria. Although it is included in the national family planning guidelines, there is limited awareness of this method among clients. In... more

Emergency contraception can play an important role in reducing the rate of unintended pregnancies in Nigeria. Although it is included in the national family planning guidelines, there is limited awareness of this method among clients. In 2003-2004, a sample of 256 health care providers within Lagos State were surveyed about their knowledge of, attitudes toward and provision of emergency contraceptives, using a 25-item, self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies were calculated for the various measures, and chi-square tests were used to determine significant differences. Nine in 10 providers had heard of emergency contraception, but many lacked specific knowledge about the method. Only half of them knew the correct time frame for effective use of emergency contraceptive pills, and three-fourths knew that the pills prevent pregnancy; more than a third incorrectly believed that they may act as an abortifacient. Fewer than a third of respondents who had heard of the pills knew that th...

São relatadas as mudanças ocorridas na América Latina visando à promoção dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos no tocante à luta pela promulgação, defesa e acesso à efetivação da contracepção de emergência. O panorama da oferta do método... more

São relatadas as mudanças ocorridas na América Latina visando à promoção dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos no tocante à luta pela promulgação, defesa e acesso à efetivação da contracepção de emergência. O panorama da oferta do método nos diversos países latino-americanos mostra forte presença do método à base de pílulas de levonorgestrel, embora haja limitação de acesso às mulheres em vários deles, que vêm tentando ampliar suas normativas e legislações internas. Este contexto de desigualdade observado deriva de uma forte resistência de setores contrários à expansão dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, que promovem disputas locais entre representantes de interesses conservadores, em especial ligados à Igreja Católica; e de outro lado setores progressistas de saúde e movimentos sociais ligados aos direitos femininos. O Consórcio Latinoamericano de Anticoncepción de Emergencia tem tido papel importante na mobilização desses últimos atores na região, visando à promoção do acesso das mulheres à contracepção de emergência.

This study evaluates the willingness of women presenting for emergency contraception (EC) to enroll in a study offering the copper intrauterine device (IUD) or oral levonorgestrel (LNG) and follows up the two groups for 6 months after EC... more

This study evaluates the willingness of women presenting for emergency contraception (EC) to enroll in a study offering the copper intrauterine device (IUD) or oral levonorgestrel (LNG) and follows up the two groups for 6 months after EC administration to compare use of an effective method of contraception.This prospective observational study offered these two methods to women presenting for EC. The primary outcome was use of an effective method of contraception 6 months after presenting for EC.Thirty-four women (60%) chose oral LNG and 23 (40%) chose the copper IUD. One month after presenting for EC, 21 (96%) of 22 in the IUD group were still using the IUD and all 22 were using an effective method of contraception (efficacy ≥92%). In the LNG group, 13 (52%) of 25 were using an effective method of contraception (p<.001). At 6 months, 9 (69%) of 13 IUD users and 11 (52%) of 21 oral LNG EC users were using an effective method (p=NS).Women presenting for EC were willing to enroll in a study offering the copper IUD or oral LNG.