English Grammar Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This succinct and accessible resource will help students of biblical languages gain a better appreciation and understanding of the rules, functions, and terminology of English grammar. Useful for beginners, intermediate, and advanced... more

This succinct and accessible resource will help students of biblical languages gain a better appreciation and understanding of the rules, functions, and terminology of English grammar. Useful for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students this quick reference guide can be used in both Biblical languages courses as well as in exegetical courses and as a resource in writing exegetical papers. Instructors will also benefit from the book as both a refresher in grammatical terms and as an additional resource for helping students define terms. This handy resource provides: Definitions of nearly 100 grammatical terms based on their English usage; Explanations of how terms are used in Greek and Hebrew; An easy-to-use quick reference tool for beginner, intermediate, and advanced biblical language students; A useful aid to exegesis; Alphabetical organization

A great article from HBR made into an English lesson for students to improve their skills in the language.

Universal Grammar is the System of Principles, conditions and rules which are elements or properties of all human languages. All human beings share part of their knowledge of languages. U G is their common possession regardless of which... more

Universal Grammar is the System of Principles, conditions and rules which are elements or properties of all human languages. All human beings share part of their knowledge of languages. U G is their common possession regardless of which is each one's mother tongue. Even if somebody speaks English or Japanese he has to use Verb phrases, Noun phrases, know how to use the phonetic properties, know the syntax of the words, even if he does not realise it he uses his/her U G. A person's language is U G plus the particular settings of parameters, plus lexicon of available words. The Grammar is the logic behind each language and by claiming that a U G exists, Noam Chomsky is drawing attention to the same problem that so worried Einstein, Morowitz, Wigner et al. Namely, that the human mind appears to have access to a non-personal and therefore universal reality (Cruse,). As Albert says the child starts with Universal Grammar as an innate endowment, already there, with all its parametrized options, and has only to hear how the options need to be set in his particular language to attain full grammar of that language (Albert 4). It is found that the mistakes that the children make are never against Universal Grammar.

Teaching the research paper has been considered a “present controversy” for over fifty years (Saalbach, 1963). Some scholars believe that it prepares students for “generalized academic writing” (Reiff and Bawarshi, 2011; Sutton, 1997;... more

Teaching the research paper has been considered a “present controversy” for over fifty years (Saalbach, 1963). Some scholars believe that it prepares students for “generalized academic writing” (Reiff and Bawarshi, 2011; Sutton, 1997; Schwegeler and Shamoon, 1982). However, others have referred to the research paper as a “fossilized,” “pseudo-academic,” “mutt genre” (Nowacek, 2011; Wardle, 2007; Carroll, 1999; Larsen, 1982). This chapter argues that radical openness and information overload--two major features of new media composing environments--compromise the relevance of the traditional research paper. First, the research paper has been praised and blamed for its (in)ability to help students learn the importance of writing from sources (Brent 2013, Rooney 2000). However, the parameters of most research assignments are incapable of matching the scale of data available at any given time. For instance, typical constraints like “use 5-7 sources” for a first-year college writing course seems ridiculous when it takes seconds to retrieve thousands, if not millions, of possible sources. Next, open-access publishing and collaborative authorship have transformed the way that research is conducted and recognized across disciplines. Although teaching students how to crowdsource research makes the most sense in a data deluge, the research paper privileges single authorship. Moreover, the problems of authorship and source attribution implicate the research paper in certain kinds of fraud. For instance, plagiarism and term paper mills are a “built-in” problem of research papers (Howell, 1977). In sum, this chapter focuses on what the term "research" means in a context of too much information. It concludes by offering a brief discussion of literature relevant to this topic.

In this study, we assessed and analyzed 5 th grade students' levels of syntactic awareness in relation to their reading fluency and comprehension. The aim was to examine the role of syntactic awareness (children's awareness of the... more

In this study, we assessed and analyzed 5 th grade students' levels of syntactic awareness in relation to their reading fluency and comprehension. The aim was to examine the role of syntactic awareness (children's awareness of the syntactic structure of sentences and their ability to reflect on and manipulate that structure) as a potential source of reading fluency and comprehension difficulty for these readers. We found that the students' levels of syntactic awareness were significantly related to their reading fluency (r= .625) and reading comprehension performance (r= .816). These relationships indicate that lower levels of syntactic awareness correspond to poor reading fluency and poor comprehension among these readers. These findings have important implications for research and instruction addressing the relative contributions of broader language skills to the development of reading fluency and comprehension among struggling readers.

This is a conversation with my friend.

African languages are on the verge of extinction because they are given less primacy as the foreign languages, and have not been standardised by developing their orthographies and phonemic systems. The need to arrest this drift is what... more

African languages are on the verge of extinction because they are given less primacy as the foreign languages, and have not been standardised by developing their orthographies and phonemic systems. The need to arrest this drift is what has led to the emergence of this study. Given the fact that English is a major global language, comparing it with the Gwandara language enables the researchers to appreciate some striking similarities and, or differences capable of elevating the Gwandara language to a higher level. It is hoped that the reader will find this descriptive research work useful for its contribution to the development of one of the Nigeria’s local languages to a standard level.

The purpose of this study is to found out the types of grammar errors in the pre-test questions that have been given to students and how often they are made. From this research, it is expected to be able to help students about common... more

The purpose of this study is to found out the types of grammar errors in the pre-test questions that have been given to students and how often they are made. From this research, it is expected to be able to help students about common types of errors in questions and help them focus their efforts to avoid these mistakes. The results of the study show that students use more Adjective Clause tense than the wrong one. The correct use of Adjective Clause tense is 68%, while errors in using Adjective Clause tense are 32%. Teachers are advised to provide more practice about using the -s or -es suffix in Adjective Clause tense. In addition, for other researchers, they can prepare several techniques to improve student mastery in Adjective Clause tense
As we know English has many forms of words (such as current form, past form, future form, perfect shape, etc.) Which must be mastered by students, but because of differences between Indonesian and English, this provides difficulties for Indonesian students in learning English tenses and using tenses in writing. As Murcia (1995: 4) says that teaching tense is one of the most difficult fields of English grammar for foreign speakers.

APA Citation: Şeker,E. (2016). Designing a competence-based syllabus for Turkish speaking learners of English in terms of accessibility to universal grammar. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 12(1), 79-109. Abstract This study... more

APA Citation: Şeker,E. (2016). Designing a competence-based syllabus for Turkish speaking learners of English in terms of accessibility to universal grammar. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 12(1), 79-109. Abstract This study focuses on designing an English grammar syllabus for Turkish speaking English learners, which is based on the assumption that learning English grammar will be simpler and easier for Turkish speaking learners if it is introduced in a way by which they can achieve accessibility to Universal Grammar. In this study, I analyze almost all traditional grammar modules presented in a reliable ELT reference course book referring to parameters set between Turkish and English languages, try to determine how much of these modules are accessible through first language competence and finally transfer the results into developing a foreign language learning syllabus, accordingly suggesting a hierarchy of learning for Turkish speaking English learners. The traditional...

This book constitutes another step of the linguistic community in translating cognitive linguistics research into a set of guidelines applicable in the foreign language classroom. The authors, language scholars, and experienced... more

This book constitutes another step of the linguistic community in translating cognitive linguistics research into a set of guidelines applicable in the foreign language classroom. The authors, language scholars, and experienced practitioners discuss a collection of both more theoretical and practical issues from the area of second and foreign language pedagogy. These are matters that not only enhance our comprehension of particular grammatical and lexical problems, but also lead to the improvement of the efficiency of teaching a foreign language. The topics range from learners’ emotions, teaching grammatical constructions, prepositions, and vocabulary, to specific issues in phonology. The observations concern the teaching of three different languages: English, French, and Italian. As a result, the book is of interest to scholars dealing with further developments of particular linguistic issues and practitioners who want to learn how to improve the quality of their classroom work.

ast spring I took up stenciling. I stenciled pale red apples on tote bags, bright stars down the sides of posters in my classroom, and even a row of dusty pink hearts along the top edge of my kitchen walls. After numerous successful... more

ast spring I took up stenciling. I stenciled pale red apples on tote bags, bright stars down the sides of posters in my classroom, and even a row of dusty pink hearts along the top edge of my kitchen walls. After numerous successful projects, I knew I was ready for the epitome of my crafting career: redecorating the bathroom. s The room was covered in the same peeling green wallpaper that the home's original owner had chosen many years before. Its edges curled up like ancient parchment as the humidity took its toll, and the creamy paint revealed beneath had grown yellowish with age. My plan was simple. I had the dogwood E n g l i s h J o u r n a l

This article investigates prototypically attributive versus predicative adjectives in English in terms of the phonological properties that have been associated especially with nouns versus verbs in a substantial body of psycholinguistic... more

This article investigates prototypically attributive versus predicative adjectives in English in terms of the phonological properties that have been associated especially with nouns versus verbs in a substantial body of psycholinguistic research (e.g. Kelly 1992) – often ignored in theoretical linguistic work on word classes. Inspired by Berg's (2000, 2009) ‘cross-level harmony constraint’, the hypothesis I test is that prototypically attributive adjectives not only align more with nouns than with verbs syntactically, semantically and pragmatically, but also phonologically – and likewise for prototypically predicative adjectives and verbs. I analyse the phonological structure of frequent adjectives from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and show that the data do indeed support the hypothesis. Berg's ‘cross-level harmony constraint’ may thus apply not only to the entire word classes noun, verb and adjective, but also to these two adjectival subclasses. I dis...

Third Group/ Accepted Papers
The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature
Ahwaz, Iran, 1-2 February 2020

Riepilogo corso di recupero settembre 2018 (20 ore -3 CFU) Dott.ssa Beatrice Moja Il corso è riservato a studenti immatricolati prima dell'a.a. 2016/2017, ovvero studenti immatricolati nell'a.a. 2015/2016 e precedenti. Gli immatricolati a... more

Riepilogo corso di recupero settembre 2018 (20 ore -3 CFU) Dott.ssa Beatrice Moja Il corso è riservato a studenti immatricolati prima dell'a.a. 2016/2017, ovvero studenti immatricolati nell'a.a. 2015/2016 e precedenti. Gli immatricolati a partire dall'a.a. 2016/2017 sono, invece, tenuti a svolgere l'accertamento linguistico con lo SLAM (Servizio Linguistico dell'Ateneo di Milano)

While a study by was able to explain how factors such as phonological salience, frequency, morphological regularity, semantic complexity, and syntactic complexity influence acquisition order, the examination of six similar morphological... more

While a study by was able to explain how factors such as phonological salience, frequency, morphological regularity, semantic complexity, and syntactic complexity influence acquisition order, the examination of six similar morphological features provided only a limited perspective. The purpose of this study was to see if causal variables, both individually and cumulatively, could be used to predict acquisition orders with more highly disparate morphological and syntactic features. Results of Spearman rank calculations revealed that the integration of causal factors yielded the highest correlation to both the Processability Theory (r s = 0.821; p = 0.007) and Natural Order Hypothesis (r s = 0.529; p = 0.143), suggesting that these factors have a synergistic influence on morphosyntactic development. Methods to predict the acquisition of both syntactic and morphological features are suggested, along with an empirically-based method to guide explicit grammar instruction.

Ælfric di Eynsham: vita, opere. Grammatica, Glossario: esempi di traduzioni.

Abstract La evaluación sigue siendo un tema candente de discusión en el ámbito educativo. Las teorías constructivistas del aprendizaje proponen una evaluación formativa continua en el campo de la enseñanza como una mejora de las prácticas... more

La evaluación sigue siendo un tema candente de discusión en el ámbito educativo. Las teorías constructivistas del aprendizaje proponen una evaluación formativa continua en el campo de la enseñanza como una mejora de las prácticas docentes y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con el propósito de alcanzar una mayor calidad educativa. La realidad social del barrio de Villa Lugano presenta una heterogeneidad característica que representa un desafío a resolver teniendo en cuenta el objetivo institucional de acercar la calidad educativa democráticamente. Los exámenes estandarizados tradicionales responden a un enfoque memorístico aplicado a situaciones foráneas que poco tienen que ver con la realidad local. Asimismo, los costos para los alumnos y la institución no se adecuan a la realidad descripta, dejando muchos alumnos fuera del sistema de certificación de su nivel de inglés. A tal respecto, el Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras diseña e implementa el proyecto de evaluación externa del Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Paz, O.L.P.E.P., conjuntamente con el nivel superior de formación docente. Se desarrolla así una experiencia de práctica pegagógico-comunitaria situada que involucra tanto al nivel primario y secundario como al superior de formación docente. Los objetivos de acercar a la comunidad educativa la posibilidad de acreditar sus conocimientos de inglés, respetando su idiosincrasia, nivel académico, edad y el factor socio-económico, abarca los objetivos específicos propuestos: certificar los conocimientos y obtener un certificado que favorezca sus condiciones laborales y educacionales futuras; desarrollar en alumnos y profesores un espacio de reflexión y posibilidades de participar activamente en la adecuación institucional; desarrollar en los alumnos estrategias de aprendizaje para adquirir hábitos de estudio independiente; realización de actividades de comprensión lectora en distintas áreas orientados en el aprender a pensar. Los resultados obtenidos cumplen los objetivos propuestos, ya que se redimensiona el rol docente, se muestra gran motivación de padres y alumnos, se genera un espacio crítico sobre, las actividades áulicas, el estilo de evaluación, por ende de enseñanza-aprendizaje y el rol docente en sí mismo.

These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more

These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so deep into life nerve of Somali Studies that over a thousand people participated. The poems, under the title "Inaugurating Caddaan Studies" were composed with a critical observation of the debate.

The current use of podcasts, as a new channel to input knowledge, has effectively been promoting listening comprehension which consequently has increased the acquisition of target language. The objective of the present study is to... more

The current use of podcasts, as a new channel to input knowledge, has effectively been promoting listening comprehension which consequently has increased the acquisition of target language. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of video-podcasts integration on listening comprehension. The twelve-week quantitative study employed a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test design. Samples included in both the control and experimental groups were 120 English major male undergraduates from a University in Saudi Arabia. The Findings of ANCOVA analysis showed that the video-podcast group significantly outperformed the control group on the post-test. The findings imply that video-podcasts are useful resource for enhancing EFL learners’ listening comprehension. Article visualizations:

This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department... more

This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department and achievement on the degree of students’ writing difficulties in both departments. To achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was designed comprising 32 items applied to the study sample which consisted of 128 students from the Departments of Arabic and English at Al-Quds University in Palestine. The results of the study showed that students’ difficulties in written expression were fain in degree; they also revealed statistically significant differences in the averages of students’ difficulties in written expression due to gender in favor of females, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the averages of the difficulties in written expression due to level, and in favor of third and fourth year students; there were...

Mohsen Jafarzadeh-gharehziaaddin
Mohsen Jafarzadeh
Academic Words List

Get students to rewrite a full paragraph in different time tenses

Ce manuel présente 250 erreurs fréquentes d’élèves de tous niveaux repérées par l’auteur, enseignant dans le supérieur depuis plusieurs années (IEP, CPGE, Université, etc.), dans des copies d'anglais. Elles sont ici ordonnées, corrigées... more

Ce manuel présente 250 erreurs fréquentes d’élèves de tous niveaux repérées par l’auteur, enseignant dans le supérieur depuis plusieurs années (IEP, CPGE, Université, etc.), dans des copies d'anglais. Elles sont ici ordonnées, corrigées et expliquées pour les placer au centre d’une pédagogie innovante, qui a l'originalité de mettre l'erreur au coeur du processus d'apprentissage.

One of the most prevalent ways in which power works in education is by separating out and segmenting knowledge areas so that their corresponding synergies and connective augmentations are nullified. This article takes secondary English... more

One of the most prevalent ways in which power works in education is by separating out and segmenting knowledge areas so that their corresponding synergies and connective augmentations are nullified. This article takes secondary English teaching as an example of these complex social processes, and presents research that brings disparate fields of investigation together. On the one hand, teachers may be polarised and challenged by curriculum changes and governmental mandates that could infringe upon their everyday practice. On the other, every teacher in the profession will bring their interior and emotional life to bear on their ways of working, and this aspect of teaching has not been connected to curriculum change. This research proposes a conjunction of educational emotion and discursive identities, through an analysis of the ways in which teachers perceive curriculum change and their personal teaching and learning realities. This investigation has also been worked into the teacher training of pre-service (or trainee) secondary English teachers, so that they may realise how such concerns may be understood conjointly.